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JPRS L/ 10339
19 February 1982
U SSR Re ort
CFOUO 3/82)
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030048-1
JPRS L/10339
19 February 1982
(FOUO 3/82)
Concern Expressed for Turkmen Private Plot Development
Impact of Fuel Lossea, Waste in Nonchernozem A.griculture Discussed
(M. Zhukov, V. Vorogovskiy; SEL'SKOYE RHOZYAYSTVO
Soil in Estonia Compared With Baltic, Beloru~sian Neighbora
- a - [III - USSR - 7 FOUO]
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Ashkhabad S~L'SKOYE KHO'LYAYSTVO TURKMENISTANA in Russian No 11, Nov 81 pp 2-3
- /Article: "The Private Economy Reliable Assistance!'/
/Text/ The social-economic policies of the Communist Party and the Soviet
Government are based upon concern for steady improvements in the material and
cultural standard of living for Soviet people. In rchis regard, the task of
_ providing reliable support for the country in the form of food goods and
agricultural raw materials is of priority importance.
The private plots of citizens must play a useful role in successfully solving this
vitaliy important task.
In the accountabili~y report by the CC CPSU to the 26th party congress, the
General Secretary of the CC CPSU, Comrade L.I. Brezhnev, noted that the foundation
of socialist agriculture has bean and continues to ~~e the kolkhozes and sovkhozes.
However, this is not meant to imply that the poten~ial af the private plots can be
ign~red, since this potenti$1 can be a substantial aid in the production of ineat,
- milic and other food products for the population. The orchards, gardens, poultry
, and livestock which belong to workers constitute a portion of our overall wealCh.
A considerable amount of concern for developing the private plots of luolkhoz
members, manual and office workers, other citizens and collective horticulture and
J gardening is to be found in the decrees of the CC CPSU and the USSR Council of
Ministers dated 14 September 1977 on "The Private Plota of Kolkhoz Members, Office
Workers and Other Citizens" and 8 January 1981 on "Additional Measures for
Increasing the Production of Agricultural Products ~on the Private Plots of
- Citizens" and also similar decrees by the Central Committee of the Communist
?arty of Turkmenistan and the Council of Ministers for the Turkmen SSR on problems
concerned with development of the private plots.
The decrees call for the creation of material and moral conditions which will serve
r.o raise the interest of citizens in maint~ining private plots and, in particular,
raising livestock and poultry.
Guided by thesa decrees, the republic's agricultural organs, kolkhozes and ~ovkhozes
- are providing the population with assistance in cultivating the private plots and in
acquiring seed, mineral fertilizers and feed ar..d they are organizing fzee veterinary
- services for the livestock and poultry. As a result, an increase has taken place
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rvn vrrt~tHL UJr, ULVLT
in the volume of state procurements of surplus agricultural products being obtained
- from the population and, in addition, large quantities of ineat, poultry, milk, eggs,
_ honey, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, melons and other agricultural products are
being procured annually by consumer cooperation. ,
~,xperience convincingly reveals that fine results are being obtained in those areas
where genuine concern is being displayed for increasing the production of
agricultural products on the private plots of citizens.
In 1980, for example, the private plots in Maryyskaya Oblast furnished 23 percent
. of the overall quantity of ineat procured from the private plots of citizens
throughout the republic, 69 percent of the milk, 37 percent of the wool and 29
percent of the eggs.
In addition, large quantities of vegetables, melons, grapes, milk, eggs, honey,
grain, potatoes and other agricultura: products were procured by organizations of
Turkmenpotrebsoyuz /Turkmen Union of Consumers' Societies/.
Positive examples in the organization of procurements of agricultural products on
_ the plots of cii:izens are to be found in all oblasts throughout the republic.
A considerable number of citizen plots in Chardzhouskaya and Tashauzskaya Oblasts
concluded agreements with kolkhoz administrations for the fattening of young stock.
The kolkhozes provide the feed and other msterials xequired for carrying out the
oblibations set forth in the agreements.
The private plots of citizens can and must, in all areas, serve as a strong source
for augmenting the food resources and improving the security of workers.
