PR 1E/VP-el PAGE 1
Forolitfrynt efh000/08/08 : CIA-RDP969q8ARWITO(1020005-5/3,2.0
DATE:. Oer ee SANCTUARY: 133o
SOU RC 1. /01
COORD NATE: ergot/25r) Ozoolvb)
If 6ue reizerukki Pte rod ) Pvit- air tleze visficof
man9 hrYes Iv) Ad part. eh At_ Ian/ 71r p we ave4ted
orto /no. hors A9 marck /lett bvel)
-tkp de,r,s-or tx04-e &Jed (Anew 6434#4`c".tot\
ed dJ1 Th sesvieni 1?la-day /4)cu ettiefr4cit
el rrst pew d /wad,i 14 OintiA re lit& NA_ Akv
16,1141tT gray /limn ily rki2KA, ITN trwe 14til
Arriu 4Ate tfri -6ine Icaperiod nelkeee) 14-12_ Par ?4,
4664 pid- (Of hbw v bet- pi
OR heed lb how &2cietT 1>I4 per/ (lof reete/icAtay
trare9; 4rtfund h le bmar Mille r are- PfliC
LLC?IlelrA$%-r-t (Ai.? eelfr `Ayr at7ii i -11 4a0e imArder
nlakt cafe yr more ori-c1e.'
S'orete ,4Ack. c I skesr Repr?c1 ket Cevrce
gust ore cersleiv, Sevirce it1601 kaAre...
atcaLerrY1 cptivre, It4c-eVINkt,e4AAJ
d Perk- pi* seat") cretiuenc'e. DRAFT:
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R0019000266U-KT:
roved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
-4* 1.--T--f=s=newy=ivizyn17is t#04 2.1 C.c 466 . Move -65 ithoki,
t 8 mew 84- .Asscrcia hochtzr 7x.e, rook
61,T -11 A-a)ipini at ette nornicS, tietikt:del p-e01914.,
WL0-e.4010, sprifi improving Ike- pg (rt:lc
I ) 1Lflw Cr ?efitAISIV.e) 10-et#
do '05 werod ( M4kt 9 c skarffl Al (rem/ --circee
"N-r GicOlaviet) 7)'ii J) Le 07 yeti. aryt:i 462
ltviadAas kalf ) ?Opt! 44-4a-bk64 64)t- reQ,k-
tink,Kttit arn51-circt)1 rhoutois? ev, dolow likz_
JT- - rarm ainton:tif atorvend r5d. 1 3 oo
Wtike t etyle satl- wor1i.4?. idetlock
-tle4i lets clitrt a toy aild 7x0ro 12t4 "Va. ?
7bwards' Ahcie s-600v`;
Cfld- 5p stnate' e)aldcatc 62.t wet e Ctke 6067hr
Coad, 6WeLe 6-pot1 )10 receor-e4r_e
oqeotcy, re-lov?0,061i. hcri 6tior4&iy or Sead6i;Le.
tinet.9 e gckMehn /dares-10?A),
,?4111 #n'thcAe mcath.e., zay791gir->
irAjetIvy 0/1- rite,JA Noeler?rot, vet muniel deg
Lid,' V# o'svo ?ND hde 00,(e
rdel(ed-s. 607)i fAc. /io Svoit'ayi
eQ4*Kec0 droacpi-uope, /60o 44p. 14.. ?p.
4c71. pint T. (rite 45.44,011k1,' t9 CAPfte-
Vack Mtrra ing .?,-
ThrvevyteetAt .7thilel lest. peeide,-76
6141 o p er,iw
Ante aisav/-- til peof
*ZIP 1161A.) Kap( R 669 -A ktrg ko6e1.
0,6*v ay)v1, 1141 m o (00-71,7,&,
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
ea*, It- 769 roaoi z
asp so Ali 41.
k Thai aro 04foetalisaare) dbarr "how-
intto fotin;r5 eatz-/- up areas-. /gm -do " c.6 57-Ce.
bqildps 17?4-e. ivwcA mt;)5 eon(rte t2ciI U'
awdp veim C&4 tette 'to/ Nag WI, Lac-it 647 pv,
5.761. (ceme. Melt Ives ? , h wavy ist44,1' ape. 1907i '61v
C9110 116b0 amLni idt 3p& I pee- are- 11 raver,
tetia}ctle)1, 2cCO ?ND vir ay., a Coon' ate OP-5
acr*s" lke ted ovot 'Net Jlett. S'ar -aeAr-ti
,steute, 200 .4.1` 4.1 4,43r/ejrrAk el a tic 5-1 n
viiev-k. (-GO* AT/-vwJo4i;d1 A errY)417
**11?4141-S S ot taw ?IP 46. aim' lir
ee,r14-41c, 1/Wremo4r accrOTS t-ogae 710 rcezed-c, 6PS . ete,4149-4,4
Oki arn,) It 61.12 cvte ocit.4, 1,0 rt am(
itte9oeet lao+- a 4 nre
( 4Amitt 61ff antioy
Otet !mirk /ti-ed'( Pont *wet ho1,3)du,r)- 7Lt
(A) 0-e 404. oocek, ToLis deV6 rmArtrua 1era-44e iici3
reg--hi',,i5 i (rorinerAiof t lam apAer:cgdi aboo O a.. pulled
Mielho / 6;125 Yeed ea- 4a4e /hye. cikeAQ gikei/a,
IS hdt- Sii;elle d if ceounp 1446 //lid 105 7(z.
