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JPRS L/9737
- 14 May 1981
Woridwide Re ort
CFOUO 21 /81)
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� �
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. JPRS L/9 737
_ 14 May 19 81 _
(FOUO 2~./81)
NSW Premier Outlines Plan f~r Treatment of Heroin Addicts
(Toni McRae; THE AUSTR,ALIAN, 25 Mar 71) 1
Brief s -
Marihuana Growing Ban 2 -
Major Heroin Ring SSrtashed 2
Brief s "
Four Arrested With Opium 3 -
Katha, Mayangon Heroin Seizures 3
Two Thais Held on Warrants Issued in Europe
( SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST, 21 Mar, L~, 16 Apr 81) L~
_ Dutch Waxrant
Engineer Jailed
� Paris Warrant
Pair Deny Charges of Trafficldng ~n Opium
- Opium Addicts in Colony Estimated at I~,000
(Olivia Sin; SOUTH CHIldA MORNING POST, 1 3 Apr 81) 7 _
- a- [ I I I - WW - 13 8 FOUO ]
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Traffickers Usinb ~oun; People as Couriers
- (SOUTF? CHIN9 MORNING POST, 21 Max 81) 9
- Tougher Controls Over Shipboard Traffickers P1 ~ned
(SOliTEI CHINA MORNING POST, 13 Apr 81) 10 ~
Brief s
LarR.: Opium Seizure 11 -
BriE:i s
I1ruF; Sei~ure 12
' Deatn Sentence for Three 12 -
Bri~Ps _ Seizure 13
Narcotics Den Raided 13
U.S.-Bound Passenger Held 13
Ran~;~i~s Seize Opium 13 _
_ Hashish Seizure at Islamabad 13 -
Heroin Recovered 11~
Brief s
~eath for Heroin Trafficking 15 _
Methamphetamine Ring Smashed
~ (KOREA HERALD, 23 Apr 81) 16
Cracl;downs on Narcotics 18 _
- HF,roin Chemicals Seized in North
(POST, 19 Apr 81) 19
- b -
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Increasing Drug Trafficking, Use Foaus of Concern
' (THE TRIBiTNE, 13, 25 Mar 81) ...........e 21 -
Investigation Request
Bail for Colombians
Corrmient on DEA Action, by Etienne Dupuch
Bri ef s
- Sentences for Colombians 2~
Tsgislators Decry ~Monumental Problem' of I?rugs on Island
(THE ~OYAI~ GAZETTE, 28 Mar gl) 25
Briefs `
Heroin Dealing Acquittal 26
_ ~
OS-7 Successful in Brealdng International Drug Rings
(LA NACION, 27 Mar 81) 27
' Briefs
Drug Traffickers Arrested, I?rugs Seized 28
Peddler of Stimulants CaugY~t 28
Cocaine Trafficker Arrested 28 _
Marihuana Now Imported From U.S. for Local Use
(Ei~ SIGLO, 21~ Mar 81) 29
Hernan Botero Denies ~Money Zaundering~ Charges
(Jose Guillermo Herrera; EL ESPECTADOR, 31 Mar 81) 31
Brief s
Cocaine Seized at El Dorado 33
Two Marihuana Raids Described 33
Cerecero: Trafficking Virtually Eliminated
- (Isaias Colunga Morales; EL SOL DE MEXICO, 12 Apr 81) 3Lt
Trafficker Rings ITiscovered in Two Prisons _
(Rafael Med.ina, Victor Payan; EXCEISIOR, 1 Apr 81) 35
- c -
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Cocaine Seized at Capital Airport _
(Rafael Medina Cruz; EXCEISIOR, 7 Apr. 81) 37 _
Cocaine Seized in City Restaurant =
(Rafael Medina, Victor Payan; EXCELSIOR, 31 Mar 81) 38
Bri ~ s
- Seized T~Fith Heroin 1~~
Coacaine Confiscated, Two Traffickers Arrested
(EI, UNIVERSAL, 28 Mar 81) 1~1
- Six Million Bolivares of Cocaine Confiscated
(Ricardo Matheus; EL UNI'VERSAL, 1l~, 15 Apr 81) 43
Traffickers Escape Arrest
Cocaine Destined �or U.S.
Drugs Seized 49
Drug Arrest 49
- Opium 5eizure in Khorramabad 1~9 -
Tehran I?rug Bust 49
Execution of IJrug Dealers L~9 _
� Briefs ~
Possessors of Bhang Arrested 5~
Bri ef s
Dagga Raid 51
- d - -
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Helsinki Police Increase Seizures in Heroin Wave
(iJIJSI SUONQ, 15 Mar 81) 52
_ Hard Dru~s Into F`inland
Horrors of Addiction Detailed
- Brief s
Heroin Cases Sentences 56
Storting Committee Chairman: Give Poli ce I"Iore Drugs Ftiinds
(Jan P. Syse Interview; AFTENPOSTEIV, 27 Mar 81~ 57
Officials Report Narcotics Tra.fficking in Prisons
(AFTENPOSTES, 2L~ Mar 81) 59
Bri ef s
_ Trondheim Police Narcotics Section 61
Youth Naxcotics problem 61
Heroin Seizures Made in Izmir, Afyon
(Erdal Gondem; TERCUMAN, 12 Ap r 81) 62
- e -
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Canberxa THE AUSTRALIAN in Engl~sh 25 Mar 81 p 3 =
[Article by Toni McRae]
[Text] HEAOIN rriay be given to hard-core addicts in NSW w.~o
have failed to resoond to treatment over a number ot year.,
The Premier, r~[r Wran, told State Parliament yester~ay
- the Government would embark oa a special Health Commis-
S10II fESe2I'Ch pTOgt"dIri t0 lIl- ~ The comrriittee recommen- operations to another source
vestigate the pOSSibility of ded that the Government. in ot profit.
con~unction with the Federal Other recommendations
administecing heTOin on "hu: Government, exptore the pos-
mane grounds". ? sibility ot monitoring Iarge- include:
scale cash transactions in � That with the except~on ot
He said the objective behind order to identity those associ- those hard~ore addicts who
the move would be to improve ated with organised drug traf- have failed to respond to
the general health and de- ticking. treatment the Government
crease the criminal involve- The committee states in the does not make heroin avail-
ment of addicts. reporL` that "there Ls Iittle able to opiate-ciependent
Mr Wran was reponing co doubt" that tf heroin wen le- People.
- Pariiament on the NSW com- 6ally available co all who asked � That che Health Commis-
- mittee of inquiry into the legal for it it would reduce the sion of NSW continue to moni-
provlsion of heroin and the street cnme ot addiccs to base- ~or the status ot longer acting
possible methods of diminish- line levels. methodone in the treatment
ing crime associated with the "It u�ould also virtually elimi- of drug addiction, with a view
supply and use ot the drug. nate the blackmarket i.n he- to eventually making this sub-
The committee was headed ro~n, however the social cost scance ava?lable in NSW for
by Professor James Rankin. would be enormous." said the that purpose.
the Director of the Health committee. � That the governmenc policy
Commission's Division ot The report states that the on heroin dependence be insis-
- Drug and Alcohol Services. a~�ailability ot heroin has in- tently care oriented rather
The report says that in ]978 cceased significantly world- ~han punishment oriented.
seizures of heroin in Australia W~de since 1978 and Pi~rther in-
amounted to almost 18.OOOg creases are expected in 1981. A That the Government en-
u~hile it has been estimated It also says that organised courage and support research
chat in 1977 the number of crime will always exist. If law into drug dependence.
hard drug abusers in NSW enforcement actions were to � Tha[ ex-addicts continue to
alone was between 8500 and reBulate effectively the illicit be encouraged to enter the
gppp, drug market the criminals at drug counselling tield.
che top would switch their
CSO: 5300/7544 _
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MARIHUANA GROWING BAN--Adelaide.--The South Australian Government will not
relax state laws to allow the cultivation of marihuana for personal use. The
Attorney-General, Mr Grif.f in, said yesterday he was not convinced it was in the
best interests of the co~unity. Mr Griffin spoke at a,joint press conference
with the Health Minister, Mrs Adam.^on, to outline the recommendations accepted
by the State Government from the Royal Commission the non-~edical use of
drugs. Of the 77 recommendations made by the commission, 58 have been accepted
and 19 rejected. The commission's reco~endations--brought down in 1979--
called for a tightening up in the use of search warrants by police and the
introduction of drug assessment panels for offenders. The commission wanted
- warrants to be issued only by a Magistrate or Judge and not by police officers.
[Text] [Brisbane THE COURIER-MAIL in English 18 Mar 81 p 13]
MAJOR HEROIN RING SMASHED--Sydney, 5 April Australian police helped by Singa-
pore authorities may have smashed a major drug ring suiuggling heroin into
Australia from Central Asia's Golden Crescent. Police arrested two married
couples and seized 400 grammes of pure top-grade heroin in simultaneous raids
Sunday night on homes in the Sydney suburbs of Dulwich Hili and Sydenham. The
heroin from the so-called Golden. Crescent of Pakis~an, Afghanistan and Iran
was worth about 200,000 dollars (about 250,000 US dollars) but would have
netted street dealers much more, said Federal Police Assistant Commissioner
~ for Crime John Johnston. The arrests, which followed six months' intensive
investigation by federal golice helped by the Singapore Central Narcotics .
