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. FOUO N0. 6i9 ,
iZ JANUARY i979 - , i OF -i
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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010026-1
JPRS L/s2~9
12 January 1979
? ~ ~
FOUO ~(o, 6l9
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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010026-1
,1l~R5 publicntinn, c~nC~i.n in~~tmneion primarily ~rom fdreign
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sources ~rc Cr~~nsl~C~d; those from Cnglish-l~nguage sourres
~re trttnscribed or reprinCed, wieh ehc original phr~7sin~ and
oCh~r chMracreri~tics r~e~ined.
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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010026-1
, BIk3LI0GRAPHIC DATA ~~P~~t N~, 2, y, Heripicnt'+ ,~tcee~~un
~ iU~ ,~n 5u t~t e
TRAN5LA'TION5 ON SUD-SAH~~AN A~RICA, F'OUO NO ,~~,g s' K~~'~r~ ~
12 January 1,979 ~
6, f
Au~ho~(~1 tl, Nerl~rmii~ i`tKnnir,~i~~n I~rr~
O. NeNnrmin~ UrKanuatinn Name rnd AJd~e� 10~ f~to~ect/1'aak,lt.,r~ L'n~~ _
Joine Publicationa Research S~rvice ~
1000 North Clcbe Road 11~ Contrart!Gran~ vo, -
Arlington~ Virginia 22201
' lZ 5pon~orina OrR~nii~tion N~me and Addtess 1J. Type nf Repur~ bc Her~od ~ ~
Govered ,
A� ~bove '
, ~
iS~ Suppiemenc~ry Notes _l
16. Abstr~ct~
The report contains information from African and specialized West European '
publications and r~dio on poliCical, economic, and sociological d~velopments.
lf. Kcy Wotd~ and Daument Analysii. l~o. Desc~iptora
Political Science ~Inter-African Aff. X Ghana Rwanda
Sociology ~Angola x_Guinea Sao Tome and
Economics Benin x Guinea-Bissau Principe !
Culture (Social Botswana Ivory Coast x Senegal
Sciences) Burundi Kenya Seychelles
Technological Cameroon Lesotho Sierra Leone
, Cape Verde Liberia Somalia
Central African x Madagascar South Africa
Empire Malawi Swaziland ~
~ , Chad Mali Tanzania ~
Comoro Islands Mauritius X Togo ~
x Congo X Mozambique Uganda
D~ibouti Namibia Upper Volta
X Equatorfal Cuinea Niger Zaire ~
17b� IJeni~l~ers/Open�l:nded Terms ~thiopia Nigeria 2ambia ~
Cabon Reunion
Gambia Rhodesia
17c. Cd~Al'1 Field/Group 02 SD SC SK
> > �
16. Availap~luy Statement 19. Seeuriiy Class (1 his 21. \o. o( f~ages
i~e~lt UFFiC[AL USf: UNLY. I.imited Numher ol' RePore) 33
~ c,
Cunie~ ~\V:i I l.~hle F~KUf11 .1~~k5 2� eeuruy Ctass (This 22, p~~;~
?OAV MT/~.11 t~l[v. ~�rt~ U~rL,1S~~FIFD
THIS fORW MAY BE REPRODUCED ~.s~o..w.oc �.oe:.o�
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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010026-1
JPRS L/8219
12 January 1979
~ FOUO No. 6i9 ~
Ghana-Benin Trade Relations ~ -
, UNITA Ben~uela Control C1aim Denied 2
Belgian Technical Mission . 2
F1.iture Ecoaomic Prospects Said To Be Gloo~}r
(Sophie Bessis~ JEUNE AFRIQUE, 29 Nov 78) 3
~ President Nla.cias~ Abuse of Population Detailed
(cANIDIO 16, 12 Nov 78) 6
� Gha.naian-British Trade 15
Skeptlcism on Toure Overtures in the Wake of Party Congress
~ (Sennen Andriamirado; JEUNE AFRIQUE, 6 Dec 78) 16
- a - (III - NE & A- 122 FOUO]
. : _ _ _
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~ l~'Ok U1~'l~ IG 1 r~L USL ONLY '
~ i
CO1V~.~NTS (Contiaued) Page
Popular Apal;hy, 'Bourgeois~ Tendencie~ Mar Developmen~ ;
(F'rancois Soudan; JEUNE AFRIQUE, 6 nec 78) 18 ,
, USSR Airplanes 21 ;
~979 Sugar Production Prospects 22
Opposition Leader Raps Sen~hor Government ~
(Abdoulaye Wade Interview; AFRIQUE-ASIE,
ii-24 nec 7a) 23
Togolese Econorqy Index Rising 31 ,
~ r ,
- b -
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~~ntt nr~zcr~. Usc oNL~~
zNr~~-AFRICAN A~~~ni~s
I~EtC LOAN 'I'0 IiOAb��-Lome, 22 Doc (EtEUT~R)~-Under an ~greemenC signed on
ThursdAy in Lome, the ~[tC bevelopment 5ocieCy, which is based in Cologne,
granted a line oE credit of 6 million CCrman marks (approximately
L..15 mit.lion CrA f.rancs) to Che WesC African llevelopment Bank (BOAD). The
money is to he used to help finance industrial and agroindustrial pro3ects
in Che member sCllCes of ttie WesC African MoneCary Union. (London 1t~UT~R -
in French 1213 GMT 22 Dec 78 PA]
GHANA-BENIN TRADE RELAT70NS--Trade between Ghana and Benin is on
the upswing. Working within the joint coopera~ion commission,
the two countries have frequently engaged in joir?t efforts over
recent years. The Ghana State Transport Corporation began ope-
rating ~n international highway transport service on 2 November
1977, with three dPpartures weekly from Cotonou (Tuesday, Thurs~
day, Saturdtty) and three from Accra (Monday, Wednesday, Friday).
Dec 78 p 32221 6182 -
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F'Ok Ul~'1~'~CIAI, USl~: c1h1~1'
UNI'PA E3L'NGUELA CONTROL CLATM DENI~D--The charge d~ a~f~ires 1
in Lusaka, Mr Andre Miranda, flat~y denied rumors to ~he e�Fect ~
tha~ ~lie National Union for mo~a1 Independence for Angola UNTI'A '
controls large seCtions oE the Benguela rail 1ine. Replying to
a nows report by a BBC TV crew which spent some 4 months in An- '
go1a, Mr Mir~nda stated ~hat '~these reports are no~hing but wes- ~
torn propag~nda; UNITA does not con~rol a centimeter or even a
millime~er of the rail 1ine," he added. ~~rnsofar as T knuw, the ~
- railroad is runnin~ from Lobito to the Zaire border.
arc: well organized and t�hPy will noL� allow something calledeople
to control a single se~nen~ of the Bengu.ela 1ine. 1Kr Miranda
_ also branded as "false" a report that UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi
was in Angola, stating that "the Angolan people would not let
Savimbi operate out of Angola.~~ Mr Miranda~s denial was addres-
sed ~o reports by BBC T'J reporter Mike Nicholson, who arrived in
Johannesbur6 on 2$ November and who claims to have spend 110
days with UNITA troops in southern Angola. [Text] [Paris MARCHES
TROPICAUX ET MEDITERRANEENS in French 1. Dec ~8 p 3336] 6182'
D~LGIAN TECHNICAL MISSION--A Belgian party of experts will spend '
~hc week from 29 November to 6 December in Angola "to lay the
~roundwork for Belgian aid~~ to this country,~the Foreign Minis- '
try announced in Brussels. The idea, according to that source,
i.s to provide the Firs;: concrete results of last September~s
visit: therc by f3el~ium~s top diplomat, Mr Henri Simonnet. The
mis~ion includes officials from the ministries o� Cooperation ,
and Forei6*n Affairs, as we11 as experts on roads and port instal-
lation~. I3el~ium has already made a commitment to help Angola in
Lhc: expansion of iLs ~or~ at Lobit~. [Text] Paris MARCHES TROPI-
CAUX CT MF.DITERRANEE~iS ~n f'rench 1 Dec ~8 p 3336] 6132
CSO: 44 QO
2 ~
FOk 4i~FtCIaC. L'S~ O~LY
~ ;
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I~t)h c)I~I~ It:l~l, U`;I; c)VI.Y
Paris JLUNL ACItIf2Ut: in T~'rencl~ 29 Nov 7$ pp 98, )9
CArticlc: by 5ophie l~essis, "7'lYe I'residenr Issues a Warning]
[Text] ~cc~nomic difficulties become more and more worrisome.
However, exhorting Che people Co work wi11 not solve the
"'1'l~e Congolesc countryside looks barren and deserCed," said President Yhombi
Opango on 13 November after a Cour of the counCry's ma~or regions. He ~oas
commenting once n~ain on rhe stagnntion of agricultural production.
'The problem I5 not a new one. Autl~oriCies in Brazzaville frequenrly bemoan
Che Scriousne:~s oE thc situation in this vi~tal secCor of the economy; a secror
wl~icl~ is even more important t~ecause prospects seem scarcely brighCer in
mining, hydrocarb~ns and industry. Within the last few years, authorities
have alre.~dy encountered ~eemingly insurmountable problems.
The currene president announced his intention r.o bring relief to the economic
picture when he took office after the rfarch 1977 assassination of Marien
~S'Gouabi. Although severnl sCeps have been taken, sucli as the creation in
October of a sCabilization fund for agr~cultural and forestry products, Chey
t~ave produced no tangible results. There is sCill a deficit in the trade
balance in 1978. P'ood imports are increasing at an alarming rate. In 1977
" they re:tclied 1U billion francs CP~\, or 20 percent of the total purchases from
~ furel~;~~ cc~untrLeS. '1'his wa5 ~1 serious drain on Che country's .reserve cash.
Potav:~ium liati nu~ becn mined since July 1977 because of the disastrous floods.
Thc development of petrolcum, which was supposed to solve al? these problems,
lias be~en :i disappointment. In the early seventies good prospects created a
sensc oC cu~~hort:?: in 1972-73 the simultaneous rise in production and in
~:rt~c:; liinted at possibilities of development on a grand scale and an
am~itiuuti ~~lan w;i~ developed. By 1975, however, production had diminished.
U1:~illusionment grew year after year. Anticipated investments were revised
d~wnwarJ :~nd uutl~orities w~re confronted with the hard realities which they
I~,~d moment.nrily for~otten bec~lusc of the mirage of petroleum manna. In 1977
ti~~~ vulumc of export climinisl~ed Uy 32 percent and development by 25 percent
tn comparition with 19~6.
~ .
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~~�~i~ c~t~i~ [CTAL US~ ONLY
i~avnrable C1im~~Cc '
Neverthelegs, tl~e Con~o is fAr frnm being ehe leasr fortunate country on the
conCinettt. Climac~ic cond~.tions are relatively favor~nble for a~riculture.
ForcyCs, which cover 60 percenC of rtle land, are an importanC resnurcet caood
prodtiction, which tiad r~ached 500,000 cubic meters in 1977, cou~d easily aCCaiit
2 million cubic meters a year. The country has gond roads, which wi].1 be
imprnved by Che rea~.ittement of C}~e Conbo-Ocean r~ilroad. The percentage o�
peo~~le receiving educ;~rion is the highesC in black Africa.
Whst, then, is ehe c~use of this app~rently irremedi~ble s~.ump7 In truCh,
everyone has known Cor a long Cime ~usl what Che impedimenCS to Che economy
are. 5ince the m~gic spell of peCroleum has losC iCs power, Chese problems
h~ive come to tl~e lor~front ~gain. Becnuse agriculture has been the "poor
relation" in every dc:velopmenC plan since independence, Chere is now a growing
sl~ortage of food and ngricultural exporCs. After having been almosC entirely
ne~;lucted, agriculCure was hoiseed Co a priority pos3Cion among other priori-
ties in 1975. liowever, this sector has so deteriora.c~:u years of -
neglect that a reversal ot� this trend is almosC impossible. ~
Cloomy E'uture '
"13udg~t-devouring" public officials have put development expenses on a short
allowance. Also, iC is common knowledge that a disastrousl.y inefficient
financial administra tion of national enterprises has monopolized a large part
o~ public finances. In the area of agriculture, where the government holds
45 percent of ttie cultivated land, reorganizaCion is promised regularly, year
~ after year, yet diligence and efficiency have noC yet been imposed.