The agri~ultural organs, kolkhozes and sovkhozes must display a great amount of
interest in increasing the production of agricultural products on the private plots
of citizens: Indeed, this great work is directly associated with satisfying the
increasing requirements of the workers. '
We emphasiae this point owing to the fact that in a number of rayons, as noted in
September of this year during a session of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of
the Turkmen SSR, serious shortcomings were uncovered in the work directed towards
increasing the production of agricultural products on the private plots of
Although an increase has taken place over the past 5 years in the number of
livestock on private plots in Maryyskaya Oblast, nevertheless a reduction has been
obs~rved in the number of sheep and goats per plot, especailly in Bayram-Aliyskiy,
Sakar-Chabinskiy and Murgabskiy Rayons. Concern is not being displayed for selling
young large-horned and small-horned cattle stock to the population, organizing the
fatteninb of young kolkhoz and sovkhoz livestock on the private plots of citizens
on a contractual basis, ensuring that feed is made available for this livestock or
for raising the cropping power of forage crops. Contracts for the turning over of
- livestock have been concluded with only a negligible numbFr of private plots.
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The abricultural or~ans are applying themselves only weakly to the work of
increasing the production of agricultural producta on the private plots of citizens
in Dargan-Atinskiy, Karabekaul'skiy, Kalininskiy and a number of other rayons
throughout the republic.
Despite the fact that the agricultural organs are carrying out a definite amount of
_ ~aark aimed at furnishing assistance in organizing the private plots of citizens, in
the interest of increasing the production of agricultural products, there is still
no basis for complacency. Reports are being received from various areas concerning
the absence of sales of light agricultural implements, difficulties encountered in
~rocuring pesticides for combating agricultural pests on the private plots and
regarding only weak assistance being received from agronomic and zooveterinary
personnel in cultivating the agricu?tural crops and tending the livestock.
Difficulties are also being encountered in connection with the sales of the
~gricultural products.
An increase in the production of agricultural products on the private plots of
citizens is of great social value. It provides assistance in carrying out the
food program. Active work is being performed in this regard by the local soviets
- of people's deputies. Importance is attached to ensuring that the agricultural
organs apply themselves fully to solving all tasks associated with increasing the
production of agricultural products on the private plots of citizens.
Areas of special concern for the agricultural organs include: providing assistance
Co citizens in cultivating their private plots,and supplying them with seed,
vegetable crop seedlings, planting stock and the means for protecting the crops
against agricultural pests and diseases.
In the future, a requirement will exist for improving the work of agricultural
organs, kolkhozes and sovkhozes with regard to organizing assistance for the
population, especially young families, in acquiring young livestock, poultry and
coarse and concentrated feed and also in the construction of facilities for
livestock maintenance.
Greater emphasis should be given to organizing contractual agreements between
~;olkhozes, sovkhozes and citizens for the fattening and raising of public livestock
on private plots, with maximum assistance being provided for carrying out this
It is known that a number of kolkhozes and sovkhozes are failing to carry out
- sufficient feed production work and this is adversely affecting the development of
_ public animal husbandry and also the livestock being maintained by kolkhoz members
and sovkhoz workers. The managers of such farms must alter decisively their
cattitude towards this important sector of work, in the interest of more
~ompletely the feed requirements of animal husbandry.
~he procurement organs and also enterprises of consumer cooperation are presently
carrying out a definite amount of work simed at i~aproving the acceptance of
~gxicultural products from citizens engaged in the raising of livestock and
i~oultry. The agricultural organs must not ignore this important work, but rarher
:hey must furnish assistance to citizens in the deliveries and sales of these
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products. Only through joint efforta by the agricultural organs and procurement
specialists will it be possible to achieve a further increase in the production of
agricultural products on the private plots of citizens.
The specialists attached to agricultural organs, kolkhozes and sovkhozes can and
must furnish a great amount of assistance to citizens in the productian of
agricultural products. By no means are all citizens familiar with the soil
cultivation methods or how to tend crops on their private plots. In addition,
many lack the skills required for. protecting crops against agricultural pests and
diseases and for applying fertilizer top dressings. Many important questions arise
among the citizens in connection with the fattening of livestock and poultry and
the maintenance of bee colonies. The leaders of agricultural organs, kolkhoz
administrations and sovkhoz directors must keep themselves apprised on a daily
basis of the work being performed by the specialists and they must orient the
latter tawards furnishing agricultural and zootechnical assistance to those
citizens having private plots and maintaining livestock and poultry.
The agricultural organs, jointly with the local organs of Goskomsel'khozCekhnika
and trade enterprises, must search for opportunities for improving the supply to the
population of those implements and other resources required for the cultivation of
agricultural crops and the fattening of livestock.
An increase in the production and procurement of agricultural products on the
private plots of citizens consti*_utes an important reserve for augmentin~ the food
resources and full use must be made of this reserve.