Bureau, may have smashed the operation, he said.--NAB/REUTER [Text] [Rangoon
- THE WORKING PEOPLE'S DAILY in English 7 Apr 81 p 7]
CSO: 5300
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BuRr~, -
FOUR ARRESTED WITH OPIUM--Rangoon, 11 Apr--At 1700 on 7 April, police per- "
sonnel from the Insein Crime Prevention Branch and the Kyauktada police
station arrested four persons who had come to se11 opium in Pansodan road.
Police also seized 2.75 viss [1 viss equals 3.6 pounds] of raw opium. Acting -
on a tipoff, the police personnel laid in wait on Pansodan Street on 7 April.
As a red Datsun Sunny, registration number Zamyitzwe/2907, entered the
street, police together with witnesses stopped and searched the car. A bag -
containing 2,75 viss of raw opium was found on the car driven by Kyaw Tint.
Maung Kyi of No 479 at the junction of 39th and 73d streets in Mandalay,
Kyaw riyint Aung of Talaing-nwegon village in Toungoo and Kyi Win, a shopowner -
of No 1 gate in Toungoo, were also in the car. Charges were filed under
Sections 6.B/7.B/10.B and 11 at Kyauktada police station against driver
_ Kyaw Ting and the car passengers.[Text) [Rangoon BOTATAUN~ in Burmese
12 Apr 81 p 11 BK]
KATHA, MAYANGON HEROIN SEIZURES--Rangoon, 9 Apr--"Police station officer
U Kan Myint and a party this morning searched Htwe Maung, alias Yang Xingshi, 19,
- of 21st Street in Latha township, at the corner of Kyongyi and 21st streets
and found 2,5 grams of heroin in his hand." "He was charged under Section 6.B
and 14.D of the Narcotic Drugs Law." "Acting on a tipoff that heroin dealers -
were operating in Mayangon township, station officer U Aye and a party from the
Crime Prevention Branch at 1150 today raided the residence of car driver
U Tun Shwe in the compound of the meteorology department on Kaba-aye pagoda
road. Police found two packets of heroin, each weighing 150 grams, and
worth a total of about 30,000 kyat from the guests at the house--Maung Myint _
Hlair?g, 24, of Padin ward, Mandalay southeast township; the former's
~ brother Muung Win Swe, 33; and Maung Nyan Win, 21, of 6th ward in Lewe."
_ Mayangon township police station has filed charges under Sectior.s 6.B, -
10.B and 11/14.D of the Narcotic Dr~ags Law, [Summary] '(Rangoon MYANMA ALIN
- in Burmese 10 Apr 81 p 7 BK]
CSO: 5300/4937
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Dutch Warrant
Hong hong SOUTH CHI`~ ~IOR*1I`1G POST. in English 21 Mar 81 p 8 <
~Text7 q~'y~j ~~d io Vonch~i wu linked with o( heroin - tbe large~t sei-
be the leader of � large drug the illeg~l trafficking of SI zure in recent history - were
svndicate ~se arte~ted in kilos of 6eroia to HoiLnd. t~ discorered on board ~ Poli~6
Flon~kong on a prori~ional coun wc~ told. ~hip bound tor the Net6er-
w~mnt issued bv the Dutc6 Crown counxl E. H. N~r- I~ode.
rut6oritia on March 12. it tin ~aid t6e i?utch antharides Folkv?i~ tbe arre~t of an
wqs disctoxd at Cauaeway had been inte+nirely w~tc6i~g ~Ileged accomplice. Vonc6ai
Bvy Court yeeterday. the rtwrsmenb of Voochai c~me to Hongkoag and 6ad
~te A. Lau ordered t6at �nd other people in connection S1 miWon baida �73,000
Vonc6ai Tumtonkitkul 1291, r.it6 a Thai druQ tn~ckie; ~about HKS876,000) in time
vliu Drnny Connd, be re- syndicate. depo~ib.
manded in jail custody undl Vonc6ai wu alkged to be He was ~L+o alleqed to
April 3 pending documenb for the leading fiQure ot the hare ~ f~Lx [i.~.....esiin pa+s-
ertnditioa proceedinga from svndica2e. pnrt.
tbe Dutch authorities. Cowuel said the Sl kilo~ ~tr M. Hwng appeared
tor Vonchai. ~
_ Engineer Jailed ~
- Hong Kong SOUTH CHI`iA MORNI~iG POST in English 4~pr 81 p 11
/Te'tt/ Thai engineer �ho is ~tarch 16 un a provisional Yesterday, assistant
alle ed to be the leader uf Warrant issued by the Dutch Crown prosecutor .4. P.
a big international drug authorities on ~tarch I 2. Duckett told the court that on
syndicate :Vas y'esterday ~onchai's name had been ~(arch 3, Vunchai received a
rcfused bail and ordered to 8~"~n by several drug suspects payment of 51 million from
- in Nolland as a Icading figure one of the traffickers a~id
be remanded in jail custo- in a Thai drug trafficking deposited the money in a
- dy until Ltay l pending ;yndicate, it was alleged. bank.
extradition papers from In ~ovember, the Dutch He also had �73,000
Holland. authorit:es were informed (about HKS8'16,000) in time
- He is Vunchai Tumtonkit� ehat a large quantity of dan- deposits in another bank. -
kul (29), alia~ Danny Conrad. $erous drugs were on board a On February 25, docu-
- .~n applicatiun fur bail rolish ship heading for Hol- ments relating to the pur-
was refused by ~1r ~1 W land. chase of t kg of gold and cash
Fung at Causeway Bay However, the ship eventu- wercdiscoverod.
- Court. ally went to Poland instead :~ir Duckett said that on
lt was sta~ed that a te!ez and Sl kg of heroin were the day of his arrest Vonchai
had been received from the discovered on boerd. had 595,000 and name cards
Dutch Government asking ~gnchgi then came to relating to a number of
that Vonchai be kept in Hon kon on February 13. known drug traffickers. _
Hon kon until the end of the He went to Macau the The Dutch au~horities re-
g g following day artd was arrest- garded him as a most impor-
munth. ed in a Tsimshatsui hotel un tar.c drug trafficker, '~tr
At a prcvious hcanng the ~tarch 16 when he returned. Duckett added.
court was toid ~hat ~'onchai _
was arrested in Hongkong on
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_ Vonchai was also alleged married to an American
to have a false Indonaian woman and bad obtained _
passport. pe~manent rdidenae in the
In applying for bail, Von- U -
c h a i's counsel, Mr M i n 6 Vonchai also had a furni- -
Huang, said there were a lot ture business in Thailand and
of people in Hongkong who had an auat living in Shek
had S 1 million in the bank Pai EVan, Aberdeen.
and even morc than that. Counsel said Vonchai
He said Vonchai was here wuld report to a polia sta-
as a tourist. tion twice a day if necessary
N~ had studied enginarv and offered 5100.000 bail in
irig in the United Stata. was both ash and surcty.
Paris Warrant
Hong Kong SOUTH CHIVA MORIVING POST in English 16 Apr 81 p 19 i
/Text / A Thai businasman who They were intercepted at
is alleged to b~ the main the 'Nacau ferry terminal
organi,er in smuggling I1.8 when ~hey returned from
kg of No 3 haoin worth Macau on Tuaday morning
about 55.7 million into Paris and taken to the Immi,gration
is being detained in Hong- Department.
. kong pending eztradition. The couple wcre found
'~ir E.S. Yanne was told at with travetler's chequa in
W'estern Court that Sae Ang various currencia worth
Pronsit (33) waj arcested on 571,000 which were suspect-
1'uesday on an internatiaial ed to havc been stolen in
warrant issued in Paris. Thailand.
Chief Inspectar A.H. OI- Their Thai passports were
lerenshaw sa~d extradition found to be forged, allegedly
papen were ezpected within supplied by Sae.
three months. Mr Ollerenshaw oppoxd
He said the heroin waa bail on the grounds that the
seized from the boot of a ofFence was serious and Sae
vehicle in Paris on August I I. had supplied forged passports
An Interpol red notice, a to others and was likely to
warrant for the arrest of auscond.
major offenders, was issued in Defence counsel John Ip
Paris on October 8 and circu- said Sae's passport was valid
lated to all member countria and he was a tourist in Hong-
on October I8. kong. � -
Sae arrived in Hongkong Counsel said Sae had a
on Sundav with his wife and a clear~ecord and could put up
Thai couple and went to bail of 5200.000. .
Macau. Mr Yanne remanded Sae
~ in police custody.
~ CSO: 5320
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~ ~ _
Hong Rong SOUTH CiiI:1A MORrtII~ POST in EngliSh 9 Apr 81 p 14
- ~TeXt7 A High Coun judge and Wong then returned to
- ~ury Was told yesterday of a Hangkong f;om Bombay and
trip by a Hongkong mnn to ~he Canadian arrived severaf'
= Bombay to arrange for a days later on July 35.
