Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100450002-9
Late Night
Cleared Way
Christopher Finally
Displays a Smile
star Wire Services
ALGIERS -After a day of intense
lomatic exchanges that resolved
to free the American Hostages in
Iran, Deputy Secretary of State War-
ren M. Christopher, the chief Amer-
ican negotiator, last night initialed
the accords,
Officials had worked late into the
night translating and readying the
documents for the signature.
When he returned from an earlier
evening meeung,Wit" i??. ?a~ - w . ; The Washington Star
Christopher had
n minister
smiling broadly for the first time ?? ?
in days but, as usual, he had refused ?metltS
to make any comment. Hostages' Fam~Mtes ~o !ow Devi o
A small group of re rters wits
nessed the signng. ? n
Christopher signed three doc? Through a N~ ht oft lation and
e Their l V
uments, initialing eac
contents were not immediately no final peons for Donald's return
made public. Continued From A?1 to the United States, his brother said
"This is a very, happy day," trying day for her and the families they probably will retreat "some.
Christopher said after the signing of other hostages, noting that it was where away from the news."
father of hostage
" Arthur Kupke
ceremony. a " day of chills and thrills. ?
"At last 1 can smile,, said the en? Rita Ode, of Sun City, Ariz., wife Frederick.:Kupke, 32, said he.
who frequently met journalists' of hostage Robert C, Ode, 65, a retired ceived wfrom the State Depart.
at word a.m. in his home at
questions with silence during the career Foreign Service officer in meat
ns meat sv111e.Ind.
final 12 days ofcom. Tehran on special assignment, said "I was expecting it," Kupke said.
here. "Thank God, it looks like it is all
Speaking to Algerian Foreign Min- over. ""I'll wait until they get out of there
and then to to Washington to meet
more cautious ap
asterMohamed Christopher
Then taking a ceremony. Cristopsaid, "I nroach, she added "...but until him. If he wants us to go to Germany,
...iii i.,,t it think we should give
on benau of rresmeur . = airspace, I'm not going to get ex* ? -
all the people of the United ited States ates cited. little afraid of seeing him after such
to thank your government and espe- She said she hoped "it does not a long time."
"I'm time glad this happened fi
m cutir of
cially you personally for un
take too long to get the f f i c u It role of there. It has been a long,.painful nally," said Earl Graves of Flagstaff, in
the di
rally, sal son of hostage John
You and your co
.' b t long
intermeary. time. Let's hope it wonteoo leagues have performed this heavy before it is all over." t till Graves.
While also expressing the need OF ~y vassaid he had no plans to
responsibility with great impartial- '
ity, discretion and high skill, for caution until the hostages are travel to Germany to meet his father
"The American people will always free, -Winona McKeel, of Balch but planned to wait until the cap
ives arrive in Washington.
remember this contribution to hu- Snrihes. Texas. mother of Marine f
ve t., ho thraa nr four
mannarian manta, y ... ...5 ??-?? Sgt. Johnny Mcr eel jr., was uyuig
people and their leaders," he added. to supress her joy, but could not days at least".he predicted.
. Nam.
Jeff Needham of Bellevue, Neb.,
Whi St
d was
Asked by reporters if
hide her belief that the en Theasngtonar when the hostages would be freed, near. -LOUISA KENNEDY. brother of hostage Paul Needham,
Christopher replied, "I don't know." "I'm happy, very happy," she said. "A day of chills and thrills" exclaimed, "This is it. It's all over,"
He spoke of "initialing" the doc- "I've tied a fresh, new yellow ribbon after the State Department called
uments,but reporters saw him sign around the old oak tree. If its not his family about 4:15 a.m. EST to
his full name on the three separate raining later today, we will cover from television and the State Depart- tell them of the latest developments.
Instruments. It was not immediately this town with yellow ribbons." meat that the agreement had been . In Pasadena, Calif., the Rev. Earl
clear whether he was used the term signed. Lee and his wife, Hazel, said they
"initialing" in the technical sense She had been up all night awaiting They had gathered together for nally will ll allow themselves to be-
for a pre signing or as a synonym word on the negotiations and said mutual support after months of fifine the allow thel l over.
for the formal signing. when it started raining, she made highs and lows in emotions. "I really think it is unbelievable,"
The official Algerian press agen' up a big pot of coffee and invited "Thank God we are a close family, said Lee, whose son, Gary, was
cy, reporting the ceremony, also said all the reporters standing around and we see each other often. We've among the captives. "But, yes, I can
me in and get dry and been able to glue each other a ire- I'm satisfied. I feel
it now
e to co
the doc.
. uments, have coffee. mentions amount of support,- said great excitement and satisfaction
It said the State Department gave .we just sat around and talked. Ernie Cooke, one of the brothers. and thankfulness that it is just about
the Algerian charge d'affaire in We had a real nice get-together," The Cookes, like most of the hos- .over.
Washington a letter early today she said of her new found reporter tage families are taking the' advicee __yit is over really, but we still want
ign~t r d c? tri f at De artment and making
o see Gary; on a plane and hear
Q #t,-,r?1 ar , a
a t7~8
, ?[ease l! 4ft R .99"g
THE WASHINGTON STAR 4ondey, January 19, 1981
KEY :F r
O ibitetakenbY' v i Possible
two Algerian routes from
7275 to pick up Tehran
h4rEtages. ,..