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JPRS L/10274
' 22 January 1982
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~ ~ CFOUO~ 1f82)
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020043-7
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500420043-7
JPRS L/~0274
~ 22 January 1982
(~OUO 1/82)
- Composite Materials 1
Resea.rch in Technology of Meta1 Powders and Sintered Materials 8
RefrE~ctories Industry Growth in llth Five-Year Plan 15
Hi~h--Temperature Heat-Insulating Materials 22
Mate:rials Science and Shipbuilding 31
- a- [III - USSR - 21G S&T FOUO]
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020043-7
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020043-7
~ UDG 669.71
Moscaw ;~OMPOZITSIONNYYE MATERIALY in Russian 1981 (si~{ned to preas 7 Apr 81) .
pp 3-4, 288-292
(Foreword and tPble of contenta from book "Composite M.aterials", edited by
A. I. Manokhin, editor-in-chief, corresponding member, USSR Academy of Sciences,
Izdatel'st~o "Nauka", 2350 copies, 305 pagea]
[Text~ Foreword ~ -
'1'he creation of new composite mate~ials with fib~ous, la.mina.ted, and th9.nly-dis-
' persed hardening which have increased physico-mecha.n3c.a1 and special ph~rsicp-
chemica.l properties must lead to a qualita.tive ;,ump in ~cientific and tE;chnical
progres:; not only in the aviation, space and shipbuildizig sectors of te.~:hnology
but also in machine b~uilding~ power, the electronic, electrica.l enginee:cing~ and
radio engineering industries, transporta.tion~ con~tructian~ and other s~~ctors of
the nationa.l economy.
~uring the past five years definite success has been achieved in our country in
the area of developing the theory and technology for o o'~a.ining compcsite materials
and reinforcing agents~ the theory of heterogeneous nedia anc~ optimwa z~ei:iforce-
r~ent, the physics and mechanics of strain ha.rdening and composite matez~ial
strength with the c�~oad spectrum of structure~ properties, and areas of' use.
If at the beginning of the 1~70's super-strong~ sturdy and light compo:~ite mater-
- ials strengthened with fibers were ca.lled the materials of the future, then ~hey
_ are now already today's materials.
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020043-7
r.unber oi questior.s have been worT:ed up concerning the physico-chemica.l ~heory
- cf the contact interaction of :natrix and reinforcine naterials, principles for
~he selectiori of plasticizing, t~.rrier and technological coa.tirgs on reinforc-
ing ~.terials and the technolobi ca1 methocL�, of applying then, and new efficient
~rocesses for obta.ining cor~posite materials. A large amount of wor:~ has been
= carried out on studying the mechanisms of cold hardening and defoxmatior.~ and the
destructioti of fibrous composite ma.terials under va.rious loa.d conditions.
a nu.uber of fibrous composite materials have been developed polymer, me+ra.llic,
ca.rbon, and cara.mic ria.trices~ strengthened with boron~ carbon and metallic fibers,
laa~ninate3 ar.d 3ispersion-stren~thened Thread-li :e coupled
with con~vinuous fibers have been used in composite :naterials wi+4h a polymer mztrix.
- TY:ey havz organized the indus~rial production of ooron and various carbon and
organic fibers, fabrics an~ ta.pes, tungsten, molybdentun a.r~d other fibers, ~he
production o~' several i+.ems of thread-like crystals, the experimenta.l industrial
produc'cion of silicon ca.rhtde fibers ~ high-strer.gth meta.llic firzrs ~ the experi-
menta.l industrial pro3uction of semi-finished composite material products by the
~la;,ma spraying nethod, etc.
J The industrial technology ha.s been worked out for the production of sheets a.nd
- some other semi-finished p~oducts of dispersion-st~�e:~,:~thened compo~ite materials,
~ibrous (al;iminum-boron fiber) and polymer com-~nsite ma.terials~ the experimental
i~dustrial technology o~ obta.ining thin ~~ils i'rom deformed alloys by rolling
under super-plast~city conditions. Intensive worIs is going on to obtain and
study the properties of comnosite materials w'~th directed eutectic structures.
_�,esearch and the deve~opment and production of a number of new compostte raa.ter-
ials with special physico-chemical properties, and also refractories,
ant ceramics, etc., have been significasrtly developed.
Glass, boron and ca.rbon plastics, caxbo~,-ca~bon type materials, dispersion-
stren;thened ~aetal ceramic ma.terials, etc. ~ are already in wide use toba.;~.
Production has recently been organized of composite .;iaterial sc;mifinished pro-
ducts on a meta.llic of the aluminum alloy-boron and ~borsik fiber type, in
the for~ of plasma uni-strips which are then used to manufacture pipes and cylir,-
drica.l ca.sings by hot moulding and sheets by pa.ek rolling. Technologica.l design
efforts necessary to widen the production of semifilzished ~roducts and fioers for
their reinforcement are presently being carried out be.sed on this k~roduction.
~ '~e iJ3S'~ academy o~ aciences is pa.ying great attention to the oreaniza.tion and
coordina.tion of funciamenta.l ar!d applied research on the problem of composite
etaterials in the country. The materials of th~ 4th All-Union Conference orgai:tzed
~y the 3cientific Council of the USS ~ Aca.demy of Sciences on Construction r;ater-
ials for i+ew Technology, the Scientific Council of the USS3 Academy of Sciences
on Synthetic i~la.terials, the Institute of t~etallurgy imeni A. Baykov of the U53~
~cademy of Sciences, and l~he All-Union Grder of Lenin Scientific 3esearch Insti-
tute of Aviation t~.a.terials, published in this collection~ sum up the work on :::is
- question up to 19~ and outline the paths for its further deve:~opment.
_ (Aca.demician I~ . M. ~avoronkov)
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500420043-7
- i
Table of Contentss
_ ~
Preface...._...;...,...e 3
Chapter 1. General Problems 5
- I. Fridlya.nder--Properties of Composite Ma.terials and the ~ffective- 5
ness of 'I'r:eir Use
i~:: :Y~. Shorshorov--Physico-Chzmic,~.l Interactiori o~ Components in Com-
posite I' 11
I. Fortnoy--trodern Tendencias in the llevelopment of C~mposite
- :Za.terials 18
G. i~. Gunyayev--~esign of High-Module Polymer Composites with rixed
Properties .................................................e............. 24
G. P. ':4ashins:caya~ J. Perov--Composite Tlaterials i'sased on Organic
r^ibers z9
D. P-;. ;',arpinos~ L. I. Tuchinskiy--High-Temperature Composite i;aterials... 3K
- V. I. i~:osti:cov, S. A. ::olesni'cc~v--Carbon-Carbon Composite ~Iaterials...... ~0
V. P. N:a~eyev, Pl. P. Yershov--Princi~,les for the Construction oi Articles
out of Composite Ma.terials...~..........��������������~~���~���~�~~-�~~'��
Chapter 2. :~einforcing Fib~rs SO
DI. I:h. Shorshorov, S. M. Sawateyeva., T. A. Chernyshova, L. I. riobeleva,
A. A~ Pletyuskikin~ L. M. Ivanova, T. N. Caatings
on ~a.rbon Fibers 50
- A. il. Varen:{ov, ~I. I. :~~ostikov~ Ye, I. P4ozzhu~tY~in, 'l. i. 3himanyu~s--
~ orna.tion of Silicon Carbide or Tita.nium Coatings on the 3urface of Car- ~
bon Gra.phite Fibers...........~............~
V. :ilin, V. S. Dergunova.~ Shorshorov~ ~l: I. Antipov~ V. M, _
::rivtsun, A. 5. ::otel~cin--Study of Various Earrier Coatings on Ca.rbon
Fibers..~ 57
A. r;. Tsirlin, r. Zhigach~ Ye. A. Shchetilina~ i4. Ba.laguro`ra,
- G. PosoIchina, V. Obolenskiy-�-I~iorphologica.l Features of 'oron .~ila-
ments bi
A. Y4. Tsirlin, V. 1~. ?,le~chin, 3. V. ~ColesniehenIco~ R. S. Yusutsov--
Influence of ~efects of Boron Fiber on Its Strength in the ~a.sic State
~ and in the Composite Ma.terial AD1-V 66
_ ;4. Shorshorov, S. rI. Sawatayeva, T. A. C7.ernyshova., V. P. alekhin--
- Problems of Developing Coatings on Fibers fo_r the i~einforcement of Com-
posite rla.terials ~0
G. 'Is. ;4ostovoy~ L. P. ::obets, ,V. i~. Frolov~ I,. Pl. 1'imoshin~a, Ye. L.
f~7a.rtynova.--Influence of a Test Temperature on the Stability of Caxbon
I'iber :4echanica.l Properties 73
~ .
~ 3 .
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:~1. ~:h. Shorshorov~ L. V. :Latinova, V. r.~;attuylov, V. V. ::ud-tinov,
~ 'l. 3. Sokolov, a. i~?. Tsirlin, T. i1, iseplyayeva--~tudy of the ~ha.ra.cter
and ~ynalnics of the Change of 3zren~th of Boxon and Bcrsiic r i oers in the (8
Process of Plasma ~praYing� Heating Up, and ~'lastic ~ieforma.tion..........
B. I. 5emenov, 5. N. .:ruglov, Ye. F. Tishchenkova.--Study of 3trengtih and
~estructi~n ~Jhen 3tretching '~lires 3einforced with Steel and Foron Fibers. 82
Chapter 3. Composite I;ateria :s with P-letallic t~~a.trices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
V. I. nosti~tov, V. I. Antipov~ V. ~1. :'sivtsun, Yu. I. I~:osheZ~v, Ye. F., 3. ~I. Savvateyeva, Ye. ;~i. Tatiyevs~sa.ya--3eseaxch on ;�:oisten-
ing Ca.rbon I~1a.terials with t~etallic Matrix t~ielts p9
N. t1. Vaxet~cov~ `J. I. :ostikov~ Ye. I. I~Iozzhukhin~ V. T. 3himanyuk--
aesearch on rloistening Caxbo~ Fibers with Aluminum i~Ielts with Active Ad-
mixtures and an Analysis of Eorder Zones ..............s.................. 92
V. I. Antipov, V. M, tsivtsun, V. I, i:osti~ov~ V. S. ~ergunova., B. A,
~:artashkin, A. S. Kotelkin--Features of Gbta.ining ~~uminum-Caxbon Fiber
- Composite Material from Plasma Semifinished Products by the Hot ~orm-
ing ~Iethod 99
V. F. Stroganova, L. A. GorodetsT~a.ya., Ye. M. Toka.r'--i~!agnesium-Boron
S~rstem Composite Ma~erial............~ ..................o................ 103
't. ri. Chut~exov, S. Ye. Salibekov, A. N. Gribkov, V. F. Eatrakov, L. V.
- Grachev, V. S. ::omissaxova, 3. S. Den.~sov, G. I. Bolgova., :l. V. Yegorova.~
S. N. Sadovni'_cov--~eseasch on the Operating Characteristics of Yi:A-~
Eoron Aluminum Composite Ma.terial 106
V. V. Sakharov~ 5. Ye. Salibekov, I. V. c~omanovich, V. '.r. S~edkov~
T. 3. rlikolayeva., A. A. '4ukaseyev--Intera.ction of 3oron Fibers with
Aluminum and Its Alloys in the Diffusion '+lelding Process 111
- B. A. Aref' yev, A. V. Gur' y~v, N. F. Gorina~ A. id. Gri~cov, N. t4.
