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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060010-1
JPRS L/9429
8 December 1980
Woridvvide ~e ort -
(FOUO 51 /80)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060010-1
APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060010-1
~ JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign ,
newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency
transmissions and broadcasts. Marerials from foreign-language
sources are translated; those from English-language sources
are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and
other characteristics retained.
Headlines., editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets
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Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are
enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques-
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Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an
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The contents of this publication in no way re~.resent the poli-
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060010-1
APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060010-1
= JPRS L/9429
8 December 1980
(FOUO 51/80) _
- As ~
Drug Suppression 1
Heroin Dealer Jailed 1
Woman Drug Dealer Imprisoned 1
Opium Possesser Arrested 1 -
Rewards to Informers 2
Heroin Addict Arrested 2
Heroin SeiZed in Kemmendine 2
l~bn State Stippression Drive 2
Report Says 1979 Successful Year in Antidrug Fight
(SOUTH QiINA MOHI~tING POST, 8 Nov 80) . . . . . . 3
= Canfiscatian of Assets Used in Drug Trade Considered
NORML Urges End to Prohibitions on Cannabis Use
(THE PRESS, 2 Oct 80) 5 -
Heroin Importation Charge 6
_ Sentences Almost Weekly 6
U.S. Antidrug Campaigner 6
- Opium Seized ~
- a - [III - WW - 138 FOUO] -
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Co lombo Emerges as Trade Center fo r Gan j a
(Ranil Weerasinghe; WEEKEND, 9 Nov 80) ....................oo... 8 -
In ternational Drug Racket 11
Number of Heroin Addicts on Rise
- (DAO SIAM, 26 Sep 80)...........~ 12
Opium Trafficking Networks Described
(Withun; SI~4M RAT, 29 Sep 80) 13
Interior Minister Comments on Drug Trafficking
(Radio Illimani Network, 20 Nov 80) 17 -
Notes Lechin Statements
Talks of Suing Publications
Crop Diversification Project Officidlly Inaugurated
(PRESENCIA, 23 Oct 80) ......................................o. 18 -
Rio Governor Creates Task Force To Combat Drugs
(0 GLOBO, 8 Oct 80) .................................o~......... 20 ~
Ring Transporting Cocaine From Bolivia to Rio Disbanded
(0 GLOBO, 15 Oct 80) 21
- Poiice n~_~?~antle Drug Storage Facilit_y in Southern Zone
(0 GLOBO~ i~ nrt 80) ..............o............................ 22
Drug Depot _
- Depot Dismantled -
Pardon Proposed for Youths Arrested LJith Small Amount of Drugs -
(0 GLOBO, 10 Oct 80) 25
Briefs _
Drug Traffic.ker Sentenced 26
Colombia~~ Traffickers Sen~enced 26
_ - b -
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(~i I LE
- Cocaine Laboratory 27
, Drug Traffickers Arrested 2~
' Clandestine .~.irfields To Be Destroyed
(EL ESPECTADOR, 8 Sep 80) 28
Woman 'M~ile' Seized at El Ibrad~ With Marihuana
(EL TIEMPO, 10 Sep 80) 29
Cocaine Traffickers Seized at Airport
(EL ESPECTADOR, 8 Oct 80) 31
Bad Week for Traffickers Anno~ced
- (EL ESPECTADOR, 11 Oct 80) 34
Cocaine Traffickers, Laboratories Seized 36
DAS Raids 36
Panamanian Registry Ship Seize3 3n
- Guaviare Drug 37
Marihuana Field in Guachaca 37
Government Secretariat Representative Releases Jailed Traffickers
(EL MANANA, 9 Oct 80) 38
Officials Criticized for Handling of Pill Trafficking Case
Federal Judicial Police Seize Pills, Arrest Trafficker
(EL MANANA, 11 Oct 80) 42
Marihuana Plantation Destroyed on Sinaloa-Nayarit Border
(EL SOL DE SINALOA, 8 Oct 80)...~ 44
B riefs
Marihuana Traffickers Sentenced 45
Large Marihuan a Shipment Seized 45
Eight Marihuana Traffickers Jailed 46
= PIP Destroys Narcotic Bands, Seizes Drugs, Cash
- (LA PRENSA, 17 Oct 8~J), 47
- c -
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= Overall Social Ills ~f Drug Addi~tion Analyzed
- (JAVANAN-E E1~cUZ, 12 Oct 80).........o 48
Antidrugs Group Sees 'American Narcotics Situation'
, (BERLINGSKE TIDENDE, 7 Nov 8(l) 55
~ Working Group Formed To Study Drug Abuse Prisoners
(Dan Axel; BERLINGSKE TIDENDE, 7 Nov 80) 57
Folketing Member Asks Investigation of Drug Death Causes
(Dan Axel; BERLINGSKE TIDENDE, 31 Oct 80) 58
Narcotics Deaths Increased 50 Percent in 1979
(Jens Thomsen; BERLINGSKE TIDENDE, 1 Nov SO).......o........... 59
= Police Seize Heroin Worth 40 Million Kroner From Turkish Gang
(Mogens Auning; BERLINGSKE 'lIDENDE, 3 Nov 8(}) 61
Drug, Alcohol Abuse by Women Increataing
Storting Justice Committee Demands Tougher Drugs Fight
(AF'TENPOSTEN, 5 Nov 80).........~ .............................o. 65
Government Asks E:ctension of Antidrug Phone Tap Law
(Kristin Moksnes; ARBEIDERBLADET, 25 Oct Sd) 67
Olso Police Seize Kilogram of Heroin Smuggled ~'rom Derunark
(Inge D. Hanssen; AFTENPOSTEN, 8 Nov 80) 69
Re cord Drugs Overdose Deaths 71
Hashish Seized in Trondheim
Dane ArrestPd: Smuggled Hashish 71
Major Heroin Seizure in East
(DUNYA, 14 Nov 80) 73
Briefs 74
Heroin Sei:zed
. . - d -
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DRUG SUPPRESSION--Lashio, 23 Oct--A maeting to explain the drug suppression cam-
paign in Lashio township was held at the conference hall of the township people's
council yesterday. Township People's Police Force Commander U Mya Than explained
the drug suppression campaign to township party, council anu military officials
present at the meeting. U Mya Than said: "A total of 375 persons involved in
206 drug cases have been arrested as of 14 October 1980, The drugs seized were
1,001.78 gm of heroin; opium, 240.72 kg; brown opium powder, 15.05 kg; morphine
blocks, 1.36 kg; and other drugs, 9.29 kg. The value of the drugs seized was
1,352,629 kyat. In 1976-77, 533.5 acres of poppy weredestroyed; in 1977-78, 105
acres; in 1978-79, 204.66 acres; and in 1979-80, 39.58 acres. The biggest-ever
drug haul in 1980 was made on 16 September 1980 when 14,07 kg of brown opium powder
and 1.36 kg of morphine were seized hidden amo ng the pears on a truck belonging to
= Hu Pauk Sein of Man Pang village in Kutkai township. Further investigation into
this case resulted in the arrest of nine persons from Kutkai, Lashio and Taunggyi.
There were members of a gang traf�icking drugs between Ta Mo-nye village of Kutkai
township and the border region of Tachilek. All of the gang members have been
arrested," reported U Mya Than. [Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 2 Nov 80 p 5)
HEROIN DEALER JAILED--Ko Tin Myint of No 465, 12th Street, llth Ward, South Okkalapar
- who was arrested with 21,000 kyat worth of hero in and 13,0~0 kyat in cash obtained
from heroin ~ales, was sentenced to 14 years imprisonment by the South Okicalapa
Township court on 31 October. A Rangoon police squad found the heroin when it
raided Ko Tin Myint's residence on 9 May 1980. Ko Tin Myint was tried under Sections
6.S and 10.B of the Narcotic Drugs Law. (Rangoon LOKTHA PYEITHU NEZIN in Burmese
2 Nov 80 p 7j
WOMAN DRUG DEALER IMPRISONED--Pabedan Township court on 1 November sentenced Ma
Molly, 32, of Bogyoke Street to 5 years imprisonment o~ith hard labor as she was
faund quilty as charged undEr Section 6.B of the Narcotic Drugs Law. She was
arrested after a police raid on her house on 23 May 1980 uncovered 7.5 gma of
heroin. [Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 2 Nov 80 p 7]
OPIUM POSSESSER ARRESTED--On 29 October, a Rangoon police squad seized about 1
pound of cooked opium in Pazundaung Park from U Tun Yin, 58, of Kuthni Village,
Kyauktan Township. U Tun Yin was charged'under Sections 6,B and 14.D of the
Narcotic Drugs Law by Botataung police station. [Rangoon MY,ANMA ALIN in Burmese
31 Oct 80 p 7]
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REWARDS TO INFORMERS--In the case of seizures of drugs and gems in accordance
with the Narcotic Drugs Law and ~he Cust4ms Act., inform~rs ar.d the arresting party
who made the seizurea possible will be rewarded as f.ollows: The valtie of the goods ~
seized will be calculated; 50 percent of the value will be presented to the atate
and of the remaining 50 percent, 20 percent will be reserved for the "central funds" -
(as heard], 20 percent will be presented to the informer and 10 percent ta+ the
arresting parties. (TextJ [Rangoon Domestic Service in Burmese 1330 GMT 17 Oct 8~]
HEROIN ADDICT ARRESTED--Rangoon's Bahan Township police on 10 October searched
Tun Tun, 28, of 3d Lane Kaba-aye Wireless Road, near the mosque on Kaba-aye Pagoda
Road and found about 900 kyat worth of heroin on him. Needle marks caused by
- heroin in~ection were also found on Tun Tun's forearm. Action has been taken under -
Sections 6.8, 10.B and 14.D of the Narcotic Dr.ugs Law. [Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in _
Burmese 12 Oct 80 p 7)
HEROIN SEIZED IN KENII~ENDINE--A police squad from the Rangoon Division Crime Pre-
vention Division on 25 October arrested Aung Myint, 32, of the "GanGaw" teashop in
Kemmendine market after eight packets of heroin and a:~ypodermic syringe and needle
were found on him. Kemmendine police station has taken action under Sections 6.B,
10.B anu 14.D of the Narcotic Drugs Law. [Kangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 27 Oct -
- 80 p 7 ] '
MON STATE ~JPPRESSION DRIVE--Moulmein, 11 Oct-- In accordance wita the directive
of th� Mon State People's Council to combat narcotic drugs, local drug suppression
bodiea were organized in 10 townships Sy the commander of the Mon State people's
police force and an effective and successful drug suppression drive was conducted.
