Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000701020001-1
lAl;11?itwl :I: I\i(::) l\i(::1"I?' :i: (: 1:::: :I:1`A!"I"I:~:E...i....:1: i:r)t::ia`dC::fi: f:: I:)t..1Fif::;li::f:: (.a\II? ! iE:::?i'I !(::)I:)t 1 t r ? !
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Pti(..1M:(:al::::RN 8944-1,
::FtPShc4 is j, .i;l:ii:::iis:3:l:(::)IN! I'?.i(..Ji`'!({!:'ii:fie 0 :1.
DATE OF SESSION:: p,?^y DEC 89 DATE (::)1.: I::;I::F?'(::)F:;-l..l, ':''_:' DEC 81-P
.`.::; ..l.. t,1,.,, ..F i, 102,'..; END s
METHODOLOGY N 1::::R VIEWER :I: S:)l::::I\I..I..:I: F::? :I: i::::i?t:; 09 5
(C/1\11::/(1..) MISSION: Describe the scope and nature of the
orYi::!::i.nt::! activity at a geographical location identified ... .
... .. ._ as .I:t.., ).) ?
2. (S,/NF/SK) VIEWER TASKING: Utilizing Encrypted Coordinates
describe the scope aand nature t..i'Y? if
.. r? the .. activity,
of"i 'y ? .. specific geographical location identified .. acl`:i:i a ?f co?
3. . I , (;::,/Nl???; F3K) C(::)!"`IEP.1.TS2 No 1 r'ii:::.l.izrlmt?:::I ~ ..t.....
.l. ess I?it::l:.t?::it:a ? A Summary .? of
Information is attached to this report. Results submitted v i a
r:ai'"ay? s: line to C!?'?I8 ST. Note ta:ar?i;:)e.ttaci initially and
erroneously identified as .....,..;. co" . t':'t:a ;:asEd n.I.1.., I? ,~it ".i.I(..,,i.) was the second session a. r.
succession conducted by t,it:' 'i
I,. (`:3:r1;11:::?,'Ii1K) ;; EVALUATION::
iiii ,/ 1'?11::: / t:: K) SEARCH EVALUATION:
I-liii"'.II)!....i:::. '1.1.1'?1 :::,1:.1::.1::.1 t..,1L'1i'II`,11::.1.... (..11''.11...'7'
CLASSIFIED 14'T' I:) :I: i"?`?i (DT)
I)liii:(::....i`if::;!:3:1 t::?Y:: (:JA DI::i
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000701020001-1
Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-RDP9 10 0701020001-1
A pproved For Relea
I- O
" 120
81Q8 : CIA-RD $6-007 9
F f -1 11 F '