Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700170002-5
HUMINT Committee
20 January 1984
FROM: Executive Secretary
HUMINT Committee
SUBJECT: - Reorganization,of the HUMINT Committee
1. On 10 January, the DCI approved an important change in the
membership and operating procedures of his HUMINT Committee (HC).
Henceforth, HC's responsibilities will be carried out by a small group of
senior representatives from State, CIA, DIA, and the three military
services. Ambassador Heyward Isham will continue as HC's Chairman. This
smaller and more senior body will meet approximately every five or six
weeks. (S)
2. The rationale behind this change was the conclusion that the
larger HC had become unwieldy and, thus, unable to focus effectively on
problems in the HUMINT field. The new framework should be a more
effective means for transacting HC business and responding to the
shifting requirements and concerns of the Intelligence Community and of
the Director personally. The Committee members agreed, in their meeting
on 18 January, that all the agencies formerly represented on the HC
should continue to be linked to the Committee and that the skills they
command should as before be systematically drawn on for the benefit of
the Intelligence Community. The ways in which this purpose may be
achieved may vary, however, and the Committee will be evaluating the
terms of reference and the work plans of the six existing subcommittees
and working groups, i.e., those covering R&D, open source collection,
dissemination, computers/communications, CW/BW9 and coordination/
collection. (S)
3. The Committee will keep Agency representatives of the former AC
informed of its current concerns and projects. Whether in that context
or as a result of their current work in the HUMINT field, these
representatives are invited to forward relevant papers or action
proposals to the Executive Secretary. The Committee's objective is to
\,improve the quality of HUMINT collection, using innovative approaches,
flexible allocation of resourcea6(W an, entrepreneurial spirit. (S)
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : qlA-RDP96-00788R00ZI OG 02-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700170002-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700170002-5