Canadian woman to smuggle Counsel said there was
opium here. evidcnce that the defcndants ,
On trial before Mr Com- had made international calts ~
~ missioner lona and a jury of eo Bombay and on the day of
four men and three women the woman's arrival Narrnt- j`
were Chan Yung-hoi (32) gurrau police ofGcers kept ;
and Wong Yau�leung (40). serveillana at the airport and
They pleaded not guilty to xveral y+laces in Hongl:ong. ,
- trafficking in 3,568.7 grams T'he woman met the two ,
oF opium on July 25 :ast year. defendants outside a Kowloon
- C h a n denied a further h�t�~�
charge of p~s~+ing the~ L.ater Chnn was seen tak- ~
opium for unlawful traffick� ing a suitcase and a briefcase i
~~g to his llat in Mei Foo Sun
Crown rnunsel Graeme ~
Hagon told the jury th.e When Chan left the flat
- prosecution's cau was that he was arrested by police and ~
the deFendnnts oommitted the dan~erous drugs wero found
traFficking offena with other on h~s person.
' acrnmplica. Polia seatched his home _
Mr Hagon seid Wong met and Found mure drugs in a
a Mr Mistry from Bombay in suitcase as well as in a refrig- _
Hongicong. erator.
After Mr Mietry IeR for Police went to Wong's _
Bombay in February last home but he had disappeared.
year, there were contacu be- wong was later discovered -
tween them. in Australia and was braught
back to Hongkong to stand
Subsequently on July ! trial, ~ir Hagon said.
Wong also went to Bombay Mr Rusi Mistry, an Indian
- and throu~h the introduction national who was brought
of Mr M~stry, met a Cana- from Bombay to give evi-
dian woman. dence for the Crown, told thc
~ Counsel said Wong sug- court Wong gave him 8,000
gested to the waman that she rupea to buy the drugs which
wuld carry opium into Hong- were kept in a suitcase to be
kong by concealing the drugs braught to Hongkong.
in her tuggage. Mr Andrew Allman-
Won then ave some Brown is appearing for Chan
money ga Mistry to buy and Mr Bruno D'Almada for
o ium which was cked in a Wong.
P Pa The hearing continues
suitcase. ~~8y.
CSO: 5320 -
6 -
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- !?ONG KONG ~
Hong Kong SOL�fH CHI,1A MORNING POST in English 13 Apr 81 p 15
. /Report by Olivia Sin/ _
- !Text7 Qpiitm reaching Hong- tlia tota! number of addic~ at Sincx lest year. the major -
kong ts "strietly for local about 2(~.000, with half of ity of opium has been found =
toosaiaQiion" aocording to ~~m ~8 ~P~~ addicts. to come from Pakisten.
druglavrenforcen_ that Hon~- Senior Sup t Tong at-
' ~~t ~a ~ kon~ 6aa had a mtrlced tributed t6e change in the _
T~Y roduction of opium addicu, sourve of opium suppliu to
ity that reoeat ~hipmeat~ of y~~d Narcotia Bureau head, polidcal developments m the
op~um iato Hongkoa~ are for ~bi~ gu~~dent John mid-west region of Asia, the
re~mt~ a~� Thorpe c6eappn a of Karachi opium _
Tbay believe it ia highly Chief SuQt Thorpe added and the low ~rofit gained
~~Y oP~~ ~~~pe that nearly all t6e op~um ad- from opium dealings.
_ oonvated ineo morphine or dlcu are well over the age of Pakistani military forces `
' ha~a� 40. ' wen oa full alert last year _
- But they uy there i~ a ' He ~tressed that tbe major when Soviet troops moved
definite deanad for opium tlrug a~ase here is heroin, aot into Afgh~nistan.
- hate. api~, As a result, Pakistani Gov-
Thu u becauae there sre ~y op~um addictt have ernment control over drug
itill an atimated 4,U00 i~itted co yeroin as a rault of trifficking in the country was -
opium addicts in Hongkoog steppod up law enforament w~~lcened.
who talos abcut two ~taau a iction, wbieh ~erreroly cureail- This has facilitated the
, dsy - which requires sub~ id the ppQly of opium. , tlow of opium fmm Karachi
suatial iatperts of tbe ille~al `'Tbe number o[ opium ad- to places including the US, -
- dru6. � dicts and trafficl~ers prase- Europe and Asian countries.
Moreover, c:onvenioa of cuted in the pa~t few yeats The low pricx of Karachi
bp~um to the more popular }ras diainiihed, wid Chief opium has prompted local
_ No 3 6eroin u a~lo~ and gUp~ Tio~po, dru~ distributors to turn to
_ smelly proaa roquiring well I.ikewite, the amount of Pak~stan for supplies. .
&~nipped lnboratories that in� K~ yy ~~ia One kilogram of raw
- cra~e naha of raids by polia and tba etatom~ has also de- ap~um ii selling at 5350 in
aad cuatams officials. ~a~ Pakistan w 6 i l e t h e s a m e
It u understood that the , ~n asred about the ef-~ amount of drug cosu 54,500
~ price of opium has bart fect of a bumper ctop ia the in Thailand.
tibated by the recent seizun Goldea Triangle - t6e Senior Supt Tong noted .
of 94 ivlo~rams of de1ydrated opium growing area at the that the quality and pur;ty of
op~um warth S12 million an y~rn of Thailaad, Burme Karachi op�m ~s not as good
the fra~hter Lu Chiang. - he said this aa that of the Golden Trian-
At the end of laat moath, ~~ght result in chwper and 6~0� ~
one gram of prcpared opum pleqtiFul heroin. � Ia addition, the low profit _
was selling at a retail price of '�gut i don't e~cpect an ~rned through opium smug-
about 560, which is about one insrwe in opium addicu juet glin~ compared with opium
t'~ird the price of a gram of y~~ ~ the bumper crop," dealmgs das failed to attract -
No 3 hero?n. y~ add~, Thailand trafGclcera.
_ However, an op~um addict 'The opium scene 6ere has '~'ba~~snd u'a!'fickers can
may hara W tare fiv~e times as ~r~ on a new look lately, earn muc6 mon if they bring
much as a heroiir addict to aocording to Customs Senior in 6eroin - a low-bullc, hig6- -
swtaia the hebit. value oduct.
Toda 's o ium addict Supaintendent K.S. Tong. p~
y U In the past, t6e opium ~"rn~Y Faa the ume risk
. population in Hongkong is available here used to como of being caught no matter
ono-t~~eatieth d what it was from the Golden Triangle. w6at they smu e so why
20 yean a~o vr6en a Gavern- bting in opium?~s~Ed Senior
meat Wbite Paper atimated Supt TonR.
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- i
- ~pium ie claisified in' Hongkong, it is usually trans�' -
= three formi - raw, prep4red ferred to fishing junhs and I
and de6ydrated. cacriod to remote outlying is-
- Dehydrated opium in the
= most ~atnted of tse Senior Supt 'fong said al-
thra. thou~6 t6e Cuseoms Diviaion -
It u oonde~ued ieto sotid ~ has a 8ood rummagu~g crew,
form w6ile proparod opium u "it is mevitable that some
pasty. ' drugs 6iddea on board vaseis
The value of dehydnted will get thmuBh.,,
_ opium u genenlly calcultted Chief Supt Thorpe said
co be twice that of ptepared the import pattern will
Fornu. change, depending oa how j
Tutning to We oPium im- succeuully law rnforament
port pattern, Semor Supt actiona aro carried out.
Tong said Sin~apore has ~~e loral diauibution
emergcd as a"tracuit" coun. ~pium, Chief Supt "Y7wrpe
- try for convey~ng opium from ~aid :"We don't think thero ia ~
Paiuatan W Hun~kong. aay big ~yndicate here." -
' Part ~of the um arriv- Imtead, drug stora tend
' to be d' mto smaller
ing in Singsporo u uaed for W~~ ~
- local conaimptioa but most of ~0S� _
it is ro-acported to Hon`. ~~ng muhina and pn-
kong." said Senior Supt arran~ed telephona aro com� _
Tong. monly used to twid detx-
It is reported that the Neari tll o um addicts
fteig6ta Lu Ctuang had call- Y P~
_ ed at Siagapore before arriv- ~awke it in the traditional
ing here. method, wing u pipe and a -
It has also boen snggated ~~p�
that internadonal drug ~yadi- Polia cnckdowru have
cates driven out by Hoagkoog foreed many opium dens to go =
police are trying to set up a ~a$~~�
'Smgapote oonnection." Op~um dens have aleo ra _
Opium is usually carried duaa in siu.
_ on ocean-goin vaaeis from Aceordia~ to some former
, Pakiscan w~inppore aad op~um ~ddicte. several cur-
HonQkon~. rent addicta are rich mar- _
But before t6e rpsels ar- chants xv~o developed the
rive here the~r .vill vi~it some ~ habit of smoltin` op~um yean
. �,non-suspect' ports to divert a~o when it wei legal.
che attentioa of local dru~ ~s ~ by
law cnforcen. ~oma elderly people as a
'II'he Ln ChiaoQ called at ~~pne to rehevepam.
North and Sout6 Korea be- ~ of the aQeing
fore comin 6ere. opium addict population,
~ ~p~~ C6ief Supt 'thorpe uid, it ia
ing the drug hove rac~hed rafe to wy t6at thep~ttern of .
intemational waten clae to op~ um addictlaf will eventu- -
- ~Ily die out. _
CSOs 5320
~ -
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Hong Kong SOT)TH CHINA MORNING.POST in English 21 Mar Ri p 8
Drug trf~t'Iicken - Irnown as the "pddlan meth~dona tratment centrp.avery day. }{e ;ndlcxted that ptewnt lawt are oo~t~
of dwth" - are now uaiag young people as Mr Lee said the wholaale pna of No 3 ~ur.tly under revierv w plu~ 1oophola.