Yepikhina., I. N. Nosko--nesearch on the Structure and Properties of
3oron-Aluminum Sheets Obta.ined by the Hot Rolling i^.ethod............��.�. 115
M.~ ::h. Shorshorov, 'J. A. :�.olesnichenko, A. I. Anan'yev~ A. S. ::a.myshkov,
I~I. G. Gorelov~ V. M, Godin, V. V. ~rutnev, I. t1. Terent'yev, B. Ye.
Dolgalev--P~i~chani~cal Properties of Longitudi~na.lly 3einforced Pipes t�;ade
of Aluminum-Boron Fiber Cotaposite Ma.terial 123
V. M. Beletskiy, C. A. ::rivov, r;. I. Yatseri~co~ Y. V. ::udinov~ Yu. a.
Galkin, L. V. ::atinova., T. Pt. Tseplyayeva.--assessment of the ~iechanica.l 126
Froperties of a Unidirectiona.l ~'ibrous t4aterial on a i4eta.llic tZa.trix.....
V. `l. Trutnev, I. M. Terent'ysv, V. I. Pota.pov~ L. I. I~;a.ksimova, T.
Vasil'yeva., V. V. Shebe.nov, V. t~I. Godin, V. I. Antipov--Pressir.g of
Aluminum-Boron Composite Ma.terials Under Conta.ct Fusing Conditions....... 130
V. V. ::udinov~ 3. A. Aref'yev, Yu. A. Gal:sin, V. I. i:alita--Plechanica.l
Properties of a.n A~-1 i~lat.rix Obtained by Plasma 3pra.ying. . . . . . . - - . . � � . � � � 133
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A. I. :{olpashnikov, Xe. A. Pavlov, V. A. ~iselev, Ye. V. Shixyayev,
I. `t. ::ocheshkov--Research on the Process of Gbtainin,~ Curved Frofiles
fro~ Bo~on-~luminu.~n 136
A. S. Tixhonov, V'. F. I~axii.~ylov~ B. A. Aref'yev, A. V.
for Ca.lculating the Deforn~ation Fara.meters of Fibrous Composite
I~ta.terials 140
A. i1. Gritakov~ V. P. ~olov'yev, V. I. Smirnov, Yu. N. Chichkov--Some
r^eatures of the Deformation of r^ibrous Composite Mu.terial~ with a
t4eta.llic Matrix 144
D. :~1. ::a.rpinos~ V. i,~. ::adyrov~ V. P. Aioroz--Strength of Composites
3ased on Aluminum during Cyclica.l Loadi.ngs 147
V. F. ~tanuylov~ r4. A. Tolsta.;fa., M. G. i~Iukr.ina.~ M. P. Gryunval'd--
Research on the Corrosive 3ehavior of Boron Aluminwn Gbta.ined by Rolling 150
V. N. t4eshcheryakov, I. A. Popov~ V. I. Zha.m~nova--Interactior. of Com-
ponents in Fibrous Composite Yia.terial Ba.sed on rtT50 Alloy ~einforced
with Tungsten 'rlirps 154
V. N. P~eshcheryakov, V. I. Eaka.rinova, K. D. Ma.~chmudov, A. a. Alek-
sa.ndrov~ rl. I. Faustov--Features of Obtaining Tit, um-i~Iolybdenum t~lire
Composite P~a.terial by 3olling in a Vacuwn 1S8
~ D. ;~I. L:arpinos, T. Ya. :~osolapova, S. P. Listomichaya, V~ N. Bala~h- ~
- nina, V. P. Dzeganovskiy, V. Ye. Pria.tsera.--~eseaxch on `4he Interaction of
, Ca.rbide with Chrome at High Temperatures 162
V. I. Antipov, r.f. M. Rytal'chen'to, V. S. Sedykh~ A. N~ :~riv~ntsov,
I. A. Solov'yev--~eseaxch on the 3tructure and Properties of yihrous
Composite iKaterial with a Matrix from an Al1oy 3ased on Plickel Strength-
- ened With Tungsten afire..~ 166
'd. t~. Belets:tiy, G. A. I.rivov~ V. t~iel'r~ikov, D. N. Tsapenko~ I, P4.
- iomashko, L. V. :'atinova., V. J. ::udinov, L. t1. Ustinov--Strength of
aluminum-Boron Com~osite Material ~oints 0 btained Through :ressure
Conta.ct Spot Weldir~ 170
I. P~. F`ridlya.nder, V. P~I. Beletskiy, G. A. Griv~v, I. M. ~omas~hko~ V. F.
atroganova~ S. A. Yudina.~ N. A. ~:onovalova.--iJse of N;eta.llic Unic'.irec-
tiona.l Composite P-laterial As Plates 17~
~e. ;~I. 3avitskiy~ V. V. Fa.ron--Composite Superconductors 176
V. Iva.nova.~ I. tt. l~.og',yev~ V. N. Vol::ov, Yu. Ye. Biisa.lov--I~lechanica.l
and Servic~ Froperties o~:' Anti-Friction Composite P4atei3al for 3liding
- 3earings 181
V. Ye. 3enenenlco, A. 2. 3omov--Features of rorming a Composite i4lcro-
- s ~ructure in the Process of ~^lectxon-.3ay Zone Recr,~sta.lliza.tion of Fie-
fra.ctory Systems Ba.sed on Niobium and ;lickel 184
Ye, V. ::alashnikov, T,~ A. Sidorova, a. Guts, A. A. rlndreyev, I. V.
- ::orkin, V, V. ~mirnov--c~esearch on the Growth and Structure of ~utectic
- Ccmp~site I~;a.terials of Meta.l-Caxlaide Transitiona.l i~Ieta.l 1E8
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Ye. N. Pirogov, L. L. Ar'tyunkh~na.~ V. P. Konoplenko, I..L. Svetlov,
F. i~i. ~usnetdinov--Ca.lculation of Pressures and Diagram Construction
~f Cyclic Deforma.tion during the Therma.l -Fati~ue Loading of Composite
ir,,a~.terials 191
11. Y. 3korokhod~ V. V. Panichkina., L. D. ::onchakovskaya--Study of the
- ihickening Process during the Ca.king of Dispersion-3trengthened rlolyb-
denum Alloy Powders 194
3. ~T. Ea,nich, Yu. A. ~:ustov~ n. I. Portnoy--New Dispersion-Strengthened
Alloy Fased on the ilic~el Chrome VDUZ 197
- Chapter 4. Composite i4aterials with Polyrmer I~,atrices 201
L. P. :obets--Iniluence of Surfacing High-rlodule Fibers Compa.tible with
Polymer Connectives 201
Ye. B. Trostyans~caya, P. G. I3abayevskiy, S. V. Bukharov--Increasing the
Strength o~ a Polymer t~a.trix and Zts Influence on the ;�.echanica.l Pro-
perties of Compasite i~la.terial5 207
V. L. Polya.icov--;tesidua.l Stresses and Some ~uestions on the ~trength of
Composite Ala.terials 210
G. i~. Gunyayev~ I. P. :~orosh~lcva--Influence of the Composition of
an 3po~y ~.atrix on the and Technologica.l Qualities of Ca.rbon
- 21~
_ T. N. $orina., A. I. Surgucheva, G. I. Bu}ra,nov~ G. N. Finogenov, V. A.
Yartsev--3eha.vior of Caacbon Plastics during the Complex Action of a
i~7ediwn and I,oad ~ 218
G. P4. Gunya.yev, A. ~umyantsev, I1. IZ. Fed'kova.~ Ye. A. ~~iitrofanova,
Z. r. CheI~.ina., Ye. I. Stepa.nychev, I. M. Makhmutov--Optimiza.tion of
the Composition and 3txucture of qeinforcement of Bi- and Tri-Component
Compo~ite i~Saterials 223
A. B. Geller, Ye. Perepelkin--Chax'a.c~eristics of Temperature Deform-
ities of Carbon, Organic ~einforc~ng Fibers and Composite riaterials
Eased on Them
N. P. Yershov--Cha.racteristics of Designing Structures of~Composite
I�:aterials with Polym~r and Nletallic P�?a.trices 231
V, A. 'l.alininkov--Use of a Lineax Sta.tistica.l Model for the Task of
Optimizing Processes for the ~roduction of Structures Out of Composite
F11~ous Materials z36
Ye. Trostyans:caya, 'l. A. Shish?tin, V. :~ovikov, V. A. Goncharenlco--
- ComUining Polymer Composite 14aterials with Polymer iivets and ,lelding... 244
= Chapter 5. Composite i4a.terials with Caxbon and Cera.mic hia.trices........... 2~
I. 't. Sobolev, T. N. :'.a.vun~ A. ::iselev, V. S. Nosal'sisiy, G. S.
Pisaxenico ~ i1. '1. 3kvortsova--Change in the Properties of Glass and
;a.rbon-r^illed Polyiaers in the Fyrolysis Process 2~
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D. M. :{a,rpinos, V.M. Grosheva~ V. ;l. Morozova, S. P. Listovinctiaya,
Yu. I. t;orozov, 'd. P. Dzegaxiovs~siy, I. Yakov? ev, V. I. :~a.linichen~so,
V. 3. :'lir~en:~o, Ye. P. :ii~hashcnuk--Composite i^.a.terials Based on Cera-
mics ~~einforced with : p~ractory Ceramic and t~;e'~~a.llic Fibers
D. i4. ~.a.rpinos, A. Ye. r~utkovskiy~ Yu. I. 1�iorozov, A. A. I~rashin, i:. I.
Yakovlev, G. A. Luzhans~ciy--Composite t�iaterial ~,ua.rtz Silicon Carbide r^iber 251
~ 'lu. L. f.ra.sulin, V. N. Timofeyev~ B. Ivanov, ~~I. Paxinov, '1. a.