Une of the best examples of this siruation is Che SIA-CONGO, a sugar-pro3ucing
comp.le;c with a 150,000 ton capacity. Present production barely manages to
fluctuaCe around 25,~~~ tons a year. Curre.nt repair needs now require some
six billion francs CFA and the governmenC has asked for forsign aid to start
the repairs. ,
Otlier types of agricultural exports have decreased over the last few years.
Tl~c situation was slightly improved in 1977: the volume of coffee exports
incr~~ased by 23 percent over the 1976 figure, sugar exports inereased 14 per-
cent, on tlic ott~er l~and cacao exports remained at the same level, but the
~~?~ormouti rise in wnrld prices caused them to double in value.
Woud production seems also to have goCten out of its rut and has shown pro- ;
bress in tlie first tialf of 1978.
'1~I14 mining and industrial sector, by its own admission, continues to decline.
Unless there are new discoveries, petroleum production will not exceed 2.5 ~
million tons per year from now until 1982.
~1lthougl~ there are a few timid signs of improvecrient, future prospects are
gloomy. In spite of predictions that rhe Congo would produce all its own food
by 1978, Che goal is srill far off even though several large projects have
' FOR i)'rFICTt~~. i;S~ 0:~:.Y
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. ~
~~~c~it c~~~~~ ~c;~n~, u;;~~; ~~N~,Y -
been ~cC in ntol-ion, 7'licsc ~('fc~rts are I~ampcred by existing structures,
ltmtted tnve:~Cmenl� I.n rural sc:c~ory (mo~t Eoreign investmcn~ is concenerated
in mines ~nd rransportation) ~nd 1~ck oC qualified Administrators.
Wlien wL11 there be a real r~vers~l in the economy? For tihe moment we musr
wait until the authorieies dn someeliing more rhan declare inCeneions and
, issue exhorCutions. The people, wno do not see an improvement in the3r
Einancial siCuation c�r ini Che qualiCy of their daily lives, are not eager to
respond to suc}~ governmenC directives.
CUPYRICHT: .Jeune AErique CRUPJIA ].978
, 9161 ~
CSO: 4G00
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, i
Madricl CAMBIO 16 in Spanish 12 Nov 78 pp 59-64 ,
/TexC/ Son, what would you do if I gave you my gun? ~
~I would shoot King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia three times. Then I would
rip their hear~s ou~ and leave their bodies in the jungle to be eaten by ~
a17. Che predatory animals. ~ '
With thi~ unusual conversation with two of his sons, according to Spanish '
teacher Teodoro del Valle., Macias Nguema, president for life of'Guinea,
began a few months ago one of his classes on ~~political instruction'~ for
all of the children in the country. These required classes are given
every SaCurday of the year by the Gt.~inean Chief of State. .
The Guinean dictator's insults a~ainsr Spain and its highesC institutions ~
are invariably the leitmotif of all of his public statements. Meanwhile, ;
Che Madrid Government appears to be turning the other cheek with its
efforts to renew cooperat~on agreements with~the Macias Government~that
expired on the lst of November.
If this is accomplished, it would mean that the Equatorial Guinea ;
dicta~or would receive some 800 million pesetas in aid. The money would ~
be used ~o repair the Bata airport runway and to acquire three C-~K2 Aviocar '
from Spain to replace all of the Equatorial Guinea Ai.r Lines~(LAGE) planes-- ~
Chree ~~C~nvers'~~-given to them by Spain 10 years ago and which are completely ~
unscrviceable today. ;
Of course, this time Macias will have to wait. This is what a special mis-
sion from the Forei~ri Affairs Ministry told him last week. The graup was ~
sent on an ur~ent and di;ficult mission to Bata to explain to the ~
Equ~zL�orial Guinea leader that Spain could not send the airplanes nor pave ~
thc runways aC Bata and rialabo by l,vo~~mber; the date on which the ~
previous cooperarion ~greement exr~ired. Spain t~ow has a P arliament and !
any expenditures are controlled by it. .
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The specill v'tsi~ to Cuinea Uy L�he cliplotnaCs led ~he Dcl:cnse Dlinistry Co
dust o~~' l:he old plans Cor evacuatin~ Spaniards from the Pormer nolony.
Accordin~ to Fotiei~~1 MinisCry sources, Ghere was a very real danger thaC
Macias would kidnap the diplomats or take some kind of reprisal agains~ Chc:
50 - odd Spani~rds living there when he learned that LAGE would have to
srop.i~s flighCs, because o~ the exis~ing dangersy un~il Spain completely
renovated the airplanes and resurfaced the runways at the Bata and Malabo
' PSOE OpposiCian
ri'or Che laCter reasons cited~above, Spain's Iberian Air Lines, whose weeEcly
fli~;ht to C uinea constituted Che former, colony~s only tie with the WesC,
was abou~ to sCop all flights to Guinea in early November.
"If we con~inue the fli~hts,~~ a company oft'icial Cold CAMBIO 16, ~~iC is
because Che Spanish Government is paying this airline's huge deficit, it
is overlooking the unpaid bills lef t by Macias' ministers and they have
assured us Chat the runways will be resurfaced.'~
The Forei~n Ministry~s special mission, however, did not tell Macias that
the vote in the Chamber o~F Deputies on assistance to Guinea will be very
controversial, even though in Che end it will be approved because the
UCD /Aemocr.atic C~nter Union/ and the AP ~opular Alliance/ have a majority
in Parliament. The PSQE /Spanish SocialisC Workers Party7 a few weeks ago _
was recommending tha~ diplomatic relations with Macias' Guinea be severed
"since any aid that Spain might give that country is not helping to improve
our relaCions, it will not reach the people and, on the contrary, iC helps
~o maintain a tyrant in power."
The socialists are right according to Amnesty International, the HumaY:
Rights League and the Council of Churches Ecumenical Council, urganizatio~s
_ that are tired of preparing reports on the constant violation of human
rights by the Equatorial Guinean dic~ator.
This situation has converted the former colony into an extremely poor and
deserted country. In the opinion of Guinean writer ponato Ndongo, �~10 years
of absolute power by Macias have led to a decrease in cacao production of
_ from 50,000 tons Co 3,000, to a decrease in coffee productio n of from
8,000 tons Co 1,000 tons, to the departure o� 160,000 Guineans, to tlie
jailin~; of 4, 000 people and to tl~e forced labor of 30, 000 others."
Of Che ncarly 400,000 inhabitants the former Spanish colony at
~he end of 1968 (the date it gained its independence), the most optimistic
estimates indicate Chat the,combined total of people lef t on the mainland
(Rio Muni) and on the island (Fer.nando Poo) is no more than 80,000. "Entire
cities on Rio Muni have disappeared,'~ says Jose Maria Odena, another priest
who was expelled after 8 years in Guinea, "because the inhabitants have
left everythin~ and fled to Gabon and Carrieroon." "Those who have stayed
bchincl,~~ aclds physician Sanchez Salvador, "have become Macias' slaves."
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~dV~ttNhtCN~t' t1sL oNU~'
On oth~r ncc~gidn~ ~ta~iaa N~;uem~' ~ mi7.iei.~ have ~xpellLd Ch~ pc:opln. ~~A
ye~~~ ~~;n wh~n Dunndi, rh~ clireeenr u~ Ch~: C~ntr~l Bank c~f Guin~a, ate~:mpeed
rn f1~o eo Swi.t7~r1~1nd with th~ na~io~t~ revenues," Teodoro del Va11~~
recalls, "Ma~it~~ ,~~ii~d him firse ~nd ehr~n ~x~cu~~d him~ Not ~~tisfi~d,
days lar~r hf;~ miliCi~men w~re ~aidin~ ehe tiown wher~ Buendi lived, bui�ning
hom~s ~~nd kiliin~ thosr. whn could nne ~~c~p~~~~
Pregn,~ne, Nn Lcss:
'!he Gutnenn l~aclet~ nbs~ssion wirh ru].in~ a 1~r~e pnpulatiion has l~d him
to ehe fncredible ~xtrcm~s n~ prnm~tin~ prnseiCu~ion amc~ng his p~ople,
includin~ ynun~ ~ir1s lt~ and 11 year~ old. ~~5inc~ Ch~ peopl~ ~r~ leavin~,"
~~id th~ ruc~nCly Cxpall~d t~aehe~, ~~1ast y~ar h~ said Chat he did not wan~
tn s~~ an,y wnmari nu~r ehe ~~e o� 11 who wa~ noC pr~gnanti. Gove~cnm~nC
o~~ici~is ~nd m~mb~rg o~' eh~ ~ans Crib~, Co which th~ pr~sid~nt belongs,
have taken advane~~e of rhis staremenr eo have sexual r~laeions wiCh ~
wam~n of the remainin~ Crib~s.~~
rlissionc:ry Jase Maria Odena r~call~ simi].ar ~pis~des. ~~Not long ago,~~ he
said, ~~he p:irad~d a group of pregnanC c.�omen through the streets nf SanCa
Iyablc~ and on anoCher occasion he said thaC any woman who worked in Che
- r;overnment but di~ noC want to geC marri~d was a whore. Male government
emplnyees werc ordered Co have s~veral wives so that they could increase
thcir numbcr nf children.~~
- I,uis Baguena b~liev~s ehat the radic~l drop in ~griculture production cannot
b~ expl~ined witllout keapin~ in mind Ch~ ~xpulsion of th~ Nigerians.
~~When Spain colonized Guinca,~~ he expalined, ~~ther~ was no work force so ~
thaC Ni~erians had to bc hired. In 196$ when Guinea gained its independence,
there were on ~ernando Poa 40,000 Nigerians as opposed to 20,000 natives.
iNacias, who is no fool, realized that they could organize an uprising so
he made life miserable for them until th~y left.~~ ,
Slave Gan~s
~~'Co r~place Chem,~~ we were told by a Guinean who did not wish to be
icicntii ieci, ~~rlacias Nguema converted Guinea into a concentration camp and
h~ sent his miliCia and the National Guard to arrest 30,000 Guineans on
thc mainland so thaC Chc:y could work as slaves."
`~since many oF ~hem di~l not want to leave their homes and wives in Rio
Mur?i and move to ~c:rnando Pou to cultivate cacao,~~ Jose Maria Vinas ~
oontinucs, ~~~he Natiorial Cuard arre:~ted aC machine gun point, loaded Chem ,
uc~ L-rucks arid without allowing them to say goodby to their families they
wcre s~~nt to Che island." ~
Sir~cc tt~e c~untry is still bankru~t, the Equatorial Guine~diotator has ~
insLit~~tec1 forced labor so that everyone works in the fields. ~'On certain
Jays,'� Jose Maria Odena sCates, "the post office, the telegraph office, ~
the various ministries and even ~olice headquarters are empty because Macias
t~as orderc~d the workers inio the fields to clear stubble with machetes.~~ ;
_ 3
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GdVi:Etiv'MI;N'i' t15L UNLY
Nnt c:v~n hi~ CLd5n5C dc~V~.5Cr5 ~r~ immun~ ~rnm ehig C~~eaCm~ne~ ~~Wh~n h~
calls a minigt~!r in for a buginesg m~~eing,~~ Jos~ Mari~ Odena C~11~ us,
~~Ch~ ~f~icinl is r~quir~d tn wurlc for ~ hourg on his �arm b~�or~ h~ mades
with him. Any minist~r, militury of~icc~r.~ or hi~;h l~v~l goveriunenC offiCial
who f~11s ir~m ~raCe has an ~v~n worge tiime of ie bacause 1?fanias, befo~~
hx~~utih~ Ch~rti o~ ~@1~~~ing ~h~m, ha~~ eh~m con[in~d for s~v~ra1 mottths
workir?~ withouC pay on one c,f his privat~ �~rm~.t~
Thc ~arbiddun City
Nis ~nti-pcdple ~nd anti-midd~.c: c'luss policy h~s ~nra~onfz~d ~v~ryon~~
Macias N~uema, ~ccnrdin~ to ~11 th~ ~ourC~s coil~ulC~d by thi~ ma~azin~,
has no �ri~nd~ in ~h~ counCry. ~vpn his own ministers hati~ him and many
o~ Chcm ar~ only waitin~ for an opporeuniey eo ~1~~ Cha diet~tor's ~ra~p
ds the Minisecr of La~bor rc~cc~nely did when h~ fl~d to Cameroon.