COPYRIGHT: "Sel'skoye khozyayatvo Turkmeniatana", 1981
CSO: 1824/155
_ 4
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;~oscow SEL'SKOYE KHOZYAYSTVO NECHERNOZEM'YA in Russian No 12, Dec 81 pp 38-39
/~~rticle by M. Zhukov, chief of the RSFSR Main State Inspectorate for Supervision
of the Technical State of the Ma.chine and Tractor Pool, and V. Vorogovskiy, divi-
sion chief: "What a Gram of Losses Costs"/
/Text/ Agriculture is the largest consumer of petroleum products in the country.
Last year RSFSR kolkhozes and sovkhozes consumed more than 14.4 million tons of
diesel fuel, 5.8 million tons of motor gasoline and a vast number of lubricants.
Farms spend 25 to 27 percent of all the outlays on the operation of the machine
and tractor pool and transport facilities on petroleum products.
In connection with this the f ollowing calculation is interesting: In the country
an annual saving of only 1 percent of fuel will save 20 to 30 million rubles, wMch
will ensure a year-round operation of 25,000 tractors of the DT-75 type. From
this it is evident how urgent the problems of an economical expenditure of fuels
and lubricants are. ~
1'he service of the RSFSR State Inspectorate for Supervision of the Technical State
of the Machine and Tractor Pool pays special attention to these problems. Twice
a year our rayon inspectorates screen the storage and expenditure of petroleum
products and the repair and maintenance of the equipment of petroleum warehouses
on kollchozes and sovkhozes.
Screenings have shown that many farms in the republic, including in the noncher-
nozem area, correctly organize the storage and expenditure of petroleum products.
For example, on the Pamyat' I1'icha Sovkhoz in Pushkinskiy Rayon, Moscow Oblast,
- the warehouse of fuels and lubricants is fenced, banked up and equipped with
lightning rods and fire extinguishers. The capacities of the petroleum yard
painted in bright tones are installed on fireproof foundations and equipped with
, breathing apparatus, sounding rods and calibration charts. Machines are f illed
with all types of fuels and lubricants only through mechanized colu~s. As a re-
sult, last year the farm saved 98 tons of diesel fuel and 3 tons of gasoline. A
to~al of 72.3 tons of petroleum products have now been saved there during the
first half-year alone.
The Borets Kolkhoz in Ramenskiy Rayon and the Zavety I1'icha Kolkhoz in Krasnogor-
skiy Rayon near Moscow, the Kolkhoz imeni Lenin in Shablykinskiy Rayon and the
- Luch Revolyutsii Kolkhoz in Uritskiy Rayon, Orlovskays~ Oblast, and the Vernyy Put'
K~lkhoz in Nekouzskiy Rayon, Yaroslavskaya Oblast, also exemplify an eff icient at-
titude toward the use of petroleum products.
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Most farms in the Russian Federation implement organizational and technical meas-
ures for an improvement in the preservation and efficient expenditure of petroleum
products and correctly apply individual norms of fuel consumption for all types of
mechanized tractor and motor-vehicle operations. Closed fueling of machines is be-
ing introduced. More than 93 percent of the tractors are fueled in a mechanized
way. All this made it possible to save 366,500 tons of diesel fuel on tractor op-
erations in the republic in 1980.
The consumption of petroleum products per unit of work has declined somewhat re-
cently. For example, whereas during the f irst 6 months of last year 8.2 kg of die-
sel fuel per conventional standard hectare were used at kolkhozes, sovkhozes and
interfarm enterprises in the RSFSR, during the same period of this year, 8.1 kg.
The consumption of gasoline per ton-kilometer was reduced by 9 grams.
At the same time, there are many collectives in rural areas that use petroleum
products wastefully and do not save them. This year alone on the Molchanovskiy
= Sovkhoz in ~1'skaya Oblast more than 32 tons of scarce diesel fuel were used for
heating the repair shop, bath house and boiler room. On the Kulikovskiy Sovkhoz
in Orlovskaya Oblast last year 132 tons of scarce diesel fuel were used for muni-
cipal and domestic needs. On kolkhozes and sovkhozes in Bryanskaya, Vladimirska-
ya, Ivanovskaya, Kalininskaya and Smolenskaya Oblasts during the same period from
� 11,000 to 24,700 tons of fuel were burned in boiler rooms and heat generators.