44 7jXfOloc4. blie12,0 c(4,tivita
arte es4r, fiewvi 6aze Ltip ro44, ?e,to.ef;fri4 ttrid4
Seat lal& eutfit (145k4r,r caorpi- r0104.) ewe dotivve Dyl
60)-1$i41.6 tdet), -tet- mow t (eat7 26, not friA_
a&1,awe pont cierWitAs- ottiptec fae?
its haws
oR., Oconvii .1)D Zt IT /nor() 6risDAt6k1 Cd-> 661N t di-7331e
/1'414.Io C9L6. ?Jetty jr 6lucipir
1frt d' d
6?50- lit tit cArynecvin nar At. Ar berfii
Mad- Ike 1914104 sti.0
445riliteleaigWOrr C7,
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
-Ikty m2 vat croce",4-11-4th vvokoil vt& co)- ttk
,1104, Th tor Pay _are Pun n i Swage pczroes- 46(7)1
Sibs- frora. Pa.`r-1.0460 pfrat5, ha ,refr pat1io
Pyt-Py 64?A*( lkQ Pk leAd -t 2(-&-0 134151r ?
4671hieWaiVre Ic Lack y`waArets &et .?rilvtd std.( Q.
'Move artAryt rock) 6.tlweim J:r 4,A4 1,0-at
bVi'vP 441a FIVA/
Ai( 145
rdb-er,, Aix( ewe- dertAm au.)
b-1) dr mare Th841 Leezale.t_ s
iireA CRay bk 1-4 6A2 rd.c dREA-
QV1 t (01)14f, ??Al 1)e-11,1-42 a c-11!)tly
44,4 Ihok AD 2400 dor Thou)
,6ackui Thia 4444, 67,rowlee kwtf4-CiAi roc* tf,
'f?yciLr bWpfir-e-P Yvvr4grovni 774-ct-re-q?
I Cat carry t L,5 ktict,vo , Noel pad,
Detsc-tri62- -wag/L._ MtvEs
ectmi (fireappel to 0 FeArne? 6frieuf6e coo
it )P61 heti, r711 i? cad/ cerciliqr,
-iatirAks ddeetaci, ceidtkdriV) 'Ilretep) qec tApete et:1,-p.) 6441
ow a, etre& attAto ?Thar' emze Co OA ?L704-6 pcd le66-nc
:cadA. sae ? ihet4462 . /7` 7J\ 6411'44
I , I Lt d
.ecrry,05 oft, Kei) u
art 6inhifiU tercf II4fIseLt ?1-4) LeAAeln
640161- WV 10,1 t hack up 71-(2_ read
rAtd "aim ore
6-641/1- 1001n 0-207s- 7ke roots ? 2te1
otbo tirsufs 11? 7W1,frdk. Mc/
AIL ..01.6
C 0 a c ,JA-Icte 7).e rock) si,66,k, Matt ti"-;-#, moviof
utp Inaik ittetfros ?NI ca4-14,4i 14;Q.3t. 1201Aeovi toke
rohe...1 y ,?At#Ato evrt- eirwl A4- y /LAM
7*) dAu like coui e C?ckyeki oecif evry_,
Atta, Onintot6 u-Lif 7)\-e,d1slav1/05 t fry 116, ,
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
7?Itc,t5 1/40 Aftp 6-n tram (fart qvit;vvci Cotaie
Riftryik '(-errt fr dYt Ispez, , 030o ?
MA3 podjy, Ithuf sv pafroto x-rtg.g. Thebit? warn.
QJ( airbrif abiyi.410 ArumlailLesvit (2A
&AA- 41c 1YrAtft, thak gre tit? 71,. hal
-- f (it Cary" ocXS tefet, einniOr /16W` ) oti%i
*2rrei rig/ pqm-2, may ate_ w-e_etfitif dare Ito 40f?
