APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050001-0
JPRS L/ 10425
1 April 1982
Worldwide Report
(FOUO 3/82)
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050001-0
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407142109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540050001-0
JPRS L/10425
1 April 1982
tFouo 3/s2)
PRC Seeks Aid in.Selling Enriched Uranium .
Production Technique for Breeder Reactor F,iel Elements Described
(Aanus Landspersl~y, et al. ; JADEFtNA ENERGIE, No 11, 1981) 3
Caorso Plant Restaxted After Shutdown
(ATOMO E INDUSTRIA, 15 Dec 81) 19
Caorso Power Plant Starts Operation
(ATOMO E INDUSTRIA, 15 Jan 82) 21
Puglia Reg9.on Approves 'I'aro Possible Sites for Power Plant
' (ATOMO E INDUSTRIA, 15 Dec 81) 23
' NIRA Steam Generator Prototype
'i (ATOMO E INDUSTRIA, 15 Jan 82) 25
- a - [III - WW - 141 FOUO]
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OW281155 Tokyo MAINICHI SHIMBUN in Japanese 27 Feb 82 Morning Edition p 1
[Text] China, a nuclear power, seeks to export enriched uranium, heavy.water~and other
nuclear-related material and has sought the help of N:arubeni Corporation, Mitsui and
Company,and several other major Japanese trading firms in selling them to third countries,
it was disclosed on 26 February. According to the trading companies, the request was made
recently by the Metals and Minerals Import and Export Corporation of China, which handles
mineral resources, to their branch offices in China.
So far the trading companies have reacted passively to the request, eaying: "We are
afraid that these nuclear-related materials may be used to make nuclear bombs." In any
case, this move by China, a country troubled by a shortage of foreign exchange, is likely
to create a big international stir because it can be taken as an action simed at joining
the ranks of nuclear materials-exporting nations by capitalizing on its free position
as a nonmember of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT).
According to major trading company sources, China said in its request: "Sirice we have
almost completed our atomic bomb production plans, we are requesting your help in selling
heavy water and enriched uranium thatwe will produce in the future to those countries that
have atomic energy powerplants." China sounded out Japanese trading firma handling
multinational transaztions on the export of the materials to user countries other than
Japan because Japan already lias contracts with the United States and other supplier
countries for the supply of low enriched uranium for its nuclear pawerplanta sufficient.
to meet demand until 2003 and also because Japan has no power reactors of the Canadian-
developed randu type which use heavy water. I
It is believed that the Japanese trading cumpanies received the request becauae they play
an important role in China's trade and have pas[ recorda of trilateral trade, or cf
handling trade transactions between two foreign countries without involving Japan.
At one time in the past, a certain major trading company was making headway in its nego-
tiations for the export of heavy water to India and Pakistan, which have Candu-type
reactors, but it had to give up its plan of concluding the contracts when it met with
intervention from the United States, which is keeping an eye on nuclear proliferation.
Because of this, trading firms have so far shown no move to proceed with negotiations.
,1n official of a major company obviously expressed caution when he said: "It is possib le
- tliat a deal may result in promoting nuclear proliferation and in trading companies
- risking being denounced as merchants of death." However, he aiso shaved eagerness to
positively strike a deal, sayin$: "If it c1n bc guaranteed ttiat the enriched uranium
in qucstion is used Por pc.iceful purnosca, I would say it is all right to approve thc
dcal as resuurces trade."
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According to an official atomic energy sou's:e, China has no atomic-power generating
facilitiea, but it has conducted atomic bomb explosion tests on more than 100 occasions
to date and reportedlv has large-scale uranium enrichment facilities and plutonium pro-
duction equipment [or making atomic bombs in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonrnnous Region. It
appears that high enriched uranium is being produced there and that a large quantity of
hr.avy water is heing used for making plutonium of high purity.
China appears to ticclc forcign exchange carning:; Uy eCfectivcly utilizing these fnr.ilitics
and equipment to make enriched uranium and heavy water for export, now that it has completed
its atomic b omb production plan for the time being. One of the ma;or countries in the
world blessed with natural uranium, thorium and other nuclear fuel resources, China also
appears to be eager to make the most of its domestic re:sources.
However, since the products in question are made in the process of making atomic bombs,
countries importing them can, with comparative ease, produce atomic bombs should they
choose to develop nuclear arms. High enriched uranium in particular is a dangerous material
because under certain conditions it can be easily tiirned into atomic bombs merely by
attaching-a triggering device.
For this reason, international trade involving these products is subject to strict checks
by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The Japanese group represented by Mitsui
and the Pawer Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation imported 2 tans of heavy
water from China in November 1980 fo.r use as moderator [gensokuzai] in the automatic transfer
reactor "Fugen," but only after having convinced the IAEA of the peaceful nature of the
. At, important point about China's latest "export strategy," however, is that it is not
necessarily for peaceful purposea, as one can see from its previous attempt to export
heavy wqter to such countries as India and Pakistan, which both had a strong desire to make
atomic bombs. Among the nations possessing nuclear arms, China is unique in that it has
- not ratified the M'T and is not a member of the IAEA. T'iose nations which are formally
unable to obtain cooperation in tlieir nuclear arms building efforts, eitner from the United
States or from any European country bound by the NPT, will be greatly interested an the
Chinese move.
COPYRIGHT: Mainichi Shimbunsha 1982
CSO: 5100/2123
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Prague JADERNA ENERGIE in Czech No 11,1981 pp 388-395
[Article in Czech by Hanus Landspersky and Milan Tympl, Institute of Nuclear
Research, Rez, and Vaclav Pinkas, Institute of Nuclear Fuels, Prague: "A
Laboratory Line for Preparation of Coarsa-Fraction Sintered U02 Spherules by
the Sol-Gel Method, and Preparation of Fuel Elements by Vibratory Compaction"]
[Text] Between 1970 and 1979, Czechoslovakia developed
and tested on a laboratory scale a technology for the pro-
duction of oxide fuel by the sol-gel metnod. As part of
this research a semicontinuous laboratory line for the
so-called "coarse fraction," with spherule eizes from 0.7
to 1.0 mm, was built, and efforts were made to develop and
test a technology for producing the so-called "fine frac-
tion," whose preparation involves a number of difficulties
resulting from specifications regarding its properties. In
conjunction with development of the sol-gel method for oxide
fuel production, Czechoslovakia has also built an experimen-
tal facility for the preparation of fuel elements by vibra-
tory compaction of sol-gel materials using the "sphere pack"
process. In the process of research, the preparation of
shortened model fuel elements with core lengths o� 100 and
400 mm and densities about 80 percent of the theoretical
maximum was tested.