, "'Those who h~ve not lasC u bro~h~r, hav~ lost a�riend, Cheir moCher or
~aCh~r or hav~ b~en publinally humilia~ed," a Guinean ~xile who did not
wish to b~ id~nCi�ied Cold us Co summa~ize Lhe situation o~ ti~rror and hat~.
~~We liv~:d beeC~r und~r King Mal~bo~s rule 50 y~~r$ ago.~~
"His persnnal guard is composed o� rel~tives trained by Senen Ochoa, one
of thc principal Cuban military advisers in Guinea,~' Teodoro dsl Valle
told CAMBIO 16, ~~b~caus~ MaCias does'not trust anyone.~'
~~Since he alwnys ~xpecCs tio be atCacked,~~ Manuel Amilibia adds, "h~ has
fnrced farmnrs r.o cuC d~wn er~~s alor~~ a 30 meter stretch next to th~
roads he tr~vels on. He has taken all rifles from th~ homQS and h~ has
~lso ~akc~n all wc~pons away fram his oWn militia ahom he does nat trusC.~~
Thc: oddes~ aspect of all o~ Chis is, however, the ~'forbidden city" of
Santa Isabel. "Since his �ear of being killed is almost a viceral
reaction,~~ says Teodoro del Valle, "he has evacuated two-thirds of the
city of Santa Isab~l near the presidential palace and has built a forCress
around it. Only Macias and his Fan supporte~s are permitted inside the
forbidden city.~~ ` invasion of ~'crnando Poo since an a~tempt has already been made
by a~;roup oC fools, Presici~nt Macias has not set foot on the island for
4 years. ~'lli:: homc," continues Teodoro del Valle, " is an enormous bunker
that was buit~ in Malambo, his hometown, by Che Spanish ~mpany of Escuder
ar~cl Galiana. To reach th~: home from Bata, one must go through 17 police
check~~oints and the areas surroundin~ the Palace extending for several
kilomeCers a~ound it have been evacuated under proCest."
Money ticrp~ in Wardrotx?
Macia:;, 5ays ;nissionary Josc Maria Vinas, like .~11 Fans belongs to the
Society oE the l.eopard and other similar sects. �'These ind~viduals," he
cx~~lains, ~~tend to dress in leopard skins and they use the claws to destroy
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C~C)Vl~~1tNMt,N'P lJ~h. UNLY ~ -
~h~it~ hwnan vic~imy which arc~ Gh~;7~+t1 f~r ~heir inCell~c~u~l abilSty at
ehcir dc~xCcri~y ~nd ~kills~ Unca rh~ir vi@~ims ~r~ du~d ?:h~y ~ati soma
of eh~ir orguns in eh~ b~1i~~ eh~t ~h~y thus ~equire Cha vi~tims ~pLri~ ~
~rtd ttis virtueg."
r~~~i;~~ ~1~o k~~ps his w~alth and p~re nf th~ et~~~gury in M~lambo. ~~Sine~
Guinc~ Ct~ntr~~1 Han~c bir~etnr Uutndi ~eG~mp~~~l to �1t~~ Ch~ eounet~y with Lh~
n~C{nn5 r~v~nu~s, th~ Equ~eori~l Guin~andie~aeo~ k~~ps Ch~m in hi~ hom~
wher~ he h~g nrcl~rcd th~G ~il 10d, 5dd and 1,U00 ~ku~l~ bi11~ (tih~ ~kue].~
is wnrGh as much ~s eh~ rc~~C~) b~ y~ne tio his hom~,~~ Manu~l Amilibia ~aid.
dnly coins w~re 1~fG ae Che n~nk r~f Guin~a and th~t is why wh~n Spaniards
want to Cash ~ ch~ck thay Cak~ s~veral ba~~ along. ~~On most occa~ions,~~
says Ami.tibi~, "he r~tu~~g wieh ~mpty sacks b~caus~ th~ bank, on Macia~'
erd~~c~, do~s ~~o~ m~kc p~y~n~nC ~ven though th~ ~ku~1e is no~ worth anythin~
~u~sid~ eh~ country.~~
~ Tiierc:for~, to ~void beint; ~obbed by th~ Pr~$ident of Guin~a, many
Spaniards living th~re--who dn not ~v~n numbe~ 60 according tio th~2 mosti
v~ri~d sourc~s from thae country--pr~fer tio keep their money at home.
~~iberian Airlin~s, for ~xampl~,~~ says FaCher Jos~ Maria Vinas, ~~when w~
le~e GuinQa was be~inning eo r~fuse Ch~cks drawn on the Central Bank and
it kept its money in a wardrobe in iCS main off ice.~~
~'ood BroughC by Colonists `
OE' course th~ Guin~ans do not miss ehe money. After their independence,
Macias Ngu~ma prohiUitcd eh~ cbnsumption of ~~food brought by the colonists'~
including milk and brcad .3nd he sug~e~t~d that the penple eat what had
been eaten centuries beforps ~~yucca, dogbane and frfed plantains."
T h e President does not exactly practice what he preaches and, according
r.o T~odoro del Valle, ~~he is adicted to all the vices and food of
colonist society, as he calls them, and from time to time he asks Spanish �
compaines th3C still mainCain ties with Guinea to buy for him Ro1ex, ~
~;old pens and the latest European styled suits and shoes.~~
When he visit~d China a year a~o, where he equated Spain aith a shoe,"
Manuel Amilibia s~id, ~~he ordered Bolo, his official tailor, to make him
24 suits that he could Wear at receptions and official ceremonies.~~
However, thc ban on food introduced by the colonisCS is a real one
throu~hout the country. This ban has given rise to a huge black market
for r_ssential ~oods. Those who profit f~om thi.s trade are basically the
~;overnment minist~rs and the Spanish businessmen With ties to Macias.
r1 bottle oC Tres Cepas coGnac, for example, sells for 60 pesetas in the ~
C:u~ary Islands Whilr in thc former Spanish colony it sells for 5,000 ekueles.
~~'Ch~ salc: of onc of ehese bottles,'~ says Teodoro del Valle, ~~allows a
St,ar~ish campany to pay a Cuinean uorker, who earn~ 3,000 ekueles, and still
have moncy left over.~'
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ciUVI~kNMi;N7' tf~l; ONGY
Thr; 5~?nni~h buf~inc?~ytn~n whn havc~ M,~c:in~?' bic~y~in~s nne ~n1y d~t~y ehae Cti~y
3r~ m.~kin~; inority dn eh~ 61.uGk rnyrk~t~ buC th~y ~1g~ mainenin, ~C l~ast ~om~
of ~h~m, eha~ th~y ur~ f~d up wieh Maei~s ~s w~ll as with eh~ Faraign
AfEair~ Minimt~y which has not had fuil dipiomotiic r~lation~ wieh Guin~~
for n yQ~tr~
'~Th~ ForQi~n Aifairs Ministry,~~ Sd~d ~n ~mploy~~ and rQla~ive of ~ne of
th~ oWn~rg of ~seud~r ~nd Ca1i~?na, ~~Cddt~y do@s noC provid~ any proCeQeidn
for us her@ in Guin~a much l~ss ~'or ~ha ~~p~CriB~ion of our prop~~ty if
Ch~e tim~ ~vr~r ~om~~. Macias knowg thi~ ar~d h~ ~~~s~~ us ~bout i~. H@
cdngid~rg u~ ta b~ his b~ys, his s~rv~nr~ whom h~ h~r~ca~~~s ~very chane~ h~
Th~rc~ ara al~o Ches~ who ~ay th~~ eh~ Equ~torial Guinean df~eator i~ noe
short o~ r~~gong sin~~ eh~ 5p~ni.~h Governmene h~~ noe compii~d wieh any of
th~ e~nn~mic u~r~~m~nt~ it gigndd with its fnrmer colony. N~v~reh~l~~~,
M~cia~ has u very p~culi~r w~y o~ ~illin~ hi~ naCior~~~ coff~rs, whieh ar~
nctually riis personnl prnp~rGy. H~ kidnaps Sp~niard~ and th~n asks for
c~ ransom und hc also impo~~~ ~rbitrary fin~s. To date Ch~ Poreign Ministry
has donc noChin~ tn curt~i.l eh~sc aCtiviti~~.
Navin~ hnd ~nou~h of Maci~s, at ~h~ ~nd of July the lase six missionari~s
in Cuin~a ~rrived in ~pain. Amon~ th~m Wa~ Jose Maria Odena. They had
b~~n in prison rr~~ks befor~ and th~ir r~ligious order had to pay 4 million
~ku~lcs so Chat ehcy could leave th~ cuunCry. "The char~es which led to
our imprisnnment,~~ Jose M~ria dd~n~ says, ~~alleged that we Were Spanish
spies and that r,�~ took advancag~ of the naCive~' confessions to obtain
Cuinca~s gecr~ts.~~ '
A month earlicr the last ~roup of nun~ wa~ repatriated. In this case
Macias' reason ~ar imprisoninp them and as~king for a ransom was that they
were spying for Spain under orders from Queen Sofia.
The teach~rs sene to Guin~3 by the ~orei~n Ministry under a cooperation
program found th~mselv~~ in a similar situatian. Macias, Who saW spies
~veryuhere, ~rould time to Cime suggest t~ his students of "politica~
instruction~~ th~t th~y aatch th~ GE~ChCr5 buC not ~tta~k them. If th~
t~achE~rs w~re caught in some ~rrongdoin~, it was to b~ rEported ro him and
hc~ Wnuld be respon~ibl~ fer secinC that ~~justice" Was done.
The Wron~doing Which Macias N~~ lookin~ for occurr~d ahen teacher Rafael
Gueri attempted to h~lp a U~nish Woman whom Gabones~ authorities had given
permission to cnter thrir coun~ry. ~~ThaC is Why,~~ Cueri r~calls, "I Was
put in jail for 41 days. ~vcn chfldren Z years old Kere Chrnwn in jail and
beaten until thcy died. I aas relea~ed only afcer the Spanish Govercu~enc
paid '3 million ekueles."
