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Igor Vinokurov was born
on April 20, 1937 in Moscow.
Graduated from the Faculty
of Soil Biology at Moscow
State University. Occupied
with experimental and theo-
retical work in various fields
of parapsychology. Council
member of the International
Socio-Scientific Committee
"Ekoenergoinformatika" Ac-
tive Member of the Russian
Society of Physicians-Wri-
ters. Author of a number of
articles and essays on pa-
rapsychology. Jointly with
Professor G. Gurtovoi, he
wrote the book "Psychotro-
nic War: from Myths to Re-
ality" a fragment of which (in
its journalistic version) we of-
fer below.
Georgy Gurtovoi was born
on January 16, 1915 in Yeka-
terinoslavl (now Dneprope-
trovsk). Graduated from the
Faculty of Physics at Mos-
cow State University. Candi-
date of Physical and Mathe-
matical Sciences. Doctor of
Biological Sciences. Active
member of the Academy of
Energo-Informational Scien-
ces. President of the Interna-
tional Academy of Man. Au-
thor of six books and over
100 articles.
AURA-Z n92 - July, 1993
o r a long
,,Tn secret tl
organs an
partments of varic
had a systematic a
le course of the p,
wavering interes
weapons. It woulc
that in the Soviet
any different. TI
mound of material
by the Russian n
years testifies to th
paid to parapsycl-
nics, bio-energo-infc
"exotic" areas of I
higher echelons of
begin a survey of t
cular, with the mat(
Work for the KGB
Gazeta"/The Indei
per - May 18, 199
report by A. Yakunii
esoterica, who alleg
of state security arc
search in this field'
they offered her pe heading just such a
The question ar
trustworthy is such
ever, it is not only on
needs only recall
from foreign sourc and mass informatic
pie, the results of a t
parapsychologists (o
ration) conducted in
se polled confirmec
course of their work
,Approved For. Release .2000/08/09 ; CIA-RDP96-00792R000600440001-3
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v GURTo vol.
o r a long time now it's been
no secret that the "competent"
organs and government de-
partments of '(arious countries have
had a systematic and, during the who-
le course of the post-war period, un-
wavering interest in psychotronic
weapons. It would be naive to think
that in the Soviet Union things were
any different. The ever growing
mound of materials being turned up
by the Russian media over recent
years testifies to the level of attention
paid to parapsychology, psychotro-
nics, bio-energo-informatics, and other
"exotic" areas of knowledge by the
higher echelons of power. We might
begin a survey of the press, in parti-
cular, with the material "I Refused to
Work for the KGB" ("Nezavisimaya
Gazeta"/The Independent Newspa-
per - May 18, 1991 which carried a
report by A. Yakunina, a specialist on
esoterica, who alleges that the organs
of state security are engaged in "re-
search in this field" (in the mid-70s
they offered her personally the task of
heading just such a laboratory).
The question arises - just how
trustworthy is such a report? How-
ever, it is not only one of its type. One
needs only recall identical reports
from foreign sources of specialized
and mass information as, for exam-
ple, the results of a thirteen American
parapsychologists (of the older gene-
ration) conducted in 1978. Five of tho-
se polled confirmed that, over the
course of their work in this area, re-
presentatives of military departments
and intelligence sections often took
an interest in them.
Official testimonies are also
known. One such is that of Ye. Alek-
sandrov, corresponding member of
the USSR Academy of Sciences and
deputy director of the S. Vavilov State
Optics Institute, whose article "Tene-
vaya Nauka" (Shadow Science) was
published in the January, 1991 issue
of the journal "Nauka i Zhizn" (Scien-
ce and Life), while an interview with
him (B. Pasternak's article "Tuf-
ta"/Crapola) appeared in the ninth is-
sues of the weekly "Poisk" (Search)
the same year. (We inform the reader
that, at that time, "Poisk" was an or-
gan of the academic press and the
aforementioned journal - an organ of
the All-Union Society "Znani-
Aleksandrov's protest was directed
at the "special departments" which
waste both effort and means on re-
search in the sphere of "pseudo-
science" (cited in the texts are "one of
the defence-related ministries", "sec-
tions in the Defence Ministry", "the
State Department for the Struggle
with Espionage" and, finally, "Lubyan-
ka" - the former KGB's headquarters
at No. 3 Dzerzhinskaya St. not far
from the Kremlin and connected to the
latter by underground passages. -
Tr.). He considers parapsychology,
bioenergetics, astrology and so forth
to be "pseudo-sciences". When as-
ked whether or not he feels any res-
AURA-Z n22 - July, 1993
- Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000600440001-3
Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000600440001-3
ponsibility for divulging state secrets,
Aleksandrov replied: "I have absolu-
tely nothing to fear! As a specialist,
I'm well aware that there simply are
no secrets in this area. It's all unadul-
terated crap".
