Dis s :m Hitizdatp('pprO dlFtieT3s+7girIA-R[ 1.:R 85+0 tq-000300010005-3
No. of Copies Recipient
25X1 A8a Room 1013, Key Bldg.
Room 1005, Key Bldg.
: 10
25X1A9a 1
25X1A9a 1
25X1A6a 1
25X1A9a I OCX/SOA, Rm. 6G1 1, Hq.
25X1A9a I GBGI/EI3, Rm. 912A, Magazine Bldg.
Room 1005, Kev Blde.
Room 1134004, Hq.
Room I E4846, Hq.
= MN OTR, Room 2E49, Hq. (for Spencer Taggart, State)
OTR SIWA, Room 926, CoC
FMSAC, Room 1A35, Hq.
D/CRS, Room 2E60, Ijq.
CRS/ADD/Std. Dist., Room GF28, Hq.
OSR, Room 3F50, Hq.
DCS/SD, Room 811, Key Bldg.
D/OSI, Room 6F30, Hq.
D/ONE, Room 7E47, Hq.
D/OCI via SS/ADD/CRS, Room 1G38, Hq.
INDICO, Room 7F30, IIq.
D/OBGI, Room 1011, Magazine Bldg.
NPIC/IB, Room 15518,
D/IAS, Room 15518,
IRS/HR, Room 2G 40, Hq.
SRS, Room. 2G31, Hq.
Room 2E19, Hq.
Chairman, COMIREX, Room 4E50, Hq.
OER, Room 3G31, Hq.
ORD Library, Rim 615, Ames Bldg.
ONE, Rm. 7E62, Hq.
DDI Plannin Stan, Rm. i X 2F20, Hq.
National Security Council, Information Liaison, Room 381, EOB
National. Indications Center, Room 1E821, Pentagon
3 USIA, IOA/L, Room 532, 1750 Penns lvania Avenue W.
OBGI/CD, Room GH17, Hq.
1 Mr. Joe Gallagher, Office of Emergency Preparedness,
Room 116, Winder Bldg.
Attn: W. W. Schultz, Economic Affairs Office, Rm. 317
_ar)iti7ed -Approved For Release -CIA-RDP79SO 1091A000300010005-3
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Dissemination List for OER Report, H 72-1 (Job 544-355)
No. of Copies
113 Defense Intelligence Agency, DIADS-4C, A Bldg., AHS
FOI b3d DIA DI 6D, Rm. 1512, A Bldg., AHS
'4 $'a, EfboOt?
Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the
Army, Room I C470, Pentagon
Attn: Mr. Michael C. Kenney, Jr.
Plans and Programs Office
Directorate of Intelligence
OACSI, Room 2C488A, Pentagon
Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Hdgtrs. USAF,
Room 4C116, Pentagon
Attn: Mr. John D. Pafenberg
Estimates Branch, Threat and Capabilities Division
Directorate of Intelligence Applications
AF/INAKB, Room 4C870, Pentagon
Department of the Navy, ACNO (Intelligence), Room 1232,
Hoffman Bldg., Alexandria, Virginia
Attn: Mr. Anthony V. Krochalis
NAVINTCOM OOX, Rrn. 1232, Hoffman Bldg.
Department of Agriculture, Director, Management Services
Division, FAS, Room 6066, South Agriculture Bldg.
1 Mr. Joseph W. Willett, Director, Foreign Demand
and Competition Division, ERS
I - Mr. William R. Gasser, WHB/FRAD/ERS,
Rm. 324, 500 12th Street, S.W.
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Dissemination List for OER Report. H 72-1 (Job 544-35
No. of Copies
Re cipieent
Department of the Interior, Mr. Edgar J. Gealy,
Office of International Activities, Room 5320,
Main Interior Bldg.
Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census,
Mr. Paul F. Myers FDAD, Rm. 406, 2400 M St.. N. W.
Department of Commerce, Bureau of Domestic Commerce,
Special Reports Staff, Room 5112, Main Commerce Bldg..
Attn: Mr. Earl C. Thibodeau for the atten. of James M.
Owens, Director, Office of Basic Material, BDSA, Rm. 4814A
6 Edna Falbo, AID Reference Center, Program and Technical
Staff, Room 1656, New State Bldg.
