Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Alkalfisko, L, 91 14W UL SOT/10-50-1-32/46
6 ;-.
V64 i mko=a.- r
TITLgo On the Istor"Illos of Nonsyl Amino With Eldroges SuLfide
(0 vasimedoyetwil bonellemins, a'sorevederodsm)
PUZODIC"I Nowbaylo 4oklady vywaboy shkolyt Zklalya I kkimichesksys
lakhaologlya# 19509 Nr 10 pp. 133 - 134 (93M)
ADSTMTs from as analoa with the rosetion of the thlophenole with
mines (we 192)9 %be formation of moreaptan soul& be
expeotedile semseetion with the inteaWl"a of She latter
with hydrogen selfido. It has tyrood sets hmver that a
posellar 3-alk7lation, takes plase *Ush loads fie the
formation of bonsyl merceptano la fte owse-.of an If hours'
kepting of a s6zturo of Immsyl "Smog sodium sulfide and
W1 at from 240 to 24509 the y1sl4 of bensyl sereartan,
asounted to 34#00 mor*overt 4.2% 41bonsYl-41sulf1do wore
isolated. The meahanism of the Intereation, of hydrogen ealfito,
with beasyl saine Is obviously amalogwo to the mechanism
of alkylation of the thlopkesole
by amines (&of 2).
card 112 .
As experimental part follows.
'/J(/ EA1
11:TX1131 kolanko, L. 11. , Rabi;,evakiy, X. K,
'TLLe Irveatit;atlona in the Field of Aromatic Compounds With a
Lon- Jide Chain (Isaledovaniye Y obla3ti aro--mtichaskikh
soyedinanij a dlinnoy bokovoy tnop';,u) 11. Synthesis of
Dodecylar,iline by Anmonolysis of p-Chlorododecylbonzone
(11. Poluchoniye dodetsilrnilina ammonolizom p-Chlordode-
Yz-;RIGDICAL% Zhurnal Obahchey Khimii, 1958,Vol.23, ITr i, pp.231-240~USSH)
A D OJT RA C'~ I !to publications were hitherto ride on the aytjt~,esis of p-r-
-dadecylaniline according to the General reduction methcd of
nitro-compounda. In the preceding papers by the auV-iors it
was shown that this compound as well as a nunbor of anilinc
homola~;ues, which have a nor=1 alil!hatic chain in para-po-
aition to the amino j;roup, can be obtained Ly reduction of
alkyl - (4-aninophenyl) -ketone o with analGanatel zinc in hilro-
chloric acid. The prosent paper describes the ajnthesia of
C'Ird 1/3 p-r-dodacylaniline by neans of the 9tibatitution of chlorinE,
79- 1/510/'j.5
In-reatlGationu in the Field of Aromatic Compounds With a Lon:, Side Chain.
II. Synthesis or Dodecylanillne by Amonolysis of p-C"h1orof,'odQCVltrjn2&re
by the amino group in p-chlorododsc;rlbenzene. 71he latter was
obtained from p-chlorolaurophanono according to two different
I C11H23- CO-