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Approved For Release 1999/09/22 : CIA-RDP80-0124OA000500060012-9
Approved For Release)~9IQ9jj288-RDP80-01240
an act
78 STAT. 400.
To adjust the rates of basic compensation of certain officers and employees in
the Federal Government, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may Government EYn-
be cited as the "Government Employees Salary Reform Act of 1964". ployees Salary
Reform Act of
SEC. 101. This title may be cited as the "Federal Employees Salary Federal iiiploy-
Act of 1964". ees Salary Act
SEC. 102. (a) Section 603(b) of the Classification Act of 1949, as
amended (76 Stat. 843; 5 U.S.C. 1113(b)), is amended to read as
follows :
"(b) The compensation schedule for the General Schedule shall be
as follows :
$3, 730
$4, 075
$4, 190
3, 805
4, 680
4, 005
4, 545
(1,-4-- -------- --
5, 080
5, 530
6, 250
7, 250
6, 930
8, 170
7, 955
8, 200
8, 690
9, 180
8, 170
8, 710
9, 250
GS-11- --------
9, 240
10, 715
12, 025
12, 735
13, 445
15, 015
15, 435
18, 130
16, 620
17, 600
i8, 680
Gs-45 -------------
16, 460
18, 170
18, 740
19, 310
21, 590
21, 555
22, 210
23, 520
24, 175
21, 445
23, 605
(b) Except as provided in subsection (d) of section 504 of the Fed-
eral Salary Reform Act of 1962, the rates of basic compensation of Post, p. 412.
officers and employees to whom the compensation schedule set forth
in subsection (a) of this section applies shall be initially adjusted as
of the effective date of this section, as follows:
(1) If the officer or employee is receiving basic compensation Compensation
immediately prior to the effective date of this section at one of the schedule.
rates of a grade in the General Schedule of the Classification Act Adjustment of
of 1949, as amended, he shall receive a rate of basic compensation rates,
at. the corresponding rate in effect on and after such date.
(2) If the officer or employee is receiving basic compensation
immediately prior to the effective date of this section at a rate be-
tween two rates of a grade in the General Schedule of the Class-
ification Act of 1949, as amended, he shall receive a rate of basic
compensation at the higher of the two corresponding rates in
effect on and after such date.
(3) If the officer or employee is receiving basic compensation
immediately prior to the effective date of this section at, a rate
in excess of the maximum rate for his grade, he shall receive (A)
Approved For Release 1999/09/22 : CIA-RDP80-0124OA000500060012-9
88th Congress, H. R. 11049
August 14, 1964
Approved For Release 1999109LL22 : CIA _F DP80-0124OAOQO5QQQ61 OO12-9
Pub. Law ugus ,
the maximum rate for his grade in the new schedule, or (B) his
existing rate of basic compensation if such existing rate is higher.
(4) If the officer or employee, immediately prior to the effective
date of this section, is receiving, pursuant to section 2 (b) (4) of
69 Stat. 173. the Federal Employees Salary Increase Act of 1955, an existing
5 USC 1113 note, aggregate rate of compensation determined under section 208(b
5 USC 926 note. of the Act of September 1, 1954 (68 Stat. 1111), plus subsequent
increases authorized by law, he shall receive an aggregate rate
of compensation equal to the sum of his existing aggregate rate
of compensation, on the day preceding the effective date of this
section, plus the amount ofincrease made by this the
maximum rate of his grade, until (i) he leaves his position, or
(ii) he is entitled to receive aggregate compensation at a higher
rate by reason of the operation of this Act or any other provision
of law; but, when such position becomes vacant, the aggregate
rate of compensation of any subsequent appointee thereto shall
be fixed in accordance with applicable provisions of law. Sub-
ject to clauses (i) and (ii) of the immediately preceding sentence
of this paragraph, the amount of the increase provided by this
section shall be held and considered for the purpose of section
208(b) of the Act of September 1 1954, to constitute a part of
the existing rate of compensation of the employee.
(5) If the officer or employee is in a position in grade 16 or 17
of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as
amended, to which he was promoted on or after the first day of
his first pay period beginning on or after January 1, 1964, and
if he held such position, or another position in the same grade,
on the effective date of this section, his rate of basic compensation
shall be adjusted, as of such effective date, to that rate of basic
compensation to which he would have been entitled if the com-
pensation schedule in subsection (a) of this section had been in
effect on the date of his promotion.
(6) If the officer or employee, at any time during the period
beginning on the effective date of this section and ending on the
date of enactment of this Act, was promoted from one grade
under the Classification Act of 1949, as amended, to another such
grade at a rate which is above the minimum rate thereof, his rate
of basic compensation shall be adjusted retroactively from the
effective date of this section to the date on which he was so
promoted, on the basis of the rate which he was receiving during
the period from such effective date to the date of such promo-
tion and, from the date of such promotion, on the basis of the
rate for that step of the appropriate grade of the General Sched-
ule contained in this section which corresponds numerically to
the step of the grade of the General Schedule for such officer or
employee which was in effect (without regard to this Act) at the
time of such promotion.
Appointments, SEC. 103. (a) Section 801 of the Classification Act of 1949 (5
minim,m, salary U.S.C. 1131), relating to new appointments, is amended to read as
level. follows:
Exceptions. "SEC. 801. All new appointments shall be made at the minimum
63 Stat. 969. rate of the appropriate grade, except that in accordance with regu-
lations prescribed by the Commission which provide for such con-
siderations as the candidate's existing salary, unusually high or
unique qualifications, or a special need of the Government for his
services, the head of any department may, with the approval of the
Commission in each specific case, appoint individuals to positions in
grade 13 and above of the General Schedule at such rate or rates
above the minimum rate of the appropriate grade as the Commission
Approved For Release 1999/09/22 : CIA-RDP80-0124OA000500060012-9
Approved For Release 1999/09/22 : CIA-F DP80-9 2464000500060012-9
August 14, 1964 -3- Pu . Law 4
78 STAT. 402.
may authorize for this purpose. The approval of the Commission
in each specific case shall not be required with respect to appoint-
ments made by the Librarian of Congress.".
(b) Section 505(b) of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended
(5 U.S.C. 1105(b)), relating to the limitation on numbers of posi- 75 Stat. 7B6;
tions in grades 16, 17, and 1S of the General Schedule of such Act, 76 Stat. 849.
is amended by inserting "(i)" immediately following the words "in
addition to", and by inserting immediately following the words
"which may be placed in such grades" a comma and the following :
"and (ii) two hundred and forty examiner positions under section 11
of the Administrative Procedure Act (60 Stat. 244; 5 U.S.C. 1010)
which may be placed in grade 16 and nine such positions which may
be placed in grade 17".
(c) Section 604(d) (3) of the Federal Employees Pay Act of 1945,
as amended (5 U.S.C. 944(c) (3) ), is amended to read as follows: 72 Stat. 214.
"(3) All rates shall be computed to the nearest cent, counting
one-half cent and over as a whole cent.".
SEC. 104. Section 1 of title 39, United States Code, is amended by 74 St t. 578;
striking out the period at the end of such section and inserting in lieu 76 Stat. 442.
thereof a semicolon and the following :
" `revenue unit' means that amount of revenue of a post office from "Revenue unit."
mail and special service transactions which is equal to t'ie average sum
of postal rates and fees received by the Department during the fiscal
year for 1,000 pieces of originating mail and special service trans-
actions determined in accordance with section 2331 of this title.". 74 stet. 602.
SEC. 105. Section 702 of title 39, United States Code, is amended classes of
to read as follows: post offices.
"$ 702. Classes of post offices
"(a) Effective at the beginning of each fiscal year the Postmaster
General shall divide post offices into four classes on the basis of the
revenue units of each office for the second preceding fiscal year. He
shall place in the first class those post offices having 950 or more
revenue units. He shall place in the second class those post offices
having 190 or more revenue units, but fewer than 950 revenue units.
He shall place in the third class those post offices having 36 or more
revenue units, but fewer than 190 revenue units. He shall place in
the fourth class those post offices having fewer than 36 revenue units.
" (b) The Postmaster General shall exclude from the revenue
credited to a post office for the purposes of this section money received
at that office for-
(1) setting meters for patrons beyond the area served by the
office unless authorized by the Department;
"(2) stamps, stamped envelopes, and postal cards sold in large
or unusual quantities to be used in mailing matter at other offices;
"(3) stamps, stamped envelopes, and postal cards sold for
mailing matter diverted from other offices and mailing of matter
so diverted without stamps affixed.
"(c) Whenever unusual conditions prevail at a post office of the
fourth class, the Postmaster General may advance such office to the
appropriate class based on his estimate of the number of revenue units
which the office will have during the succeeding twelve months. Any
office so advanced need not be relegated to a lower class before the end
of the second fiscal year after the advancement. At that time, the
office shall be assigned to the appropriate class in accordance with
subsections (a) and (b) of this section."
Approved For Release 1999/09/22 : CIA-RDP80-0124OA000500060012-9
Approved For Rel~$ a 1999 91 2 : CIA-RpP80-01240A000500060012-9
78 STAT. 403. k'up. Law August 14, 1964
74 Stat. 583. SEC. 106. Section 704 of title 39, United States Code, is amended by
deleting "of the first, second, or third class" appearing therein, and
inserting in lieu thereof "(other than one for which the postmaster
furnishes quarters, equipment, and fixtures on an allowance basis) ".
SEC. 107. Subsection (b) (1) of section 2102 of title 39, United
States Code, is amended to read as follows:
"(1) for post offices at which the postmaster does not furnish
quarters on an allowance basis;".
SEC. 108. (a) Section 3501 of title 39, United States Code, is
amended by inserting a new subsection (c) following subsection (b)
as follows :
"(c) The Postmaster General shall determine and, effective at the
beginning of the first pay period in each calendar year, shall adjust
the rankings of all positions for which the number of annual revenue
units of a post office or its class is a relevant factor of the ranking,
using the revenue units of the preceding fiscal year and the class in
which the office will be placed at the beginning of the next fiscal year.
The Postmaster General also may adjust rankings of such positions
at other times of the year based upon substantial changes in service
39 uSC 3501- (b) Chapter 45 of title 39, United States Code, is amended as
3582. follows:
(1) In subsection (c) of section 3513-
(A) Chan gee ~the catchline to read "POST OFFICE
K )"; and
(B) Add the following new sentence to the end of para-
graph (1) : "This office has fewer than 190 revenue units
annually "
(2) In subsection (e) of section 3516-
(A) Change the catchline to read "POSTMASTER.
(B) Delete "third class" in the first sentence of paragraph
(1) and
(6) Delete "annual receipts of approximately $1,700" in
the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof
"approximately 40 revenue units annually".
(3) In subsection (b) of section 3517-
(A) Change the catchline to read "POSTMASTER.
(B) Delete "third class" in the first sentence of paragraph
(1) and
(b) Delete "annual receipts of approximately $4,700" in
the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu
thereof "approximately 110 revenue units annually".
(4) In subsection (b) of section 3518-
(A) Change the catchline to read "POSTMASTER.
(B) Delete "third class" in the first sentence of paragraph
(1) and
(6) Delete "annual receipts of approximately $6,000" in
the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu
thereof "approximately 140 revenue units annually".
(5) In subsection (b) of section 3519-
MASTERange the catchline to read "ASSISTANT POST-
( ) ;and
(B) Delete "annual receipts of approximately $63,000" in
the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu
thereof "approximately 1,490 revenue units annually".
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Approve gForlRe ie4e 1999/09/22 : CI Pub. 0824 0A000500060012-9
78 STAT, 404,
(6) In subsection (c) of section 3519-
(A) Change the catchline to read "POSTMASTER.
(B) Delete "second class" in the first sentence of para-
graph (1) ; and
(C) Delete "annual receipts of approximately $16,000" in
the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu
thereof "approximately 380 revenue units annually".
(7) In subsection (b) of section 3520-
(A) Change the catchline to read "POSTMASTER.
(B) Delete "first class" in the first sentence of paragraph
(1) ; and
(C) Delete "annual receipts of approximately $63,000" in
the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu
thereof "approximately 1,490 revenue units annually".
(8) In subsection (b) of section 3521-
(A) Change the catchline to read "POSTMASTER.
(B) Delete "first, class" appearing in the first sentence of
paragraph (1) ; and
(C) Delete "annual receipts of $129,000" in the second
sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approx-
imately 3,060 revenue units annually".
(9) In subsection (b) of section 3522-
(A) Change the catchline to read "POSTMASTER.
(B) Delete "first class" in the first sentence of paragraph
(1); and
(C) Delete "annual receipts of $314,000" in the second
sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approx-
imately 7,450 revenue units annually".
(10) In subsection (b) of section 3523-
(A) Change the catchline to read "POSTMASTER.
