Ilikpproved For Release 2002/11/18 : CIA-RDP96-00787RO005001200Qj.5_
14 November 1978
Monthly Progress Letters 5 and 6 (combined)
Covering the Period 1 September to 1 November 1978
SRI International Project 7403
Harold E. Puthoff
Russell Targ
Edwin C. May
Classification Determination Pending
Protect as though Classified SECRET
Copy No. 1 of 5 copies
This document consists of 12 pages
SRI 8-4514
333 Ravenswood Ave. ? Menlo Park, California 94025
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The purpose of this program is to provide a basis for assessing
psychoenergetic processes as an advanced threat technology that could
be developed by the USSR. This study is to determine the state of the
art and to evaluate application feasibility of developments in this
A. Long-Distance Communication of Binary Symbols
It has been difficult in the field of psychoenergetics to
obtain reliability in the simple task of sending a message consisting
of similar elements, such as Zener cards or binary digits. However, we
instituted a procedure at the suggestion of consultant Swann that has
been remarkably productive.
The experiment is one in the communication of binary symbols
via psychoenergetic channels. The baseline is New York City - SRI
Menlo Park.
To overcome the boredom factor generally associated with
repeating target symbols, such as 0110101001..., the binary symbols
used here as in the form of a sequence of word pairs (sun/moon, many/few
.... ), picture pairs (0/Q, Q/Q.... ), and word/picture pairs (star/*,
moon/Q ....). The target pair is changed for each trial, and the
particular element of the target pair (e.g., whether sun or moon in
the sun/moon target pair) is determined by random number generator.
The protocol involves an SRI experimenter (H.P.) calling
subject I1 shortly before the experiment is to begin. To carry out the
experiment, the SRI phone is set in a speaker phone cradle, beside which
is a button-operated door chime, a random number generator (RNG function
on a Texas Instruments SR-51 hand calculator), and tabulation sheets.
The subject calls out one of the dichotomy pairs (e.g., sun/moon words).
The experimenter then enters the RNG to obtain a two-digit random number
(00-99), the last digit of which, being odd or even, is taken to represent
1 or 0, respectively. The particular pole of the dichotomy indicated is
drawn from a vertical-slot file and displayed on a desk in front of the
experimenter. At this point the chime is sounded and the subject makes
a call, to which the experimenter responds verbally with the correct
target which is then recorded on the tabulation sheet along with the
subject's call. The subject then calls out another dichotomy and the
procedure is repeated.
To date, the results are as follows. Altogether, 218 trials
have been carried out, of which 61% (133) were hits (3.25 a, p = 5.8 X
10-4, or odds of 1700:1). Of the three categories of target pairs (word
pairs, picture pairs, word/picture pairs), all were independently
significant where the latter yields the highest hit rate. In this
category, 37 trials have been carried out, of which 76% (28) were hits
(3.13 a, p = 8.7 x 10- , or odds of 1150:1).
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It appears, therefore, that the best procedure found to date
for binary communication consists of a sequence of non-repeating concepts
(sun, moon, star, outside, many, near, etc.), where for each the binary
dichotomy (0,1) is word/picture.
B. Mini-Computer Automated Communications Experiment
As described in previous reports, we have initiated an auto-
mated communications experiment of the following type. Sender and
receiver are each seated before a console that has a circular display
of numbers 1 through 10. The two consoles are located in separate
buildings. A button push at the sender's console initiates access to a
random number generator in a mini-computer, which then illuminates one
of the numbers on the sender's console, and turns on a "ready" light
on the receiver's console. With the sender concentrating on the
illuminated digit on his console, the receiver scans his unlit panel
of numbers until he thinks he knows the answer, at which time he presses
a button below the number of his choice. At that point the correct
digit is illuminated on his panel to give him immediate feedback. The
sequence is then repeated.
The mini-computer automatically records all data (trial
number, target/response pair) and, at the end of a session, calculates
and displays on video the cumulative hits, pattern of spatial displace-
ments (how far around the circular display the receiver's choice was
from the correct target), and pattern of temporal displacements (whether
subject was ahead or behind in time with regard to the target sequence).
All data are recorded on magnetic tape for later analysis.
Since the automated communications device has been operational,
over the last two months we have carried out a number of sessions, both
to familiarize ourselves with operation of the equipment and to find
subjects capable of high scoring. Progress toward both goals is off
to an excellent start.
To date 12 subjects have carried out a total of 375 trials.
By chance alone we would expect 1 out of 10, or 37.5 hits; we have
observed 52 direct hits, which has a probability of p = 0.006 (odds
of 167:1), so overall we are getting significant instances of psycho-
energetic communication.
