Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2002/06/13 : CIA-RDP81 B00878R000800130030-2
SAPC-23332 So ~ .. s1,4
Copy_cf 3 l?fe i'
15 January 1958
25X1 A
SUBJECT i Concurrence in Definitive Contract No BE-2022 with Westinghouse
Electric Corporation, Project (RAINBBOW).
1. This memorandum contains a recommendation,eubmitted for approval
of the Project Director. Such recd endation is set forth in Paragraph 5.
2. Definitive Contract No. BE-2022 replaces Letter Contract No. M.
2022 and Amendments Nos. 1 and 2 thereto, and provides for theoretical
studies, experiments and laboratory tests in the field of electromagnetic
radiation in connection with Project RAINBOW.
3. The letter contract obligated $150,000 chargeable to Fiscal Year
1957 AQUATONE funds. No additional funds are being obli ted under this
definitd, a contract. The con rac 1$--!- cost us.a...fjxed fee type and
provides for performance of work to 30 Suns I-QgA- That cost of
the contract is of the
estimated cost eu us ve or fixed-fee.
4. Complete agreement has not been reached with the Contractor
regarding the extent to which patent rights will pass to the Government;
however, in the interest of definitizing the contract, the patent clause
has been amended as it forth in Clause 35 to provide that full and absolute
title will pass to the Government. This is being brought to the Contractor's
attention and it is anticipated that a mutualiy'' satisfactory clause will be
negotiated in the near future,
5. Approval of Definitive Contract No. BE-2022 and execution thereof
on behalf of the Agency by the authorized Project Contracting Officer is
I 25X1A
P'rc ec r - mp
P4 R ?.1
' RIC . Bll SELL
I , JR.
Contracting Officer
Approval requested in
25X1 A Approved 1=di- Ike 002/06/1 DP81 kod? A A030-2
"..a. y,. 4t,i a z C
11,F. 221 81 : 064540