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August 22, 1958
Office of Technical Services
Washington 25, D. C.
Published Weekly from February 14, 1958, to January 2, 1959
Subscription Price $10.00 for the Series
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This report presents unevaluated information on Soviet
Bloc International Geophysical Year activities selected
from foreign -language publications as indicated in paren-
theses. It is published as an aid to United States Govern-
ment research.
Table of Contents
Rockets and Artificial Earth Satellites
Upper Atmosphere
Arctic and Antarctic
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Report of Conference on Dynamic and Thermal Interaction of the Atmosphere
and Hydrosphere
The following is a complete translation of an article entitled,
"The Dynamic and Thermal Interaction of the Atmosphere and the Hydro-
sphere," by S. Ye. Mostakhov, which reports on a scientific conference
held at Leningrad in March of this year.
A scientific conference on the problem of the dynamic and thermal
interaction of the atmosphere and the hydrosphere in the northern part
of the Atlantic Ocean was conducted in Leningrad, 26-29 March, under the
auspices of the Oceanographic Commission under the Presidium of the Acad-
emy of Sciences and the [Leningrad] Hydrometeorological Institute. The
summarization of the first results of expeditionary work and the improve-
ment of future investigations included in the program of the IGY was the
aim of the conference.
The speeches concerned works on atmospheric and oceanic circulation,
ocean currents, the theory and experimental study of the state and shift-
ing of ice floes, the study of heat balance, and other problems.
Reports on problems of atmospheric circulation touched on the peren-
nial transformations of forms of atmospheric circulation of the northern
hemisphere and the fluctuations in the level of the Atlantic Ocean associ-
ated with them (A. A. Girs), variations in solar activity as bases for
superlong period prognoses of the hydrological conditions of the seas
(I. M. Soskin), the perennial variability of the meridional transfer of
heat in the atmosphere as a basis for prognoses of water temperatures on
the Kola meridian (D. A. Drogaytsev), and the interrelation of variations
in the over-all circulation of the ocean and the atmosphere in the North
Atlantic (K. N. Fedorov). A definite connection between conversions of
the basic forms of atmospheric circulation and the variability of large-
scale hydrological characteristics of the Atlantic Ocean was successfully
shown to the investigators.
D. A. Drogaytsev's conclusion that the field of the indexes of the
meridional transfer of heat predetermines the underlying field of water
temperatures in the upper layer of the sea (to a depth of several tens
of meters) is extremely interesting. This conclusion is extremely im-
portant for studying the perennial fluctuations of the temperature of
the water on the open sea, where regular hydrological observations are
not conducted, but according to akvatorii [parts of the surface of the
water] from which synoptic charts are compiled, and also for the prognosis
of water temperature, and hydrobiological and fishing industry prognoses
in the sea.
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In recent years, sea physics has almost arrived at a solution of the
problem of calculating wind waves, wind currents, and the drift of ice
associated with them. The calculation of these elements of a hydrologi-
cal regime should precede work on the characteristic wind conditions,
otherwise it is impossible to construct charts of with fields in the seas
and oceann. A method of constructing such charts was discussed in the
report of A. I. Sorkin. M. A. Valerianova reported on an attempt to
typify the pressure fields over the North Atlantic for calculating the
currents and the drift of ice floes.
In the future, work must be done on the more accurate definition
of the characteristics of the varieties of the basic forms of circulation
over the North Atlantic and for the study of the conversion of the char-
acteristics of atmospheric circulation with the aim of obtaining prog-
nostic relationships of both meteorological as well as hydrological char-
acteristics. The study of the perennial conversions of the basic forms
of circulation, a knowledge of which is necessary for quantitative char-
acteristic -associations between fluctuations of the level of the Atlantic
ocean and changes of microsynoptic processes, and also the investigation
of the effect of solar activity on large scale processes in the atmosphere
and the hydrosphere. Such a study of the conditions of the formations and
characteristics of relatively stationary cyclones and anticyclones over
the North Atlantic have a significant value.
The materials presented on the study of the current systems of the
North Atlantic show that despite certain successes in the development
of a theory of ocean circulation, the results obtained are still insuf-
ficient for solving many problems of the dynamics of currents and are
not sufficiently worked out to be of practical use.
In the opinion of the conference, special groups attracting young
specialists must be created for the intensification of investigations in
the field of dynamics of ocean currents. Also, systematic, prolonged
observations aided by squadrons of ships and automatic buoy stations must
be organized. Practical instructions for calculations of currents must
be compiled on the basis of the completed work.
In reports devoted to the investigation of ice floes, problems of
the theory of ice floes drifted by the wind (D. L. Laykhtman), the cal-
culation of the steady drift of ice floes in the Arctic basin (A. I.
Fel'zenbaum), the experimental study of the motion and state of ice floes
by aeromethods (V. V. Timonov), etc., are considered.
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In the field of thermics of the sea, interesting results were obtained
on the thermal interaction of the ocean with the atmosphere, the radiation
and heat balance of the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, and the use
of heat balance data for the calculation of the water temperature in the
layer of convective intermixing.
Similar investigations conducted in the Barents and Norwegian Seas
have a substantial methodical and practical value.
The absence of calculations of vertical turbulent heat exchange and
of the analysis of advective heat transfer is a great problem in the in-
vestigation of heat balance. While methods for calculating the component
of the heat balance of the surface of the ocean are continuously perfected
and improved, equations of heat balance for determining the advection of
heat by currents and deep heat exchange are treated, as before,"rmaialy by
The conference pointed out substantial differences in the method for
calculating the different elements of radiation balance and heat balance
used in the various institutes, as a consequence of which the results of
the calculations appeared to be not fully comparable. To eliminate this
discrepancy, it wad decided to hold a special conference.
