Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000100220001-7
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :
REVIEW ON. c,-, cQ-oo 1
ATIONALS o a 9 . e
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000100220001-7
A,-j IN L- I
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in
compliance with a request for information concerning a target location known
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided
as raw intelligence data, and as such, have not been subjected to any
intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of
the information provided is the responsibility of the requester.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing
information provided the remote viewer.
5. (S/NOFORN) This remote viewing session was conducted on 13 January 1981 at
0900 hours, Eastern Standard Time.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000100220001-7
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#14: This will be a remote viewing session for 13 January 1980 (sic).
Mission time is 0900 hours.
This will be a pre-mission brief. The target that we have
today is identified by a word.
#10.5: Okay.
#14: Oh, I will tell you that the word represents a specific
area somewhere in the world.
#10.5: Okay.
#14: And I'll give you the word when we start the session, and I
want you to give me a description of the area.
#10.5: Okay.
#14: And any activity that you associate with this area or word.
Any questions?
#14: All right #10.5. The time is now 0900 hours. Your mission
for today is to describe the location somewhere in the
world. This location is identified by the word Lavison,
L-A-V-I-S-O-N, Lavison. I want you now to relax, concentrate,
focus on Lavison.
=02 #10.5: I'm getting a bunch of, uh...mixed pictures, like I'm...
looking at a large complex.... Feeling of a large, uh...
several largo structures or one large structure, I don't
know... A large, smooth face building... with a, uh, tunnel
cut in it, like a, uh...subway could run in it or like
trains ran into it. A train could run into the building.
Another shot was a fixed, uh, looked like a huge, uh...
vertical... looked like a huge, uh....think it looked like a
frying pan standing on it's edge. Like a large radish,
radome dish, supersia_e. The face of that was all...regular
lines, like scaffolds....
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#10,5: The last one I had was...really twisted. It was like a, uh...
center pole with, uh, layers going up it...horizontal layers,
like, uh, diminishing in size as they went up the pole.
Like a s-...surrealistic Christmas tree would be
#10.5: I got some feeling I'm looking at the edge of this...curved
edge, this large hangar shaped building, a loaf of bread
and it's shining white on one side like.,.in the sun.
#14: Take a look around you, look around you and describe the,
the area. Describe the surrounding area.....
#10.5: A feeling of a...essentially a flat...rolling, a flat or
rolling area, very small hills in the one direction anyway.
I backed off from the area and I felt like I went over
fences...into an area of, uh, trees and-sort of isolation,
uh, in that direction, in that one direction, anyway.
#14: How would you best describe the activity at this location?
#10.5: I don't see any activity yet. When I looked around, another
thing I felt was a large, uh, squat, mushroom-like water
tower..... Okay, I'll look for activity.
Feel as though the, uh, construction is the activity. It's
something large being built here...some large facet of a
complex is being constructed here. It's like across the
street from the ....... looks like it's a.... between the water
tower and the, uli, I think I have my back to the large
building, so it's over a little road, wide road here. The
thing that's across the street that's being...looks like it's
being constructed is a...maybe a, a hundred feet across.
And it's sort of circular, bowl shape. And it's about, uh,
40 feet high at the rim. Looks like a big button ...sort of
like a bowl shaped button, concaveness to it...shallow con-
caveness. It seems like the right, lofL of the, uh, this
big mushroom water tower.
And, uh...I don't really see an awful lot of activity.
#14: Okay.
#10.5: But that stuck...
4114: Ask...ask this question... What is it that we need to know
about this location?
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#10.5: Got a feeling that it's not ready yet. A feeling that, oh...
in the center of this bowl some sort of, uh...beam shoots
up into the sky, and, uh, something in the sky ...riot look
like an airplane, but it's coming over... like a, uh, sat-
ellite. And that...I could not determine if this was to...
destroy the satellite or communicate with the satellite...
But anyway...... this imagery fell into a...series of ... funny
geometric shapes like connected aircraft tails... opposing
triangles and different things like that, I don't know what
that meant.
#14: Okay. I have no further questions at this time. Is there
anything else you can add?..........
#10.5: Uh-uh. (negative)
#14: Okay, we'll pause at this time.
#10.5: Okay, uh.....tryin' to think of what I felt first. Um...uh...
first I had a feeling of...let me see, how did it go first?
I don't even remember what I talked about first. I had
a feeling of being in a closed room...a curved r-, a curved
structure of some kind, some, it was curved, it was round.
Then I had the feeling of the water tower, one of these squat,
mushroom type water towers that I've sketched in sketch 2.
And I sort of thought that that's where the curve carne from,
that I was in this water tower type thing...Okay?