- aouriera to avoid detection. heroin last month dropped to f 12.000 per 100 The report revealed t6it t6e numbar o!
T6i~ 6a~ ~ivcn rise to the danger of drug grams. mala in tbe 13-19 age brecket rogbtercd ia
addiction among young people, apeciaUy Hut this wa stiU 24 tima as much ss in the Centre! Registry last year incnared by 25
_ thae aged betwaen 1 S and 19. 1972 when the ooet wa~ only 5300 per 100 per ant over the previous year. -
The Commi~ioaer for Narcodcs, Mr grame. Last year the number was 243 - 48 more
Peter La, souaded the alatm yesterday" dur- 'I'~o peak i~n pria was in mid-1979 when it than in 1979.
ing a pr~u conferenoe on the latest report of sold for S23,OC0. In July lut year it dropped It is the only age group which shmve a ris~
- the Central Re~u'
try of Dru~ Addicte. to S 18,000. in number~ over the two yearo.
lVhile not all of the dru~ courien are drug Dap~te the pria fluctuatioos. the illicit ~�~e riii~g trend mmt be taken as a
addicu, many of t6em may sooner or later trede in 6eroin hu been lucrative. ~,~ng that complacency in the and-naroot-
_ become addicti themulva, ne w,~rned. Mr La believes that the rxent riu in the ics field can be a ve dan eroui indul encx "
And tdeir aswciadon with drug traffickets ~~1 drug ~upply could have ban tri ered Mr La ~aid. ry g B
makes the youth "very hig6 risk subjects," he by !he rclease of old stocks by local tra~ck- On juvetWe crimea, Mr Lee atid many o~'
said. en. them are not dru reloted. �
Mr La also warned of the pcn~ible riae in g"
the illicit trade of narcotics here in view of ihe But it might also oome from the Goldea "btu~ addict~ under 1 S are ne~ligible = _
exQocted bumper harnat in t he Ciolden rriangle. 0.2p~ cent " Mr Lee wid. '
- Tnar~gle. Mr expreaaed hi~ confidence in Hong- ~ut he uid tbe ngistty will continue to
He said thia year'e .opium harvat in kong's drug fighten whom 6e describod es ~ator thu ~ttoup claely. '
Southeast A~ia may reach 600 tons compared "highly efficient and well rapected e4m Hon~wng's addict population is in the
with an avetage of about iS0 tons in the past w6ere." ranQe o!`40,000 to 50,000 '
two yean. He said Hongkong will continue to co- Mr La uid it wa~ encoucaging that the
T'he authorities expoct prias~ to come operate and ezchtnge iafurm~tion wit6 their nnmber of individuala reportin~ for the Fint
down as more drugs beoome available on t6e counterparu in Southeast Asis. ' time eo the ngutry 6as oontinued W decline. '
~ market. ~ Both the polia and the Cuataru and L~st year, tha number wa~ 2,800. ~
The increase in suQply and the drop in Excise Servia 6ave applied tor "a ~ignificant In 1979, it wts 4,OOQ; 1978, 6,700 and
pncd may trigger a rue m drug addiction, increaae" in sta[f. 1977, 13,000. �
- Mr Lee warned. Mr Lee said the eaetn statf, if approvcd. "This confitau that the growth of addia
At preaent, about 6,700 people go to will be put inw aciioa early nact year. don in Hoa~lcoag u not rr~ped, ' Mr Lee iaid.
CSO: 5320
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- Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORIVII3G POST in English 13 Apr ~1 pp 1, 32
- /Text7
- ~Ownen ~and muten of It wti the fiRli dme aw tain acean-gang vessels Accarding to the commis-
~b~p~ (pnpd catrylpi dru~t tom~ officen in Hoaikon plying betwan Hongkong sioner, a ma~or problem of
- coold ito~ Qcorecutlon uader had found drup on the v~ and Sout~east Asian poru implementing eny law Qrovid-
kwf apw b~uf~ dralt~d, ' � Lut year, euatouu oftioeca are rspeatod drug offenden. ing for con8scahon of tll�got-
ReWbb tourtxt haw told mtd~ S9 ~eizarar on ~hlpa, .For e~cample, Honglcong ten t~ets lia with how to
th~ SCM Pat that tbh oould arrated. ag6t se~mea ud raard~ show that the Britsh- trace them.
happ~n evw if ownar~ and ~eized 1091o1o~nms ot dru~+ rc~istered freighter vasel Tai Drug tnffickers can ouc-
mutm ~M not dl�ckly in. worth more thta 541 million. C6ung Shan hu had more wif even ~rewd ackountanb
vobed with dty~ tra(nckjpa Uadnr ptMeat la~, mar than SO drug ~eizura in the and lawyers by dispetsing the
pa t~t wpe~, tan ot nwneri are p[c,~ecuted put nine yars. "black moaey" through net-
'fbe le~ltbttoa it aimed tt only r?baa thrte u evideaca At the moatea~ the oourt worlcs of relativd, asiociate~,
up ppQ~ ~ they are dicectly imrohed can order t6e aonfucation of and bank acoounts. -
p repeatedly fouad to lie with drug tral~icivai. ~hip Iw th~n 230 tons, u~ed Stati~tip released by the
~y{n~ ~p ~ Hanerer, tuch prosecu- � for dru~ tnFficldng. Action Committa Aga~nst
H qoo~ are rare as We eraftick- Hut mwt of the ocean- Narcatia (ACAN) s6ow that
:3~~ ~Ow that ~ua en an usually crew mem`- o~n vasse4s are well over S40 drug seizara were made -
p~y~ o( ~}~p. ben. tone, for example the on boord s6ips betwan 1974
boatd tr~fl3cken uadar e~t� ~m~0~~~~i4 Lu Chiang is about 4,000 and 1919.
!n~ lawr fall fat ~hort of the N~rcotics. Mr P~eta Le~, tona. Siaty�nine couriers wore
numbetof~ltooe~htlretsure~. ~b~~ ~~0��~DOd Sourcea say it is unlikely arn;ated'aad 281 kg of drugs
~~q o(~~ ~ partie~� ~e'e t~eins coo~alted that tctendmenta will be pro-. were uized.
ebo propaalr will be'tabledit durin~ tha draftin~ ata e of p~ for tbe canfiscadon of But in many of these
tb~ next ~uton of tbe L.e~it- _ ~~~~mPkx P10~" �f ~OWs" I~r~e ocean-going ve~~els casa, no arrau were made of
Itt{w Couacil,ln Oatober. kr?own to be trafficking in s6ipi' oFficeta or crew as t6e
The wurca ald tiie C}ov- Howeva, 6e decli~ad to d~8y, y~~ this would be drug~ were dixrovered in
erameat i~ eo~uid~rine tn , ~ tbe detaih. too drutic when coniidering a~ of the shipr to which
ameadment to the Dan`erou+ ~~ey ~ v~ the multi�million dollar 4alue anyone on board had eary _
- Dru ~ Ordin~ece w6ich ' during the ooruWuaao proc- Qf suc6 ships. a~~
~~t e~t' Itatin~ for. seversi Howcver, the source~ Mr Loe said that ACAN
- md owneri of seaQoin~ vq- ~ ~ M~ ~ u'd� edded, other amendments to ~~Ntantly reviewing the
~eL aro raponiible for eniur- ' S~Y~L ~0 ~�~~~t Hon~kong law~ are being Dangerous Drugs Ordinana
in~ th~t nothin~ ille~a1 i~ ~ ~e Po~. ~e Tnde, ~ru~dered which would im- to pluO ~uc6 laopholea.
be~nQ carried on board their ~ I~'~vY and Cwtom~ Dc- poy~ ~ere pcnaltid oa drug
thip~ beforo ~ailia~. putmea~ the Marine 7e- vafficken by rnnfiscadng the
Howevet, wurcea uId the ' partment and ~hipping money they mare from illegal
' arw uw will aot seek to oon- ~P~~a� deala.
tLest~ oee~n~~oin raueli of A lcey objective u w in-
4 "Sttipping off the massive
maro thtn 230 tan~ wWch ~ d~ LO ofiu ned from dru ia
kavo been u~ed for dru~ I exerciie ~teater vigilan� ~a r ~ h~
enou h' to deter
~mn~lln . during carRo loading. ,
~ ThL ;:~:.wld imolve t6eir ~~ckers an confiscating
PropaaL ta the amend- va+aele m a n o t be n e c e s-
ment 6eve bean ven added direct supervision aad the Y
lmp~tw by the pieizura oa ~PP~ ap of security ar- sary~ ' the sources said.
April S of tbout S 12 million ~ge~~~ tb~ ~ti'p�
woRth of opium hidden on Mr I,a uid the Govem-
board the Ptaamanlan-re~is- ~~t u weU aw~are thit cer-
on+ed Iroitbter Lu C}uans.