In conclusion, a report was heard concerning the progress and plan
of work of the Interdepartmental Expedition of the Atlantic Ocean and
the Norwegian and Greenland Seas. Academician V. V. Shuleykin reported
on the investigations conducted in 1957 during the cruise of the Sedov
in the Atlantic Ocean. (Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR, No 7, Jul 58, pp 128-
Soviets Continue Meteorological Rocket Launchings
In accordance with the IGY program, the Soviet high-latitude observ-
atory on Ostrov Kheysa (Zemlya Frantsa-Iosife) [Reiss Island, Franz
Josef Land] is continuing its regular studies of the upper atmosphere
with the help of vertical launchings of meteorological rockets.
The distribution of temperature and air pressure in the central
stratosphere is measured with the help of instruments installed in the
meteorological rockets. Air temperature is measured with the aid of
electric resistance thermometers, and air pressure, with thermal and
membrane manometers. The instruments are placed in the head section of
the rocket, which becomes separated from the rocket body during, flight
and descends to earth by parachute. The instrument readings are trans-
mitted to earth by radiotelemetering devices.
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The Third Antarctic Marine P.Scpedition on the Ub' also launched mete-
orological rockets while the ship was sailing in the waters of the south-
section of the Indian Ocean and the southern part of the Pacific
It was previously reported that the first four meteorological rockets
were launched from the Ob' during the period from December 1957 to February
1958 in the coastal waters of East Antarctica, while the Ob' was sailing
from Mirnyy to the Oates Coast.
The fifth rocket was launched in the vicinity of the Snares Islands,
New Zealand on 16 February 1958; the sixth and seventh rockets, from
38 58 S and 142 08 E. on 9 March 1958; the eighth rocket, in the Tasman
Sea; the ninth to 13th rockets, along the northern edge of the Ross Sea;
the 14th rocket, from 66 22 S and 128 03 W, on 21 April 1958; and the
15th to 22d rockets, in the meridional sector from Bellingshausen Sea to
Easter Island, on 28 April and 7 May 1958.
Thus, during the IGY, from November 1957 to May 1958, a total of
36 meteorological rockets were launched from Ostrov Kheysa and from the
expedition ship Ob'. As a result, data have been received on the dis-
tribution of temperature and air pressure in the central stratosphere in
the Arctic and Antarctic. Launchings of meteorological rockets for the
study of the upper atmosphere will be continued until the end of the IGY.
The results of rocket soundings of the atmosphere are being processed
and summarized. (Moscow, Vodnyy Transport, 31 Jul. 58)
Shternfeld Discusses Problems Posed by Manned Satellites
The following is a complete translation of an article by A. Shtern-
feld entitled, "The Day Will Come When Manned Satellites Will Be Neces-
sary., " which was published on page 4 of the 6 August 1958 issue of Le
Drapeau Rouge, Brussels Communist daily:
"Automatic satellites are insufficient for the study of processes
which take place in the universe. The day will come when we will need
satellites manned by technicians and scientists. But there are still
many difficulties to overcome to build a manned satellite.
The cosmic vehicle, notably the artificial satellite, resembles a
submarine, in that the crew must live in a tight cabin entirely isolated
from its environment. Because of the lack of air resistance which
brakes the progress of the satellite at high altitudes, the builder can
give it any form whatsoever, for example, that of a ring. The model of
such a satellite is on exhibit at the Soviet Pavilion of the Brussels
World's Fair.
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It is possible that, because of the danger from meteorites and harm-
ful radiation, it will not be possible to install windows looking directly
outside. Therefore, a narrow channel provided with a system of mirrors
and lenses will be necessary to permit the entry of light rays.
Apprehensive statements are often made about the danger of a colli-
sion with large meteorites. How can this be avoided?
No one has yet found effective protective measures. Some propose
the use of a double (or greater revetment, hoping that the explosion
which would take place during a collision with the outer covering would
not affect the inner covering.
It is not at all excluded that this problem could be resolved by
shooting down the meteorite. As soon as the meteorite is detected, the
radar would keep it in view on its screen. At each instant, the speed,
direction, and location of the 'enemy' would be determined. Guns would
begin firing after a fraction of a second, and the meteorite heading for
the satellite would explode at a great distance from it.
As is known, objects and men within the satellite would be weight-
less; this is why satellites with artificial gravity will have to be
built, as Tsiolkovskiy had proposed. After having forced the satellite
to turn on its axis, a centrifugal force would be created to replace
Will it be necessary to forcibly maintain normal air pressure in
the capsule? It is possible that the astronauts will be able to breathe
normally, since the composition of the air will be adequate, even in
pressure lower than atmospheric pressure. Therefore, the thinner the
partitions of the hull, the simpler will be the construction of the cabin
and the pressure suits, and the less dangerous the escape of air into
space. As for the respirable 'used' air, it can be replaced by fresh
air by 'aerating' the capsule. The carbonic acid from this air will be
eliminated also by means of chemical processes, as in a submerged sub-
marine. This method was used in Sputnik II with a dog on board. In
addition, the number of substances taking part in these chemical reactions
was automatically regulated.
It would be useful to carry the necessary oxygen reserve in liquid
form. It could be sent from earth to the satellite even in solid form
which would necessitate very light encasement. Oxygen in a composition
of sodium peroxide, which absorbs carbonic gas and the excess moisture
and at the same time releases oxygen, could also be carried. But oxy-
genated water in solid form would be preferable.
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It is said that the srxu.le::;t raindrop contains a tremendous amount
of potential energy. The satellite can jur tly be compared to a raindrop,
Clying through apace under the vertiginous -r:+run of solar rays. But the
ui::uined satellite will have to do more than siirrply reflect the sun's rays
to regulate its internal temperature, according to which side is facing
the sun.
