Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Ed'11i b
~U l' Dh NI IAL
a r? ..i. , ark Arl strcI , Jr.
special 'Assistant to the f-sesretssr1 of
Departtert of ;:tato
'?.ofereace is :ado to your le ter a aced 23 Aa8ust 190
requc,:."binn ft e Central intellit; *nCO ASOMY to t e sir
th 4, aierw to
research Soot in the '. shed titc tes wx
dotem: ing at plans e I arcs etlauld be Rothe d
to al nisi sse 1uberrupti ono throe t MbOiNIV of ids of
t-iloan copper.
Pur+ t to your reec esst, is 3Sfios of RO2,*rtg e
FstL ates of this ague ' is etartis a rosaee`roh pro3erat
aloe t me Iinas. rem of tht.s study *itth rock
-mer t1anS will be fir-i s hessd ya upon its cot l .on?
R. fl .t.3 E3 ' ER
Rear Aclt i rat, USN
irirootor of central,
ReTypeds format onlys Dsb
cc: Director
Chief I&S (2) w/basic State 1tr & 00 of I&S oorres on subject.
Approved F&elease 2003/10/29 : CJA-RDP80R01 R001300250026W 0.610'1
Inspection Br, I&S
~1 rFCt AStf fin
AUTH: dad
DATE: $ Ve~' rR? a eR I ase 2003L10/
State Department review completed
IA-RDP 61731 R001300250026-7
Approved F Release 20 i RDP80R0 1 R001300250026-7
August 23, 1949
'Dssr Admiral Hille etter:
aefsrence is made to a memorandum addressed to the Secretary of
State dates 22 June 1949, from Colonel Sheffield Edwards, Chief of
Inapectt.A ud Security, regarding the vulnerability to sabotage of
the copper'industry of Chile. Attached thin Marnorandurn wAl a
brief of the copper situation pre sd by In-
spection Branch,
The Department agrees with the conclusion set forth in point
5a of brief that there appears to be no element of
urgency req an immediate physical security survey of the copper
industry in Chile. However, in view of the importance to the United
States of the continuing availability of Chilean copper, particularly
in the event of a national emergency, it would be appreciated if the
Central Intelligence Agency would starry out a research project in the
United States with a view to deterafting raat plans and measures
should be recommended to minimize the interruptions through sabotage
of imports of Chilean copper. Reference is made in this connection
to N SC-29 dated August 26, 1948, which provides for the survey of
industrial operations abroad by the Cents Intelligence Agency at
the request of the Secretary of State.
Officers of this Department who recently had occasion to confer
with officials of Anaconda and Keimeoatt copper companies on another
subject took the opportunity of discussing with them the danger to
which their operations in Chile might be exposed from sabotage by
Communist elements, particularly in case of hostilities between this
country and the U.S.S.R.
* ile expressing considerable confidence in the security pre-
cautions ,currently in effect, representatives of both companies ad-
mitted there night well be room for improvement. They stated that
there is much information available at their New York offices regard-
ing the physical lays-out of their Chilean facilities and offered to
make it available to representatives of the U. S. Government in
connection with a possible study of the security problem.
Approved For Release 20
DP80R0l 73.1 ROM': =256026-7
5X1 25X1
I4 -RDP80R0 1 R001300250026-7
Very truly yours,
For the See rotary of State c
W. I'ark Arniatrong Jr.
Special Assistant for
Re sear ` nd Intelligence
Approved For Release 2'0
A-RDP80RO1731 R00130 5.!