Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
P 66-007$7RpO L ~ ~ -
S 11
May 19, 1977
The attached is a breakdown of the previously submitted cost proposal.
I have added a one-day, three-person trip to D.C. at the end of
Task 2. A logical Task 2 product would be an annotated bibliography
with summary evaluation tables plus a progress briefing at your
facility. I would hope, however, that the effort would not terminate
at the end of the proposed Task 2, for I feel we would add a
considerable amount of knowledge during Tasks 3 and 4. That is,
the end of Task 4 would be a logical decision point, not the end of
Task 2.
Please let me know if you need any additional information. Whenever
you feel it appropriate, I can secure the letters of consulting
approval from the University. They typically require about 2-3 weeks.
We can complete whatever security forms are necessary if you would
send them to me. As you, Joe, and I discussed, it might be best
to set up the formal contract through another agency inasmuch as
some foreign travel may occur in the future.
Harry L. Snyder, Ph.D.
Corporate Scientist
Appr ved For a ease - - QOQ1QQ250006-0
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