Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For ReIease- 2000/08/23 CIA-RDP79-00498A00070013001;5-4
e II
;zce,f - /
1S January 1976
SUBJECT . Foreign TDY Travel and Office
Heads' Conference
REFERENCE DD/A 76-0140, dtd 13 Jan 1976,
Same Subject
Concerning paragraph 4 of the reference, I
would propose to schedule the trip to Latin
America to commence approximately 1 March for
about two weeks. Following that, I am scheduled
for the Leadership Conference at M during the STATINTL
week of 22-26 March. Obviously the weekend of
26 March or any weekend in April would be suitable
to me for the Office. Heads' Conference. Naturally,
I could change the trip schedule to accommodate an
earlier March date if this becomes necessary.
Approved For Release 2009/Q8123 :.CIA-RDP79-90498AOO0Z00130015-4