DomoratsIciy, A. N. Asonov--Hi$hly-Refractoryr Framework Construction ~
Cera.mics 25~
Chapter 6. Strength and Tiethods of Testing Composite I~fa.terials 25a
L. P~I. Ustinov~ L. 'd. 'linogradov, V. I. Zhaannovz--Influencd of ~ri.ttle
Intermediate Layers on the Strength of Fibrous Composite P�laterials with
~ a Plastic rSa.trix 258
a. S. Cvchinskiy, Ye . i~ . Sa:sh,arova ~ I. P4. :~op' yev, 3ilsagayev,
S. a. 5ave1'yeva--.'~nalysis of ~ynaaaic c.ffects during Stress ?edistri-
bution and Computer I:odeling of the Lestruction Processes in P;
Coraposite N'.a.terials ~~rith Brittle Fibers 2d3
A~ G. Penki.n, G. V. Gusev--Development of an Acoustica.l ~nission Set-up
in Conformity with Con~posite I~1a.terial Tests 2b9
0. V. Gusev, A. G. tenl:in~ I~:. 'r',h. Shorshornv--Influence of znter-I~;eta.llic
- Intermediate Iayers on Acoustica.l ~nission Farameters during t?`~e 5tretch-
ing of Aluminum-Steel Composites 2?3
V. ~V. I~i~chaylov, G. P. ?,~.ytsev~, T. G. Sorina.~ I. A. Zyryanov, L. A.
Ivanova.---Problem of Destruction N,echanics W11en Stretching L:].ements t'ade
of Fii~h-3trength :~einforced rlastics with Surface and Cpen Cracks........ 278
~I. G. Zhigun, I~i. I. L'ushin~ V. Pa.nfilov~ Yu. Ivanin, V. V. ~anev-
s:t1y--Influer~ce of Concentrators on Composite P~a.terial Strength... 281
a. t;. 3kudra~ B. P. Perov~ G. P. ~`,a.shins:taya, F. Ya. Bul~.vs, I. S. ~eyev--
P~:icrostructural r ea ~ures of the yestruction of Orga.nic Flastics and
Their Influence on Strength
COPY~iIGh'T s I zdatel' s tvo "ilauka" , 1981
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020043-7
UDC: 621.762
MATERIALOV in Russian 1980 (signed to press 22 Oct 80j pp 2-8, 135-?36
[Annotat~on, table of contents and editor's introduction from book "Resear~h in
Technology of Metal Powders and Sintered MateriaTs", edited by V. Ya. Bulanov,
V. F. Ukhov, and Ye. S. Michkova, USSR Academy of Sciences Urals Scienti~fic Center,
UNTs AN SSSR, 700 copies, 144 pages]
[Text] This voZume contains articles dealing with cU.rrent scientific-technical and
economic aspects of powder metallurg,y. It presente thg results of study and
theoretical substantiation of industrial processas of producing metal powders and
sintered s;tructural materials based on irbn and other elaments. This volume
presents *.he results of investigations to study the properties of sintered
matPrials, heat treatment and combined heat treatment and mechanical working on the
basis of research con3ucted at organizations in the Urals ~egion.
This volu~ne will be of interest to scientists and prac~ical specialists working in
the field of powder metallurgy.
Contents~ Page.
_ Editor's ~ntroduction 3
M. A. Bykova and G. F. Mokshantsev. Thermodynamic Analysis
of the Process of Reduction of Silicon in t:1e Solid Phase in the Presence
of Iron 9
- V. I. Vorob'yev, L. t~. Vorob'yeva, and L. G. Kamenetskiy. Drying Copper
Powders for Structural Materials by the Deflocculation Method 14
F. Moshkantsev, Yu. A. Mel'nikov, and N. K. Belousov. Hydrochemical
- Alkaline Method of Obtaining Iron Alloy Powder 1~
V. Ya. Bulanov, N. A. Vatolin, P. I. Volkova, V. A. Kopysov, A. V. Sinyukhin,
V. N. Bulygina, A. N. Ptitsyn, and R. N. Ufimtaeva. On the ~ossibility of
Obtaining Iron Alloy Powders from Kachkanar Ore Concentrate ~3
~ 8
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N. L. Kotovskaya, A. V. Pomosov, and T. I. Gor'kova. Effect of Electrolysis on
_ Physic~mechanical Propcrties of Copper Powder 29
Ye. Ye. Usol'tseva, A. V. Pomosov, and L. V. Sheveleva. Benzotriazole as a
' Ragulator af the Properties of Electrolytic Copper Powder 34
V. Ya. Bulanov and V. I. Rudakov. X-Ray Structural Investigation of the Fine
Structure of Particles of Iron Powder in the Process of Molding and Sinter-
- ing 38
V. N. Antsifer.ov, N. N. Maslennikov, and S. M. Kimerling. Sintered Martensitic
= Aging Steels 43
N. A. Bykovskiy, V. A. Dubinin, V. F. Krivov, and I. F. Nichkov. On the Nature
of Porosity of Material Sintered from Beryllivm Powders 52
V. A. Zhilyayev, V. V. Fedorenko, ~d G. P. Shveykin. Mechanism of rormation of
Coaxial Structure in Titanium Carbide and Carbonitride Base Metals 57
A. R. Beketov, I. L. Shabalin, and N. A. Filonov. Phy~icomechanical proper-
_ ties of Carbide-Carban Composite Materials 65
- V. N. Antsiferov, L. M. Grevnov, V. I. Ovchinnikova, A. P. Timokhova, and
P. G. Cherepanova. Features of Formatior~ of the Structure of Sintered
Chrome-Molybdenum Steels 69
S. I. Bogodukhov and I. B. Rabinovich. Investigation of Anisotropy of Proper-
ties of Sintered Products 76 ~
V. T. Rakhmanov, I. F. Pan'shin, and Yu. G. Gurevich. Auste:~ite Transformation
in Sintered Steels During Continuous Cooling 81
~ N. V. Russkikh. Combined Heat Treatment and Mechanical Working of Powder ~
Materials 86
V. I. Rakhmanov, I. V. Pan'shin, Yu. G, Gurevich, and Yu. I. Pozhidayev.
Investigation of the Structural State and Mechanical Properties of Sintered
Steels Following Heat T'redtment 94
S. I. Bogodukhov. Investigation of the Properties of Sintered Material in
Relation to Heat Treatment 97
= V. N. Nebol'sinov and S. I. ravlov. Determination of Optimal Charge Composi-
- tions and Conditions of Treatmer.t of Sintered Materials 100
I. L. Shabalin, M. I. Podkovyrkin, A. R. Beketov, and Ye. V. Levashov. Ob-
taining Composites Based on Refractory Titanium Compounds During Combustion 105
S. G. Gushchin, A. I. Timofeyev, 0. V. Toms, 0. V. Demidovich, N. A. Mityuzhev,
and V. A. Perepelitsyn. Lined Crucibles of Periclase Powders for Induc~ion
Vacuum Melting of Platinum Alloys 111
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V. t. llomogatskiy and A. V. Kostryukov. Specifi~ Fzatures of MechanLcal Work-
ing of Sintered Pis*_on Ring Blanks 120
Ye. S. Michkova. Approximate Estimate of Production of Iron Alloy Powder by
_ the Hydrometallurgical Chloride MethQd lZta
A. A. Kuklin. Economic Prerequisites for Development of the Powder Metallurgy
Method in the Urals 12~
V. F. Kotov and V. I. Domogatskiy. Some Technical and Economic Problems of
Development of Powder Metallurgy in the Southern Urals 131
Modern industry is imposing increasingly more extenaive and rigid demands on
various materials. Development and improvement of such areas of science and tech-
nology as physics, chemistry, electronics, and all areas of machinery engineering
have placed on the agenda the question of developing and utilizing materials with
special properties, which has required the development of powder metallurgy on a
_ higher scientific and.technol.ogical level. In the last 100 years numerous orga-
nizations and industrial plants have been established in such countries as the USSR,
the United States, the FRG, Czechoslovakia, Japan and a number of others, which
work with development of sintered materials, and experimental data have been
amassed. Intensive utilization of advances in the natural scienees for synthesizing
practical results and formulating a general theory of processes of obtai.ning
materials with preselected properties began in the 1950's and 1960's. From the .
above~we can formulate the following problems of physical powder metallurgy.
The problem of obtaining powders with prescribed properties and dimensions. Develop-
ment of powder metallurgy at the contemporary level involves solving a nutnber of
technical prablems, one of which is obtaining metal and nonmetallic powders of a
specified structure, properties, and composition. The term "powder" should be
defiaed more broadly, with the term including compositicn, structure, and properties
of powder particles. The single concept of powder as a particle visible to the
naked eye within a specific range of sizes (from several microns to fractions of a
- millimeter) does not tie in theoretically with the theses of modern powder ffietal-
lurgy. At the present time we can obtain such particles ranging from several
- angstroms to eeveral millimeters in size. On the basis of these particles we can
produce materials with predetermined properties, structure and.composition, both
- ultradense and ultraporous. At the present time it is possible to obtain powders
with unlimited dispersion of particles (from microparticles to filaments) by
- pt~ysicochemical methods, on the basis of application of the laws of physical
ciiemistry and chemical physics.
- The properties of. materials produced by the powder metallurgy methAd depend ba~ically
on the composition and physicochemical properties of the initial powders. The best
way to alter the compositions of these materials is to use natural dispersoids, each
of which will be single- or complex-alloyed, and uniformly (homogeneously). It is
possible to produce such homogeneous-alloy dispersoids only by chemicometallurgical
methods which, on the one hand, make it possible to obtain a predetermined and
~ 10
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~elective degree of r.efining and, on the other hand, to leave in each dispersoid
the requisite number of needed alloying elements or any phases. At the present
time such tasks are accomplished in two phases initially pure powders and pure
alloying elements or their alloys are produced, and subsequently the lattar are
arti~ically charged into the base. This method of producing multiconstituent
materials is unwieldy and does not enable one to create a continuous series of
homogeneous materials. It essentially repeats the traditional methods of obtaining
cast alloys of discrete composition, approximately 600 of which exist at the
present time, and all. of which were created over sevpral decades, taking account of
various intuitive exper.iments by means of selective sampling.
But it is essential to bear in mind that there cannot exist in nature ready combin~-
tions of various elements in one and the same raw material. Therefore in order to
create materials with a predetermined composition and properties it is necessary
to enploy a combined method chemical control of the initial composition of dis-
persoids with supplementary artificial charge addition prior to chemical processing
of the raw material, sa that the alloying elements and phases organically enter the
- compounds being reduced or oxidized, that is, performing controlled physicochemical
_ synthesis (UFKhS).
The problem of physicochemical investigation and prediction of the properties of
sintered materials. After producing powders of any specified degree of dispersion,
one can proceed to the next stage in developing new materials elaboration of
the Fhysical and physicochemical fundamentals of shaping and siutering, their inter-
action and combining, or elimination of one of them, which would make it possible
to create any predetermined properties of materials. In this area it is necessary
to investigate the processes of interaction and reaction of the particles of
powders of any degree of dispersion in relation ta the properties, composition~and
structure throughout the entire diversity of various combinations of given proper-
. ties and atomic-molecular bond between the dispersoids proper and their phase con-
stituents. One should take into consideration the submicrostructure of point,
linear and plane defects, the most important of which are dislocations in all their
Correct elaboration of the above-listed problems determines the possibility of
eliminating additional operations following molding and sintering (machining, heat
treatment, etc) or icnproving and reducing them to a minimum, with the aim of ob-
taining the final shaped part.
The properties of microobjects of diapersoids of any size are determined by many
interrelated factors.
The functional relationship between optimized parameters and numerous factors cannot
be determined with the aid of the well-known traditional divisions of higher
mathematics. Recently developed cybernetic methods ("black box" methods) enable
one to solve various problems of gowder metallurgy without going into the essence of
the complex physicochemical processes taking place during the forming of a sintered
body. The mathematical method of extremum experiment planning enables one to link
practically all the major factors by a regression equation and to determine tlie
parameters of the initial dispersoids and the conditions of formation of a sintered
body from them or any processes taking place with the employment of disgersoids
metallurgical, welding, machining.
