Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
27 JAN 93
Monitor Training/Control Source
Target personality is a 33-35 year-old male
recently and currently separated rom a female mate. He is
currently living in McClean, VA. He will be turned in to
authorities as a result of parent-influence, a mother or brother or
He is driving a Country Sedan station wagon brown or yellow in
color and bearing VA Tag WY 404 or NZ 402.
He was refused employment with a contractor and blames the CIA;
hence, the shooting.
He is from a family from West Virginia. He is about 5'11" to 6'
tall, normally wears a brown military-like jacket He has a tatoo on
his right arm that reads "Server Fi." He is a former marine
assigned to an exotic spot such as Okinawa or Guam.
He has been employed as a salesman and served in a series of
like position. He is currently driving a small white (Isuzu) truck
as a runner of (auto?) parts for a company phonetically known as
He used a Browning 30-30 caliber rifle to commit the
He will be apprehended on 30 Jan 93 at about 1425 hours at his
place of employment by local police supported by higher echelon
police force.
Additional phonetics include "Baledo/Oxsford/Oxon Hill/Robert-
Roger Calderi.
Related sketches are attached.
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
////or ime/ a/4/
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R0024005101-9
DATE: 27 JAN 93
1500 hrs
2. METHOD/TECHNIQUE: Method of choice.
3. BACKGROUND: The target personality is the gunman who killed
two persons and wounded three others with a rifle at the entrance
of CIA headquarters on 25 Jan 93.
----Determine the target personality's current location and his
immediate surroundings.
----Describe the target personality's motivation for the shooting.
cvide a physical, psy ?logical, and professional
profile of the target personality.
----Optional Coordinates: 550189/263386
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
Date: 4 FEB 93
Task/Target Number: 93-153-P
Session Number: 02
Source Number:
Monitor Number:
Session Start Time:
Session Stop Time:
Method Used:
Lucid Dreaming
Distractions/Hunches: None
Viewer Confidence (H/M/L): M
Evaluator's Estimate:
----The result associated with the gunman during the final outcome
of this problem involved an explosion of light surrounding the
individual himself.
Note: Analytically this led me to believe that the gunman
committed suicide, or was struck by gunfire from an external source
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
DATE: 4 FEB 93
1500 hrs
2. METHOD/TECHNIQUE: Method of choice.
----The target personality remains the gunman who killed two men
and injured three others during the 25 Jan 93 shooting outside the
Langley Park entrance to the CIA.
----Your sessions of 27 and 28 Jan 93 are available for review upon
----Describe the nature of the target personality's current and
near-term activities.
----Optional Coordinates remain: 550189/263386.
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
----No further criminal action taken by gunman.
----A friend will divulge necessary info to apprehend him.
----This incident is associated with the Persian Gulf.
----The rifle leads to the killer.
----He may have money to help him travel. May be paid by
----Gunman wore a brown military-type jacket.
----Drove a brown/yellow station wagon.
----Also drove a small white truck (for work).
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
Approved For Release
4x44.44---A7 71:#-Ord
1/4/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
estcoRTMan Sought
- By Patricia Davis and Bill Miller
Washington Post Staff Writers
A ki 4407-
grant livm as charged
yeaterday t capita murder in
the Jan. 25 shootings outside the
CIA's Langley headquarters and an
international manhunt is underway,
Bryant, special agent in charge of Neighboi
the FBI's Washington Metropolitan gal immign
FiPlrl (Wire aairl at a tulurs ccrfAr_ s qui,
. ?
cuc.e ax unty po ce ea -
quarters. "Mr. Kansi will be put on
the FBI's top 10 list."
Officials said they have not yet
determined a motive for the shoot-
law enforcement officials id. Police haver* rcr tic
The warrant charging trra? lieby Kansi and are still searching for
as issued shortly after, a the dull'''broWir -afirmeetTOROW
? r gu
Ghias Ahrr
from Kansi.
was killed
with capital
penalty tape
the electric
Fairfax (
ney Robert
attended th
there no
trpit,ous y
criiii6 'in t
Kansi appea
fai hesr
Horan sal
this countr3
"liajfvjrwag ft, resembling a Toyota COrolla
e *se d froth 'alba
- or Ford Escort, that witnesses de-
ifyesterday and !rearms ex- scribed as the vehicle used by the
it.erts concluded that it had fired the suspect.
casings found at the scene of the Neighbors at the RAiirel Glade
shootings. Two CIA employees apartment complex, in the 12000
were killed and three. other men bid& of Laurel Glade Court, where
were wounded. Kansi lived said yesterday that they
-.?"There's a worldwide manhunt believe he drove an allik:olored sta-,
being launched at this time," Robert tion wagon.