(B) Delete "first class" appearing in the first sentence of
paragraph (1) ; and
(C) Delete the second sentence of paragraph (1) and
insert in lieu thereof : "This office has approximately 110
employees, approximately 14,350 revenue units annually, 13
government-owned vehicle units, one classified station and
42 carrier routes within its jurisdiction.".
(11) In subsection (b) of section 3524-
(A) Change the catchline to read "ASSISTANT POST-
MASTER. (KP-35)"; and
(B) Delete "annual receipts of $2,700,000" in the second
sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approx-
imately 64,000 revenue units annually".
(12) In subsection (c) of section 3524-
(A) Change the catchline to read "POSTMASTER.
(B) Delete "first class" in the first sentence of paragraph
(1) ;and
(C) Delete "annual receipts of $1,000,000" in the second
sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approxi-
mately 23,700 revenue units annually".
(13) In subsection (a) of section 3525-
M(A) Change the c tch1ir e to read "ASSISTANT POST-STER.
Approved For Release 1999/09/22 : CIA-RDP80-0124OA000500060012-9
Approved For Release 19991094/22 : CIA-FIDP8O-O124W0,0450
Pub. Law u78 STAT. 405.
(B) Delete "annual receipts of $8,460,000" in the second
sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approxi-
mately 200,000 revenue units annually".
(14) In subsection (b) of section 3525-
(A) Change the catchline to read "POSTMASTER.
(B) Delete "first class"' in the first sentence of paragraph
(1); and
(C) Delete "annual receipts of $2,700,000" in the second
sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approxi-
mately 64,000 revenue units annually".
74 Stat. 637. (15) In subsection (a) of section 3526-
(A) Change the catchline to read "ASSISTANT POST-
MASTER. (KP-39)"; and
(B) Delete "annual receipts of $16,900,000" in the second
sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approxi-
mately 400,000 revenue units annually".
(16) In subsection (b) of section 3526-
(A) Change the catchline to read "POSTMASTER.
(B) Delete "first class" in the first sentence of paragraph
(1) ; and
(C) Delete "annual receipts of $4,470,000" in the second
sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approxi-
mately 106,000 revenue units annually".
(17) In subsection (b) of section 3527-
(A) Change the catchline to read "ASSISTANT POST-
MASTER. (KP-42)"; and
(B) Delete "annual receipts of $48,000,000" in the second
sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approxi-
mately 1,000,000 revenue units annually".
(18) In subsection (c) of section 3527-
(A) Change the catchline to read "POSTMASTER.
(B) Delete "first class" in the first sentence of paragraph
(1); and
(C) Delete "annual receipts of $8,460,000" in the second
sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approxi-
mately 200,000 revenue units annually".
(19) In subsection (b) of section 3528-
(A) Change the catchline to read "ASSISTANT POST-
MASTER. (KP-45)"; and
(B) Delete "annual receipts of $140,000,000" in the second
sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approxi-
mately 2,500,000 revenue units annually".
(20) In subsection (c) of section 3528-
(A) Change the catchline to read "POSTMASTER.
(B) Delete "first class" in the first sentence of paragraph
(1); and
(C) Delete "annual receipts of $16,900,000" in the second
sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approxi-
mately 400,000 revenue units annually".
(21) In section 3529-
(A) Change the catchline immediately preceding para-
graph (1) to read "POSTMASTER. (K13-47)"i (B) Delete "first class" in the first sentence of paragraph
(1) ; and
Approved For Release 1999/09/22 : CIA-RDP8O-0124OA000500060012-9
ApproveclaFQn l e,leta%q 1999/Q9122 : CIA- tuqPft0J 92~000500060012-9
78 STAT 406
(C) Delete "annual receipts of $48,000,000" in the second
sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approxi-
mately 1,000,000 revenue units annually".
/?)71 T? a] nrnn
(A) Change the catchliiie immediatel
y prece
ng ara
graph (1) to read "POSTMASTER. (KP-48)"; p
(B) Delete "first class" in the first sentence of paragraph
(1) ; and
(C) Delete "annual receipts of $140,000,000" in the second
sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approxi-
mately 2,500 000 revenue unit 11 "
SEc.109. Section 3542 (a) of title 39, United States Code, is amended Postal .field
to read as follows-
"(a) There is established a basic compensation schedule for posi- 76 Stat, 851.
lions in the postal field service which shall be known as the Postal
Field Service Schedule and for which the symbol shall be `PFS'.
Except as provided in sections 3543 and 3544 of this title, basic com-
pensation shall be paid to all employees in accordance with such
8 I
$4, 075
$4, 205
$4, 335
$4, 465
725 $4
,85.5 $
4, 985
110 5
. 5,235
540 5
990 6
425 6
6. 785
875 7
370 7
970 8
8, 095
830 8
420 9
420 10
, 685
715 1
10, 215
12 ---------
13 ___________
065 1
520 11,
765 13,
845 1
130 1
330 1
090 14.
495 1
735 1
555 16,
000 1
___ __
17 ------
305 1
210 17,
705 1
18 95
18 ------
060 1
55 19,
605 2
020 2
10 21,
720 2
22,195 2
95 24,
--- ---
070 __
SEC. 110. Section 3543(a) of title 39, United States Code, is Rural carrier
amended to read as follows-
"(a) There is established a basic compensation schedule which schedule,
shall be known as the Rural Carrier Schedule and for which the
symbol shall be `RCS'.
Carriers in rural deliv.
ery service:
Fixed compensation
per annum ---------.
Compensation per
mile per annum for
each mile up to 30
miles ofroute -__.___
For each mile of rout;
over 30 miles. -----..
Approved For Release 1999/09/22 : CIA-RDP80-0124OA000500060012-9
Approved For Release 1999/092 : CIA_3DP80-013gRAQ
Puh_ Law 88-42b
SEC. 111. (a) Section 3544 of title 39, United States Code, is
amended, to read as follows :
3544. Fourth Class Office Schedule
"(a) There is established a basic compensation schedule which shall
be known as the Fourth Class Office Schedule and for which the symbol
shall be `FOS', for postmasters in post offices of the fourth class which
is based on the revenue units of the post office for the preceding fiscal
year. Basic compensation shall be paid to postmasters in post offices
of the fourth class in accordance with this schedule.
30 but less than 36------
24 but less than 30 ------
IS but less than 24 ------
12 but less than 18______
6 but less than 12.______
Less than 6-------------
$3,769 3,111
1, 691
$4,144 $4, 269
3,830 3, 945
3. 188 3, 205
2,477 2.550
1,784 1,936
1,430 1,481
$3,s94 4,019
3.800 3,715
2, 974 3,071
2, 331 2, 404
1,030 1,732
1, 355 1,397
$1,394 $4, 519 $4,644 4, 060 4, 175 4,290
3, 362 3, 459 3,556
2, 623 2, 690 2, 769
1, 888 1, 940 1, 092
1, 523 1, 565 1.607
$4,769 4,405
3, 653
2, 044
$5, 0191,
4, 635
3, 847
1, 733
3, 061
1, 775'.
"(b) The basic salary of postmasters in fourth-class post offices
shall be readjusted for changes in revenue units at the start of the first
pay period after January 1 of each year. When a post office is
restored to a revenue unit category held by it prior to relegation to a
lower revenue unit category, the postmaster's basic salary may be
adjusted to the highest salary step held by him when the post office
was in the higher revenue unit category. In all other cases, in adjust-
ing postmaster's basic salary under this section, the basic salary shall
be fixed at the lowest step which is higher than the basic salary received
by the postmaster at the end of the preceding fiscal year. If there is
no such step the basic salary shall be fixed at the highest step for
the adjusted revenue units of the office. Each increase in basic
salary because of change in revenue units shall be deemed the equiv-
post, pp. 408, alent of a step increase under section 3552 of this title and the waiting
409. period, for purposes of advancement to the next step, shall begin on
the date of adjustment.
L0 (c) The basic salaries of postmasters at newly established offices of
the fourth class shall be fixed at the lowest salary rate. Whenever
unusual conditions prevail at any post office of the fourth class the
Postmaster General may advance such office to the appropriate cate-
gory based on his estimate of the number of revenue units which the
office will have during the succeeding twelve months. Any fourth-
class office advanced to the appropriate category pursuant to this sub-
section shall not be reduced in category until the start of the first pay
period after January 1 of the calendar year following the calendar
year in which it was so advanced, at which time it shall be assigned to
the category indicated by the revenue units for the preceding fiscal
"(d) Persons who perform the duties of postmaster at post offices
of the fourth class where there is a vacancy or during the absence of
the postmaster on sick or annual leave, or leave without pay, shall be
paid the same basic salary to which they would have been entitled
if regularly appointed as postmaster.
"(e) The Postmaster General may allow to postmasters in fourth-
class post officos additional compensation for separating services and
for unusual conditions during a portion of the year, in lieu of an
allowance for clerical services for this purpose.
Approved For Release 1999/09/22 : CIA-RDP80-0124OA000500060012-9
Approved For Release 1999/09/22 : CIA-RbDP80-0'~2 ~~4000500060012-9
August 14, 1964 -9- Pu . Law 8
78 STAT. 408.
"(f) At seasonal post offices of the fourth class, the Postmaster
General may authorize the payment of the basic salary prorated over
the pay periods the office is open for business during the fiscal year.
"(g) Where the revenue units of a post office of the third class for
each of two consecutive fiscal years are less than 36, or where in any
fiscal year the revenue units are less than 33, the post office shall be
relegated to the fourth class and the basic salary of the postmaster shall
be fixed in the manner provided in subsection (b) of this section.
"(h) When required by the Postmaster General a postmaster at a
fourth-class office shall, and any other postmaster in PFS level 5 when
permitted by the Postmaster General may, furnish quarters, fixtures,
and equipment for an office on an allowance basis. The allowance for
this purpose shall be an amount equal to 15 per centum of the basic
compensation for the postmaster at the office."
(b) As of the effective date of this section, the Postmaster General
shall place the position of each postmaster in a fourth-class office in the
appropriate revenue units category of the Fourth-Class Office Sched-
ule (FOS) determined on the basis of revenue units for the fiscal year
ending June 30,1963. The Postmaster General shall assign each such
postmaster to the lowest step of the appropriate revenue units cate-
gory which will provide him compensation not less than 110,per centum
of the compensation to which he would otherwise be entitled under
FOS II (as it existed immediately prior to the effective date of this
section). If there is no such step or category, the postmaster shall be
paid compensation at the rate of 110 per centum of the compensation
to which he would otherwise be entitled under FOS II (as it existed
immediately prior to the effective date of this section).
(c) If changes in the gross receipts category or changes in salary
step would occur on the effective date of this section (without regard
to the enactment of this section), such changes shall be deemed to have
occurred prior to any action taken under subsection (b) of this section.
SEC. 112. (a) Subsection (a) of section 6007 of title 39, United
States Code, is amended to read as follows: 74 Stat. 687.
"(a) The Postmaster General shall pay to persons, other than
special delivery messengers at post offices of the first class, for making
delivery of special delivery mail such fees as may be established by
him not in excess of the special delivery fee.".
(b) Section 2009 of title 39, United States Code, is amended by
deleting "at any price less than eight cents per piece" and inserting
in lieu thereof "at any price less than the fees established pursuant
to section 6007(a) of this title.".
SEC. 113. Section 3560 of title 39, United States Code, is amended- 75 Stat. 569.
(1) by striking out "gross receipts" in subsection (a) (3) and
.inserting in lieu thereof "revenue unit"; and
(2) by striking out "gross receipts" in subsection (f) (1) and
inserting in lieu thereof "revenue unit".
SEC. 114. (a) Section 3552(a) of title 39, United States Code, is 76 Stat. 854.
amended to read as follows :
"(a) (1) Each employee subject to the Postal Field Service
Schedule, each employee subject to the Rural Carrier Schedule, and
each employee subject to the Fourth Class Office Schedule who has
not reached the highest step for his position shall be advanced suc-
cessively to the next higher step as follows:
" (A) to steps 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7-at the beginning of the first
pay period following the completion of fifty-two calendar weeks
of satisfactory service; and
"(B) to steps 8 and above-at the beginning of the first pay
period following the completion of one hundred and fifty-six
calendar weeks of satisfactory service.
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ub. Law 88-4Z -10- August 14, 1964
78 STAT. 409,
"(2) The receipt of an equivalent increase during any of the wait-
ing periods specified in this subsection shall cause a new full waiting
period to commence for further step increases."
76 Stat. 854. (b) Section 3552 of title 39, United States Code, is further amended
by adding the following new subsection at the end thereof :
"(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (a), (b), and
(c) of this section, the Postmaster General is authorized to advance
any employee in PFS level 9 or below who-
"(1) was promoted to a higher level between July 9, 1960, and
October 13,1962; and
"(2) is senior with respect to total postal service to an employee
in his own post office promoted to the same position since October
13, 1962, and is at a step in the level below the step of the junior
Any increase under the provisions of this subsection shall not consti-
tute an equivalent increase and credit earned prior to adjustment
under this subsection for advancement to the next step shall be
Repeal. SEC. 115. (a) Section 711 of title 39, United States Code, is repealed.