The difference in temperature between the side facing and the side
array from the sun is greater than on earth, and thanks to this, the co-
efficient of efficiency of the solar installations can be higher.
Soviet scientists are -Lttempting to perfect solar installations which
will be able to operate continuously and which will supply power to all
the satellite's apparati.
The construction of large satellites will necessitate entirely new
assembling rru thods. For example, some time after the launching of the
first rocket, it will be joined by another rocket which will be guided
to the first. Other rocket:, launched in exactly the same way, will form
a celestial body of sufficient size to be able to accommodate men and all
the necessary reserves, mechanisms, and apparatus.
It is remarkable that at the beginning of the century, the Russian
scholar Yu. Kondratyuk already believed that 'it would be preferable to
send up into space the pay load and the objects (everything encased ex-
cept sensitive apparatus)... capable of enduring without danger, accelera-
tions of several thousands of meters per second, using unmanned rockets.'
The satellite could first be built on earth and the efficiency of
its construction tested. It would then be dismantled and placed in orbit
Rouge, 6 Aug 58)
(Brussels, Le Drapeau
Mea3uring Corp'+. cular and X-Radiation of Sun With Artificial Satellite
An article entitled "The Study of the Corpuscular Radiation of the
Sun With the Aid of an Artificial Satellite of the Earth," by V. I.
Krasovskiy) Yu. M. Kushnir and G. A. Bordovskiy, contains the following
discussion of instrumentation:
"An artificial satellite of the earth may be used for investigations
of the corpuscular radiation of the sun in two ways: First, through the
installation of a special mass spectrometer, to determine directly the
chemical composition of corpuscular flows. A more effective method of
registration, connected with photographic processes, requires a special
design of the satellite with guaranteed delivery of data back to the
earth. An accurate orientation of the instrument in the right direction
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is, obviously, also necessary. Secondly, it is presently feasible to in-
vestigate the distribution and penetration of corpuscles according to
geomagnetic latitude and longitude, particularly during daylight, which
provides verification of various hypotheses on the nature of corpuscular
flows. For this purpose, instruments have been designed and built, the
principal scheme of which is briefly shown in Figure 5 [block diagram].
The corpuscle indicator is a fluorescent screen which glows under the
influence of the corpuscles. The recording of corpuscles by means of a
sounding method is not feasible, because the upper atmosphere contains
a large number of its own ions and electrons, which, when there is a
difference between the potentials of the electrodes of the sonde, produce
a considerable current which conceals the flow of solar corpuscles. The
emission of light by the fluorescent screen is recorded by means of
photoelectric cells; then, the photoelectric current is amplified, stored,
and transmitted over the proper radiotelementering equipment. In front
of the fluorescent screen there is a metallic foil, the duty of which
is twofold. On the one hand, with the use of foils of various thicknesses
it is possible to obtain a coarse estimate of the transit of corpuscles.
On the other hand, the foil shields the fluorescent screen and the photo-
cell from the direct effect of solar radiation. The shield limits the
angular effect of the corpuscles. The current I, which originates in the
photocell, is determined according to the following expression:
where i . the corpuscular flow in a.cm-2, S = the area of the fluorescent
screen and of the photocathode in cm2, U = the difference of the poten-
tials, in volts, required for accelerating the corpuscles up to their
energy, or- a the light emission of the fluorescent screen in candles per
watt according to the Lambert distribution of emission, and I = the sen-
sitiv~ty of the photocathode in a per lumen. Let us take i "' 10-12
a-cm , which correspond- to an aurora at a background level of the night
sky, S /N 30 cm2, UN 107 v, OC., .10 candles per watt, and t) '10-4 a per
lumen. Then I N 10'8a. It is quite evident, that the amplification of
such currents as 10-8 and lower, corresponding to the general background
of corpuscles on a quiet day, does not involve any difficulty. The
metallic foil to be used is expected to be an aluminum foil with a thick-
ness of 0.6 - 1.0 mg?cm-2. These foils are practically opaque to solar
radiation and prevent it from reaching the photocells.
"It is feasible to use the described apparatus at the same time
along with an apparatus for the study of X-radiation of the sun (Uspekhi
Fizicheskikh Nauk, Vol 63, No lb, 1957, p 163) and micrometeorites
(Ibid, p 253). The simultaneous investigation of solar X-radiation is
necessary to exclude this radiation whenever the recording equipment is
directly exposed to the sun and to be able to record the X-radiation in
addition to the corpuscular radiation. Moreover, the thin metallic foil,
thus also the thin metallic filters used for the determination of solar
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X-radiation, will, during use, be pu ctured continuously by micrometeorites,
and the reading of the instrument in the daytime will give a certain grad-
ually increasing component. In this ay, the instrument, as a device for
the study of solar X-radiation and a a device for the study of solar cor-
puscula.- radiation, will serve also a supplementary indicator of micro-
meteorites. The presence of an inde endent control for micrometeorites
affords the possibility of taking in o account the parasitic illumina-
tion through small holes produced by micrometeorites.
"Soft corpuscular radiation of
lic foil only at night during the ab
in such a regime may be switched on
siunals from a proatramming device."
Vol 64, No 3, Mar 58, pp 425-434)
he sun may be detected without metal-
ence of sunlight. An instrument
(Moscow) Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk,
Optical Satellite Observations in USSR
The problem of determining the spatial coordinates of artificial
earth satellites with regard to time by optical ground observations is
discussed by I. S. Shklovskiy and P. V. Shcheglov in "Optical Obsero-a-
tions of Artificial Earth Satellites."
The importance, value, and need of obtaining precise coordinates of
an Earth satellite are reviewed.