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
- WIC4LML3IJA hintUitla 1 10, 199j
Pik:L[4011,a WashinglOti (See Liwc on ,t4)
proved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP9?_-00789R002400510001-9
Worldwide in CIA Shootings
cribed Kansi, a le-
Naftiro:14 60'
_ ooks ike a very
5 said hello," said
ho lives upstairs
than one person
jig last month's
E charged Kansi
lier. The maximum
fiction is death in
rtwealth's Attor-
Aran Jr., who also
w-3 conference, said
diareeTifith any
-ountry, gni* does
Live ever been in a
I Kansi has lived in
- :airily a couple of
years" and that police have been
told Kansi attended college in Pak-
istan and is known to speak English
There was iirrevidence that
Ka n T sr' ember of of any radical
gr i iliaeriever been cm-
Ii1O -by thrCIA, he said. Bryant,
the FBI special agent, said there is
no indication that Kansi had any
affiliation with any terrorist group.
Fairfax County Police Chief Mi-
chael W. Young said Kansi appears
to have been operating alone but,
he said, "there's a lot more work to
Authorities followed several
paths to the suspect. First, accord-
ing to police, Kansi was reported
missing three days after the shoot-
He had not been seen since the
day of the shootings. Thent fpkir
days ago, police received.i_tip fr
Kait,OD-roommate;pilso Pakista
h? allowed police' to search his
At the same time, federal la w
enforcement officials were studyiqig
gun purchases. They knew from
past experience in such cases, iin-
cluding John Hinckley's atteraptQd
assassination of President Reagain,
that killers often purchase thedr
weapons within a relatively short
time of their crimes.
Officials of the federal Bureau (of
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms de-
cided to check purchases of assaudt
weapons in the Washington area un
the last year.
From the markings made by dile
gun's firing pin on the shell casinggs
See SHOOTINGS, A16, Col. 3
... charged with capital murder
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
Approved For Release 200A/116402NtsraNERADIE961-00789R002400510001-9
Approved For Release
Manassas )
HOttle" Ot StiSped on,
Laurel Glade Court
An AK-47 assault rifle has been recovered by police, who say it
is the likely weapon used to kill two men and wound three
others outside the cm two weeks ago.
? THE AK-47 is a compact weapon of Soviet origin. It is supplied in two
versions, one with a rigid butt and one with a double-strut folding metal
butt-stock. The military version is fully automatic.
. Maim&
Capacity: 30 rounds
4Mtiritir 5114rAMOggg;
Length: 24.4/34.8* inches
Firing rate (semiautomatic): 40 rounds/minute
NOTE: The AK-47 and variations have been made in China (typo 56), Finland (M60 and M62),
Germany (MPIK, MPIKS), Hungary, North Korea (type 58), Poland (PMK), Romania and Yugoslavia
(M70 and IM70A).
* Stock folded/stock unfolded
SOURCES: KRT Graphics, Jane's Infantry Weapons
2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
found at
tics expt
types of
50 ATF
735 gun
and Mc
1,305 dc
The de,
their ph
type of v
those gl
dealers i
"It wa
a hayst
volved ii
only thii
them w
gaily pu
one of
ers che
Inc. in (
the shot
in Resi
ords at
Motor '
the des
to the s
report -
the gun
could nt
ning. A
dy Boo
THE Wollikporbviedfor Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R00940n5100.01-9
hunt Begins for Suspect in Shootings at CIA
NGS, From Al
hooting scene, ballis-
new it was one of 11
-ma. Over three days,
ts checked records at
Ts in Prince George's
nery counties, plus
in Northern Virginia.
must keep records
tames of gun buyers,
description and the
n purchased.
