Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000400100013-5
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Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000400100013-5
Approved For Relea4001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787W00400100013-5
April 2C, 17
In line with our past discussions on the subject, I have enclosed a recent
book of Koestler's and a paperback which, in lay terms, describes certain
published work on psychic phenomenon reported mainly by the Soviets. I
think you will find the former intellectually stimulating and the latter
of general interest (particularly as it refers to the belief that the capa-
bility to act as a transmitter or receiver can be taught or learned by just
about anybody).
I would suspect that the material described in the paperback evolved during
one or more of the 'honeymoon' periods between particular Soviet regimes.
I doubt very much that anything they are presently doing in these areas is
being reported. I do think there is a good-to-high probability that they
have work underway in such research and if only a small portion of what is
in these two publications can be shown to be factual, then it is likely
that it is being pursued with vigor. Personally, I have an intuitive
feeling (possibly based on my readings on the Russians) that this type of
research would hold a very high level of interest for their thought pro-
cesses and "gestalt".
I am utterly convinced that the intelligence community should be looking
objectively, but definitively, at certain aspects of the reported communi-
cation phenomenon associated with human biology. I am of the opinion that
there is a reasonable probability that important findings are going to be
made in these areas and that the understanding of the mechanisms of know-
ledge translation in distance and time between biological systems could have
a potentially significant impact on the country's future defense posture.
Perhaps more important is the likely impact on GNP*. Underlying the entire
medical understanding of the biophysics/biochemistry of the brain appears
to be the quite enormous return in a vastly improved optimization of human
material: Correctives associated with physical and mental illnesses;
vastly improved and highly efficient learning cycles for special groups and
children; methods by which mechanistic monitoring of the physiological in
individuals and/or groups permit markedly enhanced ability to predict action
and performance from these individuals or groups under the stress of exter-
nally applied stimuli.
* Consider, for example, the most recent figures and projections for the impact
of the 'ast decade of space research on GNP. It is estimated that in the period
:1959_1969, some $2q billion was expended in space research. From this research,
some $56 billion was generated in return z to the econc,r.v through 1970 and $207
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SG1 I Approved For ReleasoW001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-0078700400100013-5
pry Ml 3
Page 2
What is needed is a major policy decision by a fundin source to, engage in
an adequately funded program of long-term (5-10 years) duration n human
biology. It has to be recognized at the policy-making level that "going
in" it is quite unlikely that, in the near term, any earthshaking achieve-
ment is going to be made. My own belief is that it might take an absolutely
first-class team 3-5 years to-begin to get a grasp of the problem! It is of
that magnitude.
Yet, from such a program, there might very well be a relatively rapid fall-
out of highly usable techniques, analyses and 'black boxes' in a (new)
scientific area of considerable value to the funding source. By this I mean
that while the long-term objectives and the prime vector of the program was
a fundamental understanding of human biology, a great deal of significant,
and in a sense "fundable", projects could be identified and implemented.
If one were to be cynical (and I am not a cynical man, but pride myself on
being both pragmatic and compassionate), then one might state simply that,
to get the needed science done, a certain degree of practical problem solving
for the operational people is both intelligent and desirable. In the same
vein, the scientists and their staffs involved in the work must be protected
and supported by individuals working for or with the funding establishment
who are worldly and knowledgeable as to how the "system" must be manipulated
and handled if it is to be a continuing and enthusiastic source of money for
the work undertaken.
The life sciences are becoming increasingly important and it seems to me,
from my limited viewpoint, that you cannot afford to ignore those aspects of
of these disciplines of significance or potential significance to your char-
ter - the long term strategic inference is too critical.
I apologize for the length of this letter which, somehow, got away from me.
However, I do want to talk with you some on this subject for I have some
ideas as to how one might proceed and an initial cast of characters.
Most cordially,
Encl. - Books
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000400100013-5
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000400100013-5
530 Logue Avenue
Mountain View, Calif. 94040
(415) 969-1600
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000400100013-5