Thanks to the 2fforts of the regional organs of power, people's councils at various _
levels and the people's police force, more than 68.315 viss [1 viss equals 3.6 _
pounds] of opium, more than half a viss of heroin and over 62 viss of m~rihuana `
were seized in 1979" in the 10 townships of Kyaikto, Bilin, Thaton, Paung, Moulmein,
- Chaungzon, Kyaikmaraw, Mudon, Thanbyuzayat and Ye. Similarly, the following 5eizures
were also made between 1 January and 31 August 1980: .35 viss of opium in Paung;
a small amount of opium and .25 viss of heroin in Moulmein; a small amount of opium
in Kyaikmarraw; a small amount of opium and opium solution in Mudon; 1 viss of opium
and some heroin in Thanbyuzayat; and a small amount of opium in Ye. Action has been
taken under the Narcotic Drugs Law against 188 persons involved in the cases.
� [Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 16 Oct 80 p 7]
CSO: 5300
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H~ng Kong SOUTH CHINA MORI~ING POST in English 8 Nov 80 p 7
/Text~T ~�B pr;a, ~Wch f~rced a
IarQe nambor of
~ddicss to seek treatmertt made liat year saother sucassful
ane in Hon~bon~'s lon~ f`ht apiast parootia.
The Hoa ns Narcotics Report of 1979, publishcd by
the Action tta A~tin~t I~Iarcadce yataday, said Isw
enfwixmeat preauro, and .crop failurw in t6e Golden
Trian~le awed a ~avare ~ortak in dru; iupp~~p,
The repo~ uid the shortaie wras roflected ie Auguu by a
more than 100per aent riae in drug prioa, and the quality of
No 3 bsmin. sold to addicu dropped aa low a~ 1 S por cent ~n
- ~u~cy. .
Becauae of hi~hh drug pric~, a lar~e qumber of addicts
t trataxnt
rru a sharp drap in t6e number of people oomicted
of. rninor drut oftenca in the oonrts from a 6igh of 17,100 in
I973 to oaly 3.600 last yeu thereport raid.
. But ACAN's chairman, Sir Albert Rodri~ua, warnod in
the roport thst while "all such news mwt be a soura of
enoouraQemeut and pcide, we, have no illuaans that our
efforta an be relazed ia any way,
"So lon~ as the illepl droQ trade is so enormowly
qrotitable, it wiU reanain attrsctive to the crimiinab Mha
racplat it, and so long u wa hsre ten~ ot thou~eada of addkta
ia our midu. they Mill raaaia~ unhappily, a raervaar of
pauible iafection to our young."
CSO: 5320
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~ Hong xong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 8 Nov 80 p 7
_ /Text7 ~ The Attorn C,eneral, increasing arresta and sei- that further
ry- soquatratioa
Mt lohp Griffiths, u itudying zura. littla can be done to would be na~ary.
rtcommendations on the con- seize asaeb directly related to He :aid two months ago, a
fncation of asseb accrued tr~fRc.kinQ. conforena joindy organised
tluou~h illaQal druB dealings. He wid under t6e preunt by the Narxtics Buresu and
_ The propossls have ban law in Hoagkon~, a court the American Drug Enforce-
~tnsde by the Commiuioner of may order tbe forfeituro of inent Agency waa held in
~lirooUa. � eny moneY or thiags (other Hoasfcoa~ to eaamine finan-
Mr driftiths haa oontact- than premues, a ship ezcad- cial transactions, both nation-
. ed tM ,~ustralian Canmon. ipg 230 ~ro~s tona, an aircraft al and international. thac
wealth Solieitor's Office re- a o tram) which have been oould be linked to large scale
ardin` t 6 a t country's uxd in cannxtion with an trafflckin` in drugi.
- ~rnendment to its Custortu offancx uader the Dangerous Repreeentative delegata
Act lut year. Drup Ordinance� froat Malay~ia, t h c Net6er-
The ameadment deals It e~y al~o order the sei- landa, Sin~apore, Thoiland,
- with eha coafucation of aaeeu zurc of eay money or othor Ameria, tnd Canada attend-
qoetued thtou~h drug deai� property reeeived or posses~ed ed the two-dny conference.
y~,,. by my person aa~the rwult or Recommandations that
�~Shu wu revealed by Nar� product of aay offeace under ~a~g~ from the conferena
lbtlq~ Bureau head Chief thatordiaanee. W~;
Superiatendent John Thorpe, "'I'his u a powerful legal �
-++~han be addreual delegata provisior'snd has t6e advan- � To form an informal
ftom 13 countria at the re- t~ge .o~ being wide�ranQin~, Wa1~ng group to further
aat re~ional canferena of yet concise, and capable of inveatirQte the fi~ancing of
t6e Internatiooal Drug En- drug traffickers, and to ex-
forcement Astaiatioa in ~~mpk in rpretadon." said change informadon from
~u~ � Chief Supt
Thorpe. other drug-f ghters.
'But it also has t6e diaad-
_ Chief Supt Thorpe. Cus- vrnta~e that for aay arxt to � To appoint a particular
toms Aciin~ Asai~unt Com- y~ wble to forefeiture, it reference umt m each territo-
miaioner Jim Pritk. tnd Sen- mu~t be pravcd t6at it was ry and a specific officer to
ior In~pector Edwatd TonQ actually u~ad in connection 1~aiee with drug�fghters in
reprannted Hon~kong at the W~~ ~~~n~,^ other countriw.
coatereaa. Tbe preaeat law also � To train within each
� Chief Supt Thorpe told allowc for moaetary fina of cauntry in order to expsnd
the deiejata th~t Hon~konQ up to SS aullian and ahould the experiena based in each
wss ooncerned t6at, dapite +uch s fine be levied by a country and to widen the
court, be uid, it is unlikely number of territories in the
fight against narcotics.
CSO: 5320
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Christchurch THE PRESS in English 2 Oct 80 p 22
~ Parliammtu
y. nporcer _ ~xiety wu present.--- Ia ihe United .State~ the min ~sal~=g tbe aIfe~stions.
Gnnabir i~ tFk aafest in- People :Nkla~ profiiWtioagto wth o! oraanised crtme Mr. N. Hal~burton, waa para-
to~icant 1mo~vn ~o maa. and ot caamabis b~sed thNt case duru'~g akohot and to~axa noid. The KG.B. bad,aever
i~ uaed bY ut atlmat~d on tantnY. snd oa �~attrw D~hibftions ~ aas well o[tarsd NO.RM:L ~ any
160 000 New Zerivadsrs. a ebosia tLat w~aa ~aapped up known. 'The recent eatec~ money.
par~lamantuy ~elect oom- by pmhbitionisc news eace of .related murder Aaked i! marijuana in.
mittee has beea told. medla. Mr Jaesesr sdd. ~ New ~d could have toYication could be d~tected
- The Natlonal 0~g~ni~atioa Popular ~tndie~ as~d to b e~ n p r e d i c t e d by as a cause at motor vehicle
for tbe Reform o[ Meri~~ ~hoav harmfiil et[eeb ot cae- K.O.RM4 t~vo years ago. accideat~. Dr Geiringer said
Law~ (N.O.RM.L) told the ~chib4 b~sed thetr ~r on ~Io~v tbat orsanfsed crime mu~iu~a showed np in
Statutes RevWon Commitue hu~ over~dose~ on aaimals oi the MaNa type had btood ts.sta. Auatra!!s was
that the commuaitys~eepteA trom whkh azttapotadoas ~oved into the New 2eala:td now cworkins on a metbod
equal aad ;resteeiluztrds in aece dubiow at bat TMe haoin market, k would b~ s of testiag mariiuana coenen-
P1a ~ti ru3bY, i~~ ~fo~~~ vltdtal artatnty that the~e trationa ia dri~*ers.
rac~. ~ksteboudin=, ttail- fater batred ind eoete..tpt crlm~ sy~Wicatee would take He said the clawe ~llow-
bike ddins. aad har?f?=lid- epinat ~raups iad indtvid� over trade in haehieh and Ing any D.S.I.R. employee to
inp.' wls aaelci~ d~eeriad~aliea� h~eh-oil, prohibited in 1978. rec~ive apecimena !or
pr~n~ evldrace tor tion o! annabit aerQ a mor~ �It ie aot a particular an~lyais ur ~ermined the es-
N.O,R.M.L Dr E GNrla;er, ~a~ orr,~.~ ~pproad~ to drug that fosters ~eagsier- arrttial int~grity of material
. ~and a D.S.I.R, acieaiist, Mr tts use ia the comMuNty. lsm. but the~ ~rohibition ot evidence. The dause aban-
H. S. Jac~en. ~eid thst the Evidence showed t~at pro- pdpular dtug:, the n~rmia- donin~ sl! ]imitatione on the
StaU should not interfere In h~Mtions on popular plei- ~04 eaid: time in whkh information
che private eandne! ot citl� sun iubstaaCes . pitalleted ~ yo}~~. ~ye. ot~an- could be laid caild be used
zetu when no grose. or hi~h� development ot or~anieed ~~ew of allegadoas by bisclanaile~ to threaten
ly probabls thnat to llfe or crtrne. that the Soviet RG.B. was ~1 ptizens who !n their
� - ~ cnmpa{gning thrdu~h agents remote pests might � luve
' in ~ome Governme~t de~art.