CSO: 5320
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LARGE OPIUM SEIZURE--Hong Kong, S April--Customs officers today made the larg- -
_ est seizure of opium smuggled by ocean-going vessels since 1969 when they con- _
fiscated 94 kilogratmnes (207 lbs) of dehydrated prepared opium worth 2.3 million
US dollars on the retai]. market. A Government s~okesman said two Chinese men _
- were arrested after a sea chase early this morning. The two men were ferrying
the drugs in a walla-walla which was intercepted in Hong Kong waters by a cus- _
toms launch. They jumped overboard but were subsequently picked up from the
sea by customs officers. The seizure was a result of an extensive investiga-
tion by customs officers over a few weeks about a possible consignment of drugs
on board the Panamanian-registered ship Lu Chiang. A sParch wa~ conducted when
the ship first arrived here on February 17 after calling at India, Singapore -
and Bangkok. Customs officers failed to find any narcotics and the vessel was -
- allowed to leave for North Korea. Customs of�icers increased surveillance on -
the ship when it returned from North Korea on Friday. NAB/AFP [Text] =
[Rangoon THE WORKING PEOPLE'S DAILY in English 7 Apr 81 p 6] "
CSO: 5300
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DRUG SEIZURE--Police have seized about 6,800 grams of dadah [drugJ in the last 2
months. They include 5,000 grams of opium, 1,500 grams of heroin and 300 grams
_ of gan3a. Director of Criminal Investigation Datuk Abdul Rahman Ismail told news-
men in Kuala Lumpur on 30 April that 4~2 people had been detained for dadah offenses.
Among them two were suspected of being opium pushers and seven others pushers of
heroin. In all 86 raids were carried out throughout the country. [Text] [Kuala
Lumpur International Serv~.ce in English 0630 GMT 30 Apr 81 BK]
DF~1TH SENTENCE FOR THREE--Kuala Lumpur, Apr 7(AP)--The director of criminal
investigations, Abdul Rahman Ismail, said Tuesday a total of ~0 persons, in-
cluding 11 foreigners were arrested for drug trafficking in Malaysia last
year. During the same period three persAns were sentenced to death and 12
others ,jailed for life for drug trafficking, he told reporters. A total of
5,610 persons were also caught for offences under the dangerous drugs ordi-
nance last year. Of that number, 4,450 cases involved heroin and the rest
cannabis, opium and morphine. Information minister, Mohamed Rahmat, mean-
while told a seminar on drugs that there are about 400,000 drug addicts in
Malaysia which has a population of 13 million. [Text] [Taipei THE CHINA
' POST in English 8 Apr 81 p 6]
- CSO: 5300
12 ~
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tIASHISH SEIZURE--Islamabad, April 16--The Islamabad 9irport Customs Staff seized
worth Rs 10 million Hashish today Customs authorities said. The Ctisto~ns staff
found the contraband in two boxes that had been left at the international brief-
ing counter just before the British Airways flight left for London. The Assis-
- tant Collector of Customs Mr Zafarul Ma~id said that since the boxes had not
been booked in anybody's name an announcement was made to that effect in the
aircraft but nobody came forward to claim ownership. The contraband weighed
39 kilograms--APP [Text] [Karachi MORNING NEWS in English 17 Apr 81 p 8J
NARCOTICS DEN RAIDED--Sukkur--Police raided a secret narcotics den near Station
Road and recovered 75 bottles of liquor and one kilo of opium. One person was
arrested on the spot. Police organised the raid after receiving information
about the existence of such a den. The arrested person has been identified as
Khadim Hussain.--PPI [TextJ [Karachi MORNING NEWS in English 9 Apr 81 p 3]
U.S.-BOUND PASSENGER HELD--The Customs Intelligence arrested a Washington-
- bound passenger, Mr Manzoor Hussain, at Karachi Airport on Friday night with
approximately 1500 grams (1-1/2 kgs) of finest quality heroin secreted in the
false bottom of his two suit-cases, says a press release. Investigations are
in progress and more arrests are likely. The Directorate has meanwhile seized
two more Mercedez Benz cars for which Customs duties etc had not been paid.
[Text] [Karachi DAWN in English 12 Apr 81 p 10]
RANGERS SEIZE OPIUM--Bhai Phero, April 17--The Sutla,j Rangers foiled a bid to
- smuggle six kilograms of opi~ and arrestied the alleged smuggler along with a
bag containing opium near Kanganpur. The accused has been booked and further
investigations are in progress.--PPI [Text] [Karachi DAWN in English 18 Apr
- 18 Apr 81 p 4]
HASHISH SEIZURE AT ISLAMABAD--Islamabad, April 17--The Airport Customs authori-
ties yesterday seized 39 kilograms of charas, valued at one million dollars in
international underground drug market, at Islamabad international airport,
being smuggled to London by a British Airways plane. The Customs Authorities
told PPI that following an infortnation to the Assistant Collector Customs Mr
Zafar Majeed, about charas smuggling, a special raiding party Ali and Raja
Abbas Ali, the Deputy Superintendents along with Customs Inspector Abdul
Jabbar was deputed to intercept. Yesterday morning, before the departure of
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nriti5l~ Airways Lc~ndon flight the raiding team spotted two suit cases at brief-
_ Ing counters and later in the presence of authorities they were unsealed und 39
kilograms of charas was recovered. Nobody claimed the ownership of the suit
cases so far. However, the Customs authorities are looking for alleged smug-
glers who were hehind the transportation of charas to London. Further investi-
gations are in progress.--PPI [Text] [Karachi DAWN in English 18 Apr 81 p 4]
HEROIN RECOVERED--APP/PPI add: A Pakistani passenger bound for Copenhagen was
ar~-ested by the airport Customo and 2 kilogram of rer.oin powder from
his possession. S.M. Qaisar Mahwood was travelling on a Canadia~i passport and
- was due to boaxd the SA,S flight 972 when Custom hounds picked him up and recovered
the most valuable contraband from the false bottom and top of his suitcase. ~Text~
~Karachi DAWN in English 25 Apr 81 p 10~
CSO: 5300
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_ DEATH FOR HEROIN TRAFFICKING--Singapore, 1 April--The High Court today sentenced
two men to death for trafficking in heroin. Bong Kim Lay, 35, an unemployed
- Indonesian, was found guilty of trafficking in 53.7 grammes of heroin. The
other man, Tan Seng Hock, 29, a hawker9 was found guilty of abetting Bong in
the offence khich was committed in April 1979. Both of them were said to have
offered to sell to of~icers of the Central Narcotics Bureau 20 packets of her.oin _
valued at 7,000 Singapor~ dollars (3,350 US). Death sentence is mandatory in
_ Singapore for trafficking in 15 grammes or more of heroin. [Text] [Rangoon
. THE WORKING PEOPLE'S DAILY in English 3 Apr 81 p 6~
CSO: 5300
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Seoul KOREA HERALD in English 23 Apr 81 p 8
[Text] The police have smashed a large-scale "hiroppon" ring whose members
include a 43-year-old Japanese, the National Police Headquarters announced
yes terday.
All of the eight ring affiliates have been arrested, the announcement said. -
They were identified as Paek Chunoki, 32, a resident of Mi-dong, south ern
Pus~.n, Sin Chong-kwan, Yu U-hyang, C'hoe Chong-u, Cho Kyu-chin, Om Ik-~ung, _
Chong Mun-sok and Taguchi Kivas, who lives in Osaka, Japan,
Police seized 4.2 kg of hiroppon, an addictive narcotic, from the arres ted
= ring members. The confiscated hiroppon is worth 2,900 million Japanese
- yen.
- The announcement said that Paek Chun-ki, leader of the narcotics ring, had
run a hiroppon factory in the basement at the home of Chong Mun-sok, his
brother-in-law, since April last year. There, they are accused of producing
= lar ge amounts of hiroopon under the technir_al help of Yu Chun-wan, who is
still at large, mainly to ~arket to averseas narcotics dealers.
One of the overseas dealers was th~ arrested Japanese who reportedly gave
7 million won to the ring in down payment.
The ring leaders also promised to give 30 million won to one or more -
U.S, pilots based in Osan, Kyonggi-do, in exchange for assurances that they _
would help smuggle hiroppon out of the country to overseas outlets.
Tlie NPF~ said that a joint team of Korean police and U.S. Eighth Army narcotics
control officials seized the ring members who were trying to smuggle th~~
narcotics out uf the country.
The police agency said no U:S. pilots are now under investigation in connection
with the case.
The annoance~nent said that the Korean police have confiscated many pieces of
hiroppon manufacturjng equipment including water distil;ers.
= 16
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It also reported that a U.S, military narcotics control officer posed as
- a pilot to break the hiroppon .ring.
i.ight Penalties
Most of the hir.oppon produced in Korea is smuggled into Japan, where users
and dealers face relatively light penalties.
- Health officials, however, do not rule out the possibility that users will
increase here in the future. They pointed out that 41 addicts were caught
by law-enforcement officials here last year.
Hiroppon is said to be eff ective in the "cleansing" of b r ains and staying
awake .
_ Some narcotics officials claim th at those under the influence of the drug
have been known to engage in indecent acts and are noti ashamed of what
they have done.
