Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2002/11/13 : CIA-RDP79-00999A000400050006-
OTS /BAB MEMO # 163-75
29 April 1975
SUBJECT : Interview with Mr. Patrick H. Price
re Grid Coordinates
The attached report is a result of your memo of 31 January
1975. to OTS/CB wherein you provided five grid coordinates
which were to be used in an experimental remote viewing;
program designed to provide operational leads on various
The information has been recorded essentially as presented
by Pat with only minor editorial changes. Little attempt was
made to follow through on most of his statements, dine the
primary objective of this interview was to provide you with
raw data which you could review and evaluate before deciding
if you want to meet and debrief Pat yourselves.
Because of my deliberate effort to avoid gaining knowledge
of the targets which could "tip off" Pat during the debriefing
I do not know how'"ep; if any, of his statements are correct.
We would therefore appreciate your comments regarding this
information to help us evaluate the potential to the Agency
of this technique in general and Mr. Price in particular.
SG 1 I
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Approved For Release 2002/11/13 : CIA-RDP79-00999A000400050006-0
:subject; Interview with 'tr. Patrick P. Price on 26 Apiril 1975
For the record, the following advIntstrative point were
covered with Pat on 26 ~pril 1'g75 during our meeting at the
Rey Bridge Marriott Motel:
Our relationship is now an operational one. We are no
longer conducting R & D. He was very pleased with thin and
eager to go to work.
He was asked what conditions help him to work at W-9
best? 'Does it help to see the person or a photograph? Can
he really get there best by grid coordinates, etc.?
feels we must provide more information so that he can make a
positive identification of a ette. Grid coordinates are ok
to establish the general area of interest but then he must
be told what specific point to zero in on. Photogrraph# are
very good, particularly when a person or a building is in-
volved. More data is needed to help pinpoint a location in
relation to a known landmark such as a city or a topographic
feature. If the point is within a city then provide a locator
point such as'a building description.
Pat was told that security will be a problem that =e must
face. I will not always be able to tell him everythin-
because often I will not have all the details. The principles
of "compartmentatlon" and "need to know" will be SOP. Also
there is a potential for embarrassment if our association is
played up in the press. He agreed to keep me posted on other
groups he may work with and even his contacts with the press.
One interview he gave to the National Inquirer about six weeks
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page 2
ago should be published soon. The topic was a philosophical
discussion of pssychokenisis and remote viewing in relation
to the study of Scientology. As a general rule Pat claims
that he shuns publicity and has turned down many requests
for interviews.
Pat was given the Personality checklist, an indirect
assessment guide and a P#'_Q III to help him focus on the
type of information we would like to get on people.
Pat promised to send sketches of the areas we discussed
along with a bill for his expenses.
3ased on his "study" of the coordinates I. gave him on
22 April, Pat supplied the following information. The
interview was taped and the three cassettes are available for
Coordinates given Pat:
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SG 111
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