: ment,~ to 1~~{~e ptohi~ited ~~~tt~ ~ai ~abis
dn~ga~ 2Kr ~aea said the otfeacr~.
CSO: 5320
S .
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HEROIN IMPORTATION CHARGE--Rotorua (Press Assn)- A trial in which two men are al-
l~ged t~ have conspired to import heroin with a street value of $200,000 openecl in
the High Court at Rotorua yesterday. Granr, Elliot Wills, aged 33, unemployed, of
Tauranga, and ~,nthony Bradley, aged 32, unemployed, of Mt Maunganui, have pleaded
not gtiilty to the charge, which is being heard before Mr Justice Jeffries and a
juryo Both men deny that they conspired with each other, and with Frederick A drian
Walsh, between January 1, 1978, and ~'ebrua~cy 9, 1979, to import heroin into New
Zealand. /Excerpt7 /Auckland THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD in English 30 Oct 80 p 47 I
SENTENCES ALMOST WEEhZY--The sentencing of young men of previously exemplary
- character for "some drug dealing business was almost a weekly occurrence, Mr Jus-
tice Thorp told the High Court at Auckland yesterday. And he wondered how long
that would go on bef ore those involved realised drug dealing was not worth the
risk. ~?ppearing bef ore the court for sentence was Stephen John Pickens, aged 22,
a tree surgeon, who had pleaded guilty to possessing cannabis resin f or supply,
passessing cannabis plant for supply, and possession of ~ysergide. Mr Justice _
Thorp sentenced Pickens to 18 months' imprisonment f or possession of cannabis resin
f or. supply, three months for possessing cannabis plant f or supply, and three months
for possession of lysergide. The terms are concurrent. /Excerpts7 /Auckland -
TEiE NEW ZEAIAND HERALD in English 23 Oct 80 p 47
U.S. ANTIDRUG CAMPAIGNER-~ leading American anti-drug campaigner said she finds it
"frightening and shocking" New Zealand has so few resources to help treat drug ad-
dicts. "It's essential you have a drug rehabilitation programme," said Dr Judianne
Densen-Gerber. "Many of the addicts undergoing treatment in Australia are New
Zealanders." Dr Densen-Gerber was in Wellington to meet MPs including the Minister
of' Health ~Mr Gair) and Health Department officials to explain the concept of the
Odyssey programme. Odyssey was f ounded by Dr Densen-~erber 16 years ago and is a
drug-free rehabilitation prograr~ur?e for narcotic and alcohol drug dependants. An
Odyssey House Trust has been f ormed in New Zealand and it is hoped to open a treat- _
ment centre near A uckland within a y~ar. One of the trustees, Dr Fiaser McDonald,
medical superintendent of Carrington Hospital, Auckland, said the trust was trying .
to get Government support and would soon launch a$350,000 fund-raising campaign.
Initially the programme would treat 75 addicts but ~aould be extended to other parts
of the country and cater for up to 150. /Excerpts7 /Wellington THE EVENING POST
in English 3 Oct 80 p 27
CSOe 5320
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OPIUM SEIZED--Sutlej Ra.ngers seized 1.04 kil.ograms of opium worth Rs. one lakh
during an er~counter with two unidentified armed smugglers at Badian Border in
Burki area. A 303 rifle was also seized. The smugglers, however, reportedly
crosaed the b order. [Text~ [Lahore THE PAKISTAN TIMES in English 4 Nov 80 p 3~
- CSO: 4530
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Colombo WEEICEND in Englieh 9 Nov 80 pp 1, 3
[Article by Ranil Wer~rasingheJ
[Text] Sri Lanka has now emerged in the league of the top exporters of cannabis
( gan~ a) in the world .
This has been revealed in a report submitted to the Government by the Director of
the National Drug Dependence Research Centre of Mala}~sia, Dr V Navaratne, following
an assessment of the extent and nature of the drug abuse problems in Sri Lanka.
One million kgs
In his executive suimmary, Dr Navaratne says that current :�ntelligence on the extent
of illegal cultivation of cannabis and annual production indicates that a quantity ~
of more than one million kilograms of locally-grown cannabis is entering i113.cit
international markets. This is more than double the total consumption of ca~abis
within the country. ~
Recent detections of massive quantities of compressed gan~a being taken out of
the country have shown that regular shipments of the narcotic are flowing to ~
_ markets in Auetralie and European capitals.
The smuggling operations have reached such ingenious l.evels of sophistication,
that gan~a is leaving the country, embedded in slabs of wooden floor tiles,
backs of wooden plaques, in packets of tea and inside carefully-doctored tins.
_ Local narcoties officials pointed out that this was the reason why a recent
shortage had pushed the street price for a smoke ~f ganja up by nearly 500 per-
cent, despite nearly 1000 acres of ca~nabis being cultivated~here. -
The business of "narcotics pushing" in fnternatio~al markets has become so
lucrative that the "key figures" in the trade are employing both local and foreign
couriers to move the consignments. -
8 -
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Large market
Dr Navaratne in his report has observed that there is a large mazket with Sri
_ Lanks f or the supply and sale of narcotics.
An analyais of the pattern for the two major drugs of abuse has revealed that _
- 3.8 percent of the 3,105 people who sought assistance to control the drug habit
were between 15 to 25 years in Che ease of chronic opium users. In the case of
- cannab{s uaera, the figure has risen to 44.4 percent.
Interviews with school children sho~wed their wide experience in the experimental
uae of psycho-active substance and this trend, Dr Navaratne has warned, creates ,
a particularly dangerous situation.
He has also pointed out that there is evidence that over the past 12 months
heroin--particularly heroin No. 5--had become available in Sri La.nka. Information _
obtained also indicates that there are groups of local youth who are in~ecting
the potent narcotics. _
Despite the low effectiveness of a highly understaffed Police Narcotics Bureau,
the bureau, he states, made the following detections in 1978 alone--48 kg of
opium, 0.06 kg of morphine, 0.12 kg of heroin, 0.15 kg of cocaine, 0.7 kg of
haehish and 3,100 kg of cannabis.
Dr Navsratne also says that he had been able "with the minimum effort" to seek _
And purchase varying quantities of all these drugs in the greater Colombo areas.
According to the Malaysian narcotics expert, th~ following constraints are
experienced by Sri Lanka in combating the growing drug problem.
--The lack of systematic effort to collect and analyse data on the extent and _
nature of the drug abuse problem.
--The inadequacy of current legislation as contained in the Poisons, Opium
and Dangerous Drugs Act.
--The minimal impact of the Police Narcotics Bureau in view of the extremely
small staff and operational inflexibilities of the burea~i.
--The lack of training in drug detection in the case o� narcotics o,~f icers.
--The minimal control effort exercised by the civil iuedical s~Gbxes.
--T'he lack of concern and understanding ovex the need for eazly detection and
detoxification of addicts.
--The lack of effort to educate and inform all sections o� the population on the
dangers and problems associated with drug abuse.
--Dr Navaratne has also made the following recommendations.
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--That immediate efforts be instituted to develop appropriate data collecting _
activities relating to the extent of drug abuse 3n the country.
--That a new act, the Dangerous Drugs Act, be enacted, m~delled on the laws
currently in force in Singapore, Malaqsia, Philippines and Thailand. _
i --That the Narcotics Advisary Board be diasolved and a National Drug Control
- Board with executive pawers be established in the office of the President of
Sri Lanka.
--That the Police Narcotics Bureau be restructured as a National Police Narcotics
Unit en~oying a status of a full-fledged division with operational units located
in all "high risk" areas.
--That specific treatment centre, physically separated from the areas where
psychotics and other mentally-ill are treated, be set up.
--That urgent rehabilitation programmes be undertaken for drug dependent persons.
--That a research group be established to det~rmine the patterns, characteristics,
trends and types of drugs abused in the country.
CSO: 5300 -
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_ sRZ t~a~xa
INTERI~iATIONAL DRUu icACKET--Police has obtained valuable information about an inter-
national ring of illicit drug peddlers operating through Colombo. Deputy Inspector
General Sundralingam said that there was evidence of local businessmen operating
in collusion with British and Australian connections. Interpol had assisted the
~ Sri Lanka police in the investigation. Sundralingam said that large quantities of
local ganja had been smuggled through Katunayake to destznations in Britain and
Australia. The police are now planning to take legal action against the offenders. ;
[Text] [BK221138 Colombo International Service in English 1045 GMT 22 Nov 80]
CSO: 5300
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_ Bangkok DAO SIAM in Thai 26 Sep 80 pp 3, 12
~ [arti.cle: "Most ~re Addicted to Heroin; There Has Been a Serious
~ncrease In the Nort'tieast'~] -
[Text] r1r Chuchat Phunsi, the head of the treatment division of the
Uffice of the Narcotics Control Board (O.N.C.B.), has disclosed
fic~ures on the number of drug addicts wha came for treatment last
year. He stated L�hat 95 percent were males.