74 Stat. 584. (b) The table of contents of chapter 7 of title 39, United States
Code, is amended by deleting
"711. Method of determining gross receipts.".
Compensation SEC. 116. The basic compensation of each employee subject to the
schedules. Postal Field Service Schedule or the Rural Carrier Schedule immedi-
Adjustment of ately prior to the effective date of this section shall be determined as
rates. follows:
(1) Each employee shall be assigned to the same numerical
step for his position which he had attained immediately prior to
such effective date. If changes in levels or steps would otherwise
occur on such effective date without regard to enactment of this
Act, such changes shall be deemed to have occurred prior to
(2) If the existing basic compensation is greater than the rate
to which the employee is converted under paragraph (1) of this
section, the employee shall be placed in the lowest step which
exceeds his basic compensation. If the existing basic compensa-
tion exceeds the maximum step of his position, his existing basic
compensation shall be established as his basic compensation.
72 Stat. 1243; SEC. 117. (a) Section 4103 of title 38, United States Code, relating
76 Stat. 859. to the appointment and annual salaries of certain staf positions in the
Department of Medicine and Surgery of the Veterans' Administration,
is amended to read as follows :
4103. Office of the Chief Medical Director
"(a) The Office of the Chief Medical Director shall consist of the
followin -
"(1) The Chief Medical Director, who shall be the Chief of the
Department of Medicine and Surgery and shall be directly respon-
sible to the Administrator for the operations of the Department.
He shall be a qualified doctor of medicine, appointed by the
"(2) The Deputy Chief Medical Director, who shall be the
principal assistant of the Chief Medical Director. He shall be a
qualified doctor of medicine, appointed by the Administrator.
"(3) Not to exceed five Assistant Chief Medical Directors, who
shall be appointed by the Administrator upon the recommendation
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August 14, 1964 -11- Pub. Law 88-42
of the Chief Medical Director. One Assistant Chief Medical
Director shall be a qualified doctor of dental surgery or dental
medicine who shall be directly responsible to the Chief Medical
Director for the operation of the Dental Service.
"(4) Such Medical Directors as may be appointed by the Ad-
ministrator, upon the recommendation of the Chief Medical Direc-
tor, to suit the needs of the Department. A Medical Director
shall be either a qualified doctor of medicine or a qualified doctor
of dental surgery or dental medicine.
"(5) A Director of Nursing Service, who shall be a qualified
registered nurse, appointed by the Administrator, and who shall
be responsible to the Chief Medical Director for the operation of
the Nursin g Service.
"(6) A Chief Pharmacist and a Chief Dietitian, appointed by
the Administrator.
"(7) Such other personnel and employees as may be authorized
by this chapter.
"(b) Except as provided in subsection (c), any appointment under
this section shall be for a period of four years, with reappointment
permissible for successive like periods, except that persons so
appointed or reappointed shall be subject to removal by the Admin-
istrator for cause.
"(c) The Administrator may designate a member of the Chaplain
Service of the Veterans' Administration as Director, Chaplain Serv-
ice, for a period of two years, subject to removal by the Administrator
for cause. Redesignation under this subsection may be made for suc-
cessive like periods. An individual designated as Director, Chaplain
Service, shall at the end of his period of service as Director revert
to the position, grade, and status which he held immediately prior
to being designated Director, Chaplain Service, and all service as
Director, Chaplain Service,, shall be creditable as service in the former
(b) The table of contents of chapter 73 of title 38, United States
Code, is amended by striking out
"4103. Appointments and compensation."
and inserting in lieu thereof :
"4103. Office of the Chief Medical Director.".
(c) Section 2 of the Act of July 31, 1894, as amended (5 U.S.C.
62), shall not apply to any individual appointed, before January 1, 28 Stat. 205,
1964, as Chief Medical Director under section 4103 of title 38, United 43 Stat. 245.
States Code; but section 212 of the Act of June 30, 1932, as amended
(5 U.S.C. 59a), shall apply, in accordance with its terms, to any such 47 Stat. 406.
SEc. 118. Section 4107 of title 38, United States Code, relating to 76 Stat. 860.
grades and pay scales for certain positions within the Department of
Medicine and Surgery of the Veterans' Administration, is amended to
read as follows :
4107. Grades and pay scales
"(a) The per annum full-pay scale or ranges for positions provided
in section 4103 of this title, other than Chief Medical Director and
Deputy Chief Medical Director, shall be as follows:
"Assistant Chief Medical Director, $24,500.
"Medical Director, $21,445 minimum to $24,445 maximum.
"Director of Nursing Service, $16,460 minimum to $21,590
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Ys u
_ 78 STAT. 411. gust 14, 19
"Director, Chaplain Service, $16,460 minimum to $21,590 maximum.
"Chief Pharmacist, $16,460 minimum to $21,590 maximum.
"Chief Dietitian, $16,460 minimum to $21,590 maximum.
"(b) (1) The grades and per annum full-pay ranges for positions
72 Stat. 1244. provided in. paragraph (1) of section 4104 of this title shall be as
follows :
70 Stat. 704;
76 Stat. 861.
"Director grade, $18,935 minimum to $24,175 maximum.
"Executive grade, $17,655 minimum to $23,190 maximum.
"Chief grade, $16,460 minimum to $21,590 maximum.
"Senior grade, $14,170 minimum to $18,580 maximum.
"Intermediate grade, $12,075 minimum to $15,855 maximum.
"Full grade, $10,250 minimum to $13,445 maximum.
"Associate grade, $8,650 minimum to $11,305 maximum.
"Assistant Director grade, $14,170 minimum to $18,580 maximum.
"Chief grade, $12,075 minimum to $15,855 maximum.
"Senior grade, $10,250 minimum to $13,445 maximum.
"Intermediate grade, $8,650 minimum to $11,305 maximum.
"Full grade, $7,220 minimum to $9,425 maximum.
"Associate grade, $6,315 minimum to $8,205 maximum.
"Junior grade, $5,505 minimum to $7,170 maximum.
"(2) No person may hold the director grade unless he is serving as a
director of a hospital, domiciliary, center, or outpatient clinic (inde-
pendent). No person may hold the executive grade unless he holds the
position of chief of staff at a hospital, center, or outpatient clinic (inde-
pendent), or the position of clinic director at an outpatient clinic, or
comparable position.".
SEC. 119. Section 412 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended
(22 U.S.C. 867), is amended to read as follows:
"SEC. 412. There shall be ten classes of Foreign Service officers,
including the classes of career ambassador and of career minister. The
per annum salary of a career ambassador shall be at the rate provided
by law for level IV of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule. The
per annum salary of a career minister shall be at the rate provided by
law for level V of such schedule. The per annum salaries of Foreign
Service officers within each of the other classes shall be as follows :
..Class 1---------------------
Class 2---------------------
19, 565
$20, 835
$21, 470
Class 3---------------------
Class 4---------------------
Class 5---------------------
Class 6---------------------
Class 7- --------------------
Class 8---------------------
SEC. 120. Subsection (a) of section 415 of such Act (22 U.S.C.
870(a)) is amended to read as follows:
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August 14, 1964 -13- Pub. Law 88-426
78 STAT. 412.
"(a) There shall be ten classes of Foreign Service staff officers and
employees, referred to hereafter as staff officers and employees. The
per annum salaries of such staff officers and employees within each
class shall be as follows :
"Class 1_ __ _ ___ __ _
$14, 860
$15, 375
$16, 405
16, 920
$17, 435
$17, 950
$18, 465
$18, 980
$19, 495
Class 2____------
Class 3----------
Class 4_.________
10, 575
Class 6----------
class 8----------
8, 555
Class 8----------
Class 9_.-_______
C1 ass10.........
SEC. 121. Foreign Service officers, Reserve officers, and Foreign
Service staff officers and employees who are entitled to receive basic
compensation immediately prior to the effective date of this section at
one of the rates provided by section 412 or 415 of the Foreign Service
Act of 1946, shall receive basic compensation, on and after such effec- 76 Stat. 861,
tive date, at the rate of their class determined to be appropriate by 862.
the Secretary of State.
SEC. 122. The rates of compensation of persons employed by the
county committees established pursuant to section 8(b) of the Soil
Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act (16 U.S.C. 590h(b)) shall
be increased by amounts equal, as nearly as may be practicable, to the
increases provided by section 102 of this Act for corresponding rates of
compensation in the appropriate schedule or scale of pay.
SEC. 123. Section 504 of the Federal Salary Reform Act of 1962 (76
Stat. 842; 5 U.S.C. 1173) is amended by adding at the end thereof
the following new subsection:
"(d) The rate of basic compensation, established under this section,
and received by any officer or employee immediately prior to the
effective date of a statutory increase in the compensation schedules of
the salary systems specified in subsection (a) shall be initially adjusted
on the effective date of such new compensation schedules in accordance
with conversion rules and regulations prescribed by the President or
by such agency or agencies as he may designate."
SEC. 124. Subsection (b) of the first section of the Act entitled "An Former U. S.
Act to provide retirement, clerical assistants, and free mailing privi- Presidents.
leges to former Presidents of the United States, and for other pur-
poses", approved August 25, 1958 (72 Stat. 838; 3 U.S.C. note fol.
102), is amended by striking out "$50,000" and inserting in lieu thereof
SEC. 125. (a) The cost of not less than 10 per centum of the aggre-
gate amount of the increases in compensation provided by this title
for the fiscal year 1965 shall be absorbed by the departments, agencies,
establishments, and corporations in the executive branch; and no'
amount beyond the additional sum for such compensation increases
proposed in the budget for the fiscal year 1965 is authorized to be
appropriated by any provision of this Act. The total amount of such
absorption shall be allocated by the Bureau of the Budget among such
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Pub. Law 88-426 ugus ,
_78 STAT. 413,
departments, agencies, establishments, and corporations in such mnan-
ner and to such extent as the Director of the Bureau of the Budget
deems appropriate in the light of their essential functions.
Position vaoan- (b) Pursuant to the objective of this section, heads of the executive
Dies, review. branch activities concerned are directed to review with meticulous
care each vacancy resulting from voluntary resignation, retirement,
or death and to determine whether the duties of the position can be
reassigned to other employees or whether the position can be abolished
without. seriously affecting the execution of essential functions.
(c) Nothing contained in subsection (a) of this section shall be
held or considered to require (1) the separation from the service of
any individual by reduction in force or other personnel action or (2)
the placing of any individual in a leave-without-pay status.
Federal Legis- SEC. 201. This title may be cited as the "Federal Legislative Salary
lative Salary Act of 1964".
Act of 1964. SEC. 202. (a) Each officer or employee in or under the legislative
branch of the Government whose rate of compensation is increased
60 Stat. 217. by section 5 of the Federal Employees Pay Act of 1946 shall be paid
5 USC 931,932. additional compensation in an amount equal to the greater of the
following amounts, as applicable:
(1) an amount equal to 31/2 per centum of his gross rate of
compensation (basic compensation plus additional compensation
authorized by law) in effect immediately prior to the effective
date of this section plus 1 per centum of such gross rate for each
whole multiple, or part of a multiple, of $500 basic compensa-
tion ; or
(2) an amount equal to 5 per centum of such gross rate.
(b) The total annual compensation in effect immediately prior to
the effective date of this section of each officer or employee of the
House of Representatives, whose compensation is disbursed by the
Clerk of the House of Representatives and is not increased by reason
of any other provision of this title, shall be increased by an amount
which is equal to the amount of the increase provided by subsection
(a) of this section in that gross rate which is nearest in amount to
the total annual compensation of such officer or employee.
(c) Each of the limitations on gross rate per thousand and gross
rate per hour per person provided by applicable law on the effective
date of this section with respect to the folding of speeches and
pamphlets for the House of Representatives shall be increased by 7
per centum. The amount of each increase under this subsection
shall be computed to the nearest cent, counting one-half cent and over
as a whole cent.
(d) The additional compensation provided by this section shall be
considered a part of basic compensation for the purposes of the Civil
70 Stat. 743; Service Retirement Act (5 U.S.C. 2251 and the following).
76 Stat. 869. (e) The basic compensation of each employee in the office of a
Senator is hereby adjusted, effective on the first day of the month
following the date of enactment of this Act, to the lowest multiple of
$60 which will provide a gross rate of compensation not less than the
gross rate such employee was receiving immediately prior thereto, ex-
cept that the foregoing provisions of this subsection' shall not apply in
the case of any employee if on or before the fifteenth day .following
the date of enactment of this Act, the Senator by whom such employee
is employed notifies the disbursing office of the Senate in writing
that he does not wish such provisions to apply to such employee.