The authors mention the method of photographic observation used in
the US, using the Schmidt camera and also the network of visual observa-
tion stations.
The USSR has a network of 66 visual observation stations.
In the USSR, observations on the larger, brighter Soviet satellites
are conducted with photographic apparatus, which are much simple. than
the Schmidt camera and have a smaller diameter objective. A special ap-
paratus for photographing bright satellites was built in the State Astro-
nomical Institute imeni Shternberg by V. F. Yesipov, V. G. Kurt and one
of the authors. This device was based on the NAFA-3c/25, a standard
aerial survey camera. Photoplates were used for increased accuracy in
the measurement of the coordinates. Some difficulty was encountered in
the registration of the exact exposure intervals because of a lag in the
closing of the mechanical contacts of the shutter mechanism. This dif-
ficulty was eliminated by placing a lead-sulfide photoresistor [photo
conductor] inside the camera at the suggestion of Yu. N. Lipskiy. It was
activated by a source of infrared light passing through the objective
and shutter in such a way that it did not affect the photoplate. The
current throughout the photoresistor was equal to the second impulse of
an astronomical clock with a standard signal of 500 cycles and the moment
of shutter action was recorded on a loop oscillograph Shutter openings
and closings were sufficiently fast (2-3 milliseconds 5.
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Another method for precisely recording the moment of the passage of
a bright satellite was proposed, independently, by P. P. Dobronravin of
the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory Academy of Science USSR, and by
V. I. Moroz of the State Astronomical Institute imeni Shternberg. In
this case, the image is projected by the objective on an opaque diaphragm
with perforations which are located according to known stars. A photo-
multiplier is placed behind the plate. Its current is registered on a
recorder. Thus, the moment of passage of the satellite's image through
the slit is recorded.
In Moroz's apparatus, the diaphragm serves as a photoplate on which
the stars and the satellite's track are photographed. This gives a more
favorable determination for location of the slits and the track of the
satellite relative to the stars.
The coordinates of dim satellites can also be determined using opti-
cal instruments with comparatively small diameters, if radiation collec-
tors are used which are more sensitive than photoplates, for example,
electron optical converters (EOP). Such a system can increase the photo-
graphing sensitivity by 100, compared with the best existing photographic
emulsions. A disadvantage in the use of electron-optical converters is
the comparatively small sizes of their working areas (10-12 millimeters ).
Observations of satellites from the time they enter the denser layers
of the atmosphere up to the time they burn and disintegrate can be made
at night. Various receivers of infrared radiation, as the electron-optical
converter with an oxygen-cesium photocathode and photoresistance can be
used for these observations. Spectroscopic observations of satellites
during the period of burning in the Earth's atmosphere are of great in-
terest. In principle, these observatio_s are similar to the spectrograph-
ing of meteors.
Prismatic cameras and slit spectrographs used in astronomy for star
spectrography cannot be used in satellite observations because of their
comparatively small dispersion and low lens power.
Spectra of satellites can be obtained by preparing special objec-
tive prisms with a small refractive angle and using the camera described
above. The dispersion and resolving power will be rather small. However,
the basic qualitative and pcssibly the quantitative characteristics of
the spectrum will be obtained.
The article contains a photograph showing Sputnik II's flight which
was obtained with the described photographic apparatus of the State Astro-
nomic Institute imeni P. K. Shternberg by V. G. Kurt and I. V. Shcheglov
at the Tashkent Astronomical. Observatory.
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The shutter operating time (according to sidereal time) is given
oipposite the ends of each track, with an accuracy of 2 milliseconds.
The mean quadratic error by hair sighting with the measuring instrument
at the end of the track was 4 microns, which, in a camera having a focal
length of 250 millimeters, corresponds to 3 inches.
The change in the satellite's brightness due to rotation can also
be seen in the photograph. (Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk, Vol 64, No 3,
Mar 58, pp 417-424)
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Aurorul Observations at Eysk
The Eysk marine hydrometeorological station reports observations
of aurorae, a phenomena rare for this locale. The station is located
on the shore of the Taganrogskiy Zaliv of the Sea of Azov (46 44 N lat-
An aurora was seen from 0530 to 0600 Moscow time on 11 February
1958. It appeared on the horizon from northwest to west. At the moment
of greatest intensity the lights reached almost to the zenith. A narrow
band of noctilucent clouds were observed near the horizon.
Aurorae were also observed at Eysk on 30 September 1957 between 2000
and 2300 hours. (Meteorologiya I Gidrologiya, No 6, Jun 58, p 38)
Czechoslovak Press Reports on Soviet Radiotheodolite
The measuring of high altitude winds under difficult meteorological
conditions and at night has, until recently, been a major problem for
the Czechoslovak meteorological service. High altitude winds could be
determined only by optical measuring of a rubber balloon by means of a
This problem has been eliminated by the new Soviet Instrument, the
"Malakhit" radio theodolite. The principle on which it operates is the
exact measurement of a transmitter of meteorological radio sonde, sent
up into the atmosphere in a balloon. It is possible to determine the
exact position by means of the antenna system which has four dipoles in
a cross formation. The signals receives by the antennas are processed
by the receiver and converted into optical images. The operator should
adjust the antenna system (according to the optical images) by means
of a servomechanism so that the signals received by all antennas are
equally strong. Data on the elevation and lateral angles are read from
the instrument once each minute. The remaining operations are the same
as those used with a normal theodolite. The "Malakhit" is capable of
measuring winds at an altitude of up to 20-25 kilometers. The radio
transmitter operates on frequencies from 215-220 kilocycles per second.