A further breakdown of the above scoring is necessary, as
some of the subjects are novices, while some were selected as having
shown ESP ability in previous tests. Three subjects who had shown
ability in earlier remote viewing experiments scored as follows: one
has obtained 6 hits in 38 trials to date (p = 0.17, or odds of 5.9:1),
which is encouraging; one has obtained 5 hits in 39 trials to date
(p = 0.35, or odds of 2.9:1, as well as especially interesting displace-
ment patterns, also encouraging; and one, to our surprise, has obtained
only 4 hits in 52 trials, along with no other evidence (such as spatial
or temporal displacement hits) of orientation to the test. Finally, the
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the subject most extensively worked with to date has shown 26 hits
in 160 trials (p = 0.004, or odds of 250:1). The results are therefore
encouraging at this point, and we will continue to collect and analyze
direct hits, as well as spatial and temporal displacements.
C. Abstract Targeting
One of the tasks of principal interest in this program is to
define what is necessary for target acquisition (e.g., cooperative
target person at site, names, maps, pictures, various coordinate
systems, etc.). In two experiments last year we made tentative headway
on this problem by examining the extent to which a subject in the
laboratory could describe the remote location of a person not known to
him. In those experiments the subject had only the driver's license
of the outbound target individual. In both these trials, the subject
gave excellent descriptions of the remote location, and in one case
gave an accurate character sketch of the outbound person.
In an effort to quantify this apparent tracking ability,
given only a photograph of an unknown erson, we carried out a series
of five trials in cooperation wit an experimenter at the University of
Chicago. The experimenter supplied us with a photograph of herself,
and set out for a ten-day trip through the Midwest. On each of five
days, our subject in Los Angeles made a tape recorded description of
where he thought the person in the photo would be, one hour hence; that
is, the experiment was of the precognitive remote viewing type. (Other
laboratories in different partsthe country were attempting to track
the outbound experimenter in present time.)
The five trials by our subject are to be blind matched by
judges in Chicago, who are experienced in rank-order matching on the
basis of other remote viewing experiments carried out by the Chicago
The outbound experimenter called to give us feedback as to
her subjective assessment of the transcripts. She felt that three of
the subject's descriptions of her activities would be matched as direct
hits, with one of them being the most accurate remote viewing description
she had ever seen. ("It is as though the subject was sitting in my lap
the whole time.") The remaining two transcripts had matchable elements,
but were of lesser quality. The formal judging will be completed during
November, and will be reported next month.
D. Mini-Computer Based Random-Event Generator Experiment
As indicated in earlier monthly reports, a class of experiments
that have been extensively reported in the psi literature* are those
C. Honorton, "Replicability, Experimenter Influence and Parapsychology,"
paper presented to the annual meeting of the AAAS in Washington, D.C.,
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that involve alleged human/machine interaction with electronic random-
event generators. In these experiments, digital electronic noise derived
either from a thermal noise source or from the decay of a radioactive
material is monitored while a subject attempts to alter the statistical
properties of the noise distribution. The usual protocol involves
providing visual and audio feedback signals, proportional to various
statistical parameters, to a subject who is asked to concentrate upon
the feedback signals and to alter them in a prescribed way. We have
completed the design stage for a mini-computer based investigation of
this phenomenon with the goal of constructing a psychoenergetic "switch."
With the aid of $15K additional funding from the sponsor, $de were
able to finalize the hardware specifications for the mini-computer portion
of the random-event generator. A purchase order has been placed for a
Digital Equipment LSI-11 packaged laboratory system which includes a
sufficient number of input/output channels to monitor not only the
random process in question, but also a number of environmental parameters.
The mini-computer also includes sufficient software, disk storage and
memory to be useful as a stand-alone developmental system. We expect
delivery of special components within a few weeks so that construction
of the random process interface can begin in expectation of the entire
system delivery in January.
Since the hardware specifications have been finalized, we were
able to begin software development of analysis techniques with the aid
of our general purpose laboratory computer. One approach. under con-
sideration is sequential analysis, first developed by Wald. By
adjusting the parameters of the theory, this technique can be made to
be very sensitive to small non-random perturbations in an otherwise
random process. Using the computer's pseudo-random generator, we were
able to model the theory with standard Monte Carlo techniques. We found
that, if we are willing to extend the trial periods to increase the
reliability, we could make a switch closure decision with a generator that
has been biased by only 0.5% and a false alarm rate of one closure in
1000 trials, as observed by Monte Carlo modeling.
