Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000710003-9
SRV E: NVE:i...ClW) :12 FEBRUARY :1987
Site involves a land/structure/surface interface with a body
of moving, winding dark water nearby. Blue is an important color
at the sit.e The surface at the site is wide, flat, hard, and
designed to support moving objects of considerable weight. There
are several structures at the site. Inside one of the structures
is a manufactured piece of equi pment which seems to be desi gned
to move. It is smooth, curving, shiny, blue, and complicated.
(AOL.. air combat aircraft like an F-16). No people appear to be
present with this object at the moment. It seems,, however-, that
it is being prepared for some intended use in the near future,
and is "ready to go," as it were. It is locked away, not
intended to be observed or to be open to access by anyone not
directly connected it. The "mission" for which it will be
used seems to be taking something or someone to a secure
:locat.:1.on. This action is to be accomplished wi't'.hoc..c't: outside
awareness that it is even taking place.
The climate at the site is warm at present, with significant
amounts of dense, preen vegetation, and the area has the feeling
of having been 1:1ved in for centuries. (AO1-. St.. Augustine, FL).
There is grass, trees, and cement sidewalks crisscrossing, as
well as old, weathered masonar'y walls, as well as the impression
of a large, massive structure looking out from a significant
height over a large I::sody of water?
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000710003-9