CSO: 5300/4591
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~ ~
CRA.CKDOWNS ON NARCOTICS--Morphine, cocaine and hashish were among the hard drugs
that surfaced during a narcotics crackdown on the city. The anti-narcotics
~perations was timed for the period when Che city's streets were packed with US
ma.rines from the aircraft carrier "Ranger" and the cruiser "Fox." The Narcotics
- Bureau during the operation seized large qua.ntities of cannabis (ganja) a~d opius
and arrested 13 peopleo Following an arrest, the Narcotics Bureau recovered 300
U.S. dollars which had been publicly realised from the sale of narcotics to
marines, officials saido The raids were led by Inspector J. Serasinghe, officer-
in-charge of ~he Narcotics Bureau and Sub-Inspector D. Thuduwewattea On Sunday
Sergeant Wima.lasena of the Bureau also arrested two persons who were found to have
- four pour~ds of opium in their possession. ~Text~ ~Colombo SUN in English
10 Mar 81 p 1]
- CSO: 5300
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Bangkok POST in English 19 Apr 81 p Z
[Text ]
CHIANC MAI the three men and
- THREE men were ar charged them with ille-
rested at a Chiang Dao qai possesslon of banned
District checkpofnt on chemicals.
Friday evening atter po- They were identitled
lice ~eized a consignment as the truck's dNver,
of chemicals which are Thawtl Dechakui, tte
- banned in the North be owner, Thong Chaitra-
- cause they are used to koon, and another pas�
make heroin. senger, Somsak Bor� -
The chemicals, a total boon.
of 1,600 litres of ether Poltce said the three
and chloroform, were be- totd them that they had "
lleved to be destined [or been hired by a Chiang
a heroin reflnery along Mai Yransport company
the Thaf�Burma border, to delive'r the chemicals
� according to a delayed to an unnamed person in
pollce report. tront of the Fang Dlstrict
Narcotics authorttlea market.
said later that had the Chemicala used to pro-
chemicals reached the duce heroln are banned
_ retinery, they would in several disMets cloae
- have helped to produce to the Burmese border.
_ ac least 100 kllogtammes The ban, impoaed by
- of herofn. the Government last
Acting on a t?p-oft, Year as part ot lts war on
Chiang Dao Dlstrict po- narcotics, covero ether,
- ifce lay fn wait at the chloroform, acetlc chlo-
' checkpoint where they ride and acetic anhy
stopped a Fang�bound dride.
- siz�wheel truck at about
B p. m.
, ,~(4e; dL~Qvering, 12~ _
barrels of ether and
.chloroform aboard the =
truck, police ~airested~
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The three men axrested in Chiang Mai Province on F`riday after being _uund in =
_ possession of chemicals used to make heroin.
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i -
Investigation Request
Nassau THE TRIBUNE in English 13 Mar 81 p 1
[Text ] TABLED in chs House of '1'he Resolution says Mr ~ The Resolution, tabled by
??ssembly Wednesday was an Kooistta has been named by Social Democratic Pat~y
Opposition Resolution asking law enforcement officials in leader Norman Solomon
government to "immediate- his native Holland "as a m~jor pointed out that "the
ly" inve~tigate allegations d eale r in narcotics trafficking of narcotics within
that Dutchman . litze trafficking." the Bahamas is in every way
Kooistra, a Paradise [s~and It aLso cJaims "that the against the best interests of
- nsident, hag been involved in Dutch government has made this country and its people."
drug trafficking. ' official approaches to the O~n February 13th The
. The Resolution aslcs the Bovern:nent of the Bahamas Tribune ~ reported that M.r
- House to instruct the Minister seeking the extradition from Kooistra s status in the
the Bahunas o( Mr Kooistri." country was being considered
- of Homc Affaics to The Resolution noted that by govemment.
"immediately cause an ~a B~~~ '~is nbw The wealthy Dutchman has
indepth investigation into Mr internationally regarded as lived in the Bahamas for the ~
Kooistra's pest with a view to one of the world's
deportinR him if allegations P~~3' past two and a half years. His
against him are supported by nazcotics trafficking centre^." luxury Paradise Island _
fart," That reputaaon, it said, w�as mansion features a$70,000
The Resolution also asked Bained "in very many ways satellite N-entenna-dish
- the Minister of ~-Ione Affairs exceuively damaging to thi~ capable of receiving at least
to advise the House as soon as nation." 22 stations from North
_ possible "of the result of his America.
investigations into Mt -
Bail for Colombians
Nassau THE TRIBUNE in English 13 Mar 81 p 1 -
[Text] Thirteen Colombians, charged with poss~saion of 79,900 pounds of mari-
juana--described as the largest drug seizure ever made at sea in the Bahamas-- _
were yesterday granted a total cash bail of $1.3 million.
The Colombiana appeared before Magistrate Shirin Edun for the third time since
their arrest on February 16. Magistrate Edun refused bail on the f irst two ~
occasions when application was made by their lawyer Godfrey Pinder.
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Charged ~ were: Miguel Bait for the Colombians was
- Ralios, 39; Hernando Parodo, refused February 27 for the
36; Lacides Sua~ez, 40; second time on the grounds
Dameris Colon, 25; Rafe that an early day for tri~l ha~
biunoz, 26; Federnan M Adeca; been~ set, March 12. However,
36; Ducan Gatcia, 39; Juan when the Colombians ~ppeazed
Eliccer, Z0; Ediardo Alvarez, in court for trial yesterday, an
28; Eduardo Salano, 28; Alvaro interproter was not present and
Julio, 38; Rafael Martinez, 29; the case inad to be adjourned to
and Juan Francisco, 31. May 29.
' The men were arrested Lawyer Godfrey Pinder
aboard the "Cordobes," a 1~0 who, along with Elliott -
foot, steel�h~lled cargo v,essel Lockhart, is repnsenting the
by Defence Force Marines accused, made a third
- aboard the HMBS Marlin appflcation for bail yesterday.
- commanded by Amoa Rolle. The Colombians wen :~ch
The arrest was made at Little granted bail at S 100,000.
Stirrup Cay in the Berry So fu the bail has not been
Islands. posted and the accused have
been remanded in custody:
- ~ Co~ent on DEA Act~on
Nassau TFiE TRIBUNE in English 25 Mar 81 p 5
[Article by Etienne Dupuch]
[Excerpts] ON THURSDAY, March 12th the high seas over a wide ana of the .
- Bahamas. The activities of pirates have
_ American Drug Enforcernent Agency resulted in yac;~tsmen being warned not
made the biggest haul of drug traffickers to cruise among our islands. T7iis
since this business has become centered situation has seriously affected the
- largely iri tNe Bahamas and Florida.
Of sperial interest to the Bahamas is legitimate business of marina operators -
t tie fact that Nassau was the in some of the islands.
headquarters of the DEA investigator -
who was successful in making this big I wonder how far this probe will -
haul. He is ~iescribed as a Louisiana affect Bahamiaa~s who may have been
redneck who convinced the trade that he engaged in this deadly traffic. It is
was capable of facilitating the movement naturally assumed that the DEA man,
, of their cargoes. He was able to build up who conducted this investigation from
this close relationship with the smugglers headquarters in Nassau, must have also
with thc cooperation of the US Coast probed the activities of people in Nassau
ruard and the Bahamas Police Force who acted as agents for the smugglers.
who place~i certain facilities at the You will remember that last year an
disposal of the DEA investigator that so American drug investigator entered the
- impressed the leaders of the smuggling Bahamas quietly to probe drug activities
rings thut he was able ~to bore right into in certain of our islands. He claimed that -
~Tf-is -general~ believed 'that severa! he found an active operation being
Bahamians have been engaged in carried on in Nassau, Andros and Bimini.
faciliCating the passage of drugs through He released information on certain _
uur ~s~anus ~ne coas: of Florida. T'here people with whom he said he had
_ is eviderrce of unexplainable prosperity dealings but the Bahamas police were
- among formerly poor families in IVassau unable to identify any of these people
and some of the Out Islands that point and so no more was heard from it.
_ accusingly ir~ �his d'uectian. It is widely T~s man was not only chased out of
kn~wn that smugglers now control the the Bahamas by the authorities in Nassau
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but, surprisingly, an American employea to smash the drug traffic in our islands,
by the Ministry of Tourism baaed the government should have wclcomed
Miami's TV channel 10 from entering this activity. A,t the time drug
the Bahamas to film the areas covend by investigators said that official objection
the American investigator. The to their secret activities in the Bahamas
government went so far as to lodge a would not deter them they would
strong protest with Washington objecting enter the islands as tourists and carry on
to an Amer~can national conducting an their investigation~ in this disguise.
investigation in the Bahamas without This incident has led to the belief~
first obtaining official permission. among my friends in Miami that, unless
The reason given by the American Bahamians engaged in drug activities
investigator for not revealing his have been able to work out a ptivate deal
activities in the islands was that he was with American investigators, that
convinced that this activity reached the covered their tails, the time may come
highest possible levels in Nassau. when Bahamians will be involved in
I said at the time that, instead of some of these exposures. lt is being
objecting to DEA investigators helping widely said that many surprises will
- come out of this investigation.
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= SENTENCES FOR COLOMBIANS--T~ao men, whose plame disappeared with them on a flight
from Bimini to Nassau, were among six to be fined $2,000 each yesterday and ~ent
to prison for 2-1/2 years �or possession of mari~uana and f irearms. However, _
when yesterday's hearing res~uned before Magistrate George van Sertima only two
of the six men showed up for trial. They were Jose Gomez, 38, and Manuel
Rodriguez, 20. Lawyer Langton Hilton told the magistrate that his other
- clients were "unavoidably absent." Those missing from court were Armando -
Milanes, 20, Robert Spector, 33, Robert Stalica, 31, and Martin Nizarani, 36.