E. Grill Flame Meetings
On 13-14 September a meeting was held at SRI to discuss
experiments to test tactical applications of the remote viewing
phenomenon. Discussants included Dale Graff of FTD, WPAFB, OH;
John W. Kramar and Col. Albert De Prospero of AMSAA, Aberdeen Proving
Ground, MD; Marion Bryson, CDEC, Ft. Ord, CA; Major William Stoner,
ACSI, Washington, DC; SRI personnel Harold E. Puthoff, Russell Targ,
and consultants Edwin May, Charles Tart, and Ingo Swann.
Abraham Wald, Sequential Analysis (Dover Publications, New York, 1973).
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The tasks of interest to which psychoenergetic functioning
might be applied were determined to be the following:
1. Quiescent
2. Preparation
3. Movement
B. Target Damage
1. Massive Physical
2. Significant Functional
3. Little or None
C. Access Codes
1. Computers
2. Control Systems
A. Military Materiel
1. Combat Vehicles
2. Indirect Fire Weapons
3. Aircraft
4. C4 Systems
1. Maneuver
2. Fire Support
3. Command
4. Observation
5. Support
C. Strategic Units
1. Bases
2. Launchers
3. Loaded Launchers
D. Military Personnel
1. Commanders
2. Key Staff
3. Other Personnel
A. Utility of Successful Points
B. Protocols
C. Screening Criteria
D. Failure Patterns
E. Other Applications
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It was planned that SRI personnel will visit Ft. Ord in
November for a firsthand view of possible experimental scenarios to
determine the feasibility and priority associated with individual
entrees in the task list.
On 19-20 October 1978, discussions were held at SRI with
AMSAA representatives Samuel Phillips and Lynne S. Taylor, and BRL
representative Evan H. Walker.
The two-day discussion focussed primarily on the protocols
and results of AMSAA's remote viewing replication studies, with some
discussion of physical models for the mechanisms. A number of points
were clarified as to specifics of the SRI procedures.
In general, it appears from an analysis of AMSAA results that
results there are similar to those obtained at SRI.
Although not specifically carried out for this project, by
way of information we include the following items.
Consultant Charles Tart delivered an Invited Address to the
Division of Philosophical Psychology of the American Psychological
Association, entitled "Information Processing Mechanisms and ESP,
Trans-Temporal Inhibition." This is the second time he has been asked
to deliver an Invited Address on ESP for the American Psychological
Association, and represents an important change in attitudes in the
scientific community. Professor Tart also prepared and delivered a
second paper as part of a symposium on the nature of consciousness at
the same meeting, "Trans-Personal Realities or Neurophysiological
Illusions: Toward an Empirically Tested Dualism." This paper postulates
a dualistic approach to the nature of consciousness, centering around
the fact that paranormal phenomena seem to violate many currently
accepted physical principles, and so may require the development of new
scientific laws for adequate explanation. It sharpens the areas of
apparent lack of fit between physics and paranormal phenomena in order
to provoke further research.
The proceedings of two IEEE (Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers) conferences on psychoenergetic phenomena were
prepared for publication as a book entitled MIND AT LARGE: Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Symposia on the Nature of ESP,
C. Tart, H.E. Puthoff, and R. Targ, editors. The chapter summaries
for this book, to be published by Praeger Publishers in spring 1979,
are attached as an appendix.
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Resolution Experiments
In parallel with carrying forward the items already discussed, an
additional resolution experiment is being initiated. In the past year's
program, a series of experiments was carried out to determine the extent
to which a subject could describe the contents of a metal container that
was sealed and light tight. In these experiments significant results
were obtained, with the subject in some cases describing objects that
were only a few millimeters across.
To test further the resolution capabilities of remote viewing,
a new experiment has been designed. For this experiment microdot targets
have been photographically prepared from representational photos of
ordinary objects or scenes. The basic design concept of the experiment
consists of a comparison of results obtained with these microdot targets
versus postcard-sized targets of similar content. Target pools for
these experiments consist of twelve items each: six 35 mm transparencies
with 1 mm X 1 mm images, and six 6 cm x 8 cm black and white photographs.
Each of the twelve targets are sandwiched between stiff cardboard and
placed in opaque envelopes such that the type of target (microdot or
photo) is indistinguishable.
The experimental protocol requires that the subject in the laboratory
describe the picture (microdot or photo) in an envelope chosen by random
number generator, which will be in the possession of an outbound experi-
menter who is ignorant of the target. (This follows the protocol
established in the sealed container experiment of last year's program.)