I that about 700 of
ad been sold by the
last 12 months.
looking for a needle in
said one source in-
search, "but it was the
ala then gave those
iirfax police. One of
nsi's, the name on the
ms report. He had le-
ed the gun for $800 at
orthern Virginia deal-
David Condon Guns
illy, three days before
)lice knew Kansi lived
hey checked driver's
chicle registration rec-
Tirginia Department of
d that the height and
anzi's license matched
on given by witnesses
to a source, they also
. motor vehicle records
nvned a small station
the one described by
.ed the missing persons
he tip information with
d Young, whose depart-
Iseeing the investiga-
Avner of the gun shop,
reached yesterday eve-
son who answered the
: store hung up on a re-
as on the door of the
e 14000 block of Lee
:hway (Route 50), said
Military Firearms and
.s" and "Please No Mud-
Racks of guns were visible
through the store's barred win-
Along with tl,itaTinco AK-477,
type rifle, poliErffund?clOthes that
fit the description given by wit-
nesses, a source said.
Witnesses said the suspect was
wearingiatajackel and
The source also said shards of glass
were found on the clothing.
Two men were killed and three
were wounded when a gunman
jumped from a car swinging the
high-powered rifle inches from their
windows as they were waiting at a
red light in front of the CIA's Lang-
ley headquarters.
All of the victims were in two
"We married the
missing persons
report and the tip
information with
the gun.?
? Police Chief Michael W. Young
left-turn lanes that lead into the
agency's complex from eastbound
Dolley Madison Boulevard (Route
1123). The red light was about 500
feet from the gates of the 258-acre
CIA complex.
In the few moments it took for
the suspect?described by police as
tm,yhite male with a dark complex-
Jon between 20 and 30 years old,
145 to 165 pounds, with a medium
build and dark brown or black, me-
dium-length hair?to shoot and
speed away, drivers in cars and
buses ducked behind dashboards for
Killed were Lansing C. Bennett,
36, of Reston, a physician and in-
celligence analyst for the CIA, and
kank Darling, 28, also of Reston,
vho was assigned to tasks involving
overt operations. The men lived
ess than a half-mile apart.
Two other CIA employees seri-
usly injured were Nicholas Starr,
0,, of Oakton, an intelligence an-
iy5tond Calvin Morgan. pi. of
Vienna, an engineer. Both have
been released from Fairfax Hospi-
A third wounded person, Stephen
E. Williams, 48, of Fairfax, an em-
ployee of AT&T, was slightly in-
jured. Darling's wife, Judy, was in
the car with him at the time of the
shooting but was not injured.
Although both of the men who
died lived in Reston, Horan said,
police -n k -of an Onneg-,
tion they ad toK?i.
Bennett's wife, Inga Wells-
Bennett, praised investigators yes-
"A lot of people have put in a lot
of hours," she said. "I'm amazed
they found something."
Barrett and Jo Anne Burka, who
were at the traffic light when the
shooting happened and provided
police with a description that led to
the release of a composite drawing
of the gunman, said yesterday the
sight of Kansi's photograph on tele-
vision frightened them.
"Looking at it, psychologically,
sent a chill down my spine," Barrett
Burka said. "I can't say I recognized
him, but certain things were familiar.
The fuzzy cheeks. The smile. The
almost benign appearance of him. We
felt a certain amount of relief, and a
certain amount of anger," he said.
Staff writers DeNeen L. Brown,
D'Vera Cohn, Robert O'Harrow Jr.
and Pierre Thomas contributed to
this report.
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
Puzzled Neighbors Say Shooting Suspect Was-Qtifet
By D'Vera Cohn '
and Robert (Marrow Jr.
Washington Post Staff Writers
MrAimal Kansi was described
by neiglibOii at his Reston low-rise
apartment complex as a quiet man
who did not seem remarkable in any
way until he was named yesterday
as the suspect in the methodical
shooting rampage last month that
killed two people outside CIA head-
quarters in Langley.
Police said Kansi is i',28year-olc
Pakistani citizen who had been in th(.
country illegally, hut had been grant ?
ed legal status under general inmi,
gration aninesty?ftgliFd rwoit Pei??
!tilt Ind was employed Tri package
.cotniert He had never been a CIA
einployee, police said. They said h
might have left the country, but that
that has not yet been determine( .
Kansi is now the subject of a work.-
wide manhunt.