The inspecting engineers of the State Inspectorate for Supervision of the Techni-
cal State of the Machine and Tractor Pool detected many cases of mismanaged stor-
age of petroleum products. For example, on kolkhozes and sovkhozes in Orlovskaya
Oblast in 178 out of the inspected 1,381 tanks there were no water-and-mud drain
~ plugs, 335 capacities were not painted in bright tones, 177 were not installed on
foundations, fuel leaked from 99 and 385 were depressurized. On the Lubyanskiy
Sovkhoz in Dmitrovskiy Rayon not a single capacity is installed according to spe-
cifications. Most capacities are located on the ground, are depressurized and
leak. The petroleum yard is not fenced, has no lightning rods and, essentiallj~,
is not banked up. Therefore, it was no coincidence that the diesel fuel per con-
ventional standard hectare of tractor operations expended on this farm last year
was 300 grams above the norm. Its total overexpenditure was 43 tons.
_ It has been established that, if a tank of a capacity of 10 cubic meters is not
closed completely and if there is no breather valve, up to 2 tons of fuel are lost
annually. Therefore, for these reasons alone 770 tons of fuel volatilized in Or-
lovskaya Oblast. In all last year kolkhozes and sovkhozes in Orlovskaya Oblast
- permitted an overexpenditure of 7,000 tons of diesel fuel and 17,000 tons of gas-
A parasitical frame of mind is observed among some managers and specialists of kol-
khozes and sovkhozes in Tul'skaya Oblast. Otherwise how can one explain the fact
that to this day on the Rossiya Sovkhoz in Venevskiy Rayon not only the diesel
fueling of tractors is done manually, but gasoline is poured into motor vehicles
by means of pails. If we take into account that with such fueling, on the
average, 200 kg of fuel per motor vehicle are lost annually, its unproductive
Iosses on this sovkhoz will total 5.8 tons.
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At the same time, on the Mil'shino Sovkhoz in the same rayon unpacked fuel pumps
have been standing outdoors and rusting for 3 years.
Despite the prohibition, as before, an illegal sale of fuels and lubricants is per-
mitted in a number of places. For example, last year the Prozhektor Sovkhoz in
Orshanskiy Rayon, the Mariyskaya ASSR, sold 16 tons of gasoline and 4 tons of die-
se1 fuel to an outside consumer and the Kolkhoz imeni Kirov in the same rayon, 4.2
tons of motor-vehicle gasoline.
ia~cing advantage of the lack of control on the part of agricultural bodits, the
managers of a number of farms in Vologodskaya, Pskovskaya, Ivanovskaya, R;~azanska-
ya, Tul'skaya and Kirovskaya Oblasts squandered from 340 to 1,580 tons of diesel
tuel and from 160 to 650 tons of gasoline.
Th~ plan for the construction and reconstruction of petroleum warehouses is not
annually fulfilled in a number of oblasts. For example, on kolkhozes and sovldioz~s
in Kostromskaya Oblast during the past five-year plan only 44 out of the 94 planned
petroleum warehouses were built. Farms in Pskovskaya Oblast and the Chuvashskaya
ASSR store a vast quantity of fuels and lubricants in adapted petroleum warehouses
and carry out the construction of new ones poorly. Therefore, it was no coinci-
dence that last year agricultuxal enterprises and organizations in the oblast and
in the republic overexpended 1Os000 and 14,400 tons of gasoline respectively.
A considerable part of the petroleum products are Zost as a result of the unsatis-
factory maintenance of petroleum warehouse equipment and of the machine and trac-
tor pool. The decree dated 29 December 1973 of the CPSU Central Committee and the
USSR Council of Ministers "On Measures for an Increase in the Efficiency of U~ili-
zation of Fuel and Power Resources in the National Economy" entrusts the functions
of repair and maintenance of the equipment of petroleum warehouses to the enter-
_ prises of the State Committee for Supply of Production Equipment for Agriculture.
_ However, most rayon departments of the RSFSR State Committee for Supply of Produc-
tion Equipment for Agriculture have not yet concluded service contracts with kol-
khozes and sovkhozes.
Qn kolkhozes and sovkhozes in the Karel'skaya ASSR and in Kostromskaya and Vologod-
skaya Oblasts 5 to 16 percent of the oil dispensing gumps and 3 to S percent of
the capacities are maintained. At the same time, the assigned tank service plans
are not fulfilled. In Novgorodskaya, Vologodskaya and Kostromskaya Oblasts the
Agricultural Equipment Association services 14 to 26 percent of the tanks and 5 to
40 percent of the pumps.