At the close of each individual trial, the subject will be given feedback
as to the target, by viewing the photograph, or, in the case of a slide,
by examining the slide through a microscope. An experiment will consist
of twelve such trials employing the six microdot and six photo targets
randomly intermixed.
The results of the experiment will be judged separately for the
slide and photo experiments. A judge will read the subject's descrip-
tions generated in those experiments in which a slide was the target
and then rank order the six transcripts, best to worst match, for each
of the six slides in turn. The same will be done for the six photos
and their descriptions. A comparison will then be made between the
subject's success for the slides and the photos.
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The expenditures are as shown in Figure 1. The program is on
schedule and sufficient funds and subject commitments remain to meet
the objectives of the program.
Prepared by:
n.. ~1...GF
Harold E. Puthoff
Senior Research Engineer
Radio Physics Laboratory
Russell Targ
Senior Research Physicis
Radio Physics Laboratory
r,4t,~ (7. ?-),~
Edwin C. May
Radio Physics Laboratory
X&J William A. Edson
Staff Scientist
Radio Physics Laboratory
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Chapter summaries for MIND AT LARGE: Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers Symposia on the Nature of ESP, C. Tart, H. Puthoff,
and R. Targ, editors, Praeger Publishers, spring 1979.
1. Edgar Mitchell, A Look at the Exceptional. Astronaut Mitchell asks
provocative questions about the social implications and our view of
human potentials and giftedness in general posed by parapsychological
phenomena. He proposes that gifted individuals of all types should
be protected and treasured as a national asset.
2. H. Puthoff and R. Targ, A Perceptual Channel for Information Transfer
over Kilometer Distances: Historical Perspective and Recent
Research. For more than 100 years scientists have attempted to
assess claims that individuals can sometimes describe remote
situations in the absence of known, relevant sensory data. After
reviewing historical data, the remote viewing experiments at
Stanford Research Institute are described in detail, with photos
and drawings illustrating the phenomenal accuracy that can sometimes
be attained. Physical theories attempting to explain the phenomena
are also discussed.
3. H. Puthoff, R. Targ, and E.C. May, Direct Perception of Remote
Geographical Locations. An extension of the remote viewing research
of the previous chapter to long distance studies and further
specifications of the research methods, showing that distance is
apparently not a barrier to paranormal functioning.
4. E. May, R. Targ, and H. Puthoff, Possible EEG Correlates to Remote
Stimuli Under Conditions of Sensory Shielding. Presents three
studies suggesting that some individual's brain waves can be
affected by a flashing light even when that light is so distant
and thoroughly shielded they cannot possibly see it.
5. E. Wortz et al., An Investigation of Soviet Psychical Research.
Reviews what is apparently a very large scale research effort by
the Soviets to develop not only physical explanations of para-
psychological phenomena, but also practical uses.
6. C. Tart, Improving Real Time ESP by Suppressing the Future: Trans-
temporal Inhibition. Details the discovery that individuals
successfully using telepathy to perceive real time targets are
simultaneously and unknowingly using precognitive ESP to suppress
their perception of future targets. This is interpreted as a form
of contrast enhancement that makes ESP more efficient, and gives
insights into the nature of ESP and the nature of time as well.
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7. 0. Costa de Beauregard, Quantum Paradoxes and Aristotle's Two-
Fold Information Concept. Discusses ways in which parapsychological
phenomena can be integrated into a wider view of reality stemming
from quantum theory and modern physics.
8. J. Bisaha, Multiple Information Transfer Across Spacio-Temporal
Boundaries via Non-Ordinary Channels of Communication. Extends
the remote viewing procedure by having a group of subjects
successfully describe where an experimenter will be 35 minutes
in the future and having one subject in Chicago successfully
describe the experimenter's randomly determined location 24 hours
in the future as he traveled through the USSR.
9. M. Persinger, ELF Field Mediation in Spontaneous Psi Events:
Direct Information Transfer or Conditioned Elicitation? Describes
a theory of extremely low frequency electromagnetic radiation
(ELF) acting as a carrier of information for apparently paranormal
events happening in everyday life.
10. H. Schmidt, Evidence for Direct Interaction Between the Human Mind
and External Quantum Processes. Presents a variety of experiments
indicating that mental willing can affect the output of various
electronic random number generators. The generators' output may
be controlled by either quantum processes (radioactive decay) or
noise sources.
11. I. Swann, Some Comments on the Subjective Nature of Psychic Research,
The Subject-Experimenter Relationship and the Psychic Type of
Personality. All parapsychological interactions with the physical
world involve a human subject as an essential component. One of the
world's most successful experimental psychics describes essential
conditions for making parapsychological phenomena manifest in the
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