The instrument operates on line current of 120 or 220 volts, 50 cycles
per second. (Prague, Kridla Vlasti, 24 Jun 58, p 11)
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Character of Surface Air Layer Turbulence
Formulas and nomograms are presented by A. B. Kazanskiy and A. S.
Monin of the Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere, Academy of Sciences
USSR, for determining the characteristics of surface air layer turbulence
according to gradient measurements (air temperature and wind speed curves).
On the basis of the theory of similarity for a turbulent condition
in the surface layer of air and experimental data, it is established
that with unstable stratification outside the thin under layer of dynamic
turbulence, the mechanism of air movement is practically the same as that
of free convection. (Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR) Seriya Geof-
izicheskaya, No 6, Jun 58, pp 741-751)
Czechoslovak Press Describes Soviet Meteorological Station
In "Soviet Remote Meteorological Stations," Jiri Langer, describes
the Soviet remote meteorological station, model "DMTs-G-53," as being
designed for determining temperatures, relative humidity, and speed and
direction of the wind at airfields.
It is made up of three parts. The elements measuring temperature
and relative humidity form one unit, which is placed in a small louvered
booth. A four-cup anemometer with a weather vane forms the second.
The third is the control box which indicates the values from the indi-
vidual elements. The equipment operates on a principle whereby the
quantities sensed by the meteorological elements are converted into
quantities of electrical current. This method makes it possible to
read values at a distance of up to 100 meters.
The wind speed is measured by the anemometer and a so-called "meas-
uring generators (merny generator) which produces electrical current.
This means that the energy of the wind is converted into electrical
energy, which can be precisely measured. The wind speed indicator is a
voltmeter appropriately graduated in meters per second.
The direction of the wind is determined by a direct method based
on transmissions by a revolvable electromagnetic field or a command
Induction system. The wind direction finder uses a special resistance
transducer and, on the receiving side, the indicators use a system with
a three-phase stator. A two-pole permanent magnet is used as an armature
(the so-called "magnesyn" system). This system makes it possible to see
the direction of the wind on the indicator as soon as the switch is
turned on.
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The "DMTs-G-53" measures the temperature of the air by means of
an electric thermometer. The resistance of the thermometer varies in
direct proportion to the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere
(a non-balanced resistance bridge with an electric measurii:g instrument,
a microammeter, attached to the cross bar).
The relative humidity is determined by an indicator made from a
hair hydrometer with remote (electric) control of the indicator.
The station operates on line voltage of 110-127 or 220 volts and
also on a 30-volt battery. The battery is able to keep the station in
operation for 6-8 months. The station is connected with the indicators
by a 100-meter cable. The indicator box is also equipped with a precision
The instruments can measure wind speeds from 2 to 30 meters per
second, wind directions from O to 360 degrees, air temperature from
plus 45 to minus 45 degrees centigrade, and relative humidity from 30 to
100 percent. The total 'weight of "DMTs-G-53" is 80 kilograms. (Prague,
Kridla Vlasti, 8 Jul 58, p 25)
1956 International Pyrheliometric Scale Adopted by USSR
The new pyrheliometric scale, recommended by the International Con-
ference on Radiation held in Davos in September 1956, has been adopted
by the Hydrometeorological Service of the USSR.
According to an article by Yu. D. Yanishevsk?y, "The International
Pyrheliometric Scale, 1956," the new scale, used in the study of solar
radiation, has been in use in the USSR since 1 January 1957.
For conversion to the new scale, it was necessary to: (1) increase
the conversion multiplier of all pyrheliometers', actinometers, pyrano-
meters and balance meters tested according to pyrheliometers of the Main
Geophysical Observatory which were checked in Potsdam; (2) to increase
the results of actinometric observations conducted from 1 January 1957
with the instruments mentioned in (1); and (3) not to change instruments
which were checked in the Main Geophysical Observatory during the period
The necessity of comparing all USSR pyrheliometers with the test
instruments of the Main Geophysical Observatory is noted. -
Among the recommendations made at the Conference was one requesting
observations using pyrheliometers with a very narrow aperture angle (up
to 4 percent) for which radiation near the sun is reduced from 4 to one
percent. However, this recommodation requires a special method of inves-
tigation. (Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya, No 5, Jun 58, pp 46-47)
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Mikhail Lomonosov Completes Four-Month Cruise
Thi Mikhail Lomonosov, expeditionary ship of the Marine Hydrophysical
Institute of the Academy of Sciences USSR, has arrived in Riga after a
4-month, 12,000-mile voyage in the Atlantic Ocean during which it con-
ducted investigations under the IGY program. A description of the work
performed by the expedition was given by G. Ponomarenko, assistant chief
of the Atlantic Expedition.
One of the most important problems of the expedition was the study
of ocean currents. Currents at great depths were especially investi-
gated. Jn the basis of the data obtained it is said that navigation
will be improved and the fishing industry will be benefited. In addi-
tion, it is necessary to know the over-all circulation of the waters
of the Atlantic Ocean in order to determine the quantity of water
entering the North Sea and the Arctic Ocean and hence to determine the
amount of heat which these waters carry and can transfer to the air
The study of the origin, development, and dying out of sea waves
also entered into the expedition's program. Ponomarenko says that there
is still a lack of sufficient data on sea waves to take their character-
istics into consideration in shipbuilding and ship handling.
Depths weiz measured for a distance of about 9,000 miles along the
course of the ship. Comparatively large submarine rises, depressions,
volcanoes, and other features of the depths were discovered.
Much time was spent on the problem of heat exchange between the
atmosphere and the ocean. Special instruments and automatic recorders
were installed on the ship. These continuously recorded the amount of
heat coming from the Sun and the heat which the water shed as a result
of evaporation and radiation.
