APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500420039-2
JPI~S L/ 1
21 January 1982
V~/orld~ride Re ort
- CFOUO 4/82)
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020039-2
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020039-2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020039-2
JPRS L/102?0
21 January 1982
. (FOUO 4/82)
Drug Manufacturing Ring Smashed Z
Delhi Respor:se To Concern Over Drug Abuse Scored
(Editorial; THE HINAU, 5 Dec 81) 2
Trading in I11 icit Opium Reported
(THE MUSLIM, 11 Dec 81) 3
Opium Glut 4
13 rie f s
Drug Seizure in Penang 5
Survey Reveals Addiction Mainly a Male Problem
Commentary on right Against Narcotics
- (Ghulam Husain Qamar Baloch; DAWN, 27 Dec 81) 7
Three Visitors From Berlin Held for Smuggling Heroin
(Abdul Waheed Husaini; JAN~, 7 Nov 81) 8
~ a - [III - WW - 138 FOUO]
- ~nu n~Fr~r ~ T r rc~ nnrT.v
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Stiffer Penalt~es for Drug Offenses Urged
- Obstacles Confrunti*~g Drive Against Golden Triangl.e Narcotics
No ted
(SIAM RAT SAPPADA WI(~IAN, 23 Aug 81) 11
Raw Opium Seized in Chiang Mai
(TAWAN SIAM, 17 Auo 81) 23
_ Efforts To Arrest Khun Sa Analyzed
(SIAri RAT SAPPADA WIQiAN, 16 Aug 81) 24
Police Say Anguilla Cay Used a~ Drug Transit Point
(Anthony Forbes; gIE TRIBUNE, 20 Nov 81) 28
Fine of Colombians 29
Tr.e~isury Ca.y Arres ts 29
Antiguan Sentenced to 5 Years in Marijuana Smuggling
(TEIE ROYAL GAZETTE, 26 Nov 81} 30
13rie fs
Review of Drug Law 31
_ Briefs
Drug Confiscation 32
Hashish Smuggling Operatio~s on Cuast
(Jamal Kamal; AL-JUI~iURIYAH, 22 Oct 81) 33
- b -
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I~()It ()I~1~1('IAI, litil~. ()NI.Y
_ Briefs
Narcotics Arrests, Haul 36
Optum Cultivation Banned 36
Khorasan Drug Haul 36
Nzrcotics Haul 36
Heroin Seized 3~
Esp~ranz Drug Case 38
Record Drug Haul 38
Drug Traffickers Arrested,'Others Sought
- (AKROPOLI~, 20 Nov 81) 39
Drug Traffickers, Users Arrested, Minus Leader
(I KATHIMERINI, 15 Dec 81) 41
Portuguese llrug Traffickers Arrested 42
Piraeus llrug Net Dismantled 42
Police Disrupt International Drug Ring 42
Hashish Seizure in Rotterdam 43
M tidrug Operat tons Ne t Record Haul in 1981
(Erhan Akyildiz; i'ILLIYET, 9 Jan 82) 44
- International Drug Smuggling Gang Members Seatenced
- (THE DAILY T~LI:GRAPH, 17 Uec 81) 46
- c -
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Turkish Gang Smuggled Drugs in Tombs tone
Jail for Cannabis Smuggling 49
- d -
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DRUG MANUFACTURING RING SMASHED--Hong Kong, 29 Dec--Police believe they have smashed
a drug manufacturing and distribution ring in Hong Kong following a massive series
, of raids that began on Sunday night. A police spokesman said today the 22-hour
operation involving about 250 policemen ended last night. They raided 39 premises
� and seized 11.4 kilos (25 pounds) of heroin and heroin base with a street value
of three million HK dollars (540,000 US). ~taelve people, including three women,
were detained for questioning, he added. Po~ice believe the heroin base was
brought in from Thailand by a local source. They said the drug ring was not con-
- nected with the one reported to be operating a ma3or heroin smuggling network be-
_ tween Hong Kong and Europe. Reports from Paris on Sunday said French detectives
arrested nine Chinese in the Frennc ~apital on Christmas Da,y who were delivering
10 kilos (22 pounds) of heroin.--NAB/Reuter [Text] [Rangaon THE SJORKING PEOPLE'S
~ DAILY in English 30 Dec 81 p 5]
CSO: 5300/4915
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504020039-2
Madras THE HINDU In English 5 Dec 81 p 8
[Editorial: "Drug Abuse"]
THE GOLDEN CRESCEP,fT and the golden find~n~ is that the uae of opium and cannebis
- triangle seem to have become very activc ~s much lerge~-t0ian of peychotropic substances.
of late. The crescent consists of Turkey, Iran, At a confer~nce . in New Delhi lest October,
Afghanistan and Pakistan and the triangle refers one of the perticlPant~ stated that the abuse
to Thailand, Burma end Laos. These countries of drugs among univeraity atuderrts i~ on the
produce SOo-1,000 tonnes of opium per year, clecline. Definite data about the actual incidence
and India is now deemed to be a major conduit end rate of decline over the last five years
for the smuggling of narcotic and psychotropic are dif~icutt to come by. During a discussion
substances to yvhich people are succumbing in tt~e Lok Sabha ~lest Thursday, a reference
in increasing numbers all over the worid. Global was made by mernbers to the ilticit sale on
receipts from illecal drug traffic are put at e mass scale of c~aras, genja and other' nerr.otic;s
= Rs 180 crores. It used to be thou~ht tt~at and to tfie trade freely corrupting hundreds
drug abuse was a malady of the richer economies of Indian youth into indulging in the use oF
and that countries like India were not exposed narcotics. The Govemment has not offered
- to it to any significant extent. But the increasing any iriformation on what its own estimate ~s
haul this year of sophisticated ~arcotics, chiefly of the prevalence of dr'ug abuse particularly
heroin, in Bombay and Delhi and of cocaine arnor~g students, tts response to the concerr?
at Madras coupled w~th tfie discovery of illicit voiced by the members of Pariiame~nt abaR
narcotic menufacturing units +n tJttor Pradesh the deterioration of tfie situation in this field
(besides large-scale theft of op~~um from a is only a. bland statement that a dog squad.
government factory in Madhya PradesF~ poirrt crack intelligence teams in major airparts and
to the existence of a domestic Mafia peddling a special r?arcotic cell will be organised to
drugs to adciicts and heshers on a reguler watch out for and apprehend the srtx~gglers.
~ basis. From being merely a traneit centre for The proof of the intentions of the Gove+'nment
the drug trade, India is becoming e mejor is in the results. The oountry is poorly equipped
production source for opium based drugs. This for rehabilitating the victims of drug abuse.
~s not surprising beceuse it is one of the largeat There is only one bed for 32,000 oF the population
producers of opium. The drug traffickera feel for the treatment oF mental illness and Sd
~t more convenier~t to get the fir.ished product per cent of this bed strength is accounted
manufactured in areas close to Ghe soure.~s for by long-time mental cases. Annual additions
of the raw matariel. to mental health expertise are also meagre.
Some surveys have been made on the If drug abuse is nipped in the bud, as it ahouk!
~nc,dence of drug eddiction in Indie. The overell be, the pr'eseure on medicare facllitles In this
sphere can be kept within manageable limits.
CSO: 5300/7015
- 'L
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020039-2
Islama.bad THE MUSLT~�t in English 11 Dec 81 p 5 ~
- [ Text ] SHILLONG, Dea 10: Ewn as India ~~me outpo~tt an oftm iub-
- finds it dlffionlt to diapoee of its jected to ;ebel at4cke aud recently
eiuplu~ opium, which it cannot aell one auch outpoet wat burnt dowtf,
opium warloide 1n Southea~t Ada ~
notorious "GoWen T~1 e�, have when wmonaooticongentetried to
fourd new carrien ln Indfa'e North- Bet on the trail of thae trafScken.
eaetern !rourgent~ to tramport the To .aombat the dreulatbn of
drug to mazkets in Asia and the iw~c ~iu,~; ma~ i. r~id~ it.
we�t� indi now opium cultivttion at~ a
With lndia's Northeast ,!n tiemmdout ips~tlcLl bre to fUelf~
fermmt. the "red" aorrldor o~~ ~Y,
through Thailand acd Burma haa -
become the ~w drug route to India laat weelc a~mpLlmed at
India and from hcra to tha Weat. the Unlted Natiotu that i~S wat
The new toute waa reoantly suffering fra~n a loas of 18 n;?!(~on
discovered }y noreotics dficlals ddlars a
here whan youfig chaps fr~n tha y~ ~0~ ~0a
- North-wsbern states of Mozoram under pappy cultivation, �~ah
and Na~land, botdering Bumiu ~'h~ch optum . ie made, hat bean
were apprehended in De1hi wlth n~ced to half. !
cantmband opium. One reason inthe fallindemeu?d
~ Senior naraotics officiela, for 1~dL oplum, in which it had
inveatigating into thia new drug ~rlier a virtua! monopoly bwiast
_ cha~mel tofd DPA here, that arme ~~o drug market, ii the entry lnto
and drug amu~ling go almoet hand tt;a muicet ofTu~3cey and Auetra~L
in hand in the region. ~ where 'Morpt~ine' ie extracf~d'
'Opium smugglera uee theae ditOdly ~~~tlte;;poDpY'plRrit.o'~-
inswgenta to trarnport tt?eir ~ating the opium atage.
consignma~i, and in return provlde
them the neaeaary funda which The Irdia dilemma now L what
will buy them their arms", aye an to do with the laat ye~ar't by~p~ec
officiel. ccop of 150 ton~. Much of it i~
Some sreas in thls ragion a1a noW f~11inB l~? the hande of.~mugg-
- src�v thair own po ppy aop lera,esynarcotictoff9ciale.
~Ucgally. Some tr~bes Iike the once About SOa mWbn rupea wo~th
bcillgerent 7Cnovak' tribe of Naga� of opium wu e~ttuggled out th1~
la~d, wurr eaid to have been intro- Yeu to P~icietan er?d No~pd~ it~
ducad bo opium cultlvation by tho t~~~ 4~?d traitu, ancl cu
3 a d by~
Britleh to brln~ thom under control, wumen atd ct~lld~en fn p1s~tIoba~t,
- � wnp ca~e~, drum~ and etepneyn.
