Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
a:"el. =`: A06Y4ed For Release 2000QW06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070021 5
17 May 1975
Dr. S. Antonov
State !Dom. of U.S.S.R. Council of Ministers
11, Gorky St., Moscow
Dear Dr. Antonov:
TELEPHONE 301.622-3426
r))- - t ~4_ ,
Although we shall be meeting in about two weeks, I thought you and Dr. Kashin,
your responsible contact for Solid State Joining, would be interested in the en-
closed brief pre-view of our specific topics under this subject and the research
places and investigators with whom we have been discussing this subject. Our re-
sponsible contact, Dr. Heckel, has been informally communicating with Dr. Kashin and
Dr. Shorshorov.
I am pleased to point out that there is good general agreement between the en-
closed list of topics and the list you sent us. With this good start, we should
be able to arrive at a detailed protocol in this area very readily. I should em-
phasize, however, that the names of places and people on our list are only tenta-
tive-at this stage and will require further selection and discussion. Progress in
other technical areas under our Protocol and details of our investigators in these
areas will be presented to you at our meeting.
I look forward to seeing you in about two weeks and anticipate good, pro-
ductive results.from our meeting, as on previous occasions. In the meantime, best
regards and wishes to you.
State Dept. declassification & release instructions on file
C , P,,"'
N. E. Promisel
`Chairman, U.S. Working Group
on Electrometallurgy
Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070021-5
Approved For Release 200(w: ent t!? c bS .- I-r6ggram j 003000706.E-5
1. Diffusion Bonding
1. Kinetics of homogeneous.
diffusion bonding
2. Intensification of bonding
(heterogeneous and- homog. )
(new methods)
3. Kinetics of intermediate phase
formation (strength effect)
4. Mathematical models of
Owczarski (?) - Pratt f, Whitney
Fisher/Speich - U. S. Steel
Male (?) - Westinghouse
Hamilton (?) - Rockwell
Owczarski (?) - Pratt & Whitney
Goldstein/Notis/Hilton - Lehigh
Sekerka/Heckel - Carnegie-Mellon
Goldstein - .Lehigh .
2. Heterogeneous Bonding - Metal/Ceramics - Composites
1. Thermodynamic calculations Rapp (?) - Ohio State
for bonding
2. Power and structural charac-
terization of plastic deformation
3. Kinetics of contact formation Fisher/Speich - U. S. Steel
(soft metal/ceramic contacts- Bauer - Carnegie-Mellon
friction)(new equipment and
4. Centers of chemical interaction Goldstein/Notis/Hilton - Lehigh
(formation of new phases) Bauer - Carnegie-Mellon
5. Mathematical models of joint Sekerka/Heckel - Carnegie-Mellon
formation Goldstein - Lehigh
3. Formation and Mechanical Behavior of Composites
1. Investigation of bonding
(hot pressing study)
2. Roll bonding of fiber composites (?)
3. Residual stress effects in Ebert - Case Western
composites Heckel - Carnegie-Mellon
4. Acoustical study of work Fisher/Speich - U. S. Steel
hardening and fracture in
Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000300070021-5