Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 000/0 MA-06367A0001 OQZ80015-4
t nvi tact i on to Address the Orientation, Course for Agency
Service Schools
1. on 13, 14, and 15 July, an Orientation Course for Agency
officials attending Dior service schools will be hold in Rom 403
$royhi l l Building. These Agency officials will be in contact with
hundreds of military officers and other government officials, most
:f whom will rise to position of responsibility and influences to
genizations in t next few years. They should be well
to represent the Agency in the best possible manner.
of two parts:
Agcy organization and its functions; the Agcy's
lneUon of clan stine operations with the
Agency's relationship with public media;
sitive operations which have
tiral attention of pawl is ie.
b, instruction in Conference Techniques, given by a of
the outstanding tars of the subject in this area. Effec-
ss in conference d t scams ions is Important because so
many of the sal programs require, extensive participation
of students in wall working groups.
3 you are i nv i ted to present the sub, tt "CIA's Role In the
Caordtsartion of Clandestine Activities with the Armed Services" which
is s dulead at 1330-1500 hours Tuesday, 1 July. A draft schedule
of the program which lists the specific subjects to be covered during
these three days Is attached. Should you rem i re ass i s taana e In
for your presentation, pletase, contact 25X1A9a
on and Briefing officer, extension 59 .
tmii sA IRo
;tor of 'training
it raf t Schedule
Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA`
Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP78-06367A000100280015-4
Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP78-06367A000100280015-4