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N~w ~~o5slb.Clities for predicting and producing multiple-constituent materials or
processes are offered by graphic-analytical forecasting, where all properties,
conditions and compositions of a materia~ of any complexity are repr~sented in the
form of a three-diiuensional cluster of symbolic points (OFT). With the aid of un-
complicated graphic operations, expanding all system components onto a plane, one
can solve the problem of determining optimal system properties in relation to the
physical characteris�ics of the initial dispersoids.
As improvements are macle in the eauipment and methods of physicochemical analysis
of inetals and alloys atthe and submicrolevels and a sharp in.crease in labor
productivity in computer interpreting research results, it is possible to determine
- the functional dependences of optimized parameters on numerous physicochemical
factors and their relationship by means of mathematical processing of graphic-
. analytic relations. will make it possible in materials science to depart from
the traditional methods of seeking new materials. With the aid of precise
marhematical calculation, one can predict properties in relation to the character-
; istics of the initial building blocks (dispers~ids) and the cond~tions of their
forming and sinteriug, in the process of which various physicochemical processes are
also taking place 1t the atomic-molecular, submicro-, micro- and macrolevels.
Further improvement of experimental method and method of determining the properties,
_ composition and atructure of disper~oids and materials based on them is essential,
particularly since they are assuming an increaeingly more complex composite
ct~aracter. The accuracy and sensitivity of inethods of analysis and their ob-
jectivity determine the possibility of reproducib:ility of obtaining the specified
materials at different points in a single specimen.
Exclusively physical methods must also be employed for phase analysis X-ray
diffraction analysis, photographic analysis, and analysis with ionizing recording,
with discrimination of individual radiations, and electron-diffraction analysis in
conditions of diffraction, microdiffraction, local analysis with X-ray microanalyzers,
� etc.
- In connection with the possibility of producir.g dispersoids at the level of atoms
and molecules, nuclear and electron magnetic and paramagnetic resonance units should
be employed for analysis.
For direct and indirect observation of microstructure, it is necessary to employ new
equipment microscopes with.remote screens (scanning), with automatic computer
devices, and high-resolution electron microscopes. All.this would make it possible
to determine not only dislocation tracks but also to mak~ kinetic observations of
processes taking place in zones commensurate with interatomic distances and the
size of individual inolecules and atoms. These devices should be combined in opera-
tion with the most advanced autamatic recording devices for interpreting the obtained
information microphotometers, oscilloscopes, and electronic computers.
We should note that obtaining separate, fragmentary information cannot provide any
_ exhaustive information far predicting and discovering new laws. It is essential
- to obtain not discrete but cuntinuous information on a given process, on both a
dynamic and kinetic basis, with its numerous variations in composition and at the
micro- and submicrolevels. Only after detailed processing of this information ie it
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~c~r;5iblc to abtain Functional patterns for predicting the properties of sintered
mul~ lcc~?i:~ti tuent matcrials.
The problem of improving existing technologies and problems of turning out finished
products. Tt has been established that tt;e streng4h of the individual particlee
dispersoids differs from one surface zone to another, ranging from 20 to 400 kg/mm~,
- while the theore*_ical strength of these dispersoids, taking into account their phase
composition and the physicochemical properties of the structural components, CSI1
- amount to 700 kg/mm2 or more for iron powders, for example. Thus two discontinui-
ties exist between the strength of produc~d sintered materials and the individual
dispersoids of which they are formed. The first lies between the calculated
theoretical strength of ideal dispersoids of complex structure and the strength of
the actually produced material of actual dispersoids. This gap constitutes a
strategic reserve.of powder metallurgy, and the maximt�m strength obtained by cal-
culation is that cheri~hed, fairly realistic goal toward w:ich every investigator
should strive~. The second gap (somewhat smaller) lies betweet: the strength of cer-
tain zones of each dispersoid and the strength of the material obtained on the
basis of that dispersoid. There is a realistic possibility o~ achieving the ex-
perimental strength characteristica of individual zones witr~in the next few years.
Up to the present time iron-base have been obtained with a strength of
_ 8U-100 kg/mm2, and achieving a strength of 200-400 kg/mm2 ia not far off.
Improvement of existing processes of forming and sintering, chiefly determination
of optimal conditions (time, temperature, environment), development and employment
~ of heat treatment, combination chemical and heat treatment methods as well as other
_ means of influencing the structure of materials in order to chanQe their properties
in the desired direction constitute one of the important tasks ot powder metallurgy.
Employing dynamic methods, high and ultrahigh pressures for forming and shaping, as
- well as preheating and heating materials while applying pressure to them, one ob-
tains compact and ultracompact materials with both already known and new, unique
properties. This requires development of totally new processes of forming and
shaping by the direct effect on the powder of electrical impulses, electromagnetic
~ waves, ultrasound, high-frequency currents and other pliysical factors, as well as
activation of the processes of forming and sintering by affecting dispersoids with
chemical, physical or combined metliods.
- 'rhe following materials can be obtained as a result of research on the manufacture
of sintered products and materials:
a) structural materia~s, with any desired properties, with final geometric
dimensions and configurations, which require little or no machining, unlimited in
weight and size, commensurate with machine parts manufactured by other methods
(casting, forging, stamping, etc);
b) antifriction materials (machine parts) for any desired operating condi-
tions, within a broad range of conditions temperature, environment, pressures
. load;
c) friction materials (machine parts) oF~:rating in various conditions and en-
d) porous materials (filters) operating in any environments;
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e) materials for the manufacture of electrical contacts, materials with high
electrical resistance and, the reverse, auperconductors. This problem can be
solved with a radic~l change in the process of manufacture of stators and rotors
- oF electric motors, generators and transformer cores, by employing magnetodiEiectrics
in place of the traditional packages of plates with their complex treatment and
processing and their uncontrolled characteristics.
The following dispersoids can be employed to produce materials for machining metals
and other complex alloys and materials and for achieving further increase in labor
productivity in metalworking, particularly in finishing operations, as we~l as for
reinforcing impact-stamping tools, including molds for powder metallurgy:
of a specified composition and size for controlling crystallization processes in
general metallurgy ingot, casting, etc (with further improvement in labor
productivity, qualfty of the metal produced, reduction in production-line rejects
and, finally, control of the processes of producing metal with specified macro-,
micro- and submicroproperties);
of various composition and structure for welding production and for producing
welded seams and surfacings with specified properties, as well as for employing
electrodes of predetermined composition for all kinds of welding, including electro-
slag remelting. ~
With the aid of dispersoids, Qbsolete methods of producing semifinished products I
by means of blast furnace, open-hearth and other metallurgical processes will I
gradually be eliminated, with a transition to new physicochemical-metallurgical ~I
- processes direct production of powders of a specified composition and structure ~
from ores, with subsequent production of rolled stock of any size and sectional
shape with controlled properties and with a substantial reduction of energy ex- '
- penditures and tota~, no-waste utilization of raw materials. ~
Employment of dispersoids will make it possible to develop advanced research methods
and to create a general theo~y of materials on the basis of new laws of materials
- science.
CSO: 1842/23
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~ UDC: 666.76.002.3
Moscow OGNEUPORY in Russian No 9, Sep 81 pp 1-8
[Article by G. Ye. Zaychenko (Soyuzogneupor All-Union Production Association): "Raw
Materials 13ase of the Refractories Industry in the llth Five-Year Plan"]
[Text] Implementing the historic resolutions of the 25th CPSU Congress and ex-
tensively employing.various forms of socialist competition, the work forces of
mining enterprises of the refractories industry successfully acco~nplished plan
targets pertaining to productio:z of refractory raw materj~?s for the lOth Five-
Year Plan (see table).
Table 1.
Raw Materials Production Plan Percenta e of Fulfillment
For Soyuzogneupor For Ukrogneupor- For USSR
_ All-Union Produc- nerud Republic Minchermet
- tion Association Production Associa .
~ ~ tion
Refractory clay 103.4 Z01.9 102.8
Kaolin - 101.4 101.4
Magnesitc 102.7 - 102.7 ~
= Quartzite 109.3 102.0 104.8
- Dolomite 92.8. 104.7 103.8
Successful completion of the lOth Five-Year Plan was pramoted by intensification
of minerals production at existing enterprises, bringing ne~* surface and under-
ground mining facilities on-stream, replacement of obeolete and worn-out mining
transfer and auxiliary equipment, increasing labor productivity, adopting new
- forms of organization of labor, dissemination of the advanced work methods of
production innovators, as well as further improvement of mining technology.
_ In the lOth Five-Year Plan the Kuleshovskiy and Vostochno-Bezovskiy refractory clay
production sections were brought on-stream in the Suv~tnvskoye Mining Administration,
more than 7 kilometers of hard-sur�ace road were built, an asphalt plant, a new ad-~
ministration and services building, and a gas scrubbing department in the fireclay
shop; in 1981 construction will be completed and a garage for heavy-payload dump
trucks will go into operation. .
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_ I.n tt~e mine~ of the Borovichskly Refractories Combine, the ChPU, MBLD, and KMSh con-
_ tinuous miners experienced further adoption in excavation, preparation, cutting and
stoping operations, wh;ch made it possible to boost the level of inechanization of
_ these operations from 35 to 84 percent. Hoisting equipment of obsolete design at
Mine No 2 imeni Artem were replaced by new, more sophisticated equipment; rotary
- bucket excavators for extracting refractory clays were renovated at the Ust'ye-
Brynkino pit.
The work force at the Semiluki Refractories Plant, working with the Donets affiliate
of the Scientific Research Institute of Mining, developed the ER-315/630 rotary
~ bucket excavator, which at the present time is the most sophisticated and high-out-
put equipment for selective working of refractory clays and kaolin deposits.*
- A considerable volume of excavation and preparation work was performed in construct-
- ing the Belyy Kolodets and Strelitsa Blizhnyaya pits. As a result, designed output
was reached ahead of schedule at the Belyy Kolodets pit, and refractory clay
production began at the Strelitsa~Blizhnyaya pit.
- At the Tarasovskoye Mining Administration low-output excavators and drilling
machines were replaced with higher-output EKG-4.6 excavators and 2SBSh-200 drill--
ing machines; considerable work to remove dust from the air at work stations was
perfoimed at the crushing and grading mill.
At the Chelyabinsk Mining Administration, the Bugor pit was constructed and.brought
into production, and has already been brought up to designed output; the production
- and stripping rotary bucket excavators, with self-propelled belt spoil dumpers,have
been upgraded and modernized; an administration-services combine, boiler house and
other facilities were completed and brought into operation.
The work force at the Bogdanovich Refractories Plant further expanded mining opera-
_ tions at the Kul'durskiy brucite mine, as a result of which on-line production
capacity was exceeded. A crushing and grading unit was built at the mine; as well
as st.andard-gauge tracks linking the industrial site with MPS [Ministry of Railways]
tracks, which makes it possible to load crushed brucite into MPS cars directly at
the mine.