Evoreince opium cultfvatbn nee The Icdiam ray opiumga~wn in
bxn a way of life of the tr~e and India had aeidom flgured in lnter-
_ with the entry of internationel na'tional aeizuree becauae of. ~trid
smugglera into the region, the drug oontroL ~~n ite cultivatinn and
'is not beaoming a o~mmodity ef ex{fort. ,
buaineee for the tribala � �
~Hut with the ut in the market
The smu~inq is facWtated by opium wu naw ~i1Wig in the liand~
the difflcult ~eaa~ru aloug the Inda of internttional drug trafflaker~
- aurmae boider making it who ~upplled it to the wo:1d'~
' impo~ibte to Ruard it edequstely., haro9n ~ddict~.-AP1 '
CSO: 5300/4594
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020039-2
OPIUM GLUT--The total stocks of 2,526 tonnes of opium at 9~ degree consistenc~~
were laying at the two government opium factories in the country as on 31 Octo-
ber last according to official findings, reports PTI. Out of these 1,504 tonnes
were laying at the Ghazipur factory in Uttar Pradesh and 1,022 tonnes at the
Neemuch factory in Madhya Pradesh. The reason for such large accumulated stock~
' i5 stated to be that world production and supply had far exceeded the clemand for
~ o~,ir~te~. Conse~ue~ntly the prices of these ra�w materials had steeply fallen in
tl~c~ inCernational market. India had not carried out any experiment on new tech-
nic~ues of extracting morphine directly from the ~oppy capsules. [Text] [New
- llell~i PATFcIOT in English 6 Dec 81 p 5]
- CSCI: ;300/7016
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020039-2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020039-2
DRUG SEIZURE IN PENAIQG--Penang, 2 Dec--A synd'~ate with international connections
is belie�~ed to have been smuggling drugs through the Penang Port. T_:~is came to
light following th~ arrest of a suspected courier and the seizure of more than six
kilos of ganja (cannabis) in a police ambush as: the wharf here last night. ~ao
other suspects on a scrambler and scooter escaped. Sources said the sack of drug,
worth about 10,000 Malaysian dollars (about 4,1000 US dollars) was thrown away
by th~ detained suspect who was riding pillion on the scrambler. The drug was be-
lieved t~ have been smuggled in aboard a ship from Indonesia. The suspect had
fallen and hit his head on a culvert in his bid to escape. He has been warded at
the Penang General Hospital. NAF/AFP [Text] [Rangoon THE WORKING PEOPLE'S DAILY
in English 4 Dec 81 p 6]
CSO: 5300/4914
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020039-2
APPR~VED F~R RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020039-2
Karachi BUSINESS RECORDER in English 12 Dec 81 p 3
Drug a,c~dictiort among tcmalcs cant number o� foreianets, The
is comparatively lower, if not raee, students ~mokc hashich made
in I'~ekista~. lt is mainly a male from the tttisin of canabis plant
problem, according to a survey und iv supplied by a druQ poddlec
carried out by the drug acidictiun found in Subzi Mandi and anotha
unit of C1vi1 Hospital Karachi. suurce is a waiter working in a
In Pakistan the ratio ~f male cunteet~ at the campus premise9.
and female addicts w~as even less
than lOD:I as compared to ~:1 in It stated that the pacentaga of
Westcrn countries. This cxtimato drug addicts in Karachi Univer-
is supported by clinical experience sity blew up erratically in Janu-
J both at priva.te anc! state hospi- ary 15'16. "If today thc number
tasts as w~cll as reports frem simi- o[ drug addicts at the university
lar crntres established in Hyder- h~v increased. Se has its total
abad, 1_ahore, Pesfiawar. population and so has the number
According to the survev drup, of mzntally sick people throuAh-
addictiun among fema.les in lower out the c~ountry. In this context
socio-economic goup is restricteci :t should be remembered that drug
to apium. Those belonging to addictions r+clated to mrntal health
tiie upper-middle class were problems aiul is classified es a
addicted to tranquilizeas. Addic- (~ersonality disorder".
tion to sedatives usually begins
attcr tt?eso druas a~~ prescrilxd by The survey ci~ncludes Uhat drug
- tho physicisns to reliovc thc sym- bddiction amonQ females i~ rda-
ptomv of anxicty and. depression. tively more alarming nnd danae-
rous. Coi?stant drug intako pra-
'1'he survcy also revealed' that duces chomical changes within
girlti in tho univcrsitias who mix tha body system. 'Cho ri~k uP
and frecly H'ith boys wero hearing a ciefoctive child, mentaly
more susceptible to addiction. retarded or mongo(oid, is eor-
The group of addicts at tha Kara- mously higl~ in � a female drug
ch~ Univtrsity comprise a signiti- addict.-P'PL
CSO: 5300/4593
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500020039-2
Karach i DAWN in English 27 Dec 81 p 9
[Article by Ghulam Husain Qamar Baloch]
[Text J ~~,IGOI~t.OU~ cam~atgn tu~'~� +~nd, Drug ~buse concrol
t0 11pT00L the USe OY hcc.essa~~v IaR's are grxdually be- tUNTpAC) in Islamrbad for 4.a
ing cxtended to mcreed aree~ and million dollars a~eieirnce to expaad
nar~ulic~ ~lil6 bcen launel~ed ini~ch c,1 11,~� n~~upy cultivetion hna elPortat to eliminate puypy cultiva-
11] Pakistan. Consequently becn c~onirulled. tion through acop eubstitntion.
'fbe ~u~~~...,,;:~~t has asked the The Pakieten Nar�otic9 Control
Lhe production, ~OSSeSS~Ori, UN and its sUecialiud agencies to Euard 11'NCB), will implement tkte
processin~ . and manufac- assist in the tormnlation o1 s mul� Programme in cooperetion With~ the
turing oi all intnxicant tidisc~plinary programme to elimi- IInited Nations Development Pro-
drugs, A,2~d poppy eultiva- nate poppy cultivation; develop Bramme (LTNDP). The project aims
treatment and rehabilitatlon moda- at irri~atine 5,400 acxes� of .land to
tioii are beirig stopped. lities for drus dependent persons facilitate cultivation ot a wide ran-
in bighly. afYected urban and rural ge of new crops in place of popp'y.
However, the campaign against societies. The focus of attention �At the same time,.sn expanded
drug addiction w'ould succeed only presently is Buner in NWFP and eredit pro~ramme is being iast{tu-
if the community, tamily and indi- the replacement ot poppy free tar� ted ~to help farmers by providing
~~�iduals are deeph~ in~olred in the ~~ng system, fertili2ere, improved seeds, pestfci=
pducati~e and reuabilitation Pr~~� Treatment ceuh~es also haVd high des and iUCreased production o1
~:e~s. 'I'~e drug addict is not ~n~~ riority. 1'he Pakistan Nereotic crops other thab opium. To assist
to be cvred but has to be restor- c~~nU�ol Board is making arrange- fa~~mei'~ in trensportinq the new
ed te the aoc~ety ac a sclt�~�cliant mcnLs to keep a vipil. on aU such crops to the market,"~oade ere be-
and aetf'-resPecling individuaL
arcas in NWFP as are knoRn for in~ imprnved in tlie area. �
In compliance with the conVCnt-.~�a5S ilJicit cultivation ot poppy. 7'k?e prOVision of clean.water and
- ion on narcotic dru~e 1961 and t.he [ts etfort~ Feve �ucCessiully' brou� climin8tion of oouTCee of water
rom~entiun uu psy~:hotrupir. su~~- t~~~t do~~'n the production o1 eplum contamfnatiott const{tute. impurtont
atauces 1971, tbc Uova'nmcnt is in the roiintr} from 8,OU0 metrir abiectivee of the neW' three-year
~ stopping pruductiun aud consumpt- tons in 197f3-79 to E5 tens ia~ 1980=31. UNFU~C/UI~'DP/Y~kistart elforls.
iou of opium except tor utedicel L~'op rubetitutian L+, ot couree, the 'The project w111 'provide potable
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~ CSO: 5300/4563
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020039-2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020039-2
Rangoon THE WORKING PEOPLE`S DAILY in English 10 Dec 81 p 7
- [Text ] SINGAPORE, 8 Dec-ASEAN drug experts trafficking in these chemi-
- have urged the five member-nations of tha ~~8�
South-East Asian organization to introduce The conferen~e tackled
stiffer perialties to fight the drug menace. four main aspects of the
drug problem: law. en-
_ Arguing that drug traf- mcasures to deny travel forcement and l~gislation,
ficking and drug abuse documents tu illicit drug treatment and rehabilita-
poses a threat to national traffickers, manufacturers tion, preventive education
security, stability and re- and financiers. Siragapore and informatioh and train=
silience, they calltd for . ing and research.
- mandatory preventive de- and Malaysia already have 'I'hree ASEAN drug
tention of drug traffickers, a bilateral agre~ment on projects have been id~:nti-
manufacturecs and finan- this. fied and one already imple-
ciera. Poh also told the Straitr mented.
The appeal was contain- Tunes that an ASEAN nar- Thailand opened a train-
ed in a joint Press release cotica desk would be set ~p ~ng centre for middle
issued at the end of the in the ASEAN . secreta- management-level drug
sixth mecting of ASEAN riat headquarters in Dja- enforcera last year.
cin?g experts here yeater- karta in about . nine 1'he other projects are
~{ay, months. the setting up oE a training
Singapore and Malaysia lt would be reapomeible ~ntre for information and
already have provisiona in for collecting data' and in- ~,entive education ~b
their laws to detain drug formation on drug activi- he Philippines and a
traffickers and abusers ties which would then be centre for treatment and
without trial and the chair~ shared with ASEAN rehabi!itation to be set up
man of the six-day meet~ members-1~ndonesia, Ma- by "?falaysia.
ing, Poh Geok Ek, Direc- laysia, the Philippines~ '
tor of the Singapore Cen- Singapore and Thailand. On treatment and reha-
- tral Narcotics Bureau, was 1'he 94 delegates to the bilitation of, drug depen~
- today reported as eaying conference also agreed ehat dants, the experta agreed
1 ndon~+sia and the Phi- there ahould be maximum that community participa-
li},pines had indicated that use of the mass media to tion at~d, the social rein-
- thcy would niakc laws win public support for the tegration of such people
j~roviding for preventive fight against the drug pro- and furmer druq abusers
- dctcntiun. blem. should be strengthened.
'I'he 'I'h,ai expcrts to the ASEAN countriea were Meanwhile; a report to
mceting will present the further urged to exerciRe the meeting revealed that
recommendation to ~heir tighter control 'on the im- four ov?t of five drug- abu-
Govcrnn?ent. port , dietribution and ex- eere in Singapore hnve �cri-
A5i?AN ~ountries have port of chemicals uaed in ~~1 recorde for offencea
~ al~cn bccn ur~ed to adopt the manufacture of heroin like theft and ~gambling
and to introduce stiff and two out of every three
CSO: 5300/~5913 penaktes for illeqal arc premature primary or
secondary school leavers.