Together with the usual meteorological observations, radiosondes
were launched at least twice a day. These fed back information on changes
of air temperature, pressure, and humidity up to altitudes of 30 kilo-
meters. For the first time in the history of oceanographic investigations
data on the velocity and direction of a radiosonde, and by this the direction
and velocity of the motion of air masses, were successfully gathered
with the aid of the "Malakhit" radiotheodolite. Preliminary processing
of data on the motion of air masses showed that their velocity was con-
siderably greater than previously determined by other methods of com-
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The variability of the heat and chemical content of the waters of
the Atlantic Ocean was another subject of study. As a result, new data
concerning the amo'int of r'xygen, phosphorous salts, nitrogen silicon,
and other biogenic matter were obtained. These data not only will make
it possible to arrive at a better determination of the water masses
but also will be considered in determining the productiveness of the
waters of the ocean.
Measurements of the temperature of the waters, the taking of sea-
water samples for chemical analysis, measurement of currents, and other
work were performed in 145 drift stations and three 24-hour anchor sta-
tions. These anchor stations were made. at depths of 4,300-5,100 meters.
The most interesting scientific conclusion made by the expeditions
on the Mikhail Lomonosov (in November 1957 and in March-June 1958) was
that the surface waters of the northeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean
have a higher temperature than was anticipated from the average of many
years' data, for example, those data given in the Marine Atlas. These
waters carry much heat into the Arctic, changing the icing conditions
in the northern seas.
Members of the expedition are now preparing for another voyage.
(Moscow, Vodnyy Transport, 1 Jul 58)
Vityaz' Operations Reviewed
An in+eresting result of the investigations conducted by the Vityaz',
expeditionary ship of the Institute of Oceanology, Academy of Sciences
USSR, on its second voyage in the Pacific is revealed in an article by
N. Sysoyev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant director of the
A geographic zonality in the central part of the Pacific Ocean
was established by Soviet scientists. The relationship among solar
radiation, prevailing winds, air and water temperatures, transparency,
salinity, and the content in the water of oxygen, phosphates, nitrates,
bacteria, plankton, and fish was revealed and some data Qn the influence
of these factors on life at the bottom of the ocean and on the sedimen-
tation processes were gathered.
The rest of the article is a brief summary of the three Pacific
voyages and research operations of the Vityaz' during 12 months of the
IGY. This material has been previously reported, (Moscow', Vodnyy Trans-
port, 1 Jul 58)
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In another article Sysoyev claims a record for the Vityaz' -- an-
choring in the open sea over a depth of almost 9,600 meters [29,760 feet]
In the Kurile depression. This exceeds a depth of 5,780 meters achieved
by the German expeditionary ship Meteor.
An:,uioring a ship of such a lurL;u displacement as the Vityaz' (about
6,000 tons) required the creation of a special cable and winch of orig-
inal design. Using this apparatus, the Vityaz' established about 140'
long-period deep-water stations. A number of Soviet oceanographic ships,
among them the Mikhail Lomonosov, have recently been equipped with deep-
water anchoring apparatus.
For anchoring ships at depths greater than 10,000 meters a special
stepped cable, the diameter of which gradually increases from the anchor
to the winch, is used. Such a deep-water cable was used by the Vityaz'.
It consisted of lengths of cable of specified lengths and diameter ranging
from 14 to 25 millimeters. In this way the increasing weight of the cable
as it is paid out is countered by the increasing strength of the cable.
In deep-water anchorages two 300-kilogram anchors joined by a cable
are dropped about 50 meters apart. The anchoring cable is 30-40 percent
longer than the depth of water where the ship stands. For example, at
the 9,600-meter depth, 12,500 meters of cable were paid out.
For paying out and retrieving the anchor cable, (the weight of which
exceed 16 tons for a length equal to 14 kilometers), a special winch is
used. The main feature of this winch is that its pulling mechanism and
apparatus reduce the great tension of drawing the cable from the water
(which reaches a weight of 18 tons) down to several hundred kilograms,
after which it is wound on a reel located in the hold of the ship. Di-
rect winding on the reel would be impossible because the reel could not
withstand the pressure accumulating with each turn of the cable about it.
The winch apparatus also includes a shock absorber which dampens
the shock on the ship while riding at anchor, a dynamometer and counter
which indicate the tension on the cable and its length, and a device for
wiping and greasing the cable and the cable stacker. Anchoring in 5,000
meters of water requires 1 1/2-2 hours.
The Vityaz' deep-water winch was developed in the Soviet Union and
built by Soviet plants. It is claimed to be the best winch of this type.
(Sovetskiy Flot,22 Nov 57)
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4ind Characteristics Over Eastern Antarctic Studied by Soviets
The seasonal variation of zonal circulation over the shore line of
eastern Antarctica is considered in an article titled "Some Characteristics
of the Change in the Wind With Altitude Over the Eastern Shore of the
Antarctic" by N. G. Leonov.
The data of weather balloon observations made by the Mirnyy (66 33 S,
93 00 E) and Mauson (67 36 S, 62 53 E) stations were used as basic mate-
rial These stations lie in approximately the same latitude near the south
polar circle about 1;500 kilometers apart. The general features at these
stations can be said to be characteristic for all of the eastern shore
of the Antarctic (and possibly for all of the Ohore as a whole), but
stable differences are associated with seasonal characteristics of the
basic field.
The zonal components of the velocity of the wind at ground level and
at the altitudes of 1.52 3, 62 9, 12, 15, and 18 kilometers were calcu-
lated for the period from March 1956 to February 1957. Data on the num-
ber of observations considered and the frequency of east and west com-
ponents of the wind at the different altitudes for different months are
presented in tables.