- Concerning this, during the 12 months of last ye8x,a11 32 state
treatment centers, of which 20 are locat~d in the provinces and 12
are in Bangkok, treated a total of 31,827 people. During the same
period of 1978, a total of 20,875 addicts came to the centers f.or
- treatment.
tiiost of the addicts who came for treatment we re addicted to heoin,
75.5 percent to be exact. Next were those addicted to opium, 19.5 _
percent. Besides this, 2.5 percent were addicted to other typ~s of -
drugs, 1.7 percent were addictEd to mar~.huana and 0.7 percent were
addicted to morphine.
- Cnmparing the recrions of the treatment centers with the types of -
drugs to which th e addicts who had come for treatment were addicted, ~
it appears that in the Central region, in t.he south and in Bangkok,
most of the peopie who came were addicted to heroin. In the north
and northeast, most who came for treatment were addicted to opium.
IIut it is noteworthy that, in the northeast, larqer and larqer
numbers of peeple came for treatment for addiction to ather types _
of drugs such as amphetamines, valium and meprobamate.
Most of the people who came for t.rPatment were under 30 years old. ~
That is, 35.1 percent were ir~ the 20-24 year old aqe group, 20;,5
percent wer e in the 25-29 year old age group and 10.9 perce nk were
in the 15-19 year olcl age gr~up. As for all the other age qroups,
the rate was less than 10 p~~cent.
CSU : 5300
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- rxazLaivU
Banr~kok SI.AM RAT in Thai 29 Sep 80 p 3
[Article by Withun: '~Opium, Opium, Opium: A Good Yroduct of the
Go].3en Triangle"]
~ [Text] ~~Opium is not just an economic crop from which the tribesm~n
derive their primary income. It is also a crop that is used for
political reasons. The income earned from opium is used to purchase ~
- weapons to fight the government.~~ I
The northern border area of Thailand forms one part of the "Golden
Triangle," the largest narcotics production area in the world. From
the 1979/1980 survey, it was learned that 267 ?~iilac7es grow opium
- poppies. In Chiang Mai, Chaing Rai, Ma~ Hong Son and Phayao
provinces, a total of 26,440 rai is planted in poppy.
r~s for the hill tribes that grow poppy, the Liso, with 7,351 rai,
have the largest area under cultivation followed by the rleao, Muso
and Iko, i~ut from this survey, it will probably not be possibl.e to
- determzne the size of the yields aince this survey was conducted
be~twe~n October 1979 and February 1p80, which is the per.iod running
from when the hill tribes start to piart the poppy until they bectin
to harvest the opium.
Based on the estimated yields made by c~nsidering the health and
- d~nsity of the poppy plants and then Qstrimating t he lowest possible
yield and comparing this to last year�s yield in the area, this year's
to~al y3~ld is estimated to be 14,084.49 kilograms. By province, the
figures are: Chiang Mai, 5,105.39 kilograms; Chiang Rai, 4,042.70
ki7.ograms; Mae ~IongSon, 4,228.59 kilograms; and Fhayao, 606.81
kilograms. The average yield per ~ai is 0.53 kiloc~rams.
This was the fourth survey conducted in Thailand. The Region 3
border patrol police and the Office of the Narcotics Cantrol I3oard
made surveys of theland and hill tribe villages and aerial
photoc~raphs ~rere taken of six river ba_sins the Ping, Daeng,
Kok, i~~a~, Chaem and Nan river basins whicn �r~ hic~hland areas
suited to growing opium poppy, ~rhicn ~s an annual plant that be
grown at ~l~vations over 1,000 meters.
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The first time, the Public Weltare llivision and the Uilit.ed Na~ions
- organization selected sample villages in Chiang Mai, Chi~ng Rai and
Tak provinces. They found that 18,925 households belar~ging to five
different hill tribe groups were enqaged in growing poppy and t~hat,
in 19G2, these people produced 75,800 kilaqrams of opium. But this
survey was criticized for having selected only a limi.ted sa~riple and
for including only certain hill tribes. This made it difficult ta
extrapalate beyond the sample. The yi~lds in one area could not be
usQd to estimat e the yields in oth es areas since the weather and
elevations were di�ferent. The survey did not, therefore, achieve
the desired results.
Three years later, another survey was conducted. This time, a total
af 1,200 areas that had been aerially photoqr.aphed ~rere stipulated
and 2.00, each with an area of 90 [ square] kilometers , we re selected
as a sample. Th~ results of the survey showed that 112,000 rai were
- planted in poppy and that ~che opiwn yield wds 145,000 kilograms.
was almost double that found by the first sur vey. These data were
used for a long time because the survey officials had carried out the
survey ;n strir.t accord with the plans.
The following year, a survey was carried out in the north in accord
with the economic and social needs there in order to study thinc~s
and find a way to solve the problems concerninq the experimental land
use and cro~ substitutionprogram, which was part of the Thai hill
tri.bes economic development projFCt i.mplemented by the United
Nat ions in order to reduce the amount oE opium poppy c~rown in CY~i.zrzcr
Mai. Provinr_P. It wa~ found that 62,132 rai were plani:ed in poppy,
ha1F the area found in the second survey.
Opium is not just an economic crop from which the hill t~ribesmen
derive their primary income. It is also a crop that is used for
political reasons. The income earned from opium is used to purchase
weapons to fic~ht the c~overnment. For example, the Chinese Kuomintang
divisions tha~t remained after the revo"lution in the People's
R@~L1b~.1C af China, the minority groups in Burrna, the `l'hai Yai
liberation group, the Burmese Liberatior. Vol.unteers and the E3urmese
- communist farces have prod~aced opium and sent it nortnern Burma
to wrorld markets .
Th~ c~roup t.hat plays a role in making money L-rom opium is thE armPCl
Ho Chinese who control the opitun trade and wha arranqe caravans to
transport opium and escort the opium beinq transported to the
markets.`Phis group is composed of Chinese fram Yunnan who fled inta
Thailand becau~~e of their dislike far the comm~znist syst~m of
qovernment. Those who ;'led to Thailand have be~zz almost compleL-ely
a,7similated to Thai ways. Ho merchants have establish~d shops in
hil.l ~ribP vill ac~es . They regularly rnake con~act to buy and sell
opium an:d they make tempo;: ary visits ~:o trade with thP bill tribes,
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bringing c~oocls from the plains to sell. They make profits of
30-100 percent. In this trade, opium is used as payment instead af
For the past 3 y ears, northern Thailand has experience~3 a drought.
This is the reason why the production of opium has declined c~reatly.
The price of opium has, therefore, increased. In 1975, t he price of
opium averaged 1,500 to 3,000 baht per choi (1 choi equals 1.6
kilograms). But, the price of opium at the start of this year's
planting season in Chiang Mai and Ghiang Rai provinces was ?0,000
to 23,000 baht. In Mae Hong Son, th~price was approximately
15,000 to 18,000 baht per r_hoi. It is expected that, before the
start of the harvesting season next year, the price wi~l rise ~Lo
2,,000 to 30,000 baht. The f.act that prices have increased so
quickly means that the hill tribes will probably continue to grow
- poppy. The Office of the Narcotics Control Board expects tt~t in
1980, t he value of the total opium yeidl will give the hill tribes
an income of from 105,626,160 to 264,065,400 baht dPpending on
price differences between the beginning and the end o.f the year.
In bringing opium from the r,olden Triangle into Thailand, the
opium usually passes through the north and northeast to Bangkok anc~
to eastern coastal ports. The most frequentl y used means of
transportation are trucks . But now things are chanc~inq . The hic~h
mountain border areas are used and the opium is taken tc: boats
along thecoast of the Andaman Sea or it is taken to heroin
production factories in the south, especially in Sadao Uistrict in
Songkhla Province. It is then taken t~ Malaysia and Singapore. It
~.s expected that the future trend is for Indonesia to become a
major staging center for [later] shipment to Europe and America.
As f or Laos, there is a major sta_qing center in Vientiane. ~~rom here
drugs are shipped to Saigon. Before Vietnam became communist, the
_ major drug dealers in this network were American soldiers but the
network then shifted to Bangkok. The durgs are sent from here
through the Indochinese countries to the Hong Kong market. The
method used most frequently by this ne~twork is to send the d.r~:gs by
air because this is convenient and the risk is lo~er, even tb.ough
- only small quantities can be shipped at on~ time.
Th~ greatest amount of opium produced in the Golder~ Triangle is
produced in Burma. The network leads to Rangoon for further shipment
by boat to the markets ir. America, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy,
Seeden, Canada, Australia and the Asean countries.
One limitation of this latest survey is that the survey period was
very short and complete data were not collected for each village
surveyed. For the most part, border patrol police sources of
intormation were used t o tell where poppy was grown and villages
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that were known to grow poppy were selected for data collection.
But it turned out that some villages selected f.or the survey had
moved andwhen the survey officials went to conduct the survey, they
- cnulr! not find the village.
Decauae of th~ high elevations, cAmmunications were not convenient.
The areas whexe the poppy was grown we re located far from the
~ villages and it was not possible to travel to and survey t he areas
wh~re poppy was grown secretely. Furthermore, in villaRes where
terrorists are active, such as in Mae Chaem District in Chiang riai
Province, in Nan Province and in some districts in Chiang Rai
Province, the survey officials coulcl not travel to the hill tribe
villaqes in tYiese areas because of the lack of security and the
~ danqer ir~volved.
C~C~ : 5300
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Notes Lechin Statements
PY201559 La Paz R~idio Illimani Network in Spanish 1130 GMT 20 Nov 80
[Te:ct] Interiur Minister Col Luis Arce Gomez referred today to statements made by former
labor leader Juan Lechiii Oquendo. Colonel Arce said that Lechin knows of the honor of
the Aolivian Armeci rorces. Therefore, he knows that the armed forces cannot be involved
in drug traEfic. Arce made these remarks in referenee to statements made by former
unicin leade~r Juan Lechin Oquendo in Lima where he dented any government of national. re-
conntrnction ]t.nke witb drug trafPlr.