No employee whose basic compensation is addJusted under this sub-
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75 STAT. 414.
section shall receive any additional compensation under subsection
(a) for any period prior to the effective date of such adjustment
during which such employee was employed in the office of the Senator
by whom he is employed on the first day of the month following the
enactment of this Act. No additional compensation shall be paid
to any person under subsection (a) for any period This to the first
day of the month following the date of enactment of this Act during
which such person was employed in the office of a Senator (other than
a Senator by whom he is employed on such day) unless on or before
the fifteenth day following the date of enactment of this Act such
Senator notifies the disbursing office of the Senate in writing that he
wishes such employee to receive such additional compensation for
such period. In any case in which, at the expiration of the time
within which a Senator may give notice under this subsection, such
Senator is deceased such notice shall be deemed to have been given.
(f) Not withstanding the provision referred to in subsection (g), the Senate officers,
rates of gross compensation of the Secretary for the Majority of the
Senate, the Secretary for the Minority of the Senate, the Official
Reporters of Debates of the Senate, the Parliamentarian of the Senate,
the Senior Counsel in the Office of the Legislative Counsel of the
Senate, and the Chief Clerk of the Senate are hereby increased by an
amount which is equal to the amount of the increase which would
be provided by subsection (a) of this section in that gross rate deter-
mined without regard to the provisions referred to in subsection (g)
of this section which is nearest in amount to the total annual com-
pensation of such officer or employee.
(g) The paragraph imposing limitations on basic and gross compen-
sation of officers and employees of the Senate appearing under the
heading "SENATE" in the Legislative Appropriation Act, 1956, as
amended (74 Stat. 304; Public Law 86-568), is amended by striking 76 Stat. 867.
out "$18,880" and inserting in lieu thereof "$22,945". 2 USC 60a note.
(h) The limitation on gross rate per hour per person provided by
applicable law on the effective date of this section with respect to the
folding of speeches and pamphlets for the Senate is hereby increased
by 7 per centum. The amount of such increase shall be computed to
the nearest cent, counting one-half cent and over as a whole cent. The
provisions of subsection a) of this section shall not apply to employees
whose' compensation is subject to such limitation.
(i) The gross rate of compensation of the Postmaster of the Senate Postmaster.
shall be $18,420, and the gross rate of compensation of the Assistant
Postmaster of the Senate shall be $14,570. The provisions of section
106 of the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1963, shall not here- 76 Stat. 694.
after apply to employees referred to in this subsection. 2 USC 60J and
(j) Section 202(e) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946, notes.
as amended (2 U.S.C. 72a(e)), is amended- Committee staffs.
(1) by striking out "$87880" where it first appears in such so stet. 835;
subsection and inserting in lieu thereof "the highest amount which, 72 stet. 209,
together with additional compensation authorized by law, will
not exceed the maximum rate authorized by the Classification
Act of 1949, as amended " ? and
(2) by striking outs `$8,880" at the second place where it
appears in such subsection and inserting in lieu thereof "the
highest amount which, together with additional compensation
authorized by law, will not exceed the maximum rate authorized
by the Classification Act of 1949, as amended".
(k)_(1) This subsection is enacted as an exercise of the rule making
power of the House of Representatives with full recognition of the
constitutional right of the House of Representatives to change the
rule amended by this subsection at any time, in the same manner,
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Pub. Law 88-426 ugus ,
78 STAT. 415,
and to the same extent as in the case of any other rule of the House
of Representatives.
(2) Clause 28(c) of Rule XI of the Rules of the House of Repre-
sentatives is amended-
(A) by striking out "$8,880" where it first appears in such
clause and inserting in lieu thereof "the highest amount which,
together with additional compensation authorized by law, will
not exceed the maximum rate authorized by the Classification
Act of 1949, as amended," - and
(B) by striking out"t$8,880" at the second place where it
appears in such clause and inserting in lieu thereof "the highest
amount which, together with additional compensation authorized
by law, will not exceed the maximum rate authorized by the
Classification Act of 1949, as amended".
Comptroller Gen- SEc. 203. (a) The compensation of the Comptroller General of the
eral et al. United States shall be at the rate of $30,000 per annum.
(b) The compensation of the Assistant Comptroller General of the
United States sliall be at the rate of $28,500 per annum.
(c) The compensation of the General Counsel of the United States
General Accounting Office, the Librarian of Congress, the Public
Printer, and the Architect of the Capitol shall be at the rate of $27,000
per annum.
(d) The compensation of the Deputy Librarian of Congress, the
Deputy Public Printer, and the Assistant Architect of the Capitol shall
be at the rate of $25,500 per annum.
(e) The compensation of the Second Assistant Architect of the
Capitol shall be at the rate of $23,500 per annum.
f) The compensation of the Chaplain of the House of Representa-
tives shall be at the rate of $12,500 per annum.
(g) The compensation of the Secretary of the Senate, the Sergeant
at Arms of the Senate, and the Legislative Counsel of the Senate shall
be at the rate of $27,500 per annum.
(h) The compensation of the Chaplain of the Senate shall be at the
rate of $15,000 per annum.
Members of SEc. 204. Section 601(a) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of
Congress. 1946, as amended (2 U.S.C. 31), is amended to read as follows:
69 Stat. 11. "(a) The compensation of Senators, Representatives in Congress,
and the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico shall be at the rate
of $30,000 per annum each; and the compensation of the Speaker of
the House of Representatives shall be at the rate of $43,000 per
SEc. 205. No officer or employee subject to section 202(a) or 202(b)
of this title shall receive, by reason of any provision of this title, an
increase in gross rate of compensation (basic compensation plus addi-
tional compensation authorized by law), or in total annual compensa-
tion, which is in excess of the amount of the increase in basic com-
pensation provided by the amendment made by section 102(a) of title
Ante, p. 400. I of this Act for positions in grade 18 of the General Schedule of the
Classification Act of 1949, as amended.
Federal Exec- SEc. 301. This title may be cited as the "Federal Executive Salary
utive Salary Act of 1964".
Aot of 1964. SEc. 302. There is hereby established for offices and positions to
which section 303 of this title applies a basic compensation schedule,
to be known as the "Federal Executive Salary Schedule", which shall
be divided into five salary levels.
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ugust 14, 1964 -17- Pub. Law 88-426
78 STAT. 416,
Src. 303. (a) I ve1 -I of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule Offices and
shall apply to the following offices and positions, for which the annual positions at
rate of basic compensation shall be $35 000: $35,000.
(1) Secretary of State.
(2) Secretary of the Treasury.
(3) Secretary of Defense.
(4) Attorney General.
(5) Postmaster General.
(6) Secretary of the Interior.
(7) Secretary of Agriculture.
(8) Secretary of Commerce.
(9) Secretary of Labor.
(10) Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare.
(b) Levg ,I_?pf the Federal Executive Salary Schedule shall apply offices and
to the fo owing offices and positions, for which the annual rate of positions at
basic compensation shall be 30 0 $30,000.
(1) Deputy Secreta y o e ense.
(2) Under Secretary of State.
(3) Administrator, Agency for International Development.
(4) Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
(5) Administrator of Veterans' Affairs.
(6) Administrator of the Housing and Home Finance Agency.
(7) Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency.
(8) Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission.
(9) Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers.
(10) Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
(11) Director of the Bureau of the Budget.
(12 Director of the Office of Science and Technology.
(13) Director of the United States Arms Control and Dis-
armament Agency.
(14) Director of the United States Information Agency.
(15) Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Depart-
ment of Justice, so long as the position is held %y'
y the present
incumbent: Provided, That thereafter the position shall be placed
in level III.
(16) Director of Central Intelligence.
(17) Secretary of the Air Force.
(18) Secretary of the Army.
(19) Secretary of the Navy.
(c) Level III of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule shall Offices and
apply to the following offices and positions, for which the annual rate positions at
of basic compensation shall be 28 $2B,500.
(1) Deputy Attorney General.
(2) Solicitor General of the United States.
(3) Deputy Postmaster General.
(4) Under Secretary of Agriculture.
(5) Under Secretary of Commerce.
(6) Under Secretary of Commerce for Transportation.
(7) Tinder Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare.
(8) Under Secretary of the Interior.
(9) Tinder Secretary of Labor.
(10) Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs or Under
Secretary of State for Economic Affairs.
(11) Under Secretary of the Treasury.
(12) Under Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs.
(13) Administrator of General Services.
(14) Administrator of the Small Business Administration.
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Pub. Law 88-426 -18- August ,
78 STAT. 417.
(15) Deputy Administrator of Veterans' Affairs.
(16 Deputy Administrator, Agency for International Devel-
(17 Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board.
(18 Chairman of the United States Civil Service Commission.
(19 Chairman, Federal Communications Commission.
(20 Chairman, Board of Directors, Federal Deposit Insur-
ance Corporation.
(21 Chairman of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board.
(22 Chairman, Federal Power Commission.
(23 Chairman, Federal Trade Commission.
(24 Chairman, Interstate Commerce Commission.
(25) Chairman, National Labor Relations Board.
(26) Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission.
(27) :Chairman, Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley
(28 Chairman, National Mediation Board.
(29 Chairman, Railroad Retirement Board.
(30 Chairman, Federal Maritime Commission.
(31) Comptroller of the Currency.
(32) Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
(33) Director of Defense Research and Engineering, Depart-
ment of Defense.
(34) Deputy Administrator of the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration.
(35) Deputy Director of the Bureau of the Budget.
(36 Deputy Direct entral Intelligence,
(38) Director of the Peace Corps.
(39) Director of Selective Service, so long as the position is held
by the present incumbent: Provided, That thereafter the position
shall be placed in Level IV.
(40) Chief Medical Director in the Department of Medicine
and Surgery of the Veterans' Administration.
(41) Director of the National Science Foundation.
(42) Deputy Administrator of the Housing and Home Finance
A (43) President of the Export-Import Bank of Washington.
(44) Members, Atomic Energy Commission.
(45) Members, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
(46) Associate Director of the Federal Bureau of Investiga-
tion, Department of Justice, so long as the position is held by the
present incumbent : Provided, That thereafter the position shall
be placed in Level IV.
offioes and (d) Level IV of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule shall
positions at apply to the following offices and positions, for which the annual
$27,000. rate of basic compensation shall be $27,000:
(1) Administrator, Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs,
Department of State.
(2) Deputy Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency.
(3) Deputy Administrator of General Services.
(4) Associate Administrator of the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration.
(5) Assistant Administrators, Agency for International
Development (6).
(6) Regional Assistant Administrators, Agency for Interna-
tional Development (4).
(7) Under Secretary of the Air Force.
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78 STAT. 418,
(8) Under Secretary of the Army.
(9) Under Secretary of the Navy.
(10) Deputy Under Secretaries of State (2).
(11) Assistant Secretaries of Agriculture (3).
(12) Assistant Secretaries of Commerce (4).
(13) Assistant Secretaries of Defense (7).
(14) Assistant Secretaries of the Air Force (3).
(15) Assistant Secretaries of the Army (3).
(16) Assistant Secretaries of the Navy (3).
(17) Assistant Secretaries of Health, Education, and Welfare
(18) Assistant Secretaries of the Interior (4).
(19) Assistant Attorneys General (9).
(20) Assistant Secretaries of Labor (4).
(21) Assistant Postmasters General (5).
(22) Assistant Secretaries of State (11).
(23) Assistant Secretaries of the Treasury (4)
(24) Chairman of the United States Tariff Commission.
25) Commissioner, Community Facilities Administration.
(26) Commissioner, Federal Housing Administration.
(27 Commissioner, Public Housing Administration.
(28) Commissioner, Urban Renewal Administration.
((29) Director of Civil Defense, Department of the Army.
(30) Director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation
(31) Deputy Chief Medical Director in the Department of
Medicine and Surgery of the Veterans' Administration.
(32) Deputy Director of the Office of Emergency Planning.
33) Deputy Director of the Office of Science and Technology.
34 Deputy Director of the Peace Corps.
35) Deputy Director of the United States Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency.
(36) Deputy Director of the United States Information
(37) Assistant Directors of the Bureau of the Budget (3).
(38) General Counsel of the Department of Agriculture.
39 General Counsel of the Department of Commerce.
40 General Counsel of the Department of Defense.
41 General Counsel of the Department of Health, Educa-
tion, and Welfare.
(42 Solicitor of the Department of the Interior.
(43) Solicitor of the Department of Labor.
(44) General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board.
45) General Counsel of the Post Office Department.
46) Counselor of the Department of State.
~49 47 Legal Adviser of the Department of State.
48 General Counsel of the De artment of the Treasury.
First Vice President ofpthe Export-Import Bank of
(50) General Manager of the Atomic Energy Commission.