C~lonist~ Namc~s
~ather Josc Maria Vinas ~ound himself in ~ similar situation several years
1r,o. Ne Was throun in j~il, ha told CAMBIO 16, beCause he was baptizin~
c:OV~aNM~h"1' t15~ a~LY
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envrr~rm~rH~~ usr, c~Ni.v
n~tivc~ wi~h n~m~g u~ucl t~y Chc c~lnnises~ H~ wou~.d h~v~ Co p~y
1.S ~ku~l~~ to ~U~ain hig r~l~~~g.
n~~sin~~~m~.n-~armur Mnnu~1 Amilibia w~~ fin@d, according ~o hi~ ~~ot{y,
"b~e~u~~ h~ m~t with en~ nf M~oi~s~ mini~e~r~ wiehaue ~~ie ~lthdu~h he
hdd bc!~n uorkin~ ori /Maci~s~ f~rm.~~ How~v~~, ~ f~w month~ ~~o anoCh~r
busin~~~m~h raccivcd nn ~vc~a ~~cat~r ~urprig~ when h~ a~s fin~~i
2dU,000 ~ku~l~~ ert hig arriv~i ae ~h~ M~LaUa ~i~pore b~cau~~ he wgs
c~,~rryin~; :~hnc~s wr~ppc~d in n n~wypap~~. ~~To M~~ia~' peli~ical polic~,"
;z~~ld Chu bu~inc:~~nian wh~ prpf~r~c~d Gn kc~p hig id~ntiity ~ secr~ti, ~~th~
Cnrpus d~l~rti wny th~ newsp~pcr in whi~h Ch~ gho~s a~r~ wr~pp~d b~cause
chey saw it ~s clanda~tini~ 5pani~h propggand~ b~ing ~mu~gl~d into th~
Elowever, th~ Spaniard~ ~r~ lu~ky b~e~u~a thcy can complain~ Thos~ who
c~nnet dn ~o, ~acordin~ to th~ Anti-Maci~7 ~ronti (FAM), are tha 10,000
whn hav~ b~an ki,ll~d or h~v~ disapp~a~ad during the ld-y~ar r~gim~ of th~
Equetdrial Cuine~~n dicCator.
The ~AM~s 1at~st r~porC, madc public on 12 O~tober, Che lOth anniv~rsary of
Gufn~a's ind~p~~dancc, ~eneain~ ~ li~~ of 53~ p~~ple for Whom there is
~v~ilable Concret~ proof Chat ehey aEr~ tortured and m~rdered by the
regim~ of th~ form~:r Spanish Public Works employee, Macias Nquema.
AmonG thog~ includ~d on th~ list are 29 ministe~rs and high level officials
and the 1G0 ECB prof~~gors, r~porters, doctors and governm~nt uork~r~.
'thiK l~~ds u~ to eon~lud~ that r~pr~ssion primarily has baen aimed at
etx~ n~t:ien's bc~:?C Craine~i p~op~e.
~~Th~ ].is~ is noe complcte,~~ says Manuel Amilibia Who liv~d in Guinea for
37 years and�is noW exiled in Spain. ~~My friends Who numbered over 500
~r~ atl de~d 3hd ttIOSC OE their names do not appear on the FAM list.~~
In addition to everythir?g als~, the document contains 3 frightening
sections the names of 37 children and itomen Who were tortured and killed
by Macias' militia in reprisal for the all~ged crimes committed by their
parents ahom th~ dicCator could not bring to "justice.~~
Beaten to ne;ith
'hi~ .~?ccount is rra~firm~d by the aetitude of a great number of the
~.~iin~an cxil~s in Spain uho r~fused co make any statemenr.s to CAMBIO 16
t~.~caus~~ thc:ir par~nts or brothcrs and sisters Were still in the former
S,~.i:iish ~alony ~~cl "yaci~s tirould ur?1~a~N his itrath ~nd insac~i~y or? them.~~
T'~n ~m~l Cam~ ~or thc 10,000 people Whom some sources say died at the hands
o~ M:icias not bc~fore a f irin~ squad or by hangi:~g but rather as a resulc ~
of bci~~ beat~n. ~~In Jun~ 1977~~' said Spanish priest Jose Maria Vinas who
Wa: expr.lled from Cuinea several months ago, ~~I Was in a Macfas jafl for
5 r~ys. I meC seven palitical prisoners that were near death. Each day
r.~c'i one Was beaten SO times with a stick.~~
c,ov~~~rr vsE rnttY
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~ovr~r~rrrr us~ a?r~.Y
"IG is oniy natural," ~ay~ Luis B~gu~nCa, ~~tiha~ in Guinea the p~o~il~ no~ -
only die becaus~ th~y ar~ b~a~~n bu~ also be~ause th@y a~~ hun~~y. _
B~cc~uyc~ wieho:~e ~ mi~imum of suppli~y, whieh Macias do~s not hav~, 4,Od~
hri.son~rs cannot ba kapC in ~~?il.~~
I~ih~th~r d~~th results fmm beatin~s or starva~ion, ~h~ killings in Guin~~
ar~ not a thir~~ of Che pase. On 12 O~~ob~r Macias N~uema ordered 32
C~ineans ~x~outQd to commemorae~ the lOth anniv~rsary of Chati country's
ind~~endanec. Amonr ~hos~ who wE~~ ki.ll~d, according Go CAMBIO ].6~s
sdurces, w~r~ Nationnl Guard Lt Jos~ Moro, form~r chief of the San Carlos
(nnw Luba) military ourposC ~nd ~~port~r Sev~ro Motio who studied ati the
Church of Madrid~s School of Journalism. ~
ThosR Who it~main
'Chin~y b~in~ as th~y ar~, it is noe unusual that a f~w mon~hs ago th~ ~'SOE
ask~d on~ of itis deputi~s, Manu~l Marin eo b~ exact, Go co nduce a thotou~h
inv~sti~aCion of the Guin~a probl~m so thae ehe sub~~ct eould~ be discussed
in th~ Chamb~r of b~puti~s. Th~ government, which initially a~k~d Chat
the m~eter be discussed b~hind closed doo~s " because of the possible
r~pri~als u~ainse Spanigh citix~ns still in the former colony," f inally
mana~~d ~a avoid a d~bat~ by i.~?v~kir~g ~~reasons of state.'~
Thc deons of 5pain~s dit~lomatic service fe1C that action of this nature
by Spa~in could br inGerpr~ted by Ch~ young African nations, that are ~
sensitive abouC th~ former ~uropean colonialist powers, as a form of
a~Cre~sion by Spain againsti a former colony, and it could undermine the
gains made by Sp~in at thg Khartoum Summit with re~pect to Spanish control
ov~r thc Canary Isic~nds.
Despite everything, the opposition is poised and ready to fight because
Che PSOE favors a radical curtailment of aid to Macias. ~~Everything that
r~aches Gufnea,~~ says raacher Teodoro del Valle, ~~becomes Macias personal
prop~rty. The Chin~s~ and tiussian food has m a d e its Way to Gabon and
Cameroon in exchan~e for foreign currency. Teaching mat~rials donated
by Spain huve found their aay to the ministers librarfes or are sold to
Chr. public in stores owned by the President. The medicines donated by the
Cnn~o, Lybia, Zairc and Spain havE becom~ the object of speculation by
rnini~tcrs and othcr high Covcrnment officials."
"Ntiil r_ hunCcc anci dis~as~ arc Caking thcir toll of the population,~~
c:Ot1C1U~1r.3 TCOdOrO dc:l V~ttr, the ~amma globulin donatcd by the European
cnuntri~~ is sdtd fnr 2,OOd c:kucles on Fernando Poo and only on someone's
I,t Col. Luis Ba~uena also docs not understand. '~A month after we left Guinea,
Mactias askrd for money to pay the National Guard and ue asked him
to provide us with 3 bud~et.~~
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ti11VI,ItNMI~N'I' ll~~l: t~Nl,1'
A~cnrdin~ tn Ch~� sourC~:~ conyule~d by CAMnIO 16, th~~~ axu no mr~r~ ehan
5U Spc~niards s~i1L leC~ on th~ �o~mc~r ~niony ~nd Chi.~ ~.nclud~s iberi~'s
m~~in~~nanc~ cr~w~ ~nd th~ work~rg of ~h~ Egcud~r y Gali~n~,.Mallo, Tok,
~'1cit~~~, Sampalca, Cab1ni11a~ and S~n C~iseobal c~mp~ni~~, Gh~ only on~s ~
lefe in Guinen~ ~~I ~cc~~.1y do not know,~~ ~onclud~~ ~ather .~os~ M~ri.~ Od~n~,
~'why w~ a~~ ~C111 eher~. Unl~~s w~ have b~~n ord~r~d by tih~ Am~ri.can~ ro
stay Chn~~ Co otf~~t eh~ communi~t influenc~ o~ tih~ Cuban~, Soviety~and ~
Chin~se '
COYYtiICHTs 1~7$ CAMgIO 16
8 S') ~
CSdt 4410
1!~ - .
COVEit~v'~ffiNT USE 0`LY
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I~~~tt ~~i~i~ Ic.tnl, ti;~i~; nNt,Y
GHANAIAN--B ~ITIS~1 TRADC..-.~rr~de betwe~n Gh~na attd Bri~~in �or ~ha
t~rs~ ~hre~ qu~rter~ o~ 1q~8 c~?m~ tio ~.73� ~ m31.13.on pound~. Bri-
~~in bou~h~ 9'l.3 m3.113.on pounds worth o� goods �rom GhanA~ and
~~ld Ghung $x.4 m3~.lion wortih, thus putti3ng Ghan~ 1.0,9 mi113.on
in bhe b1~ck. Cacao h~~ded the li~t o~ ~ritain~~ buys ab 77.8
million pounds wor~h. Ghana's purch~aes from Br3b~3.n consis-
~~:d primaril.y o~ m~ch~n~ry nnd tir~nsport equ~.pment (~42. x m3l~ion
puund~ wortih~ ls.$ million oF ~3na~ for h3ghway vQhicles), sp~-
ci~lized machin~s (10.g million) and miscellaneous otiher equ3.p-
m~nt (3.1 m31~.3.on). ~Toxti] [p~ris MARCHES TROPICAUX ET MEDITER-
RANEENS 3n French D~c p 33~x~ 6182
C50: 4400 ~
rVlt ttrFZCIr11. t.'SE cl\LY
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I~c)It UI~'1~ 1 G I AI. U;~I: 11NI,Y
pari~ ~~t1N~ A~i2iQtJ~ in ~'Y~nch No 935~ 6 L~c 78 pp 110-112
Inrticle by Sennen Andriamirado: "Thare~Nas Seen No Ovarture"~
IExcerptg] No surprise in the 11th Congress of the
Demccratic Party af Guinea. The r2gime continuas as
is. Rap~rochement with France is confirmed.
"Whe~n a person i~ a dictator, h~, continu~s to be one." This terribl~ of- statement was made by an African head of state after the PDG ~Demo-
cratic Party of Guinea~ congress, which closed in Conakry on 22 November
1978. One of several ways of noting the timidity characterizinq Presidan~
Ahmed Sekou Toure's decisions with reqard to political prisoners. if there
wer~ any r~eleases, they were accomplishec~ under cover, secretily, ati random
stops by thos~ military trucks that were said to have released a few name-
less prisoners on the streets of Conaksy at niqht. About 60, accordinq to
somQ sourcest about 20, accordinq to otihers. '
Nevertheless, that PDG congress had given rise to hopes. Scheduled for ~
S~ptember and postponed until November (from 17 to 22 November), it co- ~
fncided this year with the celebra*.ion of a memory: the attack by Portu-
qu~se merc~naries and Guine$n oppositioe members agafnst Conakry, on one
certain 22 November 1970. Especiaily the diplomatic overture initiate8
by Ahmed Sekou Toure on 18 March 1978, at Monrqvia, on occasion of his '
sp~ctacular reconciliation witYi his peers Leopold Sedar Senghor (Seneqal) ~
and ~elix Nouphouet-Boigny (ivory Coast) should find its cons8cration, this
tinxa, f~i a liberstixation of the regime, accordinq to assurances. ;
SeEore the conqress, gome friends, men i.n the confidence of Presifl~nt Se- ~
kou Zbure, told us: "You npwsmen are the ones who brinq up a bit of scan-
dal rach time and thus prevent Sekou from takinq positive decisionsl By
degcribinq him as a dictator, you enclose him in a trap. Sekou,lbure is
not a man to bend before the wishes of newsmen." Others addeds "You shall `
see. 5ekou Toure cannot make decisions all by himself. He has pronounced '
condemnatio~ by associating the peopls and the party in them. He can
~OR t~r F:C t~~. L'S� d\;.Y .