Considerable work has been accomplished at the pit mines of the Magnezit Combine in
further replacement of obsolete mine transport equipment by more sophisticated and
higher-outp.ut equipment, narrow-gauge rail transport with trucks, and on boosting
production at the Karagayskiy and Stepnoy mines. A pit to exploit the Nikol'skiy
section of the magnesite deposit went into production, renovation of DOF [Crushing
and Concentration Mill] No 1 was performed, and designed output was reached in the
magnesite concentration in heavy susF~~~nsions department at DOF No 2(Figure 1)
[photo o:nitted]. Construction was completed on an experimental commercial-scale
department for concentrating magnesite by chemical means; preliminary tests produced
_ encouraging results. A truck-hauled overburden dump 96 meters in height was suc-
cessfully put into operation (Figure 2) [photo omitted]. The mine railroad shop
* G. Ye. Zaychenko, Yu. I. Berezhnoy, P. M. Kut'kov, et al, OGNEUPORY, No 2, 1981,
pp 29-32.
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completed track switching control automation and centralization, repair of dumpcars
and electric mine locomotives.
Improve~nent of excavator, drilling and blasting operations continued at the
quartzite mine of the Pervoural'sk Dinas Refractory Brick Plant; equipment was
modernized at the plant's crushing and grading mill. ~
The miners at the Chasov-Yar Refractories Combine put into operation a pit mine in
- the Redkodub section, second units of the Vostochnyy and Yuzhnyy mines, and improved
mining operations in couiplex geologic conditions.
The work force at the Druzhkovka Mine Administrati~n accomplished a considerable
- amount of work on constructing a second pit uni;. for working the Novorayskoye
refractory clay deposit and on improving mining production operations with the
- employment of high=output mine Cransport equipment ESh-15/90, ESh-10/70, and
EKG-4.6 excavators in combination with BelAZ-540 heavy-load dump trucks.
The Kirovograd Mine Administration constructed an~d put into operation a pit in the
' left-bank part of the deposit. Complex geologic conditions and unconfirmed
geologic data on commercial mineral reserves required great efforts on the part of
the work force for development of mining operations and for achieving refractory
clay production plan targets.
The work force of the Priazovskoye Mine Administration began production in a new
section of the deposit with complex geologic conditions.
- The miner work forces at the Vatutinskiy and Velikoanadol'skiy combines improved
mining operations in conditions of increased kaolin bed flooding and a heavier layer
of overburden (Figure 3) [photo omitted]. ~
Thanks~to the adoption of higher-output mining and drilling equipment, the work
force of the Ovruchskoye Mine Administration, in spite of increased pit depth, suc-
cessfully met the production target in the lOth Five-Year Plan. ,
The work forces of refrac~ories industry enterprises devoted con5tant attention to
reclaiming and utilizing land disturbed by mining operations. Figure 4[photo
omitted] shows reforestation of a reclaimed mtned-out area of the Zapadnyy Mine at
the Chasov Yar Refractories Combine.
Considerable credit for meeting the refractory raw materials production targets of
the lOth Five-Year Plan muat go to highly akilled, conscientious workers produc-
tion leaders and innovators, who successfully mastered the new mine transport
equipment and mining operation processes and who tiave an innovative at-
titude toward their job.
- The new five-year plan (1981-1985) assigned even more complex and responsible tasks
to the miners of the refractories industry.
Production increases in the llth Five-Year Plan over the lOth Five-Year Plan are
- targeted as follows: refractory clay by 13.2 percent; magnesite by 6.8 gercent;
lcaolin by 6.8 percent; quartzite by 3.6 percent. Geologic conditions for
working refractory raw materials deposits will be more complex in the new five-year
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plan. Production growth in refractory raw materials should occur primarily
through intensification of production processes, improvement in mining process
operations, replacement of low-output, obsolete and worn-out mine transport equ~p-
ment, mechanization and automation of production processes, improvement in forms of
socialist competition, and increased worker labor pro3uctivity.
The following principal measures must be carried in order. to meet the targets of
the llth Five-Year Plan pertaining to mining operations and providing raw materials
to enterprises of ferr~us metallurgy and other branches and sectors of the economy:
- Borovichi Refractories Combine: construct and put into production the
Okladnevo Mine, with an annual output capacity of 400,000 tons of refractory clay;
proceed with development of the second unit of the Ust'ye-Brynkino Mine; continue
adoption of KMSh and ChPU continuous miners in underground mining operations, bring-
ing mechanization of preparation and production to 90-100 percent; incre~se the
volume of crushing of overburden limestone for the construction industry and
maintenance of in-mine and spoi~ dump roads; perform a group of renovation opera-
tions at the Volgino Mine;
the Suvorovskoy;: Mine Administration: complete conF;truction of pit facili-
ties and reach desigr~ed output capacity in refraGtory clay production in the
Vostochno-Bezovskiy section; complete construction on and put into operation a truck
garage with outside parking for BelAZ-540 and KrAZ-256B dump trucks; assemble and
put into operation an Esh-10/7OA walking excavator in the Vostochno-Bezovskiy section;
convert fireclay shop and boiler house operations over to natural gas; improve the
quality of repair and maintenance of process equipment in this shop; prepare tech��
nical documentation for mine construction to work the U1'yanovskoye refractory clay
deposit; reclaim and replant areas disturbed by mining operations in Section No 14
_ and the Kuleshovskiy section; ~ ~
Semiluki Refractories Plant: complete relocation of the gas and communications
line at the Sredniy Mine and intensify overburden removal operations on the forward
benches; complete construction and bring on-line industrial facilities at the Belyy
Kolodets and Strelitsa Blizhnyaya mines; renovate the overhead cableway between the
plant and the Belyy Kolodets Mine, with the aim of boosting its capacity to 750,000
tons per year; expand the refractory clay storage area at the plant site 3.n order to
boost volume of fireclay shipped to customers to not less than 200,000 tons per year;
reclaim and replant land disturbed by mining activities; prepare technical documen-
tation for development of the quartz sand production section for refractory linings
at the Strelitsa Blizhnyaya Mine; complete preliminary studies at the Strelitsa ~
- Blizhnyaya and Belyy i~olodets mines for the purpose of improvin~ mining oper.ations,
with the employment of ESh-10/70A and Esh-6/45 walking excavators;
Bogdanovich Refractories Plant: step up construction and movement on-stream
of production facilities and housing at the Kul'durekiy brucite mine, bringing the
= facility up to designed output; accomplish further improvement of mining operations
at the Yuzhnaya Poldnevaya Mine, producing refractory clays, and at the Kul'durski~
- brucite fiine;
Eastern Siberian Refractories Plant: construct and bring into production a
_ department for concentration and briquetting of refractory clays from the Trosh-
kovskoye deposit; complete construction, bring on-stream and reach designed output
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at the refractory clay pit; prepare design documentation. mining and land allocation
formalities, and commence construction of priority facilities at the Savinskiy
- Magnesite Combine;
Magnezit Combine: accelerate construction and excavatio~l operations at t~e
- Magnezitovaya Mine; complete renovation of DOF No 1; complete construction and reach
designed output at the Tsentral'nyy and Zapadnyy mines of the Nikol'skiy section of
the magnesite deposit; accelerate construction of industrial facilities and housing
in the new microrayons; renovate equipment in the existing magnesite concentration
- in heavy suspensions department; build the second magnesite concentration in heavy
suspensions unit; perform construction and preparation work for delivering gra~e IV
- magnesite from special storage sites to DOF No 2; prepare design documentation and
build a third magnesite crushing and concentration line at DOF No 2; complete
preliminary studies and perform preparation work on the south edge of the
Karagayskiy pit for siting waste rock dumps; prepare design documentation and con-
- struct an overhead cableway for transporting crushed magnesite to TsMP-2 rotary
furnaces 5 and 6; reach designed output of a commercial-scale unit for magnesite
concentration by a chemical method; prepare design documentation, land and mining
allocation formalities for pit expansion in the Galyaminskv~e molding sand deposit
secticn; perform preparation work for constructing a pit in the Berezovskiy section
- of the magnesite deposit; step up worY on increasing magnesite production in the
Palenikhinskc~-Mel'nichnyy section;
Pervoural'sk Dinas Refractory Brick Plant: strip overburden and commence
wurking the southern section of the Gora Karaul'naya quartzite deposit; perform
major overhaul of the crushing and grading mill; build a hard-surface road between
the mine and the crushing-grading mill;
Tarasovskoye Mine Administration: build a rail spur and storage facility
for shipping quartzite and quartz sands; ozganize selective digging of quartz sands
for shipment to customers; prepare design documentation and commence construction
of a new pit; fabricate and install at the pit a facility for screening ma.terial
in order to reduce the hauling of waste rock to the crushing and grading mill;
Yuzhno-Ural'sk pit of Soyuzmetallurgprom: complete construction of pit~
facilities and bring refractory clay output up to the designed figure;
the mining enterprises of the Ukrogneupornerud Republic Production Associa-
- tion: accomplish construction of a refractory clay pit in the Block No 9 section;
expand production of molding sand in the Sukhoy Yar section of the Chasov Yar ~
Refractories Combine;
Druzhkovka Mine Administration: prepare design documentation, land and mining
allocation formalities, accomplish construction and bring on-stream a pit in the
Western Section of the Novorayskoye refractory clay deposit; accomplish renovation
of the molding sarld pit on the Banty:~hevskoye depo~it;
Kirovograd Mine Administration: step up geological exploration activities
and confirmation of refractory clay reserves in the new Left Bank section, prepare
design documentation and begin construction of a pit in this section;
1~ ~
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Priazovskoye Mine Admin.~etration: step up preparatory activities for expand-
ing the production of refractory clays and kaolin in Section No 1; continue con-
- struction of approach spur and in-pit tracks;
Vatutino Refractories Combine: accomplish construct3.on, movement on-stYeam
and achievement of designed output at the Murzinskiy kaolin pit; construct an e.~:-
perimental commercial-scale kaolin concentration unit;
Ovruch Mine Administration: cut and prepare for working lower levels of the
quartzite deposit at the presently operating pit; be~in preparation of technical
documentation f.or working a new quartzite section.
Growth in volume of converter steel production at metallurgical plants in the
southern and central part of this country in the llth Five-Year Plan ma.kes xt neces-
sary to increase production of top-grade tar-dolomite refractories.
It has been established on the basis of 8massed experience as well as laboratory
experiments and full-scale tests that the highest-quality raw material.for making
~ar-dolomite refractories is dolomite from the Bosninekoye deposit, which is
pi�oduced by the Kavdolomit Quarry Administration. Rsaerves of these dolomites are
practically unlimited for the foreseeable future.
This quarry is to undergo renovation in the llth Five-Year Plan, with the aim of
increasing production of Bosninskoye dolomite to 1 million tons per year and satis-
faction of the requirements of enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metal-
lurgy and Ministry of Construction Materials Industry.
During the period of renovation and development of the Bosninskiy quarry, beginning
in 1981, dolomite from the Tkvarchel'skoye deposit is to be utilized, produced by
the quarry of the Rustavi Metallurgical Plant. In the llth Five-Year Plan the con-
verter shops of the metallurgical p_lants of the Urals, Siberia and Kazakhstan will
be supplied with refractories the manufacture of which will involve magnes~te powders
from the Magnezit Combine and dolomites from the Alekseyevskoye depo~it.