(51 Governor of the Farm Credit Administration.
(52) Inspector General, Foreign Assistance.
53 Deputy Inspector General, Foreign Assistance.
(54 Members, Civil Aeronautics Board.
(55) Members, Council of Economic Advisers.
(56) Members, Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank
of Washington.
(57) Members, Federal Communications Commission.
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Offices and
positions at
78 STAT. 419-
(58) Member, Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation.
(59) Members, Federal Home Loan Bank Board.
(60) Members, Federal Power Commission.
(61) Members, Federal Trade Commission.
62) Members, Interstate Commerce Commission.
(63) Members, National Labor Relations Board.
(64) Members, Securities and Exchange Commission.
(65) Members, Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley
(66) Members, United States Civil Service Commission.
(67) Members, Federal Maritime Commission.
(68) Members, National Mediation Board.
(69) Members, Railroad Retirement Board.
(e) Level V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule shall apply
to the following offices and positions, for which the annual rate of
basic compensation shall be $26,000:
(1) Administrator, Agricultural Marketing Service, Depart-
ment of Agriculture.
(2) Administrator, Agricultural Research Service, Department
of A riculture.
(3~ Administrator, Agricultural Stabilization and Conserva-
tion Service, Department of Agriculture.
(4) Administrator, Farmers Home Administration.
(5) Administrator, Foreign Agricultural Service, Department
of A riculture.
(6) Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration,
Department of Agriculture.
(7) Administrator, Soil Conservation Service, Department of
(8) Administrator, Bonneville Power Administration, Depart-
ment of the Interior.
(9) Administrator of the National Capital Transportation
,~0)yAdministrator of the Saint Lawrence Seaway Develop-
ment Corporation.
(11) Deputy Administrators of the Small Business Admin-
istration (4).
(12) Associate Administrator for Administration, Federal
Aviation Agency.
(13) Associate Administrator for Development, Federal Avia-
tion Agency.
(14) Associate Administrator for Programs, Federal Aviation
(15) Associate Administrator for Advanced Research and
Technology, National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
(16) Associate Administrator for Space Science and Applica-
tions, National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
(17) Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight,
National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
(18) Associate Deputy Administrator, National Aeronautics
and Space Administration.
(19) Deputy Associate Administrator, National Aeronautics
and Space Administration.
(20) Associate Deputy Administrator of Veterans' Affairs.
(21) Archivist of the United States.
(22) Area Redevelopment Administrator, Department of
(23) Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Administration.
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Approved F~r RfJpfse 199Jp.9/22 : CIkRDLPAQ-A124QAOOO5OOO6OO12-9
August 4,
78 STAT. 420.
(24) Assistant Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare
for Administration.
(25) Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Administration.
(26) Assistant Attorney General for Administration.
(27) Assistant Secretary of Labor for Administration.
(28) Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Administration.
(29) Assistant General Manager, Atomic Energy Commission.
(30) Assistant and Science Adviser to the Secretary of the
(31) Chairman, Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of
the United States.
(32) Chairman of the Military Liaison Committee to the
Atomic Energy Commission, Department of Defense.
(33) Chairman of the Renegotiation Board.
(34) Chairman of the Subversive Activities Control Board.
(35) Chief Counsel for the Internal Revenue Service, Depart-
ment of the Treasury.
(36) Chief Forester of the Forest Service, Department of Agri-
(37) Chief Postal Inspector, Post Office Department.
(38) Chief, Weather Bureau, Department of Commerce.
(39) Commissioner of Customs, Department of the Treasury.
(40) Commissioner, Federal Supply Service, General Services
(41) Commissioner of Education, Department of Health, Edu-
cation, and Welfare.
(42) Commissioner of Fish and Wildlife, Department of the
(43) Commissioner of Food and Drugs, Department of Health,
Education, and Welfare.
(44) Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization, De-
partment of Justice.
(45) Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Department of the
(46) Chief Commissioner, Indian Claims Commission.
(47) Associate Commissioners, Indian Claims Commission (2).
(48) Commissioner of Patents, Department of Commerce.
(49) Commissioner, Public Buildings Service, General Services
(50) Commissioner of Reclamation, Department of the
(51) Commissioner of Social Security, Department of Health,
Education, and Welfare.
(52) Commissioner of Vocational Rehabilitation, Department
of Health, Education, and Welfare.
(53) Commissioner of Welfare, Department of Health, Edu-
cation, and Welfare.
(54) Director, Advanced Research Projects Agency, Depart-
ment of Defense.
(55) Director of Agricultural Economics, Department of Agri-
(56) Director, Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce.
(57) Director, Bureau of Mines, Department of the Interior.
(58) Director, Bureau of Prisons, Department of Justice.
(59) Director, Geological Survey, Department of the Interior.
(60) Director, Office of Research and Engineering, Post Office
(61) Director, National Bureau of Standards, Department of
Commerce. -
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Pub. Law 88-426 -22- August 14, 1964
78 STAT. 421,
(62) Director of Regulation, Atomic Energy Commission.
(63) Director of Science and Education, Department of Agri-
(64) Deputy Under Secretary for Monetary Affairs, Depart-
ment of the Treasury.
(65) Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Department
of the Treasury.
(66) Deputy Director, National Science Foundation.
(67) Deputy Director, Policy and Plans, United States Infor-
mation Agency.
(68) Deputy General Counsel, Department of Defense.
(69) Deputy General Manager, Atomic Energy Commission.
(70) Associate Director of the Federal Mediation and Concilia-
tion Service.
(71) Associate Director for Volunteers, Peace Corps.
(72) Associate Director for Program Development and Opera-
tions, Peace Corps.
(73) Assistants to the Director of the Federal Bureau of Inves-
tigation, Department of Justice (2).
(74) Assistant Directors, Office of Emergency Planning (3).
(75) Assistant Directors, United States Arms Control and Dis-
armament Agenc (4).
(76) Federal Highway Administrator, Department of Com-
(77) Fiscal Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.
(78) General Counsel of the Agency for International Develop-
(79) General Counsel of the Department of the Air Force.
(80) General Counsel of the Department of the Army.
(81) General Counsel of the Atomic Energy Commission.
(82) General Counsel of the Federal Aviation Agency.
(83) General Counsel of the Housing and Home Finance
(84) General Counsel of the Department of the Navy.
(85) General Counsel of the United States Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency.
(86) General Counsel of the National Aeronautics and Space
(87) Governor of the Canal Zone.
(88) Manpower Administrator, Department of Labor.
(89) Maritime Administrator, Department of Commerce.
(90) Members, Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the
United States.
(91) Members, Renegotiation Board.
(92) Members, Subversive Activities Control Board.
(93) Members, United States Tariff Commission.
(94) President of the Federal National Mortgage Association.
(95) Special Assistant to the Secretary (Health and Medical
Affairs), Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.
(96) Deputy Directors of Defense Research and Engineering,
Department of Defense (4).
(97) Assistant Administrator of General Services.
(98) Director, United States Travel Service, Department of
(99) Executive Director of the United States Civil Service
Placement by (f) In addition to the offices and positions listed in subsections (d)
President. and (e) of this section, the President is authorized to place from time
to time offices and positions held by not to exceed thirty persons in
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August 14, 1964 -23- Pub. Law 88-426
78 STAT. 422.
levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule when he
deems such action necessary to reflect changes in organization, man-
agement responsibilities, or workload in any Federal department or
agency. Any such action with respect to an office to which appoint-
ment is made by the President by and with the advice and consent of
the Senate shall be effective only at the time of a new appointment
to such office. Each action taken under this subsection shall be pub- Publication in
lished in the Federal Register, except when it is determined by the F. R.
President that such publication would be contrary to the interest
of the national security. No action shall be taken under this sub-
section with respect to an office or position the compensation for which
is fixed at a specific rate by this section or by statute enacted subse-
quent to the date of enactment of this Act.
(g) In addition to the offices and positions listed in subsections
(d) and (e) of this section and the offices and positions placed by the
President in levels IV and V pursuant to subsection (f) of this sec-
tion, the President is authorized to place, during the period which
begins on the day immediately following the date of enactment of
this Act and which terminates on the first day of the sixth month
which begins following the date of enactment of this Act, in levels
IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule offices and
positions held by not to exceed thirty persons, the duties and respon-
sibilities of which he deems appropriate for such levels. No action
shall be taken under this subsection with respect to an office or posi-
tion the compensation for which is fixed at a specific rate by this
section or by statute enacted subsequent to the date of enactment of
this Act.
SEC. 304. (a) Section 104 of title 3, United States Code (relating vice President.
to the compensation of the Vice President), is amended by striking 69 Stat. 11.
out "$35,000" and inserting in lieu thereof "$43,000".
(b) Section 105 of title 3, United States Code, is amended to read Presidential
as follows: assistants.
105. Compensation of secretaries and executive, administra- 70 Stat. 740.
tive, and staff assistants to President
"The President is authorized to fix the compensation of the six
administrative assistants authorized to be appointed under section
106 of this title, of the Executive Secretary of the National Security 63 Stat. 880.
Council, of the Executive Secretary of the National Aeronautics and
Space Council, and of eight other secretaries or immediate staff
assistants in the White House Office at rates of basic compensation
not to exceed that of level II of the Federal Executive Salary
SEC. 305. The following provisions of law are hereby repealed: Repeals.
(1) The Federal Executive Pay Act of 1956, as amended (5 U.S.C.
2201-2209), establishing rates of basic compensation for heads of 70 Stat. 736.
executive departments and other Federal officials.
(2) Section 3012(h) of title 10, United States Code, providing 72 Stat. 1462.
compensation of $22,000 a year for the Secretary of the Army.
(3) Section 3013(b) of title 10, United States Code, fixing the
annual salaries of the Under Secretary and each Assistant Secretary
of the Army at $20,000 a year. 1490.
(4) Section 5031(d) of title 10, United States Code, providing 72 star,
compensation of $22,000 a year for the Secretary of the Navy.
(5) Section 5033(c) of title 10, United States Code, providing the
annual salary of $20,000 a year for the Under Secretary of the Navy.
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Pub. Law 88-426 -24- August 14, 1964
78 STAT. 423.
70A Stat. 4B8;
72 Stat. 1513.
the rate prescribed by law for assistant secretaries of executive de-
(10) (A) The last sentence of section 22 a. of the Atomic Energy
Act of 1954, as amended (68 Stat. 924; 71 Stat. 612; 42 U.S.C. 2032 (a) ),
relating to the annual salaries of the Chairman and members of such
Commission, which reads : "Each member, except the Chairman, shall
receive compensation at the rate of $22,000 per annum ; and the member
designated as Chairman shall receive compensation at the rate of
$22,500 per annum.".
(B) That part of the first sentence of section 27 a. of the Atomic
Energy Act of 1954 (68 Stat. 926; 42 U.S.C. 2037(a) ), relating to the
salary of the Chairman of the Military Liaison Committee which
reads: ", and who shall receive compensation at the rate prescribed
for an Assistant Secretary of Defense".
(il) That. part of Reorganization Plan Numbered 1 of 1958 (72
Stat. 1799 and 861 ; 75 Stat. 630; 5 U.S.C. 133z-15, note)-
(6) Section 304 of Public Law 87-651, approved September 7, 1962
(76 Stat. 526; 10 U.S.C. 5034, note), providing compensation of
$20,000 a year for Assistant Secretaries of the Navy.
(7) Section 8012(g) of title 10, United States Code, providing
compensation of $22,000 a year for the Secretary of the Air Force.
(8) Section 8013(b) of title 10, United States Code, fixing the
annual salaries of the Under Secretary and each Assistant Secretary
of the Air Force at $20,000 it year.
(9) Section 137(c) of title 10, United States Code, fixing the com-
pensation of the General Counsel of the Department of Defense at
National Aeronautics and Space Act, of 1.958 (72 Stat. 429; 42 U.S.C.
9472(a)), relating to the annual salary of the Administrator of the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, which reads: ", and
shall receive compensation at the rate of $22,500 per annum".
(13) That. part of the first sentence of section 202(b) of such Act
(72 Stat. 429; 42 U.S.C. 2472(b) ), relating to the annual salary of the
Deputy Administrator of such Administration, which reads: ", shall
receive compensation at the rate of $21,500 per annum,".
(13) (A) That part of section 201(f) of the National Aeronautics
and Space Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 428; 42 U.S.C. 2471(f)), relating
to the annual salary of it civilian executive secretary in the National
Aeronautics and Space Council, which reads: "and shall receive
compensation at the rate of $20,000 a year".
(B) That part of section 204 of such Act (72 Stat. 431, 432; 42
U.S.C. 2474(a) (1), and (d) ), relating to the annual salary of the
Chairman of the Civilian-Military Liaison Committee, as follows:
In subsection (a) (1), that part which reads: ", and shall receive
compensation (in the manner provided in subsection (d)) at the
rate of $20,000 per annum".