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~o~ n~~t~�ICIAL USC ONLY
pronounce ~unn~~ricg only by s~~ociating th~ p~ople ~nd ~ha p~rtiy in ~h~m.
't'hQ 11 th pUr, Congr~~g wi 11 b~ eh~ o~pe~~euni ~y fc+r th~t App~ ~t1y ~ th~
apportunity w~s ?ni~sed. 'rhe most spec~acular deeisions did nox ~ven atren~~th-
~n the diplomatic overtiur~, witih th~ ~xeep~3on of s~me kind wor8g for Frar~c~a
who~~ pr~gid~nti w111 b~ in Conakry from 18 ~0 23 Dec~mber.
Moreovez, tih~ 11th PDG Congre~s pl~ased the Guinean presifl~nt's datiraetiore
mar~ tih~n it rcasgured hi~ old f~~i~ndg. ~v~n tihe ~'oreign ~b8ervers h~d to
b~ g~tisfied with bging given an ovati.on in the 28 Saptamber S~adium, in
Conakry. ~dgard ~'aur~~ th~ p~r~onal ~nvoy of the French head of gtatie,
wss honor~d by ~he accolad~ of Pregid~nt Sekou Toure, hut he could a@e in
hig hogt only the "in�laxibl~ h~ro" of tha first yaars of independence.
Andrew Young, who was ~ent by ehg Amarican preeident, left Washington on
19 Novembar, according to th~ White Nouse communique, "ro representi nig
counery in the f~gtivities marking th~ 20th ~nniversary of Guinea'8 in-
d~p~nd~nc~." Whi1~, officially, thg Conakry f~stivities were the "com-
memorativ~ ~xpr~sgions of the great victory of the peopie ove;c the act
of imp~rialige and PoreuguesQ aggregsion on 22 November 1970." American
c~igcretion or diplomatic blund~r, tha~ kind of incongruity in concern seems
to limit still more the underst~ndfng that may be had abroad of President
S~kou 'Toure'~ "diplomatic of~ensive."
COpYRIGtiT: J~ut~e Af:.~tque GI2UPJIA 1978
CSO: 44b0
~~71t t'.:'F:Ct~?. L',L' A~~Y
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Paris ~EUN~ A~RSQt1E in Fr~nch No 935~ 6 Dec 78 pp 109, 110
(Artiiale by Francois Soudan: "Old Wounds"~ '
(Text~ The success o� the socialist experiment in
the land of Lufs Cabral does not rule out divisions.
The resumption of activity by the arnted opposition
has come a~ong to emphasize this. '
On Saturday 18 November, while leafing through the few pages of the the
daily nawapeper NO PiNTCFIA, officials and membexs of the PAIGC (Africar?
Independenre party of Guinea and CapP Verdej had the impression of re-
living a bad dream. A communique issued by the political bureau of the
party announced,.in fact, that for the first tiime since 1976, violent con-
� frontations had just put FARP ~People's Armed Revolutionazy Forces) soldfers
face to face with "groups of armed rebels" fn the Bissalanca region, not
fr~r from Bissau.
it is true that these uncontrolled elements, for the most part former Gui-
nean auxiliaries of the Portuguese Arn?y who had been re-forminq secre~ly in '
~authwest~rn Senegal since 1974 and who were violently hostile to the
PAIGC, h~d attempted frequent raids just to the beginning of 1976. Since
then, following the agreements entered upon between Dakar and Bissau, it
was believed that Seneqal had put an end to their activities. T'he Sene-
qalese Army had even arrested almost 300 of those opponents and FLING
(Front for th~ Struqqle for the National Independence of Guinea) (a rival
nationalist ~iberation front of the PAiGC) had to close its~offices in
Dakar and dismantle its traininq camps on the border.
in E~ct~ the reqion of the Casamance R~ver, between 2iguinchor ar~d Kolda, ~
in southern Seneqal,where several hundred of the 20,000 Guinean auxiliaries
had taken refuge, is difficult to control, because it is covered with bush ~
FOR G~'FZCIAc. i.tS~ 0\LY ~
~ _ - 's
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th~t is v~ry dansn ~e tiim~a. There~~r~, sm~~ll group~ oE diehdrds w~rQ ablo
ro fnrm up again and tn m~ake r.~ids ~yain, ~t~fir.i:inr~ in S~ptietnbc~r 1978, bgains~
tha border pnstis hold by th~ FAEtP.
The prublem of rehabilita~inq the soldiars uaed by the colonial ~rmy is also
one of th~ mosti critical obs~acles thati the young republic has had to ~~,~k~~~
After disarming them, tihe Guinean authori~ies have preferred, up to now, to
orqanize tihem and to incarporatie th~m "under supervision" in economic acti-
viey by meang of agricultural production coopera~ives. Undoubtedly the
~AiGC has some reasons for bQing on its guard. The miscarried attemp~
at a military coup d'etiat on 11 March 1975 aga3nst President LUis Cabral
(in coordtnation with tihe attempt by Gen Antionio de Spinola, in Portugual)
w~s instigated by African former noncommiss3oned officers of the elite com-
mandos of Che colonial army. ~
'rhen, is Guinea-Bissau going tio be talke9 abou~ again in terms of insecur3tiy
ru?d underground movemc3nts? Can it be that this small country with 560,000
inhabitants is slowly in ~he process of becoming "Angolaniz~d"? For sev-
aral years now, we had become so accustomed to seeing, in those 36,000
square kilometers of islands, of tall grass and of intermingled swamps the
site of an experimenti, of an original model of socialist developmant, fas-
cinating and reRSSUring, that thQ du11 crackling of �3rearms produces some-
wh~t the effect of a cold shower. But there is no country free from con-
flicts and divisions. Why would Guin~a-Bissau not follow the rule?
At this yearend and in spiee of these border skirmishes, Bissau is calm. So
calm ~ven tihat ~ pronounc~d feelinq of boredom fSoats along the broad
mango-lined avenues. Everything seems to be plunged in lethargy. This
prolonged slumber of the 60,U00 inhabitants of the capital stems, however,
from a sfmple explanation: passive resistance. That is the second problem
up against which the PAIGC leaders have been runninq for the last 4 years.
Although it is, in fact, true that, before 19 Octiober 1974, the party con-
trolled almost three-fouxths of the country, it was vQry far from having
mobilized the majority of the urban population.
W~it-and-See Polfcy
Marked as much by the severe repression of the Portuguese as by the status
of "assisted" to which they were reduced by the economic repercussions of
thc presence of the colonial army, the inhabit~nts of Bissau, just like the
inhabitants of Bula or Bafata, have taken refuge in a complete wait-and-
see policy, mixed with fear and distrust. This reticence is less evident
at present than i?ranediately after independence. But it is still there and
the PAIGC which, fortunately, has not chosen a violent solution of the
conflicts is counting greatly on the tireless activity of its rank-and-
file committees (the Tabancas) to succeed in overcoming them.
'i'here is also a complementary explanation for the wait-and-see policy of
thc city-dwellers: the ties uniting the lower middle class in the cities
~ok ,,?�r:Ci:~~. ~t~~ ~z~;.Y
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rdTt 0~'C~CIAt, USL ONLY
~o tihe PAIGC leaders mos~ of whom hav~ come from the same s~rial class.
5ome persons within thQ par~y are beginning to criticix~ this new leader-
ahip caste, born of a mArger oE tihese ~wo c~roups. ~
buring the 'I'hird pAIGC Congress, in November 1977, the hardcore of the
~ar~y attacke d the "new masters." A delegate pofnted out that the watch-
wnrd published as a l~rge headlin~ in NO PSNTCHA for 2S November 1975
"When a leade r begins to think about ensuring his future, he has lost his
rQVOlutionary spirit" had hardly been followed actually.
t)E course, Luis Cabral drives his black Peugeo~-504 himself and ~he minis-
t~r~ ~ar.n officially only the equivalent of 2,500 French francs (125,000
CF'A (A�rican I'inancial Community) francs a mon~h, but there are many who
bQlieve that ~11 the PA2GC cadres are far from being above all suspicion.
The most violent critiicisms are expressed within the party's youth move- '
ment. Ttie Amilcar Cabral African Youth (JAAC) does not hesitate to s~ate `
that the middle class in office has found its "natural trends" again by
opening up the country to the West economically and politically. The ~
bete noire of' these young dissidents, Francisco Mendes, principal com- ;
missioner (prime minister), was killed in an automobile accident on 7 July
1978. 'rhe members of the JAAC hope that his successor, Joao Bernado Vieira,
fresh from a Cuban military academy, will know how to change the direction '
of what they call the "rightist course" of Guinea's policy.
In fact, it does not seem likely that the hopes of these radicals can be ~
matierialized.~ An important turn was taken in 1977, when Guinea-Bissau ,
called for in ternational aid to relieve the dramatic effects of the Sahel
drought. tiinety percent of this aid came from the West, especially from
the Scandinavian countries and from the United States. Since then, there ~
has been a succession of Western and Arab investments. France, the United ;
States, Brazi 1, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Portugal (140 Portuguese cooperation
personnel are working in Guinea-Bissau) are participating in the country's
Rural Population Support ~
The PAIGC leaders are counting greatly on the suppo?-t of the rural masses
for the success of their experiment. Their success~ul achievements are un- i
deniable in the field of rural development. For the first time since inde- `
pendence, Guinea-Bissau has met its rice needs. ~
Armed opposition, int~rnal conflicts, wait-and-see policy of the city- '
dwellers: accordingly, Guinea-Bissau is not free from problems. Even ~
if the picture of a pilot laboratory and'of a courageous cooperative so- I
ciety often drawn of this small country in the extreme west of Africa has ~
to suffer from this. ~ ~
COPYRICf(T: .Teune Afrique GRUPJIA 1978 ~
(:50: 4400
20 '
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� IIRI~I~5
U551t AIRPLANES--Anrananarivo, 26 Dec (REUTER)--TARATRA, the Malagasy informa- '
tion agency, reported on Tuesday that two "AnConov 12" cargo planes arrived
� at Antan~narivo-Ivato InCernational Airport and tliat the planes will be placed
~t the disposal oE Malagasy ~fficials for 1 year, The agency staCed Chat
each oE these planes can transport 12 tons of inerchandise. Observers
believe thar the planes may primarily be used to relieve the crowding at
the autonomous port oF Tamat~nve, the country's most important commerciaJ
porC, where over 4,000 tons oE merchandise are reportedly waiCing Co be
' distributed. A"Yak 40" airplane, a Soviet gift to Malagasy President
Didier RaCsiraka, was~ expecCed to arrive in Madagascar on Tuesday afternoon.
[TextJ [I.ondon R~UTER in T~'rench 1340 GMT 26 Dec 78 PA]
C50: 4400
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' I~UIi ~11~'P' LG I AI~ ll;it. t1NI~Y i
gRI~i~S ~
:Ly7~) 5(JGAk YItOnUC'r~ON pEtOSpEC~5-�-Mr Antion~.o Alme3.d~ M~ttos~ Mozam-
biqun C~~.Y'CC~Ot' oC t~radc~~ s~y~ bha~~ th~ ou~look For h~.s
r.oun~ry's ~u~~r crop ~.s bd~~c~r �o~ ig7~ ~h~n was ~or ig78.
production quc~~~s for ~h~ currenti y~~r h~v~ be~n m~~ for
~~11 reE3nari~s ~xcept for Sene Sugar which would ind3c~b~
t;hat tih~y w3.11 be meb ~or 1979 ~?s wo1~. This means ~h~t Mozam-
biquo w3.11 bQ ~b~.e bo boos~ 3.ts expor~~ tio nround 1.00~ 000 ton~. :
The: 197$ pl~n quoti~? of 85~ OUO bans was no~ met~ since the Marrn-
meu ~nd Sen~ Sub~r plant;s s~~od 3.dI~. [T~xt] [Pa~i~ MARCHES
ml20PICAUX ~T MEDZT~RRANEENS 3n Fr~nch 1 Dec 7$ p 3336] 6182
CSU: 44Q0
FOIt bt~'FLCIAI. t:5E ~`'LY ~ '
~ ~ ,
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~roK r~r~'iC t~1L U56 ~NLY
E~arig A~RIQUE-ASI~ in Fr~nch 11-24 D~c 7~ pp i9-22 ~
[int~rvi~a wieh S~n~g~~~ge Upmocrneie PnrCy leader Abdoul~ye Wade by Sam
(T~xt) [Quegtion] Th~ gituatidn pr~v~iling in your count~y, both on th~
economie end ~ha politie~l 1eve1, ie ~~ourc~ of eom~ concern for a11
S~n~galpse. Can you ~ive us your party'~ viea of thi~ aituacion?