(We should
stress the fact
that he is a
specialist in
the field of
physics, not in
the subject
under discus-
sion!). The as-
sertion goes
further: "All
kinds of 'spe-
cial depart-
ments' of ours
have been
feeding, for
decades ap-
parently, this
damn pseu-
The magnitu-
de of this "fee-
ding" has be-
come known
only recently.
Talking about
"a large-scale
alleged squandering of half a billion
Following in the wake of the August
1991 Putsch, there appeared new
allegations that certain organizations
II r. "i t~ I( - &:(JB() Y G 3C; ,.J
: . L?S. l9ull r.; 6 , ?'SJ'
classified programme conducted in
the interests of different 'competent'
organs", and "being informed about
the sums involved", Aleksandrov con-
siders it "his duty to do everything in
his powers to curb this outrage" (an
AURA-Z n22 - July, 1993
ctn4Hx"mec'[we ?p a'
are interested
in the deve-
lopment of
unusual wea-
pons. First
and foremost,
we have in
mind the arti-
cles "Psycho-
tronic Wea-
pons Have
Yet to be
Found, and
500 Million
Roubles Have
Already Been
Spent" ("Kom-
Young Com-
munist Lea-
gue Truth,
27, 1991), and
Under Arms.
The Govern-
ment Gave the
Green Light to Research on the Frin-
ge" ("Nezavisimaya Gazeta", Novem-
ber 19, 1991), written by O. Volkov
and D. Frolov respectively. Note well:
the first article from "Komsomolskaya
Pravda", in which the author talks of
Approved For Release 2000/08/09 CIA-RDP96-00792R0006004J
'x %f-r_. r.?~n f ^r.r)'t;P37+J'+'"r'z'^~.,~~F*:'r!~y7l?'??',: r- .*J'e ~'V',f.?3~7f",a''t, fi4-,
the supposed rr
psychotronic gene
published on Aug
0. Volkov's ar
suits of the next
investigation. He
ders that the U
scientific groups c
psychotronic genE
a person from a d
ned up a documer
name "On the Imr
nancing Pseudo
Using State Fund;
on July 4, 1991 b'
me Soviet Commit
Technologies, wa;
kov, recommend(
ment of General I
nomy at the U;
In the decree it
veral Union-wide
due scientific exan
a billion roubles on
scientific work" coy
(torsional) or "mic
Their aim was to
new weapons. Th
organizations are
sors and clients: ti
fence, the Ministry
Industries, the KGE
Industrial Commiss
of Ministers. In the
laboratories and
contain the names
titutes, singled out I
the Kiev Institute
rR; C1_F4r-R$F "112
tWO910.,,C f DP96-00792RQ00f00440.00'k.-3.. .
ing of half a billion
wake of the August
are appeared new
3rtain organizations
are interested
in the deve-
S lopment of
unusual wea-
pons. First
and foremost,
we have in
mind the arti-
cles "Psycho-
tronic Wea-
pons Have
Yet to be
Found, and
500 Million
Roubles Have
Already Been
Spent" ("Kom-
Young Com-
munist Lea-
gue Truth,
27, 1991), and
Under Arms.
The Govern-
ment Gave the
Search on the Frin-
s Gazeta", Novem-
-tten by O. Volkov
actively. Note well:
. "Komsomolskaya
the author talks of
the supposed mass production of
psychotronic generators in Kiev, was
published on August 27, 1991.
0. Volkov's article reflects the re-
sults of the next stage of journalistic
investigation. He earlier informed rea-
ders that the USSR had several
scientific groups capable of creating a
psychotronic generator for controlling
a person from a distance. He has tur-
ned up a document with the intriguing
name "On the Immoral Practice of Fi-
nancing Pseudo-Scientific Research
Using State Funds". A decree issued
on July 4, 1991 by the USSR Supre-
me Soviet Committee on Science and
Technologies, was, according to Vol-
kov, recommended by the Depart-
ment of General Physics and Astro-
nomy at the USSR Academy of
In the decree it is alleged that se-
veral Union-wide ministries, without
due scientific examination, spent half
a billion roubles on "Pseudo- and anti-
scientific work" concerning "spinoric"
(torsional) or "microleptonic" fields.
