Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2001/0 : CIA-RDPIJ,00879R0011000300
29 October 1959
MEMORANIM FOR : Comptroller, DPD
SUBJECT : Contract No. BB-300, Approval of
REFERENCE : Letter to ITEK dtd 23 April 1959
1. As stated in referenced letter, Contractor was to
seek current approval of travel performed under the subject
contract. Attached is ITEK letter dated 9 October 1959 with
a listing of travel performed during July and August 1959.
This travel has been coordinated with PIC and approval is
2. Since contract is on a CPFF basis, actual cost of
the trip will be determined during course of final audit. For
interim billing purposes, however, the amounts stated in the
attachment are acceptable.
Contracting Officer, DPD
Approved For Release 2001/04/10 : CIA-RDR81'B00879R001100030096-6