Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
ri Approved For Rele 2001104102,,,qlA
cIA-RDP8I R005 000100080034-7
9 February 1956
Reespenhibility for "Uniraentitted Flying objects"
1. AD/S2 Memorandum for bile Record, 9 January 19,=6,
"Office Responoibilitiee for Non-r? onveationa1
Types of Air Vehicles"
2. Special Report #14-i lysi of Wports of
Unidentified Aerial objects (Project : a Soak )
by ATIG, dated 5 ay 15
1. In accordance wit i Reference 1, this Division has
assumed responsibility within 0-8I for an-Conventional. Types of
Air Ve' icles.
2. This Division proposes to handle this responsibility
in the following manners
a. Alas will be maintained in ASD on incoming raw
reports Mere, in our wigement, the subject ratter may provide
informatidn bearing ore a weapons' item research or
b. Those reports which fit under a. above and also could
conceivably provide information on foreign fundamental
science developments, will be forwarded to , 'undamental
Sciences Aroa for review irith a request for return to A, "D
for filing.
c. Those reports w=iich dD. not it a. above and wsiieu
could conceivably provide in of ation on foreign fundamental
science developments will be forwarded to the Fundamental
Science Area for retention or destruction,
d. sports which fit under none of the above will be
a. A chronolo>,ical file of all 031 correspondence and
action taken in connection with the United States U.F.O.
program: will be maintained in ASU,
f. A file of finished intelligence reports published by
members of the United States inteiLi. nee comawuity on
U. .O. will be maintained in AI).
Approved For Release 2001/04/02-?: -RDP81 R00560R000100080034-7
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP81 R00560R000100080034-7
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP81 R00560R000100080034-7
Approved For Relea,2001/04/02: CIA-RDP81RO05s000100080034-7
f- .
SU ECT: Responsibility or "Unidentified hying Objects"
3. The procedure stated in 2 a., b., c., and ds will
prevent the aee uaulation of reports which experience and x' a Terence
2 have shown cs not be analyzed in a manner uselui to US1 in
carrying, out its mission.
L. It has been recoead that tit
obsolete finished reports on U.F`.{o. goa
Division be destroyed.
Orig and 1 - AD/SI
1 - Elec SI
1 - DAD/P/SI
1 - CS//SI
1 - ASD/W/A
2 - ASD
raw intelligence and the
led in 4lectronics
Approved For Release 2001/04 7A-RDP81 R00560R000100080034-7