1. Introduction
Almost since the very beginning of the developmenz of nuclear power, pellets of
sintered uranium oxide have been used as the starting fuel material in designing
fuel elements for both thermal and breeder reactors. In the course of time,
experience with pellet production has been acquired and pelletizing process
technology h3s been well mastered.
- However, at the'beginning of the 1960's, more detailed investigation of the be-
havior of fuel material for breeder reactors indicated t}iat the characteristics
. of the fuel cycle in such reactors does not allow straightforward application to
them of the experience acquired with the first genpration of reactors. In most
breeder reactors, plutonium is the plar.ned fissile; because of its cost,
it becomes necessary to increase burnup and assure the fastest possible recycling
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of the fuel. These requirements lead to a number of major complications which
were not considered critical in the fuel cycle of thermal reactors.
The high cost of plutonium, safety concerns in working with it, and the radio-
active character of the material is to be recycled, requiring that the process
be remote-controlled with maxiffium possible automati.on, have led to the develop-
ment of new approaches to fuel preparation, including the so-called "sphere
= pack" process, which involves pre.paration of spherical fuel matarial by the
- sol-gel method and its vibration compaction.
The need for a lower density in the fuel for breeder reactors (80-$5 Fercent
of tie theoretical maximum), the successful mastery of sphere preparation by
the sol-gel method, the simplicity of the process, allowing remote control, and
economic considerations, a11 contribute to the grear promise of this process.
In recent years, the method of preparing dispersed fuels called the "sol-gel"
method has been developed abroad; the method successfully solves certain prob-
lems stemming from the nature of the breeder reactor fuel cycle. This hydro-
- metallurgical process is relatively simple and is amenable to remote control.
The fuel is fomied into microspherules of the oxide, carbide or carbonitride
of f issionable or fertile materials, which are loaded into the fuel-element
jackets and vibration-compacted to the required density. This process elimi-
nates some of the mechanical complexity of the equipment, material consumption
is the same as or less than that in ;:lassical pelletizing methods, dust produc-
tion is decreased, and the filling of the 3ackets involves no risk of damaging
their inner walls. Published results of radiation experiments conducted abroad
have indicated that vibratlon-compacted fuel elements are suitable for use in
reactor cores.
2. Preparation of ruel Materials by the Sol-Gel Method
' A variant of the sol-gel method called the "interior gelatinization method" has
been developed in Czechoslovakia. During 1970-1978 the basic research was
conducted and the problems of the chemistry of gelatinization, leaching of the
gels, their conversion to xerogels and their heat processing into the final
product, sintered uranium oxide, were solved [1-9]. The findings have made it
possible to design and build a laboratory line which produces one 0.5-1 kg lot
of the "coarse fraction" per shift.
The wet part of the procedure for producing uranium oxide spherules by interior
gelatinization uses the principles of colloid chemistry [1,2]. Under certain
circumstances, the colloidal solution is converted to a gel, i.e., a solid,
elastic material with the characteristics of the solid otate. The gel has the
same volume and shape as the colloidal solution which preceded it.
In the first stage of the process, a solution of uranyl nitrate is produced,
after which urea and urotropin [hexamethylenetetramine] are added to it. This
mixture is remperature-unstable; at low temperatures it remains liquid for a
long time, but when heated to 70-90�C it rapidly solidifies into a gel. If the
gelatinization reaction takes place in a drop, the gel forms a solid sphere,
from which impurities (residual urea, urotropin, atmnonium ni*_rate and the like)
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must be removed before further treatment. As a result, the particles are first
rinsed to remove any adhering residue of the oil used as a dispersing medium,
then leached in dilute ammonia water. This produces sphErules consisting pri-
marily of ammonium polyuranate. The rinsed spherules are then dried, calcined
and finally sintered at a high temFerature in a hydrogen or argon-hydrogen
atmosphere to produce the final product: dense, solid spherules of uranium
oxide of precisely spherical shape.
- 3. Preparation of Fuel Elements by Vibration Compaction
One promising method of preparing fuel elements for breeder reactors, called the
"sphei�e pack" method, is a process involving low-energy vibration compaction of
- the material prepared by the sol-gel method [10-12]. The principle of this
method is that by suitable choice of the particle size of the material to be
compacted with reference to the diameter of the jackezs and the vibration fre-
quency and vibration process conditions, the ultimate density of the finished
column uf material can be controlled very pracisely.
The choice of particle size and number of fractions is based on theoretical con-
ceptions of optimal compaction conditions, according to which the size of the ,
particles ts controlled, compacting a certain number of size fractions of mater-
ial to obtain the desired density.
Compaction can be classified in terms of the number of fractions, as described
a. Single Component
According to Ayer [13], the compaction effectiveness P is a function of the
ratio D/D1, where D is the inner diameter of the ,jacket and D1 is the diameter
of the spherical. particles. The effective compaction volume P1 is the part
of the total volume of the element which is filled by the compacted material,
in the present case, coarse-fraction spheres of diameter D1. Figure 1 shows
the packing effectiveness for spheres of diameter D1 as a function of the
ratio D/D1. It is clear from the figure that when D/D1 10 the curve becomes
approximately linear, and its limiting value of 0.635 indicates that the maxi-
mum attainable density with spheres of one size is 63.5 percent of the theoret-
ical maximum. This. limiting density of a vibration-compacted column is of course
insufficient for nuclear fuel, and accordingly two or more fractions of different
sizes must be used.
b. Two-Component
Various graphic and mathematical models have been proposed and developed for
multicomponent compaction and for the relationship between D, Dland D2, where
D2 is the diameter of the spheres of the finer fraction. Following references
10 and 11, the limiting value for a two-component system is calcuated as 0.865,
i.e., the maximum achievable density of a column of spheres of two sizes is
86.5 percent of the theoretical density. This value is satisfactory for breeder
reactor fuel. Figure 2 shows one of the graphs published by Ayer [13] for
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:s~� -
~ ,5"0' '
~ I _J
4i1~ � ~0 20 30
r- - -
z eo=-- - oc ~
o F:. - Dp - kons~.
- 30 40 sP 60 7'
Figure 1. Relationship of Pi (percent Figure 2. Relationship of P1 (percent-
of theoretical maximum) to ratio D/D1 age of theoretical maximum) to D/ill
for single-component compaction with ratio D/D2 constant (according to
reference 13)
two-component packing, from which it is possible to re;id off sufficiently de-
tailed relationships between the diameters D, D1 and D,.