Kansi's name came to light short y
after the Jan. 25 shootings, poll( e
said, when his roommate report( d
him missing from their ground-floor
unit at aure a e
Reston, about 15 miles west of
A privately owned subsidized de-
velopment with 200 unit, Laurel
Glade is a well-kept three-story
htiek complex in the Hunters
Woods section of Reston. The
apartments are near the U.S. Geo-
logical Survey and in the same
neighborhood as Dogwood Elemen-
tary School.
Rents are moderate; a two-bed-
room unit goes for $650 a month.
No one answered the door yester-
day at the apartment rented in the
name of Ahmed Mir, a man neigh-
bors described as being in his thir-
ties. Resident manager Sandra Sly .
said Mir had rented the one-bedroom
unit since October 1991. Although
police said Mir had a roommate, Sly
said his lease did not allow room-
Other residents of the building
said they were not sure they recog-
nized Kansi as their neighbor from I
the photograph shown on television.
Several of them also said two or
more men occupied the apartment.
pants were quiet and reserv s,
though not unfriendly.
Ghias Ahmed, who lives upstairs
from the apartment where police
said Kansi lived, said his neighbor
"looks like a very regular guy" and
often said hello.
Ting Sourivong remembered
Kansi differently. "He is so quiet,"
Sourivong said. "We never talked to
Authorities did not release much
information on Kansi or Mir, but
neighbors said they thought one man
drove a taxi and another worked in a
grocery store, One of the men, ac-
cording to one neighbor, drove an
ash-colored station wagon; police
have described the gunman's car as a,
medium-brown station wagon.
Neighbors said they realized
something was amiss on Monday,
when police stopped by the building
two men who appeared to be under-
cover officers watched the buildiig
from across the street in a van.
Neighbors said they were puzzb
and terrified at seeing Kansi's fac
on the evening news. "It's v(
scary, especially happening in t u
neighborhood," said James So
rivong, 20, who lives across the lull
Sly said her tenant, Mir, is a r
sponsible man who paid his bills o
time. She said she felt sorry for hi
because of the notoriety attache(
someone mentioned in connecticio
with such a high-profile case.
"The gentleman that lived tl,e13
was a nice man," she said about MI
"I never had a problem." 6
Staff writer Patricia Davis 4.4
contributed to this report.
6- WOO 1.900VZO
Approved For Releas
200110411V9 .Inni-OltlirMa62400m000l-9
Dates in the case of Mir Aimal Kansi, who police say killed two
men and wounded three others outside the CIA's Langley
Oct. 2, 1964: Kansi is born in the provincial capital of Quetta, Pakistan.
March 3, 1991: He enters the United States through John F. Kennedy
International Airport in New York.
Feb. 3, 1992: Kansi applies for asylum in the United States.
Feb. 12: The Immigration and Naturalization Service grants Kansi a one-
year work permit. Though it was renewable, Kansi never applied for
Jan. 16, 1993: Kansi buys a Beretta .25-caliber semiautomatic pistol, an
East German Makarov 9mm semiautomatic pistol and a Colt AR-15
.223-caliber assault rifle at David Condon Guns in Chantilly.
Jan. 22: Kansi buys a Chinese-made Norinco AK-47-type assault rifle
and ammunition at the Chantilly gun store, trading in the,AR-15.
Jan. 25: Five people are shot, two fatally, while sitting in cars at a traffic
light outside CIA headquarters in Langley.
Jan. 26: A man police believe was Kansi flew from Washington to
Jan. 28: Kansi's roommate, Zahed Mir, reports Kansi missing to Fairfax
police. Mir tells police he last saw Kansi on the day of the shooting9,
Jan. 30: Kansi calls Mir to say that he will not be returning to their
Reston apartment and that someone will come for his belongings.
Feb. 6: Mir again calls police and tells them he believes Kansi may have
been involved in the shootings. Mir's was among about 2,500 tips
police received during the investigation.
Feb. 8: Police search the Reston apartment. They find an AK-47-type
rifle and several other weapons. A jacket and pants fitting witnesses'
descriptions of what the gunman wore also are found. Shards of glass
are on some of the clothes; car windows were shot out at the CIA.
Feb. 9: Authorities announce that ballistics tests show Kansi's AK-47
rifle is the weapon used in the shootings and that Kansi has been
charged with capital murder.