The workers of the State Committee for Supply of Production Equipment for Agricul-
tura break contractual obligations very of ten. In Tul'skaya Oblast they repair and
maintain closing fittings and fuel and oil dispensing pumps in an extremely uns~t-
isfactory way. An inspection has shown that in the oblast 64 out of the 709 fuel
and oil dispensing pumps are not used for more than 3 months, 105 require major
repairs and 9 are inoperative because they lack some parts. Moreover, as a rule,
farms rec~ive tanks without breather valves, covers, calibration charts and sound-
ing rods.
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On the Kolkhoz imeni 24 S'yezda KPSS in Krasnogorskiy Rayon, Bryanskaya Oblast,
f ollowing maintenance fuel leakage from valves was observed. Other oblasts and
autonomous republics in the nonchernozem area also have big complaints aga3.nst the
w~rkers of the RSFSR State Committee for Supply of Production Equipment for Agri-
What are the results of the shortcomings in the maintenance of machines? A total
of 12,700 oiit of the 86,600 tractors and motor vehicles in operation, which were
inspected in the RSFSR, or 15 percent, had defects leading to an overexpenditure
of fuel. For example, during the operation of a tractor with a breakdown in one
injector the expenditure of diesel fuel increases by 30 percent and more.
The operation of a motor vehicle with a faulty spark plug increases gasoline con-
sumption by 25 percent. If breaker points are adjusted with an error of only 0~2
mm, the overconsumption of gasoline can reach 10 percent. The presence of a cool-
ant deposit increases fuel expenditure by another 7 to 8 percent. The operation
of machines with disturbed angles of front wheel setting and a reducQd air pressure
in tires leads to a 30-percent fuel overexpenditure.
It is not difficult to calculate the fuel losses that occur in Tul'skaya Oblast,
- where 10 percent of the machines operate with similar defects and 26 percent of the
tractors are not utilized at full capacity.
In a number of places attention is not paid to the collection of waste oil. At the
same time, many forget that an underestimate of such an important measure leads
not only to a reduction in petrolPUm reserves, but to environmental pollution as
There is no proper order in the recording of petrolEUm products. Monthly stock-
taking of fuel re~ants is not conducted everywhere. The registration forms of
machine operators and the trip logs of drivers often lead to the most flagrant
violations. For example, on the I?ubovaya Roshcha Sovkhoz in Orlovskaya Oblast
tractor operator Sawa on a MTZ-50 tractor from 25 May through 25 June of this
year in mechanized operations used 374 liters according to registration forms and
510 liters according to the data of the credit card, while the norm for the ful-
filled volume of work is 1,672 iiters of diesel fuel. At the petroleum yard of
this sovkhoz there are no calibration charts, a s~unding rod, or a petroleum den-
simeter. Therefore, re~ants of petroleum products are not removed.
Why do such violations occur? First of all, as a result of the low demands and
lack of control on the part of leading agricultural bodies. Often they do not pay
attention to the illegal expenditure and poor storage of fuel and lubricants, to
the unsatisfactory special maintenance of petroleum warehouse equipment and to the
incorrect recording of petroleum products.
The bodies of the RSFSR State Inspectorate for Supervision of the Technical State
- of the Machine and Tractor Pool for significant shortcomings and violations were
forced to stop the pay of managers and specialists of many farms, kolkhozes and
sovkhozes in the nonchernozem area to cover the defi~iencies caused by them.
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Unfortunately, however, the proper canclusions were not drawn in a number of
places. Moreover, a further tendency toward an increase in the expenditure of
petroleum products on kolkhozes and sovkhozes in the zone is observed. Throughout
- farms in the Central Region during the f irst 6 months of this year the consumption
of motor-vehicle gasoline per ton-kilometer increased by 2 grams as compared with
the same period last year.
At kolkhozes, sovkhozes and interfarm enterprises in Bryanskaya and Kaluzhskaya
Oblasts the specif ic consumption of fuel in the motor pool during that time in-
creased by 8 to 9 grams. If we take into account that on the farms of these ob-
lasts in 6 months 164.6 million ton-kilometers were accomplished on motor vehicle:c,
it is not difficult to calculate the total fuel overexpenditure: over 1,400 tons..
~~.�:~in4; and thrift are the main features of socialist management and the most im-
po~ tant conditions for the furtrnr development of the country's economy and rise
in the well-being of the entire Soviet nation. Therefore, managers of kolkhozes�
sovkhozes and other agricultural enterprises and organizations should immediatel~
i::troduce proper order in the utilization, storage, transportation and recording, of
l~etroleum products.
COPYRIGHT: "Sel'skoye khozyaystvo Nechernozem'ya", 1981
11,439 .