4. A Laboratory Line for Preparing the Coarse Fraction
In accordance with the requirements of vibration compacting, trial preparation
of the coarse fraction of compact uraniuin oxide spheres aimed at a diameter of
approximately 0.8 mm. The of the preparation, drying and heat treat-
ment of the gel materials have beett described in a number of earlier publica-
tions [1-9]; here we are cor.cerned with our experience in the construction of
a line capable of producing 0.5-1 kg of sintered uranium oxide per shift.
Figure 3 is a diagram of a line for production of the coarse fraction, consist-
ing of the following componEnts: solution preparatioii, dispersion of drops,
gelatinizatic+n, tempering of tie gel, rinsing away of the gelatinizing medium,
leaching, drying, calcination and sintering.
uf~ 7 1J�
Q~tT r ~
Figure 3. Design of line for pre
1. Geiatinization column 9.
2. Gelatinizing solution tank 10.
3. Dispersing head
4. Overflow 11.
5. Constant-temperature vessel, pump 12.
6. Hydrolift 13.
7. Sphere separator 14.
8. Conszant-temperature vessel, pump 15.
6 16.
p.aration of coarse fr3ction
Tempering colwan
Baskets for rinsing and leaching
gel particles
Rinsing unit
Distillation apparatus
Calcination furnace
Sintering furnace
Container for sintered U02 spherules
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4.1 Preparation of Solution, Dispersion and Gelatinization
'ihe gelatinization solution is prepared by dissolving weighed quantities or
uranyl nitrate and urea in demineralized water in a stirred reaction vessel
to produce a 2M concentration of uranium in the f inal solution and a 2:1 molar
ratio of urea to uranium. After complete solution, filtration and cooling to
a temperature of 10�C (e.g. in a bath of ethyl alcohol and dry ice), a weighed
quantity of solid urotropin is added bit by bit so that the local temperature
nowhere rises above 10�C whi12 it is being dissolved by stirring. The solution
of uranyl nitrate and urea is prepared in advance in large quantities and
stored, while the gelatinization solution with dissolved urotropin is prepared
in the quantity required for one batch; the ultimate molar ratia of urotropin
to uranium is 1:5.
The quantity of gelatinization solution required for one batch is introduced
' all at one time into the cooled gelatinizatior solution tank, located above the
dispersing head of the gelatinization and tempering columns. This arrangement
can be seen from Figure 3, while the dimensions of the equipment, largely con-
structed from commercially available glass parts from the Kavalier concern en-
terprise in Sazava nad Sazavou, are shown in Figure 4. The individual compo-
nents aan be purchased directly arcording to the data given in the catalog.
The dispersing head, a diagram of which is shown in Figure 5, consists of a
cooled solution tank and a cooled tube with a stopcock, at the opening of which
is a set of drop-producing jets mounted in a rubber holder which is attac�ad
to the opening. The temperature of the coolant is maintained at'5� in a
constant-temperature vessel. The drip jets are stainless steel tubes, whose
inner diameters, along with the density and viscosity of the solution, the
height of the solvent column and the surface tension on the surPace of the
spheres determines the drop size. T'he approximate relationship between drop
sizE and the inner diameter of the drop 3ets in our system is given in Table 1.
Table 1. Inner Diameter of Jets Used To Prepare Coarse-Fraction Particles
Jet diameter, mm Diameter of sintered spherul:es, mm
0.24 0.7
0.52 0.87
0.79 1.0
The drop jets are inserteci into the head of the gelatinizing column above the
level of the gelatinizing medium. The gelatinizing medium, in the present case
? silicone oil, passes from a constant-temperature vessel through cock 5(Figure
4) and flows both into the gelatinizing column itself, where the gelatinization
occurs, and 3nto branch 10, through which the gel spheres exit. As a result of
the surface tension between the two liquid phases, the individual drops of
gelatirLizing solution become sphericsl in shape and are gelatinized by rapid
heating to 89�C in the column. The time required for ge7.atinization is about
20 seconds. Hydrolift 8 carries the spheres away to device 16 which separates
them from the liquid. The separator [14], which is diagrammed in Figure 6, con-
- sists of a funnel across which are stretched steel wires which trap the spheres
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. A 11 -
.'s15~ Jt25 '
A. (e~add I~~ 1Q Jpp
N', .lt s0 ~ 16
~ . ,o s'�
. 1i15 50
w 3 I I
' ~i ' 9 !fok.
b w; 1
Figure 4. Gelatinizing and Tempering Columns
Key :
Cross, Js [nominal inside diameter]
Intake and return tubes for oil,
Js 25
Tube, Js 80, length 1,500 mm
Particle separator of tempering
Reducer, Js 80/50
T piece, Jsl 50, Js2 25, length
T piece, Js 50, length 300 mm
300 mm
Tube, Js 50, length 500 mm
Stopcock, Js 25
T piece, Js 50, length 300 mm
Reducer, Js 50/25
Reducer, Js 50/25
U tube, Js 25/15
Reducer, Js 25/15
T piece, Js 15, lengr.h 1-00 maa
U tube, Js 15
Laboratory stopcock, inner diamter
T pieca, Js 15, length 100 mm
I.aboratory stopcock, inner diameter
Tube, Js 15, length 800 mm
Curved tubing, Js 10
Tube, Js 15, length 800 mm
Elbow, Js 80
Bent tube, Js 10
Reducer, 80/25
Reducer, Js 50/25
Modified filter with reducer, Js
Constant temperature vessel
Compressed air
Note: Total height of gelatinization
column 2,570 mm (without drip
a chfadiciho
equipment, about 500 mm high) ;
total height of tempering column
1,550 mm.
Figure 5. Dispersing head
Key: a. Coolant outlet
b. Coolant inlet
;ilro b c. Dispersing jets
i ~ oaka d vaa
. ~ jefr/Y c
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Figure 6. Drap separator
and allow the liquid to flow through anri return to the constant-temperature
vessel. The spheres roll by their own weight along the inclined, stretched
wires, and fall into the tempering column. This column works by the same
principle as the gelatinizing column, but the tempera"ure is 35�C and its
purpose is uniform, slow cooling of the spheres to a temperature lower than
that of the gelatinizing column so that the ge1 will mature into solid spheres.
This homogenization of the gel into solid spheres is the essential condition
for their further successful processing. If the spheres are not made intern-
ally homogeneous, tha;, powder during further processing, particularly during
drying and calcination, spoiling the entire batch. It is not necessary, of
course, that the tempering column be filled with the same medium as the gela-
tinization column. After separation of the phases in a second continuous
separa*or, the spheres fall into a basket in which further processing takes
- place.
