Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2009/01/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R003400080002-7
Approved For Release 2009/01/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R003400080002-7
Approved For Release 2009/01/07: CIA-RDP80B01676R003400080002-7
7 November 1961
M ]4OI AOM To : Deputy Director (Am*)
> CT: Attack an CIA in State Departsacaat
1. Attached is a ,fir of a "stateast" which was Wepared and
Imineoophed within State artmant sautbie'dUring the last fear
days. its a athors are Via. Oopies we;* left lying in reams in the
ate Dot building to which newspe sr ocurraspssde have free
access. Officers of the State bureau of 1011c Affairs believe that
the edges were found In sufficient time so that mace tall into the hand's
of the Press-
2. A copy of the "statist" V&D brought to me by a aenber of the
Operations Center vho deplored this attack - the seoa'1 attemert at
deliberately leaking this type of Un. to the press. Aetutally, I find
this "state sent" so ?apeelfte in it t erg tt that it *V" probably
do mcx'e damage to State Department then to CIA if it did get into the
p - kP
1 - DDI
1 - DCI
Approved For Release 2009/01/07: CIA-RDP80B01676R003400080002-7
Approved For Release 2009/01/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R003400080002-7
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Approved For Release 2009/01/07: CIA-RDP80BO1676R003400080002-7