Feb. 10: Manhunt spreads worldwide for Kansi.
ings, particularly because he seemed search warrant, investigators found
so quiet and reserved. "We're an Chinese-made AK-47-style rifle
shocked," he said. "You picture some under the couch in the apartment Mir
kind of animal of a person. This guy is and Kansi shared. They also found a
[apparently] the opposite." suitcase loaded with bullets and 11
Police are not sure how long magazines for the assault weapon,
Kansi lived in Reston. His room- the affidavit said.
mate, Zahed Ahmed Mir, 39, who Yesterday, law enforcement offi-
reported Kansi missing three days dais still sought motives in the CIA
after the CIA shootings, has been shootings, focusing on Kansi's no-
renting the apartment since Octo- tive province of Baluchistan, where
the . ? H
Approved For ReleasrMiulgliggrplpep6-919 ;i1?44b410eVioA0
pressed by the federal government,
all Isuex mat
ma:; 11E3 e pc
'Mkt Ples a`Pg!
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FingerpattOd For,4yeipri;IAO. ciff:1414tilisC I
Found on Car, CPYRGHT
Shell Casing
CPYRGHT and Robert O'Harrow Jr.
Washington Past Staff Writers
By Bill Miller
our leads as being eliminated at this
Sources said yesterday that the
bgerprints will be most useful if
They are of sufficient quality to use
n a computer screening process, if
:hey are indeed those of the gun-
man and if the gunman has been
rrrested for a felony. The FBI has
mr its computer only the prints of
)eople arrested for felonies. Mil-
ions of others exist in paper files,
which must be searched by hand.
The CIA has planned a memorial
;ervice at its headquarters today
or Lansing H. Bennett, 66, of Res-
on, a physician and intelligence
Analyst, and Frank Darling, 28, of
Aeston, who worked in covert op-
erations. Security was especially
ight again yesterday at all en-
rances to the romple:, cf
Bennett and Darling were in
their cars at a stoplight on Dolley
Madison Boulevard (Route 123),
preparing to turn into the CIA en-
trance, when the gunman suddenly
( merged from a car and opened fire
shortly before 8 a.m. Monday. Two
ther CIA employees, Nicholas
Starr, 60, and Calvin Morgan, 61,
were wounded. They continued to
liow improvement at Fairfax Hos-
ital, where their conditions were
t.pgraded yesterday to fair.
The third injured man, Stephen
E. Williams, who was treated for
soperficial wounds and released
Monday, works for a CIA contrac-
t )r. All were stopped at the light.
Franklin said police now believe
tie gunman stopped his car?de-
s xibed as a dark, medium-sized
a itomobile?directly behind Ben-
n3tt's Saab in one of the turn lanes.
After the shooting, witnesses said,
1?. maneuvered the car past Ben-
n W's and continued east on Route,
Fingerprints believed to be those
of the gunman who killed two men
and wounded three others outside
the CIA's Langley headquarters
Monday have been discovered on
one of the victim's cars and on a
:shell casing, sources close to the
investigation said yesterday.
Based on the size of shell casings
left at the scene of the bloody rush-
hour incident, investigators also
have determined that the gun used
Monday was one of a few basic
models of the AK-47-type assault
rifle. Each carries 10 to 30 rounds
of ammunition and is available at
local gun stores.
Investigators have been canvass-
ing gun stores throughout the
Washington area in hopes that Mon-
day's gunman had bought his weap-
on recently, police said.
Although many hurdles remain,
law enforcement sources said the
fingerprints, if they match those in
FBI computer files, could provide a
major break leading them to a sus-
pect, or could at least help them
target or eliminate people who are
brought in for questioning.
Fairfax County police Capt. Da-
vid Franklin, head of the depart-
ment's Major Crime Division, de-
clined to discuss any findings yes-
terday. He said there has been no
"final analysis" of the evidence.
"We've received a lot of good
leads," Franklin said at a news brief-
ing. "All of these leads are being
investigated. I personally feel that
we're making progress, but it's a
slow and tedious process."
Franklin said that since the inci-
dent, police have received more
than 400 calls with information on
the incident via a special 24-hour-
a-day phone line staffed by inves-
"There are a lot of people we've
been given information about," he
said. "I wouldn't characterize any of
See SHOOTING, Al2, Col. I
.23 Then h nich d, IcaN ing
Police found at least se e
least one that yielded a fingerprint,
sources said. Authorities said the
shell would have been touched as it
was being loaded into the gun's clip.