CSO: 1824/150
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rvn vrr~~,~wt, u,t, VIVLY
Tallinn SOTSIALISTLIK POLLUMAJANDUS in Estonian No 22, Nov 81 pp 837-838
[Article by Rein Kask, doctor of agriculture, director of the department of soil
research of the Estonian Institute of Agricul ture: "Is Land in Estonia Better
Than the Neighbors'?"]
[Text] It is generally known that our repub 1 ic is one of the strongest in the
USSR as far as agricultural production per unit of area is concerned. This has
caused interest in the quality of our agricul tural soils. It is of ten taken for
granted that Estonian soils are better than tlzose of other western federal repub-
lics--Latvia, Lithuania, Belorussia, and also the Leningrad and Psko~ oblasts of
*_he RSFSR.
Some of our republic's soil researchers have contributed to this concept. We can
thus read in Russian literature that brown so ils characterized by especially high
fertility4 or high capability5 are wide-spread in the ESSR.
The notion of high fertility of ESSR soils ha s been spread by several monographs.
- According to S. Sobolev and M. Malyshkin6 ESSR is in third place behind the
Ukraine and Latvia (each with 1.3 points) as far as climatological and soil con-
ditions go. ESSR is assessed 1.2 points. Th e USSR average is taken as 1.0.
S. Cheremushkin er al8 conclude that judged b y the capab~lity of arable land as
expressed in total yields (1958 data) Estoni a had 41 points, compared with 52
points for Latvia, 37 for Lithuania, 53 for Belorussia, and 73 for the Ukraine.
One hundred points represented data for the Krasnodar Kray of the RSFSR. It
- should be pointed out that in both cases the capability index represented rela-
tionships between actual yields in a certain p eYiod, regardless of any economic and
, other factors bearing on yields. Thus land q uality in the generally accepted
sense has not been discussed.
According to L. Surovyy and V. Zubrovskiy,~ the comparative capability of arable
lsnd amounts to 36 points in Belorussia, /+0 in Lithuania, 56 in Estonia, and 86
in Latvia. It should be noted that the base data was not comparable (cultivated
= land in one republic, arable land in another) . The capability was determined
after complex calculations, the result of whi ch was the actual yield diVided by
25. In other words, here too a comparative y ield level rather than soil quali~y
- was determinant.
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And la~t about an assessment in which a representative of our republic partici-
pated. B. Malisauskas, A. Boruk, N. Seyman, and H. Kendra3 provide a comparative
estimate of the capability of arable land in the western regions of the USSR (1974
level). According to them the capability of such soils in Estonia amounts to
47.7 points, 41.2 points in Latvia, 42.8 points in Liths.~nia, and 39.2 points in
Belorussia. Unfortunately, one cannot agree with these figures either. What;is
- the matter? �
The capability was determined based on the extent of the various soil categories
and their average capability; the capability of the soils of the western areas was
taken to be an average of the republics' indicators. Basically, such a solution
is a correct one. One important fact, however, was neglected--soils with identical
nomenclature, especially surface carbonate soils, da not have identical charac-
teristics in all republics under discussion. In Belorussia, Lithuania, and basi-
cally also in Latvia such soils are either non-collodial (formed on loess-like
bases, ice-age sedimentation) or barely colloidal (formed on red-brown moraine).
These soils are actually much more fertile than surface podsoil. Thus the Belo-
russian scale shows that the capability of surface carbonate soils (disregarding
differences between subtypes and series) is 25 percent higher than that of surface
podsoi.l; in Lithuania the figure is 35 percent higher.
Estonian surface carbonate soils, however, are ma.rkedly different. Such typical
surface carbonate soils as our rock-covers, our gravelly, rocky, and pebbly soils
are unknown elsewhere. Also, our leached surface carbonate soils are not iden-
tical to soils with the same nomenclature found elsewhere. Such soils here are
pebbly in the BC and C horizons, or they are gravelly, or there is solid rock at
a depth of 30-1~0 cm. Such categories represent 85-95 percent of the total area
of our surface carbonate soils. Yet, these facts were ignored by the evaluators,
and uniform assessment was made for all surface carbonate soils, exceeding the
- actual value of our soils. Such soi~s, however, encompass 29.2 percent of the
Estonian, 7.1 percent of the Lat~~ian, 4 percent of the Lithuanian and 0.2 percent
of the Belorussian cultivated area. ,
The above is only one reason for missing the mark. Other factors also came into
play. Let us draw attention to the line Letween surface carbonate and surface
podsoil. In Belorussia soils are classed as surface carbonate if effervescence
(carbonati~n) begins no deeper than 40 cm. In Latvia and Lithuania that line is
at 60 cm. In ~stonia, however, the 60 cm line agreed on by the Eesti Pollumajandus-
projekt [Estonian Agricultural Design~ and the Estonian Academy of Agriculture
soil experts has gradually moved to 100 cm. Thus some soils classified in other
rederal republics as podsoil are here called surface carbonate soils, i.e. classed
cis soils with a higher fertility.