- lU
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020039-2
Bangkok SIAI~i RAT SAFPADA b~lZCH11N i.~n Tha.i 23 A,ug �31 pp 18-22
_ [Article: "The Golden 'I'.ra.a~gJ.en .;-}.orX 'Tt~a~ Never_ .A,qes^]
[Text] The upper n~rt_hexn rec~ion c~i~ Thai~.~nd foxms p~rt of the area
knoFrn as the "Golden `L'rianq_Le~" It is oxze o~ i:hQ s~roxld~s i~nportant
places foz growing poppy arid produc~i.~~ na~cc.~~ics ax~d heroa.n
refineries are locat~ed in the Thaa. bazdez ax~eao T:ne bordEr,
extending .from C~l1~.I1CJ R~i.1. Ta.T.'OV"tIlC~ t_O Ranor~g P~~oviz~cPn is 2,202
kilometers long. The rnaurx~l-.a.:i.I-~ t~~r_~xr~i,rz az~d r_-or~v~niQnt commt:~nicata.ons
routes faci~itate the sF~cr~t ~r_ ac1L~c~~~ ~_or~ o.f z~~rr~c~~::ics, ax~~i large
quantities of narcotics are tCarlSpOt tecl ~.nto `Phai]_~r~d from a~broad
along the Thai-Burmes~ Y~~ar_dex~. ~.~~ofi~he.r prc~blc-m is ~.hat lazge
- numbers of Thai hil~ tr_ i~~esmen y.rotY poppy to m~kQ a l~ving f and
minority groups in Bur?Ti~. i,+ho axe F~z,ern~_e~ of tka.~ qovernment use
_ the drugs as a tool to q~i. rnox~.ey and purchzse ~reapora.s to fight the
qovernment o'I~hus, ~th~r. ^ i_s a sexi.o~ls dru.g sztuatiox~ in. the Thaa.-
Burmese border ~re~.t r~c+rlcc~~.~nii~g be~th dxug prc~duetiozl anc~ txade
and drug add~_~_t~zon arc~onq ~h~ p~ople~ Th~is a.s cox~sidexed to be a
serious problem Lr~at an ohst~c~e fo,r nata.orxa~. development
in the manpowez, D economa.c an.d nat~.oz~al security sp'heres.
_ Border Problexns
There ,~ave been problems along the Thai-IIuzmese boxder for more than
30 years . Both r_ountries are tryinq ta coop~x~ate each other
and not in cach other's affaixs. Burma has a problem with
communist pazty terrorism in the z-?ortheast and a~rob~.em ~,rith
minor ity g r_ ou~s al ong t h:e borc7 e.r .'Pha i.~_ and i:~?o Yias a prob~.em with
cnmmunist terrorism. The problPms ace r_a~:he,r, SPZ'1QL1~ because they
can easily lead to misunderst~ndings. Th.ree �ac~.~rs are involved.
~The first is that] the two ao x~at hav~ a clearly
demarcated border ar~d Ekx~~ maps mad2 by sti~.l used.
Thailand and Burm~ have nev~x ~~d a ct~.~x~ce ~~a xeach an agxeement.
Concerning the important bo?~c~er prok~_lemse there are tnxee places
concerning ~rh~-ch agr~em~nt.s must. k~e xeachedy these thr_es being the
Mae 5ai river areae thc~ t?c~i. ~~zag area aazd th~e Chaz~ ~iveb mouth area
_ in Ranong Province, .
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The second factor concerns the understan~iing of both sides and the
control of the border. Even though border points have been
stipulated, there are still probl~rns in some places because the
people cannot read the maps. T~is cannot be ignored. And when the
- border has been clearly demarcated, it must be controlled using
- ground patrols, and border crossings must be controiled. At
present, this is done at only two or three places since the
terrain is composed of complex mountain ranges. FurthFrmore, there
is still the pro~lem of the minority groups along the border who
are resisting the Burmese government. Thus, it is almost impossible
to control the border here.
The their factor is that there are peaple who try to get the
officials and people to engage in illegal activities. ,And among
the ~eople are many people who are involved in illegal activities.
These people are Thai citizens and they use Thailand to carry on
smuggling an!~ other illegal activities.
The political situation in Burma in which Burma has used
military forces to suppress the armed minority groups, including
those of Burmese and Chinese nationality, in the Wah, Kachin,
Kayah, Karen, Mon and other small states, and forced them to retreat
into Thailand, where they can escape the danger and rest their
forces, in order to gather forces, weapons and war materials for
continuing operations in accord with each group�s ideals is one
thinq that has promoted an increase in drug production and
trafficking and in the smuggling of military weapons, timber and
ore in the border area.
Even In 10-15 Years, Not All [Drug Trafficking] Will Have Been ~
T en years from now, opium will still be being transported in the
three Burmese states where the most poppy is grown, and the central
Burmese government ~aill still nut be able to control things here,
especially in the Wah, Khokhang and Shan states. There are three
ways to ship narcotics out of Burma. The first is to refine the
~ opium and turn it into heroin at one of the 10 to 20 refineries in
the border area. The locations of these refineries are constantly
moved about in Mae Hong Son, Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai provinces.
Th~ thr ee groups that are engaged in such production are Khun Sa's
group, the Payachau group and Lao Su's group. Thus, the drugs must
pass through Thailand because there are roads and markets and there
are network contacts reaching from the north to Bangkok and the
'rhe second way is to transport the drugs through Burmese waters and
- the Andaman S~a to the so~ath and to Malaysia following various
islets. From Malaysia, ~he drugs can be shipped to Singapore,
Indonesia or Europe. This is considered t~: be a new route for
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smuggling drugs past Thailand. It takes mc~re time and invalves
c~reater obstacles in loading but th~re are no blockades. While
transport is said to be easy, things become more difficult when
the drugs reach the centers in Phukhet and Ranong province~ sin~e
more drug searches are made.
- The Third way is to ship it by way of Bangladesh. Opiumis shipped
through here because, at present, the drug trade is very active in
Southwest Asia. That ~s, in Pakistan and Afganistan more smuggling
is taking place because of the political turmoil. The police do not
have time to carry on drug suppression activities. This has
- enabled traff ickers to erigage in trafficking with the M iddle E~st.
Almost 90 percent of the drugs entering Europe come from the Middle
East. The other 10 percent come from Asia. Thus, European interest
is focused more ori the Middle East than on the Golden Triangle.
As for the narcotics from the Golden Triangle that reach foreign
markets, most is sent to America and AustraZia. The best raw
opium and heroin in the world comes from the Shan State in Burma.
It is then transported to the Thai-Burmese borderr a distance of
only 150 kilometers from northern Chiang Mai.
Police riajor General Chawalit Yotmani, the ~eputy secretary-general
of the Off ice of the Narcotics Control Baard (ONCB), suppression
sector, stated that it will probably take several more years before
the Golden Triangle problem, especially in Burma, can be solved.
Another thing that is worrisome is that the Communist Party in
Burma is supporting and encouraging the minority groups to engage
in traff icking and seek prof its, just as the communist terrorists
have done in southern Thailand aloZg the Thai-Malaysian border.
This is a very worrisome matter. In particular, the Mae Chaem river
basin area has begun to play a role. The communist terrorists ha~e
begun to provide support in order to connect Burnia and Thailand.
This is a security matter that does not concern the narcotics
_ Even though B~.~rma is receiving help from the United Nations in order
to solve t'~e crop growing problem in accord with the project to
eradicate the poppy fields of the minority groups, they are doing
- things differently from Thailand, which has geared things toward
development. Burma always says that it destroys tens of thousands
of rai of poppy each year without giving any thought to security
or to humanitarian concerns as does Thailand. "I think it will take
Burma a long time to complete things. Because if the minority
qroups do not agree, the Burmese government does not have the
sense to go in and provide them with help. Thus, I think that this
problem will result in opium entering Thailand for at least another
- 10 to 15 years until some better trade replaces narcotics.~~
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The 93rd.Division Just As Involved As Before
In 194g, the Chinese communists took control of mainland China. The
- Chiang Kai-shek government fled and established a government an the
island of Taiwan. One element of the Koumintang forces, or the
Chinese nationalist troops of the 93rd Division, that was operating
~ in the area south of Kunming in Yunan Province retreated south into
. the Shan State in Burma. It establish~d its headquarters in the
area of Chiang Lap near Chiang Tung. The Burmese government
used military for~es several times to try to drive them out but
~ they were unsuccessful in their efforts to force these Chinese
nationalist forces out of Burma.
When the Korean War broke out, the United S~ates wanted ~o tie up
the military forces of the Chinese communists and not allow them
to move in additional forces to help North Korea on the battlefields
of I:orea. They therefore helped these Chinese nationalist soldiers
- by sending in -~aeapons and war materials by air. At the same time,
the Taiwan government sent G eneral Li Mi, the former commandinq
- qeneral of the Eight Army who had fled from the mainland to Taiwan,
to take command and expand the force~ to a total of 20,000 men.
When the Korean War ended, the Burmese government appealed to the
United Nations and, in the end, thoje soldiers who volunteered
to go were moved to Taiwan in two phases. Dv.ring the first phase,
approximately 7,000 men were sent and another 4,500 w~re sent in
_ the second phase in 1961. The remaining soldiers did not wish to
return to Taiwan and, therefore, the Burmese government joined
with the Chinese communists to wipe out these soldiers. This
forced these Chinese nationalist forces to abandon their head-
_ quarters at Chiang Lap. They split into two groups and retreated
into Thailand together with their families. [One group] formed
the 3rd Battalion and established its headquarters at Tham Ngop
in 13ong Tam Commune, Fang District, Chiang Mai Province, with
G eneral Li Choen Fang the commander. The other group formed itself
intc~ the 5th Battalion and established its headquarters at Doi
Mae ~:;along in Mae Chan Uistrict, Chiang Rai Province, with the late
General Tuan ~i Wun as the commanc?~r. General Li E Thien later
became commander.
`rhe 93rd ~MT Division, including family members, had a strength of
about 5,000 to 6,000 people per battalion. Later,forward S upreme
Command Headquarters, in cooperation with government sectors
cancerned, disarmed both groups and registered them as civilian
refugees. When G eneral Kriangsak Chamanan was prime minister, he
gave permissicr~ for them to become Thai citizens and have Thai
- identification cards.
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, However, both of these Chinese battalions had very large numbers of
- people. ~ome groups are still living in the Shan State along the
roads past Mong Tang Yang, Mong Nai, Mong Chiang Kham, Mong Kurig,
Mong Sing and Mong Luang. Another road passes Chiang Tung, Mong
Phong and Mae Salong. Some of these former KMT soldiers have
joined the Ho Chinese and the Wah and Shan groups. Some groups
are still making a living as armed soldiers and take part in
producing and transporting narcot ics just as before.
But some groups are indirectiy working as ~~mercenaries~~ for the
Thai government by opposinc~ and blocking an increase in the
influence of the communist terrorists in the northern region ef
`Ph~iland. Examples are `he nationalist Chinese soldiers who moved
~ to Doi Yao and Doi Phan~,n in Chiang Khong and to Doi Luang ~n
Chiang Saen District, Chiang Rai Province.