Their aim was to create qualitatively
new weapons. The following Soviet
organizations are among the spon-
sors and clients: the Ministry of De-
fence, the Ministry of Atomic Energy
Industries, the KGB, and the Military-
Industrial Commission of the Cabinet
of Ministers. In the lists of research
laboratories and executors, which
contain the names of over twenty ins-
titutes, singled out for attention first is
the Kiev Institute of Materials Re-
search at the Ukrainian Academy of
The head organization responsible
for such non-conventional work, now
known as the Interbranch Science-
Technical Centre "Vent", was earlier cal-
led the Centre for Non-traditional Te-
chnologies of the State Commitee for
Science and Technology. The article
carries data concerning this organiza-
tion's financing: "...The cost of pro-
jects implemented by the USSR De-
fence Ministry accounts for 23 million
roubles", but "general allocations,
from various sources, including
through the Military-Industrial Com-
mission of the USSR Cabinet of Mi-
nisters and the KGB, total almost half
a billion roubles". (These statistics are
unverified). (At the time this was equi-
valment to US $100,000,000. - Ed.).
In one of the Centre's accounts,
under the section "Basic Directions of
Research", there is direct mention of
"medico-biological influence on
troops and populations from a distan-
ce using torsional radiation", and at
the same time, the means to protect
these troops and population from
such influence. The Department of Ge-
neral Physics and Astronomy at the
USSR Academy of Sciences (1991) de-
cided that such work should be exami-
ned "as a recurrence of pseudo-scien-
ce having all the signs of a huge'fraud"'
According to Ye. Aleksandrov, state or-
ganizations are producing and selling
false "generators" of non-existent
fields to defence concerns for big mo-
AURA-Z n92 - July, 1993
Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000600440001-3
Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000600440001-3
ney. (Was it not these "products" that
General Kobets had in mind when he
warned the defenders of the White
House during the August Putsch?).
Representatives of the KGB and GRU
(Chief Intelligence Section) were in-
formed that the radiation from these
generators is not weakened over dis-
tance and may be directed on a given
person - for this one need only have
the subject's photograph! With the
help of these emanations, one may
transmit information, but it's also pos-
sibble to kill a person! Industrialists,
however, are assured that these te-
chnically powerful rays are totaly
harmless to people and quickly wea-
ken over a distance.
The newspaper "Trud" (April 10,
1992), in a continuation of the subject
under discussion, wrote that "perhaps
Associate Member Aleksandrov is
right when he asserts that all this work
on creating "psi" weapons isn't worth
a brass farthing. The existence of a
list of organizations involved in this
`nonsense', however, is some sort of
safeguard. At "Phenomenon" (the so-
cial commission of this paper - Ed.)
there is an enumeration of 26 points
- those working on the problem of
"torsional" fields, among which are re-
putable institutes and firms, key
scientists, and academicians".
And what of the "unverified" sum of
half a billion spent on this spinoric
research? In the decree of the Com-
mittee on Science and Technologies
(July 4, 1991), it is assumed that this
figure will be made more exact: "To
propose to the State Commission on
Military-Industrial Questions of the
USSR Cabinet of Ministers, to the De-
fence Ministry of the USSR, and to the
KGB that the aforementioned furnish
information concerning the scale
sources of financing research on spi-
noric and "microleptonic" fields and
on any questions connected with
In his article "Bioenergetics Under
Arms" D. Frolov revealed still another,
hitherto unknown chain of events. He
informs us of several documents un-
der the common name - "On the Ex-
pedience of Employing Methods of
Bioenergetics in the Interests of the
National Economy and the Nation's
Defence". In 1987 General F. Khan-
tseverov passed these documents on
to the USSR Council of Ministers. At
the time, the general headed the Spa-
ce-Probing Centre and, as it is poin-
ted out in the article, had, according
to reliable information, connections
with the GRU. The job of preparing
the relevant information for then
Chairman of Sovmin (the Council of
Ministers), N. Ryzhkov, was carried
out by his co-worker V. Volkov, a KGB
colonel and head of the information-
analytical section, who represented
the so-called "active reserve" of KGB
personnel there.
