Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
ApprovecItiliv eIeasQibgikylR4CID10040679A000100010131-1
St.:YR.CT Vital liateriza4 ?.protip.-itot
1. Wature of Program
2 j- - 1953
a, The preserwstion ird an emergency of key documents and reeorda
e 1141 to contined operations is a matter of Wilmot concern to the
l'arti fjace. A4c*rdingly, it ie * responsibility of each member of
the Per '4, Office to aa familiar with the prinaiples and establiStbed
pre4:ed,Aires f the Vital. Materials Program.
thl 4at.lria1.s Program waists Agency offices it
for party ng 70ris
in which documents aad rscords are necessary
santinl Agency functiona,
(Z'r Maintain. A rr'v f eirlipment needed for continued
cporations and
Having at. t1 la. ea storaze plece for vital
c, Under the present pin1
saryi, reproduang vital,iormments
The .reeemly completed A compl-e-
hensive survey of the Vital Materials it relates to the
'fAereilnel Office. 'rho flishits of this survey ndiciate n need for
(1) Urlentino; members of the E;ersoi Office as to the
requiremene ci the prcgram4 and
(2) Instituting workable schedules for
and minteining review of material applicable
ties for mtoring andl, where neoa
thi ly availeible to the Personne1
aection Criteria
de thftig,, processirtg,
to le Vital Materials
P, ID reference paragraph I b (I), a set of criteri
tablished. Theme are not intended to be strictly limiting in
epecitic material), but ay* designed to serve as a gaide for d
persannel materials are vital in terms of this prom,, They are
et te;
nine, whAt
as fcilowag
? fl) Rords essential to the identification of CIA perw)nne,
.31.ading position title and office assignment)
:,44.L.1-1ty Informatio1?.
44416.,./VMR)lease 20 /08/16 : CIA-RDP80-00679A000100010131-1
Approved For Release 20(14(11610*-aetheRIBR6D-00607,.96000100010131-1
(2) Material relating to basic qualificatione of Aeineyemployeoa
(3) Material derSning essential organisational structure of
the Pronue1 Office
Basic procedural material
Roster of possible reserve personuel
6) Material considered vital from a researeh or historical
bo en selecting ncuments and records consideration is ale* given to
other factors such a the form of material best suited for deposit and the
utility of the data from a cement standpoint,
3c Administration of Program
se Administrative responsibility for the Vitsl Materials Peogram
In the Personnel Office has been vested with the Research and Planning ;Staff,
The attached schedule based on the results af the aurvey cameactoi be.RPS,,
indicates the materials to be included in the Vital Materials Program.
Depteits will be nade through the Research and Planning Staff or ulth
advice to the latter au indicated,
1:e, In accordance etth the criteria stated in paragraph 2 and the
general purpose of the program, each Division and Staff will help in
maintaining eurveillanee over existing or developing material and aid ia
deciding whether each data should be included in the Vital Materials Progreee
TO accomplish this purpose.., the following etepe are to be token:
(1) An individual will be deeignated by each Divieion and Staff
Chief to act as Vital Materials Repreeentative and the name of the
deeignee reported to the Research and Planning Staff. This andivideal
should, have a thorough familiarity with the operations of hie Division
and have extensive knowledge of document and records ehieh relate to
these operations,
? (2) The Vitel Material Represeutative uill have the reepowie
bility for a contirming review of material which might be conviderad
as vital in nature,. If such material is uncovered, a memoraedum will'
be addressed to the Research and Planning Staff indicating the nature
of the data the aeount of material involved, and the probable reenons
for considering tha materiel vital,
ereo 1 Director
ty Information
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-00679A000100010131-1