Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 20QJ08/21 : CIA-RDP78-06367A00010016Qgp9-4
16 June 1967
MEMORANDUM FOR: Senior Training Officers
SUBJECT: Brookings General Administrative and Science Conferences
1. The Agency has been invited to nominate senior officials to
attend The Brookings Institution's conferences concerned with "Executive
Leadership in Democratic Government" during fiscal year 1968. As In past
years, these conferences will be designed to assist senior career execu-
tives in meeting their leadership responsibilities by providing unique
opportunities for study and discussion pertinent to major Issues of public
2. For fiscal year 1968 they will conduct two conferences primarily
for administrative and program officers and two for senior officers with
scientific training who are working as research scientists, administrators
of scientific activities, or as engineers engaged in scientific programs.
Science administrators may also be admitted to the conferences for program
and administrative officers. The two-week conferences for program officers
are scheduled for 22 October - 3 November 1967 and 21 January - 2 February
1968. The one-week conferences for scientific officers are scheduled for
3 - 8 December 1967 and 3 - 8 March 1968. Attached are several copies of
a folder from Brookings that gives more details.
3. We have advised The Brookings institution that the Agency will
wish to nominate at least one senior career official for each of the four
scheduled conferences. Nominations should be prepared on the attached
form and should be accompanied by an up-to-date biographic profile and
the most recent fitness report. Please note ':':at nominees should be In
rai ems' G$-16 ndabovvee. Determination of Agency representation at the
conferences will be made by the Training Selection Board. Please submit
six copies of all nomination papers to the Executive Secretary. Training
Selection Board not later than 21 July 1967. At the time of forwarding
nominations to the TSB, Senior Training Officers should Indicate preferred
conference dates for their candidates.
Office of Training
Approved For Release 2000/0 1 . A- >~~7$-06 671-06 `1( 0 6 Oi -4
Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP78-06367A000100160009-4
Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP78-06367A000100160009-4