(A) In section 2(b), relating to the annual salary of the
Director of the Office of Emergency Planning, which reads: "and
shall receive compensation at the rate now or hereafter prescribed
by law for the heads of executive departments";
(B) In section 2(c), relating to the annual salary of the Deputy
Director of such Office, which reads: "shall receive compensation
at the rate now or hereafter prescribed by law for the under secre-
taries referred to in section 104 of the Federal Executive Pay Act
of 1956 (5 U.S.C. 2203),"; and
(C) In section 2(d), relating to the annual salaries of three As-
sistant Directors of such Office, which reads : "shall receive com-
pensation at? the rate now or hereafter prescribed by law for assist-
ant secretaries of executive departments,".
(12) (A) That part of the second sentence of section 202(a) of the
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August 14, 1964 -2 - b. aw iqA000500060012-9
78 STAT. 424.
In the second sentence of subsection (d), that part which reads:
"fixed by subsection (a) (1)".
(14) (A) that part of the second sentence of section 2(a) of the
Act of May 26, 1949 (63 Stat. 111; 5 U.S.C. 151b(a)) as amended 69 Stat. 536;
relating to the rank and salary of the Counselor and of the Legal 72 Stat. 274.
Adviser of the Department of State, which reads: and shall receive
the same salary as' .
(B) The last sentence of section 2(a) of the Act of May 26, 1949
(63 Stat. 111; 5 U.S.C. 151b(a)) as amended, relating to the rate
of basic compensation of the Deputy Under Secretaries of State
which reads : "Unless otherwise provided for by law, the rate of
basic compensation of the Deputy Under Secretaries of State shall be
the same as that of Assistant Secretaries of State.".
(C) That part of the second sentence of section 2 (b) of the Act of
May 26, 1949, as amended (73 Stat. 265; 5 U.S.C. 151b (b) ), relating
to the annual salary of the Under Secretary of State for Political
Affairs or for Economic Affairs, as designated by the President,
which reads : "shall receive compensation at the rate of $22,000
a year and".
(15) The last sentence of section 210 (a) of title 38, United States
Code, relating to the annual salary of the Administrator of Veterans' 72 Stat. 1114.
Affairs' Veterans' Administration, which reads: "He shall receive a
salary of $21,000 a year, payable monthly."
(16) (A) The last sentence of section 201(a) (2) of the Federal
Aviation Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 741 ; 49 U.S.C. 1321 (a) (2) ), relating to
the annual salaries of the Chairman and members of the Civil
Aeronautics Board, which reads : "Each member of the Board shall re-
ceive a salary at the rate of $20,000 per annum, except that the member
serving as Chairman shall receive a salary at the rate of $20,500 per
(B) That part of the second sentence of section 301 (a) of such Act
(72 Stat. 744; 49 U.S.C. 1341(a) ), relating to the annual salary of the
Administrator of the Federa Aviation Agency, which reads : ", and
who shall receive compensation at the rate of $22,500 per annum".
(C) That part of the second sentence of section 302(a) of such Act
(72 Stat. 744; 49 U.S.C. 1342(a) ), relating to the annual salary of the
Deputy Administrator of such Agency, which reads : "shall receive
compensation at the rate of $20,500 per annum, and".
(17) (A) The last sentence of section 22 of the Arms Control and
Disarmament Act (75 Stat. 632; 22 U.S.C. 2562), relating to the an-
nual salary of the Director of the United States Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency, which reads : "Ile shall receive compensation
at the rate of $22,500 per annum.".
(B) The second sentence of section 23 of such Act (75 Stat. 632; 22
U.S.C. 2563), relating to the annual salary of the Deputy Director of
such Agency, which reads: "Ile shall receive compensation at the rate
of $21,500 per annum.".
(C) The second sentence of section 24 of such Act (75 Stat. 632; 22
U.S.C. 2564), relating to the annual salaries of the four Assistant
Directors of such Agency, which reads : "They shall receive compensa-
tion at the rate of $20,000 per annum.".
(18) Section 3 of the Act of March 2, 1955 (69 Stat. 10; 5 U.S.C.
294, 293, 295a), relating to the annual salaries of certain officials of
the Department of Justice, which reads :
" Sxc. 3. (a) The compensation of the Deputy Attorney General shall
be at the rate of $21,000 per annum.
"(b) The compensation of the Solicitor General shall be at the rate
of $20,500 per annum.
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Approved For Rel"%e 12g!VR91?~ : CIA -DP80-012Au4OA000500060012-9
_18 STAT. 425 g us t 14, 1964
"(c) The compensation of each Assistant Attorney General, other
than the Administrative Assistant Attorney General, shall be at the
rate of $20,000 per annum.".
(19) (A) The last sentence of section 102(c) of Reorganization Plan
Numbered 7 of 1961 (75 Stat. 840; 5 U.S.C. 133z-15, note), relating
to the annual salaries of the Chairman and members of the Federal
Maritime Commission, which reads : "The Chairman of the Commis-
sion shall receive it salary at the rate of $20,500 per annum, and each
of the other Commissioners shall receive a salary at the rate of $20,000
per annum.".
(B) That part of section 201 of such reorganization plan (75 Stat.
842; 5 U.S.C. 133z-15, note), relating to the annual salary of the Mari-
time Administrator in the Department of Commerce, which reads :
"shall receive a salary at the rate of $20,000 per annum,".
(20) That part of the fourth sentence of section 4(a) of the Securi-
ties Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (74 Stat. 408 and 913; 15
U.S.C. 78d (a) ), relating to the annual salaries of the Chairman and
Commissioners of the Securities and Exchange Commission, which
reads : "shall receive a salary at the rate of $20,000 a year, except that
the Chairman shall receive additional salary at the rate of $500 a
year and".
(21) Section 8,of the Food Additives Amendment of 1958 (72 Stat.
1789) 5 U.S.C. 2'205, note), fixing the annual salary of the Commis-
sioner of Food and Drugs at $20,000 per annum.
(22) That part of the first sentence of section 3 of the Area Rede-
velopment Act (75 Stat. 48; 42 U.S.C. 2502), relating to the annual
salary of the Area Redevelopment Administrator in the Department
of Commerce, which reads: "who shall receive compensation at a rate
equal to that received by Assistant Secretaries of Commerce".
(23) The last sentence of section 203(b) (1) of the National Secu-
10 use 135 note. rity Act of 1947 (72 Stat. 520; 5 U.S.C. 171c(b) (1) ), relating to the
annual salary of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering
in the Department of Defense, which reads: "The compensation of the
Director is that prescribed by law for the Secretaries of the military
75 Stat. 822. (24) In section 303(a) of title 23, United States Code,
(A) That part of the second sentence, relating to the annual
salary of the Federal Highway Administrator in the Department
of Commerce, which reads: "shall receive basic compensation at.
the rate prescribed by law for Assistant Secretaries of executive
departments and"; and
(B) The last sentence, relating to the annual salary of the
Deputy Federal Highway Administrator in such department,
which reads: "The Deputy Federal Highway Administrator shall
receive basic compensation at a rate $1,000 less than the rate pro-
vided for the Federal Highway Administrator.".
(25) The last proviso in tine paragraph under the heading "Immi-
"SALARIES AND EXPENSES" in the Department of Justice Appropriation
Act, 1959 (72 Stat. 251; 5 U.S.C. 2206, note), relating to the annual
salary of the Commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization
Service, which reads: ": Provided further, That, hereafter, the com-
pensation of the Commissioner of the Immigration and Naturaliza-
tion Service shall be $20,000 per annum".
(26) The second paragraph of section 3 of title 35, United States
72 Stat. 1793. Code, relating to the annual salary of the Commissioner of Patents
which reads: "The annual rate of compensation of the Commissioner
shall be $20,000.".
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August 14, 1964 -27- Pub. Law 88-426
78 STAT. 426.
(27) That part of section 4(a) of the Peace Corps Act (75 Stat.
612; 22 U.S.C. 2503(a) ), relating to the annual salaries of the Direc-
tor and of the Deputy Director of the Peace Corps, which reads:
", whose compensation shall be fixed by the President at a rate not
in excess of $20,000 per annum," and ", whose compensation shall be
fixed by the President at a rate not. in excess of $19,500 per annum".
(28) (A) Section 308 of title 39, United States Code, fixing the 74 Stat. 580.
annual rate of basic compensation of the position of Chief Postal
Inspector in the Post Office Department at $19,000.
(B) That part of the table of contents of chapter 3 of title 39,
United States Code, which reads as follows:
"308. Chief Postal inspector.".
(29) That part of the first sentence of section 4 of the International
Travel Act of 1961 (75 Stat. 130; 22 U.S.C. 2124), relating to the
annual salary of the Director of the United States Travel Service in
the Department of Commerce, which reads : "who shall be compen-
sated at the rate of $19,000 per annum,".
(30) Section 14(b) of the Federal Employees Health Benefits Act
of 1959 (73 Stat. 716; 5 U.S.C. 3013(b)), which fixes the compensa-
tion of the Executive Director of the United States Civil Service
Commission at $19,000 per annum.
(31) That part, of the first sentence of section 107(c) of the Rene-
gotiation Act of 1951, as amended (73 Stat. 211; 50 U.S.C. App.
1217(c) ), relating to the annual salary of the General Counsel of
the Renegotiation Board, which reads : ", and shall receive compensa-
tion at the rate of $10,000 per annum".
(32) (A) That part of the third sentence in section 201(a) of the
National Capital Transportation Act of 1960 (74 Stat. 538; 40 U.S.C.
661 (a) ), relating to the annual salary of the Administrator of the
National Capital Transportation Agency, which reads : ", and who
shall receive compensation at a rate equal to the maximum rate for
grade 18 of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949,
as amended, plus $500 per annum".
(B) That part of the first sentence of section 201(b) of such Act
(74 Stat. 538; 40 U.S.C. 661(b) ), relating to the annual salary of
the Deputy Administrator of such Agency, which reads : ", and who
shall receive compensation at a rate equal to the maximum rate for
grade 18 of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949,
as amended".
(33) The last sentence of section 624(d) (1) . of the Foreign
Assistance Act of 1961 (75 Stat. 447; 22 U.S.C. 2384(d)(1)), as 76 Stat. 262;
amended, fixing the compensation of certain officials in the Depart- 77 Stat. ass.
ment of State, which reads : "The Inspector General, Foreign Assist-
ance, shall receive compensation ,it the rate of $20,000 annually; the
Deputy Inspector General, Foreign Assistance, shall receive compen-
sation at the rate of $20,000 annually, and each Assistant Inspector
General, Foreign Assistance, shall receive compensation at the rate of
$19,000 annually.".
(34) That part of section 202 of the Act of July 1, 1960 (74 Stat.
305; 5 U.S.C. 623g), relating to the annual salary of the Adminis-
trative Assistant Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare,
which reads: ", and whose annual rate of basic compensation shall
be $19,000".
(35) That part of the Public Works Appropriation Act, 1963,
under the heading "DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR" and
under the caption "BUREAU of RECLAMATION" and the subheading
"ADMINJSTRATIVE PROVISIONS" (76 Stat. 1223; 43 U.S.C. 373a-1),
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Pub. Law 88-426 -28- August 14, 1964
78 STAT. 427.
relating to the annual salary of the present incumbent of the position
of Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation, which reads:
"After September 30, 1962, the position of Commissioner of
Reclamation shall have the annual rate of compensation as provided
for positions listed in section 2205 (a) of title 5, United States Code,
so long as held by the present incumbent.".
(36) That part of the Public Works Appropriation Act, 1962, under
the heading "DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR" and under
the caption "BONNEVILLE PowieR ADMINISTRATION" and the subheading
"CONSTRUCTION" (75 Stat. 728; 16 U.S.C. 832a-1), relating to the
annual salary of the present incumbent of the position of Administra-
tor, Bonneville Power Administration, which reads:
"After October 1, 1961, the position of Administrator, Bonneville
Power Administration, shall have the same annual rate of compen-
sation as that provided for positions listed in section 2205(b) of title
5, United States Code, so long as held by the present incumbent.".
(37) Section 205 of the Public Works Appropriation Act, 1958 (71
Stat. 423; 5 U.S.C. 483-1 note, 2206 note), as amended, relating to the
salary of the present incumbent of the position of Administrator of
the Southwestern Power Administration in the Department of the
Interior, and to the salary of the Administrative Assistant Secretary
of such Department, which reads:
"SEC. 205. After August 31, 1957, the salary of the Administrator
of the Southwestern Power Administration shall be the same as the
salary of the Administrator of the Bonneville Power Administration,
so long as held by the present incumbent; and the salary of the Admin-
istrative Assistant Secretary of the Department shall. be the same as
the Solicitor of the Department of the Interior.".