4.2 Rinsing and Leaching ef the Gel
The gel material from the separator is accumulated in baskets (Figure 7).
These baskets have walls made of sheet stainless steel with openings measuring
0.1 mm and are f illed to a specif ied height. After filling, the basket is aub-
merged in a tank containing carbon tetrachloride or soine other medium, which
rinses away stlicone oil adhering to the surfaces of the spherules. After all
of the gelatinizing solution is converted to gel, silicone oil is completely
*Note: Cocks 9 and 24 feed air into the hydrolift; the air bubbles make possi-
ble transport of the spheres at high gelatinization column outputs. The silicon
oil is fed to the gelatinization and tempering columns by a gear pump in the
- temperature-controlled vessel, and the flow rate can be regulated. The silicone
oil Lukooil M100 is used as the gelatinizing medium.
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removed from the spheres by successive
immersion of the basket.into three con-
tainers of carbon tetrachloride.
Studies of the kinetics of the rinsing
process indicated that the minimum
amount of time required for satisfac-
tory rinsing at room temperature is
15 minutes. At a temperature of about
40�C, the rinsing time can be decreased
to about 5 minutes without any evident
changes in the mechanical properties
of the gel [3]. After draining and
drying for about 15 minutes thA bas-
kets and their contents are placed in
the leaching solution.
Following gelatinization, the gel con-
tains all the components which were
present in the liquid phase. All of
the unreacted substances, such as ex-
cess urotropin and urea, and all pro-
ducts of the reaction, primarily
ammonium nitrate, must ba removed from
the gel before it is further processed
into a xerogel. These products are
eliminated by leaching the batch in
2.5 percent ammonia solution in a
leaching unit.
. I
a l/rrerez si tko
Figure 7. Basket for rinsing and
leaching of gel
Key: stainless steel mesh
For the laboratory line we modif ied a commercially available agitator-type
washing machine with a screw agitator by instal.ling a holder for the baskets
in the upper part. Atter all of the baskets holding the spheres from one
batch of gelatinization solution were placed in the machine, it was filled
with ammonia solution and a timez was used to turn the agitator on briefly
at preselected, pretested intervals. The time required for adequate leach-
ing of the gel was determined as a function of the intensity of agitation,
the solution temperature, and the quantities of gel and leaching solution.
In general the time required at room temperature was less than an hour.
After leaching, the baskets were allowed to drain, then each was emptied into
a feed container from which the gel was introduced into the dryer.
4.3 Calcination and Drying
Great attention was devoted to the drying process as one of the most sensitive
operations in the processing of the gel. The initial drying method, at a
temperature of 220�C (4,51 in a controlled atmosphere of the decomposition
products of the material, was abandoned because of the time required. We
selectFd a basic drying method usinL the pri.nciple of azeotropic distillation
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ot water with chlorinated hydrocarbons [3-7]. The f irst apparatus for drying
the gel particles by azeotropic distillation consisted of a heating vessel,
a reverse-flow cooler and a separator unit to separate the organic and water
phases. This design was not satisfactory. Some of the product was contami-
nated by drops of water which dropped from the coolest locations into the
heating vessel. It proved impossible to eliminat.e this problem by installing
baffles, and accordingly a column with a perforated bottom was installed in the
apparatus. The vapors of the organic liquid penetrated the layer of spheres,
where they partially condensed. In some locations F. continuous layer of con-
densate was formed, at the top of which the water phase separated out; however,
this produced peptization of the -particles. Lse of a column with an overflow
plate proved to De the best method.
This device, whose function has been described in detail in earlier publications
[6,7j , also uses the principle of azeotropic distillation, but introduction of
the overflow plate assures homogeneous drying conditions for the entire batch of
particles. In addJtion, it also allows control of the speed of the process. A
diagram of the device is given in Figure 8(according to reference 6). The
operating principle is as follows. The gel particles are poured from the tank
into column 1, where they are trapped by perfo-ated plate 4. Vapor from the
1. Column with overflow plate
2. Perforated bottom
3. Over. f low
4. Mesh
I 85. Cone v~-lve
- '13 6. Head
7. Particle exit from column
8. Vapor generator
3 9. Vapor mixture outlet
,20 , 10. Condenser
3 t.1 F 17 11. Phase separator
_L+_L _ J 12. Water phase outlet
12 19 ~r1~ ~ 13. Pressure=equalizer
2 14. U-overflow
7`-i 21
15. Container f or gel particles
12 16. Cone valve
17. Transport of gel particles to column
18. Transport of gel particies to container
lg, Exhaust
20. Temperature sensor
21. Removal of dried particles
22. Separator
Figure 8. Schematic of equipment for drying by azeotropic distillation in
column with overflow plate as described in reference 6
vapor generator 8 accumulates above the plate, wtere it condenses. The column
fills with liquid as far as the opening of the overflow plate, over which the
liquid flows back to the vapor generator. The spheres are dried on the plate
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by azeotropic distillation until outlet tube 9 reaches the constant temperature
of the azeotropic mixture of steam and the vapor of the organic ph:se. The
vapors are condensed in condenser 10, and the water and organic phases are
sPparated in separator 11. The water phase is removed from the apparatus,
wnile the organic phase is returned to the vapor generator. Initially, carbon
tetrachloride was used as the organic phase, but it was later replaced by
perchloroethylene because of tt:e latter's higher boiling point, produci:.g inore
rapid drying.
- The distilling column was 160 mm in diameter, and 5 liters of gerchloroethylene
was used to dry about 1 kg of gel; drying required 40 minutes. After drying the
material was collecv~d in a holder, from which the xerogel was loaded into stain-
less steel boats and placed in the calcining apparatus.
The calcining has two main functions: it allows the grain size of the final
material to be regulated and assures uniformity and homageneity throughout the
batch, as well as eliminating most of the volatiles, which must be removed
from the material before treatment in the sintering furnace. These highly
corrosive decomposition products would destroy the inner walls of the furnace
and the heating elements, as well as the sintering boats.
The calcining unit is a pass-through furnace made of stainless steel tubing
70 mm in diameter, with a resistance-heated heating zone -(zone of maximum
temperature) about 40 cm long. The furnace has chambers at each end to assure
uniform heating and cooling of the entire batch and permitting removal of gase-
ous decomposition products from the furnace and their condensation outside.
The calcination was carried out at 550�C [8, 15] in a current of air flowing
in the opposite direction from the boats. The boats consisted of cylinders
cut in half longitudinally with perforate3 bottoms to allow easier entrance
of gas and rapid removal of the decomposition products from the material.