In the llth Five-Year Plan obsolete and worn-out mining transport and auxiliary
equipment is targeted for replacement at enterprises producing refractory raw
materials. On this basis there will be obtained further improvement of mining
operations and increased labor productivity with the aim of increasing production
- volume and meeting plan-specified raw materials production targets.
I~ necessary to step up exploration of the Kriushanskoye (Annenskoye) refractory
clay deposit for the Semiluki Refractory Plant; the U1'yanovskoye deposit for the
Suvorovskoye Mine Administration; refractory clay sections adjacent to the
Nizhne-Uvel'skoye deposit; the second unit section of the Yuzhnaya Poldnevaya
refractory clay pit; the Zapadnyy section for the Druzhkovka Mine Administration;
= tlie Left-Bank refractory clay section f.:r the Kirovograd Mine Aciministration;
refractory clay and kaolin sections of the Polozhskoye deposit for the Priazovskoye
Mine Administration; kaolin sectiorLS near the town of Zvenigorodsk for the Vatutino
Refracturies Combine.
The 26th CPSU Congress has specified an ambitious program of further growth and
_ development of our coun~try's industry, including ferrous metallurgy, of which the
refractories industry is an integral part.
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The Soyuzogneupor All-Union Production Association, the Ukrogneupornerud Republ.ic
Production Aseociation, and all enterprises of the refractories industry have
elaborated measures aimed at succeasful enterprise growth and development, improve-
ment of production tecr~nology, mechanization and automation af pr~duction processes,
adoption of scientific and technological advances,~scientific organiza~ion of lgbor~
improvement in the quality of produced refractory raw materials, and establishment
of safe and highly productive working conditions.
To achieve successful accomplishment of the assigned tasks, it is necessary to
communicate the targeted measures to each and every worker and to support accomplish-
- ment of these tasks with appropriate high-output mine-transFort and auxiliary equip-
ment, material-technical resources, and scientif ically substantiated organization
of labor, working daily on indoctrinating working people in a spirit of axcellent
pro~uction discipline and responsibilit;~ for the assigned task. Mine workers of
the refractories industry will apply all their resources, knowledge and experience
in order honorably to accomplish their asaigned task.
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Metallurgiya", "Ogneupory", 1981
CSO: 1842/22
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UDC: 669:66.018.4; 66.043.2
to pr~:ss 25 Mar 81) pp 2-11
[Annotation, table of contents ~ind introduction from book"High-Temperature Heat-In-
sulating Materials", by Samuil Milchaylovich Kats, Izdatel'stvo "Metallurgiya",
3,72(1 copies, 232 pages] .
['TextJ This volume presents the first systematized information in the area of
technology and properties of. high-temperature heat-insulating and heat-shielding
materials based on refractory met~ls and their com~ounds, oxide ceramics, carbon-
graphites, and composites. New methods of obtaining them are examined, as well as
specific features of employment in furnacea, testing equipment, power generating
_ equipment and other structures operating at high temperatures (2500-3200�C). The
author presents calculated characteristics and methods of estimating the
physical-mechanical properties of highly porous materials of cellular-powder, foam
and fibrous structure.
This volume is intended for engineers and technicians employed at scientific re-
search ins~titutes, higher educational institutions, design institutes and design
offices of the metallurgical, machine building and chemical industries, working in
ti~e area of ~.evelopment and application of these ~;aterials.
= Contents Page
Introduction 4
Chapter 1. Nonporous Heat-Insulating and Heat-Shielding Materials
Heat Shielding and Thermal Insulation of Heat-Resistant Oxides 12
Heat Shielding and Insulation of Non-Oxide C.ompounds 35
Pyrographitic Materials S1
Chapter 2. Fibrous High-Temperature Thermal Insulations
_ Physical-Mechanical Properties of Fibrous Materials 59
High-Temperature Thermal Insulations of Highly Refractory Oxide Fibers 83
Thermal Insulations of Carbide and Other Non-Oxide Fibers 92
' 22
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' Chapter 3. Highly-Porous Heat-Insulating Materials Prapertiea oz PorouR Materials of Cellular Structure 112
Physical-Mechanical Propertiea of Powder Material~. 137
Physical-Mechanical Progerties of Cellular-Powder Materials 152
- Physical-Mechanical Properties of Cellular-Cellular Materials 164
Physical-Mechanical Properties of Enam Materials 169
Highly-Poroua Oxide Insulations 177
Foamed Carbides and Other Non-Oxide Insulations 199
Highly-Porous Carbon-Graphite Insulationa 206
- Multiple-Screen Thermal Insulations 215
Heat-insulating and heat-shielding materials are extensively employed in the most
diversified areas of inetallurgy, power engineering, machine building, and c~nstruc-
- tion. In recent years extremely high-t~mpera*_ure materials, with a working tempera-
ture from 1500-2000 up to 3000-3500�C have become increasingly important.
Increased requirements in such m~terials in the metallurgical industry are due to
increased temperatures in heating, roasting and melting furnaces. It ia also due
to the necessity of further increasing the efficiency and economy of equipment and
production processes as well as equipment boosting.
Extremely high-temperature insulations and heat shields (linings, coatings, screens)
are required in foundry operations, especially in die casting, in press forging
(for insulating induction heater-containers), in the aerospace industry (for in-
sulating gas turbines and combustion chambers), in thermal converters, in test equip-
ment for testing materials and structures, and in a number of other areas of tech-
nology. A substantial increase in operating temperatures should be expected in
coming years in nuclear power engineering, in rocket engi.nes and spacecraft, magneto-
hydrodynamic generators, in vacuum arc furnaces, etc.
The need for heat insulatior~ ar.d shielding for the temperature range 2000-3500�C,
which exceeds the operating temperature of the ma~ority of conventional high-tem-
_ perature thermal insulating materials based on oxides, metals and other heat-
resistant materials, has required the development and application of new alloys and
composites in these materials, in particular possessing the requisite mechanical
properties at the apecified temperatures. In ~onnection with this, attention was
focused on compoun3s of refractory metals with carbon, nitrogen, boron, as well as
various compositea. The heat-insulating properties of such materials are determined
chiefly by their highly porous structure. This dictated the development of new in-
dustrial processes for producing highly refractory compounds 'n the form of foam
materials, felts and other porous bodies. Theoretical method~ were ~eveloped for
analyzing the physical-mechanical properties of various highly-porous b~~dies,
processes of molding and aintering, ete. In addition, the specific features of
these materials and the conditions of their employment required the development of
- special methods of bonding, reinforcement, application of coatings, gaseous-phase
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deposition, new structural forms of composites, reflective shields, etc. Thus
there has developed in recent years the area of heat-insulation and heat-shielding
technology, which should be called ultrahigh temperature, as an addition to existing
categories of high-temperature or highly refractory materials with a melting point
of up to 2000�C.
We shall first discuss the general classification of heat-insulating and heat-shield-
in~ materials contained in Table 1.
Thermal or heat insulation serves to limit the conductive, convective or radiation
heat exchange between the insulated medium and its environment. Heat insulation is
employed either independently or as a%omponent part of a heat-shielding device.
kieat shielding serves as a barrier separating the protected structure from the ef-
Fect of a hot environment, and is in the form of a coating, facing, lining, or more
complex layer of compact or porous materials. Requirements on heat-shielding and
heat-insulating materials differ, although in many cases their function coincides.
Table 1. Cl~ssification of High-Temperature Heat-Insulating Materials
_ m�,^~ Designation Diagram Peculiarities and Areas of Application
1 2 3 4
. Heat-Insulating Materiale
I Nonporous Material: refractory oxides; thermal conductivi-
_ I.1 Isotropic ty 2-6 w/(m�K); high. etrength; heat resistance
2200-2500�C .
1.2 Anisotropic Material: pyrographite, BN; thermal conductivi-
ty 1-2 w/(m�K); high strength; high cost
II Highly-porous Heat resistance to 3000�C; all refractory
II.1 Powder: materials employed
loose ,r^ Porosity 20-60 percent;thermal conductivity
O.Ql-2 w/~n�K); does not bear load, requires
packing; high specific surface; significant
rate of ablation by vaporization; danger of
. . caking of finely dispersed pow~ers
bound (granular) Porosity 20-40 percent; thermal conductivity
~ 5-30 w/(m�K)
_ II.2 Cellular ~ Porosity 10-70 percent; structural stability
. at high temperatures; relative thermal con-
. ductivityJ~/~0=0.8-0.1. Simplicity of manufac-
II.3 Cellular-cellular Porosity 30-80 percent; relative thermal con-
ductivity ~/7~p=0.5-0.05; enhanced mechanical
tI.4 Cellular-powder: Porosity 50-85 percent; relative thermal con-
loose ductivity ~/h 0=0.2-0.03; enhanced mechanical
bound (granular) properties
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l 2 3 4
II.S Foam Porosity 50-99 percent; relative thermal con-
ductivity ~=0.3-0.01; enhanced mechanical
II,6 Multiple-screen Material: graphite, refractory metals and com-
- pounds, ecreen thickness 0.05-2 mm; low radiant
~ and conductive thermal conductivity [10'3-
� � . � 10-2 w/ (m�K) ] ; maximeim temperature 2200�C
III Fibrous ~ .
_ III.1 Nun-fabric Fiber material: oxides, carbon-graphitea,
(felt) oxygen-free compounds; porosity 50-99 percent;
~ relative thermal conductivity~t/~p�0.1-0.001
III.2 Fabric Low strength. High Heat resistance
III.3 Composite Porosity 30-70 percent. Enhanced atrength and
rigidity ~
Heat-Shielding Devices
IV. Barrier < Material: oxides, graphites; heat resistance to
IV.1 Facing 2500�C; thermal conductivity 0.5-10 w/(m�K)
(lining) ~
IV.2 Coatings Material: oxides, metals, metal-like cermets
- ~ (carbides, borides, nitrides) and ceramic-like
_ ~ cermets (SiC, BN, etc); heat resistance to
� 3 3000�C ~
V. Heat-radiating ~ . ` " '
V,1 "Hot" design
_ V.2 "Cold" design "
. ,
;f' '
VI Heat-absorbing. ,
VI.1 Passive heat .
VI.2 Active cooling ~
systems: /!n
cooling by sweat- -a
ing J,~~
film cooling -
VII Self-destructive i~~~ n .
~ A n.
_ VII.1 Non-carbontzing
n a c.
i VII.2 Carbonizing
_ ~
= Note: :l screen; H-- insulation; T.n. heat absorber; f1.M. porous materia~;
0-- coolant; A.M. ablation material; O.c. carbonizing (or permeable)
= layer
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The principal characteristics of heat-insulating materials are their maximuui oPerat-
ing temperature and coefficient of thermal conductivity.
High-temperature insulating~materials can be subdivided into four groups on the
basis of temperature level:
1. With a maximum operating temperature up to 700�C. These include many
general-use construction and industrial insulating materials, organic and inorganic:
mineral wool, glasa wool, cellular concretes, foamglass, asbestos, sovelite, kaolin
and other heat-insulating materials.
- 2. Refractory, fibrous and loose insulating materials with a maximum operat-
ing temperature to 1750�C, chiefly based on oxide ceramics of Si02, A1203, MgO,
Zr02, ZrSi04, lightweight fireclay and silica brick insulation.
