Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved r Release 2000/08/31 : CIA-RD 9-00232A000100020014-7
11 May 1951
SUBJECT: Dating and Initialing of Correspondence and Documents
1. This memorandum confirms previous verbal instructions on
the subject.
2. All correspondence, memoranda, and other documents trans-
mitted to and from this Division will reflect date of such action
as follows:
a. Receipt of correspondence, memoranda, rsonnel action
requests, etc.: 'l'ime a date sump in ma and rooms
in tial receipt. Date and initial at each point with-
in PDC where action is taken. If such papers are hand-carried
to any individual of the Division, the person receiving will
insure that initial time and date stamping is accomplished im-
b. Receipt of applicant referrals from PPD: The mail
clerk will transmlt such documents to the Placement Branch,
Applicant Control Index, where appropriate Applicant Control
Cards will be prepared indicating date of receipt and Place-
ment Officer to whom referred.
c. Dispatch of all correspondence and documents: The
individual dispatching the paper w31 date initial on the 25X1 A9a
routing sheet.