The layer of charge was 2-3 cm thick and the material was held in the maximum-
temperature zone for 2 hours. The boats were transported mechanically, and
after removal from the furnace and complete cooling the material was stored
in polyethylene containers for sintering.
4.4 Sintering Process and Properties of the Final Product
The sintering was performed in batches, using molybdenum boats measuring 7x3x3
cm in a high-temperature Heraeus tubular furnace, where the heating element was
the molybdenum tube itself. The process consisted of two parts: reduction of
the calcinate to uranium oxide, and sintering proper. The sintering conditions
had to be adjusted so that the-heating would first produce complete reduction
of the entire volume of the charge, after which sinterirg would proceed. The
sintering conditions were as follows: heating by 500 deg/hr to a maximum
temperature of 1,450-1,550�C, maintenance of this temperature f,r 2 hours,
and cooling at a rate of 500 deg/hr. :ne entire reduction and sintering pro-
cess was carried out in hydrogen. If a better furnace design, assuring com-
plete, rapid removal of the reaction products and steam from the charge were
used, a mixture of hydrogen and argon or hydrogen and nitrogen could be safely
used. The sintered material was collected in a polyethylene container. The
product of this process was sintered spherules of uranium oxide with a density
96-99 percent of the theoretical value, with sizes ranging from 0.7 to 1.0 mm
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depending on the size of the jets in the dispersing head, with a maximum devia-
tion of55 percent from the average size, arid with an averagQ compression strength
; only slightly dependent on the sphere siza, equal to 220�30 N/sphere for spheres
about C.8 mm in diameter. The composition was U02.010-2.016, With less than
100 ppm of carbon, with the grair.s unifarmly distributed through the entire
sphere; toeir size depended on the calci.nation and sintering temperature and
was equal tc. about 20 microns for a calcina.tion temperature of 550� and a
sintering temp-rature and was equal to about 20 microns for a calcination
temperature nf 550� and a sintering temperature of 1,500�C, and they had a
characteristic residual intergran;:lar porosity and a pore size c~ 1 micron.
Residual chlorine was below the detection threshold of 10 microii [as published].
5. Preparation of the Fine Fraction
Preparation of the fine fraction proved considerably more difficult than ini-
tially expected [16, 3]. Although the starting solutions were essentially the
same as for the coarse fraction, dispersion was an important stage of prepara-
tion whose achievement was a demanding undertaking.
The preparation of dimensionally homogeneous, relatively concentrated dispersions
with gel particle sizes dbout 150-250 mi.crons required the use of a special
dispersing unit. Designing a high-quality dispersing device which meets the
required tolerances was not a simple task, and the manufacture of certain parts,
particularly the jets, was difficult. Since at the same time :hat the gels
were being prepared and processed it was also necessary to develop a vibration
apparatus for the f inal compacting of the elements, it was decided to prepare
small quantities of f ine-fraction sintered spherules for this purpose by a pro-
visional method. In this case, the fine fraction was produced by stirring in
a simple device, a reactor with a heated surface, in which an emulsion of gela-
tinizing solution in a suitable organic medium had f irst been prepared. This
emulsion was then converted to a gel by heating to 80-90�C, after which a poly-
dispersed mixture was obtained by a method similar to that describAd above,
and the required size fraction was prepared from it by sieving. 1'his entire
procedure has been described in deta3l in earlier p,.,blications [16,17] and will
not be discussed further here. After finalization of a design for the line of
production of the fine fraction with a narrow size interval (maximum deviation
�20 percent of average size), the results taill be published in the same form
as has been done for the coarse fraction.
6. A Line for the Preparation of Fuel Elements by Vibration Compaction
In the experiments, we used a coarse fraction D1 with an average size of
0.80t0.040 mm and a fine fraction D2 with a size of 0.060�0.012 mm. The re-
se:--ch work was intended to determine the optimal conditions for compacting a
r_oliimn of material 400 mm long and 5.4 mm in diameter. The line consists of
the following assemblies: an electrodynamic vibration apparatus for compacting
the column o` spherules, an SM212 measuring unit to mointor the compaction
conditions, units for assembling the elements, including filling them with
helium ;at a pressure of about 0.2 MPa) and sealing them, and units for testing
tightness and density distribution along the elements.
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6.1 Vibration and Infiltration Equipment
For the experiment we used an SVLSS [State Research Institute for Machinery
Construction] vibration device whose design and production are described in
detail in reference 18. This device con5ists of an electrodynamic vibrator,
to whose worldng platform is attached a fuel element jacket, a power supply and
an SM212 monitoring unit. The main specifications of tYLe unit are: maximum
amplitude of sinusoidal force 2,000 N, frequency range 500-5,000 Hz, maximum
available acceleration 1,000 m/sec2, maximum load on table 5 kg. To limit
noise and to control dust from the uranium-containing material, the entire
electrodynamic vibrator is located in a sound-deadening, dust-tight box.
Figure 9 shows an overall view of the device. In tests of two-component com-
pactic:,, initially the particles of the D1 and D2 fractions tended to separate,
which had a negative effect on the final homogeneity of the column of fuel
material and thus on the f density and density distribution. This problem
was solved by adding an infiltration device [19, 20], which involved introduc-
ing a bed of D1 particles with a filling tube before inf iltration of the fine-
fraction spheres. The end of the filling tube, which was to be inserted into
the fuel element jacket, was perforated with holes smaller than the dimension
of the D1 fraction spheres. A diagram of the infiltration device is given in
_ Figure 10, and a photograph in Figure 11.
Figure 9. SVUSS Vibration device (reference 18)
The infiltration unit is attached to the vibration equipment by a base plate.
After the D1 fraction is loaded into the ;ackets and compacted, the resulting
bed is held in place by the filling tube, which is inserted as far as the top
of the compacted column of coarse-fraction particles. The calcuiated quantity
of fine-fraction particles is introduced into the jacket through the filling
tube, after which the vibration causes it to pass into the spaces between the
compressed coarse--fraction spheres. In addition the infiltration devices
makes it possible to read out the height of the compressed column to within
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Figure 10. Infiltrator unit
Key: l. Base
2. Fuel element holder
3. Model fuel element
4. Guide column
5. Infiltration unit holder
6. Stop
7. Infiltration unit holder
8. Height indicator
9. Infiltration unit
Figure 11. Infiltration unit
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6.2 Assembly of Fuel Elements and Density Tests
The procedure described was used in a series of experiments which allowed us
to check the apparatus and determine the basic compaction parameters. The ul-
timate density proved to be affected by a series of parameters such as the rate
at which the fractions were introduced, the infiltration time, the vibration
frequency and the acceleration. Under the conditions described above, a vibra-
tion frequency of 80 sec'1 and an acceleration of 75 m/sec2 proved to be the
most sui*_able.
r Using the experimental results which we had obtained, we
, prepared model fuel elements with compacted columns 100 and
= 400 mm high. A cross-sectional diagram of a compacted
' element is shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12.