Khun S a Must Be Capt,ured
Narcotics have been talked about often. This is a very dang erous
group. Th~ well-}cnown leader of this minority group that con.trols
~ the most drug ref ineries is Chang S i Fu, or "Khun S a~~ as he is
better knoz,m among the Shans. He is the fifth most important heroin
traff icker in th~ world. He has still managed to avoid being
caught by the Thai authorities. The Police Department issued a
warrant for his arrest on 17 July 1980 and at present there is a
reward of 500,000 baht for his arrest. The statut e of limitations
for this warrent is 20 years. Squadron Leader Prasong Suns iri, the
secretary-general of the National S ecurity Council, announced that
"we must capture him.~'
The members of Khun Sa's group are Ho Chinese who make their living
by producing and selling narcotics. There are at least 15 refineries
that refine heroin from raw opium. At present, they are st ill in
~ operation in the mountain areas along the Thai-Burmese bordPr
since neither Lhe Thai go~rernment nor the Burmese government can
control this area. Also, it is safe here and economically this is
suitable. It is easy to transport chemicals from Thailand in order
to procluce heroin. These chemicals are brought from Bangkok by
animal or on foot. If the .refineries are located deep in ide Burma,
transportation costs will be high too.
In the narcotics trade, the refineries are the element that can ma}ce
the most money. Previously Thai off icials thought that the Burmese
minority groups that were engaged in the drug trade were buffers
_ against the Burmese Communist Farty. But now th~ Thai government
realizes that these groups are criminal narcotics organ9.zat ions that
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should no longer be allowed to exist. Khun Sa's group buys large
_ quantities of raw opium from the Burmese Communist Party. This
provides the BCP with money with which to fight the Burmese
government in the Shan State a~~u cross over into Thailand. They
have expanded their secu~e base areas and control the border area
from the northern part of Chiang Rai to Mae Hong Son. Khun Sa's
group is the group with the greatest power, controlling 70 percent
- of the drug trade. It recently transported a shipment of opium
to the border, where there are seven more large drug re�ineries.
- This group has eliminated the small narcotics production groups
and is trying hard to take control of the entire border and gain
complete control of the narcotics trade. It has remained
indifferent to i:he Thai government's order to drive the armed
Burmese minority groups out of Thailand. It constantly moves its
forces and druq refineries back and forth between "'hailand and
Burma. When Burmese troops make a sweep, they cease producing
heroin, destroy the narcotics and chemicals and flee into Thaiiand.
When Burma withdraws its forces, this group returns to Burma
and resumes producing heroin as before.
Thailand and the Narcotics Problem
Previously, the government allowed opium to be consumed openly.
~ There were special placea, called opium dens, for those who wanted
tc. smoke opium. The state made money by collecting taxes from the
opium dens and from the o~iurn tax. Most of the opium that was
consumed was opium that came from Turkey and that ~~ras mixed with
'I'hai opium. This was hecause Turkish opium contained 14 percent
morphine while Thai opium contained only 7 percent morphine. When
Filed riarshal Sarit Tanarat took control of the government, he
immediately outlawed opium in 1959. The problem that arose was
t.Y~at heroin, in the form of purple flakes, spread in place of
_ opium. The quality was poor. It was sniffed only since if injested
+.:he perscn would die because the heroin contrained arsenic, a
Even though suppression went so far as to execute narcotics
producers and pushers, this substance that was produced from
- opium using chemical methods and that had a stronger effect than
apium spread among the people who were addicted to opium since
it was easier to consume and it was easier to avoid the law. The
production of heroin originated ~n Hong Kong. Heroin was then
sent to T hailand, being encountered for the first time around
- J anuary 1959. Then, Hong Kong chemists were sent over to produce
heroin and th~y reached the Golden Triangle area. There, they
established refineries to produce heroin from opium. The heroin
was then sent to Thailand and smuggled to the world markets.
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At the same time, hill t~ibe refugees from Burma and Laos moved
into the mountain areas of n~rthern Thailand and begun to grow
poppy, which was an economic crop for them. This made Thailand a
part of the Golden Triangle and the fifth largest producer of
- opium in the world. This year, Thailand will produce 48.57 tons
of opium, an increase of 213.56 percent over last year. This is
about the same amount as that of 1976/1977, when 45 tons were
produced. The greatest amoung, 71 tons, was produced in 1977/1978.
Opium production for the entire Golden Triangle area wiZl reach
600-1,000 tons.
The drug problem that is creating dangers for Thailand is
becoming even more alarming. Statistics sho~r that the number of
drug addicts is increasing at.a rate of 6,000 people each year.
Formerly, most addicts were addults but now most are youths
between the ages of 14 and 25. Concerning the economic problems,
each drug addict must spend about 50 baht per day to buy dr~ags.
This means that for 100,000 addicts, this amounts to 5 mill~.on
baht per day or about 150 million baht per month. At present, t~here
are 500,000 addicts and in Banqkok there are at least 300,000
addicts . This is more than I percent of the entire popu].ation of
the country.
_ The governments of Thailand and Burma have signed an agreement on
drug suppression. Burma will not allow any opium from Burma to be
sent into Thailand while Thaila~d will prevent the chemical acetic
anhaydride, which is used in production, ~rom reaching the northern
border and prevent any secret heroin production. Thus the Thai
government annaunced that eight pravinces [in the north] are to be
chemical-free areas. Also, four southern provinces along the
Thai-r9alaysian border are to be chemical-free too since chemicals
are smuggled into Thailand from Malaysia.
The ONCB, in cooperation with the Region 3 border patrol polir.e,
implemented resolute measures with regard to the T~ai hill tribes.
It strictly prohibited t+hem from planting poppy in Muang, Chiang
llao, :~an Patong, r]ae Chaem, Fang, Chom Thong and Mae Rim districts
in Chiang Mai Province and [asked them] to grow economic crops in
accord with the Thai-United Nations crop substitution program. Also,
it ordered the Thai hill tribes to destroy all existing poppy
plants. However, suppression activities were not able to be
carried out in accord with thi~ order. This ste~xmed from the fact
- that the hill tribes claimed that the program sent crop seed too
late and in insufficient quantities to support them. With opium,
they clid not have to look �or markets; the merchants contacted them
- in their villages and prir_es continually increased. Another factor
behind the f.ailure [of this program] is that the Ho Chinese
investors who gave financial support were the cogs and middlemen
in the narcotics trade in the tribal villages.
17 ~
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The Real Character of Thailand and Burma
_ Police Major G eneral Phairot Putsayanawin, the commander of the
Border Patrol Police, stated that some people have asked whether
or not the narcotics suppression activities that are carried on
daily in the border areas have achieved any results. His reply
is that, concerning the work done in Thailand, valuable results
have been achieved. We have seized much opium, heroin and morphine
- and many heroin refineries since we began in 1972. This is the
reason that the amount of drugs and the number of refineries have
decreased. In particular, it can almost be said that there~are no
refineries in Thailand. As far as is known, there are activities in
Fang District. As for B~xrma, there are certainly [refineries]
there and we know where they are. We would like to take forces in
and destroy them if we could.
As f.or r_ooperatinn with Burma in destroying the refineries in the
border areas, this was once done in the Huai Padam area in Muang
llistrict, Mae Hong Son Province. Police paratroopers from the Air
Control and Support llivision were used in cooperation with Region 3
border patrol police with the support ~f forward Supreme Command
Headquarters. But that time, because of the weather and terrain,
it was difficult to determine where the border was. The Thai
helicopter crossed the border and dropped the paratroopers deep in
Burmese ter~.itory where Burmese troops had already seized a
The Burmese sent forces to encircle and capture thE Thai units and
the helicopter. The Thais realized that they had actually crossed
the border and, therefore, they felt that matters should be
discussed since this was a joint operation. Perhaps the Burmese
feared that the Thais woula attack the morphine refinery that they
had already seized. In any event, they charged that Thailand
had sent forces to transport the narcotics from that r~~finery.
~~Also, some Thais ac~:ually believed the propaganda of the Burmese
and they repeated this ac~ainst us. This hurt us quite a bit. IIy
- trie time Burma r~leased the men and helicopter, we had experienced
- several days of fear. This is an example of loose cooperation, and
it ~~hows the real character of the other side. This is a lesson
that must be remembered for a long time," stated Police Major
G eneral Phairot.
- New Measures S eize Property
At present, there are five laws concerning narcotics. These are the
1979 :~tatute on Narcotics, the 197 6 Statute on Drug Suppression,
the 1975 Statute on Substances That Affect the Mind and Nervous
:~ystem, the 1929 Statute on Opium,and Revolutionary Council Notice
No 37 of 1958.
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'I'he :~tatute on Narcotics desiqnated five types of drugs as
controlled substances. Th~ first type is heroin, which is the
_ strongest narcotic. It i~ forbidden to produce, import or export
distribute or possess this drug ox possess it with the intent to
sell. The second type includes morphine, cocaine and opium. The
third type includes drugs ~hat have been mixed with type two
drugs. The fourth types includes acetic anhydride and acetin, which are chemicals used in producing heroin. The f ifth
type are drugs such as marihuana and "kra thom~~ [a shrub of the
- madder family] that are not included in types one through four.
But the existing laws sti~l have loopholes concerning the
suppression of drug traffickers or the main people behind the
drug trade. Thus, a subcommittee has been formed to revise those
~ statutes that are not clear and that lack important measures ~o
that they contain clear provisions and measures that will help
to improve suppression activities. Fi new measure that is expected
to b~ included in the new law ~oncerns the arrest of drug
rinqleaders, their accomplices and those who have supported
illec7al activities involving narcotics and the seizure or
sequestering of the property of suspects in drug cases involving
production,import, export and possession of narcotics for sale or
distribution. This will be done in order to allow the courts to
order property confiscated and to promote cooperation between
drug suppression officials and those involved in sen.ding drug
addicts for rehabilitation.
Produce and Sell It
There are many people who wonder why Thailand does not grow poppy
and sell the opium itself. *~r Aran Suwannabuppha, the director of
~~,he Narcotic Plants Control Division, stated that, in r~al ity,
this would be very difficult because only a few countries have~
received permission to grow poppy and sell opium, At present,
there are only seven such countries. In accord with the agreement
madc~ with the United Nations in 1930, the United Nations has
_ been involved in opium suppression since the S hanghai conf erence.
The coua~~.ries that have been given permission to grow poppy are
Turkey~ India, Yugloslavia, Russia, Greece, BuZgaria and Iran.
These ~ountries are divid~d into ttao groups, the countries that
have a tradition of. growing poppy and the countries that have only
recently started growing poppy for research purposes.
- The United Nations, which supports this cultivation, allows opium
cultivation only by older people who may grow opium so tha t they
- can make a living, or sell it. As for those countries that only
: ~ recently became involved in poppy cultivation, they cannot produce
' opium for the purpose of selling :it because the sale of opium 9.s
regulated by a commission. However, in short, more opium is
produced than is needed. Thailand does not yet seem to have any
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hope concerning this matter. "We must see if we can turn this
pr~bl~em to benefit for the country. If this is possible, perhaps
we will have to continue to live with tris prob~em.~~
At present, in producing opium in Turkey, where the opium produced
is raw opium or opium that has not been cut, they collect and
dry the opium and then put it in a machine that produces pure
morphine, which can be sol~ to make medi~ine. At present, they
have 65,000 tans in ~cock. In India, approximately 3 million
people grow poppy. They have about 10,000 tons in stock which they
cannot sell now since there is too much opium in stock in the
various countries that produce drugs. Thus, legal opium is priced
- at less than $50 per kilogram. For example, in India, the
stipulated selling price is ~50 per kilogram but even so they
cannot sell all of it. Conversely, market prices continue to
increase daily.