The frequency of west and east wind components at different altitudes
in the different seasons are discussed, and the following conclusions are
On the eastern shores of the Antarctic in the lower layers, up to
1.5 kilometers in the overwhelming majority of cases east wind components
of the wind were observed. This confirms the well-known position that
as a rule a high-pressure field is observed over the Antarctic.
With an increase of altitude the frequency of east wind components
decreases and the frequency of west wind components increases. If at an
altitude of 3 kilometers east components prevail on the average during
the year, then at an altitude of 6 kilometers west components are predom-
inant. This attests to the fact that, beginning with an altitude of 3-6
kilometers, a low-pressure field is frequently observed over the Antarctic.
That is to say, the thickness of an anticyclone over the eastern part of
the Antarctic on the average does not exceed 6 kilometers. In the upper
layers (at altitudes of 12-15 kilometers) the frequency of west wind com-
ponents over the shore is approximately 85%; that is, as a rule a field
of low pressure is located in these layers over the Antarctic.
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The transition from high anticyclonic circulation to cyclonic cir-
culation has certain seasonal characteristics; as follows.
1. In the autumn period the transition from east components to west
components occurs in lower layers than in other seasons. An anticyclone
over the eastern part of the Antarctic in autumn does not develop along
the vertical as well as in other seasons. Beginning with an altitude of
12 kilometers, a low-pressure field is always located over the Antarctic.
2. In summer, in a sufficiently large number of cases (not less
than 30%) the east wind components over the eastern shore of the Antarc-
tic are maintained at all altitudes. Beginning from an altitude of 12
kilometers, the frequency of east components begins to increase. This
is proof that over the Antarctic in a number of cases the low pressure in
the upper troposphere is changed by the high pressure in the stratosphere,
that is, the air in the lower stratosphere over the Antarctic on the
average is warmer than that over the ocean. The principal reason for
this is the direct absorption of solar radiation by the ozone, a layer of
which drops down lower over the Antarctic than over the ocean, or is at
these altitudes more saturated. This last is only a hypothesis since
direct observations on ozone content have not been made.
3. Winter and spring as a whole differ little from each other and
occupy an intermediate position between autumn and summer. November is
the only exception.
In November, as in the summer months, from altitudes of 12-15 kilo-
meters an increase in east components is observed. According to the
quantitative characteristics of the problem being considered, November
approaches near enough to the summer month of February. Thus it can be
said that the activity of the ozone layer over the Antarctic appears in
the period from November to February. It is best expressed in January.
The transition from summer type circulation at hI'gh altitudes to the
autumn type comes about rather sharply, as a jump. This can be explained
in two ways: either the ozone activity in the given layer over the Ant-
arctic lessens sharply, or the active layer of ozone shifts to the side
of the ocean.
In the course of the whole year cases are encountered when a high-
pressure field is located over the Antarctic in all of the troposphere.
Such cases are found comparatively rarely in the autumn, and more fre-
quently in the summer.
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CPYRGHT In the course of the greater part of the year, with the exclusion of
the summer period, t,.Q antarctic anticyclone at Mauson develops according
to altitude on the average not as well as in the region of Mirnyy (the
frequency of west components in the lower 3 kilometers in Mirnyy increases
considerably less than in Mauson).
The activity of the ozone layer in summer in the region of Mauson
is considerably better expressed than in the region of Mirnyy (the fre-
quency of the east wind in the 12- to 18-kilometer layer in Mirnyy in-
creased 8% and in Mauson 21%). (Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya, No 6)
Jun 58, pp 8-13)
Operations at Soviet Drift Station SP-7
Systematic scientific observations are continuing at the Soviet
dtif ting ice station Severnyy Polyus -7 (SP-7) for the third month. All
operations are being conducted in accordance with an IGY program includ-
ing oceanology, the ionosphere, aerology, meteorology, and actinometry.
However, according to N. Belov, director of station SP-7, ice observa-
tions have been curtailed in favor of a broadened oceanology program.
Station SP-7 crossed the 87th parallel on 18 June and was continu-
ing its drift toward the 88th parallel. It had covered less than 50
miles on a general course but a total of more than 150 miles. According
to preliminary data, drift of the ice field in the region of the station
was determined mainly by the direction of the wind.
A 1,495-meter upheaval was discovered on the bottom of the Arctic
Ocean on 15 June in a region with a general depth of 2,600-2,700 meters.
This upheaval extends for 560 kilometers and has a relative height of
1,1C0-1,200 meters. Analysis of all previous depth data for this region
showed that a new mountain range had been discovered which appears to be
a spur of the central Arctic upheaval.
An unusually early onset of summer resulted in rapid melting of
snow and formation of large fresh-water lakes around the living quarters
of the station. However, expedient drainage of several thousand tons of
water ensured normal station operation. (Moscow, Vodnyy Transport, 1 Jul
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New Minimum Temperature Recorded in Antarctic
During the last week of July, the antarctic interior stations Vostok
and Sovetskaya registered a new low in temperature, previously not re-
corded anywhere on the Earth. On 24 July, the station Vostok registered
an air temperature of minus 81.4 degrees C. On 25 July, Sovetskaya re-
corded a new absolute minimum of air temperature, i.e., minus 83 degrees
C, with a wind velocity of 5 meters per second.
Despite extremely severe weather conditions, Soviet scientists are
continuing their scientific observations under the IGY program. (Moscow,
Vodnyy Transport, 29 Jul 58)
After completing its oceanographic work in antarctic waters, the Ob'
visited the capitals of Argentina and Uruguay. A press conference was
held aboard the Ob', during which Prof V.
Kort, chief of the Soviet
Antarctic Marine Expedition, and Capt I.
Man of the Ob' told press
and radio representatives about the scientific work done by the expedi-
tion in the waters of the Southern Hemisphere.
