Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-
M - 35,332
S - X5,924
APR 2? 19c
Our Opinions
Throw Out CIA Case
THE JUSTICE Department is an expose Of tI c. CIA's clan- What is regrettable is that the
again in- the - coui`ts trying to destine activities. Justice Department should go to
prevent publication of materials His former CIA boss, Adm.1 bat for the CIA in the courts to
it says would "result in grave Rufus L. Taylor, former deputy prevent a former government
and irreparable damage to the director of Central Intelligence, employe from speaking or
national defense interests of the told the New York Times. that writing.
United States and the conduct of Marchetti has' never, so far as The Justice Department
foreign relations." he knows, revealed intelligence should have learned in its
d P to on Pa ers
This time it is an ex - agent of
the Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) who has written a
magazine article` about the
organization's activities.
Ironically, the manuscript has
been rejected by Esquire
magazine and, so far, has not
even been sold to a publica-
The . temporary restraining
order also prevents Victor L.
Marchetti, the former agent,
from publishing a book about
the CIA, a book,. incidentally,
that has not even been written
yet. All he has is a contract with
a publisher for a book on the
The interesting aspect of the
case is that Mr. Marchetti does
not seem at all bent on writing
e a
secrets. Adm. Taylor said he cgle
has read one other article by case that the U.S. Supreme
Mr. Marchetti and accounts of Court does not look lightly on
several interviews with him; all the imposit;on of "prior
of them, he said, were "inac- restraint" to prohibit the
curate but not damaging." publication of articles or
Mr. Marchetti has described documents. And Mr. Marchetti's
the book he plans to write as "a article and proposed bode about
balanced attempt to try to ex- the CIA certainly pose much
plain how the agency works." less of a threat to national
He even said he plans to submit security than Justice Depart
his book manuscript to the CIA ment officials claimed for the
for scrutiny before it is publish- Pentagon Papers. .
ed. The federal judge who granted
'This incident reveals the ex- the temporary restraining order
trcme nervousness of CIA of- should waste no time in throw-
ficials at the prospect of having ing the case out. And he might
more and more of the agency's ocouple that action with a
operations scrutinized by the reminder to the Justice Depart-
public. But that is long overdue. ment that it has better things to
It certainly can be done with- do tfian to continue in attempts
out jeopardizing the nation's to abridge the First Amendment
security. - to the U.S. Constitution.
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601 R001200270001-2
Approved.For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01
h -- 35,332
S -- 55,921
~v?9t.icU vii ! 6 ~
TIIE ROLE of the Central
Intelligence Agency, Tiether
real or imag; ., 1; has-- been
enormous . in many foreign
countries. Evidence points to
CIA functionaries plotting and
executing major foreign policy
decisions without the knowledge
or approval of official
'Mis role has been so
widespread - and so disturbing
that it has become a serious
anchor around the neck of
American diplomacy. Foreign
diplomats' speak with open con-
tempt for the CIA. Fears of the
secret agency's presence lurk
in the minds of friends and foes
around the world to a point
where all -American activity is
. Evidence 'of the difficulty the
CIA can cause is found in Mile
where various forces claim the
assassination of former Vice
:President Edmundo Perez Zu-
jovic yr as caused directly by the
ri (2 1 , ! - "', (
b t-)
American intelligence agen-
A simple look at the facts
would indicate this judgment is
totally wrong. Perez Zujovic
was a member of the Christian
Democrat party that was ousted
by Marxist President Salvador
Allende. Why would the CIA
have any reason to murder a
former political official whose
party was friendly to the
The difficulty persists because
the CIA has a reputation of
being behind all violent plots
and intrigue in Latin America
and elsewhere. The agency's
role in Guatemala, Gr:ece, Iraq
and Cuba are some of the more
famous attempts by the U.S.
government to use subversion to
achieve diplomatic goals.
Little can be done now to
remove the fears created by
past episodes. Yet 'flat
assurances from President Nix-
on that the CIA will pull in its
fangs and refrain from any ac-
tivity that involves undermining
foreign governments would be
'llie President has repeatedly
stressed the importance of self -
determination as it applies to
national interests in other coun-
tries. Self - determination can-
not succeed if secret agents are
doing all they can (which is
considerable in terms of CIA
resources) to set a different
With regard to .Chile, Mr.
Nixon could take the important
step of establishing better rela-
tions with President Allende's
government in an effort to allay
and - American sentiment in
that country. If Air. Nixon is.
sincere about supporting
.democratic countries, he should
quit hiding behind the old Com-
munist scare fears, regardless
of the domestic political'
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601 R001200270001-2