Arce urcused the er:Cremr ].eft uf disseminating rumors and of. having said that the mi..l.iCary
- becamc~ .involved in internatianal drug traffic to obtain economic support for the milttar.y
coup whlch ovrr.thre:w Ltdia Cueiler on 17 July 1980. He also said thaC the armed forces
did nut spend a permy Co move troops or to buy ammunition. He added that the movement
was normal and without superfluous expenditures.
- Talks of Suing Publications
PY201347 1.~ 1'az Ra~9io Illimani Network in Spanish 1130 GMT 20 Nov 80
[TextJ Interior Minister Luis Arce Gome2 announced tie will trrivel to the United States
in tl~e tiext few days to talk to lawyers familiar with drug trafficking about suing the
new~;rapers and magazines which have accused the government of national reconstruction
of drug r.rafficking.
He also said that he will then go tc> Brazil to submil- a formal protest to the executives
uf :i Araziliati maf;azine for linking the Bolivian president and himself to cocaine traff.ic.
Ht: tiai.d: We are ~;oing to talk to lawyers and will then submit a protest to the security
ur~nnizatian:; of thc_ two countries. We are going to ask for proof, and if possible, we
- nr~ ~;~inf; t~ 5ue ~ur accusers.
CSO: 530U
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La Paz PRESENCIA in Spanish 23 Oct 8a Sec Z p 5
[Text] In a special cer~mony over the weekend, the minister of peasant and agri-
cultural affairs, Col Julio Molina, opened the new central offices of the Chapare-
Yungas Development Project (PRODES) in Cochabamaa.
The central offi.ces of PRODES were formerly located in La Paz. Minister Molina,
in the main speech of the day, said the transfer is based on "recommendations of
several studies."
PRODES works eimultaneously in Chapare and Yungas on regional development pro3ects
designed to improve the cultivation of coca. The minister also said that the
transfer of the agency's central headquarters is an example of the government's
decision to encourage "measures to benefit Cochabamba." He also said that by so
doing, they are trying to take "concrete steps, through a solid, unimprovised
strategy, to succeed effectively in the campaign against narcotics such as cocaine.
~ The work of PRODES for a regional development of the Chapare, through diversifica-
tion of crops and productive activities for the peasants~ will permit a real
improvmment of the cultivation of coca to the levls required for the legal and
traditional demand for this product."
Dr Winston Estrem.3doiro, executive director of PRODES, said that the present
administrat ion agreed to transfer the project offices and that the move had been
- previously f rustrated in the "labyrinths of bureaucracy and the power vacuum."
Further on he reviewed the "achievements and f ailures" of PRODES, from the first
official st eps to replace coca crops to the creation of the agency in 1977. He
said that in the last 3 years PRODES has done the basic and feasibility studies,
as well as the agroeconomic research contemplated in the "pilot" phase. "Having
efficiently implemented this research, we can say that PRODES has a solvent base
for the planning and implementation of the regional development of Chapare through
diversifica tion and the vertical integration of production," he indicated.
The executive director of PRODES referred also to the "unpleasant dimension of our
work," and he cited in this regard the "impatience" of those who "have ~ittle
concern for the principles" of those who are depending on regional development;
those people would like to see an end to the plan for replacing the coca crops.
He added that PRODES has emphasized the idea of regional development of the coca
plantations. This dimension is not well unders tood by some sectors of publi c
opinion, he said.
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As �or future prospects, he indicated that transferring the offices to Cochabamba
_ will redound to the greater development of the Chapare. He also announced the
start of an "experimental stage of operational tasks," and the creation of an
infrastructure of improved plant and seed production in traditional and nontradi-
tional categories in the Chapare, However, he said that the operational phase will
depend on whether adequate financial aid is received.
Finally he said, "We expect our project to become a real beachhead which, through
_ the experience and technology generated in the Chapara area, will lead to the
Offective and rational development of our Amazon region."
CSO: 3U10
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Rio de Janeiro 0 GLOBO in Portuguese 8 Oct 80 p 13
[Text] Govextxor ~agas Freitas has created a task force which will be led by
Erasmo Martins Pedro, secretary of justice, to study the application of a system
for prevention, control and repression of narcotics. The group includes Judge
Joao de Deus Mena Barreto, psychiatrist Oswald Moraes de Andrade, prosecutor_
Antonio Vicente de Costa Junior and social worker Maria Helena Siqueira Drumond.
Pioneer Program
"The state of Rio is pioneering in drug combat and prevention with the governor's
decree creating the task force," Justice Secretary Pedro said yesterday.
He explained that the group was created as a consequence of the federal law creating
the National Syetem for Prevention, Control and Repreasion of Narcotics, to func*ion
in coordinaCion with state agencies. "Other states should create similar task
forces as provided in the federal law," Pedro added.
"Within 120 days the grou~, will present to the governor the results of their
studies and the drug program plans, and a repreaentative of the Secretariat of
Education and one from the Secretariat of Security will be appointed. The repre-
_ sentative of the Secretariat of Education will introduce material on drug abuse
- in the se condary school curriculum, educating adolescents on the dangers of drugs.
Ther e will also be a representative of the Secretariat of Health, to implement a
program for the treatment of addicts. The Security Secretariat representative will
- be responsible fer repression. The program will be carried out in coordination
with the national aystem, and wi11 be Iinked closely ta the Ministry of Justice,"
the justice secretary concluded.
CSO: 5300
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Rio de Janeiro 0 GLOBO in Portuguese 15 Oct 80 p 12
[Excerpts] Federal Police yesterday divulged to the press the names of five cocaine
traffickers--a woman and four men, all Bolivian--who were arrested last week in
, Sao Goncalo and Sao Paulo with 300 grams of the drug in their possession. Accordi.~g
- to the police, the band, which supplied cocaine to Rio's Southern and Northern
Zones, is linked to traffic:ker Renato de Souza Santos, "Tonelado," and other drug '
dietributers whose names are being withheld to protect the investigations. I
- The police agenCs reported that the arrests were divulged only yesterday because I
they had hoped to pick up other members of the ring, who were known to be bringing
another 4 kg of cocaire frcm Santa Cruz de la Sierra, in Bolivia, where the ship-
ment that was seized originatec~. -
l "It is certain that the arrest of these f~ive alerted the others , and most of the
~ cocaine was not brought in," the police officer explained.
Tt~e dismantling of the band began with the arrest, in Sao Paulo, of Sivaldo Rocha
Pita, aged 20, and Lorgio Rodrigues Medina, Bolivian, aged 38, who were carrying
590,000 cruzeiros in cash and three checks, two of which were in the amount of
130,000 cruzeiros and the third for 127,000 cruzeiros, all signed by Maria de
Carmo de Souza Gomes. Sivaldo and Lorgio were in a"Brasilia," bearing Rio license
~ plate ZP 1251, which police verified as belonging to Maria Da Penha Cruz da Silva,
~ who "passed" cocaine for Tonelada and is serving a prison sentence with him.
_ On queationing, they confessed that the money and checks were from Maria do Carmo
_ de Souza Gomes in payment for 1 kg of cocaine, which they had delivered a few days _
earlier. They gave her address as Rua Vicente Cardoso, Paraiso district, in Sao
Goncalo. The police alerted the Federal Police Division in Niteroi, which arres~ed
the others.
They were identif ied yeaterday as Maria do Carmo and her companion, Alcid Ribeiro,
aged 38, who also u3es the name Alcides Boaventura, and Joao Carlos de Oliveiz�a,
Bolivian, aged 30. They were all arrested in flagrante with 300 grams of cocaine.
PolicE noted that Maria do Carmo had been under investigation some time ago, when -
her former companion, Joao Rodrigues Filho, was arrested with 100 kg of marihuana
in his possession.
CSO: 5300 21
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Drug Depot
Rio de Janeiro 0 GLOBO in Portuguese 12 Oct 80 p 1
[Text] T~ao nights ago in the Vidigal Favela [shantytownJ in the So+athern Zone,
civil and mi].itary police dismantled a drug depot ("paiol") in which 60 "dollars"
- packets of marihuana and 69 packets of cocaine were stored. The police arrested
traffickers "Baiano" and Arati Ferreira da Silva, and are now looking for the -
_ ringleader, known as "Manaue." At the police station, Arati confessed that he
received the c~rugs from "Baisno." He was paid 3,500 cruz~eiros a week to store
_ the drugs and distribute them to the dealers. The location of the drug depot was
revealed by Genivaldo Soares de Oliveira, "Coru~inha," who was arrested Thursday
by a radio patrol team.
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Depot Dismantled
Rio de Janeiro U GLOBO in Portuguese 12 Oct 80 p 20
[Excerpt] Civil and military police seized 600 "dollars" of marihuana and 69
packete of cocaine night before last, when they dismantled a drug depot (paiol")
in the Vidigal Favela, in the Southern Zone. Two traffickers were arrested, but
Che ringleader, "Manaue," is still being sought by the 15th Police Precinct.
Police from this precinct and the Secret Service of the 2d Military Police Battalion
took part in that night's "raid."
The drug depot was uncovered as a result of statements by Genivaldo Soares de
Oliveira, "Corujinha," aged 30, who was arresCed Wednesday by a radio patrol
team of the 2d Military Police Battalion with 43 packets of marihuana in his
posaession. Questioned, he reported that Arati Ferreira da Silva was responsible
' for the depot. Da Silva, aged 29, was also arrested.