[An~uer] Thp eronomic and finenCi81 ~iruatihn of Senegel ig hardl~r bril-
linne.- Already in 19~~-19~8, tr~asury difficu]ti~~ had c~uged th~ ~overn- ~
m~nt to block 20 p~rc~ent of tl~~ ~quipm~nt credit allocation ro each mini~try.
Y~u cen ime~ine the repereus~~on~ on th~ functioning of public departmen~s.
While the trad~ balance d~ficiC wn~ 25 billion in 1975 and 40 billion in
I976~ it r~ached th~ rECOrd figure of 80 billion CFA �Ygncs thie year. As
to che bnl~nc~ of peymcnts, the d~ficit was about 27 billion in 1977 and
a Eigure nf ab~ut 60 bi~lion is rxpe~ted for 19~8.
On the domestic level, We note a ve ry cl~ar ~rend toWard a drop in the grog~
national praduct, nbove a11 in the fnrm gector, and inflation ahich is a
~ource of concern in vieW of the ~eg~ frepzc~. All nf this. as you can
in~gine. m~kas thr lif~ of the unrker~ nnd thc labaring masses difficult.
Under thr~e condieinns, it i~ rn$y to under~t~nd ahy the budget presented
tn u~ ghc~wg s~ ls~ck of sinc~rfty. Out ~f en rstimated equipment budget of
35 billinn francs, only 2 billidn w~r~ nllocated as An operations bud~~t.
~nd che cnunLry hnd to horroa ~3 billion---practically a11 td pay d~bt~,
for of this sum, only S billion repregent ne~+ expenditure~. To this mugt
be added n foreign indebtedne~g of 186 billion franca and fisral pressure
d f n lmc~s c 20 perc~ent.
A~ to the mr~gurrg desi~ned to' improvc the treas~~ry positian, not anly ~~e
they unpapular but thcy are but a drop in a giant bucket: At moat they
Would ytr1J three and n halE billion in a year Whilp the treasury needs
F'dlt i,r:~ tCtAt. Us~ ~~NI.Y
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1~C~It c)H'f'It'~~11~ tl!{t~'. t1NL�r
~i.~ biliien ~v~ry mnn~h tn ~~~ty ~f1VpYft61@ft~ pmpi~y~~~, itg r~pr~~~ne~~~:v~~ ~.n
eh~ pnr~~tate gp~tUt'~ ~nd obiig~ti~n~ f~l~ing du~. Th~ caner~dice~an i~ ih
faGe in~elublg, binc~, e~kin~ other r~~aurc~~ inta ~ccoune, Eh~ m~nehly
defieit ~~11~ 1ite1~ ~hd~E aE ~ billic~n ~nd ~ h~lf.
~n th~ haiitiagl i~v~i, ie ig noe ~x~g~~r~tiun ~ith~r eo s~y thgt th~ p~rty
fn pda~r, th~ PS C3oeidli~e PerEyj i~ in d~clin~, ~nd i~ ~uppore~d Boieiy by
eh~ p@r~en~lity af 5~n~ha~. Th~ eri~i~ ie ~xp~ri~ne~ng v~ry pr~found
~nd i~ i1lu~trat~d by th~ axpui~ion aE ~~b~e~r the form~r min~~e~r of
~in~n~~,~Who i~ ~h~rg~d with b~ing th~ e~u~~ of Eh~ pr~~@ne difficule~~~.
`~n ~pedk th~ Eru~h, i~ i~ ~ m~ee~r af ~cho~~ of eh~ ~eruggi~ ~~~~nge eh~ ep-
pa~itien~ in whieh B~b~c~r aa~ ~h~ m~in eooi, for wieh eh~ ~uppore of hi~
p~rey, h~ w~~ ~uppa~ed fo u~~ th~ ~t~c~ budg~t ~o eomUae u~. Th~r~ W~r~
thre~ sta~eg in thig g~ruggle. In 19~6, in an effore ~o haulz eh~ expansion
~E nur par~y ~nd pr~vene u~ Eram hoiding our f~Ctl~ COflg~~E99 ~n Kaol~ck~ th~
~5 w~~~d a~o-e~li~d eamp~i~n ~f demoli~hm~nt Whieh eoee, iE i~ gaid, tw~
billidn francs. tn Ehf~ ~~nfl~ction, ~he ~p~e~ d~voe~d by eh~ only n~tion~i
d~lly, th~ n~wgpap~r LE S~L~iL, eo chi,~ op~r~eion, wili r@m~in in ~li our
m~meri~,~ for~ver.
'Th~n eh~ ~l~~tten~ a~r~ h@id, which co~t, on~ ~ugp~c~g, a~r~~t d~~l of mon~y.
gut b~far~ th~t, th~ PS had ea purgu~ a~nodaill poiicy d~9ign~d to cr~ae~,
o~ut of Whal~ ~rlaeh, c~ pe~lfitie~l-bu~ir~e~~ "baur~e~tsi~" $upp~ortin~ ~t~i~;: ~r~- ,
~tm~e. An irony of fate--aith thp elections over, sotne of thos~ aho profited
fr~m the ~ib~rei~gm ~f Babncer 8a to pur~ha~8 ~xp~n9ive bui~din~s dr v~h3c1~8
~re ncn+ bein~ pucguad by thp e~u minigter of finance.
Ic~~~c~tidn~ 11ov~ver~ thi~ ~conomic ~it~atfon has de~per caug~s. `ihat in your
.virw er~ th~y? ~
(11nba~r~ dbvieugly, ehr p5 Wi11 t~11 you thst th~ droughE i~ the rause of ?
all thca~ ills. tndc~d. it may hgve ptay~d a certain rol~, but a large part
~f chc c~gpon~ibility ther~in falig to a g~vernmeet wh~ch, ~fter ind~pendeece,
n~vrr h~d a prpcisr nvervi~+ of our ecunomy, its po~~ntial ~nd the difficul-
ti~~ t~hich might po~gibly ~pp~er 4n ic~ path.
tn our pnrty's program, priority i~ given to an agricultural plan aith the
dcvelopment of crdps degi~ned ~o ~chicve gelf-suffici~ncy in foodstuff~
r~~?idly. This presumes a Weter pali~y on ~ national 1eve1. If such an ~
c~rirntdtfan hnd been purgu~d, ae Would have been less dependent fnr food
on foreign countrie~ today and thp eff~ctg of the drought vould have been
le~~ hdr~h.
1'~~ thi:~ must be add~d the errora in planning. Can you iioagi~e th~t our de-
v~tnpmrnt pi~~~ are implemented SO percent~ and in addition, their financing
f~ rxtremcly preblrmaticgl. because it depends. to an av~rag~ extent of
~Im~�t 80 percent, on foreign funds, and thus on parameters beyond our con-
:OR tlr`Nll.:~11. ilS~ i)~:L~'
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1'~ri V~il' LULfW t1~7~ ol\L~
I knew v~ry w~l1 ~h~~ ~ numb~r d~ Afrl~at~ ~auheri~r~ ~r~ pur~uing mnr~e d~ 1~~~
ehi~ ~~m~ p~~h. 13u~ ~ dd ndt ghnr~ thi~ vi~ion ~f dav~iapm~n~. R~eh~r W~
~r~ ~~~kin~ b~i~nr.~a :~ueh th~t b~~u~~n ~aad p~edu~~ian ~ad ~an~umpeian,
i~d~n~ntipfl~~ in ehc fnuci ~rCthr ~or fr~mitie~, vili~~e~, end r~gien~, pradue-
tiun hF nur h~u~in~ ut~h In~nt rr~aurC~~, ln~~rnd ef impor~ing ~v~ryEhin~ ~nd
e~~king e~ r~buiid ~urc~p~ in Afrie~. bbviau~iy, ~il ~f ~hi~ ~ra~uumn~~ tnu~h
ind~p~n~f+~n~~ ef ~~iri~ ~nd ~ r~vi~iafl th@ v~lu~ ~e~ira~.
`Cu erhi~v~ ~ur geh1, ~h~ mu~t ~i~o ~p~~k eE i~?dEIEE. Yeu ~~n h~v~ na id~~
it~ ~~~p~ ~in~~ ~t1t~~~~+fltl~fl~~ a~g achi~v~d: Unr~~li~tie pra~~ce~ ~bure~d,
gwindi~~ d~ ~v~ry kiad--aniy p~~~ibi~ eh~nk~ eo iftCAfip@E@flC~ ~fld ~ftt~S.~~@t`=
~nJ ~~?ilugidn aieh ~h~dy bu~in~g~m~n. Thi~ w~~E~ h~~ ec~~e u~ v@ry
dp~r, nde eo m~ntion th~t it hag i~d ~o eh~ di~illu~ionm~ne of eh@ p~opl~
aha d~iiy rpc~iv~ prdmi~~~ ~f ~ob~ ~hd aha th~t neEhing cam@g af it.
'I'hu~ th~ r~gpon~ibili~y ~f th~ gnv~rnment ii@e at th~ b~~~ of eh~ Bituaei~n.
~i~~r~ ~c~ eaun~rip~ uhich h~v@ ~xppri~nc~d v~~eH@r probl~m~ comp~rabl~ E~
~hng~ in S~en~g~l but eh~c h~g nc~e pr~v~nE~ed Eh~m from man~~ing v~ll, from
b~ing Eere~ighe@d ~nd ~dvenein~ a1~ng the path of d~v~lopm@nt.
[Que~tiun~ W~uid yau agr~~ vieh u~ Ehet in ord~r eo ~~h~ev~ thig, ~he
e~untri~g in qu~g~ion med~ a ci~~r poli~icnl choic@, con~.i~tent With their
n~tionai int~r~~~~?
(A~~w~rt~ Y~r~~ ~ politie~i ehoi~c whf~h m~an~ ~fr$c o~ all r~lying on on~-
~hlf. N~ in ch~ PbS (S~n~~~i~g~ Dert~cratic Parry) have ebaolut~ly no in~en-
tion eE bngin~ the develaprt~~t at our country on foreign aid, or what ha$
e~m~ tc~ b~ ~ell~d that.
i nm ~rrtatnty not pr~~~hin~ n~tt~n~i ~eif-sufficiency, but 2 believe ~hae
tt ig nec~~gary to co~t dn guch p~t~man~nt res~urc~s aa th~ l~bor force and,
aiore g~nrrAlly, ldcel hum~n end ~thpr resourc~~.
~Quextion~ Nhcn it comes te the World ~ector, your party has sincp its
~~tablishment bF~n oriented in particular toWard the pensants. Yet your
program rellg fc?r the EliminAtinn c:' ,,,b.::,.~~iion 8uch as th~ ONCAD
[Nntional Offic~ nf Coopecation ~nd A~gist~nce for Developmeet).