Key: 1.
- 2.
' S.
Diagram of model fuel element
Lower cap
Column of compressed particles
Retaining tablet
Upper cap
Sealing plate
The elements were assembled as follows: the lower cap was welded onto the
jacket and the weld tested for tightness. After the compaction and testing,
the column was secu_-ed in place by a short pellet of uranium oxide, the spring
was inserted, the upper cap was welded on and the element was evacuated and
filled with inert gas (helium). The filling opening was covered with the top
piece of the cap, which was welded on. The tightness of the element was tested
using an Ultratest B helium detector.
The density and density distribution along the element were tested with a densi-
meter [19,21]. Figure 13 shows the density measurements made on a fuel col:umn
with this device. The graph shows a good density distribution curve, with a
slight drop in density at the top of the compacted column. This phenomenon is
typical of vibration-compacted elements and has been described in the literature.
The density of the elements prepared by the method described was generally
over 80 percent of the theoretical maximum, and thus was in the lower part of
the range of densities required for breeder reactors. Preparation of a higher-
quality fine fraction will make it possible to further increase this density to
a sati:sfuctory degree.
~ez- -
; ao_- .
1�D so rbo ~so ---:an �isd so ,iso -+ou
~ h (mm!
Figure 13. Density distribution along 400-mm compacted column
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7. Conclusions
In summary, we may state that Czechoslovakia has mastered the 'laboratory prepara-
_ tion of coarse-fraction spherical material by the sol-gel method and has con-
structed an experimental facility and designed and tested nonstandard apparatus
for preparing fuel elements by vibration compaction. The vibration compaction
technique and test methods have been successfully mastered and have been tested
by the preparation of model fuel elements. A f ine fraction of inediocre quality
was used to test the preparation of the fuel elerxents because the preparation
method described is stil.l in the laboratory development stage. Nonetheless,
the densities for two-component compaction exceeded 80 percent of the theoreti-
- cal maximum and accordingly were already in the lower part of-the density range
requirsd for breeder reactors. The techniques described yielded sufficient
information and data for industrial application.
In addition to the results described in this article, it should be noted that
the sol-gel method has also been applied to I number of nonnuclear materials and
that positive compaction results were achieved. Application of vibration compac-
tion to dusty materials has produced an experimental base for the more extensive
use of this technique in nonnuclear sectors.
l. Urbanek, V., and Baran, V. JADERNA ENERGIE, Vol 21, No 2, 1975, p 51.
2. Urbanek, V., and Dolezal, J. UJV [Institute of Nuclear Research] Report
No 4793-M, Rez, 1978.
3. Barta, 0., Benadik, A. et al. UJV Report No 4514-A, M, Rez, 1978.
4. Landsperskq, H. JADERNA ENERGIE, Vol 21, No 1, 1975, p 11.
5. "Materialy jaderne techniki [Nuclear Materials]" Collected Articles from
the 1976 Hornicka Pribram Symposium on Science and Technology, Pribam, 1976.
6. Benadik, A. UJV Report No 4792-M, A, Rez, 1978.
7. Benadik, A., and Skvor, F. "Suseni a susarny zrnitych materialu [Drying of
- Granular Materials and Drying Equipment]," Collected Articles, Dum Tech-
nicky, CVTS [Czech Advanced Technical School], Pardubice, 1978.
�3. Jakesova, L., and Padevet, A. UJV Report 3824-M, Rez, 1978.
9. Group of articles in POKROKY PRASKOVE METALURGIE, WMP Sumberk, Nos 1-2,
1977. 10. Fitt, R.S. Am. Ceram. Soc. P,ull., No 7, 1969, p 9.
11. Herbst, R. IAEA Panel, Vienna, 1968.
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- 12. Hans, C. C. Report ORNL 3861, 1965.
13. Ayer, I.E. "Proc. of Gattlinburg Conf., Tenn., May 4-7, 1970.
14. Baran, V., and SEPS, A. Inventor's certificate No 181 960, 7 November
15. Urbanek, V., and Dolezal, J. UJV Report No 4513-M, Rez, 1978.
16. Landspersky, H. UJV Report 4934-M, Rez, 1978.
17. Landspersky, H. et al. UJV Report, N Rex, 1980.
18. Pinkas, V., and Pluhar, 0. UJP [Institute of Nuclear Fuels] Report No 384,
Zoraslav, 1975.
19. Pinkas, V. UJP Report No 476, Zbraslav, 1978.
20. Pinkas, V. et al. Inventor's certificate No 191 382.
21. Pinkas, V. et al. Patent application PV 1552-80.
COPYRIGHT: SNTL n.p., 1981
CSO: 5100/3009
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Rome ATOMO E INDUSTRIA in Italian 15 Dec 81 p 1
[Text] At noon on 14 December the Caorso nuclear power plant entered the starting
up and power build-up phases after another shutdown lasting several days.due to
the need to repair a circulation pump for the primary circuit. By the evening of
Monday 14 December it was producing 300 MW and was on the way to full power output.
Its managers are confident: Engineer Guido MorA';ite, director of the plant, said:
"I'm optimistic; the blockage (of the pump) does not jeopardize the plan; there
shouldn't be any delay in achieving full power autput."
Operating at full power, the Caorso plant produces about 20 million kwh per day,
- putting more than 5 billion kwh into the network per year; this corresponds to an
, input worth about 300 billion lire for Enel [National ETectric Power Agency]. Sub-
tracting 50 billion for nuclear fuel and another 50 billion for maintenance, personnel
and depreciation, Enel will receive a net profit of 200 billion.lire per year. The
plant cost 450 billion, so it will pay for itself in a little over 2 years.
Engineer Giovanni Naschi, central director of safety and health protection for CNEN
[National Nuclear Energy CommissionJ, commented on the Caorso situation and made
some remarks about safety regulations in an interview with ENERGIA, the bulletin
of the ADN agency, on 3 December.
The interviewer asked Engineer Naschi why it took 4 years for the power plant to
begin operating. His answer: "I think this is the price our country has to pay
for its relative experience in the nuclear field.
