Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For se 2001/07/31 CIA}-' DP80-01370RI10020004k-7
A7T flO
d vel nt of t
direct u-tilisation of proceeds from
a p rove rep Ucements at e t Items for
or activity sbmU be lalt at the Stst3-
requests that Procedures developed to permit t recording
of the" transactions is the field. From conversation, s With
r taUvees of your Division, it is out understanding that
actor vehicles ace the property Items of primary teem.
2. This natter has been git r wtwA i tion. both
from a financial accounting standpoint as well as with respect
to the bu4stary administration of - -tae to the
Agency's appropriation. The primary y objection to per&itting
direct utilization of proceeds from sales of personal paWerty
at field station levels is that under 0overnmeatal regulations
the treatment of proceeds scales of personal property are
we feel
respect to their fund
which Provide initial
rat roma-ents$ as Opposed to re.
' esrr ors, the amounts involved
to cover the not cost of no
s went since A further ou-allot
ailable for expendi-
be, e made from
based upon evidence of the sales transiactions. A
sec y, ths Division's allot t can be augmented a
similar justification o to the d g art Division.
7- S'
3 ..f of
Approved For Fse 2001/07/31 : C~6-RDP80-0137080100200048-7
4. view of the
*Oka any obi with
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Property - Involving
Orig. & 1 - Addressee
I - Signer
1 -- Chief,, Budget Division
I - TAS Reading
I -- TAB Cho
TAgl : fmd (13 June 1960)