1 -? Joel Bernstein, AA/TA, Rm. 4942
1 - Frank Moore, PPC/PDA, Rm. 3947
1 - Frank Charrette, PPC/SR, Rim 633B. Poxnponio Plaza
154 State, INR/ CC.. Room. 6527, New State Bldg.
6V/list) 1 - Dx. Herbert Block,: INR/RSE
Mr. James H. Cheatham, INR/REC
I - Mr. William P. .wary. INR/OD
31 - suggested distribution for Embassies
(see attached sheet)
1 Archives A-18
62 Archives and Records Center
167 ELITE DISSEM (#36 - #202)
Total: 770 copies
Sanitized - Approved For Release; ;(A-RDP79S01091A000300010005-3
X4 c a x Report No. ERR 72 * ;
Tot.- 131 copies
Sanitized - Approved For ReleaUg8R- DP79S01091A000300010005-3
Title: Economic inte1i
Bulgaria, Sofia
Czechoslovakia, Prague
Germany, Berlin
Hungary, Budapest
Poland, Warsaw
Romania, Bucharest
USSR, Moscow
we Statistical Handbook, 1972 (SZCRET/NrI )
Austria, Vienna
3 Cy8 -Belgium, Belgium, Brussels
(1 copy of all reports for
Milton Kovner, US Mission to
_(1 copy for US Mission to the
European Communities)
Denmark, Copenhagen
England, London
''inland, Helsinki
France, Paris
Germany, Bonn
Iceland, Reykjavik
Ireland, Dublin
Italy, Rome
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Malta, Velletta
Netherlands, The Hague
Norway, Oslo
Portugal, Lisbon
Spain, Madrid
Sweden, Stockholm
Switzerland, Bern
Yugoslavia, Belgrade
Australia, Canberra
Philippines, Manila
New Zealand, Wellington
Burma, Rangoon
-Formosa, Taipei 1-Eton. Coun.)
Hong Kong
Indonesia, Djakarta
Japan, Tokyo
Korea, Seoul
NATO) Laos, Vientiane
Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Z eye -- Thailand, Bangkok
(2 cys - I cy for US Rep to SEATQ
Vietnam, Saigon
*X ' XXxx x 0CXX=
(see reverse side)
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Sanitized - Approved For Releaac84 DP79S01091A000300010005-3'
Algeria, Algiers
Botswana, Gaberones
Burundi, Bujumbura
Cameroun, Yaounde
Central African Republic, Bangui
Chad, Fort Lamy
Congo, Kinshasa
Dahomey, Cotonou
Ethopia, Addis Ababa
Gabon, Libreville
Gambia, Bathurst
Ghana, Accra
Guinea, Conakry
Ivory Coast, Abidjan
Kenya, Nairobi
Lesotho, Maseru
Liberia, Monrovia
Libya, Tripoli
Malagasy Republic, Tananarive4
Mali, Bamako
Malawi, Zomba
Mauritania, Novakchott
Mauritius, Port'Louis
Morocco, Rabat
Mozambique, Lourenco Marques
Niger, Niamey
Nigeria, Lagos
Rhodesia, Salisbury
Rwanda,. Kigali
Senegal, Dakar
Sierra Leone, Free Town
Somalia, Mogadiscio
South Africa, Pretoria
Sudan, Khartoum
Swaziland, Mbabane
Tanzania, Dar es Salaam
Togo, Lome
Tunisia, Tunis
Uganda, Kampala
Upper Volta, Ouagadougou
Zambia, Lusaka
Afghanistan, tan, Kabul
Ceylon, Colombo
Cyprus, Nicosia
Egypt, Cairo
Greeq the ,.,...
India, New Delhi
Iran, Tehran
Iraq, Baghdad
Israel, Tel Aviv
Jordan, Amman
Kuwait, Kuwait
Lebanon, Beirut
Nepal, Katmandu
Pakistan, ?. i% fDC Islamabad
Saudi Arabia, Jidda
South Yemen, Aden
Syria, Damascus
Turkey, Ankara
Argentina, Buenos Aires
Bahamas, Nassau
Barbados, Bridgetown
Bolivia, La Paz
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Chile, Santiago
Colombia, Bogota
Costa Rica, San Jose
Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo
Ecuador, Quito
El Salvador, San Salvador
Guatemala, Guatemala
Guyana, Georgetown
Haiti, Port au Prince
Honduras, Tegucigalpa
Jamaica, Kingston
Mexico, Mexico City
Nicaragua, Managua
Panama, Panama
Paraguay, Asuncion
Peru, Lima
Trinidad, Port of Spain
Uruguay, Montevideo
Venezuela, Caracas
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