- The Gap Between Production and Suppression
_ The minority problem is a political problem. The government wants
to arre~t those people such as Khun S a anci Lao S u who are engaged
in production but they have not been able to do so. Concerning
- Mr Phunsiri Chanyasak, or Mr Tong, who was arrested by the Lao
government, if [Thailand] asks that he be extradited, Laos will
certainly refuse to extradite him. Laos is producing greater
quantit ies [of opium] and the opium and heroin trade is expanding.
There are many dishonest Thai officials, but i~ i~ difficult to
prove that they have done anything wrong.
As for exchanging information, it is possible to prevent chemicals
such as acetic anhydride from being used to produce heroin from ,
morphine by not allowinc~ them to reach the refineries or by
establishing additional chemical-firee provinces. But in ~ome
E~laces tYle borcl,~r paL-rol police have a strength of only two or
tl,ree men in the villaye. If the caravan or the forces escort~nq
_ tt~e c~pium have 2U to 60 armed men, there is no way to block or
arrest them. Also, there is no demarcation line along the border
or a definite border line. And the influence of the villagers who
- will not cooperate or who are part of the drug trade further
increases the difficulties in suppressing [narcotics].
Concerning suppression work in production areas both in and outside
the country, the kamnan or village headman, who live in the area
where poppy is grot,m, should cooperate in reducing cultivation and
in preventing people from coming to purchase opium at the place of
production. Most transportation routes follow the mountain ridges
and [the drugs are transported] on foot. Or they are transported by
truc)c, boat or small air~~raft, being hidden in every way possible.
in order to avoid capture. There must be [good] and accurate
inFormation and efficiency [in obtaining] in`ormation must be
increased. Also, checkpoints must be set up :,n order to intercept
the drugs .
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In the long-term program, things should be arranged for the hi11
tribes to live together in the same area in order to facilitate
cantrol, to promote the cultivation of substitute crops and to
eliminate the influence of those ininarities, both within and
outs ide the country, that have influence over the hi11 tribes in
Thailand. This refers to the Khun Sa and the Ho Chinese groups in
particular. 'ro do this, the military units must carry out their
tasks resolutely and seriously. Also, artifical. rain can be used
to help destroy the poppy that the hill tribes have planted so ~hat
there will not be a direct psychological effect.
The chance of these minorzty fo~ces that are a~posing the Burmese
government thei.r own independent government is remote
or nonexistents This is because the minori.ty groups are split, they
lack unity and ideals and their fQrces ~,~enot strong enough. But
the activities of these minority groups 9 especially th~ narcotics
trade in the Thai-Burmese border area, have a political effect on
Thailand and violate `1''s soverea.gx~ty. It is Kht~ Sa's
group that is most heavily invc,lved in the drug trade~ But it
appe~rs that minori-ty groups are st~ll paid to serve as guards
�or road construction, even though the Third Army Area now has a
policy of not usinc~ minority gr~ups ?n quarding road ~onstxuction.
But as is ~well knawn, in the TYiai-Burmese border area, the poli~ies
oC the Thai and Burmes,e governments con~erning actions to be
taken that are in accord agreements that Yiave passed bord~r
committees, frorn high-level to provincial and district committees,
are difficult to implements This is because tha.s area lies mos~tly
,lithin the sphere of influence ot the minority groups, Thus, tY~e
operations of ~hese drug gr.oups in the Golden Triangle w~.ll
continue to expar~d ~
Upium Productio~n in the Golden Triangle
Country 1974 (tons) 1979 (tons)
Burma 430-500 200-350
Laos 135-150 70- 80
Thailand "135-1 SO 30- 50
Statistics on Arrests `1'hroughout the Country (January-April 1980)
Type of Narcoti_c ivumber of Cases Number of Amount of i)rug
Suspects (grams)
Opium 336 393 174,034
Morphine 6 9 7 ~93~
Heroin 2,~~3 Z 2, 541 49,601
~~rn~netamin~s 924 423 20,804
Marihuana 4,253 4,763 44,775,785
Aiadcler 117 129 19,308
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_ Statistics on Arrests Throughaut the Country From 1964 Through 1979
'fcar Type of Narcotic (Kilog rams) Number of Suspe~ts
Upium riorphine Heroin
19G4 4,017 122 67 13,894
1965 5,929 147 51 1I,478
1966 2,~327 176 37 8,767
~ 1967 4,58�3 255 226 9.280
196�3 E~ ,153 174 406 6, 608
1969 3,07II 36 53 5,23G
. 1970 2�35 21 154 5,788
1971 1,327 19 6I 5,440
1~372 6,156 ?_71 129 9,074
1973 1~1,186 708 155 9,473~
197~ 2,473 II2 202 10,169
' 1975 1,793 43 116 9,799
1976 7, 710 2�39 G42 11 , 603
1977 1,646 184 427 15,859
~ 1978 855 162 668 25,916
1979 739 153 399 27,988
C::~ 0 ; �3300/4 513
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Bangliok TAGJAIV I~'~1 in Thai 17 Aug 81 pp 7, 12
[Article: "Police seize Raw Opium In th~ MiddlE~ of the City"']
[Text] Chiang t~lai: l~t approximately 1600 hours on 8 August, Police
Captain Phayung Chin~chit, the head of the police narcotics
- control unit, learned ~hat raw opium was to be transported along
the Super Highway in front of the Wattanothat Phayap School. He
- therefore took a force to set up a road block. At the time
m~ntioned above, a middle-aged man and woman on a Vespa, license
No CM 63063, drov~ up and were stopped. A search lvas conducted and
a bag containinc~ 6 kilograms of raw opium valued at approximately
100,000 baht was found in a basket on the front of the vehicle.
'rhe suspects, who were later identified as Mr Thanwi Samrit, age
56, who lives at 234/4 Wualai Road, Hai Ya Commune, and Mrs Somkhit
- Chainarin, ag~ 52, who lives at 57 Wualai Road, Soi 1, Hai Ya
Commune, rtuang I~istrict, were turned over to Police Lt Niphon
_ I~arumitmongkhon, the officer on duty at the Chiang Mai
- provincial palice atation in hfuang District. In proceeding with
1:he casc, L-he charges were that they had narcotics in their
pos~~ession witYi an intent to sell.
I3oth suspects refused to testify in detail , saying only thai: they
were taking the raw opium to the airport. They did not say who
they were takinc~ it to. The authorities haye placed them in
custody for further handling of the case.
C:~O ~ 5300/4513
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Bangkok SIAM RAT ~AI'PADA WICHAN 16 Aug 81 pp 7-9
[Article: "In Arresting Khun Sa, Do Not Forget the ihai Officials~~]
~Text] Khun Sa, alias Chang Si Fu, Kuan Kha Yo and Mr Chan
Changtrakun, is an internationally important figure in the
productian and sale of narcotics . On 17 July last year, the
government entrusted the Police Department with the task of
issuing a warrant for his arrest on charges that he has supported
and controlled the sale of narcotics and military weapons. He has
form~d an armed for~e, which is called the Shan State Army, with
a strength of approximately 3,000 to 4,000 men. �
Recently, General Prachuap S untharangkun, the deputy prime minister,
issved an announc~ment that a reward of 500,000 baht will be paid
to anyone who prol~ides the authorities with information leading to
- the capture, either dead or alive, of Khun Sa.
"We ]cnow that this reward is small when compared with the qreat
~um of money, tYiought to be 10 million baht, that Khun Sa has made
troii~ ::elling narcoti~�s . And we know that it is difficult to take
forc~s in to capture him because he constantly moves back and forth
across the 'rhai-Burmese border, which is a jungle area. Even
Lao Su lives in one place in the Doi Klang area. A soldier once
made ~,ontact in order to gain information but on his way back he
was shot while travelling in the mountains. However, this reward
is meant to tempt the soldiers of Khun Sa, who receive only 400
_ baht a month. Five hundred thousand baht is a large sum for them
_ for capturing Khun Sa and turning him over to us. The au�~horities
will distribute leaflets throughout the Golden Triangle area~~
stated Police Major G eneral Phao Sarasin, the secretary-general of
th~ Narcotics Control Board (ONCB).
Khun Sa is a Ho Chinese of Burmese nationality. He has established
a base in Mae Chan District in Chiang Rai Province and is beginning
to expand his area of influence into Fang and Mae Ai districts in
Chianq Mai Province. It is believed that this is a minority group
thai: is constantly causing problems and difficulties for the
24 -
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`Phai and BurmesP governments since the terrain in this area is
composed of junql~s and mountains and there are convenient
communications routes. 'I'hese things have lead to the secret
production and transport of large quantities of narcotics. This
group is an enemy of the Burmese qovernment. It has used narcotics
= as a tool to get money and buy weapons to f ight the government. In
p~rticular, Khun ~a's [group] is the group with the greatest
influence. It controls more than 70 percent of all narcotics
production and cooperates with the 93rd KMT llivision, whose
headquarters is located on Mae Salong mountain in Mae Chan
llistrict, Chiang Rai Province. General Li E Thien is now the
commander; he replaced General Tuan, who died.
Squadron Leader Prasong Sunsiri, the secretary-general of the
- National~Security Council, revealed that the Thai government has
ordered the expulsion o� aIl armed Burmese minority groups from
Thailand. Previously, Thai otficials felt that, even though these
armed minority groups were engaged in the narcotics trade, they
served as a buffer against the Burmese Communist Party (BCP) along
the border. Now, however, the Thai government feels that these
c~roups ar~ criminal narcotics organizations that should not be
allowed to stay.
But there is one group that has not been willing to obey this order
to withdraw its forces and that is the Shan State Army. It is being
obstinate and has expanded its control all along the border from
its secure base area in northern Chiang Rai Province to Mae Hong
- Son. The SSA has formed a large force and is the most influential
organization in the narcotics trade in the Golden Triangle. It
p�archas~s large quantities of raw opium from the BCP in order to
increase its strength. It uses the money to f ight the Burmese
c~overnment in the Shan State and trespasses across the Thai border.
Even though most of the forces of the SSA are in Burma, most of the
" operations against Burma are initiated from secure camps in Thailand
and this is a challenc~e to the Thai government. The government has,
therefore, ordered the Police Department to arrest th~~ "heroin
kinqpin." The statute of limitations is 20 years. The air force has
dropped bombs to destroy the area along the border where the
drue~~ of the S;.;A are kept. During the period when General Prem
'I'insulanon, the prime minister, visited Burma, there were
discussions concerning controlling narcotics.
