Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-0049 00~u, / 7
DD/A 76_0657
10 February 1976
FOR: Director of Central Intelligence
1. There are three different organizations composed
Trod CIA personnel. Attached is an invitation to
you to speak on Monday, 29 March 1976, at the Central Intel-
ligence Retirees Association (CI.). CIRA is by far the
largest of the three organizations and, unlike the other
two, has no particular Agency functional orientation. It
Washington-based and open to all comers. The majority of
retired Agency senior officers, i.e., Red White, Ton
Karames einea, Larry Houston, at al. are members and active
2. 1 believe it would be in the best interest of the
Agency and yourself to accept the invitation and I would
urge you to do so. If you do acce: t may I suggest, that
STATINTL Jennifer respond directly to Mr.
John F. Blake
Deputy Director
Orig - DCI w/Orig of Att
I - ER w/Cy of Att
DD/A Subject w/cy Att
I - DD/A Chrono w/o Att
I JFB Chrono w/o Att
Att: DD/A 76-0657/1, Ltr. to Hon. George Bush via DD/A extending
Subject Invitation, dtd 5 Feb 1976
DD/A:JFBlake:der (10 February 1976)
Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000500160002-7
Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000500160002-7
February 5. 1976
Hon. George Bush
Director of Central Intelligence
Washington, D. C. 20505
Dear Mr. Bush,
The Officers and Directors of the Central Intelligence
Retirees Association would like to invite you to speak to the
members of our Association at our semi-annual luncheon meeting to
be held at the Sheraton-National Hotel in Arlington, Virginia,
29 March 1976.
We would hope to have you tell us something of what you see
ahead for CIA over the next few years, and allow an opportunity for-
a brief question and answer period.
Tentative plans for the meeting call for a social hour be-
ginning at 11:30 followed by a set lunch and then our guest speaker.
The schedule is highly flexible, however, and can easily be adjusted
to suit your convenience.
Should you wish to bring anyone from the Agency along with
you, they would be most welcome and your entire party would, of
course, be our guests. All others at the meeting will be CIRA
members, about 400-500,.?of whom are likely to attend. The only
publicity associated with the meeting will be our direct mailings
to CIRA members.
All of us are loolcln? forward eagerly to meeting and getting
to know you and certainly hope you can work our 'Luncheon into your
very busy schedule.
Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000500160002-7