At the station, Arati confessed that he received the drug from "Baiano," a middle-
man for trafficker "Manaue," "a very powerful man." Arati was paid 3,500 cruzeiros
a week to store the drugs and distribute them to the "vaposeiros" (vendors).
On the 69 packets of cocaine was wriCten the number 1,000 (1,OG0 cruzeiros, the
retail price to the addicts). In his house on Estrada do Tamba, Arati had a small
quantity of loose marihuana (Che rest he had packaged in papers), waxed paper
to prep are the packets and a.7-35-caliber pistol.
Within hours after AraCi was arrested, police located the middleman "Baiano"
l (whose real r.ame was withheld). "Baiano" led them to the trafficker "Manaue,"
who 11ves in the suburbs.
Police Chief Borges Fortes sent a sample of ~he seized cocaine to the Carlos
Iboli Institute for examination. From the yellow tinge of the powder, he said
there was no doubt that users had been buying "poison," [adulterated coca~,ne],
but the addicta would not be aware of the fraud.
Arati said that every Wednesday or Thursday he received marihuana, and prepared
about 1,000 "dollars." The Powder [cocaine] amounted to an average of 100 packets.
The drugs were all sold on Rua Pinto, at the edge of the favela, on Fridays,
Saturdays and Sundays. _
"Starting today, any addict found with a marihuana cigarette or a paper of cocaine `
in his possession, or caught in the act of purchasing it, wi11 be arrested, regard-
less of his identity. I make this warning publicly. I am declaring an all-out
war on traffickers and addicts in my area," Borgea Fortes, chief of the 15th
Police Precinct, said yesterday. He promised an 80 percent reduction in the sale
- and conaumption of drugs in the area under his ~urisdiction, which includes Jardim
Botanico, Gavea, Sao Conrado and part of Joa.
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"Drug consumption in this area is very high, and before it gets any higher we
are going to fight to beat the traffic. We intend to watch, arrest and punish
addicts, but our primary target will be the traffickers."
He expla3ned that, like other districts, the ones under the jurisdiction of the
15th Police Precinct have many assaulte, residential robberies, automobile thefts
- and minor offenses.
"In most cases, the delinquents are drug addicts. They sell what they rob to
obtain drugs. This is elesentary. They do what tihey have to do to get money
to buy druge. We are going to combat them, and the first resu~ts are right here.
_ We arrested the brothers, Denis and Petsi. In addition to committing robberies,
they controlled the traffic in the Rocinha favela. Today (yesterday), we managed
to locate and diamantle the drng depot of that "Manaue." We're getting there, _
little by little." '
According to Borges Fortes, whenever police conduct an operation in Rocinha, one
of the most targeted points in the region, community leaders have intervened on
behalf of individuals who, from experience, police know to be offenders.
"This has given rise to a series of in~ustices, because various people have been
brought in indiscriminaCely, and when they are booked, they complain: 'Your honor, -
the man with the marihuana was the one that ~~as left behind.' It cannot continue -
to be this way."
He reported that he will investigate new leads based on telephone tips regarding '
drug tr~.ffickers' activities.
CSO: 5300
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Rio de Janeiro 0 GLOBO in Portuguese 10 Oct 80 p 8
- [Text] Paulo Ladeira, president of the Law;ers Club and one of the members of the
commission that drafted the pLesent antidrug law in 1975, said yesterday that he -
wo~ild present a proposal to revise the law and institute "judicial pardon" for
youths of 18 to 21 years, of good background, who have been arrested with a small
quantity of drugs.
The attorney took part yesterday in a deb ate on marihuana, promoted by a group
of inedical students at the UFRJ [Federal University of Rio de Janeiro] as part
of the Mental Health Week program. The students, who do not belong to the Academic ;
Center, explained that they decided to foster discussion of problems specifically
~ffecting students, such as drug consumption.
Zadeira commented that with respect to marihuana--the drsg students use most, tie
said--the inciuence of the drug is high, but not in "undue pruportiona." Regardir.g
sCudents who advocate the "decriminalization of marihuana," he explained that the
- law represses marihuana, not because of its use, but because of the consequences -
of ite use, aince it leads to dnagerous drugs like cocaine.
- No Future
J Psychiatrist Joau Romildo Bueno, of the Fundao Psychiatric Institute, was the
other invited debater. He commented that the increase in drug consumption among
students in the early 1970's was basically because of the lack of mot3vation that,
he said, affected the atudent who had no prospects for employment and could not
expreas his opinion as to what he was being taught.
Ladeira is also a member of the federal task force that will study a national drug
prevention system. The system, already created by decree of President Figueiredo,
will be organized now, he said. In addition to his proposal for "~udicial pardon"
(the individual would not be tried), Ladeira said he intended to suggest new
changes, as yet undefined, regarding the quality of the drug or, for exmaple, of
- "Tt.e marihuana the young people are smoking," Ladeira said, "is of the worst
quality; it is mixed with dung, mate or grass. I am thinking of drafting some
_ type of regulation regarding this question. For example, an individual who has
two cigarettes of the poorest quality would actually need only one good cigarette.
He would be the same as the individual who only has one cigarette, but a good one.
I have not worked this question out well in my mind as yet."
CSO : 5 300 25
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- DRi1G TRAFFICKER SENTENCED--Judge Mario Guaracy de Carvalho Rangel, of the 15th
Criminal Court, yesterday sentenced Jorge Manoel da Silva, "Jorge Barracao," to
10 years in prison and fined him 1,500 cruzeiros for trafficking in drugs. On
10 July 1977, Jorge Borracao was arrested with two packets of cocaine. Barracao,
technically considered a first offender, was not held during trial, owing to two
writs of habeas corpus, one of which revoked the ruling of Judge Mauricio Gonclves
~ de Oliveira, who had sentenced him to 6 years and 4 months in prison. In his sentence,
Judge Mario Guaracy noted that Barracao was part of a network of traffickers that
aupplied the southern and northern zones of the city, as well as Sao Goncalo and
Niteroi. According to the police, Barracao has ties to trafficker Renato de
Souza Santos, "Tc~nelada," who was recently sentenced by Judge Luiz Odilon Bandeira,
of the 23d Crimin~al Court. Francisco de Assis Vieira, "Chicao," aged 33, was arrested
yeaterday in tl:e Morro do Borel, in Tijuca, with 47 envelopes of cocaine, after
an exchange of fire with the po~ice. [Text] [R{� dP Janeiro 0 GLOBO in Portuguese
3 Oct 80 p 10] b362 ~
COLOMBIAN TRAFFICKERS SENTENCED--Manaus (0 GLOBO)--Colombians Alba Moris Marin
; and Maria Helena Jaramil were sentenced yesterday to 4 yeare in prison and f3ned
~ 10,000 cruzeiros for their membership in a cocaine-trafficking ring that used
~ Manaus as a drug-processing center. The sentence was handed down by Federal
! Judge Orlando Reboucas. The two were part of a grouF of 28 Colombians arrested
in the Amazonas capital with 18 kg of cocaiae, chemicals, weapons and ~ewelry.
The same ~udge sentenced Rodrigo Angarita to 10 years in prison and a�ine of
~ 50,000 cruzeiros, and Francisco Lima, a Brazilian, was given a 4-year sentence. -
Raimundo Salvador and Humberto Pastana were found not guilty for lack of evidence.
In addition to Alba Moris and Maria Helena, the Brazilian Dagoberto Ramos was
tried, and found not guilty. The former two were arrested at one of the labora-
tories set up by the ring in Manaus. Still awaiting sentence are Benito Tavares,
considered the head of the Brazilian connection, and the other Colombians, who
are being held in the State Central Penitentiary. All of them are standing ad-
ministrative trial in the Miniatry of Justice, which should culminate in their
departation. [Text] [Rio de Janeiro 0 GLOBO in Portuguese 16 Oct 80 p 8] 6362
CSO: 5300
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COCAINE LABORATORY--Santiago police have dismantled a cocaine laboratory located
at 2370 Providencia Avenue. They arrested (Arnaldo Morales Fernandez), 47 years
old, and (Jore Britos Gallegillos). Police found 50 grams of cocaine. [PY252047
Santiago Chile Domestic Service i.n Spanish 1000 GMT 24 Nov 80]
~ DRUG TRAFFICKERS ARRESTEI3--Santiago, Chile 12 Nov (AFP)--It was disclosed
here today that four drug traffickers, three Chileans and one Peruvian, who
had set up the so-called Peruvian-Chilean-Colombian connection, have b~en
arrested by the specialized squad of the Carabineros. The drug traffickers,
who were identified as Victor Rea Huinan, Peruvian, and Gabriel Villalon
Navarrete, Mateo Guinart Moral and Segunda Moral Trebolazavala, Chileans,
w~ere carrying 44 kg of cocaine worth $11 million. [PY182135 Paris AFP in
Spanish 1514 GMT 12 Nov 80]
_ ' CSO: 5300
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Bogota EL ESPi;CTADOR in Spanish 8 Sep 80 p 12-A
[Text] Barranquilla--Tomorrow, Tuesday, 9 September, units assigned to the Second
: Brigade will begin the destruction of clandestine airstrips through the use of explo-
sives which wi11 render totally unusabl:e sites at which aircraft with American reg-
ietry are now ianding frequently in search of shipments of narcotics and drugs.
The military operation will be initiate3 tomorrow, Tuesday, with the dynamiting of
the Cari-Cari landing strip located in La Guajira Department, in the Camarones
_ diatrict, at which time the governor of that department, Eduardo Abuchaibe Ochoa,
will issue a resolution authorizing the destruction of this landing strip.