A news :.~ource stated that Khun Sa's [group~ is just a group of
bandits who are posinc~ as the liberators of the Shan people. But
in reality they are Ho Chinese and not Burmese as they claim. Khun
:;a himself has presently set himself up as an ~~influential person."
He collects taxes, at a very high rate, from the opium producers
in order to purchase weapons and this has helped his forces to
the point where they are prESently the strongest force. He also
mal~es a profit from the narcotics produced at 15 rEfineries along
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~3urrr~e:;e border. NeiL-her Thai nor Burmese narcotics suppression
~aniFS can control this area. When the Bu.rmese government carries
ori suppression activities, the producers flee into Thailand. After
the Burmese soldiers withdraw, they return to Burma.
- "The flee back and forth across the border into Thailand and Burma.
At present, we are not certain of the whereabouts of Khun Sa,~~
stated this news source.
The border bet~,reen TYiailand and Burma, running from Chiang Rai
Province to Ranong Province, is 2,202 kilometers long. Concerning
the present situation in only the northern region of Thailand,
[part of which] is in the Golden Triangle area, poppy growing
during the 1980/1981 growin_q season increased 213.56 percent. In
Chianq Mai alone, where the most was grown, there was an increase ~
of. 300 percent and the area planted [in poppy] reached 37,661.46
_ rai. The yield per rai increased from 0.53 to 1,29. This is very
alarminR since it means that the smuggling of narcotics will
increase and that these narcotics will be smuggled to world markets
= tYirough Thailand.
'i'hat is the situation concerning the drug probl~m in the north and
in the Colden T riangle. As for Laos, more heroin is being
produced and trafficking is increasing. The Lao government arre�sted
rIr Phunsiri Chanyasak, a~~heroin kingpin" who fled from Thailand,
' for being an important producer in Vientiane and Savannakhet who
smuc~_qles lieroin into the northeast of Thailand, where previously
there was only an opium problem. As for Burma, last year
production fell greatly because of the heavy rains.
Officials of the OI~iCB have revealed that only 60 tons af opium
were smug~led in [la~t year], but this year it is expected ~hat
about 200 tons will be smuggled in from Burma. And in northern
`i'l~ailand, about 5J tons will be produced. This is enoug:h to
:~atisfy tlze iieeds of the world market for several more _Years.
Based on surveys conducted by the ONCB and by northern border
pai~rol police in 12 northern provinces of Thailand, the amount of
opium produced this year is 48.57 tons, which has now been
~rocessed into heroin. 11 worrisome thing is the route us~ed to
smue~c~le drugs from the north to Hangkok or the south for shipment
to worlcl markets .~3 normal thinc~ is that, in the Ka~chan~buri area,
mare hill tribesmen from the north have begun to migrate to the
area around the Chedi ~~am Ong checkpoint, and Ho Chinese, who
~refer the colcl weather in the north, are moving down. This has
led people to believe that there may be a drug transport route
throuqh Burmese territorial waters and the Andaman S ea to Kaeng
Island and from there to Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia or ~urope.
Euen though this route may pose difficulties for transporting drugs,
ther~ is no interdiction by auppress~on units as there is along
the noxthern route.
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C?ee~ardless of how c~reat a reward the government offers for the
arrest of Khun Sa, Lao :::u or r]r Phunsiri Chan~asak or of whether
it; can l~unish th~m according to the law, one important thingis to
prev~nt dru~ suppression officials, of all sectors and ranks, fiom
becomina involved in and making prof its from supportinc~ the
,r.roduction and distribution of drugs. Those who do should be
severely punished. Some influential persons, politicians and
tiic~h-ranking soldiers still support the narcotics trade. This
constantly affects the position and duties of the lower rankinc~
~eople in the suppression units. Also, wealthy merchants have
rreat fiizancial influence and can bend things their way. This is
a problern L-or suppression activities and some people have been
1 ~ :l`7J
C,.u: )JUO/~151~
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Nassau THE TRIBUNE in F:nglish 20 Nov 81 p 1
[Article by Anthony ForbesJ
[Text] THN ANCUILLA CAY area Anguilla Cay is being used as a.
will have to be constantly transit point for smugglers,
patrolled Isy the Bahamas who do not have to enter tao
Defence Furce following the far into Bahamian tenitory.
th'ud drugs seizure there in less "It is an easy run from therc
than a month, Defence Force to the coast of America," the
Comman~er William Swinley
said tod3y. Commander said.
"It woulJ seem to me tl~at Arms and ammunition were
we would be in constant patrol aLso seized by the Defence
aro u n d A n guilla Cay," Force and brought in this
Commodorc Swinley said as morning.
he watchecl two Defence Force Two autcmatic rifles and
boats with nver 200 baks of two pistols ,were found during
marijuana and four men arrive at the raid, which started Tuesday
- the Prince Geor~e Wha~f_- and ended Wednesday. Three
HMBS Fort Montagu, men were arrested on Anguilla
captained by Lt Commander Cay.
I?~lwin Munruc, and the FIMBS Defence Force officials
lixuma, under the command of estimated they have brought in
Lt Bachelettc LuFleur, steamed uver 200 bags of marijuana,
alongsiJe I'rince reorge Whurf which were found on the cay.
at I1:15 am today and werc On the first day of the
inct by ('m~r Swinley, Senior uperation a ran wae ar;estcd
(;ummandcr Leon Smith anJ on the cay and two others were
(:ommanrlcr Amos Rollc. seen running into the hush.
� The followinR day three men
This is the third �time that came out of thc bush and werc
~rug~ and men have been taken into custocly.
brought in by the Defence Five Criminal investigation
t~urce from the Anguilla ('al� Department officers were at
- area within the past month. the dock and look the drugs
Cay Sal, which with Anguilla and the men into custody. .
Cay is lucated on the perimeter Fort Monta u the Defence
- of the weslern Bahdm~s, is g�
wlierc the previous two ~rug Force cargo ship, with soldiers
sei�r.ures wcre maJc at the end dressed in sea-going blue or
of Uctober. fatigues, arrived minukes ahead
Commauder Swinley said of HMBS Exuma.
C'SO: 5300/7520
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FINE OF COLOMBIANS--Two Colc~mbians arrested on Anguilla Cay on November 17 along
with 251 bags of marijuana, firearms and ammunition, were given fines totalling
$8000 while the other two men charged along with them were dismissed by Magistrate
- Joseph Alfred Wednesday afternoon. Manuel Antonio Quintanilla, 34, pleaded guilty
to possession of dangerous drugs with intent to supply. On November 17 he was ac-
cused of being found in possession of 251 bags of marijuana. Attorney Godfrey
Pinder, representing all four defendants, said that Quintanilla, who had not worked
for six months had been approached somewhere in Miami, where all defendants live,
and had been asked to go on a boat to fish. He said that his client did not know
- what he was getting into until he arrived at Anguilla Cay. Magistrate Alfred said
that the charge must be viewed with the "gravest severity" but since it was his
~ first offence he wauld fine him $5000 or one year's imprisonment. Farid Jamett,
41, pleaded guilty to all charges of possession of firearms and ammunition. They
had been accused of being found in possession of one .44 Luger magnum calibre, one
.30 calibre, two .38 revolvers, and 290 live rounds of .30 bullets, twelve live
rounds of .308 bullets and one .9 mm bullet. Lawyer Pinder said that Jamett had
been out of. work for eight months. He also he3 been approached in Miami to go on
a fishing trip. Jamett was fined $3000 or one year's imprisonment. Prosecutor
Stubbs said that at 10.30 am on Tuesday November 17 members of the Defence Force
aboard the F~IBS Exuma had observed some men seated on a number of bags on Anguilla
- Cay. When they landed on the cay they saw three men fleeing from what later was
found to be 251 bags of marijuana, firearms and ammunition. They se~rched the cay
and caught all four defendants. Tomas Francisco, 27, and Armando Navarra, 24, both
of whom pleaded not guilty to all charges, were dismissed. [Nassau THE TRIBUNE in
English 20 Nov 81 p 1]
TREASIIRE CAY ARRESTS--Two men, one American and one Dominican both residing in
. Florida, were granted bail totalling $40,000 when they appeared before Magistrate
George van Sertima today accused of being found in possession of 329 bales of mari-
juana with intent to supply. Represented by attorney Godfrey Pinder were Jose
Santiago, 29, an engineer, and Elliot Weir, 40, a local Florida businessman. Ac--
cording to a CIU Spokesman on November 27 a DC 6 airplane landed at Treasure Cay
Airport and later two foreigners were apprehended by police officers at Treasure
Cay. The Defence Force boat, Fort Montagu, under the command of Lieutenant Edwin
Munroe, picked up the 329 bales along with the two foreigners in police custody
and braught them to Nassau. Attorney Pinder said that the defendants were not
= found in the vicinity of the drugs other than any other individuals standing near-
by. He said that the men were there for "vacation purposes." Magistrate van
Sertima set cash bail in the sum of $20,000 each. The case has been adjourned.
Our picture shows police officers from the police barracks unloading the bales from
the Fort Montagu this morning at the Prince George Wharf. (Photo: FRANKIE ROBIN-
SON) [Nassau THE TRTBUNE in Enqlish 2 Dec 81 p 1]
CSO: 5300/7520
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Hamilton THE ROYAL GAZETTE iz~ ~glish 26 Nov 81 p 2
[Text] q 37_year-old Antizuan were drugs in the drums,"
was ventenced to five yeare said Crown prosecutor Mr.
in prison yesterdAy after a Ian Kawale.y. He added that
Su?~reme 'Couct jul'Y, foun~1 there were inecmaiatencies in
him ~uilty of beinq in posaee~: St. I.uce's etatements.
sian of 20 pounds of cannabis On the one hand St. Lt~ce
with intent to supply. seid that the drums were hie
The seven-woman and and thnt he entertained with
f'ive-man jury reached a them eU over the world. But
unnnimoua verdict in lesa later St. I.uce said that he
then ane hour of deliher- hought the drums fr~~m a
~t ionx. It also found Regi- rastafarian in .Iamaica only
nijld St: Clair St. I.uce guilty days before beinp arrested.
of im~ortinR the cannabie. ly[r. Kawaley said~%it
St. 1.uce had denied both 4eemed stran~e that anyone
charRea alleRed to have tak- W~uld sell drums�cnntaining�
en p1aCe on ~Iuly 12 at the ~50,0(H) in dru~s for ~300.
airpc~rt. 'jn .his eummation, Mr.
