Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788 R001500090054-9
IAGPA-F-SD 17 Sep 84
SUBJECT: Status of Funds 4TH QTR FY84
1. Fund Cite 315128: To date, Project CENTER LANE has spent
$91,70 0T It-is projected that an additional $5695.80 will be
required to pay civilian salaries, WANG maintenance, rental fees
and supply costs for the 4th QTR. $96,000.00 remains in the
budget, as AHS pulled $184,000.00 from this project on 1 Aug
84. This leaves a shortfall of approximately $895.80. Mrs.
Brothers of DCSRM FGGM said this will be no problem as other
activities (ASA, ADCSOPS-OPSEC, POLY, AND SED) have S&IA funds
which will not be expended during the 4th Qtr and will be used
to make up our deficit. Although we had projected that we would
have an overage of $168,500 at the end of FY84, AHS elected to
increase that amount, thereby leaving us short for the remainder
of FY84.
2. ICF: To date, Project CENTER LANE has spent $42,754.92 of
the X45,000.00 transferred to ICF. It is projected that an
additional $3080.00 will be required to complete the 4th QTR
FY84, or $884.92 more than the amount transferred. Mr. Struchen
of the ICF Office said that is "peanuts" and that he would take
the money from another activity which doesn't spend all it
budgeted. It seems that all ICF funds are in one big pot rather
than broken down by fund cite or office. This will change next
Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788 R001500090054-9