Approved I release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP80-01Q?A090400060002-6
Security Tnfarr_3I,tion
1,i'I? t, to
FS B D-35 (1/5/53)
January 12, 1953
ILM, C , r?,F J FC ;ATIOU RcGI1 b
(Prepared by tho Departieut cf' Slate)
I. During the period under roviewt the Department of State
continued, through the foreign information and educational exchange prog-
grams conducted by the International Information l"~drainistration, to seek
the fulfillment of the mission clefiped in Annex V to 1 SC 68/~ and the
exeoution of the tasks set forth in An-,sex V to iSC 14/20
2,, The mission was defined as follotwrs:
"The frustration c the design of the Izromlin will result
primarily from concrete decisions ta'_:en and vigorous me, .urea
executed ir, the political,, military an(,. economic fields by the
peoples and the Bove niionts of the free world under the leadership
of the United States. The task of the United States foreign informa-
tion and educational e,-,change programs is to assure that the
psychological irtplic?.tians of those actions are, first, fully devel-
oped and, second, effectively conveyed to the minds anc the enotion0
of groups and inc ividuw,ls who 1.kay importantly influence governmental
action end popular attitudes it other nations and among other peoples."
The tasks were set forth in order of priority as follows:
"The first U s% is to multiply and to intensify psychological
deterrents to aggro: si b.n by* Soviet Ccrinunisrl, whether in the form
of outright action by the armed forces of the Soviet Union, of
Carmunist China or of the satellites of the Soviet Union? or in the
form of the subversion of e..i ting free governments by civil forces
e.cting on behalf of 'oviet Corm=ism?
"The second task is to intensify and. to accelerate the rowth
of confidence In and among the peoples and the governments of the
free world, especially in 'rostern 3 urope, including ?,rostern
Security Information
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State Dept. dec~'grgjrcaio~eea?s811I1Si1'UCtIO11S6cr~??i(+e?~aq
Approved kL2elease 2001/08/31: CIA-RDP80-01%#A000400060002-6
Security infrorrnation
si:= 10
At Ill A to
8 p~3i f ,/5/5 )
January 12., 1953
Germany, in their capability successfully to C.eter aggression by
Soviet Ccmr nisn or to eefoat it should it nonetheless occur and to
inspire concrete international, national and. individual action
"Tho third tae c is to cc bat, particularly in tho Foar and
riddle Fast enc South anc' southeast Asi_c'?. ::idle , c;st and southeast
Asia. They further it cluc'ed the dissoiainatiozi to other countries in
Latin l ierica frets r entina of
,are ~E:yar~c a hostile to lxe United
Stctes contiimino politier.:1 insthbil.,ity and econcra3,.c dotteriota.,.
tjon in sone countries in 1,4tin 2.r. erica., i in :ll~s: the unresolved
eonfl.,t.cts in Iiores., Indochina cnd fl 1ayc, continued. to klipore strains
on the conficonce and the cohesion of the free world,
6. Propaenndi is in the service of soviet Co iuniszz un5.ertr4ce
rigorously to exploit all such di fforerc es within the free world
vne. partictzic rl. r et?reen the triter. `::t, tes and he rest of the
free, chief ins tru:.en? .o.lity was the cats rign of hatred
e.gG inst the United i t tc c, which co::>sisted of three prur!:.ry elements,
allegations concerning its ir~iperialistic c'osi.-ma, allef-c:.tions
eoncernin; the bc.r'br