In the supplement, devoted to this
sphere of KGB activity, we read of
"the possibility of elaborating a
system for transmitting ultra-wide-
band information, means of detection
and control, appl
field of military ti
engineering, the
sensory possibilii
tary specialists,
ployment of bioen
the systems and i
"hitting". In the do
tion the following
tion of methods a
kinetic control of
and physical cor
and for influencinc
making decisions
- 4 years)". In acs
documents, it is
"means" will be im
to secure social c
V. Volkov statE
handed the task
problem to the
Commission, the
Science and Te Academy of Scien
mission was even
ter-section scienc
Members of the
alarmed that the
assigned to the do
the Sovmin, was s
SECRET". A prop
the structure of n
parameters of a s
me. A proposal w
N. Ryzhkov, but
further than a posi
The fate of the p
the creation of the
ditional Technolo evidently turned o%
Vasily Lensky writE
President Stands i
who consequently
Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R0006004,
IIPJy * fir: XP
proved For Release,'2000/08/09:, CIA-RDP96-00792R000600440001-3
le more exact: "To
ate Commission on
Questions of the
Ainisters, to the De-
e USSR, and to the
3mentioned furnish
:erning the scale
ig research on spi-
Dptonic" fields and
s connected with
oenergetics Under
.iealed still another,
:hain of events. He
!ral documents un-
ame - "On the Ex-
oying Methods of
ie Interests of the
and the Nation's
General F. Khan-
ese documents on
icil of Ministers. At
al headed the Spa-
and, as it is poin-
le, had, according
ation, connections
job of preparing
rmation for then
sin (the Council of
ikov, was carried
r V. Volkov, a KGB
Df the information-
who represented
e reserve" of KGB
nt, devoted to this
:tivity, we read of
Df elaborating a
-sitting ultra-wide-
ieans of detection
and control, applied research in the
field of military transport and power
engineering, the application of extra-
sensory possibilities in training mili-
tary specialists, and also of the em-
ployment of bioenergetic exchange in
the systems and means of telekinetic
"hitting". In the document's final sec-
tion the following appears: "Elabora-
tion of methods and models for tele-
kinetic control of the psychophysical
and physical condition of a person
and for influencing the mechanism for
making decisions. (Execution period
- 4 years)". In accordance with other
documents, it is assumed that such
"means" will be implemented "in order
to secure social control and order".
V. Volkov states that N. Ryzhkov
handed the task of dealing with this
problem to the Military-Industrial
Commission, the State Committee for
Science and Technology, and the
Academy of Sciences. A special com-
mission was even created and an in-
ter-section science council elected.
Members of the commission were
alarmed that the stamp "SECRET",
assigned to the document while still in
the Sovmin, was substituted by "TOP
SECRET". A proposal was made on
the structure of research within the
parameters of a state-wide program-
me. A proposal was also directed at
N. Ryzhkov, but the affair went no
further than a positive resolution.
The fate of the proposals which led
the creation of the Centre for Non-tra-
ditional Technologies (later "Vent")
evidently turned out to be happier. As
Vasily Lensky writes in his book "The
President Stands Alone", A. Akimov,
who consequently became director of
the Centre, suggested a "broader pro-
The newspaper "Pravda" (Novem-
ber 30, 1982) reported on several of
the preliminary results of the program-
me's realization. In an interview with
a correspondent from newspaper
A. Akimov revealed that, "for experi-
mental work, things are already set for
the production of factory samples of
torsional generators", and that "the
torsional fields know no barriers, and
for this reason are capable of trans-
mitting information through any kind
of obstacle - they permit one to see
into the depths of substances". Aki-
mov further said that, when beginning
work with torsional fields, he remem-
bered "how physicists, closing in on
the secrets of radiational emanation,
simply carried ampules with ionised
materials in their breast-pockets, and
they paid with their lives for their
scientific curiosity. "Therefore", conti-
nues Akimov, "I was able to carefully
check the influence of torsional ef-
fects on the human organism. And, as
doctors say, counterindications for
admissible regimes have not been
"And for inadmissible regimes?" -
we would like to have asked oursel-
ves... Akimov also answered this
question in a general way: "Much
more time is needed in order to sur-
mount the difficult path from concei-
ving theoretical possibilities to crea-
ting concrete technology. We are still
faced with the prospect of solving
many more scientific and engineering
problems. But the main work has
been done - today it is clear how and
where we must move forward".
AURA-Z n22 - July, 1993
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