Spector and Milanes have been missing since January 6th on a flight between
Bimini and Nassau. All six were charged with possession of 111 bags of mari-
~uana, three 12 gauge shotguns, and a 9 mm machine gun at South Bimini on _
- November 24. Gomez was given an extra six months--bringing his prison term to
three years--for possession of 28, 9 mm bullets. [Excerrt] [Nassau THE TRIBUNE
in English 28 Mar 81 p 1]
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Hamilton THE ROYAL GAZETTE in English 28 Mar 81 p 1
[Text] Drugs pose a"monumental" problem for Bermuda; i*_ ~laimed at the
- Senate yesterday. And Senators voiced fears that drugs were coming into the -
Island on yachts at night and on cruise ships during the season. "There is no -
doubt that this community has what I consider to be a monumental problem,
perhaps the worst facing it, in the matter of illegal drugs," said Senator
Quinton Edness, the Minister of Community Aff airs.
He felt the Police did an outstanding job in preventing drugs coming in to the
Island, and had been fairly successful in catching people involved in the sale -
- and importation of drugs. -
But Senator Edness felt that apart from tackling the drugs problem head on, -
there had ~o be a campaign to educate young people on the dangers of drugs.
He congratulated the Police for their efforts in schools, and said Government
planned an Islandwide campaign.
Senator Sir John Pluwman, Government's spokesman in the Senate, said that
increased Police and Customs checks at the Airport had reduced the flow of drugs,
particularly mariiuana, coming into the Island.
"I know some people object to the quite stiff ineasures that are taken from time
to time but they must recognise that these measures are occasionally necessary,"
- he said. Senator Hugh Richardson, the Senate President, said it seemed that the
drugs problem was under control during winter months. But things worsened when
the cruise ships and yachts started to arrive.
"My concern is over what can b~e done to further hamper the flow of drugs coming
in through cruise ships," he said.
Senator Arnott Jackson (I:ldependent) said there often seemed to be a lot of
activity off the South Shore at night and he thought this could be connected -
_ with the drug trade. He knew that Customs men went aboard vessels that were -
officially entering Bermuda.
"But no importer of drugs is going to officially declare himself," he said. "I `
am sure that we should have appropriate monitorfng of that area so that we can _
be seen to be doing all we can."
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HEROIN DEALING ACQUITTAL--An admitted heroin addict was yestercay acquitted by a
- Supreme Court jury on two charges involving possession of heroin with intent to
supply. The jury cleared Berwyn Millard Dears, 35, of North Street, Hamilton,
of possession of 0.672 grammes of heroin, and of possession of the drug with
intent to supply it to others. The verdicts were handed down following two-
= and-one-half-hours deliberation after the two-day trial. [Excerpt] [Hamilton
TIi~ ROYAL GAZETTE in English 20 Mar 81 p 2]
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Santiago LA NACION in Spanish 27 Mar 81 p 6A
- jText] Since its establishment in 1974, the Carabineeros Department o~ Crime
Prevention and Drug Control, OS-7, has confiscated~more than one-quarter ton
of cocaine hydrochloride worth approximately $100 million.
_ This information was supplied by the chiefs of that specialized uniformed police -
unit who are giving courses in Concepcion on those sub~ects to police officials
_ and personnel working with the Carbineeros in that region who will soon form an
- OS-7 brigade in the Eighth Region.
These chiefs said that in the last 5 months alone the Carabineeros had dis- -
mantled three organizations engaging in drug processing and traff icking aimed
_ at the United States, Spain, France and England, with transit through Central
America where interiiational distribution is being handled. '
In the most recent actions, the police seized 50 kilos of coca base, discovered
- a hydrochloride processing laboratory and dismantled a processing ring headed by `
Guillermo Arnold Rocco Perez and f ormer soccer glayer Sergio Ramirez.
As for Ramirez, it was said that as of now the police have only been able to
prove his role as "custodian" of the product, an activity which is punishable
under Law 17,974 wt~ich penalizes both the trafficker and a mere possessor of
drugs, without extenuating circumstances.
The OS-7 ~hiefs, who for obvious reasons did not identify themselves, added that
_ since the formation of the group in 1974, its activities have been aimed at
- preventing and combating the manufacture, traffic and consumption of all kinds _
of drugs and hallucinogens. OS-7 has become an effective collaborator with the
Judicial branch. -
Although there are no significant indications of drug trafficking in Concepcion,
there are ~actors which suggest that such trafficking could increase in the
future. This forced the superior echelons o~ the Carabineeros to form an OS-7
group in the region.
Tt~is group already has all the nec~ssary human and material resources and will -
begin operations in the next few weeks; however, this does not mean additional
expenditures for the organization, as regional personnel and elements were util- -
ized who were gi.ven instruction and orientatioxt on a new modus operandi.
8143 27
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- DRUG TRAFFICKERS ARRESTID, DRUGS SEIZID--Members of the Sth Brigade of the Investi-
- gation's Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Department arrested: 51-year-old merchant
Pedro Waldo Alvarez Grimaldi, with a police record as drug trafficker; 44-year-old
Jorge Lillo, also known as a drug traffick~r; and 34-year-old truck driver Fernando
Calderon Calderon. The three persons were arrested during a meeting in which they
- were deciding haw to sell 400 g. of cocaine, which was seized from them, supplied
by a Peruvian citizen who is at large. [PY060201 Santiago LA 'PERCERA DE LA HORA
17 Apr 81 p 46 PY]
PEDDLER OF STIMULANTS CAUGHT--Valparaisn--Maria lnes Gonzalez Burgos, 24, was ar- -
rested yesterday in this city carrqing 17 bottles of a stimulant called desbutal
which o~ere going to be sold to young addicts of this city. The arrested peddler
confessed that there is a drug ring operating between Santiago and Valparaiso. The
drug ring i.nvolves some well-known criminals, doctors and drugstore owners. [PY060201
Santiago LA TERCERA DE LA HORA in Spanish 19 Apr 81 p 75 PY]
COCAINE TRAFFICKER ARRESTED--Arica--Yicente Elias Quispe Maldonado, age 44, -
single, a resident of the town of San Joae, alleyway Cosapilla 1521, has been
- arrested by the Arica First Drug Brigade for transporting 1.5 kilos of cocaine
in a paper bag. The arrest was made in Ibanez Park as Vicente Quispe was walking
through an area in which the civil police were conducting preventive patrols.
Suspicious actions by Quispe caused the police agents to search him. The great
surprise was a paper bag containing at least 1.5 kilos of cocaine worth 800,000
pesos in sales of the "white goddess." When questioned, Quispe, who worked as a
_ supplier of small livestock, said that the drug was~made available to him by a
Peruvian named Ostaquio Ayala Zegarra and that because of financial difficulties
he had taken to the streets to se11 it. jText] jSantiago LA TERCERA DE LA
HORA in Spanish 26 Mar 81 p 58] 8143
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- Bogota EL SIGLO in Spanish 24 Mar 81 pp 1, 2
[Text) In spite of the obvious restrictions concerning the illegal marihuana market
in existence in this country and abroad, it has bPen possible to establish that im-
portation of improved marihuana from the United States, in order to satisfy the
"taste" of "expert" Colombian consumers of grass, has begun.
The "seedless" variety, as the marihuana produced in the state of Florida in the
United States is called, considerably improved with careful processes for growing,
_ reproducing and harvesting, has surpassed in "quality" the effect of Colombian mari-
huana, which, until a short time ago, held first place in the world among users of
Another_.ghenomenonthat has contributed to a downgrading of the "good image" of Colom-
. bian grass is the intervention of "unscrupulous traffickers," who mix the leaves of
Colombian marihuana with sesame and "ma tarraton" [Gliricidia sepium] leaves, in o rder
to increase the weight and thus obtain greater profit. According to reports in the
daily newspaper EL TIEMPO yesterday, the most prominent Colombian exporters, that
- is to say the ones handling the illegal traffic market, met in a"summit" meeting on
the Atlantic coast to analyze the disturbing phenomenon of a shutdown of the United
States market, demonstrating in this way its reaction to the constant "swindles" to
which it is subjected by Colombian "businessmen."
But the American users are not the only ones who have complained of the decline in
quality of the famous Colombian "red tip". Colombians also feel that they are being
swindled and that is why the market has begun to take a 180-degree turn.
Colombian Consumption Declines
Consumption within this country has dec reased, if not in the same proportion as in
the United States, at least alarmingly for the already concerned marihuana "indus�-
trialists" who see how now their "flourishing" business is declining, not because of
the security measures applied by the governments of both cauntries, but rather be-
cause of a phenomenon applicable only to the Latin nature: a desire to make more
with less effort.
Now the "incomparable" natural circumstances of Colombia's climate and land are no t
enough. Not only is the grass being sub~ected to adulterations with leaves of other
plant products, but also its quality its elf has been surpassed with American tech-
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In addition, conditions on the United States market are constantly improving. Spe-
cialized magazines, established advertising, promotions recomanending brands and me-
thods can be acquired freely at magazine stands and are received on the street.
- Progress in American technology applied to marihuana growing have overthrown the wide-
spread legend of the "privileged Colombian soil on which the se eds are merely thrown
wherever they fall and, after a 3- or 4-month wait, the harvest is gathered."
How the 'Seedless' Variety Is Grown
Seeds are planted in very well-setup seedbeds. Technical transplants are made.