It was not clear last night from
which car the other fingerprint was
Depending on their quality, the
rints can be entered into the FBI's
omputerized fingerprint laborato-
y, which has prints from more than
5 million people arrested by fed-
ral, state and local police depart-
Leslie J. Wallace, a spokeswoman
or the FBI, said the bureau also
aintains fingerprints of more than
2 million other people, including
Il military personnel and other fed-
ral employees, some police, and
orkers in places such as banks
hat must register prints under fed-
ral law.
The length of time it takes to
entify a fingerprint depends
reatly on its clarity, Wallace said,
dding, "Under ideal conditions, it
an take two to three hours, but it
uld take up to two to three days
r even longer."
FBI specialists in computerized
ngerprinting were not available to
:plain hct'c the compi:zc:-
ngerprints. But other specialists
id the computer reads lines, loops
d other fingerprint features and
lects potential matches that then
ust be reviewed visually by lab-
atory analysts. The computer can
view millions of fingerprints and
lect 25 candidates in seconds.
e private consultant said that
en partial prints or smudges, al-
t ough less desirable, can be en-
nced and run through computers
i a search for a match.
Law enforcement sources said
t e dimensions of the shell casings
I them to believe that the gunman
p ?bably used one of several basic
k ds of semiautomatic Military-
s le firearms: an SKS, a gas-oper-
a d rifle with 10 rounds, or a vari- Those who track cases lot ma
a on of the AK-47, the most widely violence said the choice of fireari
a the AKM. Both the AK-47 and suggested that Monday's assault w
d assault rifle in the world, such well planned and that the gunman h
AKM carry 30-round maga- a strong mission?possibly, one sa)
a war with the CIA. In addition, t
zi es. Such weapons have been !
d in other recent multiple shoot- fact that bullets were fired metho
s across the nation. ically into car windows, rather th,
t S
kind the victims and dozens of wit-
nesses, many too shocked to recall
Police found at least seven shell
casings near the cars, including at
Least one that yielded a fingerprint,
ources said. Authorities said the
r hell would have been touched as it
was being loaded into the gun's clip.
k was not clear last,
which car the other 41 gwas
Authorities said they plan to sprayed indiscriminately, indicao
w pictures of the guns to wit- that he knew how to use an assat
sses in the CIA shooting in hopes weapon, they said.
pinpointing the kind of weapon "Mass murderers are looking
d. accomplish a goal," said James Ali
GHT Fox', a criminologist from NortheaE
ern University. "The goal is to g
reynnge "na. r-we rnriA
?, Nothing is more efficient than a fir
killed, the sweeter the reveng
r Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R00240051'00044r1Y a semiautomati
t-te came prepared for battle."
e..11 8,/ 7,8*
Approved For Release 200-11,4/0Z : CiA-RDP96-007891102400510001-9 ,
Before the 1989 U.S. ban on importing
certain assault weapons, U.S. companies
AK-47 brought more than 130,000 AK-47 assault rifles
and similar weapons into the country each year,
according to the National Association of
Federally Licensed Firearms Dealers. Gun
dealers still may legally sell the weapons.
AMMUNITION: 7.62mm 7.62mm 7.62mm
CAPACITY: 30 rounds 30 rounds 10 rounds
WEIGHT: 2 pounds 1.4 pounds 1.7 pounds
LENGTH: 27.5/34.2* inches 34.5 inches 40.2 inches
MUZZLE VELOCITY: 710 meters/second 715 meters/second 735 meters/second
FIRING RATE: 600 rounds/minute 600 rounds/minute 600 rounds/minute
EFFECTIVE RANGE: 300 meters 300 meters 400 meters
MANUFACTURER: Not in production In production Obsolete
in The AK-47 is a compact weapon capable of selective fire. It is supplied
in two versions, one with a rigid butt arid one with a double-strut folding
metal butt-stock.
111 The AKM is a modernized and improved version of the AK-47. It is lighter
and has a greater muzzle velocity. When supplied with a folding butt-
stock, it is the AKMS.
N The SKS is a gas-operated rifle of conventional design. This weapon was
replaced in military service by the AK-47.
NOTE: The AK-47 and variations have been made in China (type 56), Finland (M60 and M62), Germany (MPiK, MPiKS), Hungary, North
Korea (type 58), Poland (PMK), Romania and Yugoslavia (M70 and IM70A).