Aqi spet juctr 4hit 4t) mom potirok. gehtie,4
Oceb ceetLeAld $t.y ragei IAA prover," robe,
tympt cone Old 461k. . impf:
hviritif iyu1/414rek wid.p d pi( eanCed-ito h irvx cltoL20,1 aiedinAt;()
414 0,1734 ste e 4400 ?-? -ab tin6h
114C Oki ACnvily ed stile Z. lixcvl-e4/14ev
TO fitovk. ?T.
..9v%4 ie o6f I ea2t, (2662
S'imr aAfti,Jdt1714 1-N2 r d kv-e a.. 100
t &M
---4 sotex T)Le cur
* yes)2 Cow( swie-to CoretrE, 4urrvii;Af edwpvinAN,
49tA dzi/ i.ctres.
(P)1 sure ?1tA Ltfkil &let hol.3-- id-ct z lAie0
/146 Smies nener do'yfru7>ko ritA Aref) d4A041,
el"IK 16 LT etf.). rec.') rsi,v. #),
iriart mukiit5, detre c J ,4tote... cdPf rid
aroVietd i'li4rvt4rtke. (otf tke. Ccaril t
Qir bloc frAA-C evielhAte 4ineLy 7LI/6?
orv 6-friel 14- cteureir_ caetst ?Le (lyre_ 6iff
Pv.1/41 wti provist;ty
(tvie 711.mti 116#11,A5s-2:- 71-ktLeAr L.r mad S_A__
dtt fr cor-c a, eitt-itf ovtAety
tAifoLt (spo 6arott;).N.t/tneidii, Smote_
Pre (-pti 7kr bni;t4 yel
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
t P's) 'ctift6te,,Noi 612,14-e0" stews, _0.-__0"z; 6roy
2to_ trumi 5frne, ThP.AA a.ta cd.rm'
00w/to 9) We Tha grct.ti /613.e.4 e?re,to
12(1 (21',64n-ete spo't" 4rotetc;.r.c hvrt, Inb ? c'd.44 oevuee
"-am 62114im 44,4 12:741,0 tqa- rmore."
2, 1101 e ma one, c-frAgAre--) dama5-er., Qieea-
up qqa.Z.,/,) 1-6tiv4 Petvit_ helmk)s bqck amioi
eke' cktlif eevti.?
k4c.)Je 4.tiao --(5Pb6Q wt, IlFtfekM2a
letrqe\ 4e4-rCLAAri Laze rOgeik .4:A/ tanel
tttl ear htru.. 'Oda Lop utsLaAi - A czo 6.itt, /0044
to 010 C4rciA0 j1,cfcrkt 4111, .5e4t1.57
aro-04, (Flair< g)416 616" ritivuts ku-ei 60- ho ntz,
Corn tvLsts aured 74-e- rirld tr):A4Y,
eSeQ6erc VI) *v.rA)tetS 0/.10&:;. arivw
cfkodiy Thvevi ihwvte/ -Thweik, PiKplAfi eNtli
but, ly) 6M,w14 ?OMI*t De4:, hot fief
,5401,j1005. Ihrov54. 61,11i4d Wo tA) /15 ,Ploolle
14Z70441 44, aNtie410440 fr"11 Th-Q air AV-44-
ts a411 Itt 674401 t;) -the- tteitif ?
firt;dtt al ?hAtittb. aaciingi eAvi.
kip pneievo feet ts),
orr 657h t.o./ dem. ieto-Lz- 4teft,
Irtc i&& up To- kip, play 60c.cae
tke do-D, ir)4te l*AA/-e._ crew Lcitivsed
Vte_ Oie-t? la/1Y- 4,1:oli7- /OS linle4SeX
a if A Ant k *Fro. q.,re rt h-cl--. IA
W-Cd) Ct /At p owa 6-e/44414 1A-e
?'brv)i up.
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
GI- we- coin .Ynat)"e UV\ OSNIRJ jg- -AI
*cfia UActcd I ttskt iAnOvuikts,
a?ekit -Ams- 0 460 gg 1,0)J1 It
iviettoWes. trrt/ tiro/6.e_ ry1/4JL 0.14_ Core -tgr
7-14-1?2---c ourtie4^04-vv.. 'holAr
Usielake_ NCA tv-vt-N
orivv, 6?14.fAdt > deat Urit?-lignenr 6 er
cirt 1(2.,QczipleArr e4.? ge 5w/a (/Ai ?2 5 001).
Aedavvw, a/L.4 ke_ "mei Otatio AAA 001-61/1.
71A-Q 061-4iltir)
p-tlAyr e4A.. 4k ..z_r Atu?e iroc-ta 04461-ovezt,
c-ftrrti'? e,rcior ve.i,k,tatdu (foe)
cuircurc t cforyle (rap I ra.&07_64r-nie is-et
t4-1, Nip
e ctatia,54
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
ApproVed For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
roved ForRelease 2060/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
Approved For Rele se 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020005-5