3. Highly refractory porous insulation materials with a maximu.m operating
temperature to 2300-2500�C of cor~mdum, magnesite, chrome-magnesite and
zirconium dioxide, as well as of highly refractory oxides of beryllium, yttrium,
scandium, etc.
4. Especially high-temperature insu~ating materials with a maximum operating
temperature in excess of 2500�C. Insulation of this group is made of carbon-
graphitic materials, based on refractory metals and their compounds and allays, as
well as of certain oxides: Th02, Hf02.
Commercially manufactured heat-insulating materials of the first two groups [158-
160] [bibliography not included] are currently classified not by coeffic�ient of
~ thermal conductivity but by volumetric mass. They are subdivided into grades (15-
700) according to voTumetric mass (kg/m3). The coefficient of thermal conductivity
of c~nventional heat-insulating materials at room temperature ranges from 0.03 to
- 0.17 w/(m�K) for moderately efficient and to 0.25 w/(m�K) for low-efficiency in-
sulating materials. ~ ~
This estimate shifts considerably in especially high-temperature heat insulating mate-
rials. In the temperatuve ra~ 2000-3000�C a thermal conductivity of 2-6 w/(m�K)
- is generally considered.satisfactory, while insulation with a thermal conductivity
of 1-2 w/(m�K) is considered very eff ective. Therefore in a number of instances
certain highly porous materials are examined in this book, which were not designed
specifically for utilization as insulation but possess low tyermal condect~fvit~~e
All insulating materials can be subdivided into four basic t pes by typ p
structure (see Table 1)0
The first type includes certain nonporous materials possessing low thermal con-
ductivity at high temperatures. A thermal conductivity of less than 6 w/(m�K) at a
temperature of more than 1800�C can be claimed by many oxides: Hf02, Th02, U02,
_ Zr02, Y203, Sc203, A1203 [6].
Some pyrolytic anisotropic materials possess satisfactory heat-insulating proper-
ties [7~< 2-3 w/~t$K)l in a direction normal to the surface of deposition: various
- kinds of pyrographite at 2500-2800�C, and boron pyronitride at temperatures up to
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The other kind~ of heat-insulating materials achieve a reduction in thermal con-
_ ductivity as a ~onsequence of their porosity. An extensive class of highly
porous insulating materials (Type II) can be subdivided into several groups: powder,
cullular, cellular-powder, and foam.
The porosity of powder (granular) materials (T~pe II.1), with loose pouring or
~sintering of tightly packed grains does not exceed 0.3-0.6. Loose powder insulat-
ing materials possess low thermal conductivity due to considerable thermal
~ resistances in the contacta between individual particles. Tnerefore not only poor-
ly conducting oxide but also carbon-graphite, carbide and other powders the intrinsic
thermal conductivity of which is high are employed in these materials. Friable
cellular-powder loose materials (Type II.4), the porosity of which is 0.7-0.9, .
- possess even less conductive thermal conductivity. in these materials, however,
as a con~;?quence of an increase in size d of the cellular pores, there is a sub-
stantial increase in heat transfer by radiation between particles, a multiple of
d and T3. One substantial limitation in the employment of powder and other
porous insulating material with a large active surface figure is the considerable
ablation as a consequence.of vaporization and elevated temperatures. The refractory
_ metals tungsten, rhenium, niobium, molybdenum, dense graphite, and carbides of
, tantalum, niobium, hafnium, and zirconium possess the lowest rate of evaporation in
a vacuum. For example, the vaporizability of particles of tungsten 200 microns in
diameter (specific surface fsP=1.65 x 10-3 m2/g) at 2500�C is 0.5%/h. The rate of
removal oi like particles of zirconium dioxide at 2500�C is significantly greater
up to 97%/h. Usually removal of 20% of mass is considered allowable in estimating
resource of loose powders, just as other highly porous insulating materials. We
should note that the rate of eyaporation of mater~als in an inert gas is as a rule
5 to 10 times less than in a vacuum. In addition, as a consequence of the�low heat
conductivity of powder insulating materials, temperature in these mat~rials drops
off sharply through the.thickness of the layer.
Widely used cellular-powder materials with a porosity of up to 0.9 possess excellent
hea.t-insulating properties; they are obtained mostly from oxides by the methods of
gasification, expansion, o~~ introduction of burning additives. The best materials
of this type can operate at temperatures up to 2300�C and have a thermal conductivj.ty
of not more than 1-2 w/(m�K). Employment of highly porous insulating materials in
stressed structures i~ limited due to the sharp decrease in strength and creep
Foam materials, which can be manufactured today out of practically all refractory
substances, possess superior mechanical properties. Successes achieved in this area
have made it possible to obtain highly effective foam thermal insulating materials
(Type II.S) graphite foams, carbide foams and others with a porosity of up to
- 0.85-0.99 and a coefficient of thermal conductivity of 2-3 w/(m�K). The principal
methods of obtaining them are based on utilization of carbonizing plastic foams.
Highly porous heat insulating materials based on ceramic 3nd carbon microspheres
- have become particularly widespread. ~
- The class of fibrous insulating materials (Type III) is developing the most inten-
sively at the present time. Fibrous insulating materials combine excellent heat-
insulating properties and convenience of utilization in the form of flexible mats,
sheets, felt pads, and cloths. Fibrous insulating materials possess mechanical
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~>ro~~erties whlch are superior to cellular and other highly porous materials of
ec;ual porosity.
Materials of high-temperature heat-shie lding systems can be broken down into heat-
shield barrier f acings, radiation-type heat-dispersing systems, heat-absorbing
systems, and self-destr~:ction (ablation) coatings.
Thick-walled barrier-type facings. In rnany furnaces, high-temperature flues and
' combustion chambers the metal or cerami c structure which forms the hot cavity
should be faced with a more highly ref ractory layer. Such a layer, assembled of
separate prefabricated components, serves to protect the main load-bearing structure
from the effect of hot gases, mel~ts, and abrasive particles. It is made of heat-
resistant oxides, non-oxide ceramics, metals, and carbon-graphites. A refractory
facing of oxides is extensively employed in melting refractory metals, in aerospace
vehicles as jet and rocket engine exhaust nozzle inserts, and to heat-shield leading
edges and nose cones which heat to 220 0-2750�C.
The majority of oxide refractory linings are also heat insulators, which reduce heat
losses to the environment, and therefor e should possess minimal thern?al conductivity.
Considerable efforts are directed at reducing brittleness and increasing the heat
resistance of oxide linings. This is achieved as a xesult of reinforcing oxides
with metal, oxide, and nitride filaments, impregn~~tion with resins and thickening
with pyrolytic carbon, as well as creat ion of a microcrack structure.
Thin barrier-type coatings can be single and multiple layer, and in chemical com-
position can be metal, cermet (meta~-1 ike and ceramic-like), oxide and silicate.
In the simplest case a heat--shielding coating is formed directly on a metal surface.
Some coatings possess comparatively po or thermal conductivity and can appreciably
reduce the heat flow to the shielded metal structure. Heat-insulating properties
are improved with the application of porous coatings, by plasma vaporization coating,
for example. Employment of refractory metals (molybdenum, tungsten, niobium,
tantalum) as heat-shielding coatings and layers is connected with their high
operating temperature, low volatility in a vacuum and in gases, and high reflectivi-
ty. Refractory metal coatings deposi t ed on graphite from gaseous phase improve its
gasti~ltness, wear resistance and eros ion resistance in high-temperature oxygen-
free environments.
Crystalline oxide coatings are extens ively employed as heat-insulating coatings.
Drawbacks of oxide coatings include po or heat resistance, brittleness, poor
- coh~sion with protected surfaces~ and limited refractoriness.
- Many metal-like and ceramic-like cerme t coatings possess high hardness, resistance
_ to wear, and refractoriness. Coatings of inetal-like compounds based on silicides,
- borides, and carbides of d-transition metals possess comparatively high thermal
conductivity, which ensures their heat resistance, but their heat-insulating
properties are diminished. Of special interest among heat-shielding coatings
based on ceramic-like compounds with h igh refractoriness and resistance to wear are
coatings of pyrolytic boron nitride, boron carbonitride, a-SiC, A1N.
Radiation-type heat-dispersing systems are suitable for shielding against large
radiant flows. An equilibrium temperature can be achieved in a thin outer layer
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witl? i~Lgti rei~lectivity, whereby the bulk of the arriving heat flow is reflected
back into the surrounding medium. Heat insulation is one of the component
elements in these systems. With interior placement of insulation, a metal power-
_ generation structure facing shields is subjected to external heat flows. Such
a design is sometimes called "h~t" (Type V.1). Exterior facing can be of smooth o~
corrugated metal sheets with protective coatings, equipped with stiffeners, in the
form of girders or honeycombs, fcr example. Facing can be uncooled or have supple-
mentary cooling, but in all cases the exterior surf ace should have high radiating
- capacity or reflectivity.
A"cold" design is extensively employed, especially in electric furnaces, a design
in which the heat insulation proper is subjected to external heating, this insula-
tion being placed on the surface of a metal shell (Type V.2), or heat insulation
_ faced with a denser lining, which also has comparatively poor thermal conductivity.
Cther types of high-temperature heat-sl~ielding systems heat-absorbing and self-
destruction (ablation), which are characterized by short duration of operation,
~ characteristic chiefly of space hardware, are not examined in this volume; informa-
- tion on formulas and the mechanism of destruction of the principal classes of these
lieat-shielding coatings is given in [14]. Therefore we shall limit ourselves to
_ the classification in Table l.
Heat-absorbing devices include systems which employ passive heat absorbers, with
- gas and hydrodynamic cooling, as well as containing partially removed materials.
Systems with passive heat absorbers are based on utilization of the heat capacity
of a material possessing high values of specific heat and coefficient of thermal
conductivity. In addition to accumulation of heat due to a material's heat capaci-
ty, part of ttie applied heat is radiated by the exterior surface. High thermal
conductivity is essential for uniform heating of the heat absorber, avoiding sub-
stantial temperature fluctuations. To prevent intensive heat transfer to the
protec~ed structure, addition insulation is placed between it ar.d the heat d~sorber
(Type VI.1).
Heat absorbers employed for heat shielding can operate for a very short period of
time. With very high thermal loads and high friction stresses, active gas- and
- hydrodynamic cooling systems are employed (Type VI.2). They include cooling sys-
tems in which cooling agent is fed into the flow through porous material, and sys-
tems with film cooling.
Heat-insulating materials employed in the range 1500-1700�C are not examined in
this volume, since they are described in detail in [158-160]. The same applies to
the manufacturing process and pr.operties of commercially-manufactured highly
- refractory oxide materials discussed in books written by prominent Soviet in-
vestigators [2, ~6, 19, 21, 130].
Principal attention in this volume is devoted to especially high-temperature
materials, including those based on oxygen-free compounds and graphites, which make
it possible to achieve operating temperatures of 3000-3500�C, including the most
effective fibrous, cellular-powder, foam and multiple-screen insulating materials.
