Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Perio~Mii [@OFfWolR >3On 'J'B-= 64 &W96-00787R000 Q Q90S-3880-XXX
Phenomenological Research
Earling DeGraff and Edwin C. May, Ph.D.
23 April 1993
= MW
Science ApplicationsInternational Corporation
An Employee-Owned Company
Contract MDA908 -93 -C -0004
(Client Private)
Submitted by:
Science Applications International Corporation
Cognitive Sciences Laboratory
1010 El Camino Rea~li~Suite 3'3n0}~P.0. Box 1412 Menlo P r 0 ? i,,5~Xq yr, yp2,rg2
Other SAIL f mined uFc rtcR aer, OQ okffi 9ille, QR e~{~ r]2dc~10 A11 wattle, Tucson
PhenoiTrfSRX~Og(carResearcph an0d2 11 y88igCIA-RDP96-007878000300220001-6
The objective of this document is to provide a periodic status report for research and analysis of anoma-
lous mental phenomena.*
" This r i r e ~ r a - - 22 J R P 9 d 6 a-00 7 A ~q9 2?c0 1-6
A roved For Release 2002/11/18 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000300220001-6
Phenomenological Research and Analysis
1. Technical Milestones
In this section, we provide highlights of the technical progress during the period between 30 December
1992 thru 23 April 1993. Please see the Technical Report-Study/Service for complete details.
1.1 Clin 1: Research
The primary activities during the reporting period included:
? Institutional Review Board Meeting on 22 January 1993 and approval of human use protocols.
? Policy Oversight Board Meeting on 17 & 18 March 1993 and approval of current policy.
? Scientific Oversight Committee Meeting on March 26 and approval of technical protocols.
? International conference held at SAIC/Menlo Park on 8 March through 16 March 1993.
? Pilot trials begin for Physiological Effects of Remote Observation Experiment.
? Pilot trials begin for Anomalous Cognition/Entropy Experiment.
? Purchased Government Furnished Equipment as required by contract.
2. Changes
There were no changes to the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory, method of operation, management, or
milestones during this reporting period.
3. Problems
There were no problems encountered during the reporting period.
Approved For Release 2002/11/18 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000300220001-6
Approved For Release 2002/11/18 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000300220001-6
Phenomenological Research and Analysis
4. Financial summary
4.1 Total Project Statistics ($1,335,421 k) CLIN 001
Tbtal Project Financial History
29 January 1993
23 April 1993
w Approved For Release 2002/11/18 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000300220001-6