Such factors as rock content, variegation of soils, field size, etc. were com-
_ pletely neglected, although they influence the quality of cultivated land in our
republic much more than elsewhere.
On the basis of the above one can say with full responsibility that the capability
index presented by B. Malisauskas, A. Boruk, N. Smeyan, and H. Kendra does not
reflect correctly the quality of the arable lands of the republics under discus-
sion. The Estonian data is considerably overestimated.
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/In boldface/ Thus there is at this time no reliable material regarding the
quality of the arable lands in the federal republics. Thus claims of a higher
_ fertility of the ESSR soils and of a better quality of soils in general have their
origin in some soil experts' poorly thought out findings, subjective impressi~ns,
or methodologically faulty research data. /end boldface/
It is possible that in future years comparative quality indexes will be developed
for all federal republics. This would provide for land assessment on the basis
of all-Union directives. Such an assessment was directed to be made by the end
of 1980 in all federal republics. Consider~ng methodological faults and previous
experiences one should not be overly optimistic. As long as there are no reli-
able general soil quality indicators for the f.ederal republics a direct comparison
of facto~.s directly bearing on soil quality must suffice. The data in the table
are very limited and generalized. Not all indicators have been determined by the
same methods. This is especially true for rocky soils and the importance of
eroded s~~ils.
The extent of rocky soils in Estonia is derived from the preliminary calculations
of the soil research department af the Estonian Institute for Agriculture.l Ac-
cording to the "Eesti Pollumajandusprojekt" the extent of rocky soils is consider-
ably smaller, amounting to 57.2 percent of agricultural land, with only 2.5 per-
cent being heavily rocky. The table shows that the proportion of rocky soils in
Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania is quite similar. An important difference, however,
lies in the extent of rockiness (there are no comparative figures). Such exten-
sively and very extensively rocky soils as found frequently in North and sometimes
also in Central and South Estonia are unknown in other republics of the western
region. Extensive rockitiess is a factor that considerably depresses the quality
of our agricultural land. Unfortunately little attention has been paid to this
in the research and characterization of our land, the existing official data is
faulty and unsuitab.le for comparison with other federal republics.
The extent of eroded soils in cultivated lands is smallest in our republic, as
st~own in tlle table. On.e must agree with this. But at the same time it must be
stated tt?at soils (on slopes of 2-3 degrees) that are not considered eroded in
our republic are thought of as somewhat eroded elsewhere. Thus it must be asG!
- that the importance of eroded soils in Estonia is not quite as small as the table
The agrochemical characteristics of soils depend largely on soil types. In the
GSSR tliere are considerably more surface carbonate and boggy soils than in other
re~ublics of the western region. It is thus natural that the average humus con-
tenL of cultivated ].and is higher on the average in our republic, that the propor-
tion of soils requiring liming is lower, and that there are more soi.l nutrients
than in other federal republics of the western area. As far as these indicators
go the ESSR soils are undoubtedly better. But does this outweigh the extensive
pebbliness and rockiness of our soils, and the resulting aridity, alkalinity, and
the unfavorable phenomena assaciated with them? No. Soils with the highest
humus and nutrient content (in the fine matter of the soil) are those on solid
rock, or else thin gravelly and rocky soils. Such soils, as is known, are our
most unfertile cultivated mineral soils. But it is precisely thanks to tl~ese
soils that the average humus and nutrient content of our republic's soils is some-
whaL hibher than in other federal republics.
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On the basis of the above it cannot be stated that the ESSR natural conditions,
to include the arable soils and technological characteristics are better than in
Larvia, Lithuania, and Belorussia.
/in boldface/ A comparison and assessment of the natural conditions of the vari-
ous federal republics is a very responsible task that presupposes most of all the
e~istence of data to be compared. Unfortunately it is precisely that k~hich is
lacking. In fixing the factors bearing on soil quality we have not always adhered
to all-Union characterizations (soil classification units, extent of rockiness,
etc.) even though the accepted s~stem requires it.