The Chief .)ustice~the Astwood said he noted that
Hon. James R. Astwood sen- before anything was A118-
tenced St. I.uce to ~ve yeara pected,, St. I.uce said the
on ench of the two counts, to drums were his, nnd that'he
he served concurrently. had taken them with him all
St. I.i~ce was apprehended over~ the ~vorld implying
hy Police soon after hia arriv- that he hed had them in his
al in Bermuda on .July 12 posseasion for eome time.
f'rom ~iamaica when a Cus- But when suspicions were
t.~~ms Officer became sus- a;�,used, St. Luce said h~
" piciuu5 ahout ~he weight of hnd jugt bought them, and
i~�nK~~ druma St. I.~ce had in Als~ became hard of hearing.
hi~ x~tiKewaion. "Now that there ia some-
l~pnn in~pecti~~n it was re- thing possibly happening, he
ve~led that. 'lQ pounds of hecomeg hard of hearing,"
cannabiR with e street value eaid Mr. Aetwood.
of ~bO,Q()0 was concPaled in St. I.uce admitted one
the druma. previous conviction for pos-
In Rtntemen~a made to Po- ReARion of cAnnebis in An-
lice and Customs Officers, tiRue IASt year. He was then
St. I.uce did nnc deny that (~ned ~b00.
the cennabia was found in Hi9 prison term wae to run
the driims. }iut he 9enied fr~?m ~esterday, the time
t hel he knew it wae there. ypent. ~n jail Rince ~1uly linv-
"'The Crown. hey tc~ shciw inR heen tnken into account.
that St. Luce knew there
CSO: 5300/7520
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REVIEW OF DRUG LAW--Cabinet has given the go-ahead to Minister of Health and Social
Services, Dr. the Hon. Clarence James, to instruct the Advisory Board on the Misuse
of Drugs to review the Misuse of Drugs Act 1972, with a view to making recommenda-
tions that would lead to a closer control of drugs. Particular emphasis will be
given to consideration of inethods which might lead to the successful apprehension
and conviction of crimi.nals trafficking in drugs, according to a Government state-
ment. When completed, this review will be presented to the Minister and studied
in conjunction with the Ministers of Home Affairs and Education, along with the co-
ordir,ator of Addiction Services. The Ministry has had gazetted seuen nominations
- to the Advisory Board, replacing members who have resigned. The expansion of num-
bers on the Board will assist in making it representative of a wider cross-section
of the community. New members are: Mr. Vaughn Mosher; Mr. Robert Reqo; Senior
_ Medical Officer, Dr. John Cann; Principal of Purvis School, Mr. Donald Dane; Dept.
of Education Attendance Officer, Mr. Ariston Furbert; Specialist Officer Nursing
at the Prison Farm, Mr. Keith Watson; Mr. Lowdru Robinson, Director of Community
Services. They will join present members: Det. Inspector George Rpse, Mr. Roder-
ick Pearman (Chairman); Dr. Ronald Lightbourne; Revd. Larry Lowe; Mr. William
Francis; Ms. Lynanne Shaxpe; and Mrs. Lynn Winfield. [Hamilton THE ROYAL GAZETTE
in English 24 Nov 81 p 3]
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DRUG CONFISCATION--Quibdo--Official spokesmen have reported that (Joaquin Emilio
TaPia Echeverri) and (Manuel Alberto Delgado) were arrested for possession of
some 4,450 lbs of marijuana, valued at ene million pesos, which were confiscated.
They were ar~ested by the national police in the municipality of Acandi in the
Choco Department. [PA062332 Bogota Radio Santa Fe in Spanish 1730 GMT 5 Jan 82]
CSO: 5300/2119
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Cairo AL-JUMHURIYAH in Arabic 22 Oct 81 p 7
[Article by Jamal Kamal]
[Text] Within just 3 days last month, the border patrol seized two drug smuggling
operations at Abi Qayr and al-Hamam. The seizure totaled 21 tons, this being greater
than the total drugs seized during all of 1979.
Added to the total drugs seized during the summer months~ this amount reached SO tons,
This exceeds the total drugs seized during the past 2 years. The matter has become
a conspicuous phenomenon, even to the border patrol. The smugglers' actiyities have
increased tremendously during this year. Smuggling methods have become varied, and
the trade itself has come to include new faces other than those traditional faces of
big smugglers whose descriptions and moves are recor.ded by the border intelligence.
These Are The Reasons
The reasons are known; this is what Maj Gen Faruq al-Sahn, chief of the border guard,
confirms. The coasts of Egypt became longer after lib~eration of North Sinai; they
now extend 1100 kms, from al-'Arish to al-Salum. The growth of the [hashish] crop
l~~zs d~ubled in Lebanon, Turkey and Cyprus. In the smugglers' opinion, Egypt is the
largest market in the area, and the transfer of the "mercharidise" to it does not cost
Moreover, there are new faces in the game. In the largest smuggling operation seized
during this year on the northern coast north of the delta, the faces were new and
none of them had been arrested smuggling drugs.
Smuggling Organizations
The horder guard's eyes surveillance does not miss any smuggling operation, even if
it were in the "initiai" phase. Therefore, as Maj Gen al-Sahn said, the big smugglers
- formed orbanizations among themselves aimed at reducing losses in the event they were
caugiit and putting large amounts [of the drug] in various places at one time.
_ New Tcchnologies
Methods of smuggling have changed, and so have the smuggling technologies. All this
l~as been takinR pl~zce wliile the border guard watched.
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Colonel W~zhbi Ibrahim Habib said: "We witnessed this year seyeral distortion opera-
tions from the big smugglers' side. Their new methods are evident to us. For ex-
_ - The use of major banks along the Mediterranean Sea, such as Juma'ah Bank, to tug
the drugs from the sea to agricultural lands in order to escape being tracked by
- The exploitation of Dumyat and Rashid harbors to let out motorized fishing boats
- carrying drugs, or to which drugs were attached at the bottom, as was the case when
- we seized the outboard "al-Jamil" in the Dumyat Harbor, which had 2 tons of drugs
= underneath it.
- The unloading uf inerchandise in isolated islands and places where the water is low,
where we were able to seize 2 additional tons in one of the Bardawil Lake~s i.slands.
- The use of the "preservation" techniques; i.e., putting the drugs in nylon bags
and tying them to weights inside inner tubes under water, until they can retrieve
the drugs when control quiets down.
- The provision of drug control offices with information, or imaginary agrPements
among the smugglers to cover the real operations.
- The frequent appearance of smugglers along the coast dressed as shepherds .o that
the guard members would get used to them, and so that they could gather as much in-
- formation as possible about the type of guard and the patrols' hours~"
Colonel Wahbi exposed the secrets of the two operations at Abi Qayr and al--Hamam,
- tlie largest operations that Egypt witnessed in years.
The al-Hamam operation began when an anonymous report was received about unloading
drugs in Sidi al-Barani in order to keep the border guard busy. On the eve of the
same day, 9 tons were unloaded in al-Hamam area west of Alexandria.
The intelligence agency and the border guard, of course, knew the game from its start.
So, when the amount was confiscated, the large smuggler was caught unawares.
The Abi Qayr smuggler, noticing that the border guards were busy with the al-Hamam
operation, left for Cairo and on that same day. One day later, he unloaded
l.'L r.ons but was surprised by bord~ � intelligence traps awaiting his arrival. He then
~~ent on al-Haj [pilgrimage] in a new attempt at camouflage.
I)rix~;5 for Vacati~ni~ts
SLr~n~;e plienomena in the world of smuggling are not over this year. For example, the
timugglers and big merchants attempted to display their merchandise this summer in the
' ~;~?mmer resorts, taking advantage of their being overcrowded. Tl:irteen tons [of hash-
ish] were seized from amongst the vacationists in al-'Ajatni and ~ta~s al-Barr.
l~urthermor.e, the big merchants and smugglers escaped being caugh.t. They have not
I~cen ?i~i':`.~i::/ii(i+
�~Y^ FE
The three "jackals" of the Agia Varvara gang
who escaped (left to right): G. Varelatos
alias "Glaros," N. Batis and V. Demos.
CSO: 5300/5333
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Athens I KATHIMERINI in Greek 15 Dec 81 p 2
[Text] Fifteen persons, among them a high school teacher, were arrested by ~che
Piraieus police for possession, use and traff3c of drugs.
The arrested are Sty1. Maravelias, 22, student, Margaret Karuana [phonetic],
23, an Australian citizen, Khar,Khairetas, 24, student, A1. Dikaios, 20, model,
St. Koutsouvelis, 39, bus driver, K. A., 29, high school teacher, M.E., 18,
high school student, T.A., 20, law student, Kon. Skopelitis, 26, unemployed,
Sot. Kapsilis, 29, tradesman, Janice McKay [phonetic], 22, from Scotland,
- Ioannis Boukouvalas, 26, truck driver, Pan. Stavrelis, 20, Ioannis Gerakis, 22
and And, Khiou, 20, unemployed.
The leader of the gang, Loukas Stellas, is still at large.
Stellas had opened a den in the apartment of his girlfriend, Margaret Karuana, at
55 Riancourt Street, where he received his customers.
Five hundred grams of hashish powder, 150 grams of hastiish in packets, 120,000
drachmas from hashish sales and Turkish currency the gang brought back from trips
to Turkey where the hashish was purchased were found in the apartment.
Maravelias was found to be in possession of SO grams of hashish in packets, and
one packet was discovered in Khairetas� car. The high school teacher, who is
employed by th e American College, was charged with possession of two packets
of hashish.
Additionally, an undetermined amount of hashish was found in Gerakis' car.
All those arrested were taken to the Athens attorney general's office and
investigation into the case has opened.
CSO: 5300/5344
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020039-2
PORTUGUESE DRUG TRAFFICKERS ARRESTED--Customs officers in Volos have arrested two
sisters Maria and Isabella Andre from Portugal for transporting in their automo-
bile 97 kilograms of hashish in block form and 8 kilograms of hashish in pulp
- form. The two sisters had reached Volos from Syria. [Text] [Athens RIZOSPASTIS
in Greek 19 Nov 81 p 11] 5671
PIRAEUS DRUG NET DISMANTLED---A gang of narcotics pushers which probably distrib-
uted the "goods" to students has been put out of action in Piraeus. The gang was
made up o� Sp. Kontis, 26 years old; Giannis KontogE~rgaas alias "Xifias," 23
years old; Angelos Bangos, 23 years old; A1. Petrou, ~2 years old; as well as the
narcotics addicts D. Anninos, 25 years old; Th. Karamanlakis, 21 years old; M.
