Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2002/11/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900380004-6
19 July 1991
Memorandum for Record
Subject: Operational Summary - Task 91-2 (U)
1. (S/NF/SG) Task 91-2 is Operational Project 91008.
2. (S/NF/SG) The following is perceived as a composite result of
five STAR GATE remote viewing sessions conducted by as many remote
viewers during the period of 2 July 1991 to 8 July 1991 inclusively.
- The target personality is a middle-aged appearing political leader
geographically located in a Middle Eastern/Indian-type
country/environment. He is a dark complected individual with a
distinctive white/grey beard. He is currently involved in political
oratory designed to explain/justify a political position of moderate
interest to US diplomacy. The personality's country is located in the
near vicinity of an extensive body of water that is characteristically
- There is an inference to the presence of a younger female,
possibly the spouse of the target personality.
- There is also an indication of some form of energy (growth/power)
associated with a structure that is of (secondary?) interest to the
SG1J customer.
COMMENTS. The need to label the personality as a "Hussein of Jordan-
type-personality" was particularly distracting.
Approved For Release 7UD2/11/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900380004-6