Also, there are some gaps in Italian legislation about nuclear plants and their
safety, especially regarding the procedures to be followed in bringing a plant into
operation. After the approximately 10 months of so-called "cold trials" there is
a period of testing with the fuel called "hot trials" or "nuclear trials," whose
main purpose is to enable the technicians to check the operation of the power plant
under various conditions.
Once these two test cycles are over, the plant has to be shut down to enable the
relevant commission--in our case that of CNEN--to make a final judgement of the
operation of the plant. In other countries, on the other hand, as has been the
case for several years in the United States, for example, the opinion of the commis-
sion is formed during the second trial period, that of nuclear trials, since the
commission grants the plant a temporary license more or less covers the period
of "hot trials."
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In this way as soon as the nuclear trial period is over, if everything is going
well the operating license can be granted immediately and the plant can come on
line and produce electricity very soon. This is practically impossible in Italy
with the present procedure.
The delay with Caorso enabled the CNEN commission to analyze and study all the pro-
blems which surfaced during the intermittent operation of the plant.
The Caorso plant has finally become operational now that the commission has given
a favorable judgement and the Ministry of Industry has signed thE operating license,
but only until September-October of next year, i.e., until the end of the hot trial
period and until the next batch of fuel comes, at about that time.
If our country were to adopt a system like the one used in the United States, ic
would be possible to have the end o� the hot trial period auiircide with the comanis-
sion's judgement, so the plant would not have to shut down after these trials with
fuel to have the situation assessed."
COPYRIGHT: 1981 by Edizioni Atomo e Industria
CSO: 5100/2088
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Rome ATOMO E INDUSTRIA in English 15 Jan 82 p 12
On 21 December 1981 the nu-
clear power station of Caorso, ha-
ving completed the technical tests,
started its normal operational acti-
vity. This was announced on 22
December by the Minister of In-
dustry himself, Sen. Giovartni Mar-
cora, at a crowded press confe-
rence held �in Rome, at which the
major exponents of the energy a-
gencies and industry were pre-
sent, in addition to the jourrralists.
Among others there were Prof.
Giuseppe Ammassari, Director Ge-
neral of E-nergy Sources and of
Basic Industries at the Ministry of
Industry; Ing. Grancesco Corbelli-
~ ni, President of Enel; Dr Franco
I Viezzoli, President of Ffnmeccani-
ca, Prof. Umberto Colombo, Pres-
ident of CNEN, Dr Fabiano Fabiani,
Director General of Firimeccanica,
Ing. Giovanni Massiml, Director Ge-
neral of Enel and Dr Fabio -Pistel-
la, Director General of CNEN.
� Today is a positlve dey for our
country - Marcora begen - since
the nuclear power statlon at Caor-
So has produced in 24 hours 20.3
million kWh of electricity, permit-
ting a saving of 895 mlllion lire in
fuel oll wh)ch It was not necessa-
ry to burn; a reduction, there/ore,
of about 365 billlon Iire a year !n
the oil 61/1. If we had constructed
five other power statlons of thfs
type, eletriclty rntes could have
cosc 30% /ess a.
The Minister then stressed the
effort required form all the perti-
cipants (n the enterprise, Enel,
CNEN, Industry and, bn particular,
the task force set up last summer
to overcome the last difficulties
before the start-up of the pient.
-1Nith regard to future power sta-
tions, Marcora promised that an
effort will be made to reduce es
much as possible the times of
site qualification: Apulia will pro-
bably be the fi-rst region in which
the authorization procedure wiil be
completed, then there will come
in order Piedmont and Lombardy.
As for construction times, the Mi-
nister said that this will depend
also on the possibFlitiea af a ra-
pid and adequete financing of Enel
and f�n connection wlth this pra
blem he artnounced 4he i-nevitable
imminent increase in electricity fa,
tes. CIPE will conciude, moreover,
before the end of Juanary a study
on tariff changes outside thc so-
called � sociel strip
In particular, as regards Enel's
financial endowment, Marcora said
that 3,800 biillon dire can already
be considered evai-lable: 1,000 bii-
1(on with laws to be approved, 800
billion for laws already in force
such as the rise i�n the price of
petrol; another 1000 billlon from
the FIO Fund (Western Investment
Fund) and the last 1000 billion
from above�mentioned increase in
The Minister said turthermore
that there are the extentpoft60�o
drawing up to
from NIC (Ortoli Fund), the endow-
ment of which was increased from
1 to 3.9 billion EUA on 26 Novem-
ber last, by the conference of
Heads of State and Govemment
of the Europeen Community.
The persona�Iitles present whom
we mentioned et the beginrting al-
so intervened at the press confe-
rence. The President of CNEN Co-
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lombo spoke of the prospect:; of
solving also in Italy the problem
of spent fuel reprocessing, now
experimented in our country on the
pilot plant scale. By 1985, he an-
nounced, a start will be made on
the industrial plant by AGIP Nu-
cleare. Prof. Colombo aiso recailed
the necessity that the -Parliament (
should approve -rapidly, as the can-
ditioning fact, CNEN's restructuring
law, already passed in the Senate
and now beiny examined at the
I-ndustry Committee of the Cham-
ber of Deputies.
In his turn the President of Enal
Corbellini recalled the importance,
for the purposes of supplies of
electric power, of the application
of the multi-hour rates to i-ndus-
try, which has already yielded its
first results, making a contribu-
tion of 1000 MWe of capacity: e
real and proper � ghost power sta-
Finally Minister Marcora geve
journalists a series of news Items
on the Caorso power station which
we summarize here.
On the completlon of the techni-
cal tests, the -nuclear poer station
at Caorso began its activity of
real and proper operation, �intra
ducing energy into the national
Caorso, with a capacity of 840
MW, produces at full power an
average of 21 million kWh a day;
even taking into account some in-
terruptions or some moments of
operation at reduced capacity, the
power station will be able to sup-
ply about 520 million kWh a month,
that is, no less than 5,850 m4111on
kWh a year.
The Caorso Power Station has
become operational and introdu-
ces Fnto the gr(d 840 MWe equal
to 5 billion kWh a year.
The Caorso power stat(on cost
450 billion �lire in all.
In a year's activi-ty it will pra
duce, as has been said, 5 bil-
lion IcWh, equal to a revenue
for E�nel of about 300 billion
lire. If 50 billion are deducted
for atomic fuel, and 50 billion
for maintenance, personnei and
amortization, Enel will have a
rret annual fncome of 200 billion
That means that (n just over
2 years the power station (s
paid for.
