Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2002/05,01 K:IhR[7L L111j98A0005jVT1VY"
DDA 76-3966
9 August 1976
SUBJECT: Meeting with
I spoke to
1. I clarified that the previous discussion
I had with George on retirement involved his be-
STATINTL ing "surplus" and not some other scheme. George
and understands the need for his not bein
declared until approximately 60 days before the
day of retirement. He also mentioned that if
this does not materialize, he would insist on
STATINTL being reassigned from RAB. It is quite clear
that among George, Mr. and myself,
there are no misunderstandings relating to his
retirement. Just for the record, I should empha-
size that I made very clear to George that he
will sacrifice almost 6% in annuity because of
his age (under 55). There is no question in
George's mind that this will be the case.
2. I advised George that I talked to
Mr. Gambino about his association with a "bomb
squad" as qualifying domestic service towards
CIARDS. I told him that Mr. Gambino says that
this service has not been included towards CIARDS.
3. In response to George's questions concern-
ing the recording of his training, I told him that,
in fact, almost all of his training is properly
recorded. In that some training is not :included,
based on a comparison of George's official file
and a list of training which he prepared? he should
STATINTL prepare a list of those discrepancies and send them
1 - CMO
DDA Subj
9 August 1976
this morning concerning the
Executiv licer, DDA
1 - DDA Chrono
Approyed_F el }sle 2/05/01 :, c1A-~DP79-00498A000500160011-7