Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2002/y1
11401 U
A-RDP96-00787R0O 00100010-8
5 April 1973
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Research and Development
SUBJECT . Transfer of Funds to TSD in Support of a Contract
with Stanford Research Institute for Paranormal
1. This memorandum contains, in paragraph 7, a request for
your approval.
2. The proposed research addresses itself to the question of
whether the purported paranormal powers of subjects now being examined
by the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) under contract with DD/O/TSD
can be validated with Agency-controlled stimulus materials. It is
believed that only with such validation will TSD and ORD be able to
formulate sound proposals for longer-range research which will have and
deserve the support of the various Agency components legitimately
interested in this area of research.
3. TSD's current contract with SRI expires on 30 June 1973, by
which time they will have completed the testing of Mr. Ingo Swann. The
proposed expansion of the contract will permit SRI to use additional
staff personnel for the concurrent testing of another subject, Mr. Uri
Geller, whose paranormal gifts are ostensibly more reliable and dramatic
than those of Mr. Swann. Commencing on 15 April 1973, SRI plans to subject
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Approved For Releese 2002/11'?p~RDP96-00787RQQ00100010-8
SUBJECT: Transfer of Funds to TSD in Support of a Contract with
Stanford Research Institute for Paranormal Research
Mr. Geller to. a variety of tests and will insert Agency-Provided stimulus
material at the appropriate sequences. SRI will use the initial period
to try to condition him to certain modifications of the former testing
protocols (e.g., lack of immediate "feedback") which will be necessary
for our materials. Our materials will consist of 20 or more exemplars
he will surrender the exemplars Just
before the testing begins and will observe the procedures on live video
monitor from the next room. Mr. Geller's responses to our material will
be stapled to the sealed envelopes, given to our representative immediately
after the testing and pouched (or brought) back to Headquarters for
examination by the TSD experts. Should there be early validation of
Mr. Geller's capacities in this manner, SRI will proceed with other
testing on which we have already agreed, including extensive physiological
and sense-acuity examinations. Should validation not be forthcoming in
this "clairvoyance" mode, non-double-blind testing (using our materials
under the monitoring of our representative) will be conducted in the
"ESP" mode.
Approved For Release 2002/11/18 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000400100010-8
Approved For Vase 2002/i E ,-RDP96-00787400100010-8
SUBJECT: Transfer of Funds to TSD in Support of a Contract with
Stanford Research Institute for Paranormal Research
4. ORD will supplement an existing contract with SRI for the
purposes of the specified research. The work will extend over a period
of two and a half months at a cost of approximately $18,1+74. In order
to take advantage of the existing TSD contract and to settle the matter
of validation as expeditiously as possible, it is proposed that ORD
transfer funds for the extended contract to TSD. Supporting action
from TSD, as regards preparation and protection of the test material, has
already been cited; Chief/TSD, will be asked to designate and himself
this task
brief fora TSD Officer unassociated with the TSD project and unknown to
the TSD and.ORD project officers. Further support from
may be required in the transmission of test materials; this will
be coordinated upon your approval of this proposal.
5. Should Mr. Geller's powers be validated, a proposal for
follow-on research will be coordinated with TSD and submitted for your
approval. It is likely that such research would focus on: the identi-
fication of other test subjects; the testing of them and the present
subjects more critically (to determine the outer limits of resolution,
the effects of screening with various materials, etc.); and on the
heuristic aspects of identifying staff officers with these innate
capacities and developing techniques for surfacing and perfecting them.
Approved For Release 2002/11/18 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000400100010-8
Approved For Rase 2002/12G 194-RDP96-00787R 00400100010-8
SUBJECT: Transfer of Funds to TSD in Support of a Contract with
Stanford Research Institute for Paranormal Research
If Mr. Geller's powers prove to be not validatable in either the
clairvoyance or ESP modes, we should probably conclude that--whatever
the truth about such purported phenomena may be--its functioning is too
fragile and unreliable to warrant further research for clandestine
SG1 I 6.
will be the Project Officer responsible
for monitoring the validation effort.
7. Life Sciences/ORD recommends approval of the transfer of
$18,474 to TSD for an expanded contract with Stanford Research Institute.
Approved For Release 2002/11/18: CIA-RDP96-00787R000400100010-8
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