From the standpoint of the ESSR the mechanical use of assessment in all-Union
publications is completely unacceptable. Highly fertile soils in our republic
csnnot be considered such in an all-Union scheme, soiZ with average rockiness in
our republic is considered extensively or very extensively rocky in all-Union
distribution, etc. /end boldface/
It is natural that the all-Union c.lassification and inventory of soils does not
always provide a method to present the specific characteristics of our soils. In
such cases union-wide units must be further subdivided. Unfortunately this is not
always done to the extent required. In the nomenclature of ESSR soils, rocky soils
of low fertility have been joined in the same group with more fertile gravelly
soils, the surface soils (usually sandy and sandy-clayey ~soils) have been joined
with leached surface podsoils (usually sandy loam). Leached surface carbonate
soils are classed without differentiation between less fertile groups (deeply
rocky, deeply gravelly, solid rock base) which are characteri:~ic precisely to
our republic, etc.
'The ESSR soil fun3 is part of the union-wide one. The same a11-Union directives
apply in inventory and quality assessment. This is necessary to assure compara-
bility of data between the various republics. At the same time our republic's
soil researchers must be careful to assure that the specific characteristics of
our soils be presented objectively and cl~arly. Only then can we at least hope
- for reliable data regarding the natural conditions for agricuitural production
in the various republics.
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� vn ~icr~~ ~t~~, uJG VIVLY
- Table. Indicators of Arable Soil in the Federal Republics of the Westerr. Region
Soil texture in percent:
Sandy soils 14.9 13.8 14.0
- Silty soils 31.6 41.0 41.1
Light and medium loam 40.0 39.6 38.9
- Heavy loam and clay 5.6 4.2 3.0
Peaty soils 7.9 1.4 3.0
Soil according to genetic
groups in percent:
Mineral soils 53.3 64.8 53.0
Mineral bog 38.8 32.9 44.0 ~
Swampy soils 7.9 2.3 3.0 ~
Eroded soils (in percent) 5.3 18.5 20.3 10.6
Rocky soils 82.0 71.0 68.5. 9.4
Average field size in ha 4.5 8.0 7.4 14.1
Sum of active temperatures
(10 degrees C) in C 1,784 1,922 2,137 2,290
Precipitation in growing
season in mm 327 312 339 348
l. Kask, R., Veber, R. and Berger, L. "Fine Rock Content in ESSR Soils,"
2. Valler V., Aru A. "Urozhay po programme" [Harvest According to Program],
SGL'SKAYA ZHIZN', 1977, 12 Jan.
3. Malishauskas il. et al. "Sravneniye kachestva sel'khozugodiy Pribaltiyskikh
respublik i Belorusskoy SSR" [Comparison of the Quality of Agricultural Lands
of the Baltic Republics and the Belorussian SSR], POCHVOVED~NIYE No 1, 1978,
- pp 16-19. .
4. Reyntam, L. "Pochvo4brazovaniye na morenakh i dvuchlennykh porodakh Estonii.
V sb. nauchnykh trudov Estonskoy Sel'skokhozyaystvennoy Akademii," [Soil Forma-
tion in the Moraines and Double-Part Rocks of Estonia. In the collection of
scientiLic works of the Estonian Agricultural Academy], Tartu, 1971, pp 3-77.
5. Rooma, I. P. "Rakversskiy--Khaapsaluskiy okrug"...v kn. "Podzolistyye pochvy
Severo-zapada Yevropeyskoy chasti SSSR" [The Rakvereskiy--Khaapsaluskiy Okrug
in the book "Podzol Soils of the Northwestern European Area of the USSR"], Mos-
cow, 1977, 256 pp. .
6. Sobolev, S. S., Malyshkin, M. N. "Voprosy kachestvennoy otsenki bonitirovki
~~ocliv SSSR" [Problems of the Qualitative Evaluation of Soil Appraisal in the
USSRJ, POCHVOVEDENIYE No 9, 1958, pp 10-28.
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7. Surovyy, L. N., Zubrovskiy, V. S. "K voprosu sopostavimosti regional'nykh~
bonitirovochnykh shkal otdel'nykh respublik i zon SSSR. V sb. 'Pochvovedeniye
i agrokhimiya [On the Problem of a Comparison of Regional Appraisal Scales
in Individual Republics and Zones of the USSR in the collection "Soil Study
and Agrochemistry"], Minsk, 1970, pp 130-145.
8. Cheremushkin, S. D. et al. "Ekonomicheskaya otsenka zemel [Economic Land
Evaluation], Moscow, 1961, 184 pp.
COPYRIGHT: Kirjastus "Perioodika," "Sotsialistlik Pollumajandus," 1981
CSO: 1815/11 END
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