Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000100140004-9
Attachment 1: CIA Letter ORD-0143-95; Dtd 31 Jan 95; Subject: Request for Military
Liaison Support
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1. We have been tasked by Congress to transfer to CIA a sensitive program currently
underway at DIA. In accordance with Congressional direction, it also is necessary to conduct a
retrospective evaluation of this program. Five years ago the Army Research Institute (ARI)
tasked the National Research Council (NRC) to conduct a program evaluation on one of its own
programs. This Army program involved "new age" training techniques directed at enhancing
human performance. During review of the Army program, NRC considered some of the core issues
we are likely to encounter in evaluating the DIA program.
2. We would like to contact ARI in order to determine the success of the NRC program
evaluation and to gain better insight as to how to conduct our own review. We would also like to
know if ARI further pursued its training program and what results might have been obtained. In
addition, it might be useful to seek participation by appropriate personnel at ARI in the review of
the DIA program. The original requester of ' the 1985 ARI study was Edgar M. Johnson, Technical
Director of ARI. George Lawrence served as the ARI liaison to the NRC Committee on Techniques
for the Enhancement of Human Performance. We would like to contact these two individuals
DRV FRM Multiple
All Secret
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Approved For Release 2003/04/DP96-00791 R000100140004-9
Approved For Release 2003/04/18: CIA-RDP96-00791 R000100140004-9
Attachment 1: CIA Letter ORD-0143-95; Dtd 31 Jan 95; Subject: Request for Military
Liaison Support
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Distribution: (ORD-0143-95)
Orig. - Addressee
1 - EPG Chrono File
1 - ISC Ames for logging
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1 - Original to Addressee
1 - JRM: 2B21, OHB - via Electronic Distribution
1 - RM: 7E17, OHB - via Electronic Distribution
1 - RM: 3D00, OHB - via Electronic Distribution
1 - 1RM: , Ames Bldg - via Electronic Distribution
Approved For Release 2003/04/lf*Mft- DP96-00791 R000100140004-9
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000100140004-9
The point-of-contact for this issue is
I, Rm. , Ames Bldg, on
2. There are some questions that I will need answered in order to finish the memo. If you could
Lotus Notes your answers to me at @ DO, I would appreciate it.
2.a. Is there a letter or message or something from Congress that is the authority for
the tasking to DIA? For the transfer to CIA? Need title, date, from-to, etc.
2.b. Any references for the ARI program review tasking of NRC five years ago?
2.c. Any US Army tasking or other references?
2.d. Name of the program... real name or unclassified NICKNAME? Other names if
referred to differently by DIA, CIA, USA, etc.
2.e. Has your office or the Agency made any informal contacts or coordination with DIA,
USA, ARI, NRC or any DoD agency concerning this issue? If so, who, when, results.
2.f. Any costs associated with this issue [costs of research documentation, computer
software, etc.] that will need to be reimbursed to DoD in accordance with the Economy Act? If
so, who in ORD certifies that the Agency will reimburse for all costs associated with this issue?
2.g. Anyone else or any other Agency that you want to contact?
2.h. Any special security/restricted handling concerns?
2.i. Any DoD cover involved, risks?
2.j. Any detailees, TDYers needed from DoD?
2.k. Anything else that would be helpful to DoD in locating/contacting principals,
making legal and policy decisions, etc.?
3. I will incorporate the answers into a new draft memo and coordinate it with you before
sending it out. Security wise, Focal Point memos to the DoD stay within compartmented Focal
Approved For Release 2003/04A"Mft- DP96-00791 R000100140004-9
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000100140004-9
Point Channels within DoD, in case your concerned about the number of people that might get
4. I pulled your name as the poc, if this is not so, please send/give this to the appropriate
individual in ORD and let me know whom that is. If you have any questions, you can Lotus notes
or call me on
P.S. Since we have not worked a Focal Point issue with you before, I have attached the minutes
to a recent Focal Point meeting FYI that will give you some insight into what the Focal Point
System is and why we must use it. Hopefully it will not put you to sleep to quickly. Anyway,
please share it with any interested coworkers, or coworkers that need it-interested or not.
Additional information can be found in Agency
Attachment....... JANMTG.DOC
Approved For Release 2003/04/ :A-RDP96-00791 R000100140004-9