Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2001/03/0koOA-RDP79TO1762A000500 40018-1
1.7 May :L965
125X1 A
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Plans
Deputy Director for Support
Deputy Director for Intelligence
Deputy Director for Science & Technology
Deputy to the DCI for NIPE
SUBJECT; Intelligence Support in Crisis Si,uationr;
1. The following general instructions are deigned to provide
complete and around-the-cioe CIA intell. gence si. port to the
Jioucc and other agnricles r1ur n{r]_ cri rOn r>i,tunt tenrn . l'me eo.r~cv
measu,rer3 will be tmplemr'ntod when t''h Director determ.lrirr :bat, ri
crisis exists, and will continue in force until he determines It has ended.
The Office of the Director will be kept informed of emergency actions
2. The CIA Operations Center (OPSCEN) located in the OCT area
will operate in task force r tyt e on a 2I+-hour basis, and will be CIA' ;3
focal point for intelligence from all sources and component[,. A track
force chief, designated by the Deputy Director for T.ntelli;ence, will, be
responsible for assuring that intelligence flow, quickly and smoothly to
the OPSCEN and is disseminated promptly to appropriate Agency officials.
The OPSCEN will maintain 24-hour telephone and teletype i one
.to the White House, NMCC, State Operations Center, and other i.hforM,-
tion or pot tcy off i cen . ev,
3. Simplified and automatic electronic dissemination of cabled
intelli ence, in a format substantially similar to that described. n
(attached), may be adopted on recommendation by th' D])/P
to the Director for final approval. The OPSCEN, Cable,
Intelligence Watch, and Area Division will coordinate efforts to speed
the flow of information.
-.n e igence, Ln d.evelop', e, asscrsmento
o the sitjuat_14Dand outlook, and in making recommendation , for opera-
tional action as well as intelligence collection. The Collection Gufclance
it. A11 Agency officers concerned in the crisis will work together
for fast dissemination of critic
l ' t
Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP79TO1762A000500040018-1
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: dAYmRDP79T01762A000500040018-1
Staff will continue responsible for spotting informatior_ rec
gaps and om-
mending special collection efforts.
5. In coordination with the Director of Communications and the
Cable Secretariat, the task force chief will make sure that communica-
tions are properly screened and promptly delivered to the Office of the
Director and OPSCEN. He wil,1 also insure fast and direct commu.n7.ra-
t.lorin between 0P (, N and s uc!h [special collection centerr; nit
operatton~3 room. An ofi'icr!r Fillthorize