Several months ago, the Seconci Brigad2, a unit under the command of Brig Gen
Carlos Guillermo Narvaez Casallas, considered adopting the step of "mining" the
fields, accesa roads and clandestine landing strips of the so-called green or
?iarihuana route. This measure was questioned at the national level, as there were
no precedents for it in the country's history, and it was describEd as extreme. Hcw-
2ver, this measure served as the basis for the subsequent decision that the thing
to do was destroy the landing f.ields with explosives.
The resolution proposed by the office of Abuchaibe Ochoa was approved by the Ministry
of Defense. ~fter the first military action, others will follow which will be de-
_ signed to eradicate the clandestine landing strips operating in the La Guajira
Department and in other coastal regions, which are believed to be in excess of 200.
This task, which will be carried out by the Second Brigade, had been postponed sev-
eral times because of a shortage of funds for the purchase of explosive materials,
according to the explanation given by an officer of that organization.
CSO: 5300
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- Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish 10 Sep 80 p 3-A
[Text] A marihuana shipment worth 20 million peso:~ has been confiscated from a
woman at the E1 Dorado sirport terminal. She was carrying the drug in the false
bottom of a suitcase and was preparing to depart for West Germany.
- The young woman arrested, Maria Rubiela Ramirez, had airline tickets for Frankfurt.
The Judicial Police unit assigned to the airport found 60 kg of pressed marihuana
in her possession which she was attempting to take out of the country in the lining
of a auitcase.
The woman said that a male stranger had asked her to do him the favor of taking "that"
to [WestJ Germany in exchange for a sum of money upon delivery of the suitcase. The
prisoner denied knowledge of the contents of the suitcase.
Maria Rubiela has a passpo rt which shows her to be a Colombian. The passport has
an entry authorization for several European countries.
The marihuana, which was carefully double-wrapped in plastic, was found in the
liZing of one of Marfa Rub iela's suitcases. It was pressed and ready for consump-
The woman in charge of the police facilities at the air terminal said that an alI-out
campaign is being conducted against "mules" who use the airport as tk~e point of de-
pai�~ur� from the countrye
The woman official said tha t more women Lia^. mPn are arrested as drug traffickers.
It appears that there is an entire network of maf iosi engaged in the recruitment ~f
young, naive women who, in exchange for the chance to travel and a few dollars,
agree to play the role of "mules" without being fully aware of the legal risk they
are taking.
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Maria Rubiela Ramirez, 20, was arrested by the Judicial Police unit of the E1 Dorado
airport when she attempted to take a shipment of marihuana taorth 20 million pesos
to Frankfurt.
CSJ: 5300
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Bogota EL ESPECTADOR in Spanish 8 Oct 80 p 21-A
[Text] The DAS [Administrative Department of Security] seized cloae to 1,500
grams of 90 percent pure cocaine from two drug traffickers who were on their
way to PJew York with the cocaine in their stomachs. This was after the two
- defendants realized that they had to confess how they went about recovering
the cacaine without much risk or pain.
The central figures in the strange police case were Enrique Gutierrez or ~
Eduardo Gutierrez del Camino or Enrique Cardenas Rueda, a 50-year old native I
of Tolima, and hia 21-year old son from Bogota, Enrique GuCierrez Achury. For
several monthe they had been under careful surveillance by units of the Special
DAS Headquarters Group because they had come under suepicion for their continual
trips to the United States, presumably uaing forged documents.
Capture and Confession
The father and son were captured on Saturday morning as they were about to board
an Avianca flight for New York, and an examination of their pasaports revealed
that they were, in fact, forged. They were immediately ordered taken to a
- DAS etation to be placed in the custody of a judge on charges of having
committed the crime of using falsified documents.
Convinced that they were going to be held for a long time and that their lives
could be in jeopardy, the two defendants realized their urgent need to confess
that the purpoae of their frustrated trip was to bring an appreciable amount
of cocaine to New York, which they were carrying in their atomacha, packed in
_ small bags made of the fingers of surgical glovea and wrapped in aluminum foil.
The two arrested men then told how they expelled the tiny bags with the cocaine,
and without further delay the treatment, which consisted of ingesting laxatives,
milk and fruit juices, was begun under the supervision of a DAS physician.
The "recovery" of the cocaine took more than 24 hours, and despite ita serious-
nese (the two traffickers were in danger of dying from intoxication if any of
- the tiny bags had been disaolved by gastric ~.uices, the lengthy procedure
prompted a number of not teo succesafully stifled outbursts of laughter from
those who were monitoring it closely.
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Enrique Gutierrez Achury and his father, Enrique Gutierrez or Eduardo Gutierr?z
del Camino or Enrique Cardenas Rueda, the two drug traffickers captured by the
DAS. In front of them are the small bags in which they had packed t'~e cocaine.
Momezt of Suapense
There was one anxious moment before the melodrama was over, when the father
- diacovered that one bag remained of the 180 that he had swallowed; fortunately,
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however, the bag eventually made its appearance, but not without some effort.
For his part, the son managed to expel, gradually and slowly, the 170 bags that
- he had awallowed and that, like hia father's, had been wrapped in aluminum
foil to prevent the digestive procesa from diaeolving them.
While father and son were recuperating in the DAS jail, the secret agents
eearched their houae and found a large number of the surgical glove fingers
that they used to bring the drug into the Unitzd States, in addition to the
aluminum foil that they wrapped them in, as well as several false passports.
As mentioned previously, the two arrested men confesaed thst they had made
three prior tripa and used the same method of transportin~ the drug, a method
that has cost the lives of several "carriers" when the containers they used
diasolved in their stomachs and caused lethal intoxication.
- 8743
CSO: 5300
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Bogot~ EL ESPECTADOR in Spanish 11 Oct 80 p 10-A
[Text~ This past week brought authoritie~ a string of succeases in the battle
against drug traffickers operating in this country, as appreciable amounts of
cocaine and marihuana were seized, marihuana and coca plantations were
_ discovexed and numerous individuals engaged in these criminal activities were
In Bogota
The setbacks for drug traffickers began at Eldorado Airport, when agents of
the Antinarcotics Group of the Office of the Attorney General confiscated 2
boxes containing 40 kilograms of cocaine that had arrived on an Avianca flight
_ from Leticia and that were not claimed by the interested parties, quite
assuredly because [hey suspected that they might be di.scovered.
Later, Alberto Pena, who is now in the cuatody of a criminal court judge, was -
_ captured near 66th Avenue and 48th Street, driving a Nissan Patrol camper with
20 kilograms of cocaine.
Back at Eldorado Airport, customs officials uncovered close Co $1.5 million in
cash, whicti was unquestionably for the purchase of narcotics, hidden in several
electrical appliances that had been smuggled in.
Five Laboratories
For its part, the National Police discovered five modern cocaine processing -
laboratories at the La Esperanza Estate in the Santa Rita area of Vichada. The
owner of the property was reported as Flavio Barney, who was apparently slain
in Bogota some time ago during the gangland wars. Ten individuals who were
~ there when police arrived succeeded in fleeing, leaving behind the sophisticated
~ laboratory equipment.
Coca Plantation
- At "Cano Hondo" in Puerto Rico, Caqueta, the police discovered a 10-hectare
coca plantation and arrested four persons whose names were nat released. The
plantation was large enough to produce a sizable amount of raw material for
cocaine processing.
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Marihuana in Cesar Department
In the town of Maria Angola in Cesar Department, F-2 units seized 20 bales of
preseed marihuana ready for export and located a marihuana plantation at the
_ ~.dge of town large enough to produce 300 arrobas [1 arroba=25 pounds].
Arrested during this operation were Alixio Enrique Rugero, Manuel Gonzalez,
Alfoneo Arias Blanco and Jose Campo Uribales.
Lastly, in the city of Villavicencio at a reaidence located on 38th Avenue
(1Vo 33-A-13), the F-2 confiscated $248,000 in forged currency, which was '
i unquestionably earmarked for eome sort of operation connected with dru~
trafficking. Arrested at the eite were Alfonso Botero, Oscar Hernan, Giraldo
Tayron and Jose Duran.
CSO: 5300
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COCAINr TRAFFICKERS, LABORA.TORIES SEIZED--Units of the Narcotics Group oF the Office
of the Attorney General of the Nation captured Alberto Pena early yesterday morning
in Bogota, confiscating 20 kg of high quality cocaine from him. He was arrested
as he was drl.ving a Nissan Patrol down 67th Avenue towards 48th Street. The drug
c~uld Urind in $5 million on the U.S. black market. Separately, personnel from
- the same group, in conjunction with the Villavicencio r-2, staged a special opera-
tion in the Vichada region and uncovered five cocaine processing laboratories in the
_ rural area of Santa Rita. A number of these labo~dtories were foun~ at the La Es-
peranza Estate, which was owned by Flavio Barney, the drug trafficker slain by the
- underworld in Bogota about a month ago. According to that the atithorities were able
to establish, last August these laboratories put out 2,000 kg of cocaine from the
raw material brought in from Bolivia and Peru. [Text] [Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish =
1p Oct 80 p 2-A] 8743
DAS RAIDS--Agenta from the Administrative Department of Security (DAS) discovered
5.5 tons of marihuana at an estate in the municipality of San Martin in Pieta Depart-
ment. Seized along with the marihuana were two men whose names were not re].eased.
The agents also confiscated two trucks and a camper that were used to transport
the marihuana. The marihuana was found duly packaged and ready to be shipped; it
was hidden ~t the Vistahermosa Estate, which is owned by Luis Duarte Tellez, the DAS
r.eported. It was also learned that in another operation the DAS uncovered a 15-
hectare marihuana plantation in Cesar. The find was made at the Rio Seco Estate
in the municipality of Valledupar, where 120 baies of the drug were also seized.