During a 2-day period in Buenos Aires, about 6;500 persons visited
the Ob'; and in Montevideo over 2;500 persons came aboard in a 4-hour
period. The visitors inspected the ship and the scientific laboratories
and equipment with great ILnterest.
An official visit was made to the Ob' by Rear Admiral Panzarini,
director of the [Argentine] Institute of the Antarctic; Captain Kapura
[Capura?], chief of the Argentine Antarctic Expedition; Dr Garcia, chief
of the Argentine Meteorological Service; and members of institutes of
Argentine-Soviet and Uruguay-Soviet cultural relations. In honor of the
members of the Soviet Antarctic Expedition, the Institute of Argentine-
Soviet Cultural Relations arranged a reception, which was held in an
atmosphere of cordiality and friendship.
During the 15-day stopover in Buenos Aires, the Soviet scientists
and sailors went sight-seeing in the city. They visited the university,
museums, parks, and theaters and made a number of excursions.
After filling the hold of the ship with Argentine export articles,
such as leather and wool, the Ob' went to Montevideo to refuel and pick
up more cargo. During a 3-day stopover at this port, the expedition and
crew members saw the city and its suburbs. On 8 July, the Ob' left Uruguay
and headed for home. (Moscow, Sovetskiy Flot, 15 Jul 58)
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~n~arc~.ic E9c~t n the Ob
During a period. of 10 months, the Ob' traveled a distance of 44,000
miles, spending time in the Antarctic and the Atlantic, Indian, and Pa-
cific oceans.
Members of the Antarctic Marine Expedition conducted numerous scien-
tific studies and collected large amount of material for the IGY prcgran.
The main areas of research work conducted on the Ob' were the coast of
Easy-, Antarctica, the southeast portion of the Indian Ocean, and the Ant-
arctic part of the Pacific Ocean. The expedition considerably e~.panded
the program of research activities by including cartographic aerial photog-
raphy and geological-geographical explorations of the coast of East Ant-
arctica, as well as studies of the upper atmosphere with the help of
meteorological rockets and radiosondes. The expedition was composed of
ten detachments: aerometeorology, hydrology, hydrochemistry, geology,
marine geophysics,, biology, astronomy and geodesy, radio-aerial photog-
raphy, hydrography, and aviation. The total number of expedition members
was 166, including 69 crew members. Two AN-2 airplanes and a small three-
passenger YaK-12 plane were assigned to the expedition for taking aerial
photographs of the coast.
On 10 January, the Ob' with the marine expedition on board left
Mi.rnyy on a long oceanological research voyage to study the antarctic
waters according to the IGY program. From 11 January to 11 February,
the coast was explored from the Davis Sea to the Ross Sea. In this
sector, over 6,000 miles of hydrographie depth measurements were taken,
and cartographic aerial phctographs were taken of the antarctic coast
from the 110th -to the 166th degree eastern longitude, covering a total
area of about 42,000 square kilometers. The aerial photography was
coordinated by the radiogeodetic system and, in addition, tied to 20
astro.nomtc points evenly distributed over the survey region.
As a result of aerial photography, the coast outline has been con-
siderably revised and many new geographic objects have been discovered,
including mountains, glaciers, inlets, and islands, especially in the
region or the Banzar Coast; King George V Coast, and Oates Coast.
Geologists and geographers studied all the main outcrops of rock in that
region of Antarctica.
Having completed its coastal studies, the expedition stopped at
Wellington, where the leading Soviet scientists took part from 18 to
23 February in the work of the International Antarctic Symposium organized
at the initiative of New Zealand scientists.
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on 11 March, the complex oceanological work was begun. From that
time until 17 June, the expedition conducted deep-sea observations at
1')'> oceanological stations In the antarctic section of the Pacific Ocean,
which had until then been the least studied area of the Antarctic and
of all the oceans in the world. Observations conducted in the Drake
Passage have provided information on its hydrological regime during the
winter season.
T.ie extensive program of aerometeorological research conducted by
the Third Antarctic Marine Expedition included the development of new
methods of actinometric research. B, G. Rozhdestvenskiy and V. I.
Shlyakhov, senior scientific associates of the expedition, designed and
built the first actinometric radiosonde in the world. This extremely
interesting and significant device was launched in the Atlantic Ocean,
in the area of Madeira Island, and has given excellent results.
The material collected by the mwrine expedition is undergoing pre-
liminary processing, but it can already be said that the work presents a
valuable contribution to the fulfillment of the IGY program.
During the voyage of the Ob' in the Pacific Ocean, the scientists
of the expedition established contact with members of the University of
Concepcion, which is about 15 kilometers from the port of Talcaguana.
The Soviet biologists received a gift of specimens of South American
During all the Ob's vis its to foreign ports; including those in
Italy, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay,
friendly relations were established between the Soviet scientists and the
residents of the countries visited. Soviet scientists visited foreign
scientific institutions and exchanged scientific information and research
results. During the visits to foreign ports, a total of about 24,000
persons, including scientists and important public officials, came aboard
the Ob'. The visits of the Ob' became a Mission of friendship and con-
tributed to the mutual understanding between the Soviet people and the
peoples of the foreign countries visited.
During the homeward voyage from the Antarctic, preparations were
being made on the ship to put the equipment in readiness for an Arctic
voyage. (Moscow, Vodnyy Transport, 31 Jul 58)
On 2 August 1958, the Ob' arrived in Leningrad with the returning
members of the Third Antarctic Marine Expedition. The expedition and
crew members were'welcomed at the port by M. Somov, deputy director of
the Arctic Institute, and a number of other officials. (Moscow, Izvestiya)
3 Aug 58 )
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