Fertilizer.s, irrigation and complicated fertilization processes are used until the
famous "seedless" variety is obtained, which consists of plants 10 to 12 feet high
and which are subjected to constant pruning starting at the point of their maturing.
Each plant produces many harvests.
Artificial pollen irriga tion systems have been set up in those seedbeds, in order to
increase concentration of the substances that produce the hallucinogenic effect.
- Lights with special lenses have been installed to imitate the climate conditions on
- the Santa Marta Range and the Himalaya Mountains, regarded as "ideal." It has been
possible to reduce the photosynthesis processes of the plant a~d to improve the
pruning so that the new shoots will ensure reprnduction of plants that are an exact
copy of the original in number and size of the leaves and in production of resins.
Ilnited States marihuana growing, differently from Colombian growing, requires hours
_ and hours of ineticulous care, use of fans and humidifiers and constant vigilance.
Many Shipments Are Waiting
"Marimba gringa,"as [American marihuana] is also called here, is the result of a
combination of Colombia sativa with Afghana indica, regarded as the best t~o in the
world, but improved with specialized growing methods.
The result is that the relatively new product has begun to impose itself, on the
international markets and even on the domestic market, over Co lombian marihuana,
which is not only of a lower quality, but also is usually mixed with "matarraton"
� leaves.
At any rate, concern is spreading among Colombian "expurr~ters," because large indus-
trial facilities have been set up around this business, millions have been invested
and profits have also been immense and expectations in this connection are con-
stantly increasing.
In any event, the first snags have already been felt by large and small dealers and
growers and in several of the many clandestine ports of exit for grass large ship-
ments are waiting that have not been claimed by supposed buyers who have decided to
change "supplier."
CSO: 5300/2256
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Bogota EL ESPE CTADOR in Spanish 31 Mar 81 p 10-A
[Article by Jose Guillermo Herrera on money-laundering charges against Hernan Botero
Moreno, manage r of the National Athletic soccer team]
[Text] Medell in, 30 March--Sports ~an$ger Hernan Botero Moreno, allegedly involved in
drug traffic and in "laundering" millions of dollars, denied today his connection
with illegal activities and revealed that he is waiting for a favorable reply from
the office of the district attorney of Miami on a reduction of the sizable bail de-
manded and gua rantees that he will appear before authorities in the United States
who want to interrogate him.
In a"communique to public opinion" released this afternoon, the president of the
National Athletic Club maintained that an unknown "secret informer" avaiied himself
of the shelter of anonymity for his "perfidious slander."
Botero Moreno was implicated by the authorities in Miami in drug trafficking and in the
"laundering" of $70 million coming from that activity and most of which was supposed
to have been transferred to the Workers Bank of Colombia.
The manager of the National Athletic soccer team stated in his explanation that
"aside from my brother Roberto, I do not even know the persons with whom it is said
that I conspir ed against the country to the north in drug traffic and in tax evasion.
- That is to say, I do not know who Lozardo Restrepo, Carlos Urdaneta and Col Luis
- Arce Gomez and Col Nolberto Salomon Soria are.
"Neither my b rother Roberto Botero Moreno nor I-- ;I{eZtzan Botero Moreno have made
deposits of foreign currency through the Workers Bank of Colombia, as has been stated
publicly by the president of that institution, Dr Javier Bustamante Diaz, and he re-
peats it in a certification that I have in my possession," he said.
"I have not had," he reiterated, "dealings or communication of any kind with the Bo-
livian ambassador to Venezuela, Salomon Soria, or with the former minister of the in-
terior of Bolivia, Col Luis Arce Gomez (according to what I have seen in the press).
I repeat that I do not even known those gentlemen."
Botero Moreno also stated that he has official documents certifying that he has never
been investigated in Colombia for involvement in drug traffic. At the same time, he
maintained that his life and background are clean and that he has acquired his assets
by means of "legal business activities, as all who know me are aware."
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- The team manager announced that he expects a"favorable reply from the Miami district
attorney in charge of the annoying affair, in which a secret enemy is at~.empting to
involve me, to a petition from my attorney concerning a reduction of the sizable and
- unexplainable bail that has been required of ine and the necessary guarantees for pro-
tection of my rights, for my appearance before the ~udiciary authorities in the United
States who want to interrogate me, because I have nothing to conceal and nothing to
fear, with the exception of the perfidy of unknown, gratuitous enemies."
, Hernan Botero Moreno, who has hopes that the judiciary authorities in the United
States will remove merit from the "false, imprudent charges of which I have been the
victim," expressed gratitude for the solidarity received from organizations and per-
- sons who are familiar with his background.
CSO: 5300/2256
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_ COCAINE SEIZED AT EL DORADO--Fifteen kilograms of cocaine with a high pQrcentage of
~ purity were seized at El Dorado from Marta Nelly Gonzalez, who arrived from Lima on
- Iberia Flight 930. The authorities reported that the young woman ~ras carrying the
alkaloid in a handbag and that she tried to evade the customs offi~ials. She was
taken immediately to the pertinent police headquarters. [Text] (Bogota EL TIEMPO
in Spanish 21 Mar 81 p 7-A] 10042
TWO MARIHUANA RAIDS DESCRIBED--The authorities in Meta and Magdalena departments ad-
ministered a double blow to marihuana traffickers when they seized 250 packets of
the hallucinogen. The operations were carried out at places known as E1 Pinal, in
Meta Department, and Cienaga, in Magdalena Department. In add~!tion, Fabio de Jesus =
Velez, Eli Gordillo, Edison Suarez and Jose Agustin Aguilar Aernandez were arrested
at those places. The persons arre~ted were turned over to the pertinent authorities
who immediataly started the appropriate investigations. [Text] [Bogota EL ESPECTADOR
- in Spanish 21 Mar 81 p 25-A] 10042 -
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P~Iexico City EL SOL Dc^, MEXICO in 12 Apr 81 p 9-A ~
[Article by Isaias Colunga Morales]
[Text] With the use of new and modern equipment, and better
training for Federal Judicial. Police agents, Mexico is now no longer _
one of the main eenters of tfie drug traffic, tfie head of the Federal
_ Judicial Police, Gen Raul Mendiolea Cerecero, said jTesterday.
The police official explained that for the past 6~ears the planting,
- cultivation, and traffic of drugs fiad been a very disturbing problem _
- for the government, particularly for the office of the public pro-
secutor, since they did not have the aircraft (~oth planes and heli-
- copters) needed to halt the activities of the drng traffickers, botfi _
Mexican and international, who had made Mexico one of tfie~r main -
- centers of operation.
It is estimated that this activity has declina~ by 50 percent,
especially plantir.g and cultivation. There is little land now _
planted in drug crops, although it is harder to deter,t, since what
is left is now locat~d deep in tfie ~mountains.
_ Fortunately, said Gen Mendiolea Ce~ecero, the police in Mexico are
being modernized constantly and police agents are properly trained.
The top police official said that now the main areas where the _
Federal Juflicial Police and the army--which work togetfier--are con-
centrating their attention are th.e states of Oaaaca, Guerrero,
Jalisco, Sinaloa, Veracruz, and Chiapas, w~iere tfie plantinq and
cultivation of marijuana and opium poppies lias pers-isted. -
Efforts agai.nst the international drug trade are meeting with ever
growing success, he claimed, as is shown by the fact that frequent
arrests are made and drugs confiscated.
- 7679 ~ -
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I~exico City EXCELSIOR in Spanish 1 Apr 81 p 8-D
[Article by Rafael Medina and Victor Payan]
[Text] A ring of drug traffickers operating inside the ~'ederal
District Penitentiary and the Northern Prison, with the complicity -
- of some guards and their supervisors, was discovered by tfie office
of the public prosecutor, following the arrest of a woman just half
a block away from the prison with a little over 1.5 kilos of cocaine -
which had been brought into the country from Colomliia and kept in
the prison until being sold. -
This ring of drug traffickers, compose~l o� Colombians and Mexicans,
~ also falsified automobile registrations and pass~orts.
The investigations by the Federal Judicial Police began with the
_ arrest of Dolores Margarita Gonzalez Fuentes at the corner of
Revillagigedo and Independencia, in the first section.
When questioned by the deputy director of the Federal Judicial :
Police, Joaq~in Figueroa Lunay she~said that Arnoldo Flores de la
- Cruz, an inmate in Sar.t~ Marta Acatitl~ for crimes against the public
welfare, and an escapee from the Ciudad Aleman Tamaulipas jail, had
given her the 3rugs which she was to deliver to other people who
would distribute them both in Mexico and in the United States.
The authoxities have continued their investigations inside the
Federal District Penitentiary and have foun~ tha~t the supplier of
Arnoldo Flores was a Colombian, Harold Bravo, an inmate in the Santa
Marta Acatitla jail, who ordered drugs from Colombia by telephone.
- Jose Felix Restrepo sent the drugs from Palmira, Colombia, by means
~ of Teresa Rodriguez, a Colombian, who is now a fugitive from justice.
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~ The directors of the jail and the Federal Judicial Police found the
- following items in Harold Bravo's cell: seven bags of cocaine; 11.
stamps ror automobi.le bills of sale; three drug blenders; five dis-
posable syringes; checkbooks ~rom a number of banks; and five fal-
sified passports.
In the Northern Prison the Federal Judicial Police arrested two
guards, G