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Selection of an optimal (for specific applications) type and parameters of heat-
insulating materials, as well as a scientifically substantiated area of technology
in developing a new heat insulating material with specified properties is possible
, only if one takes into account the functional relationship between the physical-
mechanical properties of the material and the specific features of its concrete
porous structure. Toward this end the book undertakes to examine various
properties of the basic types of porous bodies based on an analysis of their
generalized structural models. In view of the complexity and diversity of actual
porous structures, such a model analysis cannot be considered completed. The aim
of this work was further development of theory and practice of especially high-
temperature insulating materials on the basis of a critical examination, synthesis
and classification of the la~est advances in this field.
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Metallurgiya", 1981
CSO: 1842/33
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UDC: 629.12.002.3(075.3)
Leningrad MATERIALOVEDENIYE DLYA SUDOSTROITELEY in Russian 1981 (signed to press
24 Jun 81) pp 4-6, 246-248
[Introduction and table of contents from book "Materials Science for Shipbuilders", �
by Viktor Vasil'yevich Andreyev, Izdatel'stvo "Sudostroyeniye", 18,000 copies, 248
Various materials, the number of which is increasing year by year, are utilized in
the shipbuilding industry.
In the past ships were,constructed of wood, and it was not until the 19th century
that iron began to be employed in building ship hulls, and later Bessemer and open-
hearth steel plate. Up until approximately 1945 carbon ste~el was the principal
material in Soviet hull construction. After the Great Patriotic War low-alloy steel
began to be extensively employed for ships' hulls. Today almost all large vessels
are built of high-grade carbon and low-alloy steels.
Aluminum-magnesium alloys began to be utilized in shipbuilding in the 1930's.
Earlier attempts had also been made to use aluminum alloys. At the end of the
19th century, for example, torpeda boats ~aere built in Russia of aluminum alloys,
but they failed to receive recognition at that time due to poor corrosion
resistance and strength. Extensive employment of high-strength and corrosion-
resistant aluminum-magnesium alloys in the shipbuilding industry began in the 1950's.
- Structural components made of these alloys weigh half as much as corresponding
steel ones. This makes it possible to increase a vessel's load-carrying capacity,
to increase its speed or lessen the horsepower of the propulsion units. These
alloys are used in building ship superstructures, hulls of hydrofoil vessels, rescue
vessels, etc.
Extensive employment of new materials, such as plastics, is a characteristic feature
of modern shipbuilding.
A ship is a complex man-made structure, construction of which requires a large quanti-
ty of diversified materials: carbon and alloy steels, aluminum-magnesium alloys,
- titanium and titanium alloys, copper and copper alloys, cast iron, concrete, wood,
plastics, paints and varnishes, etc.
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Material is selected on the basi_s of the requirements imposed on a vessel,
- structure or component part (mechanical strength, durability, economy, reliability,
etc). By making a correct choice, one can increase a vessel's reliability and
service life, increase its speed and load-carrying capacity, reduce its weight,
reduce operating coscs, reduce cost of construction and increase labor productivity
in construction.
A mastery of materials science will help determine the question of the suitability
of the inaterial for specific purposes.
- Materials science is the science which investigates the composition, methods of
producing, physical, chemical and mechanical pr.operties, methods of heat treatment
and combination chemical and heat treatment of materials, as well as their function.
Ttie fundamentals of this aci,ence were laid down in~the third decade of the 19th
century, when a general concept was formed of the structure of inetals and alloys
and when commercial methods were developed for producing steel and the fundamentals
of heat treatment were elaborated. From that time forward physical metallurgy began
to assume increasing importance in determining questions of the suitability of
metals for various uses, production of alloys with specified properties, imparting
to them the required properties with the aid of heat treatment and combination
chemical and heat treatment, etc.
The fundamentals of theory and the scientifically substantiated technology of heat
treating steel were laid down in the writings of D. K. Chernov (1839-1921) on the
metallograph}~. of iron and steel, which gained international recognition. He also
developed the theory of crystallization, created one of the most advanced
- quenching methods isothermal hardening, and pointed out the advantages of crystal-
lization under pressure and centrifugal casting.
The biggest discovery of the 19th century was the periodic law of D. I. Mendeleyev
(1834-1907), which enables one to establish the relationship between properties,
composition and structure of inetals and to predict change in both physicochemical
. and mechanical properties. '
Further successes in physical metallurgy are inseparably linked with the names of
Soviet scientists N. A. Minkevich, S. S. Shteynberg, N. T. Gudtsov, N. S. Kurnakov,
A. A. Baykoa, A. A. Bochvar, G. V. Kurdyumov, and many others.
Today plastics and other nonmetallic materials are utilized throughout the economy,
~ the creation of which became possibZe thanks to the work of A. M. Butlerov on
theory of the cliemical structure of organic compounds; S. 9. Lebedev, who
demonstrated the possibility of the commercial manufacture of synthetic rubber;
V. A. Kargin, who performed structural investigations of pol.ymeric materials, and
The 26th CPSU Congress assigned industry large tasks. For example, the "Principal
Directions of Economic and Social Llevelopment of the USSR for 1981 and 1985 and
the Period up to 1990" specify that the ferrous metallurgical industry is to prQduce
in 1985 117-120 ~.illion tons of finished rolled ferrous metal products. Cold-
rolled sheet output is to increase by 50-150 percent. Electric furnace steel
production is to increase by 60 percent; in nonferrous metallurgy aluminum output
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is to increase by 15-20 percent, copper by 20-25 percent, nickel and cobalt by not
less than 30 percent, with a production increase in zinc, lead, titanium, magnesium,
precious metals, as well as tungsten and molybdenum concentrates, niobium and other
alloying elements; in the chemical and petrochemic2l industry there is to be an in-
crease in production of synthetic rubbers, replacing natural rubber, with increased
production of high-grade polymers with prescribed technical characteristics. Im-
proving the quality of produced materials and their economical utilization in the
economy are no less important tasks.
A.uthor's Note 3
Introduction 4
Section Une. Fundamentals of Physical Metallurgy
Chapter I. Basic Information on Metals and Their Alloys 7
1. General Information on Metals and Their Alloys 7
_ 2. Internal Structure of Meta].s and Their Alloys 8
3. Constitutional Diagrams of Alloys 12
4. Methods of Studying the Structure of Metals and Alloys 14
Chapter II. Properties of Metals ~-7
S. Physical Properties of Metals 17
6. Chemical Properties of Metals 21
7. Corrosion of Shipboard Structures 24
8. Methods of Protecting Metals Against Corrosion 26
9. Mechanical Properties of Metals 29
10. Testing Metals for Tensile Strength 32
11. Testing Metals for Hardness 36
12. Testing Metals for Toughness 42
13. Testing Metals for Fatigue Strength (Fatigue Resistance) 44
14. Calculating Strength of Machine Parts and Structures 46
15. Processing Properties of Metals 47
Chapter III. Production of Pig Iron 50
- 16. Starting Materials for Producin~ Pig Iron SO
17. The Blast Furnace and Its Auxiliary Devices 51
18. Blast Furnace Operation 53
Chapter IV. Cast Irons 56
_ 19. Effect of Impurities on Properties of Cast Irons 56
2J. White and Gray Cast Irons 57
21., Al1oy Cast Irons 60
Chapter V. Steelmaking 62
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22. General Information on Steelmaking 62
23. Converter Steelmaking 63
24. Open-Hearth Steelmaking 67
25. Electric Fu,~.nace Steelmaking
26. 1'~uring Steel
27. Ingot Crystallization ~ 75
Chapter VI. Steels
28. Classification of Steels
29. Carbon Structural Steels 83
30. Alloy Structural Steels 89
31. Carbon Tool Steels 9~
32. Alloy and High-Speed Tool Steels 93
33. Special Steels and Alloys 95
34. Clad Steels 99
Chapter VII. Nonferrous Metals and Their Alloys 101
35. General 101
36. Copper 101
37. Brass 101 ~
38. Bronze 105 j
39. Nickel, Copper-Nickel and Nickel Alloys 107 I
40. Aluminum ~ 108
41. Forming-Quality Aluminum Alloys 110
42. Aluminum Casting Alloys ~ 113
43. Magnesium and Its Alloys 114
44. Titanium and Its Alloys 115
- 45. Refractory Metals and Their Alloys 119 ~
46. Tin, Lead and Their Alloys '
Chapter VIII. Obtaining Metal Semifinished Products 122
47. General 122
48. Producing Ingots 122
49. Rolling 125
50. Types of Rolled Stock and Its Grading 12~
51. Wire Drawing 134
52. Pressworking 135
53. Forging . 137
Chapter IX. Heat Treating Carbon-lron Alloys 140
54. General Information on Heat Treatment 140
55. Constitutional Diagram of Carbon-Iron Alloys 141
56. Conditions of Heat Treatin, Carbon-Iron Alloys 147
57. Annealing ~ 148
58. Normalizin~ 150
59. Quenching ~ 1S0
60. Tempering 153
61. General Information on Combined Chemical Treatment and Heat Treatment 154
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Chapter X. Hard Alloya and Cermet Materials 157
62. Hard Alloys 157
63. Cermet Materials 159
Section Ztao. Nonmetallic Materials
Chapter XI. Plastics 161
64. General Information on Plastics 161
65. Types and Properties of Plastics 162
66. Methoda of Producing Finished Goods and Semifiniahed Products of
Plastics 167
67. Employment of Plastica in Shipbuilding 170
Chapter XII. Rubber Materials and Glues 173
- 68. Rubber Materials 173
69. Glues 175
_ Chapter XIII. Paints and Varnishes 178
70. Use and Basic Components of Paints and Varnishes 178
71. Basic Types of Paints and Varnishes 180
Chapter XIV. Lubricants ~83
72. General Information on Lubricante ~ 183
73. Lubricants for Launching Waya 187
Chapter XV. Abrasive Materials 189
74. Uses and Types of Abrasive Materials 189
75. Abrasive Tools 191
Chapter XVI. Ceramic Materials and Glass 194
76. Ceramic Materials 194
_ 77. Glass 195
Section Three. Special Materials (Additional Materials Employed in
Chapter XVII. Wood and Wood Materials 197
� 78. Employment o� Wood in Shipbuilding and I~s Properties , 197
79. Types of Wood Materials Employed in Shipbuilding 199
Chapter XVIII. Concrete 202
80. General Information on Concrete 202
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81. Employment of Concrete in Shipbuilding
Chapter XIX. Insulating Materials
82. Uses of Insulating Materials 207
83�. Types of Insulating Materials Employed in Shipbuilding
- Chapter XX. Materials for Facing Interior Spaces and Covering Decks
- 84. Materials for Facing Interior Spaces 213
85. Materials for .Coveri~tg Decks
Chapter XXI. Sealing Materials aad Fasteners
~ 217
86. Sealing Materials 22p
87. Fasteners
Chapter XXII. Welding Materials
g8. Materials for Arc Welding 234
89. Materials for Gas Welding
Chapter XXIII. Materials of Nuclear Reactors
90. Structural Materials of Nuclear Reactors 239
91. Nuclear Fuel and Heat-Transfer Agents ~
Appendix 1. Laboratory Study Activities
Appendix 2. Correlation Between U~tits of the SI System Used in This Book, 244
Units of Other Systems, and Other Units
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Sudostroyeniye", 1981
3024 ~
CSO: 1842/3 9
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