(Ansaer) Prom thc~ vic~+poinc nf the gov~rnment in 1960, the OCA, uhich b~e~me
tf~~~ l~CAS~ At1d thhn ehe ANCJ?D, Wns surpos~d to take eh~ plgc~ of ~uch tr~ding
rompnnir~ na chr SQOA [Wegt Africnn Trading Company~ or the CFAO ~French
Cdmm~ny ot iJext Afrirnl to ~;u~rantee the digtribution of g~ain and thus ob-
tnin thr profita formerly earned by thp old colonial companieb. Th~ con-
rcpt of tl~e ofEic~ tl~us wag the re~ult of s~etaingly correct reasoning, but
nnly x~cmtn~ly xo.
71u prtnr_ipnl critt~ixw wc wnuld m~k~ of ~h~ ONCAD ig that it ha~ b~come a
~echr~nism for e~l~iting the pet+sants. This body purchages peanute fro4
the pc~~sants ~t a vrry lov price in comparison to the world market, resells
them and porkets tremendoug profits. which ~nables it to have a larger
F~k C:?'b'~f:srlL ifSE O:iLY
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1'~)I~ ~~~~I~ i~:+Ylls I~ot11 (~~\i~t
t~ud~et ~hdn th~ ~tdt~ in ~odd h~~~v~~t y~dr~. 'rhi~ ~rpdil-, innt~ad cif
~~rvth~ d~ ~ ~un~ ~h~ ~t~bili~ing ~~a,~en~ in~d~~, ~a~~ i~ta ~h~e ~~nr~r~1
budg~E to p~y ~empiayer~. ~n eh~ fin~i ~n~ly~i~, ~ f~v~rabi~ in~~rn~~ianai
pri~~ n~vcr b~n~~'it~ th~ p~~~aae bue th~ ~~v~rnmene ~mp1~y~~, far ehi~ v~st
m.~ehth~ ~ropia~~ ~ multieude ~f ~~~ibbi~r~ paid 12 month~ ~f th~ y~~r, whii~
th~ p~~~nn~ @~rng hi~ fn~am~ aniy an~~ ~ ye~r, ~t h~cv~~e eim~. ~e w~g fl~e
unEii 1~~E ~~ar, ~~~gui~ af ~ vi~ui~~e ~~t~p~i$~ W~$~d 6y eh~ PDS, eh~e
the pri~~ ta th~ produ~hr in~r~d~~d.
Thus th~ aNCAn i~ ~ m~~h~ni~m fnr ~xpioi~~fian ~nd ~rangf~r fr~fi on~ ~eci~i
~.~t~~hry ea anoth~er. What we w~n~ i~ ea r~~urn eo eh~ (l~~~dftE ~h~ pr~d~i~e
of 1~ig lnhar. 'Mi~e ~limindtion df eh~ aNG1?D unuid b~ ~ brut~l m~ehad, ~nd in
re,~lity th~cp i~ ne ryu~~ti~n ef eiiminueihn p~r~ ~nd ~impi~. id~ aauid ree~in
tt~ tun~tian E~n nid ee eh~ p~a~dnery nnd Wauid ~l~o d~v~lop itg ral~
i~i thr dtKeributic~n ~~aEOr.
tn faet, th~ pri~ce~ af can~um~r $o~ad~ in eh~ ine~riar ~r~ ~oo hi~h. Th~
cdgt d~ ~ g~~k o~ eem~n~ ~i~~t doubi~~ b~eew~~n D~ker and M~~~m or ~~k~i.
k'~ ehink thdt in ehi~ ~onn~~eien ~h~ ONCAD ha~ a rai~ to piay, and eons~-
~uently, c~rtain fun~ei~ng af ehig b~dy ~ri~1 b~ r~tain~d ar ind~~d d~v~lop~d.
Par~11~t vith thig, a~ mug~ algo pi~e~ ~er~~~ on th~ c~op~r~eiv~g, ~hich
exfst et pr~g~nt oniy ie n~~~, pueein~ ~n end, nacur~iiy, to ~h~ p~incipl~
vf ,~oint lidbiiity fdr d~bts, Which i~ ~u~h tad~y that i� a peas~nt �a~l~ to
r+epay adv~ne~g ed eh~ gt~e~, eh~ ~ntir~ e~op~rativ~ i~ r~quir~d to pay far
him. Now tho~~ aith the h~avip~t d~ebts ~re u~ually the p~litic~l offici~l~
wha c~nnot be touched, vhu borrou and mak~ the p~agant~ pay for th~m.
(+~ue~t~dh~ L~t u~ reeurn fa~ n mdro~ne ta th~ mor~ pr~gg3ng prdbl~m. Aft~r
tt~c trangport work~rg' g~rike which eampi~tely paralyxcd th+~ councry for
74 hr,urg, hov dn y~u pxpl~in th~ 1oa~ of popularity th~ PS suff~r~d vieh
thig soci~l stretum, Whieh has ala~y~ support~d the r~egiroe7 -
(An~~r~r) it i$ true, until a atill very recent p~riod the trgnsport arorkerg
~+ere ~n effeetiv~ bulu~rk di th~ r~gime. Becnus~e of their mobility, they
are indigp~nsnbl~ to th~ PS during th~ eiection~, ~inc~ they usually gee
co thc transportacidn df party m~mber~ ta th~ polling place~ and, When on~ ,
reali~~g that gon~ aE the vilinges nr~ 10 er 20 kilom~t~rg from~these sites,
~n.~ ~nn cl~nrly understand ahat they must mean as a suppo~t for the party in
p~aer. Tht~ ig the r~ason that ~r~dit farilitie~ for the purchase of vehicles
a~~re nk~de availnbl~ by the forroer minigter of financ~, in o~der to build sup-
rort for che PS.
But this ap~ a shartgighted policy, for the tranaportation sector in a
r~untry in the proc~rsg of developm~nt is extremely sen$itive and become$ '
g.1ttl~iltCd vcry qufrkly, as the long lin~s in front of the "seccos," the .
f.7ctc~rtcg and ~the vnr~houses indicate. Thus today th~ transport vorkers .
Find chrm~elves in difEicultie~, since the products transported have not in-
~ rc~�~ed ~t the s~mc r.yte of grouth. Transport Workers srho have tmde paynaents
for ycnr~ nre ready to 1et their vehicles be repossesshd, for their paralysi~ _
EC+li ~1} F it:Iai. US~ d\LY `
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. ~
f~Y)H t?I~ 1' I C I AI~ 11!;i~~ ItN1,Y `
eag~g d~~r, c~,~ r~~~ir~ ~ 7'hug yau ~~n ~urr~ntly buy r~ v~hicl~ whi~h r.a~t~
b~tr+~en 5~nd 10 militan ~aa nr th~~~ y~~r~ ~go far ~ Ehird af ie~ pric~~
Aft~r hevin~ r~pnpAa~g~d ~ number df v~lti~i~~, ehe i~ndiflg fiaanei~~ body,
whieh Ea w~d it~plf in pa~~~~eion of ~nur~~~r~bl~ v~hi~l~~ of which i~ h~d n~
a~y nE di~poain~~ 3~ nov b@g~ing tr~n~p~re pereennel ro tak~ th~m beck on
n~w t~ro~ contrace~.
~~r~ii~i to ehi~, ehpr~ ~r~ e~rtain prncric~g Wh~ch ~h~ eruck~r~ have con-
dpmnpd, in p~rti~ul~r EH@ "a~eo rlinie." Th~~ ~g ~n ~~e~bli~hmene wh@r~
~b~h oWn~r oE a v~hfci~ mu~~ ~ubmit ie e~ ~ t~chnic~l in~p~e~ion a~~in~~
~~~?tU@flE of ~um~ r~n~in~ from 6 to 20 or` 30,0~0 f~r~ne~. 9ut in the vi~~+ of
m~ny Sen~~~i~~r, thi~ i~ nothing bue ~ M~fia ~ff~ir, ~ n@w plot eo ~xpioi~
th~m~ ~dr th~ campnny pl~ying eh~ roi~ oE th~ "v~hicig doctor" wouid b~ ~
~ugin~~~m~n in er cidgaly linked wieh th~ gov~rnm~nC. Th~y hav~ mar~ov~r
g~e up v~hicl~ part~ ~hop~ be~id~ eha "ciini~~," ~e eh~t ~ho~~ rac~iv~n~
"ord~r~" Wiil ne~ have ea go t~r, an~1 th~r~ ia ~ven to b~ a d~partment fer
purchd~in~ "~ancl~tan~ed" vehicl~~. '
C1n thp oeh~r hxind, ~h~ tr~ngpc~rt wurker~ fepl concernpd nnd involvpd aith
the ~en~r~l ~ituation, which h~g gr~a~ly d~e~rior~t~d~ In any ca~e, th~~
~trikp, which ~uccp~d~d 100 p~re~nt, r~presente a e~rioug indication for eh~
(QuestionJ ~rom What you ~ay, iE one ~~g~sg~~ the situation, one could pr~-
~um~ that the oppo~ition ha~ a chnnce of ainning poaer.
~An~aer~ (~uite $d.
(Qu~gtinn~ Under ~uch condieiong~ Wh~t ddp~ the PDS plan to do vith a view
tn unity of the 1~fti~t fc~rc~~~ nnd what means ar~ aveilable to it for doing
qo. i~ vi~r of the faet thae it ig ACCUg~d of r~preseneing a royal oppos~-
~Ansa~rj We ~muld obviously hnv~ likrd to achieve unity of all the leftiat
f~rces for the building of ~ n~W Senegal~ but if we had waited for such unity,
wr aould still b~ at th~ point df di~cug~ing th~ sex of th~ angels. ~or
thig rrn~~?n, ae plunged into the ~tru~~l~ wh ile launching an appeal to other
forcc~. gut ac nurture no illugions and w~ are not seeking unity for its
own gake. We dc~ ndr think it aould b~ politically wise to e~tablish unity
for thr ~ole purpo~e of digiodging the Socialist Party a~a ai~iain$ up the
minisccrinl pogtg.
'Che PDS urges unity, but unity bbged on a program. In particular, we must
rench n~rr~mcnt on d~mocracy. the multiparty system. and reapect for freP-
daaL~, rtor Wr have ~ profound commitment to these chingg.
Bec~us~ we do not Eavor the seizure of poWer by violence, but rather a
drmor.r~tic advancp s~hich is parliamcntgry as well, we are ac~cu~ed, or
rather wr aere nccuged before the electioes, of constituting a royal
~ z7
F'~K ~'h!!iCiAt. USL ~~LY
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c~~irtrrr~c, tiya: UNI,~
~p~n~itinn. N~w exp~richc~ hd~ ~hdwn th~t w~ h~v~ ~h~n~pd m~ny ~hin~~ in
S~ncgdl With~u~ ~ny bld~d br~in~ ~hpd~ In dur ~irc].~r~, w~ b~1~,@v~ eh~e 3~n~-
g~i i~ eap~bl~ oE eljsng~ by eh~ d~m~er~eic m~thod.
`Ch~r~ ~r~ Eho~~ whe da nne b~1i~v~ bec~u~~, th~y g~y, eh~r~ ig no ~eod
f~i~h hn th~ part of th~ ~dv~r~ary. t~~~h i~ Enti~l~d e~ hi~ ~t~~iy~i~ ~nd
tifld~r~e~nding ef th~ ~dv~r~~ry'~ maeir~~~~ And b~aiiev~ mp, w~ ~r~ no~ n~iv~.
W~ knaw th~r h~d it bcen up eo ~h~ 3o~ieii~t Parey, aur~ wou~d n~v~r hav@
w~n j~ d~puti~~' in th~ iagt ~1~~tidn~, alehaugh ti~tg fi$ur~ de~~ n~e
eru~y r~prQ~~nt eur ~trrngth.
W~ p~rtirip~t~d tn eh~ ~lpc~inn~ ~nd w~ ~nmp~~~n~d hon~~eiy. H~d w@ won Eh~
el~atiang, a~ wau)~' hnve b~~n governin~ Sen~$~1 :~~tay. Now a~ far a~ I know,
d"ruy~i e~pn~iei~,n" nr~v~r ~~~kg th wr~~t power frcm the eov~r~ign. A18o, i
think rha~ thi~ ee11y h~~ ea dn with our p~rey'~ ~~r~y yeare, which w~e mi~-
und~r~tood th~~~ i~ t~m to ~udg~ fr~m Wh~t rh~ variou~ oppositions eay noW.