(38) The proviso in the first paragraph under the heading "FEDERAL
EXPENSES" in the. Department of .Justice Appropriation Act, 1964 (77
Stat. 782; Public Law 88-245), relating to the annual salary of the
present incumbent of the position of Director of the Federal Bureau
of Investigation, which reads: ": Provided, That the compensation of
the Director of the Bureau shall be $22,000 per annum so long as the
position is held by the present. incumbent" and provisions to the same
effect contained in other appropriation Acts enacted prior to the effec-
tive date of this section relating to the annual salary of the present
incumbent of the position of Director of the Federal Bureau of In-
(39) That part of section 7801(b) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code
73 Stat. 647. of 1954, as amended, relating to the annual salary of the Assistant Gen-
26 USC 7801. era] Counsel of the Treasury Department who shall be the Chief
Counsel for the Internal Revenue Service, which reads: "and shall
receive basic compensation at the annual rate of $19,000".
(40) (A) Sections 3018, 5014, and 8018 of title 10, United States
72 Stat. 1462, Code, relating to the compensation of the general counsels of the
1490, 1513. military departments.
(B) The respective tables of contents of chapters 303, 503, and 803
of title 10, United States Code, are amended by striking out
"3018. Compensation of General Counsel.";
5014. Compensation of General Counsel."; and
"8018. Compensation of General Counsel.".
(41) (A) That part of section 2(a) of Reorganization Plan Num-
bered 2 of 1962 (76 Stat. 1253; .5 U.S.C. 133z-15, note), relating to the
compensation of the Director of the Office of Science and Technology,
which reads: "and shall receive compensation at the rate of $22,500 per
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August 14, 1964 -29- Pub. Law 88-426
78 STAT. 428.
(B) That part of section 2 (b) of such reorganization plan (76 Stat.
1253; 5 U.S.C. 133z-15, note), relating to the compensation of the
Deputy Director of the Office of Science and Technology, which reads :
"and receive compensation at the rate of $20,500 per annum".
(C) That part of section 22(a) of such reorganization plan (76
Stat. 1255; 5 U.S.C. 133z-15, note), relating to the compensation of
the Director of the National Science Foundation, which reads : "shall
receive compensation at the rate of $21,000 per annum and".
(42) That part of section 624 (a) of the Foreign Assistance Act of
1961 (75 Stat. 447; 22 U.S.C. 2384(a)), relating to the compensation
of twelve officers in the agency primarily responsible for administering
part I of such Act, which reads: "of whom-
"(1) one shall have the rank of an Under Secretary and shall
be compensated at a rate not to exceed the rate authorized by law
for any Under Secretary of an executive department;
"(2) one shall have the rank of Deputy Under Secretary and
shall be compensated at a rate not to exceed the rate authorized
by law for any Deputy Under Secretary of an executive depart-
ment; and
"(3) ten shall have the rank of Assistant Secretaries and shall
be compensated at a rate not to exceed the rate authorized by law
for any Assistant Secretary of an executive department,".
(43) That part of the first sentence of section 104(b) of the Immi-
gration and Nationality Act (66 Stat. 174; 8 U.S.C. 1104 (b) ), relating
to the rank and compensation of the Administrator, Bureau of Secu-
rity and Consular Affairs, which reads : "and compensation".
(44) That part of section 3 of Reorganization Plan Numbered 1 of
1953 (67 Stat. 631; 5 U.S.C. 623, note), relating to the Special Assist-
ant to the Secretary (Health and Medical Affairs), Department of
Health, Education, and Welfare, which reads : ", and shall receive
compensation at the rate now or hereafter provided by law for assist-
ant secretaries of executive departments".
SEC. 306. (a) (1) Section 508 of title 28, United States Code, is 76 Stat. 865.
amended to read as follows :
"? 508. Salaries
"Subject to subsection (f) of section 303 of the Federal Executive Ante, P. 421.
Salary Act of 1964, the Attorney General shall fix the annual salaries
of United States attorneys, assistant United States attorneys, and
attorneys appointed under section 503 of this title at rates of compen- 62 Stat. 909.
sation not in excess of the highest rate of grade 18 of the General
Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended.". Ante, P. 400.
(2) Subject to section 303(f) of this Act, each incumbent United
States attorney and assistant United States attorney shall be paid
compensation at a rate equal to that of attorneys of comparable respon-
sibility and professional qualifications, as determined by tlne Attorney
General, whose compensation is prescribed in the General Schedule of
the Classification Act of 1949, as amended.
(b) Section 411 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended (70
Stat. 704; 22 U.S.C. 866), relating to the per annum salaries of chiefs
of mission, is amended by striking out the second sentence of that sec-
tion and inserting in lieu thereof the following : "The per annum
salaries of chiefs of mission within each class shall be at the rate pro-
vided by law for the levels of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule Ante p. 416.
as follows: class 1, the rate for level II; class 2, the rate for level III;
class 3, the rate for level IV; and class 4, the rate for level V.".
(c) That part of section 201(f) of the National Aeronautics and
Space Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 428; 42 U.S.C. 2471(f)), fixing a limit 75 Stat. 792.
of $19,000 on the compensation of seven persons in the National Aero-
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Pub. Law 88-426 -30- August 14, 1964
nautics and Space Council, is amended by striking out "compensated
at the rate of not more than $19,000 a year," and inserting in lieu
thereof "compensated at not to exceed the highest rate of grade 18 of
the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended,".
(d) Clause (A) of section 203(b) (2) of the National Aeronautics
and Space Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 429; 42 U.S.C. 2473(b) (2)), as
amended, is amended to read as follows: "(A) to the extent the Ad-
ministrator deems such action necessary to the discharge of his re-
sponsibilities, he may appoint not more than four hundred'and twenty-
five of the scientific, engineering, and administrative personnel of the
Administration without regard to such laws, and may fix the compen-
sation of such personnel not in excess of the highest rate of grade 18
of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended,
(e) Section 6(f) of the Act of September 24, 1959 (73 Stat. 706; 5
U.S.C. 2376(f) ), relating to the maximum compensation payable to
employees of the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Rela-
tions, is amended by striking out "at a rate in excess of $20,000 per
annum" and by inserting in lieu thereof "at a rate in excess of the
highest rate of grade 18 of the General Schedule of the Classification
Act of 1949, as amended".
(f) The Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, is further
amended as follows :
(1) In the last sentence of section 24 a. (68 Stat. 925; 71 Stat.
612; 42 U.S.C. 2034(a)), relating to the annual salary of the
General Manager of such Commission, (A) by inserting "and"
immediately before "shall be removable by the Commission" and
(B) by striking out that part which reads: ", and shall receive
compensation at a rate determined by the Commission, but not in
excess of $22,000 per annum";
(2) In the last sentence of section 24 b. (71 Stat. 612; 42 U.S.C.
2034(b) ), relating to the annual salary of the Deputy General
Manager of such Commission, (A) by inserting "and" immedi-
ately before "shall be removable by the General Manager" and
(I3) by striking out that part which reads: ", and shall receive
compensation at a rate determined by the General Manager, but
not in excess of $20,500 per annum";
(3) In the last sentence of section 24 c. (71 Stat. 612; 42 U.S.C.
2034(c) ), relating to the annual salaries of the Assistant General
Managers (or their equivalents) of such Commission, (A) by
inserting "and" immediately before "shall be removable by the
General Manager" and (B) by striking out that part which
reads: ", and shall receive compensation at a rate determined by
the General Manager, but not in excess of $20,000 per annum";
(4) In the second sentence of section 25 a. (68 Stat. 925; 71
Stat. 612; 42 U.S.C. 2035(a) ), relating to the annual salaries of
directors of program divisions of such Commission, by striking
out that part which reads : "and shall receive compensation at a
rate determined by the Commission, but not in excess of $19,000
per annum";
(5) In section 25 b. (68 Stat. 925; 71 Stat. 612; 42 U.S.C. 2035
(b) ), relating to the annual salary of the General Counsel of such
Commission, by striking out that part which reads : "and shall
receive compensation at a rate determined by the Commission, but
not in excess of $19,500 per annum";
(6) In the first sentence of section 25 c. (68 Stat. 925; 71 Stat.
612; 42 U.S.C. 2035(c) ), relating to the annual salary of the Di-
rector of the Inspection Division in such Commission, by striking
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August 14, 1964 -31- Pub. Law 88-426
78 STAT. 430.
out that part which reads : "and shall receive compensation at a
rate determined by the Commission, but not in excess of $19,000
per annum";
(7) In the last sentence of section 25 d. (71 Stat. 612; 42 U.S.C.
2035 (d) ), relating to the annual salaries of certain executive man-
agenient positions in such Commission, (A) by inserting "and"
immediately before "shall be removable by the General Manager"
and (B) by striking out that part which reads:-", and shall receive
compensation at. a rate determined by the General Manager, but
not in excess of $19,000 per annum"; and
(8) In the second sentence of section 28 (68 Stat. 926; 42 U.S.C.
2038), relating to the compensation of the active member of the
Armed Forces serving as Director of the Division of Military Ap-
plication in such Commission, by striking out that part which
reads "and the compensation prescribed in section 25" and insert-
ing in lieu thereof, "and the compensation established for this
position pursuant to section 303 or section 309 of the Federal
Executive Salary Act of 1964". Ante, p. 416.
(g) Section 2 of the Act of July 30, 1946, as amended (60 Stat. 712; Past, P. 433.
70 Stat. 740; 22 U.S.C. 287n), relating to the compensation of the
United States representatives and alternates at sessions of the General
Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
Organization, is amended by striking out "Such representatives and
alternates shall each be entitled to receive compensation at such rates,
not to exceed $15,000 per annum, as the President may determine," and
inserting in lieu thereof "Such representatives and alternates shall
each be entitled to receive compensation at such rates provided for
Foreign Set-vice officers in the schedule contained in section 412 of the
Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended, as the President may Ante, p. 411.
(h) The third sentence of section 2 of the Act of May 29, 1959 (73
Stat. 63; 50 U.S.C. 402, note), is amended to read as follows: "Except
as provided in subsection (f) of section 303 of the Federal Executive
Salary Act of 1964, no officer or employee of the National Security
Agency shall be paid basic compensation at a rate in excess of the
highest rate of basic compensation contained in such General Sched-
(i) (1) Sections 2 and 3 of the Act of July 25, 1958 (72 Stat. 414;
D.C. Coder sees. 1-204a and 1-204b), relating to the compensation of
the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, are amended to read
as follows:
"SEC. 2. Except as otherwise provided by this section and section 3
of this Act-
" (1) the compensation of the Commissioners of the District of
Columbia shall be at the rate of $25,500 each per annum; and
"(2) the Commissioner detailed from the Corps of Engineers
of the United States Army shall receive an annual compensa-
tion which, when added to any compensation he receives as an
officer of the United States Army, will equal the compensation
authorized by paragraph (1) of this section.
"SEc. 3. Notwithst ending any other provision of law-
"(1) the compensation of the President of the Board of
Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall be at the rate
of $26,000 per annum i and
"(2) if the Commissioner detailed from the Corps of Engi-
neers of the United States Army is chosen President of the Board
of Commissioners, he shall receive, as President of the Board, an
annual compensation which, when added to any compensation
he receives as an officer of the United States Army, will equal
the compensation authorized by paragraph (1) of this section".
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Pub. Law 88-426 -32- August 14, 1964
76 STAT. 431
(2) Section 11-702(d) of the District of Columbia Code (77 Stat.
484; Public Law 88-241), relating to the rates of annual salary of the
chief judge and the associate judges of the District of Columbia
Court of Appeals, is amended-
(A) by striking out "$19,000" and inserting in lieu thereof
"$25,000"; and
(B) by striking out "$18,500" and inserting in lieu thereof
(3) Section 11-902(d) of the District of Columbia Code (77 Stat.
487; Public Law 88-241), relating to the rates of annual salary of the
chief judge and the associate judges of the District of Columbia Court
of General Sessions, is amended-
(A) by striking out "$18,000" and inserting in lieu thereof
"$24,000" ; and
(B) by striking out "$17,500" and inserting in lieu thereof
(4) The first sentence of the second paragraph of section 2 of the
District of Columbia Revenue Act of 1937, as amended (D.C. Code,
52 Stat. 370; sec. 47-X402), relating to the compensation of the person appointed
69 Stat. 290. to the District of Columbia Tax Court, is amended by striking out
"$17,500" and inserting in lieu thereof "$23,500".