Caorso produces from 16 to
20 million kWh a day of electti-
city, equal to saving 1 billion II-
re a day of fuel oil, which 18ads
to a reduction of 365 billion 41re
a year �in the oil bill. Had Italy
constructed 5 other power sta-
tians of this type, tariffs could
have cost 30% less.
To produce the same quantity
of power having �recourse to oil,
it would be necessary to burn
4,600 t. of fuel a day, 116,000 R.
a rnonth, 1,300.000 t. a year, equal,
to give an idea, to the load of
13 super tank$rs of 100,000 t, each.
In practice, it would be �necessary
to have more than one tanker of
100,000 t. arrive every month, spen-
ding about 300 billion �Iire every
This saving is obtained without
payi�ng a price in terms of risk.
The Caorso station has a? its di-
sposal, In fact, the most soohisti-
cated and advanced safety measu-
res imagi-nable today. The poW6P
station -has besn built to emerge
unharmed, or at least not to re-
present a danger for the surroun-
dings' from any type of foreseeable
accident or calamity.
Nevertheless, out of a further
scruple, the operation Iicence is-
Sued by the Ministry of Industry
was limited to the first phase of
operatian, which will be comple-
ted with the first recharge of nu-
clear tuel. The ff-nal Iicence for a
long period will be subordinated to
a-new series of very severe tests.
The risks of possible black-outs
should be considered greatly redu-
ced if -not completely overcome
with the start-up of Caorso.
Having passed the third week of
December which usually constitu-
tes the peak point of energy de-
mand in the country, with the con-
tribution of Caorso Italy should have
a sufficient margin to avoid the
drawbacks of last winter.
There would be even greater
certainty if, alongside Caorso, the
thermo-electric station at Porto Tol-
le, already completed, could beco-
me operative. It is able to pro-
vide a capacity of 1,280 MW.
Enel is examin(ng the requests
put forward by local bodies. Issue
of building -licences to lay the oil
pipeline that supplies the power
station and authorizatians for the
moor(ng of lighters, are subordina-
te to their acceptance. In the
me2ntime it has been established
that work will begin on the first
part of the pipeline from Porto
Toile to Asi-nara.
COPYRIGHT: 1982 by Edizioni Atomo e Industria
CSO: 5100/2121
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Rome ATOMO E INDUSTRIA in Italian 15 Dec 81 p 1
[Text] Puglia is the first region which, pursuant to law 393 of 1975, has indicated
the two sites where one of the nuclear power plants provided for by the National
Energy Plan might be built.
They are on the Ionian coast near Avetrana (east of Taranto, on the boundary of the
province of Lecce) and on the Adriatic coast north of Brindisi, near Carovigno. The
decision was made, according to a comnunique from the Puglia region, by the regional
Giunta and took into account studies made by CNEN and by the former chairman of the
engineering department of the Univers3ty of Bari, Professor Vincenzo C,otecchia, the
suggestions of the Regional Energy Plan, and the final act of the 3oint committee
region-Enel-CNEN. The Giunta also considered it necessary to come to an agreement
with the communities concerned (Manduria, Avetrana, Porto Cesareo and Carovigno)
before taking a final decision, as provided for by law 393.
San Benedetto Po, Viadana, and Bozzolo--in the province of Mantova--are the three
sites where it would be possible to build nuclear power plants in Lombardy; these
will probably be the places suggested by the region to the government by 4 February
1982, the end of the 60 day period set by CIPE [International Committee for Economic
Planning]. That period started on 4 December when the measure was approved by PEN.
This has been announced by suido Sasso, regional assessor of energy, and Luciano
Forcellini, president of the standing commission for energy problems and the protec-
tion of the environment. According to these indications, before the end of January
the Regional Council will have to give the government a series of detailed answers.
This will be a first concrete step toward the construction of a nuclear power plant,
but it is not a final step, as the two representatives of the region explained. For
now Fnel must collect technic3l data about the areas concerned to provide a basis
for a judgement about the qualifications of the sites.
The assessor and the president of the commission will arrange a series of ineetings
with the inhabitants of the three areas concerned in order to explain the protection
of the environment and other things involved in the construction of a nuclear power
Finally, for Piemonte, the Honorable Giorgio La Malfa, minister of the budget, who
_ has been asked by the president of the Council to find a solution--together with
the region--to the serious economic problems besetting Piemonte, has appealed
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explicitly to Piemontese political groups "To halve the time-table for the construc-
- tion of a nuclear power plant, while k,eeping the schedule for appropriate safety
studies unchanged." The sites on the Po are at Trino Vercellese and Filippona.
COPYRIGHT: 1981 by Edizioni Atomo e Industria
CSO: 5100/2088
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Rome ATOMO E INDUSTRIA in English 15 Jan 82 p 12
On the design of NIFiA (Nuclea-
re Itallana Reattori tivarizat(), the
Steam Generation Division of An-
saldo has constructed, crowning
fifteen years of -research and ex-
perimentation carried out by NIRA
~ and CNEN, a prototype of steam
generator for fast sodium-heated
~ reactors.
The prototype, which has a ca-
~ operation ~t sts V n Frhas an end at 9 the
~ sodium component test Station at
i Les Renardibres of Electricit6 de
NFrance (EDF). The post-operational
exami-nations of -the plant, whfch
was completely dismantled to stu-
! dy ft 4n every particular, end the
success of the tests have quaii-
fied Italian industry for operations
of this type, putting it -in �the smal-l
number of industrial countries ca-
pable of desfgning and construo-
ting steam generators for fast sa
dfum-heated reactors.
Although it is -not a specifically
nuclear component, the steam ge-
nerator represents, as fs konwn,
one of -the -inost deF'icate parts af
a fast reaCtor with liquid metal,
owf�ng to its function of produ�ing
steam at e hfgh pressure and tem.
perature to send to the turbines
of the power station receiving, in
form of fieat, energy from the li-
quid sodium coming from the reac�
Thus the plant is subject to very
great stresses, fiaving to operate two
fluids~g watem and tu sodiumth wh ch
must be kept absolutely separate.
The operation of a power sta-
tions is therefore directly conditio-
ned by the carrect operation of
the steam generator, since an ac-
cident -ta the generator, while it
does not -raise problems �of safety,
can cause long shutdowns of the
whole plant. That makes necessary
The appilcation of -non-canventional
technologies, the conformity of the
des(gn to the strictest reguletians
in force today, �the use of high-ly
selected materials and the adop-
~ tion of sophisticated control tech-
~ niques.
COPYRIGHT: 1982 by Edizioni Atomo e Industria
CSO: 5100/2121 END
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