New if w~ air, pew~r, r~m~mb~r eh~t a~ n~v~r said thae ih~ PDS wduld ~overn
5enegc~l a11 .,,lon~. And furehermor~, if ie eome~ to cadre~, ~i,ongside ~~ch
PS dEfici~l w~ ~an p1ec~ onp from thE PDS. Thoae who r~ad ahat we write know
th:~t th~ PD~ plang to guid~ the country in con~uneeion with all comp~tent,
hon~st gnd cc~annire~d Senegal~~e~ ,
(Q~p~tion] However, durin$ the r~cent electiong, you appeal~d to the votere
to pgrticipate ~n ma~gp~ convinc~d thac you would be ebl~ to win th~ power
~hccording co th~ rules of tl~e d~mdcratic game. NoW the actual development~
gninsaid thi~ belief and ahow~d the srrpt~~th of an unofficial opposition.
(AnRwhr~ W~ a~re entir~ty mistaken end w~ are Willing to admit it. But
ydu g~e, I bpgin by crediting my interlocutors with good faith, even if I
becom~ a victim ~gain. Md you can be certain that in the future we aill
t~ke a11 precautions go thaC this doea not recur. �
((~uestionJ We would like to know at ahat stage your party i~, and above
all wh~t your ~osition will be on the law on political movements in the
course of the next parliamentary ges~ion.
(M $wer~ Our pnrty h~g rompleted the recruitin$ stage and is in th~ organiza-
ci~nnl stage. for the infiux of inemb~rg literally exceeded our cepacity in
tt~ts ~ector. Currently, our basic problem is staffing, as well as setting
~~p th~ organizations affiliated ~ith the party, for young'people, women,
~nd the elderly. The serond goal will be making the militants aware of
current problems. In particular we want them to understand what is at stake
tn the questions soon to be discus$ed in the national assembly, and for them
to know thnt Seneg~l is at a crossro~ds. This is the kind of support of
pnrlibmentary action We will pursue in the weeks to come.
C.nnc.ernin~ thr law on ideological trends, the PDS has from the outset voiced
its e~ppoHition to the arbitrary limitation of the number of parties and the
ldeA of arbttrarily labeling chem. Hovever, we believe that it is not ~
FUR f,.~ r.C:A1. USE U1LY
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r~t~k r~t~~rtr, r.~t, u~t~ at~v
d~~irdb~~ ta ~11oa ~ multitud~a df p~r~i~~ ~a b~ ~~e~b~i~h~d~ ~n our viea,
tW~ dr ~hr~~ p~rgi~~ ~uE~ie~a, bu~ W@ ~~y thut ae ehe b~~innin~ it i~ n~c~~-
gary ta ~11nw ~11 ehe p~liei~~liy ~ignifieant group~ Eo ~,~eabii~h eh~m~e~v~~
~a parti~~~ in the m~dium rang~, by m~~n~ of eh~ ~1e~tion~ whieh by eh~3r
very n~tur~ polariae opini~~, a r~du~,e~on !,n th~ numb~r of par~~~~ wiil o~-
~ur o~ i~e oWn ac~ard ~nd m~r~~r~ wili mor~ev~r b~ f8e~~it~e~d. Upp~r Vo1e~
E'ound ~ m~thad invalvin~ i~Eein~ ~1~ ~he ~urtie~ compe~e in eh~ el~ceion~,
~iiawing oniy tho~~ provin~ mo~~ rQpre~pntaeiv~ eo eoeeinu~ to ~unce~on.
Thi~ ir~ nn~ m~thod oue af many.
iE mnr~bvee, yuu ~rQ g~~kin~ throu~h your qu~~~ian Co i~~rn wh~~ our ~eei-
tud~ toward r~cag~itian ~f th~ RNU ;^,heikh Ant~ Diop'~ p~rty, eurr~aeiy
uuei~u~d) wi11 b~, i u~uid x~~mind yeu that uur periodicai, tE DEMOC~AT~, h~~
dlwaya d~Fend~d it. ~'hh politicgi bur~au of ~he PDS has repeatedly voiced
~hi~ aupport anci m~mbrr~ af aur ~xesutive e~cree~riae even gigned ~he peLi-
tion d~manding r~cognition of thp mov~meat.
~ut vh~n it com~~ noa td ~iving ~h~ poiieieal group~ a hearing, th~ re~liei~g
urp there end f~cEg ~r~ ~tubborn.
~Qu~~tinn~ Sinee th~ ~habe affair, to ~peak of foreign policy, Senegal'e
diplom~ti~ ig~lgtion ha9 becdmp greater. Zts position~ on th~ African ~c~n~
v,re incr~asing opposed by Vdt'~OUS ~taee~
[M gW~r] You ar~ righr. Sen~gal has ~xperi~nc@d ~oma diplomatic difficulties
At the Kh~rtdum gummit m~eCing, Che S~n~galese position placed ug in a ~
Just nft~r the t'aris statement on th~ interAfrican forc~, our party took a
st~nd end condemned the ronc~pt of such a force outgide the OAU COrganization
oE African Unityj. This opposition wag the subject of a reaolution passed
by our political bureau, ahirh denounced the dangers of such a venture, more-
over, which Would rigk launching an armaments rac~ in Africa. For if the
grenc poWCrs ar~ not for examplp ready to combat drought, they are on the
ochcr hand r~ndy to supply ug all kindg of wegpong, even most sophiaticated,
.7nd even on cr~dir. After th~ ideological schism ahich divided Africa, Wp
rould anly r~grpt our country's~ becoming th~ cause of a near one, atill more
iJe ~lgo re~ected thc ideo of c:reneing a force to go to the aiC of govern-
menta ~+hich have accounts to settle aith their peoples.
All in all, We were hnppy to gee thgt the Khartoum summit meeting reached
decision ronsigtent with our view.
But s~s you know, despite the Neto-Mobutu reconcil.iation, Senegal~se soldiers
~re gtill in the Shab~. In n statement to the national assembly. our
party protested the id~n of r~ending our sc~ldiers th~re. But the PS ma~ority
~Ai: ~.1~'Ei~t!1t. U5E ~YL:'
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~'i~li tl~~'i~f111~ U~~; tlNLY
w~n ~ut. ~a].iduifl~ Eh~ N~e~-~Mahu~u ~~eedn~iiia~ian, w~ ~~k~~! eh~~ ~u~ ~aldi~r~
be brdught hnm~ ~n~l ~hnt diplamatiC r~i~ei~n~ b~ pgeabli~h~d b~ew~~fl aur
~ounery and Ac~gaie, fc~r ie ig ~ p~r~dox far 9~nQg~~ eo bh i~g~~fl~ b~hind
'Lairc ~n~i ~v~n ~r~n~r dn ehi~ pdine. W~ Ehink eh~~ Eh@ ~~'~~@flGp af 3~neg~~-
r~~ ~a1di~~~ in ehe Sh~b~ r~au ~on~ei~ut~~ ~ hind~an~e te th~ n~rmali~~~~~n
c~l` Spn~g~1~~~-J1n~c~ldn rei~~i~n~.
Ag~in ~n ~h~ ~ub~~e~ ~f eti~ i~oi~tion ef 9~n~~a1, ~h~r~ i~ ~h@ 9~h~r~ prab-
lem. 9ee~u~~ of ie~ ~~e~r~phi~ i~~~~idn, S~n~~~1 ahouid h~v~ pl~y~d ~ k~y
rdl~ in th~ s~~r~h for ~~oluEian. Ndt t~fl~~l a~~ ehi~ nae po~~ibi~, but our
eauhtry i~ noe @v~n a mr~mb~r of eh~ aAU ~ommf~~iun af fiv~ wi~e tnen ent~usr~d
~itti bringin~ th~ p~reieg Eo~~Eh~r. Thig ~xciusio~ i~ ~ ch~li@n~~ to our
Nnw all of ehi~ i~ du~ eo eh~ f$et th~~ S~n~g~l W~~ eoo inv~iv~d in eh~ ean-
~ fliaf. Th~ 3en~~ei~~~ ~~v~rnm~nt ~uppor~~d eh~ Eh~e~g of eh~ "p~reici~ni~er~"
in Mor~~~u ~nd M~urieani~ und~r ~h~ Ould Daddah r~~im~. 3ei11 mor~ ~eriou~,
fhe f~eiliti~~ provid~d f~r ehe ~r~nch Jaguar~, Which couid have tak~n off
fram U~ker to bomb Afri~~n p~~pi~~, had th~ re~uit of pl~c~ng aur country ~n
th~ ~y~~ of the Afric~n pub~ia in ~h~ camp of the ~~gr~~~org ag~in8t th~
p~opl~ af the Sah~ra.
I would r~mfnd you hou~v~r, thdt th~ PnS aa~ one of th~ fir~t African parti~~
- r~ ~uppnrt th~ Poli9ari~ Front. of its inr~ption, in it~ demand for inde-
penden~e for th~ Sahara, and also to a~alcome E1 Ou~1i, it~ firet gecretary
g~n~ral. Sinee then our positian on the matt~r has r~mained the ~ame, and
therp is a r~gular exchang~ b~tWe~n our two organizatioea.
CO~YRIGHT: 1978 Afriqu~-A~ie
CSO: 4400
6'OK i)FE`:GIAI. U5~ ~:tLY '
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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010026-1
~~au a~~iClClf~ U~I1 ~~~Y
TOCOLE~E ~CONOMY INDEX R~~~N~--W~~h ~h~ eharp incr~~~~ ~n r~v~-
nu~~ from ~xpor~,~ of pho~p}tdtc~~~ coff~~~ ~nd c~e~a~ ~~g~~,~ @c~-
nomy k@~ping~ up M~~1tihy r~b~ of ~*row~h. f~~c~~
~~7~, ~ti r~o1d i~,~,00 ton~ of co~fe~ (down 3,~00 ~on~), g,400
~onr~ of ogcaa (down 3,~00 ~on~), ~,000 ~on~ of co~~onse~d
(down x, ~00 tion~)~ 1, ~00 bon~ of k~?rib~ (dowrl 4, ~00 tion~ ~nd
1,3od ~on~ of ~~imi~t~ (down b,~00 tion~). Continu3~n~ ~xp~n~ion
of indu~tri~l ~i~her3es w~~.~ k~~ furth~r~d by ~he ~dv~n~ o~ tih~
Arnb-Lyb3an-own~d Togo ~i~hnr3~a Corporatfon (STAP-PECHE)~
w~,~ found~d thi~ y~ar. Phogpha~~~ producbion in 1~~~ came ~o ~.9
mill~on tion~ (up O.g m~llion); export~s showed more diversif~-
c~t~on, p~rticul~rly ~ho~e boward E~~ti Eurog~ean coun~r~es. In
3ndu,~~ry, ~~xti31~ plgnts increa~ed tih~fr oatput by 1~ percenti.
The Togo C~menti Comp~ny doubled ~,ti~ producb~.on c~pacity to
300, 000 tionr~ yr~~rly ~o handl~ 3ncreg~~d axport~ to Niger, Upp~:r
Vc~1t~?, M~1i~ nnd Nig~r~g. The Lome r~finery~ built to proce~g
Nigerian cru~de, sstarted opQratiion~ 3n Septiember 1g~~. It has
a yearly capacity of a million tona o~ crude. [Text~ Pari~ MARCHES
TROPICAUX ET MEDITERttANEENS in French 1 D~c 7$ p 3313�331~ ti182
CSO: 4400 FrYD
FOR OF'F2Ct,1t. i!~~ ~~~L1'
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