* stock folded/stock unfolded
SOURCES: KRT Graphics, Jane's Infantry Weapons
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002400510001-9
ainst Odds, Trauma Team Saved Life, Limb Of Langley Victim
-;..41. Morn siffieied at least one
0 .
Dgunshot wound to his left arm.
0 edicaI authorities said the bullet
.0 ..' traveled up his arm and. lodged be-''
0 Itind his ear. '
The two men were wounded by a
NI ,
0 - gunman who fired at close range as
D ? -..-they sat in their cars waiting for a
.) i,Aight to change on Dolley Madison
:0 Boulevard (Route 123). Two men
D i ill ed at the scene, while a third mo-
...... .
? I. torist was treated at Arlington Hos-
33 ft pital and released.
3) t ,
S From 131
v r
-t cnticaMlof theweljp.arra--ri-"'""'C-4'
ct rp y
5 liatrnal Capital trustees for appar-
.. dagy.standing by while the compa-
ay went downhilll-The. rep9rt ac-
0 :used the trustees of nof itaking
heir jobs seriously, and of hecom-
ag concerned about the company's
ondition only after they realized
D ley could be exposed to legal lia-
N lity.
Yesterday, former board chair-
co an Charles P. Duvall, current
lairman Peter J. O'Malley and
rrent Chief Executive Benjamin
. Giuliani admitted that mistakes
o d been made.
DifVall said the trustees did not
Si.drr underwent nearly .fz .flours
of surgery . at; Fairfax Hospital, fion
Monday. Morgan was in the operat-
ing room a fewhpurs. Starr,. who con7
..senteetcl'allOWing his doctor to
cuss his ease; :underwent additional
surgery yesterday afternoon to re-
dress his wound, Trask said.
When he recovers, Starr will
have some impairment in his left
arm because one of its three major
nerves was severed and another
nerve is not working, according to
the doctor.
Because of the blood loss Starr
sional collage that was given to
Gamble upon his /retirement,
though he said he personally, rather
than Blue,Cross, paid about $2,800
for a r.efirement dinner for Gamble.
Giuliani said he has "made thou-
sands of decisions" in his tenure at
:the company, but ."none of them
embarrassed me more" than autho-
rizing payment forthe collage.
Duvall, who left the board Jan. 1,
called the collage, which featured
images of golf clubs, passports and
other travel-related items, "a met-
aphor for the corporate culture of
senior management under Mr.
2ulpunj ponupuoo uo "uoIspap
21uptelop s! ilS PS5pli9pa1g
lanpuoo s,Aueduloo
*hut cta nligro 10=0
suffered, hospital workers put out
an. Urgent r.all Monday morning for
donors, especially those with his
:rare 0-negative blood type. More
tliaff:: 250 people-four times the
usual donor pool?showed up, cre-
ating a two-hour backup at the
Blood Donor Services office. Anoth-
er 200 people gave blood Tuesday.
David Gens, an assistant profes-
sor of surgery at the University of
Maryland's Shock Trauma Center,
said the key to saving severely in-
jured people is to get them to a
good trauma facility quickly.
"Minutes are important," espe-
cially with substantial blood loss,
Gens said. "If it's true [Starr] ost
his entire blood volume, then 45
minutes, for example, might have
meant death."
While praising the efforts of his
trauma staff, Trask said there was
nothing particularly unusual or he-
roic in their efforts to save Starr's
"This happens in trauma centers
almost every day," he said. "It's just
that they're usually not working at
the CIA. And they're usually not
shot with an AK-47."
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There's good news for health-conscious cookie
consumers in Wednesday's Post Food section.
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ntranTlfral 11 ini in
90 ipg investigators
Looking for a Marksman
Weren't Too Many Shots Wasted,' Source Says
By Patricia Davis and Bill Millet
Washington Post Staff Writers
Fairfax County's chief prosecutor
ad others investigating last week's
hooting outside the CIA's head-
uarters said yesterday that they
elieve the gunman is a skilled
"From all the evidence available,
nis was a very efficient gunman,"
aid Commonwealth's Attorney
tobert F. Horan Jr. "He certainly
,as well armed."
"It's obvious to those of us in the
usiness, there weren't too many
hots wasted," said a source close
3 the investigation.
