Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700120002-0
4 Nov 83
ISSUE; (U) To update SA on CENTER LANE.
1. (U) Last update on subject wds briefing 25 Oct 83.
2. (S/C:L-I/NOFORN) Memorandum to Under. Secretary of Defense for
Research and Engineering (USDRE) describing Program 6 (RDT&E)
proposed funding for CENTER LANE was provided 3 Nov 83. USDRE
19 Jan 83 memorandum authorizing the use of P.6 funds in support
of these intelligence research activities requested such notifi-
cation in advance of any expenditure. Funds will be provided to
the CENTER LANE contractor 14 Nov 83.
3. (U) The Principal. Deputy and Deputy Assistant SA (RD&S)
requested qn update on the project. DAMI-ISH will provide the
briefing on 9 Nov 83.
4. (S/CI.-2/NOFOR)"') The USDRE has indicated a desire to pro" ide
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Defense intelligence Agency iequirements,but DIA is now bound by
the same Congressionally mandated restriction on use of National
Foreign Intelligence Program resources as Army and has no mecha-
nism to move USDRE funds to the contractor. Army will consider
the USDRE funding proposal when the offer is extended.
5. (S/CL 4//NOFOR.N) Advanced. training is
being given by Dr. Bob Monroe at his Institute of icy')
Sciences for a CENTER LANE Remote Viewer and the Project Opera-
tions Officer. Initial results of the training are positive and
the intention is to continue it on a periodic basis over the next
Classified by Cdr, INSCOM
Declassify on; OAD
Anoroved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001 ~bbi 2b1lbi'l7'
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