Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
._. __,
Approved For Rele se 2001/04/10 :CIA-RDP81B00878R00~0020058-9 ~?~
'tiflA?l. ~ C?F
Subject: Submission of Overseas Salary I)isburse.ment Schedule
Reference: (a) Assumptions. and Understandings Pertaining to Entitlements
of Contractors Personnel and the Method of Handling Financial
Obligations of Such E.mplayees at Forward Base of Operations..
The enclosed three copies of Salary Disbursement Schedule for Detachment " B"'
personnel are forwarded for your information and necessary action in
accordance with the praGedure established in reference (a).
Very truly yours!
P.,--... ~.w ..l. .. .,1
Approved For Release 2001/04/10 :CIA-RDP81B00878R001200020058-9