Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 20001 9-01041A00010002001
'*%~ Security Information Vw
Executive Officer, O/DD/I
Wednesday, 2)4 December 1952
1, called to say that I&S has requested that the report
on Korea, prepared by Gough of the American Legion, be handled as highly
sensitive and be given limited distribution. I called 0/CI and found that
this had been done and the report fozftr to 0/1TE. I then checked with
O/KE and requested that this be observed and that the paper be returned
to this Office for filing.
2, Checked -vri th 25X1A9a on the status of the- briefing 25X1A9a
25X1 A9a on Flying Saucers. - has been in touch Trith_ and no further 25X1 A9a
follow-up is necessary from here.
Approved For Release 200OI0/111:"C1
Security Information
Thls document IS part of an Integrated
file. U seyearated Irom the file it most he
individual systematic review.
subjected to
DP79-01041 A000100020015-7