Arrested there were Ismael Iriarte Perez, Arnoldo Turizo Floorez, Uldarico Jose
Puello, Sergio Rafael Arias Guerra and Pastor Jose Vasquez Mendoza. [TextJ
[Bogota EL ESPECTADOR in Spanish 6 Oct 80 p 10-A] 8743
PANAMANIAN REGISTRY SHIP SEIZED--Barranquilla, 8 Oct--The naval authorities in this
city seized a vessel of Panamanian registry as it was trying to enter the country -
with false documents, presumably to pick up a shipment of drugs. According to the
sarne source, the visas were drawn up in Panama~ The individuals involved were iden-
tified as Earl Green Evans, Jr, an American, and Cartagena residents Manuel Ramon
Estrada, Nestor Emilio Totillo (Potilo Lozano), Wilson Rafael Rivadeneira, Marco
Fidel Diaz Alvarez, Emaus Medrano, Manuel Lopez Martinez, An~.bel Sena Barona and
Celemente Salas Vargas. [TextJ [Bogot-a EL TIEMPO in Spanish 9 Oct 80 p 2-A] 8743
~ 36
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GUAVIARE DRiJG RING--Villavicenciu, 8 5ep--A powerful ring of drug traf.fickers was
dismantled during a bold operation by the DAS [Administrative Department of SecurityJ
Meta section, on the La Esperanza farm in the municipality of San Jose de1 Guaviare
~urisdiction. The regional chief of the DAS, Col Alirio Robaya Arevalo, told EL
TIF~IPO that during the operation the authorities seized a la?-g~ amount of maLerials
used Eor the processing of cocaine, vehicles and even a light plane, all of whic.h _
are worth 45 million pesos. According to the report, only one person,
presumed to be involved, is being held while an investigation is being conducted.
The following materials were confiscated: 4 tons of marihuana, 50 cans of fuel,
one Cruck and one camper. Also, as the operation was being carried out, a light
plane of the 185 type arrived at the clandestine arifield of the La Esperanza farm.
, There was one person in the plane from whom an undetermined number of plastic bags
were taken; presumably they were to have been used for the packaging of the hallu-
cinogen. The DAS communique gives no details about the identity of the onZy person
detained nor of the pilot of the small twin-engine plane. All of the ccnfiscated
materials were taken to a secure place. In the nea~ future, other details will be
released on the bold operation which resulted in the dismantling of the ring, whose
exact size is unknown. The marihuana will be burned in the presence of an official
J from the Regional Attorney General's Office. [Text] [Bogota EL TIII~iPO in Spanish
9 Sep 80 r 3A] 8143
MARIHUANA FIELD IN GUACHACA--Santa Marta, 4 Sep--A 200-hectare field of marihuana
was discovered in the Guachaca district by the "Goes" group of the Santa Marta ;
police department. The field was found on a farm in the Don Diego section, Guachaca ;
district, on the Caribe Road. Five men were arrested during the oper.ation. They '
were identified as Armando Diaz Martelo, Roberto Berrio Torres, Octavio Rivera
Cardenas, Ermides Diaz and Jose Tru~illo. The police conf iscated weapons and ammuni-
tion from the prisoners. The marihuana field was burned, while the prisoners were
taken to Santa Marta. tText] [Bo~ota EL TIEMPO in Spanish 5 Sep 80 p 1-B] 8143
CSO: 5300
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Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 9 Oct 80 Sec B p 10
[Text] The La Loma prison was left almost empty yesterday, when an emp~oyee of the -
Secretariat of Government made a surprise and also suspicious visit to that prison
and, behind closed doors, after having expelled warden Tomas Pinones Mancillas from -
the building, ordered the alleged prerelease freedom of 24 federal convicts tried
for drug trafficking, most of whom are regarded as extremely dangerous, as well as
one person convicted of fraud.
The massive release of traffickers occurred yesterday, after the arrival,�~t 1100
hours,of Marcial Flores Reyes at the prison, claiming to be deputy director of state
technical assistance coordinated services, an entity subordinate to the Secretariat
~ of Government, who departed at 1300 hours after giving an order, in writing, for the
"pre release freedom" of 24 drug traffickers and a prisoner who had been tried and
sentenced for fraud.
In order to conceal the suspicious manipulation of the documents relating to the
"benefited" prisoners, Marcial Flor~~ categorically ordered that access to the La
Loma prison be denied reporters and photographers who had come there on a reportorial
According to an official memorandum ~i^~ento Pinones Mancilla~, the pardoned prisoners
received the benefits after an analysis of their respective records was made, as
specified in the law on minimal standards for social protection of sentenced persons.
With the exception of Alberto Cruz Perales, convicted of the crime of fraud, who wi11 -
leave the pri~on daily and return at night, all the other benefited prisoners are
drug traffickers.
EL MANANA managed to obtain a list of the convicts who received the prerelease in
different degrees, such as daiiy departure with return ae night, departure with return
on weekends, etc. They are: Roberto Pena Reyes, Alberto Cruz Perales, Maria Elena
Villarrea.l, Elias Martinez Lopez, Agustin Zamora Crnz, Remigio Garcia Manriquez, Alfon-
so Sanchez Medina and Elpidio Garcia Perez. Also cited were Rogelio Chavarria Paredes,
Jose Luis Vazquez Uribe, Manuel Angel Olvera Cruz, Ascencion Parrazales Vales, Ramon
Rubio Ruiz, Dario Madera Hernandez, Jose Luis Cantu Garcia, Gerardo Baez Salcedo,
Gilberto 0lvera Hernandez, Daniel Sanmiguel Hernandez and Rogelio Rodriguez Morales. ~
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- Unusual benefits were granted to six federal prisoners, because they wer~ released
and allowed to return to Cheir places of origin, where they will "appear" at the
jails to meet the prdeelease requirements imposed on them.
Felipe ~strada Quirarte will be moved to Guadalajara, where he will be at large during
the daytime and ~ailed at night; Casimiro Mireles Salazar and Carlos Monroy Vazquez
wi1L continue to "serve in Reynosa, Tamaulipas; and Juan Torres Cardenas and Juan
Camacho Galindo will continue to serve their sentences in Michoacan, the former in
Arteaga, and the latter in Nueva Italia. ~
- Representatives of the news media succeeded in learning Chat Tomas Pinones Mancillas
was removed from the prisonybecause he remained outside of the jaiL without permission
for access, despite the fact that he was head of it.
- Moreover, it was consistently remarked that at any moment many other tr.affickers will -
undoubtedly be released; because for a long time mysterious meetings have been under
way, behind closed doors, at the La Loma administration office, between Marcial
Flores Reyes and individuals who are considered to be powerful czars of the drug
traffic who requested meetings with him.
CSO: 5330
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Piedras Negras EL DIARIO DE PIEDRAS NEGRtiS in Spanish 2 Oct 80 Sec C p 3
[Text] Yesterday morning, police commander Victor M. Garcia informed EL DIARIO about
the arrest of a drug addict who was also engaged in distributing Darvon pills among
students and adolescents addicted to barbiturates. He ie Rogelio Mendez Dimas, aged
33, a waiter, who was arrested at dawn yesterday in the red light diatrict for inter-
fering in police matters. When his belongings were searched to find out whether he "
_ was carrying a weapon, a bottle containing Darvon pills was found in his possession.
This individual has been identified on several occasions as a distributor of Darvon
and other toxic aubstances. When an addict was arrested for questioning by the State
J~idicial Police, he claimed that it was Rogelio Mendez who had sold him the Darvon
Yesterday, the police commander, Victor M. Garcia, turned this individual`s case over
- Co the acting investigative agent of the Public Ministry who, without doubt, wi11
release him for lack of evidence; whereas what he should do is turn him over
to the federal court.
_ That comment was made in the office of the police coimnander, who was reported to be
acting, but who made the mistake uf turning the case over to the acting Public Ministry
agent. In any event, the federal entity should intervene, in order to learn who is
selling these toxic pills to such distributors, which drug store it is,
It is in the red light district that this individual went about seeking possible cus-
tomers, even to prostitutes who Darvon pills, a dangerous toxic substance,
to hallucinate Che drug addicts.
Regelio Mendez was also questioned by the State Judicial Police concerning robberies -
- that had been committed.
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A: ` ~�i~~~
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Rogelio Mendez, a notorious Darvon distributor and addict ~
CSO: 5330
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Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 11 Oct 80 Sec B p 5
[TextJ The Federal Judicial Police seized toxic pills worth over a quarter of a mil-
lion pesos on Thursday, and at the same time arrested the presumed drug trafficker,
Severo Garcia Carrillo, who made a full confession of his illegal activities.
Severo Garcia had in his possession 11,740 toxic pills of the type known as Captagon,
and 8,714 of the type called Ionamin.
Also confiscated from him was a 1970 Ford pickup truck, with adjusted license plates
The coordinator of the Federal Public Ministry agencies, Carlos Aguilar Garza, report�-
ed that he had been informed several weeks ago that the federal agents under orders
from group chief Jorge Nunez Mora were on the trail of Severo Garcia, because they
had learned that he was engaged in purchasing pills in the interior section of the
country and exporting them to the United States.
As soon as he was captured, he was questioned. Garcia Carri:llo stated that he had
been engaged for several years in the illegal drug trafficking business, but that his
"forte" was buying toxic pills in the interior part of the country and selling them
- for 10 pesos apiece to differ_ent customers in Laredo, Texas.
The individual in custody will be placed at the disposal of the agent of the Federal
Public Ministry today, and the latter will take penal action against him for his
presumed guilt of committing a crime against health in its various degrees.
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