Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2005/06/03 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002800060003-
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Aj3pr(Sw For Release 20e5/ "?IA-RDP8,OB01676R00280006000t5d
Approved Fo
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence
The Proposed Revision of
NSC 542 7, "Restricting, Diplomatic
and Official Representatives of the
Scoviet Bloc Countries in. the United
States in .C.onnection. with Strategic
1. The Attorney General, by letter dated 24 May 1963,
requested your views regarding a proposed revision of NSC
5427, particularly the first paragraph of the proposal:
"Restrictions should. be placed upon diplomatic -and. official
representatives of Soviet bloc countries in the United States
on: the basis of strict reciprocity for restrictions placed
upon U.S. r epresentatives, in each Soviet bloc country; as
determined to be feasible by a group composed of repre??
sentatives of the Departments of State, Defense, Justice
and CIA.. r,
Excluded from automatic
downgrading and
Approved For Release 2005/06/03 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002800060003-5
Approved ,eiease 2005/06/03: CIA-RDP80B016,002800060003-5
2. You indicated agreement with this paragraph. in a
reply to the Attorney General on 7 June. 1963.
3, On 10- June, Mr. Gilpatric, in a personal letter to
the Attorney General, made two new suggestions regarding
the proposed revision of NSC 5427.
First, he proposed that paragraph one, as,
cited above, provide for the possibility of imposing.
restrictions on diplomatic and official Soviet bloc
representatives, in the United States not only on the
basis of reciprocity but also ""on the basis of
requirements, of national defense and internal
security. 11
Secondly, Mr-. Gilpatric suggested the
addition of a paragraph which would designate the
Department of Defense to receive and to approve
the travel itineraries of Soviet bloc military
personnel and other Soviet bloc persons- who.
travel with them in the United States-, in accordance
with whatever restrictions are determined to be
feasible by the inter-agency group set up to
administer the policy.
Approved For Release 200 ~I-RDP80B01676R002800060003-5
Approved For Release 2005/06/03 : CIA-RDP80BO16R002800060003-5
4. In my opinion, comment by You is required only
on the Deputy Secretary-'s first suggestion.
5. As. DCI4 you are responsible for assuring the
interests in intelligence collection, of . all elements, overt
and covert, of the U.S. intelligence community abroad.
Gilpatric is rightly concerned with the- risk that members,
f some Soviet bloc military installations not be estoppel
from overt intelligence activity against nilitary installations
i e U. S. -when the principle of str et r.e cipr ocity assure s
in the
these representatives freedom. to travel throughout the
ted. States. But it must be recognized that the amendment
which. Mr'. Czilpatric -pr opo.s"es, would have direct implications,
for U.S. intelligence activity, including the activity of
American military representatives, abroad. Any r e~str ictive
action. by the inter grow on. the. basis of Mr.
oral wow certainly provoke retaliation- against U. S.
pr op
diplomatic or military Per s onnel in the bloc nation: c.oncer ned
and would result therefore in the curtailment of U.S.
collection activity in. that. country.
Approved For Release 2005/06/03 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002800060003-5
Approved FIVe lease 2005/06/03: CIA-RDP80B01 002800060003-5
6., It is our understanding that NSCG 5427 has, consistently
.required the imposition of restrictions on diplomatic. and
official representatives of Soviet bloc countries, in the U.S.
whenever, such restrictions have been placed upon U.S. repre