APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020011-2
I~()It (11~1~1. I 3 l;ii I il.6:i61 i ai',,; i _ 11.~156~ _ ~
:',~)0 ~ 11,1`J{i - ~ I ll.l9�i,i ; II
"Cnjattt� II j i i I
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n~ok.. t~�s1t I Ii.?:s�:9 l.; 9KS,1
~v+~~k,tcnn:i c~'rob:t clrklrirki� ~t~~crKi~~ ~ kouru~ crh Irt~�rli IU45 1:)'JO
~y :
~ a. Electrical energy output*
b. Actual, 1980
c. Specific fuel consumption
d. Seventh Five-Year Plan
e. Eighth Five-Year Plan
f. Expected effect of efficiency-improvement measures, thousand GJ
g. Contribution by fuel, thousand GJ
h. Expected specific fuel consumption, GJ/kWh
i. 200-N1W units
" j. 100-110 MW units
k. Total for 100-200 MW units
*Expected output of electrical ei~ergy in concluding years, 1985 and 1990.
Estimates of the Contribution To Be Made by the Program of Efficiency-Imprc:vement
'Po assure implementation of the proposed efficiency-improvement measures in the
Seventh Five-Year Plan, it will be necessary to provide for expenditures amounting
to almost Kcs 1 billion, including 135 million foreign-exchange korunas.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020011-2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020011-2
_ imports from capitalist countries are proposed v~nly for the Seventh Five-Year Plan,
for equipment which is not yet produced in t~his country or other ~ocialist countries
- and eahich is not expected to be procur~ble in other ways. No imports from capital-
ist countries are contemplated for the Eigth Five-Year Plan, because we expect that
the necessary equipment will be provided by domeatic sources as a result of the
necessary organiza~ional measures in the FMHTS, FMVS, FMEP, and the CSR and SSR
ministers of indu5try, or by import from socialist countries.
The set of efficiency-improvement measures creates the conditions for accomplishing
_ the task of decreasing specific fuel consumption for electYic power production in
100-200 MW units ~by 8 GMP per kWh in 1985 and by 12 GMP per kWh in 1990 as compared
- with 1980. The measures described will result in a drop of 7.2 GI~ per kWh in 1985
and 11.2 GMP per kWh in 1990. In accordance with the program of technical and
- organizational measures for 100-200 MW power station unita in the seventh and eighth
five-year plans, and in connection with the program of ineasures for lower power units,
a model for optimizing the use of all power station capacities has been worked out
with the aim of making use of available. fuel and decreasing specific fuel consimmp-
tion in electric power production.of 373 G'MP per kWh by 1985, equivalent to 10.9317
GJ/MWh as specified in the guidelines for the Seventh Five-~'ear Plan.
- The trend of specific fuel consumption in 109-200 MW units in 1970-1980 and the
expected development througli 1985 are shown in Figs 1 and '1 and Table 2.
Fig 1. Specific fuel consumption ~ ~..?E7.~ ~
- for ~lectric power production in
1970-1980, and expected develop-
ment in the Seventh Five-Year ~~,!Kr,� entire power system
plan, 1981-1985 ~x~
n ?ss=
t1,S0 ~
~ ~ units
- ~ ~
� ~
_ ~
~ ~
"!N b!a~ y
- ----t--
~Jp 1975 '9b~ 1985 ~
- ~o,r year ~
Obr. 1. Vyvoj m~rnE spotfeby poliva na vyrobu elektrickE energie
v letech 1970-1980 o pfedpok;985~Y yyV~l v~~ P~~~~etce 1981 at
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020011-2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500020011-2
' Hc~x c~F~�ict:~t. ~!~r. otvi.~~
i r-._--------_. _
Fig 2. Specific fuel consumption for
electric power production and delivery
by 100-MW and -200 MId units in 1970- ~
_ 1980, and expected development in the 13,D0
Seventh Five-Year Plan. ~ 100-MW ~iri~t~
' SW G: J~OK: ~~t~M14
o-- -___-a~
~ Combustion, power delivery,
1:, 50 ~y(~~
_ 'L sPa~,~~ t:ok~ ~eJ~~h ~OO units
i ~
~ __o
- ~ 11.00'I - ~ ~
~ i
i ~
'1.SDI 1.00-~1~ ll111'C~u _
o- ~doai ev b1o%~
~ Comb tion, power production
~1 ~~a: n 5~0>; .oo
200-PtW units
; ' '96;: 'gB5
~ 19~~ ~9~y Year
Obr. 2. Vyvoj m~rnb spotPeby paliva u 100 0 200 M W blokb na
vyrobu a dod6vku elevc~nykvyvn~1 8~ p~L17etce1970-1980 a orekd-
_;i Table 2. Specific fuel consumption in 100-200 MW units in 1970-1985.
' 7ob, 2, Vyvoj mfrnf spodeby paliro u bloku 100 ot 200 MW v letecb 1970-19Ai
- Key: AiBrn� spotteba ~j :~I6rnA spottet~n b
- palicu na e$robu I Pa1~~~ na dod&cku
a. Specific fuel consumption ~OY' elektrickl energie elektrickE cnerRi~
electric power. produc~ion '~,tiZ~~kt I l,tiZi~~:~~
b. SpeC1f~C fuel ConSUmptlott ~oI ~C.1'r11~1'1 iLdeS [aJlAi\VL)i ~~~~~`C
electric power delivery ~ ~
c. Base index :ou ~t~+' n~~k~� d ~ ~ I
d. 200-MW units is7n it.ri;~u X i:.s;~r, .
187:, l~~.P142 U.9dP 11,811: l~,~l~~
e. l~~-~ L1i11tS lgg~i 71,1!~~?G O,A64 ]1,88(~1 ~~~1~
f. CSSR electric power system l~s, - nian~~ , ii.os7~ ~ Ii~AG3 I i1,4~:>> c~,A'=3
1~~u J1~C vlok~~ e I
Notes: 1. The 1985 plan is based I i~.34;i � ]''.;uac
on implementation of the program 1~;:~ ~ i i.s~ ~~.H:~~ I~=.f~IRA ~ u.~i~~s
of proposed efficienc�.y-improvement is''"' ~ 11"~i~~~ ~.~~11 1~_.K~a~
19`'S - I~Idu'1 ~ 11.40f:1 }.U01 I 12.(iR41 I II.H9'~
measures for 100-200 MW units.
2. The 1985 plan is based on -~'~'~1t f I ~ ~
is~;~~ i�_.�.ci:~ ~ ~ ~:;.:~aa~
the directive of the draEt Seventh ~l.;s,s~s ~~~.Hr~H ~~'=�H':a's
~y~ii 11.:f~433 11,'1Nt 1�.:S~~4i U,!11~{
Five-Year Plan. , I ,,,wg~ ~:,,,~_aH ~ ,,.r;~t,
Is~r:~ n~dn ? I 1r~.9:i17 ~
Puzwiniku: 'l - Pl(Li~ IARo cSP1t~cA x realiznc~� Pr~~grnmu nn~�rf.i~.