(5) That part of the salary schedule in section 1 of the District of
Columbia Teachers' Salary Act of 1955, as amended (76 Stat. 1229;
D.C. Code, sec. 31-1501), relating to the compensation of the Superin-
tendent of Schools, and Deputy Superintendent of Schools, of the
District of Columbia, which reads:
"Class 1: Superintendent
of Schools----------------- $19,000 -------- -------- --------
(lass 2: Deputy Superln-
tendent.------------------ 16,600 ------? ------- -------
"Class 1: Superintendent
of Schools-----------------$26,000 --------
Class 2: Deputy Superin-
tendent------------------- 22,x --------
-------- ------ -
(6) That part of the salary schedule in section 101 of the District of
Columbia Police and Firemen's Salary Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 480), as
76 Stat. 1239. amended (sec. 4-823, et seq., D.C. Code, 1961 edition), relating to the
compensation of the Fire Chief and the Chief of Police, which reads :
"Class 10---ie- f --------------- 17,000 17,400 117,800 118,200 I-------- I-------- 18,600 119,000 I------__
Fire Ch.
Chief of Police."
is amended to read as follows :
"Class 10-------------------I 21,000 21,5001 22,0001 22,500 I-------- I-------I 23,000 123,500 (--------
Fire Chief.
Chief of Police."
(j) (1) The catchline of section 3012 of title 10, United States Code,
is amended by striking out "; compensation"
(2) The table of contents of chapter 303 of such title 10 is amended
by striking out
"3012. Secretary of the Army : powers and duties ; delegation by ; com-
and inserting in lieu thereof
"3012. Secretary of the Army : powers and duties ; delegation by.".
(3) The catchline of section 5031 of such title 10 is amended by
striking out "; compensation".
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78 STAT. 432.
(4) The table of contents of chapter 505 of such title 10 is amended
by striking out
"5031. Secretary of the Navy : responsibilities ; compensation."
and inserting in lieu thereof
"5031. Secretary of the Navy : responsibilities.".
(5) The catchline of section 5033 of such title 10 is amended by
strikin out "; compensation".
(6) The table of contents of chapter 505 of such title 10 is amended
by striking out
"?3033. Under Secretary of the Navy: appointment; duties; compensation."
and inserting in lieu thereof
"5033. Under Secretary of the Navy: appointment; duties.".
(7) The catchline of section 8012 of such title 10 is amended by
striking out "; compensation".
(8) The table of contents of chapter 803 of such title 10 is amended
by striking out
"8012. Secretary of the Air Force : powers and duties ; delegation by ; com-
and inserting in lieu thereof
"8012. Secretary of the Air Force: powers and duties; delegation by.".
SEC. 307. Whenever reference is made in any law or reorganization
plan to the-
Administrative Assistant Attorney General,
Administrative Assistant Secretary of the Interior,
Administrative Assistant Secretary of Agriculture,
Administrative Assistant Secretary of Labor,
Administrative Assistant Secretary of the Treasury,
Administrative Assistant Secretary of Health, Education, and
such reference shall be held and considered to mean the-
Assistant Attorney General for Administration,
Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Administration,
Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Administration,
Assistant Secretary of Labor for Administration,
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Administration, or
Assistant Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for
SEC. 308. Except as provided by this Act and notwithstanding the
provisions of any other law, the head of any executive department,
independent establishment, or agency in the executive branch who is
authorized to fix by administrative action the annual rate of basic
compensation for any position, officer, or employee shall not fix such
rate in excess of the highest rate of grade 18 of the General Schedule
of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended. Nothing contained in Ante, p. 400.
this section shall be construed to impair the authorities provided in
the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1049, as amended (50 U.S.C.
403a and followingg) in section 3 of the Tennessee Valley Authority 63 Stat. 208.
Act of 1933 (16 U. C. 831b), in section 9 of the Federal Deposit 48 Stat. 59.
Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1819), in section 11 of the Federal Reserve 64 Stat. 881.
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Approved For Rel a 1249J991?o : CIA3 tDP80-012 ~ ~~q Oq~~~012-9
Act (12 U.S.C. 248), or in section 5240 of the Revised Statutes (12
U.S.C. 481, relating to the Comptroller of the Currency).
,An~te.~ p. 400.
Report to Civil
Service Commis-
Publication in
F. R.
SEC. 309. Each office or position in the executive branch specifically
referred to in, or covered by, any conforming change in law made by
section 305 of this Act, or any other office or position in the executive
branch for which the annual salary is established pursuant-to special
provision of law enacted prior to the date of enactment of this Act, at
a figure of $18,500 or above, which is not placed in a level of the
Federal Executive Salary Schedule pursuant to section 303 of this
Act, shall be paid basic compensation at a rate which is equal to the
salary rate of a grade and step of the General Schedule of the Classifi-
cation Act of 1949, as amended. All actions taken under this section
shall. be reported to the United States Civil Service Commission and
published in the Federal Register, except when it is determined by
the President that such report and publication would be contrary to
the interest of national security.
Federal, Judicial
Salary Act of
60 Stat. 329.
62 Stat. 843.
65 Stat. 725;
62 Stat. 918,
SEC. 310. (a) Except as provided by this Act, the changes in existing
law made by this Act shall not affect any office or position existing
immediately prior to the effective date of any such changes in existing
law, the compensation attached to such office or position, and any
incumbent thereof, his appointment thereto, and his entitlement to
receive the compensation attached thereto, until appropriate action is
taken in accordance with this Act or other law.
(b) Notwithstanding any provision of this Act, the rate of basic,
gross, or total annual compensation received by any officer or employee
immediately prior to the effective date of this section shall not be
reduced by reason of enactment of this Act.
SEC. 401. This title may be cited as the "Federal Judicial Salary
Act of 1964".
SEC. 402. (a) The. rates of basic compensation of officers and em-
ployees in or under the judicial branch of the Government whose rates
of compensation are fixed by or pursuant to paragraph (2) of sub-
division a of section 62 of the Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. 102(a) (2) ),
section 3656 of title 18, United States Code, the third sentence of sec-
tion 603, sections 672 to 675, inclusive, or section 604(a) (5), of title 28,
United States Code, insofar as the latter section applies to graded
positions, are hereby increased by amounts reflecting the respective
applicable increases provided by title I of this Act in corresponding
rates of compensation for officers and employees subject to the Classi-
fication Act of 1949, as amended. The rates of basic compensation of
officers and employees holding ungraded positions and whose salaries
are fixed pursuant to section 604(a) (5) may be increased by the
amounts reflecting the respective applicable increases provided by
title I of this Act in corresponding rates of compensation for officers
and employees subject to the Classification Act of 1949, as amended.
(b) The limitations provided by applicable law on the effective
date of this section with respect to the aggregate salaries payable to
secretaries and law clerks of circuit and district judges are hereby
increased by amounts which reflect the respective applicable increases
provided by title I of this Act in corresponding rates of compensation
Approved For Release 1999/09/22 : CIA-RDP80-0124OA000500060012-9
ugust 1 Forr4, R~Ifbj -35 F 4se I999J99/22 : CI p-uti. Lpa8' -n81aIRA000500060012-9
78 STAT. 434.
for officers and employees subject to the Classification Act of 1949, as
(c) Section 753(e) of title 28, United States Code (relating to the 76 Stat. 866.
compensation of court reporters for district courts), is amended by
striking out the existing salary limitation contained therein and insert-
ing a new limitation which reflects the respective applicable increases
provided by title I of this Act in corresponding rates of compensation
for officers and employees subject to the Classification Act of 1949,
as amended.
(d) Section 40a of the Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. 68(a)), as 70 Stat. 151.
amended, relating to the compensation of full-time and part-time
referees in bankruptcy, is amended by striking out the existing com-
pensation limitations contained therein and inserting new limitations
of "$22,500" and "$11,000", respectively.
SEC. 403. (a) Section 5 of title 28, United States Code, relating to the 69 Stat. 9.
salaries of the Chief Justice of the United States and of the Associate
Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, is amended by
striking out "$35,500" and substituting therefor "$40,000", and by
striking out "$35,000" and substituting therefor "$39,500".
(b) Section 44 (d) of title 28, United States Code, relating to circuit 69 stat. 10.
judges, is amended by striking out "$25,500" and substituting therefor
(c) Section 135 of title 28, United States Code, relating to district
judges, is amended by striking out "$22,500" and substituting therefor
"$30,000", and by striking out "$23,000" and substituting therefor
(d) Section 173 of title 28, United States Code, relating to judges
? of the Court of Claims, is amended by striking out "$25,500" and sub-
stituting therefor "$33,000".
? (e Section 213 of title 28, United States Code, relating to judges of
the Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, is amended by striking out
"$25,500" and substituting therefor "$33,000".
f) Section 252 of title 28 United States Code, relating to judges of
the Customs Court, is amended by striking out "$22,500" and substitut-
ing therefor."$30,000".
( ) The first paragraph of section 603 of title 28, United States 63 Stat. 881.
Code, relating to the compensation of the Director and the Deputy
Director of tie Administrative Office of the United States Courts, is
amended to read as follows :
"The Director shall receive a salary of $27,000 a year. The Deputy
Director shall receive a salary of $26,000 a year."
(h) Subsection (b) of section 792 of title 28, United States Code, 68 Stat. 1241;
relating to the compensation of commissioners of the Court of Claims, 70 Stat. 739.
is amended to read as follows :
"(b) Each commissioner shall receive basic compensation at the rate
of $26,000 a year, and also all necessary traveling expenses and a per
diem allowance as provided in the Travel Expense Act of 1949, as 63 Stat. 166.
amended, while traveling on official business and away from Washing- 5 USC 835 note.
ton, District of Columbia."
(i) Section 7443(e) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (68A 69 Stat. 10.
Stat. 879), as amended, relating to judges of the Tax Court of the
United States, is further amended by striking out "$22,500" and sub-
stituting therefor "$30,000".
1) Section 867(a) (1 of title 10, United States Code, relating to 70A Stat. 60.
~udges of the Court of Military Appeals, is amended by striking out
4$25,500" and substituting therefor $33,000".
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W August 1 , 19 4
78STAT. 435.
SEC. 501. (a) Except to the extent provided in subsections (b) and
(c) of this section, this Act and the increases in compensation made by
this Act shall become effective on the first day of the first pay period
which begins on or after July 1, 1964.
Members of (b) Section 204 of this Act, relating to increases in compensation
Congress. for Members of Congress, shall become effective at noon on January
Ante, p. 415. 3, 1965.
(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act (but except
as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this section)-
(1) no rate of compensation. which is equal to or in excess of
$22,000 per annum shall be increased in any amount, by reason
of section 202 of this Act, until the first day of the first pay period
which begins on or after January 1, 1965; and
(2) no rate of compensation which is less than $22,000 per
annum shall be increased to an amount per annum in excess of
$22,000, by reason of section 202 or 203 (g) of this Act, until the
first day of the first pay period which begins on or after January
1, 1965.
(d) For the purpose of determining the amount of insurance for
which an individual is eligible under the Federal Employees' Group
Life insurance, Life Insurance Act of 1954, all changes in rates of compensation or
amount. salary which result from the enactment of this Act shall be held and
68 Stat. 736. considered to be effective as of, the date of such enactment.
5 USC 2091 note. SEC. 502. (a) crroactive compensation or salary shall be paid by
Retroactive reason of this Act only in the case of an individual in the service of the
provisions. United States (including service in the Armed Forces of the United
States) or the municipal government of the District of Columbia on
the date of enactment of this Act, except that such retroactive compen-
sation or salary shall be paid (1) to an officer or employee who retired
during the period beginning on the effective date prescribed by section
501(a) and ending on the date of enactment of this Act for services
rendered during such period and (2) in accordance with the provisions
of the Act of August 3, 1950 (Public Law 636, Eighty-first Congress),
64 Stat. 395. as amended (5 U.S.C. 61f-61k), for services rendered during the period
beginning on the effective date prescribed by section 501 (a) and end-
ing on the date of enactment of this Act by an officer or employee who
dies during such period. Such retroactive compensation or salary
shall not be considered as basic salary for the purpose of the Civil.
70 Stat. 736. Service Retirement Act in the case of any such retired or deceased
5 USC 2251 note. officer or employee.
(b) For the purposes of this section, service in the Armed Forces
of the United States, in the case of an individual relieved from train-
ing and service in the Armed Forces of the United States or discharged
from hospitalization following such training and service, shall include
the period provided by law for the mandatory restoration of such
individual to a position in or under the Federal Government or the
municipal government of the District of Columbia.
Approved August 14, 1964.
Approved For Release 1999/09/22 : CIA-RDP80-0124OA000500060012-9
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HOUSE REPORTS: No. 1388 (Comm. on Post Office & Civil Service) and
No. 1647 Comm. of Conference).
SENATE REPORT: No. 1121 Comm. on Post Office & Civil Service).
June 11: Considered and passed House.
July 1: Considered in Senate.
July 2: Considered and passed Senate, amended.
July 30: House agreed to Conference.
Aug. 4: Conference report agreed to in House and Senate.
Approved For Release 1999/09/22 : CIA-RDP80-0124OA000500060012-9