Ambatzis, 24 years old; and K. Marounglianis, 21 years old. As became known,
Kontis brought half a kilogram of hashish and half a kilogram of heroin from Is-
tanbul in his automobile and sold it quickly at a high price. Another four per-
sons involved in this case are still being sought. [Text] [Athens RIZOSPASTIS
in Greek 24 Nov 81 p 11] 5671
POLICE DISRUPT INTERNATIONAL DRUG RING--Piraievs police on Friday night disrupted
an international drugs ring comprised of a British woman, her German boyfriend and
- a Greek girl from Athens. They were identified as Christine Pitcher, 34, Rene Horst
Behrens, 37, and Yeoryia Paskhalidhou, 19. When arresting police raided their
hotel in the Athens District of Plaka, they found 11 grams of heroin. They also
arrested two girls who went to get their dose from the heroin peddlers. The
customers were identified as Austrian citizen Sabina Melher, 23, and local girl
Yeoryia Sorou, 27, from the Island of ~liyina. The preliminary inquiry revealed
that the British girl made ma.ny trips to Turkey and brought back heroin exclusively
For distribution. On her last trip, she was alleged to have brought back only 50
grams of heroin, as Turks had stolen money from her suitcase which she would have
used to purchase larger quantities. The drugs gang was charged yesterday with the
possession, use and sale of hard drugs. [Text] [NC121836 Athens News in English
12 Jan 82 p 4]
' CSO: 5300/5346
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020039-2
HASHISH SEIZURE IN ROTTERDAM--Rotterdam, 5 Dec--Customs and police officers seized
several tons of hashish from the Lebanese coastal vessel Sami in the port here yes-
terday. Four members of the ship's crew, three Lebanese and one Sudanese, were ar-
rested. Police were still unloading the substance last night and said it might be
a record seizure. Part of the hashish was hidden under a false floor, and some of
it--in water-proof sacks--was in the water and gasoline tanks.--NAB/AFP [Text]
[Rangoon THE WORKING PEOPLE'S DAILY in English 7 Dec 81 p 7]
CSO: 5300/4914
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NC120852 Istanbul MILLIYET in Turkish 9 Jan 82 p 9
[Report by Erhan Akyildiz]
[Excerpts] It has been reported that teams from the narcotics branch of the
Istanbul Security Directorate seized 44 kilograms of hero in in 1981 worth an
estimated 150 million liras on the local market and about 450 million liras
abroad. This was achieved tltrough successful antinarcotic operations in
Istanbul and its suburbs .
During the same year, the narcotics branch teams seized 460 kilograms of hashish
worth about 70 million liras at home and 180 million liras abroad. They also
seized 4 kilograms of raw opium originating from Iran. It has been stated that
a kilogram of unprocessed opium costs about 500,000 liras.
- It has also been reported that 420 people have been detained, 75 percent of whom
wer.e later arrested on the grounds they were found to be guilty. Due to
continuous antinarcotics operations and stringent controls carried out in
Istanbul and its suburbs in 1981, the quantity of narcotics seized increased
100 percent compared with the previous year. While the quantity of heroin seized
in Istanbul and its suburbs was 24.5 kilograms in 1980, this quantity rose
to 44 kilograms in 1981. The quantity of hashish rose from 284.5 kilograms in
1980 to 460 kilograms in 1981.
According to information obtained from the evaluation of the results of these
operations, the narcotics are being smuggled into Turkey from the east--Iran.
The narcotic traffic destined for Europe after transiting T~srkey pursued two
main routes until the beginning of 1981. The first route was: the Iranian
border-Van-Diyarbakir-Malatya-Ankara-Izmit-Afyon-Izmir-Europe. As a result
of stringent controls carried out in 1981, the narcotics traffic moved toward
the south. As a result of the antinarcotic operations carried out in 1981, the
narcotics traffic began to follow two new routes. The f irst route is: the Iranian
border-Malatya-Gaziantep�-Aleppo-�Beirut-Turkish sector of Cyprus-northern Italy-
Europe. The second route is: the Iranian border-Malatya-Gaziantep-Aleppo-Beirut-
Turkish sector of Cyprus-Britain-Holland-other Baltic countries.
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The MILLIYET news center reports that two Jordanians, Husayn Muha:nmad Sharaf
and Ali Husayn Sharif, who wanted to enter Turkey through Cilvegozu, were caught
by customs off icers with 37,6 kilograms of hashish in their car. Both Jordanians
were arrested after the initial interrogations.
Reports from Izmir say that a worker, Ahmet Komutan, coming to Izmir, Turkey, for
the new year holidays, was caught along with four of his friends for possessing
_ 1.3 kilograms of hashish. ~
CSO: 5300/5330
. 45
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020039-2
London THE DAILY TELEGRAPH in English 17 Dec ~1 p 3
TWO British drug-smugglers arrested lri on susuicion of havin~ alcohol.
the~~ saw three Iranians shot
Iran were hauled before a firing squad dead b,y a firing squad for
three times but each time the ~uards fired drinking alcohol.
, b On another occasi~n a van
blanks. liad to go throusth the Khyber
Pass and one of the smugglers
The story of the mak executions emerged yester- even used a drug�running tr~p
- ~lay at Birming�ham Cro~vn Cou�rt, where Rl~Y:4i0ND a paehe{jeged I~adinq etembec
~ti HELAN, 27, drid S'IUART yIARTIN, 34, were jailed of che gaag, Lyndon Roe, w�as
f~und dead in a L.ondon flat
for 10 and elgllt years from from an ocerdose of
respectiyely. He described how thP ~~ans aicohol and drugs only days
were driven through TurkeY, after a sucessf�1 heroin run.
They ~vere members of an ferried frnm izmir to Venice or His 24-year-old ~tiife DIAYE,
:nternational gang vr'hich vaples and then driven through of Stratford Road. Shirle~. Soli-
smuggled Cann~bts and Italy, Austria, Germany and hull, was one of the Cwo womea
heroin by road from a BelRium. given a~two-year jail sentence,
frontier town in Iran to T~~�o fresh drivers would take suspended for two years, for
orer, usually in Italy, with pass� druq conspiracy offenres.
' Britain. ports which would not reveal The other was Jovcs ~IETC.u.F,
Seven men were jailed yester� that the van had been near the S0, of ~Viggin Tower~ ~ew-
day for smuggling, and two druq-producintt nations of the toH�n, Birmingham..
women received suspended sea� ~tiddle East. so as not to ar~use Tlie other five ~ailed yester-
- day on drug smuggling charges
temes: t6e suspicions of customs of6-
They were arresrted during a cials. titi�ere: ~Vaartsx GOLLIE 27, of
pa~ice drugs squad investigation The smuqglers bou;ht their Oiitlore Road. Sheldon, Birm-
know�n as Operation Gardon, in drugs from one main dealer ~ngham, 10 vears. Gtsxvi~Le
w-hich ? i men and wamen were ~vho lived in titashad, near Ftrrox ~ 1, of Tanhouse Farm
he.!d in the ~lidlands. Iran's border with Pakistan, Road. olihull. seven years,
DAVID S~rrx, 31, of Shenstone
5ince Apri~l. ~tr Jusr~cF and Following the revolution in Drive, Balsall Common, ~Var-
SrErHex E~RO\tiY has ~hesided Iran some of the retura jour- c~�icl:s.. six y-ears, DAViD
over a se~ries of tria~ls� and neys were bazardous. ~$OSGROYE, 36, of Hamilton
passed .:entences totaping more Saw men ShOt Road, Radford Semele, ~Var-
than 13U yea~~s. wicks., five years. and DAVID
- False compartment Once the smugglers , were Road,~ ~4Villen}~a1RemGoventre
fired upon by revolutionar.V y,
~[r Ba~aN ESf.O'fT Coa, Q.C., ~uards as they smas6ed through four y~ears.
prosecutinK. said the druQs a checqpoint.
- ~r�ere usually Smuqgled into And after VVhelan. of no
- Britain in caravanettes fitred ;ettled address, and '~Iartin, of
with a petrol tank containinq a ~y~~gin Tower, Birminfiham,
false compartmeat. had been arrested in Teheran
CSO: 5320/15
~ 46
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020039-2
London THE DAILY TELEGRAPH in English 24 Dec 81 p 2
[Text] Three Turkish Cypriot members of a drugs gang who used tombstones in "a
clever but macabre" way to smuggle 2 million pounds' worth of heroin, were jailed
at the Old Bailey yesterday.
They hid the drug in two hollow gravestones because they thought Customs officers
wou2d not disturb a memorial to the dead.
- Aysan Ziynettin, 38, was jailed for 12 years, Abdurrhman Mehmet, 37, for 11 years,
and Halil Musa, 44, for five years.
The t~vo stones, bearin; fietit- the streets. Tbe 'second. in x
ious names, dates and photo- ~vooden crau. aroused~ the sus~
graphs of the " dear deparied." picion of a Felixstowe Customs,
arrived from Cyprus.� Each con ~ man.
tained �1 million worth oe p~r quality
The first got through, but the He was suspicious because ofi
gang was trapped when t�he the poor quality of the inscrip-
- second arr?ved, in October 1980, tion~ and tcund that the stont
wa~ Iopsided.
` D~ngerous conspiracy' Mr J~?tes WIUGBT, a mason,
Ziynettin. a plasterer, was callc~ in, an~ fouad the
heroin after chippiog aw~Y tht
Green Lanes, ~tokc NewinRton: stone. .
~lehmet a marhine operator of Mr Htfl said Customs ofltcers
- Sebbon Strcet, Islington, sud deci to se~rtd the stvne on
~tusa, a~ railway worker of its w~a a warehouse ia
>doray Road. Fiasbury Park, Lanes, ~fiNood Green, after
were convicted of conspirirng to p~~hin~ ~p~t2xe hole.� ~ t
smuggle drugs. Thea "Operation~ Toa~bstone"
Judge ~~Iichael Argy~le, Q C, ~ng into act?on.
said: ' This was an extremely CuStdms officers kept ~vatch
:rriuus coospiracy of the mosi as two . sombrely ~ dressed
dangerous kind.' " mourners'~ eollectec~ ttie stone,
l~tr Alastair Hili, prosecutiog, from; th~e warehouse aad .put it
said that twv w~hite tombstones in the boot,of Musa's car.
_ for non�eristent men, arrived Ty~ the � smugg~ers.
in England by ferry at Felix� to ~dusa's b~ome~ ia Fiasbury~~
sto~r�e. Secret compartments Park; and racovered tha ~tone~
had becn buiIt into them in� from the . back garden.
Cy prus.
Th~ first was scnt to an Judge Arp~yle commended the
address in South Loudon and~ 2~s~rong Customs squad, led bY~
its. consignmeat distrihuted an 'K~ ~T~ONY BRUGtS, for hand-
lin~ tbe inqwry.
47 ~
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Mr ~James Wright, a stonem~soo~, cfei~nonstrati
fiow he found herain smuggl'eii:.~in:~~a g,ravestone
after d~e had ~b.een called ~in`by;a:~u$tomt' officer
to open rt. ; . �
- CSO: 5320/15
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500020039-2
JAIL FOR CANNABIS SMUGGLING--Jeff ery Litwin, 40, the owner of a number of haulage
companies based in East London, was jailed for six years yesterday at Croydon
Crown Court af ter being found guilty of conspiracy to smuggle drugs into Britain.
Customs men at Dover told the court that IS cwt of cannabis was found in a double
compartment fuel tank of a lorry belonging to Litwin. A further load of cannabis
of the same weight was found in another of his lorries in Vienna. The total haul
had a street value of 3 million pounds and Customs men said it was the biggest
drug haul ever seized at Dover. Both lorries had come from Pakistan. [Text]
[London THE DAILY TELEGRAPH in EngliSh 12 Dec 81 p 3]
CSO: 5320/15 END
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