Oh, then I had this curveness, then I had the water tower,
and then I had the thing that I've sketched last. I had this
thing I said that looks like a big radish or radome. You
check the transcript, that's what's on sketch 5. That was
right off the bat at the beginning of the session. Okay.
Than I had the feeling of a large curved roof building, like
a large hangar or warehouse type of structure on a street
intersection... You asked me what the activity was, and
when you asked me what the activity was is when I put myself
on the ground level, that's sketch 1, on the road with my
back to the curved roof building, and I observed what was at,
sketch 2, which is, appeared to be the construction of some
sort of a button, large button type structure that was in the
foreground between the mushroom water tower and the...and
the building, which I had my back to. I forget what I said,
I said that's about a hundred feet across or somethin' like
that, I forget... Have to check the transcript on that.
It's sort of a scaffolding. And it's not, it's not nearly
as deep as this sketch in sketch 2 shows. The inside is not
so deep as this sketch 2 would imply. Anyway, there's this
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r L. G.
#10.5: big circular button shape thing about a hundred feet, that's
exposed scaffolding. And it's separated, it was like a
typical construction site, 'cause there was this plywood wall
along side the road so nobody could see in, you know, and I
almost half expected to see the sidewalk supervisors looking
through the knotholes. Okay.
An overview of that, what little there is, is in sketch 1....
It's possibly under construction .... Okay. Uh...somewhere in
there, I think it was before I put down on the ground for
sketch 2, somewhere in there, probably associated with my
beginning imagery is what I've drawn, this really weird thing
that I've drawn in sketch 3, which was like some sort of an
antenna, some sort of a tower. Again, it's in magnitude, it's
not some micro cosmic little part of some small apparatus.
It's something that's unusually large, tower type. And it's
the thing that I described as this surrealistic Christmas
tree in the transcript.
And these are like metal plates through which this bar...uh...
uh, reminded me of like the center spike in a radar dish or
something like that. You know, some sort of a weird lash-up
like that. And each one of these metal plates through which
the spike passes has bumps, irregularities on it, as though
there are things added to it and glued to the plates, like, uh,
if this thing was tiny I would say it was like transistors and
wires and things like that. But my perception was that it
was not tiny, but rather that it was large...tower like.
That's sketch 3.
You asked me what was of intelligence interest... I think it
was, I forget what words you used. What is it that we needed
to know.... Okay, the activity was the construction. What
is it we needed to know...I really don't...I don't remember.
Did you make any notes there? See if I talked about anything
else there, I forgotten. The only thing I have is sketch 4.
#14: Okay, I asked what we needed to know...and you had, you said
you had a feeling it's not ready yet.
#10.5: Yeah...okay, that's it?
#14: Then you described the center of the bowl and a beam shooting
up into the sky.
#10.5: Okay. I haven't drawn that. I have to just talk about that.
I had the feeling that it might be some sort of satellite
communication thing, or somethin' like that... Okay........
Okay. The, uh...I think for sketch- out of sketch 2 on what
was needed to be known I had the feeling that out of the center
eye of the button some sort of a light bearn or a transmission
of some kind sped skyward. And when I sorta looked up skyward
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#10.5: I wanted to know, I wanted to find out where this thing was
goin'. And the, uh, had the feeling that a satellite was
coming up and that thing like bathed the satellite or did
something to the satellite. They either communicated with it
or, I don't know, I didn't get feel- real feeling it offensively
knocked it out, but that is a possibility. I didn't, I just
didn't pay any attention to what the purpose of it was, I
was paying attention to what the action was.
And the only other thing about what's in sketch 4a and 4b...
somewhere associated with the target....... That's it.
#14: Okay, you said you had a, uh, feeling that you had been here
#10.5: Oh, not that I had been here before, but when I got the feeling
that sketch, when I saw sketch 5's object in the very be-
ginning of the session, it reminded me of the project that I
worked about 2 or 3 months ago, which was this big, large
complex somewhere. We had to try to fine another one that
was like it that was under construction. And one aspect of
the complex was this large radar screen or some sort of micro-
wave screen, it's like a humongous piece of equipment. It's
12 story building size, uh, and that's sketch 5. But that was
not a pre-session assumption on my part. That was after I
started the session and saw this thing. It sort of reminded
me of that... The one where we had to go-Soviet Union and
find out whore a, where another one was like this other thing.
#14: Right.
#10.5: Bye.
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A. Ohxrvc Q"fv (34-'05,
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~C '~ Roo m e.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000100220001-7
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000100220001-7
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-U07-88R000100220001-7
1. (S/NOFORN) During a pre-mission briefing the viewer was told
that during the session he would be given a word and this word identifies
a location somewhere in the world.
2. (S/NOFORN) At the start of this session the remote viewer was given
the word LAVISON and was asked to describe this location.
Approved For Release 2000, R000100220001-7