Horan declined to discuss any ev-
fence in the incident, but sources
said ,the gunman fired at least 10
rounds;* hitting the five victims
v.zOic (limb. A vt.11....v b4Id Ulu gun-
man, who parked a brown compact
station wagon behind one the vic-
tim's cars, fired shots as he moved
toward the front of the line of traffic
waiting to enter the complex, then
continued shooting on his way back
to his car.
Two men were killed and three
others were wounded by what police
have described as an AK-47 type of
semiautomatic assault rifle shortly
before 8 a.m. as they sat waiting to
turn left from Dolley Madison Bou-
levard (Route 123) into CIA head-
quarters, in Langley. Four of the vic-
See SHOOTING, D5, Col. 5
I Hillary Clinton consoles victims' families at CIA service. Page D5
tims were CIA employees and the
While investigators suspect the
gunman may have a grudge against
the CIA, they still have no motive for
the shootings. "Some people want to
say this is a real crazed wacko as op-
posed to some cold, calculating hit
man or someone with a mission
against the CIA," Horan said. "Any
conclusion is pure speculation."
Police sources and others familiar
with firearms said proficiency with an
AK-47 type of weapon, a military as-
sault rifle capable of firing 10 or
more rounds, could come through
practice or military training.
Edward Ezell, the firearms cu-
rator at the National Museum of
American History, said it "was pret-
ty amazing" that the gunman was
able to hit so many people in such a
short time.
The gunman's apparent choice of
only male targets, bypassing at
least two women, showed that he
had some skill with the weapon,
Ezell said. He added that the events
demonstrated some preparation by
the gunman, rather than a spur-of-
the-moment shooting.
However, some gun experts said
it doesn't take a lot of expertise to
shoot someone with a rifle from as
7,Iose as three feet.
"That's point-blank range," said
';layward Long, owner of the Blue
Ridge Arsenal, an indoor firing
mnge and gun shop in Chantilly.
'Anyone can do that. It doesn't take
skill. That weapon is not all that
:!.omplicated to use."
Long and two other area gun
shop officials said skill usually is re-
quired when shooting an AK-47
type of weapon at a distance.
But others noted that the gunman
was firing under stressful conditions,
in a hurry and moving. They sug-
gested he might have prepared for
the shooting at a firing range.
Law enforcement authorities
called the owner of Clark Brothers
firing range in Warrenton, Va., last
week to ask if anyone matching the
gunman's description had practiced
with an assault weapon recently.
The range, about a 90-minute drive
from CIA headquarters, is open to
the public.
"It does make you perk up and
take notice," said Steve Clark, the
owner. "The composite picture is
pretty much anybody, unfortunate-
ly. I'd like nothing better than to
turn in somebody like this."
Meanwhile, Nicholas Starr, one
of the three men wounded in the
shooting, was released from Fairfax
Hospital yesterday, 11 days after he
"From all the _
available, this '
was a very
? Robert F. Horan Jr.
commonwealth's attorney.
a wouna to his upper arm th?.
vered the bone, an artery
veins. "He certainly has come rfdi
way," said Art Trask, chief of tt
ma services. He's in "good spir
and adjusting to the obvious Trc
lem he's still got to face."
Fairfax police and FBI agen
some teamed in pairs, contintre:
wade through the more than 1,51
tips they have received since
shooting. "There are too many
tives here," a source said. "We'
just following up every phone call.
FBI officials also are analyzing' fi
gerprints found at the scene ,9n
cartridge casing and one of the v:
tims' cars, sources said.
Police continue to investiga
whether a 29-year-old man,': Iv
chael T. Murray, charged
spray-painting CIA-related grafi
on streets surrounding Vienna? w
involved in the shooting. Accordil
to sources, there is no eviden
that he is the gunman.
Murray said yesterday that .1
was not involved in the shoe&
but he acknowledged that he''.w
the one who painted graffiti, in.thi
ing the words "CIA," "Crime' -a)
"Police," in December and Januar3
"It's a criminal infrastructure
have been trying to expose," Mt
ray said. "The best way to tai
down a conspiracy is from the edg
out " he said in explaining 1,vhy 1
Approved For Release 2001/04/02 :rakIIS *P4Kt iittAlkgtVknnstital
AltrAreets around Vienna
The 60-year-old CIA intelligence Staff writer Robert O'llarrow Jr.